]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/libsecurity_codesigning.git/blob - lib/SecAssessment.h
[apple/libsecurity_codesigning.git] / lib / SecAssessment.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 * file.
12 *
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 *
22 */
26 #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
28 #ifdef __cplusplus
29 extern "C" {
30 #endif
33 /*!
34 * @type SecAccessmentRef An assessment being performed.
35 */
36 typedef struct _SecAssessment *SecAssessmentRef;
39 /*!
40 * CF-standard type function
41 */
42 CFTypeID SecAssessmentGetTypeID();
45 /*
46 * Notifications sent when the policy authority database changes.
47 * (Should move to /usr/include/notify_keys.h eventually.)
48 */
49 #define kNotifySecAssessmentMasterSwitch "com.apple.security.assessment.masterswitch"
50 #define kNotifySecAssessmentUpdate "com.apple.security.assessment.update"
53 /*!
54 * Primary operation types. These are operations the system policy can express
55 * opinions on. They are not operations *on* the system configuration itself.
56 * (For those, see SecAssessmentUpdate below.)
57 *
58 * @constant kSecAssessmentContextKeyOperation Context key describing the type of operation
59 * being contemplated. The default varies depending on the API call used.
60 * @constant kSecAssessmentOperationTypeExecute Value denoting the operation of running or executing
61 * code on the system.
62 * @constant kSecAssessmentOperationTypeInstall Value denoting the operation of installing
63 * software into the system.
64 * @constant kSecAssessmentOperationTypeOpenDocument Value denoting the operation of opening
65 * (in the LaunchServices sense) of documents.
66 */
67 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentContextKeyOperation; // proposed operation
68 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentOperationTypeExecute; // .. execute code
69 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentOperationTypeInstall; // .. install software
70 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentOperationTypeOpenDocument; // .. LaunchServices-level document open
73 /*!
74 Operational flags for SecAssessment calls
76 @type SecAssessmentFlags A mask of flag bits passed to SecAssessment calls to influence their
77 operation.
79 @constant kSecAssessmentDefaultFlags Pass this to indicate that default behavior is desired.
80 @constant kSecAssessmentFlagIgnoreCache Do not use cached information; always perform a full
81 evaluation of system policy. This may be substantially slower.
82 @constant kSecAssessmentFlagNoCache Do not save any evaluation outcome in the system caches.
83 Any content already there is left undisturbed. Independent of kSecAssessmentFlagIgnoreCache.
84 @constant kSecAssessmentFlagEnforce Perform normal operations even if assessments have been
85 globally bypassed (which would usually approve anything).
87 Flags common to multiple calls are assigned from high-bit down. Flags for particular calls
88 are assigned low-bit up, and are documented with that call.
89 */
90 typedef uint64_t SecAssessmentFlags;
91 enum {
92 kSecAssessmentDefaultFlags = 0, // default behavior
94 kSecAssessmentFlagDirect = 1 << 30, // in-process evaluation
95 kSecAssessmentFlagAsynchronous = 1 << 29, // request asynchronous operation
96 kSecAssessmentFlagIgnoreCache = 1 << 28, // do not search cache
97 kSecAssessmentFlagNoCache = 1 << 27, // do not populate cache
98 kSecAssessmentFlagEnforce = 1 << 26, // force on (disable bypass switches)
99 };
102 /*!
103 @function SecAssessmentCreate
104 Ask the system for its assessment of a proposed operation.
106 @param path CFURL describing the file central to the operation - the program
107 to be executed, archive to be installed, plugin to be loaded, etc.
108 @param flags Operation flags and options. Pass kSecAssessmentDefaultFlags for default
109 behavior.
110 @param context Optional CFDictionaryRef containing additional information bearing
111 on the requested assessment.
112 @param errors Standard CFError argument for reporting errors. Note that declining to permit
113 the proposed operation is not an error. Inability to arrive at a judgment is.
114 @result On success, a SecAssessment object that can be queried for its outcome.
115 On error, NULL (with *errors set).
117 Option flags:
119 @constant kSecAssessmentFlagRequestOrigin Request additional work to produce information on
120 the originator (signer) of the object being discussed.
122 Context keys:
124 @constant kSecAssessmentContextKeyOperation Type of operation (see overview above). This defaults
125 to the kSecAssessmentOperationTypeExecute.
126 */
127 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentAssessmentVerdict; // CFBooleanRef: master result - allow or deny
128 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentAssessmentOriginator; // CFStringRef: describing the signature originator
129 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentAssessmentAuthority; // CFDictionaryRef: authority used to arrive at result
130 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentAssessmentSource; // CFStringRef: primary source of authority
131 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentAssessmentFromCache; // present if result is from cache
132 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentAssessmentAuthorityRow; // (internal)
133 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentAssessmentAuthorityOverride; // (internal)
135 extern const CFStringRef kDisabledOverride; // AuthorityOverride value for "Gatekeeper is disabled"
137 enum {
138 kSecAssessmentFlagRequestOrigin = 1 << 0, // request origin information (slower)
139 };
141 SecAssessmentRef SecAssessmentCreate(CFURLRef path,
142 SecAssessmentFlags flags,
143 CFDictionaryRef context,
144 CFErrorRef *errors);
147 /*!
148 @function SecAssessmentCopyResult
150 Extract results from a completed assessment and return them as a CFDictionary.
152 @param assessment A SecAssessmentRef created with SecAssessmentCreate.
153 @param flags Operation flags and options. Pass kSecAssessmentDefaultFlags for default
154 behavior.
155 @errors Standard CFError argument for reporting errors. Note that declining to permit
156 the proposed operation is not an error. Inability to form a judgment is.
157 @result On success, a CFDictionary describing the outcome and various corroborating
158 data as requested by flags. The caller owns this dictionary and should release it
159 when done with it. On error, NULL (with *errors set).
161 Assessment result keys (dictionary keys returned on success):
163 @constant kSecAssessmentAssessmentVerdict A CFBoolean value indicating whether the system policy
164 allows (kCFBooleanTrue) or denies (kCFBooleanFalse) the proposed operation.
165 @constant kSecAssessmentAssessmentAuthority A CFDictionary describing what sources of authority
166 were used to arrive at this result.
167 @constant kSecAssessmentAssessmentOriginator A human-readable CFString describing the originator
168 of the signature securing the subject of the verdict. Requires kSecAssessmentFlagRequireOrigin.
169 May be missing anyway if no reliable source of origin can be determined.
170 */
171 CFDictionaryRef SecAssessmentCopyResult(SecAssessmentRef assessment,
172 SecAssessmentFlags flags,
173 CFErrorRef *errors);
176 /*!
177 @function SecAssessmentCopyUpdate
178 Make changes to the system policy configuration.
180 @param path CFTypeRef describing the subject of the operation. Depending on the operation,
181 this may be a CFURL denoting a (single) file or bundle; a SecRequirement describing
182 a group of files; a CFNumber denoting an existing rule by rule number, or NULL to perform
183 global changes.
184 @param flags Operation flags and options. Pass kSecAssessmentDefaultFlags for default
185 behavior.
186 @param context Required CFDictionaryRef containing information bearing
187 on the requested assessment. Must at least contain the kSecAssessmentContextKeyEdit key.
188 @param errors Standard CFError argument for reporting errors. Note that declining to permit
189 the proposed operation is not an error. Inability to form a judgment is.
190 @result Returns On success, a CFDictionary containing information pertaining to the completed operation.
191 Caller must CFRelease it when done. On failure, NULL, with *errors set if provided.
193 Note: The SecAssessmentUpdate variant does not return data. It returns True on success, or False on error.
195 Context keys and values:
197 @constant kSecAssessmentContextKeyEdit Required context key describing the kind of change
198 requested to the system policy configuration. Currently understood values:
199 @constant kSecAssessmentUpdateOperationAdd Add a new rule to the assessment rule database.
200 @constant kSecAssessmentUpdateOperationRemove Remove rules from the rule database.
201 @constant kSecAssessmentUpdateOperationEnable (Re)enable rules in the rule database.
202 @constant kSecAssessmentUpdateOperationDisable Disable rules in the rule database.
203 @constant kSecAssessmentUpdateOperationFind Locate and return rules from the rule database.
204 This operation does not change the database, and does not require authorization or privileges.
206 @constant kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyAuthorization A CFData containing the external form of a
207 system AuthorizationRef used to authorize the change. The call will automatically generate
208 a suitable authorization if this is missing; however, if the request is on behalf of
209 another client, an AuthorizationRef should be created there and passed along here.
210 @constant kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyPriority CFNumber denoting a (floating point) priority
211 for the rule(s) being processed.
212 @constant kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyLabel CFString denoting a label string applied to the rule(s)
213 being processed.
214 @constant kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyExpires CFDate denoting an (absolute, future) expiration date
215 for rule(s) being processed.
216 @constant kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyAllow CFBoolean denoting whether a new rule allows or denies
217 assessment. The default is to allow; set to kCFBooleanFalse to create a negative (denial) rule.
218 @constant kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyRemarks CFString containing a colloquial description or comment
219 about a newly created rule. This is mean to be human readable and is not used when evaluating rules.
221 Keys returned as the result of a successful kSecAssessmentUpdateOperationFind operation:
223 @constant kSecAssessmentRuleKeyID A CFNumber uniquely identifying a rule.
224 @constant kSecAssessmentRuleKeyPriority A CFNumber indicating the rule's priority.
225 This is a floating point number. Higher values indicate higher priority.
226 @constant kSecAssessmentRuleKeyAllow A CFBoolean indicating whether the rule allows (true) or denies (false) the operation.
227 @constant kSecAssessmentRuleKeyLabel An optional CFString labeling the rule. Multiple rules may have the same label;
228 this can be used to group rules. Labels are not presented to the user. The label has no effect on evaluation.
229 @constant kSecAssessmentRuleKeyRemarks An optional CFString containing user-readable text characterizing the rule's meaning.
230 The remark has no effect on the evaluation.
231 @constant kSecAssessmentRuleKeyRequirement A CFString containing the (text form of) the code requirement governing the rule's match.
232 @constant kSecAssessmentRuleKeyType A CFString denoting the type of operation governed by the rule.
233 One of the kSecAssessmentOperationType* constants.
234 @constant kSecAssessmentRuleKeyExpires A CFDate indicating when the rule expires. Absent if the rule does not expire. Expired rules are never returned.
235 @constant kSecAssessmentRuleKeyDisabled A CFNumber; non zero if temporarily disabled. Optional.
236 @constant kSecAssessmentRuleKeyBookmark A CFData with the bookmark to the rule. Optional.
237 */
238 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentContextKeyUpdate; // proposed operation
239 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentUpdateOperationAdd; // add rule to policy database
240 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentUpdateOperationRemove; // remove rule from policy database
241 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentUpdateOperationEnable; // enable rule(s) in policy database
242 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentUpdateOperationDisable; // disable rule(s) in policy database
243 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentUpdateOperationFind; // extract rule(s) from the policy database
245 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentContextKeyCertificates; // obsolete
246 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyAuthorization; // [CFData] external form of governing authorization
248 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyPriority; // rule priority
249 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyLabel; // rule label
250 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyExpires; // rule expiration
251 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyAllow; // rule outcome (allow/deny)
252 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyRemarks; // rule remarks (human readable)
254 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyRow; // rule identifier (CFNumber; add only)
255 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyCount; // count of changed rules (CFNumber)
256 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentUpdateKeyFound; // set of found rules (CFArray of CFDictionaries)
258 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentRuleKeyID; // rule content returned: rule ID
259 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentRuleKeyPriority; // rule content returned: rule priority (floating point)
260 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentRuleKeyAllow; // rule content returned: rule allows (boolean)
261 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentRuleKeyLabel; // rule content returned: rule label (string; optional)
262 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentRuleKeyRemarks; // rule content returned: rule remarks (string; optional)
263 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentRuleKeyRequirement; // rule content returned: rule code requirement (string)
264 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentRuleKeyType; // rule content returned: rule type (string)
265 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentRuleKeyExpires; // rule content returned: rule expiration (CFDate; optional)
266 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentRuleKeyDisabled; // rule content returned: rule disabled (CFNumber; nonzero means temporarily disabled)
267 extern const CFStringRef kSecAssessmentRuleKeyBookmark; // rule content returned: bookmark data (CFBookmark; optional)
269 CFDictionaryRef SecAssessmentCopyUpdate(CFTypeRef target,
270 SecAssessmentFlags flags,
271 CFDictionaryRef context,
272 CFErrorRef *errors);
274 Boolean SecAssessmentUpdate(CFTypeRef target,
275 SecAssessmentFlags flags,
276 CFDictionaryRef context,
277 CFErrorRef *errors);
280 /*!
281 @function SecAssessmentControl
282 Miscellaneous system policy operations.
284 @param control A CFString indicating which operation is requested.
285 @param arguments Arguments to the operation as documented for control.
286 @param errors Standard CFErrorRef * argument to report errors.
287 @result Returns True on success. Returns False on failure (and sets *errors).
288 */
289 Boolean SecAssessmentControl(CFStringRef control, void *arguments, CFErrorRef *errors);
292 #ifdef __cplusplus
293 }
294 #endif
296 #endif //_H_SECASSESSMENT