1 # ***************************************************************************
3 # * Copyright (C) 2004-2010, International Business Machines
4 # * Corporation; Unicode, Inc.; and others. All Rights Reserved.
6 # ***************************************************************************
7 # File: sk_FONIPA_ja.txt
10 $vowel = [aeiouw] ; # Vowels and glides
11 $not_vowel = [^$vowel] ;
35 ca → チャ ; # not backed by data
38 cu → チュ ; # not backed by data
39 co → チョ ; # not backed by data
63 hi → ヒ ; # not backed by data
71 ji → イ ; # not backed by data
81 l \' e → レ ; # not backed by data
82 l \' i → リ ; # not backed by data
83 l \' o → リヨ ; # not backed by data
84 l \' u → リユ ; # not backed by data
102 ɲo → ニョ ; # not backed by data
103 ɲu → ニュ ; # not backed by data
165 we → エ ; # not backed by data
166 wi → イ ; # not backed by data
167 wo → オ ; # not backed by data
168 wu → ウ ; # not backed by data
171 xe → ヘ ; # not backed by data
172 xi → ヒ ; # not backed by data
174 xu → フ ; # not backed by data