]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/libdispatch.git/blob - man/dispatch_source_create.3
[apple/libdispatch.git] / man / dispatch_source_create.3
1 .\" Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
2 .Dd May 1, 2009
3 .Dt dispatch_source_create 3
4 .Os Darwin
5 .Sh NAME
6 .Nm dispatch_source_create
7 .Nd dispatch event sources
9 .Fd #include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
10 .Ft dispatch_source_t
11 .Fo dispatch_source_create
12 .Fa "dispatch_source_type_t type"
13 .Fa "uintptr_t handle"
14 .Fa "unsigned long mask"
15 .Fa "dispatch_queue_t queue"
16 .Fc
17 .Ft void
18 .Fo dispatch_source_set_event_handler
19 .Fa "dispatch_source_t source"
20 .Fa "void (^block)(void)"
21 .Fc
22 .Ft void
23 .Fo dispatch_source_set_event_handler_f
24 .Fa "dispatch_source_t source"
25 .Fa "void (*function)(void *)"
26 .Fc
27 .Ft void
28 .Fo dispatch_source_set_registration_handler
29 .Fa "dispatch_source_t source"
30 .Fa "void (^block)(void)"
31 .Fc
32 .Ft void
33 .Fo dispatch_source_set_registration_handler_f
34 .Fa "dispatch_source_t source"
35 .Fa "void (*function)(void *)"
36 .Fc
37 .Ft void
38 .Fo dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler
39 .Fa "dispatch_source_t source"
40 .Fa "void (^block)(void)"
41 .Fc
42 .Ft void
43 .Fo dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler_f
44 .Fa "dispatch_source_t source"
45 .Fa "void (*function)(void *)"
46 .Fc
47 .Ft void
48 .Fo dispatch_source_cancel
49 .Fa "dispatch_source_t source"
50 .Fc
51 .Ft long
52 .Fo dispatch_source_testcancel
53 .Fa "dispatch_source_t source"
54 .Fc
55 .Ft uintptr_t
56 .Fo dispatch_source_get_handle
57 .Fa "dispatch_source_t source"
58 .Fc
59 .Ft "unsigned long"
60 .Fo dispatch_source_get_mask
61 .Fa "dispatch_source_t source"
62 .Fc
63 .Ft "unsigned long"
64 .Fo dispatch_source_get_data
65 .Fa "dispatch_source_t source"
66 .Fc
67 .Ft void
68 .Fo dispatch_source_merge_data
69 .Fa "dispatch_source_t source"
70 .Fa "unsigned long data"
71 .Fc
72 .Ft void
73 .Fo dispatch_source_set_timer
74 .Fa "dispatch_source_t source"
75 .Fa "dispatch_time_t start"
76 .Fa "uint64_t interval"
77 .Fa "uint64_t leeway"
78 .Fc
80 Dispatch event sources may be used to monitor a variety of system objects and
81 events including file descriptors, mach ports, processes, virtual filesystem
82 nodes, signal delivery and timers.
83 .Pp
84 When a state change occurs, the dispatch source will submit its event handler
85 block to its target queue.
86 .Pp
87 The
88 .Fn dispatch_source_create
89 function creates a new dispatch source object that may be retained and released
90 with calls to
91 .Fn dispatch_retain
92 and
93 .Fn dispatch_release
94 respectively. The
95 .Fa queue
96 parameter specifies the target queue of the new source object, it will
97 be retained by the source object. Pass the
99 constant to use the default target queue (the default priority global
100 concurrent queue).
101 .Pp
102 Newly created sources are created in a suspended state. After the source has
103 been configured by setting an event handler, cancellation handler, registration
104 handler, context,
105 etc., the source must be activated by a call to
106 .Fn dispatch_resume
107 before any events will be delivered.
108 .Pp
109 Dispatch sources may be one of the following types:
110 .Bl -bullet -compact -offset indent
111 .It
113 .It
115 .It
117 .It
119 .It
121 .It
123 .It
125 .It
127 .It
129 .It
131 .It
133 .It
135 .El
136 .Pp
137 The
138 .Fa handle
139 and
140 .Fa mask
141 arguments to
142 .Fn dispatch_source_create
143 and the return values of the
144 .Fn dispatch_source_get_handle ,
145 .Fn dispatch_source_get_mask ,
146 and
147 .Fn dispatch_source_get_data
148 functions should be interpreted according to the type of the dispatch source.
149 .Pp
150 The
151 .Fn dispatch_source_get_handle
152 function
153 returns the underlying handle to the dispatch source (i.e. file descriptor,
154 mach port, process identifer, etc.). The result of this function may be cast
155 directly to the underlying type.
156 .Pp
157 The
158 .Fn dispatch_source_get_mask
159 function
160 returns the set of flags that were specified at source creation time via the
161 .Fa mask
162 argument.
163 .Pp
164 The
165 .Fn dispatch_source_get_data
166 function returns the currently pending data for the dispatch source.
167 This function should only be called from within the source's event handler.
168 The result of calling this function from any other context is undefined.
169 .Pp
170 The
171 .Fn dispatch_source_merge_data
172 function is intended for use with the
175 and
177 source types. The result of using this function with any other source type is
178 undefined. Data merging is performed according to the source type:
179 .Bl -tag -width "XXDISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_DATA_REPLACE" -compact -offset indent
181 .Vt data
182 is atomically added to the source's data
184 .Vt data
185 is atomically bitwise ORed into the source's data
187 .Vt data
188 atomically replaces the source's data.
189 .El
190 .Pp
191 If the source data value resulting from the merge operation is 0, the source
192 handler will not be invoked. This can happen if:
193 .Bl -bullet -compact -offset indent
194 .It
195 the atomic addition wraps for sources of type
197 .It
198 0 is merged for sources of type
200 .El
201 .Pp
203 In order to receive events from the dispatch source, an event handler should be
204 specified via
205 .Fn dispatch_source_set_event_handler .
206 The event handler block is submitted to the source's target queue when the state
207 of the underlying system handle changes, or when an event occurs. If a source
208 is resumed with no event handler block set, events will be quietly ignored.
209 If the event handler block is changed while the source is suspended, or from a
210 block running on a serial queue that is the source's target queue, then the next
211 event handler invocation will use the new block.
212 .Pp
213 Dispatch sources may be suspended or resumed independently of their target
214 queues using
215 .Fn dispatch_suspend
216 and
217 .Fn dispatch_resume
218 on the dispatch source directly. The data describing events which occur while a
219 source is suspended are coalesced and delivered once the source is resumed.
220 .Pp
221 The
222 .Fa handler
223 block
224 need not be reentrant safe, as it is not resubmitted to the target
225 .Fa queue
226 until any prior invocation for that dispatch source has completed.
227 When the handler is set, the dispatch source will perform a
228 .Fn Block_copy
229 on the
230 .Fa handler
231 block.
232 .Pp
233 To unset the event handler, call
234 .Fn dispatch_source_set_event_handler_f
235 and pass NULL as
236 .Fa function .
237 This unsets the event handler regardless of whether the handler
238 was a function pointer or a block. Registration and cancellation handlers
239 (see below) may be unset in the same way, but as noted below, a cancellation
240 handler may be required.
242 When
243 .Fn dispatch_resume
244 is called on a suspended or newly created source, there may be a brief delay
245 before the source is ready to receive events from the underlying system handle.
246 During this delay, the event handler will not be invoked, and events will be
247 missed.
248 .Pp
249 Once the dispatch source is registered with the underlying system and is ready
250 to process all events its optional registration handler will be submitted to
251 its target queue. This registration handler may be specified via
252 .Fn dispatch_source_set_registration_handler .
253 .Pp
254 The event handler will not be called until the registration handler finishes.
255 If the source is canceled (see below) before it is registered,
256 its registration handler will not be called.
257 .Pp
259 The
260 .Fn dispatch_source_cancel
261 function asynchronously cancels the dispatch source, preventing any further
262 invocation of its event handler block. Cancellation does not interrupt a
263 currently executing handler block (non-preemptive). If a source is canceled
264 before the first time it is resumed, its event handler will never be called.
265 (In this case, note that the source must be resumed before it can be released.)
266 .Pp
267 The
268 .Fn dispatch_source_testcancel
269 function may be used to determine whether the specified source has been
270 canceled. A non-zero value will be returned if the source is canceled.
271 .Pp
272 When a dispatch source is canceled its optional cancellation handler will be
273 submitted to its target queue. The cancellation handler may be specified via
274 .Fn dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler .
275 This cancellation handler is invoked only once, and only as a direct consequence
276 of calling
277 .Fn dispatch_source_cancel .
278 .Pp
279 .Em Important:
280 a cancellation handler is required for file descriptor and mach port based
281 sources in order to safely close the descriptor or destroy the port. Closing the
282 descriptor or port before the cancellation handler has run may result in a race
283 condition: if a new descriptor is allocated with the same value as the recently
284 closed descriptor while the source's event handler is still running, the event
285 handler may read/write data to the wrong descriptor.
286 .Pp
288 The following section contains a summary of supported dispatch event types and
289 the interpretation of their parameters and returned data.
290 .Pp
294 .Pp
295 Sources of this type allow applications to manually trigger the source's event
296 handler via a call to
297 .Fn dispatch_source_merge_data .
298 The data will be merged with the source's pending data via an atomic add or
299 atomic bitwise OR, or direct replacement (based on the source's type), and the
300 event handler block will be submitted to the source's target queue. The
301 .Fa data
302 is application defined. These sources have no
303 .Fa handle
304 or
305 .Fa mask
306 and zero should be used.
307 .Pp
309 .Pp
310 Sources of this type monitor a mach port with a send right for state changes.
311 The
312 .Fa handle
313 is the mach port (mach_port_t) to monitor and the
314 .Fa mask
315 may be:
316 .Bl -tag -width "XXDISPATCH_PROC_SIGNAL" -compact -offset indent
318 The port's corresponding receive right has been destroyed
319 .El
320 .Pp
321 The data returned by
322 .Fn dispatch_source_get_data
323 is a bitmask that indicates which of the events in the
324 .Fa mask
325 were observed. Note that because this source type will request notifications on
326 the provided port, it should not be mixed with the use of
327 .Fn mach_port_request_notification
328 on the same port.
329 .Pp
331 .Pp
332 Sources of this type monitor a mach port with a receive right for state changes.
333 The
334 .Fa handle
335 is the mach port (mach_port_t) to monitor and the
336 .Fa mask
337 is unused and should be zero.
338 The event handler block will be submitted to the target queue when a message
339 on the mach port is waiting to be received.
340 .Pp
342 .Pp
343 Sources of this type monitor the system memory pressure condition for state
344 changes. The
345 .Fa handle
346 is unused and should be zero. The
347 .Fa mask
348 may be one or more of the following:
349 .Bl -tag -width "XXDISPATCH_MEMORYPRESSURE_CRITICAL" -compact -offset indent
351 The system memory pressure condition has returned to normal.
353 The system memory pressure condition has changed to warning.
355 The system memory pressure condition has changed to critical.
356 .El
357 .Pp
358 The data returned by
359 .Fn dispatch_source_get_data
360 indicates which of the events in the
361 .Fa mask
362 were observed.
363 .Pp
364 Elevated memory pressure is a system-wide condition that applications
365 registered for this source should react to by changing their future memory use
366 behavior, e.g. by reducing cache sizes of newly initiated operations until
367 memory pressure returns back to normal.
368 .Pp
369 However, applications should
370 .Em NOT
371 traverse and discard existing caches for past operations when the system memory
372 pressure enters an elevated state, as that is likely to trigger VM operations
373 that will further aggravate system memory pressure.
374 .Pp
376 .Pp
377 Sources of this type monitor processes for state changes.
378 The
379 .Fa handle
380 is the process identifier (pid_t) of the process to monitor and the
381 .Fa mask
382 may be one or more of the following:
383 .Bl -tag -width "XXDISPATCH_PROC_SIGNAL" -compact -offset indent
385 The process has exited and is available to
386 .Xr wait 2 .
388 The process has created one or more child processes.
390 The process has become another executable image via a call to
391 .Xr execve 2
392 or
393 .Xr posix_spawn 2 .
395 A signal was delivered to the process.
396 .El
397 .Pp
398 The data returned by
399 .Fn dispatch_source_get_data
400 is a bitmask that indicates which of the events in the
401 .Fa mask
402 were observed.
403 .Pp
405 .Pp
406 Sources of this type monitor file descriptors for pending data.
407 The
408 .Fa handle
409 is the file descriptor (int) to monitor and the
410 .Fa mask
411 is unused and should be zero.
412 .Pp
413 The data returned by
414 .Fn dispatch_source_get_data
415 is an estimated number of bytes available to be read from the descriptor. This
416 estimate should be treated as a suggested
417 .Em minimum
418 read buffer size. There are no guarantees that a complete read of this size
419 will be performed.
420 .Pp
421 Users of this source type are strongly encouraged to perform non-blocking I/O
422 and handle any truncated reads or error conditions that may occur. See
423 .Xr fcntl 2
424 for additional information about setting the
426 flag on a file descriptor.
427 .Pp
429 .Pp
430 Sources of this type monitor signals delivered to the current process. The
431 .Fa handle
432 is the signal number to monitor (int) and the
433 .Fa mask
434 is unused and should be zero.
435 .Pp
436 The data returned by
437 .Fn dispatch_source_get_data
438 is the number of signals received since the last invocation of the event handler
439 block.
440 .Pp
441 Unlike signal handlers specified via
442 .Fn sigaction ,
443 the execution of the event handler block does not interrupt the current thread
444 of execution; therefore the handler block is not limited to the use of signal
445 safe interfaces defined in
446 .Xr sigaction 2 .
447 Furthermore, multiple observers of a given signal are supported; thus allowing
448 applications and libraries to cooperate safely. However, a dispatch source
449 .Em does not
450 install a signal handler or otherwise alter the behavior of signal delivery.
451 Therefore, applications must ignore or at least catch any signal that terminates
452 a process by default. For example, near the top of
453 .Fn main :
454 .Bd -literal -offset ident
455 signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
456 .Ed
457 .Pp
459 .Pp
460 Sources of this type periodically submit the event handler block to the target
461 queue. The
462 .Fa handle
463 argument is unused and should be zero.
464 .Pp
465 The data returned by
466 .Fn dispatch_source_get_data
467 is the number of times the timer has fired since the last invocation of the
468 event handler block.
469 .Pp
470 The timer parameters are configured with the
471 .Fn dispatch_source_set_timer
472 function. Once this function returns, any pending source data accumulated for
473 the previous timer parameters has been cleared; the next fire of the timer will
474 occur at
475 .Fa start ,
476 and every
477 .Fa interval
478 nanoseconds thereafter until the timer source is canceled.
479 .Pp
480 Any fire of the timer may be delayed by the system in order to improve power
481 consumption and system performance. The upper limit to the allowable delay may
482 be configured with the
483 .Fa leeway
484 argument, the lower limit is under the control of the system.
485 .Pp
486 For the initial timer fire at
487 .Fa start ,
488 the upper limit to the allowable delay is set to
489 .Fa leeway
490 nanoseconds. For the subsequent timer fires at
491 .Fa start
492 .Li "+ N *"
493 .Fa interval ,
494 the upper limit is
495 .Li MIN(
496 .Fa leeway ,
497 .Fa interval
498 .Li "/ 2 )" .
499 .Pp
500 The lower limit to the allowable delay may vary with process state such as
501 visibility of application UI. If the specified timer source was created with a
502 .Fa mask
503 of
505 the system will make a best effort to strictly observe the provided
506 .Fa leeway
507 value even if it is smaller than the current lower limit. Note that a minimal
508 amount of delay is to be expected even if this flag is specified.
509 .Pp
510 The
511 .Fa start
512 argument also determines which clock will be used for the timer: If
513 .Fa start
514 is
516 or was created with
517 .Xr dispatch_time 3 ,
518 the timer is based on
519 .Fn mach_absolute_time .
520 If
521 .Fa start
522 was created with
523 .Xr dispatch_walltime 3 ,
524 the timer is based on
525 .Xr gettimeofday 3 .
526 .Pp
528 .Pp
529 Sources of this type monitor the virtual filesystem nodes for state changes.
530 The
531 .Fa handle
532 is a file descriptor (int) referencing the node to monitor, and
533 the
534 .Fa mask
535 may be one or more of the following:
536 .Bl -tag -width "XXDISPATCH_VNODE_ATTRIB" -compact -offset indent
538 The referenced node was removed from the filesystem namespace via
539 .Xr unlink 2 .
541 A write to the referenced file occurred.
543 The referenced file was extended.
545 The metadata attributes of the referenced node have changed.
547 The link count on the referenced node has changed.
549 The referenced node was renamed.
551 Access to the referenced node was revoked via
552 .Xr revoke 2
553 or the underlying fileystem was unmounted.
555 The referenced file was unlocked by
556 .Xr flock 2
557 or
558 .Xr close 2 .
559 .El
560 .Pp
561 The data returned by
562 .Fn dispatch_source_get_data
563 is a bitmask that indicates which of the events in the
564 .Fa mask
565 were observed.
566 .Pp
568 .Pp
569 Sources of this type monitor file descriptors for available write buffer space.
570 The
571 .Fa handle
572 is the file descriptor (int) to monitor and the
573 .Fa mask
574 is unused and should be zero.
575 .Pp
576 Users of this source type are strongly encouraged to perform non-blocking I/O
577 and handle any truncated reads or error conditions that may occur. See
578 .Xr fcntl 2
579 for additional information about setting the
581 flag on a file descriptor.
582 .Pp
583 .Sh SEE ALSO
584 .Xr dispatch 3 ,
585 .Xr dispatch_object 3 ,
586 .Xr dispatch_queue_create 3