]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/libc.git/blob - net/hesiod.3
[apple/libc.git] / net / hesiod.3
1 .\" $NetBSD: hesiod.3,v 1.1 1999/01/25 03:43:04 lukem Exp $
2 .\" $FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/net/hesiod.3,v 1.3 2001/10/01 16:08:55 ru Exp $
3 .\"
4 .\" from: #Id: hesiod.3,v 1997/01/03 21:02:23 ghudson Exp #
5 .\"
6 .\" Copyright 1988, 1996 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
7 .\"
8 .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
9 .\" software and its documentation for any purpose and without
10 .\" fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
11 .\" notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright
12 .\" notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
13 .\" documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in
14 .\" advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
15 .\" software without specific, written prior permission.
16 .\" M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
17 .\" this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
18 .\" without express or implied warranty.
19 .\"
20 .Dd November 30, 1996
21 .Dt HESIOD 3
22 .Os
23 .Sh NAME
24 .Nm hesiod ,
25 .Nm hesiod_init ,
26 .Nm hesiod_resolve ,
27 .Nm hesiod_free_list ,
28 .Nm hesiod_to_bind ,
29 .Nm hesiod_end
30 .Nd Hesiod name server interface library
32 .Lb libc
34 .In hesiod.h
35 .Ft int
36 .Fn hesiod_init "void **context"
37 .Ft char **
38 .Fn hesiod_resolve "void *context" "const char *name" "const char *type"
39 .Ft void
40 .Fn hesiod_free_list "void *context" "char **list"
41 .Ft char *
42 .Fn hesiod_to_bind "void *context" "const char *name" "const char *type"
43 .Ft void
44 .Fn hesiod_end "void *context"
46 This family of functions allows you to perform lookups of Hesiod
47 information, which is stored as text records in the Domain Name
48 Service.
49 To perform lookups, you must first initialize a
50 .Fa context ,
51 an opaque object which stores information used internally by the
52 library between calls.
53 .Fn hesiod_init
54 initializes a context, storing a pointer to the context in the
55 location pointed to by the
56 .Fa context
57 argument.
58 .Fn hesiod_end
59 frees the resources used by a context.
60 .Pp
61 .Fn hesiod_resolve
62 is the primary interface to the library.
63 If successful, it returns a
64 list of one or more strings giving the records matching
65 .Fa name
66 and
67 .Fa type .
68 The last element of the list is followed by a
69 .Dv NULL
70 pointer.
71 It is the
72 caller's responsibility to call
73 .Fn hesiod_free_list
74 to free the resources used by the returned list.
75 .Pp
76 .Fn hesiod_to_bind
77 converts
78 .Fa name
79 and
80 .Fa type
81 into the DNS name used by
82 .Fn hesiod_resolve .
83 It is the caller's responsibility to free the returned string using
84 .Fn free .
86 .Rv -std hesiod_init
87 On failure,
88 .Fn hesiod_resolve
89 and
90 .Fn hesiod_to_bind
91 return
92 .Dv NULL
93 and set the global variable
94 .Va errno
95 to indicate the error.
97 .Bl -tag -width HESIOD_CONFIG
99 If the environment variable
101 is set, it will override the domain in the Hesiod configuration file.
103 If the environment variable
105 is set, it specifies the location of the Hesiod configuration file.
106 .El
107 .Sh SEE ALSO
108 .Xr hesiod.conf 5 ,
109 .Xr named 8
110 .Rs
111 .%T "Hesiod - Project Athena Technical Plan -- Name Service"
112 .Re
113 .Sh ERRORS
114 Hesiod calls may fail because of:
115 .Bl -tag -width Er
116 .It Bq Er ENOMEM
117 Insufficient memory was available to carry out the requested
118 operation.
119 .It Bq Er ENOEXEC
120 .Fn hesiod_init
121 failed because the Hesiod configuration file was invalid.
123 .Fn hesiod_resolve
124 failed because no name server could be contacted to answer the query.
125 .It Bq Er EMSGSIZE
126 .Fn hesiod_resolve
127 or
128 .Fn hesiod_to_bind
129 failed because the query or response was too big to fit into the
130 packet buffers.
131 .It Bq Er ENOENT
132 .Fn hesiod_resolve
133 failed because the name server had no text records matching
134 .Fa name
135 and
136 .Fa type ,
137 or
138 .Fn hesiod_to_bind
139 failed because the
140 .Fa name
141 argument had a domain extension which could not be resolved with type
142 .Dq rhs\-extension
143 in the local Hesiod domain.
144 .El
146 .An Steve Dyer ,
147 IBM/Project Athena
148 .An Greg Hudson ,
149 MIT Team Athena
150 .Pp
151 Copyright 1987, 1988, 1995, 1996 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
152 .Sh BUGS
153 The strings corresponding to the
154 .Va errno
155 values set by the Hesiod functions are not particularly indicative of
156 what went wrong, especially for
158 and
159 .Er ENOENT .