[apple/libinfo.git] / Libinfo / pseudo_private.h
1 /*
2 Copyright (c) 2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
4 This pseduo-header file contains declarations for private symbols that are exported in libsystem_info.dylib but don't
5 have a proper header file. This file allows InstallAPI, which parses header files to infer the symbols exported by a
6 library, to know about these symbols.
7 */
9 #if (defined(DS_AVAILABLE))
10 int _ds_running(void);
11 #endif
12 mach_port_t _getaddrinfo_interface_async_call(const char *nodename, const char *servname, const struct addrinfo *hints, const char *interface, getaddrinfo_async_callback callback, void *context);
13 mach_port_t _getnameinfo_interface_async_call(const struct sockaddr *sa, size_t len, int flags, const char *interface, getnameinfo_async_callback callback, void *context);
14 #if (defined(DS_AVAILABLE))
15 void _si_disable_opendirectory(void);
16 #endif
17 extern uint32_t gL1CacheEnabled;
18 int32_t getgroupcount(const char *name, gid_t basegid);
19 int32_t getgrouplist_2(const char *name, gid_t basegid, gid_t **groups);