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1 <html><head>
2 <title>Test results, squirrelfish</title>
3 </head>
4 <body bgcolor='white'>
5 <a name='tippy_top'></a>
6 <h2>Test results, squirrelfish</h2><br>
7 <p class='results_summary'>
8 Test List: All tests<br>
9 Skip List: ecma/Date/, ecma/Date/, ecma/Date/, ecma/Date/, ecma/Date/, ecma/Date/, ecma/Date/, ecma_3/Date/, ecma/Date/, ecma/Date/, ecma/Date/<br>
10 1124 test(s) selected, 1116 test(s) completed, 44 failures reported (3.94% failed)<br>
11 Engine command line: "/Volumes/Data/Saxony/OpenSource/WebKitBuild/Debug/jsc" <br>
12 OS type: Darwin Bearclaw-Kaliber.local 12.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 12.0.0: Fri Jun 22 20:01:10 PDT 2012; root:xnu-2050.7.7~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64<br>
13 Testcase execution time: 54 seconds.<br>
14 Tests completed on Fri Sep 21 18:29:47 2012.<br><br>
15 [ <a href='#fail_detail'>Failure Details</a> | <a href='#retest_list'>Retest List</a> | <a href='menu.html'>Test Selection Page</a> ]<br>
16 <hr>
17 <a name='fail_detail'></a>
18 <h2>Failure Details</h2><br>
19 <dl><a name='failure1'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./ecma_2/Exceptions/function-001.js'>ecma_2/Exceptions/function-001.js</a> failed</b> <a href='http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10278' target='other_window'>Bug Number 10278</a><br>
20 [ <a href='#failure2'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
21 <tt><br>
22 Failure messages were:<br>
23 eval("function f(){}function g(){}") (threw no exception thrown = fail FAILED! expected: pass<br>
24 </tt><br>
25 <a name='failure2'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./ecma_2/RegExp/regress-001.js'>ecma_2/RegExp/regress-001.js</a> failed</b> <a href='http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2157' target='other_window'>Bug Number http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2157</a><br>
26 [ <a href='#failure1'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure3'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
27 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
28 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
29 Complete testcase output was:<br>
30 RegExp/hex-001.js JS regexp anchoring on empty match bug<br>
31 BUGNUMBER: http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2157<br>
32 Exception: TypeError: '/a||b/' is not a function (evaluating '/a||b/('')')<br>
33 global code@./ecma_2/RegExp/regress-001.js:18<br>
34 </tt><br>
35 <a name='failure3'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./ecma_3/FunExpr/fe-001.js'>ecma_3/FunExpr/fe-001.js</a> failed</b> <br>
36 [ <a href='#failure2'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure4'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
37 <tt>STATUS: Function Expression Statements basic test.<br>
38 Failure messages were:<br>
39 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Both functions were defined.<br>
40 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value '1', Actual value '0'<br>
41 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
42 </tt><br>
43 <a name='failure4'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./ecma_3/Statements/regress-194364.js'>ecma_3/Statements/regress-194364.js</a> failed</b> <br>
44 [ <a href='#failure3'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure5'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
45 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
46 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
47 Complete testcase output was:<br>
48 Exception: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '('<br>
49 eval@[native code]<br>
50 global code@./ecma_3/Statements/regress-194364.js:56<br>
51 </tt><br>
52 <a name='failure5'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./ecma_3/Unicode/uc-001.js'>ecma_3/Unicode/uc-001.js</a> failed</b> <a href='http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23610' target='other_window'>Bug Number 23610</a><br>
53 [ <a href='#failure4'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure6'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
54 <tt>STATUS: Unicode format-control character (Category Cf) test.<br>
55 Failure messages were:<br>
56 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Unicode format-control character test (Category Cf.)<br>
57 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value 'no error', Actual value 'no‎ error'<br>
58 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
59 </tt><br>
60 <a name='failure6'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_2/Objects/toString-001.js'>js1_2/Objects/toString-001.js</a> failed</b> <br>
61 [ <a href='#failure5'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure7'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
62 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
63 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
64 Complete testcase output was:<br>
65 JS1_2 Object.toString()<br>
66 Exception: TypeError: '/^\{(.*)\}$/' is not a function (evaluating '/^\{(.*)\}$/(s)')<br>
67 checkObjectToString@./js1_2/Objects/toString-001.js:103<br>
68 global code@./js1_2/Objects/toString-001.js:64<br>
69 </tt><br>
70 <a name='failure7'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_2/function/Function_object.js'>js1_2/function/Function_object.js</a> failed</b> <br>
71 [ <a href='#failure6'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure8'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
72 <tt><br>
73 Failure messages were:<br>
74 f.arity = undefined FAILED! expected: 3<br>
75 } FAILED! expected: <br>
76 </tt><br>
77 <a name='failure8'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_2/function/function-001-n.js'>js1_2/function/function-001-n.js</a> failed</b> <br>
78 [ <a href='#failure7'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure9'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
79 <tt>Expected exit code 3, got 0<br>
80 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
81 Complete testcase output was:<br>
82 function-001.js functions not separated by semicolons are errors in version 120 and higher<br>
83 eval("function f(){}function g(){}") = undefined PASSED!<br>
84 </tt><br>
85 <a name='failure9'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_2/function/regexparg-1.js'>js1_2/function/regexparg-1.js</a> failed</b> <br>
86 [ <a href='#failure8'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure10'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
87 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
88 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
89 Complete testcase output was:<br>
90 JS_1.2 The variable statment<br>
91 Exception: TypeError: '/abc/' is not a function (evaluating 'x("hi")')<br>
92 global code@./js1_2/function/regexparg-1.js:80<br>
93 </tt><br>
94 <a name='failure10'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_2/operator/equality.js'>js1_2/operator/equality.js</a> failed</b> <br>
95 [ <a href='#failure9'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure11'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
96 <tt><br>
97 Failure messages were:<br>
98 (new String('x') == 'x') = true FAILED! expected: false<br>
99 ('x' == new String('x')) = true FAILED! expected: false<br>
100 </tt><br>
101 <a name='failure11'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_2/regexp/RegExp_lastIndex.js'>js1_2/regexp/RegExp_lastIndex.js</a> failed</b> <br>
102 [ <a href='#failure10'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure12'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
103 <tt><br>
104 Failure messages were:<br>
105 re=/x./g; re.lastIndex=4; re.exec('xyabcdxa') = xa FAILED! expected: ["xa"]<br>
106 re.exec('xyabcdef') = xy FAILED! expected: ["xy"]<br>
107 </tt><br>
108 <a name='failure12'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_2/regexp/regress-6359.js'>js1_2/regexp/regress-6359.js</a> failed</b> <a href='http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6359' target='other_window'>Bug Number http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6359</a><br>
109 [ <a href='#failure11'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure13'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
110 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
111 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
112 Complete testcase output was:<br>
113 BUGNUMBER: http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6359<br>
114 Exception: TypeError: '/(a*)b\1+/' is not a function (evaluating '/(a*)b\1+/("baaac")')<br>
115 global code@./js1_2/regexp/regress-6359.js:56<br>
116 </tt><br>
117 <a name='failure13'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_2/regexp/regress-9141.js'>js1_2/regexp/regress-9141.js</a> failed</b> <a href='http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9141' target='other_window'>Bug Number http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9141</a><br>
118 [ <a href='#failure12'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure14'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
119 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
120 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
121 Complete testcase output was:<br>
122 BUGNUMBER: http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9141<br>
123 Exception: TypeError: '/(?:xx|x)*/' is not a function (evaluating '/(?:xx|x)*/(s)')<br>
124 global code@./js1_2/regexp/regress-9141.js:73<br>
125 </tt><br>
126 <a name='failure14'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_2/regexp/simple_form.js'>js1_2/regexp/simple_form.js</a> failed</b> <br>
127 [ <a href='#failure13'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure15'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
128 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
129 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
130 Complete testcase output was:<br>
131 Executing script: simple_form.js<br>
132 As described in Netscape doc "Whats new in JavaScript 1.2" RegExp: simple form<br>
133 Exception: TypeError: '/[0-9]{3}/' is not a function (evaluating '/[0-9]{3}/('23 2 34 678 9 09')')<br>
134 global code@./js1_2/regexp/simple_form.js:43<br>
135 </tt><br>
136 <a name='failure15'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_2/regexp/string_split.js'>js1_2/regexp/string_split.js</a> failed</b> <br>
137 [ <a href='#failure14'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure16'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
138 <tt><br>
139 Failure messages were:<br>
140 'abc'.split(/[a-z]/) = ,,, FAILED! expected: ,,<br>
141 'abc'.split(/[a-z]/) = ,,, FAILED! expected: ,,<br>
142 'abc'.split(new RegExp('[a-z]')) = ,,, FAILED! expected: ,,<br>
143 'abc'.split(new RegExp('[a-z]')) = ,,, FAILED! expected: ,,<br>
144 </tt><br>
145 <a name='failure16'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_2/version120/boolean-001.js'>js1_2/version120/boolean-001.js</a> failed</b> <br>
146 [ <a href='#failure15'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure17'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
147 <tt><br>
148 Failure messages were:<br>
149 new Boolean(false) = true FAILED! expected: false<br>
150 </tt><br>
151 <a name='failure17'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_2/version120/regress-99663.js'>js1_2/version120/regress-99663.js</a> failed</b> <br>
152 [ <a href='#failure16'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure18'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
153 <tt>STATUS: Regression test for Bugzilla bug 99663<br>
154 Failure messages were:<br>
155 Section 1 of test - got Error: Can't find variable: it FAILED! expected: a "read-only" error<br>
156 Section 2 of test - got Error: Can't find variable: it FAILED! expected: a "read-only" error<br>
157 Section 3 of test - got Error: Can't find variable: it FAILED! expected: a "read-only" error<br>
158 </tt><br>
159 <a name='failure18'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_3/Script/function-001-n.js'>js1_3/Script/function-001-n.js</a> failed</b> <a href='http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10278' target='other_window'>Bug Number 10278</a><br>
160 [ <a href='#failure17'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure19'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
161 <tt>Expected exit code 3, got 0<br>
162 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
163 Complete testcase output was:<br>
164 BUGNUMBER: 10278<br>
165 function-001.js functions not separated by semicolons are errors in version 120 and higher<br>
166 eval("function f(){}function g(){}") = undefined PASSED!<br>
167 </tt><br>
168 <a name='failure19'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_3/Script/script-001.js'>js1_3/Script/script-001.js</a> failed</b> <br>
169 [ <a href='#failure18'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure20'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
170 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
171 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
172 Complete testcase output was:<br>
173 script-001 NativeScript<br>
174 Exception: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Script<br>
175 global code@./js1_3/Script/script-001.js:133<br>
176 </tt><br>
177 <a name='failure20'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_3/regress/function-001-n.js'>js1_3/regress/function-001-n.js</a> failed</b> <a href='http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10278' target='other_window'>Bug Number 10278</a><br>
178 [ <a href='#failure19'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure21'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
179 <tt>Expected exit code 3, got 0<br>
180 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
181 Complete testcase output was:<br>
182 BUGNUMBER: 10278<br>
183 function-001.js functions not separated by semicolons are errors in version 120 and higher<br>
184 eval("function f(){}function g(){}") = undefined PASSED!<br>
185 </tt><br>
186 <a name='failure21'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Exceptions/catchguard-001.js'>js1_5/Exceptions/catchguard-001.js</a> failed</b> <br>
187 [ <a href='#failure20'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure22'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
188 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
189 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
190 Complete testcase output was:<br>
191 Exception: SyntaxError: Expected token ')'<br>
192 </tt><br>
193 <a name='failure22'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Exceptions/catchguard-002.js'>js1_5/Exceptions/catchguard-002.js</a> failed</b> <br>
194 [ <a href='#failure21'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure23'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
195 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
196 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
197 Complete testcase output was:<br>
198 Exception: SyntaxError: Expected token ')'<br>
199 </tt><br>
200 <a name='failure23'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Exceptions/catchguard-003.js'>js1_5/Exceptions/catchguard-003.js</a> failed</b> <br>
201 [ <a href='#failure22'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure24'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
202 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
203 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
204 Complete testcase output was:<br>
205 Exception: SyntaxError: Expected token ')'<br>
206 </tt><br>
207 <a name='failure24'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Exceptions/errstack-001.js'>js1_5/Exceptions/errstack-001.js</a> failed</b> <br>
208 [ <a href='#failure23'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure25'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
209 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
210 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
211 Complete testcase output was:<br>
212 Exception: TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'stackFrames[4].substring')<br>
213 global code@./js1_5/Exceptions/errstack-001.js:122<br>
214 </tt><br>
215 <a name='failure25'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Exceptions/regress-50447.js'>js1_5/Exceptions/regress-50447.js</a> failed</b> <a href='http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50447' target='other_window'>Bug Number 50447</a><br>
216 [ <a href='#failure24'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure26'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
217 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
218 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
219 Complete testcase output was:<br>
220 BUGNUMBER: 50447<br>
221 STATUS: Test (non-ECMA) Error object properties fileName, lineNumber<br>
222 Exception: TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'e.fileName.search')<br>
223 testRealError@./js1_5/Exceptions/regress-50447.js:65<br>
224 test@./js1_5/Exceptions/regress-50447.js:44<br>
225 global code@./js1_5/Exceptions/regress-50447.js:34<br>
226 </tt><br>
227 <a name='failure26'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/GetSet/getset-001.js'>js1_5/GetSet/getset-001.js</a> failed</b> <br>
228 [ <a href='#failure25'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure27'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
229 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
230 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
231 Complete testcase output was:<br>
232 Exception: SyntaxError: Expected an identifier but found 'getter' instead<br>
233 </tt><br>
234 <a name='failure27'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/GetSet/getset-002.js'>js1_5/GetSet/getset-002.js</a> failed</b> <br>
235 [ <a href='#failure26'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure28'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
236 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
237 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
238 Complete testcase output was:<br>
239 Exception: SyntaxError: Expected an identifier but found 'getter' instead<br>
240 </tt><br>
241 <a name='failure28'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/GetSet/getset-003.js'>js1_5/GetSet/getset-003.js</a> failed</b> <br>
242 [ <a href='#failure27'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure29'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
243 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
244 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
245 Complete testcase output was:<br>
246 Exception: SyntaxError: Expected an identifier but found 'setter' instead<br>
247 </tt><br>
248 <a name='failure29'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Object/regress-90596-001.js'>js1_5/Object/regress-90596-001.js</a> failed</b> <br>
249 [ <a href='#failure28'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure30'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
250 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
251 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
252 Complete testcase output was:<br>
253 Exception: TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'obj.toSource()')<br>
254 global code@./js1_5/Object/regress-90596-001.js:48<br>
255 </tt><br>
256 <a name='failure30'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Object/regress-90596-002.js'>js1_5/Object/regress-90596-002.js</a> failed</b> <br>
257 [ <a href='#failure29'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure31'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
258 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
259 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
260 Complete testcase output was:<br>
261 Exception: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: uneval<br>
262 global code@./js1_5/Object/regress-90596-002.js:48<br>
263 </tt><br>
264 <a name='failure31'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Object/regress-96284-001.js'>js1_5/Object/regress-96284-001.js</a> failed</b> <br>
265 [ <a href='#failure30'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure32'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
266 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
267 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
268 Complete testcase output was:<br>
269 Exception: TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'obj1.toSource()')<br>
270 global code@./js1_5/Object/regress-96284-001.js:49<br>
271 </tt><br>
272 <a name='failure32'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Object/regress-96284-002.js'>js1_5/Object/regress-96284-002.js</a> failed</b> <br>
273 [ <a href='#failure31'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure33'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
274 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
275 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
276 Complete testcase output was:<br>
277 Exception: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: uneval<br>
278 global code@./js1_5/Object/regress-96284-002.js:49<br>
279 </tt><br>
280 <a name='failure33'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Regress/regress-44009.js'>js1_5/Regress/regress-44009.js</a> failed</b> <a href='http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44009' target='other_window'>Bug Number 44009</a><br>
281 [ <a href='#failure32'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure34'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
282 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
283 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
284 Complete testcase output was:<br>
285 BUGNUMBER: 44009<br>
286 STATUS: Testing that we don't crash on obj.toSource()<br>
287 Exception: TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'obj.toSource()')<br>
288 testThis@./js1_5/Regress/regress-44009.js:60<br>
289 test@./js1_5/Regress/regress-44009.js:48<br>
290 global code@./js1_5/Regress/regress-44009.js:35<br>
291 </tt><br>
292 <a name='failure34'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Regress/regress-103602.js'>js1_5/Regress/regress-103602.js</a> failed</b> <a href='http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=103602' target='other_window'>Bug Number 103602</a><br>
293 [ <a href='#failure33'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure35'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
294 <tt>STATUS: Reassignment to a const is NOT an error per ECMA<br>
295 Failure messages were:<br>
296 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 1 of test -<br>
297 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value '', Actual value 'Redeclaration of a const FAILED to cause an error'<br>
298 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
299 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 3 of test -<br>
300 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value '1', Actual value '2'<br>
301 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
302 </tt><br>
303 <a name='failure35'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Regress/regress-104077.js'>js1_5/Regress/regress-104077.js</a> failed</b> <br>
304 [ <a href='#failure34'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure36'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
305 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
306 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
307 Complete testcase output was:<br>
308 Exception: SyntaxError: Expected token ')'<br>
309 </tt><br>
310 <a name='failure36'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Regress/regress-127557.js'>js1_5/Regress/regress-127557.js</a> failed</b> <br>
311 [ <a href='#failure35'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure37'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
312 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
313 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
314 Complete testcase output was:<br>
315 Exception: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: clone<br>
316 global code@./js1_5/Regress/regress-127557.js:75<br>
317 </tt><br>
318 <a name='failure37'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Regress/regress-172699.js'>js1_5/Regress/regress-172699.js</a> failed</b> <br>
319 [ <a href='#failure36'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure38'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
320 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
321 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
322 Complete testcase output was:<br>
323 Exception: URIError: URI error<br>
324 decodeURI@[native code]<br>
325 global code@./js1_5/Regress/regress-172699.js:61<br>
326 </tt><br>
327 <a name='failure38'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Regress/regress-179524.js'>js1_5/Regress/regress-179524.js</a> failed</b> <a href='http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=179524' target='other_window'>Bug Number 179524</a><br>
328 [ <a href='#failure37'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure39'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
329 <tt>STATUS: Don't crash on extraneous arguments to str.match(), etc.<br>
330 Failure messages were:<br>
331 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 14 of test -<br>
332 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value 'A', Actual value 'a'<br>
333 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
334 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 15 of test -<br>
335 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value 'A,a', Actual value 'a'<br>
336 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
337 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 17 of test -<br>
338 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value 'A', Actual value 'a'<br>
339 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
340 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 18 of test -<br>
341 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value 'A,a', Actual value 'a'<br>
342 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
343 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 20 of test -<br>
344 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value 'SHOULD HAVE FALLEN INTO CATCH-BLOCK!', Actual value 'a'<br>
345 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
346 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 22 of test -<br>
347 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value '0', Actual value '4'<br>
348 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
349 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 23 of test -<br>
350 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value '0', Actual value '4'<br>
351 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
352 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 25 of test -<br>
353 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value '0', Actual value '4'<br>
354 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
355 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 26 of test -<br>
356 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value '0', Actual value '4'<br>
357 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
358 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 28 of test -<br>
359 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Type mismatch, expected type string, actual type number<br>
360 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value 'SHOULD HAVE FALLEN INTO CATCH-BLOCK!', Actual value '4'<br>
361 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
362 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 30 of test -<br>
363 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value 'ZBC abc', Actual value 'ABC Zbc'<br>
364 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
365 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 31 of test -<br>
366 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value 'ZBC Zbc', Actual value 'ABC Zbc'<br>
367 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
368 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 33 of test -<br>
369 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value 'ZBC abc', Actual value 'ABC Zbc'<br>
370 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
371 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 34 of test -<br>
372 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value 'ZBC Zbc', Actual value 'ABC Zbc'<br>
373 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
374 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Section 36 of test -<br>
375 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value 'SHOULD HAVE FALLEN INTO CATCH-BLOCK!', Actual value 'ABC Zbc'<br>
376 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
377 </tt><br>
378 <a name='failure39'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Scope/regress-220584.js'>js1_5/Scope/regress-220584.js</a> failed</b> <br>
379 [ <a href='#failure38'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure40'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
380 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
381 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
382 Complete testcase output was:<br>
383 Exception: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Script<br>
384 global code@./js1_5/Scope/regress-220584.js:56<br>
385 </tt><br>
386 <a name='failure40'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_5/Scope/scope-001.js'>js1_5/Scope/scope-001.js</a> failed</b> <a href='http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53268' target='other_window'>Bug Number 53268</a><br>
387 [ <a href='#failure39'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure41'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
388 <tt>STATUS: Testing scope after changing obj.__proto__<br>
389 Failure messages were:<br>
390 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Step 1: setting obj.__proto__ = global object<br>
391 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value '5', Actual value '1'<br>
392 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
393 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Step 2: setting obj.__proto__ = null<br>
394 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Type mismatch, expected type undefined, actual type number<br>
395 FAILED!: [reported from test()] Expected value 'undefined', Actual value '1'<br>
396 FAILED!: [reported from test()] <br>
397 </tt><br>
398 <a name='failure41'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_6/Regress/regress-301574.js'>js1_6/Regress/regress-301574.js</a> failed</b> <a href='http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=301574' target='other_window'>Bug Number 301574</a><br>
399 [ <a href='#failure40'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure42'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
400 <tt>STATUS: E4X should be enabled even when e4x=1 not specified<br>
401 Failure messages were:<br>
402 FAILED!: E4X should be enabled even when e4x=1 not specified: XML()<br>
403 FAILED!: Expected value 'No error', Actual value 'error: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: XML'<br>
404 FAILED!: <br>
405 FAILED!: E4X should be enabled even when e4x=1 not specified: XMLList()<br>
406 FAILED!: Expected value 'No error', Actual value 'error: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: XML'<br>
407 FAILED!: <br>
408 </tt><br>
409 <a name='failure42'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_6/Regress/regress-309242.js'>js1_6/Regress/regress-309242.js</a> failed</b> <br>
410 [ <a href='#failure41'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure43'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
411 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
412 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
413 Complete testcase output was:<br>
414 Exception: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'<br>
415 </tt><br>
416 <a name='failure43'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_6/Regress/regress-314887.js'>js1_6/Regress/regress-314887.js</a> failed</b> <br>
417 [ <a href='#failure42'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure44'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
418 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
419 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
420 Complete testcase output was:<br>
421 Exception: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'<br>
422 </tt><br>
423 <a name='failure44'></a><dd><b>Testcase <a target='other_window' href='./js1_6/String/regress-306591.js'>js1_6/String/regress-306591.js</a> failed</b> <a href='http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=306591' target='other_window'>Bug Number 306591</a><br>
424 [ <a href='#failure43'>Previous Failure</a> | <a href='#failure45'>Next Failure</a> | <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> ]<br>
425 <tt>Expected exit code 0, got 3<br>
426 Testcase terminated with signal 0<br>
427 Complete testcase output was:<br>
428 BUGNUMBER: 306591<br>
429 STATUS: String static methods<br>
430 STATUS: See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=304828<br>
431 Exception: TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'String.split(new String('abc'), '')')<br>
432 global code@./js1_6/String/regress-306591.js:48<br>
433 </tt><br>
434 </dl>
435 [ <a href='#tippy_top'>Top of Page</a> | <a href='#fail_detail'>Top of Failures</a> ]<br>
436 <hr>
437 <pre>
438 <a name='retest_list'></a>
439 <h2>Retest List</h2><br>
440 # Retest List, squirrelfish, generated Fri Sep 21 18:29:47 2012.
441 # Original test base was: All tests.
442 # 1116 of 1124 test(s) were completed, 44 failures reported.
443 ecma_2/Exceptions/function-001.js
444 ecma_2/RegExp/regress-001.js
445 ecma_3/FunExpr/fe-001.js
446 ecma_3/Statements/regress-194364.js
447 ecma_3/Unicode/uc-001.js
448 js1_2/Objects/toString-001.js
449 js1_2/function/Function_object.js
450 js1_2/function/function-001-n.js
451 js1_2/function/regexparg-1.js
452 js1_2/operator/equality.js
453 js1_2/regexp/RegExp_lastIndex.js
454 js1_2/regexp/regress-6359.js
455 js1_2/regexp/regress-9141.js
456 js1_2/regexp/simple_form.js
457 js1_2/regexp/string_split.js
458 js1_2/version120/boolean-001.js
459 js1_2/version120/regress-99663.js
460 js1_3/Script/function-001-n.js
461 js1_3/Script/script-001.js
462 js1_3/regress/function-001-n.js
463 js1_5/Exceptions/catchguard-001.js
464 js1_5/Exceptions/catchguard-002.js
465 js1_5/Exceptions/catchguard-003.js
466 js1_5/Exceptions/errstack-001.js
467 js1_5/Exceptions/regress-50447.js
468 js1_5/GetSet/getset-001.js
469 js1_5/GetSet/getset-002.js
470 js1_5/GetSet/getset-003.js
471 js1_5/Object/regress-90596-001.js
472 js1_5/Object/regress-90596-002.js
473 js1_5/Object/regress-96284-001.js
474 js1_5/Object/regress-96284-002.js
475 js1_5/Regress/regress-44009.js
476 js1_5/Regress/regress-103602.js
477 js1_5/Regress/regress-104077.js
478 js1_5/Regress/regress-127557.js
479 js1_5/Regress/regress-172699.js
480 js1_5/Regress/regress-179524.js
481 js1_5/Scope/regress-220584.js
482 js1_5/Scope/scope-001.js
483 js1_6/Regress/regress-301574.js
484 js1_6/Regress/regress-309242.js
485 js1_6/Regress/regress-314887.js
486 js1_6/String/regress-306591.js