]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/icu.git/blob - icuSources/data/build.xml
[apple/icu.git] / icuSources / data / build.xml
1 <!DOCTYPE project [
2 <!ENTITY icu-config SYSTEM "./icu-config.xml">
3 <!ENTITY icu-locale-deprecates SYSTEM "./icu-locale-deprecates.xml">
4 <!ENTITY icu-coll-deprecates SYSTEM "./icu-coll-deprecates.xml">
5 <!ENTITY icu-rbnf-deprecates SYSTEM "./icu-rbnf-deprecates.xml">
6 ]>
7 <!--
8 /*
9 *******************************************************************************
10 * Copyright (C) 2005-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and *
11 * others. All Rights Reserved. *
12 *******************************************************************************
13 */
14 -->
15 <project name="icu-build" default="all" basedir=".">
16 <target name="init">
17 <tstamp/>
19 <!-- Load environment variables -->
20 <property environment="env"/>
22 <!-- Ant won't set properties that have already been set, so environment variables that have been set before won't be clobbered. -->
23 <property name="env.ICU4C_DIR" location="../.."/>
25 <condition property="is.cldr.dir.set" >
26 <isset property="env.CLDR_DIR" />
27 </condition >
28 <fail unless="is.cldr.dir.set" message="Please set the CLDR_DIR environment variable to the top level ICU source dir (containing 'common')."/>
30 <available property="cldrtools.dir" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/cldr-tools" file="${env.CLDR_DIR}/cldr-tools" type="dir"/>
31 <available property="cldrtools.dir" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/tools/java" file="${env.CLDR_DIR}/tools/java" type="dir"/>
32 <fail unless="cldrtools.dir" message="Please make sure that the CLDR tools directory is checked out into CLDR_DIR"/>
34 <available property="env.CLDR_CLASSES" value="${cldrtools.dir}/classes" file="${cldrtools.dir}/classes" type="dir"/>
35 <available property="cldrtools.jar" value="${cldrtools.dir}/cldr.jar" file="${cldrtools.dir}/cldr.jar" type="file"/>
36 <condition property="is.cldr.classes.set">
37 <or>
38 <isset property="env.CLDR_CLASSES" />
39 <isset property="cldrtools.jar" />
40 </or>
41 </condition>
42 <fail unless="is.cldr.classes.set" message="CLDR classes not found in ${cldrtools.dir}. Please either set the CLDR_CLASSES environment variable or build cldr.jar."/>
44 <echo message="java home: ${java.home}"/>
45 <echo message="java version: ${java.version}"/>
46 <echo message="ant java version: ${ant.java.version}"/>
47 <echo message="${ant.version}"/>
48 </target>
49 <target name="setup">
50 <taskdef name="cldr-build" classname="org.unicode.cldr.ant.CLDRBuild">
51 <classpath>
52 <pathelement path="${java.class.path}/"/>
53 <pathelement path="${env.CLDR_CLASSES}"/>
54 <pathelement location="${cldrtools.jar}"/>
55 <fileset dir="${cldrtools.dir}/libs" includes="*.jar"/>
56 </classpath>
57 </taskdef>
58 </target>
59 <!-- target for generating ICU data -->
60 <target name="all" depends="locales, collation, rbnf, supplementalData, metadata, metaZones, windowsZones, likelySubtags, plurals, numberingSystems, translit, brkitr, keyTypeData, genderList, dayPeriods" />
61 <!-- parallel target -->
62 <target name="pall" depends="init">
63 <parallel threadsPerProcessor ="1">
64 <sequential>
65 <ant target='locales' />
66 </sequential>
67 <sequential>
68 <ant target='collation'>
69 </ant>
70 </sequential>
71 <sequential>
72 <ant target='rbnf'>
73 </ant>
74 </sequential>
75 <ant target='supplementalData'>
76 </ant>
77 <sequential>
78 <ant target='brkitr'>
79 </ant>
80 </sequential>
81 <sequential>
82 <ant target='translit'>
83 </ant>
84 <!--<ant target='trnsfiles'></ant> Not ANT-built - see
85 note below. -->
86 </sequential>
87 <sequential>
88 <ant target='keyTypeData'/>
89 </sequential>
90 <sequential>
91 <ant target='genderList'/>
92 </sequential>
93 <sequential>
94 <ant target='dayPeriods'/>
95 </sequential>
96 </parallel>
97 </target>
99 <target name="locales" depends="init,setup" description="builds locale files in ICU text format">
100 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" srcFile=".*xml" destFile=".*txt">
101 <!-- launch the tool and generate the data after reading the config file -->
102 <run>
103 <args>
104 <arg name="--sourcedir" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/main" />
105 <arg name="--destdir" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/locales"/>
106 <arg name="--specialsdir" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/xml/main"/>
107 <arg name="--supplementaldir" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/supplemental" />
108 <arg name="--type" value="locales"/>
109 <arg name="--makefile" value="resfiles.mk"/>
110 </args>
111 <remapper>
112 <remap sourcePath="/Keys" targetDir="lang" />
113 <remap sourcePath="/Languages" targetDir="lang" />
114 <remap sourcePath="/Languages%short" targetDir="lang" />
115 <remap sourcePath="/Languages%secondary" targetDir="lang" />
116 <remap sourcePath="/Languages%variant" targetDir="lang" />
117 <remap sourcePath="/Scripts" targetDir="lang" />
118 <remap sourcePath="/Scripts%secondary" targetDir="lang" />
119 <remap sourcePath="/Scripts%short" targetDir="lang" />
120 <remap sourcePath="/Scripts%stand-alone" targetDir="lang" />
121 <remap sourcePath="/Scripts%variant" targetDir="lang" />
122 <remap sourcePath="/Types" targetDir="lang" />
123 <remap sourcePath="/Types%short" targetDir="lang" />
124 <remap sourcePath="/Variants" targetDir="lang" />
125 <remap sourcePath="/Variants%secondary" targetDir="lang" />
126 <remap sourcePath="/codePatterns" targetDir="lang" />
127 <remap sourcePath="/localeDisplayPattern" targetDir="lang" />
128 <remap sourcePath="/Countries" targetDir="region" />
129 <remap sourcePath="/Countries%variant" targetDir="region" />
130 <remap sourcePath="/Countries%short" targetDir="region" />
131 <remap sourcePath="/Currencies" targetDir="curr" />
132 <remap sourcePath="/Currencies%narrow" targetDir="curr" />
133 <remap sourcePath="/Currencies%variant" targetDir="curr" />
134 <remap sourcePath="/CurrencyPlurals" targetDir="curr" />
135 <remap sourcePath="/CurrencyUnitPatterns" targetDir="curr" />
136 <remap sourcePath="/currencySpacing" targetDir="curr" />
137 <remap sourcePath="/zoneStrings" targetDir="zone" />
138 <remap sourcePath="/durationUnits" targetDir="unit" />
139 <remap sourcePath="/units" targetDir="unit" />
140 <remap sourcePath="/unitsShort" targetDir="unit" />
141 <remap sourcePath="/unitsNarrow" targetDir="unit" />
142 </remapper>
143 <!-- http://ant.apache.org/faq.html#xml-entity-include -->
144 &icu-config;
145 &icu-locale-deprecates;
146 </run>
147 </cldr-build>
148 </target>
149 <target name="collation" depends="init,setup" description="builds collation files in ICU text format">
150 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" srcFile=".*xml" destFile=".*txt">
151 <run>
152 <args>
153 <arg name="--sourcedir" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/collation" />
154 <arg name="--destdir" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/coll"/>
155 <arg name="--specialsdir" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/xml/collation"/>
156 <arg name="--type" value="collation"/>
157 <arg name="--makefile" value="colfiles.mk"/>
158 </args>
159 <!-- http://ant.apache.org/faq.html#xml-entity-include -->
160 &icu-config;
161 &icu-coll-deprecates;
162 </run>
163 </cldr-build>
164 </target>
165 <target name="rbnf" depends="init,setup" description="builds rbnf files in ICU text format">
166 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" srcFile=".*xml" destFile=".*txt">
167 <run>
168 <args>
169 <arg name="--sourcedir" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/rbnf" />
170 <arg name="--destdir" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/rbnf"/>
171 <arg name="--specialsdir" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/xml/rbnf"/>
172 <arg name="--type" value="rbnf" />
173 <arg name="--makefile" value="rbnffiles.mk"/>
174 </args>
175 <!-- http://ant.apache.org/faq.html#xml-entity-include -->
176 &icu-config;
177 &icu-rbnf-deprecates;
178 </run>
179 </cldr-build>
180 </target>
181 <target name="supplementalData" depends="init,setup" description="builds supplementalData.txt from supplementalData.xml">
182 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" destFile="supplementalData.txt" noArgs="true">
183 <!-- launch the tool and generate the data after reading the config file -->
184 <run>
185 <args>
186 <arg name="-s" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/supplemental" />
187 <arg name="-d" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc"/>
188 <arg name="-t" value="supplementalData"/>
189 </args>
190 <remapper>
191 <remap sourcePath="/CurrencyMap" targetDir="curr" />
192 <remap sourcePath="/CurrencyMeta" targetDir="curr" />
193 </remapper>
194 </run>
195 </cldr-build>
196 </target>
197 <target name="metadata" depends="init,setup" description="builds metadata.txt from supplementalMetadata.xml">
198 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" destFile="metadata.txt" noArgs="true">
199 <!-- launch the tool and generate the data after reading the config file -->
200 <run>
201 <args>
202 <arg name="-s" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/supplemental" />
203 <arg name="-d" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc"/>
204 <arg name="-t" value="metadata"/>
205 </args>
206 </run>
207 </cldr-build>
208 </target>
209 <target name="metaZones" depends="init,setup" description="builds metaZones.txt from metaZones.xml">
210 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" destFile="metaZones.txt" noArgs="true">
211 <!-- launch the tool and generate the data after reading the config file -->
212 <run>
213 <args>
214 <arg name="-s" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/supplemental" />
215 <arg name="-d" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc"/>
216 <arg name="-t" value="metaZones"/>
217 </args>
218 </run>
219 </cldr-build>
220 </target>
221 <target name="windowsZones" depends="init,setup" description="builds windowsZones.txt from windowsZones.xml">
222 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" destFile="windowsZones.txt" noArgs="true">
223 <!-- launch the tool and generate the data after reading the config file -->
224 <run>
225 <args>
226 <arg name="-s" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/supplemental" />
227 <arg name="-d" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc"/>
228 <arg name="-t" value="windowsZones"/>
229 </args>
230 </run>
231 </cldr-build>
232 </target>
233 <target name="likelySubtags" depends="init,setup" description="builds likelySubtags.txt from likelySubtags.xml">
234 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" destFile="likelySubtags.txt" noArgs="true">
235 <!-- launch the tool and generate the data after reading the config file -->
236 <run>
237 <args>
238 <arg name="-s" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/supplemental" />
239 <arg name="-d" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc"/>
240 <arg name="-t" value="likelySubtags"/>
241 </args>
242 </run>
243 </cldr-build>
244 </target>
245 <target name="plurals" depends="init,setup" description="builds plurals.txt from plurals.xml">
246 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" destFile="plurals.txt" noArgs="true">
247 <!-- launch the tool and generate the data after reading the config file -->
248 <run>
249 <args>
250 <arg name="-s" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/supplemental" />
251 <arg name="-d" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc"/>
252 <arg name="-t" value="plurals"/>
253 </args>
254 </run>
255 </cldr-build>
256 </target>
257 <target name="numberingSystems" depends="init,setup" description="builds numberingSystems.txt from numberingSystems.xml">
258 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" destFile="numberingSystems.txt" noArgs="true">
259 <!-- launch the tool and generate the data after reading the config file -->
260 <run>
261 <args>
262 <arg name="-s" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/supplemental" />
263 <arg name="-d" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc"/>
264 <arg name="-t" value="numberingSystems"/>
265 </args>
266 </run>
267 </cldr-build>
268 </target>
269 <target name="genderList" depends="init,setup" description="builds genderList.txt from genderList.xml">
270 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" destFile="genderList.txt" noArgs="true">
271 <!-- launch the tool and generate the data after reading the config file -->
272 <run>
273 <args>
274 <arg name="-s" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/supplemental" />
275 <arg name="-d" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc"/>
276 <arg name="-t" value="genderList"/>
277 </args>
278 </run>
279 </cldr-build>
280 </target>
281 <target name="dayPeriods" depends="init,setup" description="builds dayPeriods.txt from dayPeriods.xml">
282 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" destFile="dayPeriods.txt" noArgs="true">
283 <!-- launch the tool and generate the data after reading the config file -->
284 <run>
285 <args>
286 <arg name="-s" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/supplemental" />
287 <arg name="-d" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc"/>
288 <arg name="-t" value="dayPeriods"/>
289 </args>
290 </run>
291 </cldr-build>
292 </target>
293 <target name="brkitr" depends="init,setup" description="builds break iterator files in ICU text format">
294 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" srcFile=".*xml" destFile=".*txt">
295 <run>
296 <args>
297 <arg name="--sourcedir" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/segments"/>
298 <arg name="--specialsdir" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/xml/brkitr"/>
299 <arg name="--destdir" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/brkitr"/>
300 <arg name="--type" value="brkitr" />
301 <arg name="--makefile" value="brkfiles.mk"/>
302 </args>
303 <!-- The entity include is not required for this target -->
304 <!-- http://ant.apache.org/faq.html#xml-entity-include
305 &icu-config;
306 -->
307 </run>
308 </cldr-build>
309 </target>
311 <target name="keyTypeData" depends="init,setup" description="builds keyTypeData.txt and timezoneTypes.txt from bcp47/*.xml">
312 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" noArgs="true">
313 <run>
314 <args>
315 <arg name="-s" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/bcp47" />
316 <arg name="-d" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc"/>
317 <arg name="-t" value="keyTypeData"/>
318 </args>
319 </run>
320 </cldr-build>
321 </target>
323 <target name="translit" depends="init,setup" description="builds collation files in ICU text format">
324 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.ConvertTransforms" srcFile=".*xml" destFile=".*txt">
325 <run>
326 <args>
327 <arg name="-m" value="((?!.*(Canadian|Ethiopic|ug-Latin).*).*)" />
328 <arg name="--sourcedir" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/transforms" />
329 <arg name="--destdir" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/translit"/>
330 <arg name="--commentSkip"/>
331 </args>
332 <!-- http://ant.apache.org/faq.html#xml-entity-include -->
334 </run>
335 </cldr-build>
336 </target>
337 <!-- we don't generate en.txt or el.txt - so don't change trnsfiles.mk for now. -->
338 <!--
339 <target name="trnsfiles" depends="init, setup" description="builds trnsfiles.mk">
340 <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.ConvertTransforms" srcFile=".*xml" destFile="trnsfiles.mk" noArgs="true">
341 <run>
342 <args> [ double hyphen not allowed in comments - transpose -" to fix below ]
343 <arg name=-"-sourcedir" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/transforms" />
344 <arg name=-"-destdir" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/translit"/>
345 <arg name=-"-commentSkip"/>
346 <arg name=-"-writeIndex"/>
347 </args>
348 </run>
349 </cldr-build>
350 </target> -->
351 <target name="clean" depends="init, setup" description="deletes all txt files and mk files from coll and locales directories">
352 <delete>
353 <fileset id="locales" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/locales">
354 <include name="*.txt" />
355 </fileset>
356 <fileset id="resfiles" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/locales">
357 <include name="resfiles.mk" />
358 </fileset>
359 <fileset id="locales_split" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data">
360 <include name="curr/*.txt" />
361 <include name="curr/resfiles.mk" />
362 <include name="lang/*.txt" />
363 <include name="lang/resfiles.mk" />
364 <include name="region/*.txt" />
365 <include name="region/resfiles.mk" />
366 <include name="zone/*.txt" />
367 <include name="zone/resfiles.mk" />
368 <exclude name="zone/tzdbNames.txt" />
369 <include name="unit/*.txt" />
370 <include name="unit/resfiles.mk" />
371 </fileset>
372 <fileset id="collation" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/coll">
373 <include name="*.txt" />
374 </fileset>
375 <fileset id="colfiles" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/coll">
376 <include name="colfiles.mk" />
377 </fileset>
378 <fileset id="translit" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/translit">
379 <include name="*_*.txt" />
380 <include name="root.txt" />
381 </fileset>
382 <fileset id="brkitr" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/brkitr">
383 <include name="*.txt"/>
384 </fileset>
385 <fileset id="brkfiles" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/brkitr">
386 <include name="brkfiles.mk" />
387 </fileset>
388 <fileset id="supplementalData" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc">
389 <include name="supplementalData.txt" />
390 </fileset>
391 <fileset id="rbnf" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/rbnf">
392 <include name="*.txt" />
393 </fileset>
394 <fileset id="rbnffiles" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/rbnf">
395 <include name="rbnffiles.mk" />
396 </fileset>
397 <fileset id="metadata" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc">
398 <include name="metadata.txt" />
399 </fileset>
400 <fileset id="metaZones" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc">
401 <include name="metaZones.txt" />
402 </fileset>
403 <fileset id="windowsZones" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc">
404 <include name="windowsZones.txt" />
405 </fileset>
406 <fileset id="likelySubtags" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc">
407 <include name="likelySubtags.txt" />
408 </fileset>
409 <fileset id="plurals" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc">
410 <include name="plurals.txt" />
411 </fileset>
412 <fileset id="numberingSystems" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc">
413 <include name="numberingSystems.txt" />
414 </fileset>
415 <fileset id="keyTypeData" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc">
416 <include name="keyTypeData.txt" />
417 <include name="timezoneTypes.txt" />
418 </fileset>
419 <fileset id="genderList" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc">
420 <include name="genderList.txt" />
421 </fileset>
422 <fileset id="dayPeriods" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc">
423 <include name="dayPeriods.txt" />
424 </fileset>
425 </delete>
426 </target>
427 </project>