[apple/libinfo.git] / mdns.subproj / dns_sd.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
7 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.2 (the
8 * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
9 * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * and read it before using this file.
11 *
12 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
13 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
17 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
18 * under the License.
19 *
21 */
23 #ifndef _DNS_SD_H
24 #define _DNS_SD_H
26 #include <sys/types.h>
27 #include <sys/socket.h>
28 #include <stdint.h>
29 #include <netinet/in.h>
32 /* DNSServiceRef, DNSRecordRef
33 *
34 * Opaque internal data types.
35 * Note: client is responsible for serializing access to these structures if
36 * they are shared between concurrent threads.
37 */
39 typedef struct _DNSServiceRef_t *DNSServiceRef;
40 typedef struct _DNSRecordRef_t *DNSRecordRef;
42 /* General flags used in functions defined below */
43 enum
44 {
45 kDNSServiceFlagsMoreComing = 1,
46 kDNSServiceFlagsFinished = 0, /* i.e. bit not set */
47 /* MoreComing indicates to a Browse callback that another result is
48 * queued. Applications should not update their UI to display browse
49 * results when the MoreComing flag is set, instead deferring the update
50 * until the callback's flag is Finished. */
52 kDNSServiceFlagsAdd = 2,
53 kDNSServiceFlagsDefault = 4,
54 kDNSServiceFlagsRemove = 0, /* i.e. bit not set */
55 /* Flags for domain enumeration and browse reply callbacks.
56 * "Default" applies only to enumeration and is only valid in
57 * conjuction with "Add"
58 */
60 kDNSServiceFlagsNoAutoRename = 8,
61 kDNSServiceFlagsAutoRename = 0, /* i.e. bit not set */
62 /* Flag for specifying renaming behavior on name conflict when registering
63 * non-shared records. NoAutorename is only valid if a name is explicitly
64 * specified when registering a service (ie the default name is not used.)
65 */
68 kDNSServiceFlagsShared = 16,
69 kDNSServiceFlagsUnique = 32,
70 /* Flag for registering individual records on a connected
71 * DNSServiceRef. Shared indicates that there may be multiple records
72 * with this name on the network (e.g. PTR records). Unique indicates that the
73 * record's name is to be unique on the network (e.g. SRV records).
74 */
76 kDNSServiceFlagsBrowseDomains = 64,
77 kDNSServiceFlagsRegistrationDomains = 128
78 /* Flags for specifying domain enumeration type in DNSServiceEnumerateDomains.
79 * BrowseDomains enumerates domains recommended for browsing, RegistrationDomains
80 * enumerates domains recommended for registration.
81 */
82 };
84 /* possible error code values */
85 enum
86 {
87 kDNSServiceErr_NoError = 0,
88 kDNSServiceErr_Unknown = -65537, /* 0xFFFE FFFF */
89 kDNSServiceErr_NoSuchName = -65538,
90 kDNSServiceErr_NoMemory = -65539,
91 kDNSServiceErr_BadParam = -65540,
92 kDNSServiceErr_BadReference = -65541,
93 kDNSServiceErr_BadState = -65542,
94 kDNSServiceErr_BadFlags = -65543,
95 kDNSServiceErr_Unsupported = -65544,
96 kDNSServiceErr_NotInitialized = -65545,
97 kDNSServiceErr_AlreadyRegistered = -65547,
98 kDNSServiceErr_NameConflict = -65548,
99 kDNSServiceErr_Invalid = -65549,
100 kDNSServiceErr_Incompatible = -65551, /* client library incompatible with daemon */
101 kDNSServiceErr_BadinterfaceIndex = -65552
102 /* mDNS Error codes are in the range
103 * FFFE FF00 (-65792) to FFFE FFFF (-65537) */
104 };
107 /* Maximum length, in bytes, of a domain name represented as an escaped C-String */
108 #define kDNSServiceMaxDomainName 1005
111 typedef uint32_t DNSServiceFlags;
112 typedef int32_t DNSServiceErrorType;
115 /*********************************************************************************************
116 *
117 * Unix Domain Socket access, DNSServiceRef deallocation, and data processing functions
118 *
119 *********************************************************************************************/
122 /* DNSServiceRefSockFD()
123 *
124 * Access underlying Unix domain socket for an initialized DNSServiceRef.
125 * The DNS Service Discovery implmementation uses this socket to communicate between
126 * the client and the mDNSResponder daemon. The application MUST NOT directly read from
127 * or write to this socket. Access to the socket is provided so that it can be used as a
128 * run loop source, or in a select() loop: when data is available for reading on the socket,
129 * DNSServiceProcessResult() should be called, which will extract the daemon's reply from
130 * the socket, and pass it to the appropriate application callback. By using a run loop or
131 * select(), results from the daemon can be processed asynchronously. Without using these
132 * constructs, DNSServiceProcessResult() will block until the response from the daemon arrives.
133 * The client is responsible for ensuring that the data on the socket is processed in a timely
134 * fashion - the daemon may terminate its connection with a client that does not clear its
135 * socket buffer.
136 *
137 * sdRef: A DNSServiceRef initialized by any of the DNSService calls.
138 *
139 * return value: The DNSServiceRef's underlying socket descriptor, or -1 on
140 * error.
141 */
143 int DNSServiceRefSockFD(DNSServiceRef sdRef);
145 /* DNSServiceProcessResult()
146 *
147 * Read a reply from the daemon, calling the appropriate application callback. This call will
148 * block until the daemon's response is received. Use DNSServiceRefSockFD() in
149 * conjunction with a run loop or select() to determine the presence of a response from the
150 * server before calling this function to process the reply without blocking. Call this function
151 * at any point if it is acceptable to block until the daemon's response arrives. Note that the
152 * client is responsible for ensuring that DNSServiceProcessResult() is called whenever there is
153 * a reply from the daemon - the daemon may terminate its connection with a client that does not
154 * process the daemon's responses.
155 *
156 * sdRef: A DNSServiceRef initialized by any of the DNSService calls
157 * that take a callback parameter.
158 *
159 * return value: Returns kDNSServiceErr_NoError on success, otherwise returns
160 * an error code indicating the specific failure that occurred.
161 */
163 DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceProcessResult(DNSServiceRef sdRef);
165 /* DNSServiceRefDeallocate()
166 *
167 * Terminate a connection with the daemon and free memory associated with the DNSServiceRef.
168 * Any services or records registered with this DNSServiceRef will be deregistered. Any
169 * Browse, Resolve, or Query operations called with this reference will be terminated.
170 *
171 * Note: If the reference's underlying socket is used in a run loop or select() call, it should
172 * be removed BEFORE DNSServiceRefDeallocate() is called, as this function closes the reference's
173 * socket.
174 *
175 * Note: If the reference was initialized with DNSServiceCreateConnection(), any DNSRecordRefs
176 * created via this reference will be invalidated by this call - the resource records are
177 * deregistered, and their DNSRecordRefs may not be used in subsequent functions. Similarly,
178 * if the reference was initialized with DNSServiceRegister, and an extra resource record was
179 * added to the service via DNSServiceAddRecord(), the DNSRecordRef created by the Add() call
180 * is invalidated when this function is called - the DNSRecordRef may not be used in subsequent
181 * functions.
182 *
183 * Note: This call is to be used only with the DNSServiceRef defined by this API. It is
184 * not compatible with dns_service_discovery_ref objects defined in the legacy Mach-based
185 * DNSServiceDiscovery.h API.
186 *
187 * sdRef: A DNSServiceRef initialized by any of the DNSService calls.
188 *
189 */
191 void DNSServiceRefDeallocate(DNSServiceRef sdRef);
194 /*********************************************************************************************
195 *
196 * Domain Enumeration
197 *
198 *********************************************************************************************/
200 /* DNSServiceEnumerateDomains()
201 *
202 * Asynchronously enumerate domains available for browsing and registration.
203 * Currently, the only domain returned is "local.", but other domains will be returned in future.
204 *
205 * The enumeration MUST be cancelled via DNSServiceRefDeallocate() when no more domains
206 * are to be found.
207 *
208 *
209 * DNSServiceDomainEnumReply Callback Parameters:
210 *
211 * sdRef: The DNSServiceRef initialized by DNSServiceEnumerateDomains().
212 *
213 * flags: Possible values are:
214 * 1 (MoreComing)
215 * 2 (Add/Remove)
216 * 4 (Add Default)
217 *
218 * interfaceIndex: Specifies the interface on which the domain exists. (The index for a given
219 * interface is determined via the if_nametoindex() family of calls.)
220 *
221 * errorCode: Will be kDNSServiceErr_NoError (0) on success, otherwise indicates
222 * the failure that occurred (other parameters are undefined if errorCode is nonzero).
223 *
224 * replyDomain: The name of the domain.
225 *
226 * context: The context pointer passed to DNSServiceEnumerateDomains.
227 *
228 */
230 typedef void (*DNSServiceDomainEnumReply)
231 (
232 DNSServiceRef sdRef,
233 DNSServiceFlags flags,
234 uint32_t interfaceIndex,
235 DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
236 const char *replyDomain,
237 void *context
238 );
240 /* DNSServiceEnumerateDomains() Parameters:
241 *
242 *
243 * sdRef: A pointer to an uninitialized sdRef. May be passed to
244 * DNSServiceRefDeallocate() to cancel the enumeration.
245 *
246 * flags: Possible values are:
247 * 0 (BrowseDomains) to enumerate domains recommended for browsing.
248 * 32 (RegistrationDomains) to enumerate domains recommended for registration.
249 *
250 * interfaceIndex: If non-zero, specifies the interface on which to look for domains.
251 * (the index for a given interface is determined via the if_nametoindex()
252 * family of calls.) Most applications will pass 0 to enumerate domains on
253 * all interfaces.
254 *
255 * callBack: The function to be called when a domain is found or the call asynchronously
256 * fails.
257 *
258 * context: An application context pointer which is passed to the callback function
259 * (may be NULL).
260 *
261 * return value: Returns kDNSServiceErr_NoError on succeses (any subsequent, asynchronous
262 * errors are delivered to the callback), otherwise returns an error code indicating
263 * the error that occurred (the callback is not invoked and the DNSServiceRef
264 * is not initialized.)
265 */
267 DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceEnumerateDomains
268 (
269 DNSServiceRef *sdRef,
270 DNSServiceFlags flags,
271 uint32_t interfaceIndex,
272 DNSServiceDomainEnumReply callBack,
273 void *context /* may be NULL */
274 );
276 /*********************************************************************************************
277 *
278 * Service Registration
279 *
280 *********************************************************************************************/
282 /* Register a service that is discovered via Browse() and Resolve() calls.
283 *
284 *
285 * DNSServiceRegisterReply() Callback Parameters:
286 *
287 * sdRef: The DNSServiceRef initialized by DNSServiceRegister().
288 *
289 * flags: Currently unused, reserved for future use.
290 *
291 * errorCode: Will be kDNSServiceErr_NoError on success, otherwise will
292 * indicate the failure that occurred (including name conflicts, if the
293 * kDNSServiceFlagsNoAutoRenameOnConflict flag was passed to the
294 * callout.) Other parameters are undefined if errorCode is nonzero.
295 *
296 * name: The service name registered (if the application did not specify a name in
297 * DNSServiceRegister(), this indicates what name was automatically chosen).
298 *
299 * regtype: The type of service registered, as it was passed to the callout.
300 *
301 * domain: The domain on which the service was registered (if the application did not
302 * specify a domain in DNSServiceRegister(), this indicates the default domain
303 * on which the service was registered).
304 *
305 * context: The context pointer that was passed to the callout.
306 *
307 */
309 typedef void (*DNSServiceRegisterReply)
310 (
311 DNSServiceRef sdRef,
312 DNSServiceFlags flags,
313 DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
314 const char *name,
315 const char *regtype,
316 const char *domain,
317 void *context
318 );
320 /* DNSServiceRegister() Parameters:
321 *
322 * sdRef: A pointer to an uninitialized sdRef. If this call succeeds, the reference
323 * may be passed to
324 * DNSServiceRefDeallocate() to deregister the service.
325 *
326 * interfaceIndex: If non-zero, specifies the interface on which to register the service
327 * (the index for a given interface is determined via the if_nametoindex()
328 * family of calls.) Most applications will pass 0 to register on all
329 * available interfaces. Pass -1 to register a service only on the local
330 * machine (service will not be visible to remote hosts.)
331 *
332 * flags: Indicates the renaming behavior on name conflict (most applications
333 * will pass 0). See flag definitions above for details.
334 *
335 * name: If non-NULL, specifies the service name to be registered.
336 * Most applications will not specify a name, in which case the
337 * computer name is used (this name is communicated to the client via
338 * the callback).
339 *
340 * regtype: The service type followed by the protocol, separated by a dot
341 * (e.g. "_ftp._tcp"). The transport protocol must be "_tcp" or "_udp".
342 *
343 * domain: If non-NULL, specifies the domain on which to advertise the service.
344 * Most applications will not specify a domain, instead automatically
345 * registering in the default domain(s).
346 *
347 * host: If non-NULL, specifies the SRV target host name. Most applications
348 * will not specify a host, instead automatically using the machine's
349 * default host name(s). Note that specifying a non-NULL host does NOT
350 * create an address record for that host - the application is responsible
351 * for ensuring that the appropriate address record exists, or creating it
352 * via DNSServiceRegisterRecord().
353 *
354 * port: The port on which the service accepts connections. Pass 0 for a
355 * "placeholder" service (i.e. a service that will not be discovered by
356 * browsing, but will cause a name conflict if another client tries to
357 * register that same name.) Most clients will not use placeholder services.
358 *
359 * txtLen: The length of the txtRecord, in bytes. Must be zero if the txtRecord is NULL.
360 *
361 * txtRecord: The txt record rdata. May be NULL. Note that a non-NULL txtRecord
362 * MUST be a properly formatted DNS TXT record, i.e. <length byte> <data>
363 * <length byte> <data> ...
364 *
365 * callBack: The function to be called when the registration completes or asynchronously
366 * fails. The client MAY pass NULL for the callback - The client will NOT be notified
367 * of the default values picked on its behalf, and the client will NOT be notified of any
368 * asynchronous errors (e.g. out of memory errors, etc.) that may prevent the registration
369 * of the service. The client may NOT pass the NoAutoRename flag if the callback is NULL.
370 * The client may still deregister the service at any time via DNSServiceRefDeallocate().
371 *
372 * context: An application context pointer which is passed to the callback function
373 * (may be NULL).
374 *
375 * return value: Returns kDNSServiceErr_NoError on succeses (any subsequent, asynchronous
376 * errors are delivered to the callback), otherwise returns an error code indicating
377 * the error that occurred (the callback is never invoked and the DNSServiceRef
378 * is not initialized.)
379 *
380 */
382 DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceRegister
383 (
384 DNSServiceRef *sdRef,
385 DNSServiceFlags flags,
386 uint32_t interfaceIndex,
387 const char *name, /* may be NULL */
388 const char *regtype,
389 const char *domain, /* may be NULL */
390 const char *host, /* may be NULL */
391 uint16_t port,
392 uint16_t txtLen,
393 const void *txtRecord, /* may be NULL */
394 DNSServiceRegisterReply callBack, /* may be NULL */
395 void *context /* may be NULL */
396 );
398 /* DNSServiceAddRecord()
399 *
400 * Add a record to a registered service. The name of the record will be the same as the
401 * registered service's name.
402 * The record can later be updated or deregistered by passing the RecordRef initialized
403 * by this function to DNSServiceUpdateRecord() or DNSServiceRemoveRecord().
404 *
405 *
406 * Parameters;
407 *
408 * sdRef: A DNSServiceRef initialized by DNSServiceRegister().
409 *
410 * RecordRef: A pointer to an uninitialized DNSRecordRef. Upon succesfull completion of this
411 * call, this ref may be passed to DNSServiceUpdateRecord() or DNSServiceRemoveRecord().
412 * If the above DNSServiceRef is passed to DNSServiceRefDeallocate(), RecordRef is also
413 * invalidated and may not be used further.
414 *
415 * flags: Currently ignored, reserved for future use.
416 *
417 * rrtype: The type of the record (e.g. TXT, SRV, etc), as defined in nameser.h.
418 *
419 * rdlen: The length, in bytes, of the rdata.
420 *
421 * rdata: The raw rdata to be contained in the added resource record.
422 *
423 * ttl: The time to live of the resource record, in seconds.
424 *
425 * return value: Returns kDNSServiceErr_NoError on success, otherwise returns an
426 * error code indicating the error that occurred (the RecordRef is not initialized).
427 */
429 DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceAddRecord
430 (
431 DNSServiceRef sdRef,
432 DNSRecordRef *RecordRef,
433 DNSServiceFlags flags,
434 uint16_t rrtype,
435 uint16_t rdlen,
436 const void *rdata,
437 uint32_t ttl
438 );
440 /* DNSServiceUpdateRecord
441 *
442 * Update a registered resource record. The record must either be:
443 * - The primary txt record of a service registered via DNSServiceRegister()
444 * - A record added to a registered service via DNSServiceAddRecord()
445 * - An individual record registered by DNSServiceRegisterRecord()
446 *
447 *
448 * Parameters:
449 *
450 * sdRef: A DNSServiceRef that was initialized by DNSServiceRegister()
451 * or DNSServiceCreateConnection().
452 *
453 * RecordRef: A DNSRecordRef initialized by DNSServiceAddRecord, or NULL to update the
454 * service's primary txt record.
455 *
456 * flags: Currently ignored, reserved for future use.
457 *
458 * rdlen: The length, in bytes, of the new rdata.
459 *
460 * rdata: The new rdata to be contained in the updated resource record.
461 *
462 * ttl: The time to live of the updated resource record, in seconds.
463 *
464 * return value: Returns kDNSServiceErr_NoError on success, otherwise returns an
465 * error code indicating the error that occurred.
466 */
468 DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceUpdateRecord
469 (
470 DNSServiceRef sdRef,
471 DNSRecordRef RecordRef, /* may be NULL */
472 DNSServiceFlags flags,
473 uint16_t rdlen,
474 const void *rdata,
475 uint32_t ttl
476 );
478 /* DNSServiceRemoveRecord
479 *
480 * Remove a record previously added to a service record set via DNSServiceAddRecord(), or deregister
481 * an record registered individually via DNSServiceRegisterRecord().
482 *
483 * Parameters:
484 *
485 * sdRef: A DNSServiceRef initialized by DNSServiceRegister() (if the
486 * record being removed was registered via DNSServiceAddRecord()) or by
487 * DNSServiceCreateConnection() (if the record being removed was registered via
488 * DNSServiceRegisterRecord()).
489 *
490 * recordRef: A DNSRecordRef initialized by a successful call to DNSServiceAddRecord()
491 * or DNSServiceRegisterRecord().
492 *
493 * flags: Currently ignored, reserved for future use.
494 *
495 * return value: Returns kDNSServiceErr_NoError on success, otherwise returns an
496 * error code indicating the error that occurred.
497 */
499 DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceRemoveRecord
500 (
501 DNSServiceRef sdRef,
502 DNSRecordRef RecordRef,
503 DNSServiceFlags flags
504 );
507 /*********************************************************************************************
508 *
509 * Service Discovery
510 *
511 *********************************************************************************************/
514 /* Browse for instances of a service.
515 *
516 *
517 * DNSServiceBrowseReply() Parameters:
518 *
519 * sdRef: The DNSServiceRef initialized by DNSServiceBrowse().
520 *
521 * flags: Possible values are MoreComing and Add/Remove. See flag definitions
522 * for details.
523 *
524 * interfaceIndex: The interface on which the service is advertised. This index should
525 * be passed to DNSServiceResolve() when resolving the service.
526 *
527 * errorCode: Will be kDNSServiceErr_NoError (0) on success, otherwise will
528 * indicate the failure that occurred. Other parameters are undefined if
529 * the errorCode is nonzero.
530 *
531 * serviceName: The service name discovered.
532 *
533 * regtype: The service type, as passed in to DNSServiceBrowse().
534 *
535 * domain: The domain on which the service was discovered (if the application did not
536 * specify a domain in DNSServicBrowse(), this indicates the domain on which the
537 * service was discovered.)
538 *
539 * context: The context pointer that was passed to the callout.
540 *
541 */
543 typedef void (*DNSServiceBrowseReply)
544 (
545 DNSServiceRef sdRef,
546 DNSServiceFlags flags,
547 uint32_t interfaceIndex,
548 DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
549 const char *serviceName,
550 const char *regtype,
551 const char *replyDomain,
552 void *context
553 );
555 /* DNSServiceBrowse() Parameters:
556 *
557 * sdRef: A pointer to an uninitialized sdRef. May be passed to
558 * DNSServiceRefDeallocate() to terminate the browse.
559 *
560 * flags: Currently ignored, reserved for future use.
561 *
562 * interfaceIndex: If non-zero, specifies the interface on which to browse for services
563 * (the index for a given interface is determined via the if_nametoindex()
564 * family of calls.) Most applications will pass 0 to browse on all available
565 * interfaces. Pass -1 to only browse for services provided on the local host.
566 *
567 * regtype: The service type being browsed for followed by the protocol, separated by a
568 * dot (e.g. "_ftp._tcp"). The transport protocol must be "_tcp" or "_udp".
569 *
570 * domain: If non-NULL, specifies the domain on which to browse for services.
571 * Most applications will not specify a domain, instead browsing on the
572 * default domain(s).
573 *
574 * callBack: The function to be called when an instance of the service being browsed for
575 * is found, or if the call asynchronously fails.
576 *
577 * context: An application context pointer which is passed to the callback function
578 * (may be NULL).
579 *
580 * return value: Returns kDNSServiceErr_NoError on succeses (any subsequent, asynchronous
581 * errors are delivered to the callback), otherwise returns an error code indicating
582 * the error that occurred (the callback is not invoked and the DNSServiceRef
583 * is not initialized.)
584 */
586 DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceBrowse
587 (
588 DNSServiceRef *sdRef,
589 DNSServiceFlags flags,
590 uint32_t interfaceIndex,
591 const char *regtype,
592 const char *domain, /* may be NULL */
593 DNSServiceBrowseReply callBack,
594 void *context /* may be NULL */
595 );
597 /* DNSServiceResolve()
598 *
599 * Resolve a service name discovered via DNSServiceBrowse() to a target host name, port number, and
600 * txt record.
601 *
602 * Note: Applications should NOT use DNSServiceResolve() solely for txt record monitoring - use
603 * DNSServiceQueryRecord() instead, as it is more efficient for this task.
604 *
605 * Note: When the desired results have been returned, the client MUST terminate the resolve by calling
606 * DNSServiceRefDeallocate().
607 *
608 * Note: DNSServiceResolve() behaves correctly for typical services that have a single SRV record and
609 * a single TXT record (the TXT record may be empty.) To resolve non-standard services with multiple
610 * SRV or TXT records, DNSServiceQueryRecord() should be used.
611 *
612 * DNSServiceResolveReply Callback Parameters:
613 *
614 * sdRef: The DNSServiceRef initialized by DNSServiceResolve().
615 *
616 * flags: Currently unused, reserved for future use.
617 *
618 * interfaceIndex: The interface on which the service was resolved.
619 *
620 * errorCode: Will be kDNSServiceErr_NoError (0) on success, otherwise will
621 * indicate the failure that occurred. Other parameters are undefined if
622 * the errorCode is nonzero.
623 *
624 * fullname: The full service domain name, in the form <servicename>.<protocol>.<domain>.
625 * (Any literal dots (".") are escaped with a backslash ("\."), and literal
626 * backslashes are escaped with a second backslash ("\\"), e.g. a web server
627 * named "Dr. Pepper" would have the fullname "Dr\.\032Pepper._http._tcp.local.").
628 * This is the appropriate format to pass to standard system DNS APIs such as
629 * res_query(), or to the special-purpose functions included in this API that
630 * take fullname parameters.
631 *
632 * hosttarget: The target hostname of the machine providing the service. This name can
633 * be passed to functions like gethostbyname() to identify the host's IP address.
634 *
635 * port: The port number on which connections are accepted for this service.
636 *
637 * txtLen: The length of the txt record, in bytes.
638 *
639 * txtRecord: The service's primary txt record, in standard txt record format.
640 *
642 * context: The context pointer that was passed to the callout.
643 *
644 */
646 typedef void (*DNSServiceResolveReply)
647 (
648 DNSServiceRef sdRef,
649 DNSServiceFlags flags,
650 uint32_t interfaceIndex,
651 DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
652 const char *fullname,
653 const char *hosttarget,
654 uint16_t port,
655 uint16_t txtLen,
656 const char *txtRecord,
657 void *context
658 );
660 /* DNSServiceResolve() Parameters
661 *
662 * sdRef: A pointer to an uninitialized sdRef. May be passed to
663 * DNSServiceRefDeallocate() to terminate the resolve.
664 *
665 * flags: Currently ignored, reserved for future use.
666 *
667 * interfaceIndex: The interface on which to resolve the service. The client should
668 * pass the interface on which the servicename was discovered, i.e.
669 * the interfaceIndex passed to the DNSServiceBrowseReply callback,
670 * or 0 to resolve the named service on all available interfaces.
671 *
672 * name: The servicename to be resolved.
673 *
674 * regtype: The service type being resolved followed by the protocol, separated by a
675 * dot (e.g. "_ftp._tcp"). The transport protocol must be "_tcp" or "_udp".
676 *
677 * domain: The domain on which the service is registered, i.e. the domain passed
678 * to the DNSServiceBrowseReply callback.
679 *
680 * callBack: The function to be called when a result is found, or if the call
681 * asynchronously fails.
682 *
683 * context: An application context pointer which is passed to the callback function
684 * (may be NULL).
685 *
686 * return value: Returns kDNSServiceErr_NoError on succeses (any subsequent, asynchronous
687 * errors are delivered to the callback), otherwise returns an error code indicating
688 * the error that occurred (the callback is never invoked and the DNSServiceRef
689 * is not initialized.)
690 */
693 DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceResolve
694 (
695 DNSServiceRef *sdRef,
696 DNSServiceFlags flags,
697 uint32_t interfaceIndex,
698 const char *name,
699 const char *regtype,
700 const char *domain,
701 DNSServiceResolveReply callBack,
702 void *context /* may be NULL */
703 );
706 /*********************************************************************************************
707 *
708 * Special Purpose Calls (most applications will not use these)
709 *
710 *********************************************************************************************/
712 /* DNS Naming Conventions:
713 *
714 * The following functions refer to resource records by their full domain name, unlike the above
715 * functions which divide the name into servicename/regtype/domain fields. In the above functions,
716 * a dot (".") is considered to be a literal dot in the servicename field (e.g. "Dr. Pepper") and
717 * a label separator in the regtype ("_ftp._tcp") or domain ("") fields. Literal dots in
718 * the domain field would be escaped with a backslash, and literal backslashes would be escaped with
719 * a second backslash (this is generally not an issue, as domain names on the Internet today almost
720 * never use characters other than letters, digits, or hyphens, and the dots are label separators.)
721 * Furthermore, this is transparent to the caller, so long as the fields are passed between functions
722 * without manipulation. However, the following, special-purpose calls use a single, full domain name.
723 * As such, all dots are considered to be label separators, unless escaped, and all backslashes are
724 * considered to be escape characters, unless preceded by a second backslash. For example, the name
725 * "Dr. Smith \ Dr. Johnson" could be passed literally as a service name parameter in the above calls,
726 * but in the special purpose call, the dots and backslash would have to be escaped
727 * (e.g. "Dr\. Smith \\ Dr\." for an ftp service on the domain.)
728 */
730 /* DNSServiceConstructFullName()
731 *
732 * Concatenate a three-part domain name (as returned by the above callbacks) into a properly-escaped
733 * full domain name. Note that callbacks in the above functions ALREADY ESCAPE strings where necessary.
734 *
735 * Parameters:
736 *
737 * fullName: A pointer to a buffer that where the resulting full domain name is to be written.
738 * The buffer must be kDNSServiceDiscoveryMaxDomainName (1005) bytes in length to
739 * accommodate the longest legal domain name without buffer overrun.
740 *
741 * service: The service name - any dots or slashes must NOT be escaped.
742 * May be NULL (to construct a PTR record name, e.g.
743 * "").
744 *
745 * regtype: The service type followed by the protocol, separated by a dot
746 * (e.g. "_ftp._tcp").
747 *
748 * domain: The domain name, e.g. "". Any literal dots or backslashes
749 * must be escaped.
750 *
751 * return value: Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
752 *
753 */
755 int DNSServiceConstructFullName
756 (
757 char *fullName,
758 const char *service, /* may be NULL */
759 const char *regtype,
760 const char *domain
761 );
763 /* DNSServiceCreateConnection()
764 *
765 * Create a connection to the daemon allowing efficient registration of
766 * multiple individual records.
767 *
768 *
769 * Parameters:
770 *
771 * sdRef: A pointer to an uninitialized DNSServiceRef. Deallocating
772 * the reference (via DNSServiceRefDeallocate()) severs the
773 * connection and deregisters all records registered on this connection.
774 *
775 * return value: Returns kDNSServiceErr_NoError on success, otherwise returns
776 * an error code indicating the specific failure that occurred (in which
777 * case the DNSServiceRef is not initialized).
778 */
780 DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceCreateConnection(DNSServiceRef *sdRef);
783 /* DNSServiceRegisterRecord
784 *
785 * Register an individual resource record on a connected DNSServiceRef.
786 *
787 * Note that name conflicts occurring for records registered via this call must be handled
788 * by the client in the callback.
789 *
790 *
791 * DNSServiceRegisterRecordReply() parameters:
792 *
793 * sdRef: The connected DNSServiceRef initialized by
794 * DNSServiceDiscoveryConnect().
795 *
796 * RecordRef: The DNSRecordRef initialized by DNSServiceRegisterRecord(). If the above
797 * DNSServiceRef is passed to DNSServiceRefDeallocate(), this DNSRecordRef is
798 * invalidated, and may not be used further.
799 *
800 * flags: Currently unused, reserved for future use.
801 *
802 * errorCode: Will be kDNSServiceErr_NoError on success, otherwise will
803 * indicate the failure that occurred (including name conflicts.)
804 * Other parameters are undefined if errorCode is nonzero.
805 *
806 * context: The context pointer that was passed to the callout.
807 *
808 */
810 typedef void (*DNSServiceRegisterRecordReply)
811 (
812 DNSServiceRef sdRef,
813 DNSRecordRef RecordRef,
814 DNSServiceFlags flags,
815 DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
816 void *context
817 );
820 /* DNSServiceRegisterRecord() Parameters:
821 *
822 * sdRef: A DNSServiceRef initialized by DNSServiceCreateConnection().
823 *
824 * RecordRef: A pointer to an uninitialized DNSRecordRef. Upon succesfull completion of this
825 * call, this ref may be passed to DNSServiceUpdateRecord() or DNSServiceRemoveRecord().
826 * (To deregister ALL records registered on a single connected DNSServiceRef
827 * and deallocate each of their corresponding DNSServiceRecordRefs, call
828 * DNSServiceRefDealloocate()).
829 *
830 * flags: Possible values are Shared/Unique (see flag type definitions for details).
831 *
832 * interfaceIndex: If non-zero, specifies the interface on which to register the record
833 * (the index for a given interface is determined via the if_nametoindex()
834 * family of calls.) Passing 0 causes the record to be registered on all interfaces.
835 * Passing -1 causes the record to only be visible on the local host.
836 *
837 * fullname: The full domain name of the resource record.
838 *
839 * rrtype: The numerical type of the resource record (e.g. PTR, SRV, etc), as defined
840 * in nameser.h.
841 *
842 * rrclass: The class of the resource record, as defined in nameser.h (usually 1 for the
843 * Internet class).
844 *
845 * rdlen: Length, in bytes, of the rdata.
846 *
847 * rdata: A pointer to the raw rdata, as it is to appear in the DNS record.
848 *
849 * ttl: The time to live of the resource record, in seconds.
850 *
851 * callBack: The function to be called when a result is found, or if the call
852 * asynchronously fails (e.g. because of a name conflict.)
853 *
854 * context: An application context pointer which is passed to the callback function
855 * (may be NULL).
856 *
857 * return value: Returns kDNSServiceErr_NoError on succeses (any subsequent, asynchronous
858 * errors are delivered to the callback), otherwise returns an error code indicating
859 * the error that occurred (the callback is never invoked and the DNSRecordRef is
860 * not initialized.)
861 */
864 DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceRegisterRecord
865 (
866 DNSServiceRef sdRef,
867 DNSRecordRef *RecordRef,
868 DNSServiceFlags flags,
869 uint32_t interfaceIndex,
870 const char *fullname,
871 uint16_t rrtype,
872 uint16_t rrclass,
873 uint16_t rdlen,
874 const void *rdata,
875 uint32_t ttl,
876 DNSServiceRegisterRecordReply callBack,
877 void *context /* may be NULL */
878 );
881 /* DNSServiceQueryRecord
882 *
883 * Query for an arbitrary DNS record.
884 *
885 *
886 * DNSServiceQueryRecordReply() Callback Parameters:
887 *
888 * sdRef: The DNSServiceRef initialized by DNSServiceQueryRecord().
889 *
890 * flags: Possible values are Finished/MoreComing.
891 *
892 * interfaceIndex: The interface on which the query was resolved (the index for a given
893 * interface is determined via the if_nametoindex() family of calls).
894 *
895 * errorCode: Will be kDNSServiceErr_NoError on success, otherwise will
896 * indicate the failure that occurred. Other parameters are undefined if
897 * errorCode is nonzero.
898 *
899 * fullname: The resource record's full domain name.
900 *
901 * rrtype: The resource record's type (e.g. PTR, SRV, etc) as defined in nameser.h.
902 *
903 * rrclass: The class of the resource record, as defined in nameser.h (usually 1).
904 *
905 * rdlen: The length, in bytes, of the resource record rdata.
906 *
907 * rdata: The raw rdata of the resource record.
908 *
909 * ttl: The resource record's time to live, in seconds.
910 *
911 * context: The context pointer that was passed to the callout.
912 *
913 */
915 typedef void (*DNSServiceQueryRecordReply)
916 (
917 DNSServiceRef DNSServiceRef,
918 DNSServiceFlags flags,
919 uint32_t interfaceIndex,
920 DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
921 const char *fullname,
922 uint16_t rrtype,
923 uint16_t rrclass,
924 uint16_t rdlen,
925 const void *rdata,
926 uint32_t ttl,
927 void *context
928 );
930 /* DNSServiceQueryRecord() Parameters:
931 *
932 * sdRef: A pointer to an uninitialized DNSServiceRef.
933 *
934 * flags: Currently unused, reserved for future use.
935 *
936 * interfaceIndex: If non-zero, specifies the interface on which to issue the query
937 * (the index for a given interface is determined via the if_nametoindex()
938 * family of calls.) Passing 0 causes the name to be queried for on all
939 * interfaces. Passing -1 causes the name to be queried for only on the
940 * local host.
941 *
942 * fullname: The full domain name of the resource record to be queried for.
943 *
944 * rrtype: The numerical type of the resource record to be queried for (e.g. PTR, SRV, etc)
945 * as defined in nameser.h.
946 *
947 * rrclass: The class of the resource record, as defined in nameser.h
948 * (usually 1 for the Internet class).
949 *
950 * callBack: The function to be called when a result is found, or if the call
951 * asynchronously fails.
952 *
953 * context: An application context pointer which is passed to the callback function
954 * (may be NULL).
955 *
956 * return value: Returns kDNSServiceErr_NoError on succeses (any subsequent, asynchronous
957 * errors are delivered to the callback), otherwise returns an error code indicating
958 * the error that occurred (the callback is never invoked and the DNSServiceRef
959 * is not initialized.)
960 */
962 DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceQueryRecord
963 (
964 DNSServiceRef *sdRef,
965 DNSServiceFlags flags,
966 uint32_t interfaceIndex,
967 const char *fullname,
968 uint16_t rrtype,
969 uint16_t rrclass,
970 DNSServiceQueryRecordReply callBack,
971 void *context /* may be NULL */
972 );
974 /* DNSServiceReconfirmRecord
975 *
976 * Instruct the daemon to verify the validity of a resource record that appears to
977 * be out of date (e.g. because tcp connection to a service's target failed.)
978 * Causes the record to be flushed from the daemon's cache (as well as all other
979 * daemons' caches on the network) if the record is determined to be invalid.
980 *
981 * Parameters:
982 *
983 * flags: Currently unused, reserved for future use.
984 *
985 * fullname: The resource record's full domain name.
986 *
987 * rrtype: The resource record's type (e.g. PTR, SRV, etc) as defined in nameser.h.
988 *
989 * rrclass: The class of the resource record, as defined in nameser.h (usually 1).
990 *
991 * rdlen: The length, in bytes, of the resource record rdata.
992 *
993 * rdata: The raw rdata of the resource record.
994 *
995 */
997 void DNSServiceReconfirmRecord
998 (
999 DNSServiceFlags flags,
1000 uint32_t interfaceIndex,
1001 const char *fullname,
1002 uint16_t rrtype,
1003 uint16_t rrclass,
1004 uint16_t rdlen,
1005 const void *rdata
1006 );
1009 #endif // _DNS_SD_H