+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
+ * file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+/*! @header
+ * These are deprecated legacy interfaces for atomic operations.
+ * The C11 interfaces in <stdatomic.h> resp. C++11 interfaces in <atomic>
+ * should be used instead.
+ *
+ * Define OSATOMIC_USE_INLINED=1 to get inline implementations of these
+ * interfaces in terms of the <stdatomic.h> resp. <atomic> primitives.
+ * This is intended as a transition convenience, direct use of those primitives
+ * is preferred.
+ */
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <Availability.h>
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+ "Use " #_r "() from <stdatomic.h> instead"
+ "Use " #_r "_explicit(memory_order_relaxed) from <stdatomic.h> instead"
+ "Use std::" #_r "() from <atomic> instead"
+ "Use std::" #_r "_explicit(std::memory_order_relaxed) from <atomic> instead"
+ __OS_AVAILABILITY_MSG(macosx, deprecated=10.12, OSATOMIC_DEPRECATED_MSG(_r)) \
+ __OS_AVAILABILITY_MSG(ios, deprecated=10.0, OSATOMIC_DEPRECATED_MSG(_r)) \
+ __OS_AVAILABILITY_MSG(tvos, deprecated=10.0, OSATOMIC_DEPRECATED_MSG(_r)) \
+ __OS_AVAILABILITY_MSG(watchos, deprecated=3.0, OSATOMIC_DEPRECATED_MSG(_r))
+ * WARNING: all addresses passed to these functions must be "naturally aligned",
+ * i.e. <code>int32_t</code> pointers must be 32-bit aligned (low 2 bits of
+ * address are zeroes), and <code>int64_t</code> pointers must be 64-bit
+ * aligned (low 3 bits of address are zeroes.).
+ * Note that this is not the default alignment of the <code>int64_t</code> type
+ * in the iOS ARMv7 ABI, see
+ * {@link //apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009021-SW8 iPhoneOSABIReference}
+ *
+ * Note that some versions of the atomic functions incorporate memory barriers
+ * and some do not. Barriers strictly order memory access on weakly-ordered
+ * architectures such as ARM. All loads and stores that appear (in sequential
+ * program order) before the barrier are guaranteed to complete before any
+ * load or store that appears after the barrier.
+ *
+ * The barrier operation is typically a no-op on uniprocessor systems and
+ * fully enabled on multiprocessor systems. On some platforms, such as ARM,
+ * the barrier can be quite expensive.
+ *
+ * Most code should use the barrier functions to ensure that memory shared
+ * between threads is properly synchronized. For example, if you want to
+ * initialize a shared data structure and then atomically increment a variable
+ * to indicate that the initialization is complete, you must use
+ * {@link OSAtomicIncrement32Barrier} to ensure that the stores to your data
+ * structure complete before the atomic increment.
+ *
+ * Likewise, the consumer of that data structure must use
+ * {@link OSAtomicDecrement32Barrier},
+ * in order to ensure that their loads of the structure are not executed before
+ * the atomic decrement. On the other hand, if you are simply incrementing a
+ * global counter, then it is safe and potentially faster to use
+ * {@link OSAtomicIncrement32}.
+ *
+ * If you are unsure which version to use, prefer the barrier variants as they
+ * are safer.
+ *
+ * For the kernel-space version of this header, see
+ * {@link //apple_ref/doc/header/OSAtomic.h OSAtomic.h (Kernel Framework)}
+ *
+ * @apiuid //apple_ref/doc/header/user_space_OSAtomic.h
+ */
+/*! @typedef OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t
+ * 64-bit aligned <code>int64_t</code> type.
+ * Use for variables whose addresses are passed to OSAtomic*64() functions to
+ * get the compiler to generate the required alignment.
+ */
+#if __has_attribute(aligned)
+typedef int64_t __attribute__((__aligned__((sizeof(int64_t)))))
+ OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t;
+typedef int64_t OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t;
+/*! @group Arithmetic functions
+ All functions in this group return the new value.
+ */
+/*! @abstract Atomically adds two 32-bit values.
+ @discussion
+ This function adds the value given by <code>__theAmount</code> to the
+ value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicAdd32( int32_t __theAmount, volatile int32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomically adds two 32-bit values.
+ @discussion
+ This function adds the value given by <code>__theAmount</code> to the
+ value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicAdd32}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicAdd32Barrier( int32_t __theAmount, volatile int32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomically increments a 32-bit value.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicIncrement32( volatile int32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomically increments a 32-bit value with a barrier.
+ @discussion
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicIncrement32}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicIncrement32Barrier( volatile int32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomically decrements a 32-bit value.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicDecrement32( volatile int32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomically decrements a 32-bit value with a barrier.
+ @discussion
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicDecrement32}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicDecrement32Barrier( volatile int32_t *__theValue );
+__inline static
+int32_t OSAtomicIncrement32( volatile int32_t *__theValue )
+ { return OSAtomicAdd32( 1, __theValue); }
+__inline static
+int32_t OSAtomicIncrement32Barrier( volatile int32_t *__theValue )
+ { return OSAtomicAdd32Barrier( 1, __theValue); }
+__inline static
+int32_t OSAtomicDecrement32( volatile int32_t *__theValue )
+ { return OSAtomicAdd32( -1, __theValue); }
+__inline static
+int32_t OSAtomicDecrement32Barrier( volatile int32_t *__theValue )
+ { return OSAtomicAdd32Barrier( -1, __theValue); }
+/*! @abstract Atomically adds two 64-bit values.
+ @discussion
+ This function adds the value given by <code>__theAmount</code> to the
+ value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int64_t OSAtomicAdd64( int64_t __theAmount,
+ volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomically adds two 64-bit values with a barrier.
+ @discussion
+ This function adds the value given by <code>__theAmount</code> to the
+ value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicAdd64}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int64_t OSAtomicAdd64Barrier( int64_t __theAmount,
+ volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomically increments a 64-bit value.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int64_t OSAtomicIncrement64( volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomically increments a 64-bit value with a barrier.
+ @discussion
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicIncrement64}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int64_t OSAtomicIncrement64Barrier( volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomically decrements a 64-bit value.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int64_t OSAtomicDecrement64( volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomically decrements a 64-bit value with a barrier.
+ @discussion
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicDecrement64}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int64_t OSAtomicDecrement64Barrier( volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue );
+__inline static
+int64_t OSAtomicIncrement64( volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue )
+ { return OSAtomicAdd64( 1, __theValue); }
+__inline static
+int64_t OSAtomicIncrement64Barrier( volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue )
+ { return OSAtomicAdd64Barrier( 1, __theValue); }
+__inline static
+int64_t OSAtomicDecrement64( volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue )
+ { return OSAtomicAdd64( -1, __theValue); }
+__inline static
+int64_t OSAtomicDecrement64Barrier( volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue )
+ { return OSAtomicAdd64Barrier( -1, __theValue); }
+/*! @group Boolean functions (AND, OR, XOR)
+ *
+ * @discussion Functions in this group come in four variants for each operation:
+ * with and without barriers, and functions that return the original value or
+ * the result value of the operation.
+ *
+ * The "Orig" versions return the original value, (before the operation); the non-Orig
+ * versions return the value after the operation. All are layered on top of
+ * {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32} and similar.
+ */
+/*! @abstract Atomic bitwise OR of two 32-bit values.
+ @discussion
+ This function performs the bitwise OR of the value given by <code>__theMask</code>
+ with the value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicOr32( uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomic bitwise OR of two 32-bit values with barrier.
+ @discussion
+ This function performs the bitwise OR of the value given by <code>__theMask</code>
+ with the value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicOr32}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicOr32Barrier( uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomic bitwise OR of two 32-bit values returning original.
+ @discussion
+ This function performs the bitwise OR of the value given by <code>__theMask</code>
+ with the value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ @result Returns the original value referenced by <code>__theValue</code>.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicOr32Orig( uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomic bitwise OR of two 32-bit values returning original with barrier.
+ @discussion
+ This function performs the bitwise OR of the value given by <code>__theMask</code>
+ with the value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicOr32Orig}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result Returns the original value referenced by <code>__theValue</code>.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicOr32OrigBarrier( uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomic bitwise AND of two 32-bit values.
+ @discussion
+ This function performs the bitwise AND of the value given by <code>__theMask</code>
+ with the value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicAnd32( uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomic bitwise AND of two 32-bit values with barrier.
+ @discussion
+ This function performs the bitwise AND of the value given by <code>__theMask</code>
+ with the value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicAnd32}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicAnd32Barrier( uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomic bitwise AND of two 32-bit values returning original.
+ @discussion
+ This function performs the bitwise AND of the value given by <code>__theMask</code>
+ with the value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ @result Returns the original value referenced by <code>__theValue</code>.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicAnd32Orig( uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomic bitwise AND of two 32-bit values returning original with barrier.
+ @discussion
+ This function performs the bitwise AND of the value given by <code>__theMask</code>
+ with the value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicAnd32Orig}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result Returns the original value referenced by <code>__theValue</code>.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicAnd32OrigBarrier( uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomic bitwise XOR of two 32-bit values.
+ @discussion
+ This function performs the bitwise XOR of the value given by <code>__theMask</code>
+ with the value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicXor32( uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomic bitwise XOR of two 32-bit values with barrier.
+ @discussion
+ This function performs the bitwise XOR of the value given by <code>__theMask</code>
+ with the value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicXor32}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result Returns the new value.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicXor32Barrier( uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomic bitwise XOR of two 32-bit values returning original.
+ @discussion
+ This function performs the bitwise XOR of the value given by <code>__theMask</code>
+ with the value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ @result Returns the original value referenced by <code>__theValue</code>.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicXor32Orig( uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Atomic bitwise XOR of two 32-bit values returning original with barrier.
+ @discussion
+ This function performs the bitwise XOR of the value given by <code>__theMask</code>
+ with the value in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>,
+ storing the result back to that memory location atomically.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicXor32Orig}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result Returns the original value referenced by <code>__theValue</code>.
+ */
+int32_t OSAtomicXor32OrigBarrier( uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @group Compare and swap
+ * Functions in this group return true if the swap occured. There are several versions,
+ * depending on data type and on whether or not a barrier is used.
+ */
+/*! @abstract Compare and swap for 32-bit values.
+ @discussion
+ This function compares the value in <code>__oldValue</code> to the value
+ in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>. If the values
+ match, this function stores the value from <code>__newValue</code> into
+ that memory location atomically.
+ @result Returns TRUE on a match, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32( int32_t __oldValue, int32_t __newValue, volatile int32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Compare and swap for 32-bit values with barrier.
+ @discussion
+ This function compares the value in <code>__oldValue</code> to the value
+ in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>. If the values
+ match, this function stores the value from <code>__newValue</code> into
+ that memory location atomically.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result Returns TRUE on a match, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier( int32_t __oldValue, int32_t __newValue, volatile int32_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Compare and swap pointers.
+ @discussion
+ This function compares the pointer stored in <code>__oldValue</code> to the pointer
+ in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>. If the pointers
+ match, this function stores the pointer from <code>__newValue</code> into
+ that memory location atomically.
+ @result Returns TRUE on a match, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtr( void *__oldValue, void *__newValue, void * volatile *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Compare and swap pointers with barrier.
+ @discussion
+ This function compares the pointer stored in <code>__oldValue</code> to the pointer
+ in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>. If the pointers
+ match, this function stores the pointer from <code>__newValue</code> into
+ that memory location atomically.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtr}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result Returns TRUE on a match, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier( void *__oldValue, void *__newValue, void * volatile *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Compare and swap for <code>int</code> values.
+ @discussion
+ This function compares the value in <code>__oldValue</code> to the value
+ in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>. If the values
+ match, this function stores the value from <code>__newValue</code> into
+ that memory location atomically.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32}.
+ @result Returns TRUE on a match, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool OSAtomicCompareAndSwapInt( int __oldValue, int __newValue, volatile int *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Compare and swap for <code>int</code> values.
+ @discussion
+ This function compares the value in <code>__oldValue</code> to the value
+ in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>. If the values
+ match, this function stores the value from <code>__newValue</code> into
+ that memory location atomically.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwapInt}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier}.
+ @result Returns TRUE on a match, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier( int __oldValue, int __newValue, volatile int *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Compare and swap for <code>long</code> values.
+ @discussion
+ This function compares the value in <code>__oldValue</code> to the value
+ in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>. If the values
+ match, this function stores the value from <code>__newValue</code> into
+ that memory location atomically.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32} on 32-bit architectures,
+ or {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64} on 64-bit architectures.
+ @result Returns TRUE on a match, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool OSAtomicCompareAndSwapLong( long __oldValue, long __newValue, volatile long *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Compare and swap for <code>long</code> values.
+ @discussion
+ This function compares the value in <code>__oldValue</code> to the value
+ in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>. If the values
+ match, this function stores the value from <code>__newValue</code> into
+ that memory location atomically.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwapLong}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32} on 32-bit architectures,
+ or {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64} on 64-bit architectures.
+ @result Returns TRUE on a match, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool OSAtomicCompareAndSwapLongBarrier( long __oldValue, long __newValue, volatile long *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Compare and swap for <code>uint64_t</code> values.
+ @discussion
+ This function compares the value in <code>__oldValue</code> to the value
+ in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>. If the values
+ match, this function stores the value from <code>__newValue</code> into
+ that memory location atomically.
+ @result Returns TRUE on a match, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64( int64_t __oldValue, int64_t __newValue,
+ volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue );
+/*! @abstract Compare and swap for <code>uint64_t</code> values.
+ @discussion
+ This function compares the value in <code>__oldValue</code> to the value
+ in the memory location referenced by <code>__theValue</code>. If the values
+ match, this function stores the value from <code>__newValue</code> into
+ that memory location atomically.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result Returns TRUE on a match, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+bool OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64Barrier( int64_t __oldValue, int64_t __newValue,
+ volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue );
+/* Test and set.
+ * They return the original value of the bit, and operate on bit (0x80>>(n&7))
+ * in byte ((char*)theAddress + (n>>3)).
+ */
+/*! @abstract Atomic test and set
+ @discussion
+ This function tests a bit in the value referenced by
+ <code>__theAddress</code> and if it is not set, sets it.
+ The bit is chosen by the value of <code>__n</code> such that the
+ operation will be performed on bit <code>(0x80 >> (__n & 7))</code>
+ of byte <code>((char *)__theAddress + (n >> 3))</code>.
+ For example, if <code>__theAddress</code> points to a 64-bit value,
+ to compare the value of the most significant bit, you would specify
+ <code>56</code> for <code>__n</code>.
+ @result
+ Returns the original value of the bit being tested.
+ */
+bool OSAtomicTestAndSet( uint32_t __n, volatile void *__theAddress );
+/*! @abstract Atomic test and set with barrier
+ @discussion
+ This function tests a bit in the value referenced by <code>__theAddress</code>
+ and if it is not set, sets it.
+ The bit is chosen by the value of <code>__n</code> such that the
+ operation will be performed on bit <code>(0x80 >> (__n & 7))</code>
+ of byte <code>((char *)__theAddress + (n >> 3))</code>.
+ For example, if <code>__theAddress</code> points to a 64-bit value,
+ to compare the value of the most significant bit, you would specify
+ <code>56</code> for <code>__n</code>.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicTestAndSet}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result
+ Returns the original value of the bit being tested.
+ */
+bool OSAtomicTestAndSetBarrier( uint32_t __n, volatile void *__theAddress );
+/*! @abstract Atomic test and clear
+ @discussion
+ This function tests a bit in the value referenced by <code>__theAddress</code>
+ and if it is not cleared, clears it.
+ The bit is chosen by the value of <code>__n</code> such that the
+ operation will be performed on bit <code>(0x80 >> (__n & 7))</code>
+ of byte <code>((char *)__theAddress + (n >> 3))</code>.
+ For example, if <code>__theAddress</code> points to a 64-bit value,
+ to compare the value of the most significant bit, you would specify
+ <code>56</code> for <code>__n</code>.
+ @result
+ Returns the original value of the bit being tested.
+ */
+bool OSAtomicTestAndClear( uint32_t __n, volatile void *__theAddress );
+/*! @abstract Atomic test and clear
+ @discussion
+ This function tests a bit in the value referenced by <code>__theAddress</code>
+ and if it is not cleared, clears it.
+ The bit is chosen by the value of <code>__n</code> such that the
+ operation will be performed on bit <code>(0x80 >> (__n & 7))</code>
+ of byte <code>((char *)__theAddress + (n >> 3))</code>.
+ For example, if <code>__theAddress</code> points to a 64-bit value,
+ to compare the value of the most significant bit, you would specify
+ <code>56</code> for <code>__n</code>.
+ This function is equivalent to {@link OSAtomicTestAndSet}
+ except that it also introduces a barrier.
+ @result
+ Returns the original value of the bit being tested.
+ */
+bool OSAtomicTestAndClearBarrier( uint32_t __n, volatile void *__theAddress );
+/*! @group Memory barriers */
+/*! @abstract Memory barrier.
+ @discussion
+ This function serves as both a read and write barrier.
+ */
+void OSMemoryBarrier( void );
+ * Inline implementations of the legacy OSAtomic interfaces in terms of
+ * C11 <stdatomic.h> resp. C++11 <atomic> primitives.
+ * Direct use of those primitives is preferred.
+ */
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C++" {
+#if !(__has_include(<atomic>) && __has_feature(cxx_atomic))
+#error Cannot use inlined OSAtomic without <atomic> and C++11 atomics
+#include <atomic>
+typedef std::atomic<uint8_t> _OSAtomic_uint8_t;
+typedef std::atomic<int32_t> _OSAtomic_int32_t;
+typedef std::atomic<uint32_t> _OSAtomic_uint32_t;
+typedef std::atomic<int64_t> _OSAtomic_int64_t;
+typedef std::atomic<void*> _OSAtomic_void_ptr_t;
+#define OSATOMIC_STD(_a) std::_a
+#if !(__has_include(<stdatomic.h>) && __has_extension(c_atomic))
+#error Cannot use inlined OSAtomic without <stdatomic.h> and C11 atomics
+#include <stdatomic.h>
+typedef _Atomic(uint8_t) _OSAtomic_uint8_t;
+typedef _Atomic(int32_t) _OSAtomic_int32_t;
+typedef _Atomic(uint32_t) _OSAtomic_uint32_t;
+typedef _Atomic(int64_t) _OSAtomic_int64_t;
+typedef _Atomic(void*) _OSAtomic_void_ptr_t;
+#define OSATOMIC_STD(_a) _a
+#if __has_extension(c_alignof) && __has_attribute(aligned)
+typedef int64_t __attribute__((__aligned__(_Alignof(_OSAtomic_int64_t))))
+ OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t;
+#elif __has_attribute(aligned)
+typedef int64_t __attribute__((__aligned__((sizeof(_OSAtomic_int64_t)))))
+ OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t;
+typedef int64_t OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t;
+#if __has_attribute(always_inline)
+#define OSATOMIC_INLINE static __inline
+#define OSATOMIC_INLINE static __inline __attribute__((__always_inline__))
+OSAtomicAdd32(int32_t __theAmount, volatile int32_t *__theValue)
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_add_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_int32_t*) __theValue, __theAmount,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)) + __theAmount);
+OSAtomicAdd32Barrier(int32_t __theAmount, volatile int32_t *__theValue)
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_add_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_int32_t*) __theValue, __theAmount,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst)) + __theAmount);
+OSAtomicIncrement32(volatile int32_t *__theValue)
+ return OSAtomicAdd32(1, __theValue);
+OSAtomicIncrement32Barrier(volatile int32_t *__theValue)
+ return OSAtomicAdd32Barrier(1, __theValue);
+OSAtomicDecrement32(volatile int32_t *__theValue)
+ return OSAtomicAdd32(-1, __theValue);
+OSAtomicDecrement32Barrier(volatile int32_t *__theValue)
+ return OSAtomicAdd32Barrier(-1, __theValue);
+OSAtomicAdd64(int64_t __theAmount,
+ volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue)
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_add_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_int64_t*) __theValue, __theAmount,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)) + __theAmount);
+OSAtomicAdd64Barrier(int64_t __theAmount,
+ volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue)
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_add_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_int64_t*) __theValue, __theAmount,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst)) + __theAmount);
+OSAtomicIncrement64(volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue)
+ return OSAtomicAdd64(1, __theValue);
+OSAtomicIncrement64Barrier(volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue)
+ return OSAtomicAdd64Barrier(1, __theValue);
+OSAtomicDecrement64(volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue)
+ return OSAtomicAdd64(-1, __theValue);
+OSAtomicDecrement64Barrier(volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue)
+ return OSAtomicAdd64Barrier(-1, __theValue);
+OSAtomicOr32(uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue)
+ return (int32_t)(OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_or_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_uint32_t*)__theValue, __theMask,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)) | __theMask);
+OSAtomicOr32Barrier(uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue)
+ return (int32_t)(OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_or_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_uint32_t*)__theValue, __theMask,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst)) | __theMask);
+OSAtomicOr32Orig(uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue)
+ return (int32_t)(OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_or_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_uint32_t*)__theValue, __theMask,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)));
+OSAtomicOr32OrigBarrier(uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue)
+ return (int32_t)(OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_or_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_uint32_t*)__theValue, __theMask,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst)));
+OSAtomicAnd32(uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue)
+ return (int32_t)(OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_and_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_uint32_t*)__theValue, __theMask,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)) & __theMask);
+OSAtomicAnd32Barrier(uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue)
+ return (int32_t)(OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_and_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_uint32_t*)__theValue, __theMask,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst)) & __theMask);
+OSAtomicAnd32Orig(uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue)
+ return (int32_t)(OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_and_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_uint32_t*)__theValue, __theMask,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)));
+OSAtomicAnd32OrigBarrier(uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue)
+ return (int32_t)(OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_and_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_uint32_t*)__theValue, __theMask,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst)));
+OSAtomicXor32(uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue)
+ return (int32_t)(OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_xor_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_uint32_t*)__theValue, __theMask,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)) ^ __theMask);
+OSAtomicXor32Barrier(uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue)
+ return (int32_t)(OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_xor_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_uint32_t*)__theValue, __theMask,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst)) ^ __theMask);
+OSAtomicXor32Orig(uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue)
+ return (int32_t)(OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_xor_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_uint32_t*)__theValue, __theMask,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)));
+OSAtomicXor32OrigBarrier(uint32_t __theMask, volatile uint32_t *__theValue)
+ return (int32_t)(OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_xor_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_uint32_t*)__theValue, __theMask,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst)));
+OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32(int32_t __oldValue, int32_t __newValue,
+ volatile int32_t *__theValue)
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_int32_t*)__theValue, &__oldValue, __newValue,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed),
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)));
+OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier(int32_t __oldValue, int32_t __newValue,
+ volatile int32_t *__theValue)
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_int32_t*)__theValue, &__oldValue, __newValue,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst),
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)));
+OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtr(void *__oldValue, void *__newValue,
+ void * volatile *__theValue)
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_void_ptr_t*)__theValue, &__oldValue, __newValue,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed),
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)));
+OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier(void *__oldValue, void *__newValue,
+ void * volatile *__theValue)
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_void_ptr_t*)__theValue, &__oldValue, __newValue,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst),
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)));
+OSAtomicCompareAndSwapInt(int __oldValue, int __newValue,
+ volatile int *__theValue)
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit)(
+ (volatile OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_int)*)__theValue, &__oldValue,
+ __newValue, OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed),
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)));
+OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier(int __oldValue, int __newValue,
+ volatile int *__theValue)
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit)(
+ (volatile OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_int)*)__theValue, &__oldValue,
+ __newValue, OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst),
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)));
+OSAtomicCompareAndSwapLong(long __oldValue, long __newValue,
+ volatile long *__theValue)
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit)(
+ (volatile OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_long)*)__theValue, &__oldValue,
+ __newValue, OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed),
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)));
+OSAtomicCompareAndSwapLongBarrier(long __oldValue, long __newValue,
+ volatile long *__theValue)
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit)(
+ (volatile OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_long)*)__theValue, &__oldValue,
+ __newValue, OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst),
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)));
+OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64(int64_t __oldValue, int64_t __newValue,
+ volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue)
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_int64_t*)__theValue, &__oldValue, __newValue,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed),
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)));
+OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64Barrier(int64_t __oldValue, int64_t __newValue,
+ volatile OSAtomic_int64_aligned64_t *__theValue)
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit)(
+ (volatile _OSAtomic_int64_t*)__theValue, &__oldValue, __newValue,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst),
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)));
+OSAtomicTestAndSet(uint32_t __n, volatile void *__theAddress)
+ uintptr_t a = (uintptr_t)__theAddress + (__n >> 3);
+ uint8_t v = (0x80u >> (__n & 7));
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_or_explicit)((_OSAtomic_uint8_t*)a, v,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)) & v);
+OSAtomicTestAndSetBarrier(uint32_t __n, volatile void *__theAddress)
+ uintptr_t a = (uintptr_t)__theAddress + (__n >> 3);
+ uint8_t v = (0x80u >> (__n & 7));
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_or_explicit)((_OSAtomic_uint8_t*)a, v,
+ OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst)) & v);
+OSAtomicTestAndClear(uint32_t __n, volatile void *__theAddress)
+ uintptr_t a = (uintptr_t)__theAddress + (__n >> 3);
+ uint8_t v = (0x80u >> (__n & 7));
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_and_explicit)((_OSAtomic_uint8_t*)a,
+ (uint8_t)~v, OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_relaxed)) & v);
+OSAtomicTestAndClearBarrier(uint32_t __n, volatile void *__theAddress)
+ uintptr_t a = (uintptr_t)__theAddress + (__n >> 3);
+ uint8_t v = (0x80u >> (__n & 7));
+ return (OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_fetch_and_explicit)((_OSAtomic_uint8_t*)a,
+ (uint8_t)~v, OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst)) & v);
+ OSATOMIC_STD(atomic_thread_fence)(OSATOMIC_STD(memory_order_seq_cst));
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C++"