]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/icu.git/blob - icuSources/common/unormcmp.cpp
[apple/icu.git] / icuSources / common / unormcmp.cpp
1 /*
2 *******************************************************************************
3 *
4 * Copyright (C) 2001-2014, International Business Machines
5 * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
6 *
7 *******************************************************************************
8 * file name: unormcmp.cpp
9 * encoding: US-ASCII
10 * tab size: 8 (not used)
11 * indentation:4
12 *
13 * created on: 2004sep13
14 * created by: Markus W. Scherer
15 *
16 * unorm_compare() function moved here from unorm.cpp for better modularization.
17 * Depends on both normalization and case folding.
18 * Allows unorm.cpp to not depend on any character properties code.
19 */
21 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
25 #include "unicode/unorm.h"
26 #include "unicode/ustring.h"
27 #include "cmemory.h"
28 #include "normalizer2impl.h"
29 #include "ucase.h"
30 #include "uprops.h"
31 #include "ustr_imp.h"
35 /* compare canonically equivalent ------------------------------------------- */
37 /*
38 * Compare two strings for canonical equivalence.
39 * Further options include case-insensitive comparison and
40 * code point order (as opposed to code unit order).
41 *
42 * In this function, canonical equivalence is optional as well.
43 * If canonical equivalence is tested, then both strings must fulfill
44 * the FCD check.
45 *
46 * Semantically, this is equivalent to
47 * strcmp[CodePointOrder](NFD(foldCase(s1)), NFD(foldCase(s2)))
48 * where code point order, NFD and foldCase are all optional.
49 *
50 * String comparisons almost always yield results before processing both strings
51 * completely.
52 * They are generally more efficient working incrementally instead of
53 * performing the sub-processing (strlen, normalization, case-folding)
54 * on the entire strings first.
55 *
56 * It is also unnecessary to not normalize identical characters.
57 *
58 * This function works in principle as follows:
59 *
60 * loop {
61 * get one code unit c1 from s1 (-1 if end of source)
62 * get one code unit c2 from s2 (-1 if end of source)
63 *
64 * if(either string finished) {
65 * return result;
66 * }
67 * if(c1==c2) {
68 * continue;
69 * }
70 *
71 * // c1!=c2
72 * try to decompose/case-fold c1/c2, and continue if one does;
73 *
74 * // still c1!=c2 and neither decomposes/case-folds, return result
75 * return c1-c2;
76 * }
77 *
78 * When a character decomposes, then the pointer for that source changes to
79 * the decomposition, pushing the previous pointer onto a stack.
80 * When the end of the decomposition is reached, then the code unit reader
81 * pops the previous source from the stack.
82 * (Same for case-folding.)
83 *
84 * This is complicated further by operating on variable-width UTF-16.
85 * The top part of the loop works on code units, while lookups for decomposition
86 * and case-folding need code points.
87 * Code points are assembled after the equality/end-of-source part.
88 * The source pointer is only advanced beyond all code units when the code point
89 * actually decomposes/case-folds.
90 *
91 * If we were on a trail surrogate unit when assembling a code point,
92 * and the code point decomposes/case-folds, then the decomposition/folding
93 * result must be compared with the part of the other string that corresponds to
94 * this string's lead surrogate.
95 * Since we only assemble a code point when hitting a trail unit when the
96 * preceding lead units were identical, we back up the other string by one unit
97 * in such a case.
98 *
99 * The optional code point order comparison at the end works with
100 * the same fix-up as the other code point order comparison functions.
101 * See ustring.c and the comment near the end of this function.
102 *
103 * Assumption: A decomposition or case-folding result string never contains
104 * a single surrogate. This is a safe assumption in the Unicode Standard.
105 * Therefore, we do not need to check for surrogate pairs across
106 * decomposition/case-folding boundaries.
107 *
108 * Further assumptions (see verifications tstnorm.cpp):
109 * The API function checks for FCD first, while the core function
110 * first case-folds and then decomposes. This requires that case-folding does not
111 * un-FCD any strings.
112 *
113 * The API function may also NFD the input and turn off decomposition.
114 * This requires that case-folding does not un-NFD strings either.
115 *
116 * TODO If any of the above two assumptions is violated,
117 * then this entire code must be re-thought.
118 * If this happens, then a simple solution is to case-fold both strings up front
119 * and to turn off UNORM_INPUT_IS_FCD.
120 * We already do this when not both strings are in FCD because makeFCD
121 * would be a partial NFD before the case folding, which does not work.
122 * Note that all of this is only a problem when case-folding _and_
123 * canonical equivalence come together.
124 * (Comments in unorm_compare() are more up to date than this TODO.)
125 */
127 /* stack element for previous-level source/decomposition pointers */
128 struct CmpEquivLevel {
129 const UChar *start, *s, *limit;
130 };
131 typedef struct CmpEquivLevel CmpEquivLevel;
133 /**
134 * Internal option for unorm_cmpEquivFold() for decomposing.
135 * If not set, just do strcasecmp().
136 */
137 #define _COMPARE_EQUIV 0x80000
139 /* internal function */
140 static int32_t
141 unorm_cmpEquivFold(const UChar *s1, int32_t length1,
142 const UChar *s2, int32_t length2,
143 uint32_t options,
144 UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
145 const Normalizer2Impl *nfcImpl;
146 const UCaseProps *csp;
148 /* current-level start/limit - s1/s2 as current */
149 const UChar *start1, *start2, *limit1, *limit2;
151 /* decomposition and case folding variables */
152 const UChar *p;
153 int32_t length;
155 /* stacks of previous-level start/current/limit */
156 CmpEquivLevel stack1[2], stack2[2];
158 /* buffers for algorithmic decompositions */
159 UChar decomp1[4], decomp2[4];
161 /* case folding buffers, only use current-level start/limit */
164 /* track which is the current level per string */
165 int32_t level1, level2;
167 /* current code units, and code points for lookups */
168 UChar32 c1, c2, cp1, cp2;
170 /* no argument error checking because this itself is not an API */
172 /*
173 * assume that at least one of the options _COMPARE_EQUIV and U_COMPARE_IGNORE_CASE is set
174 * otherwise this function must behave exactly as uprv_strCompare()
175 * not checking for that here makes testing this function easier
176 */
178 /* normalization/properties data loaded? */
179 if((options&_COMPARE_EQUIV)!=0) {
180 nfcImpl=Normalizer2Factory::getNFCImpl(*pErrorCode);
181 } else {
182 nfcImpl=NULL;
183 }
184 if((options&U_COMPARE_IGNORE_CASE)!=0) {
185 csp=ucase_getSingleton();
186 } else {
187 csp=NULL;
188 }
189 if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
190 return 0;
191 }
193 /* initialize */
194 start1=s1;
195 if(length1==-1) {
196 limit1=NULL;
197 } else {
198 limit1=s1+length1;
199 }
201 start2=s2;
202 if(length2==-1) {
203 limit2=NULL;
204 } else {
205 limit2=s2+length2;
206 }
208 level1=level2=0;
209 c1=c2=-1;
211 /* comparison loop */
212 for(;;) {
213 /*
214 * here a code unit value of -1 means "get another code unit"
215 * below it will mean "this source is finished"
216 */
218 if(c1<0) {
219 /* get next code unit from string 1, post-increment */
220 for(;;) {
221 if(s1==limit1 || ((c1=*s1)==0 && (limit1==NULL || (options&_STRNCMP_STYLE)))) {
222 if(level1==0) {
223 c1=-1;
224 break;
225 }
226 } else {
227 ++s1;
228 break;
229 }
231 /* reached end of level buffer, pop one level */
232 do {
233 --level1;
234 start1=stack1[level1].start; /*Not uninitialized*/
235 } while(start1==NULL);
236 s1=stack1[level1].s; /*Not uninitialized*/
237 limit1=stack1[level1].limit; /*Not uninitialized*/
238 }
239 }
241 if(c2<0) {
242 /* get next code unit from string 2, post-increment */
243 for(;;) {
244 if(s2==limit2 || ((c2=*s2)==0 && (limit2==NULL || (options&_STRNCMP_STYLE)))) {
245 if(level2==0) {
246 c2=-1;
247 break;
248 }
249 } else {
250 ++s2;
251 break;
252 }
254 /* reached end of level buffer, pop one level */
255 do {
256 --level2;
257 start2=stack2[level2].start; /*Not uninitialized*/
258 } while(start2==NULL);
259 s2=stack2[level2].s; /*Not uninitialized*/
260 limit2=stack2[level2].limit; /*Not uninitialized*/
261 }
262 }
264 /*
265 * compare c1 and c2
266 * either variable c1, c2 is -1 only if the corresponding string is finished
267 */
268 if(c1==c2) {
269 if(c1<0) {
270 return 0; /* c1==c2==-1 indicating end of strings */
271 }
272 c1=c2=-1; /* make us fetch new code units */
273 continue;
274 } else if(c1<0) {
275 return -1; /* string 1 ends before string 2 */
276 } else if(c2<0) {
277 return 1; /* string 2 ends before string 1 */
278 }
279 /* c1!=c2 && c1>=0 && c2>=0 */
281 /* get complete code points for c1, c2 for lookups if either is a surrogate */
282 cp1=c1;
283 if(U_IS_SURROGATE(c1)) {
284 UChar c;
286 if(U_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c1)) {
287 if(s1!=limit1 && U16_IS_TRAIL(c=*s1)) {
288 /* advance ++s1; only below if cp1 decomposes/case-folds */
289 cp1=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(c1, c);
290 }
291 } else /* isTrail(c1) */ {
292 if(start1<=(s1-2) && U16_IS_LEAD(c=*(s1-2))) {
293 cp1=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(c, c1);
294 }
295 }
296 }
298 cp2=c2;
299 if(U_IS_SURROGATE(c2)) {
300 UChar c;
302 if(U_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c2)) {
303 if(s2!=limit2 && U16_IS_TRAIL(c=*s2)) {
304 /* advance ++s2; only below if cp2 decomposes/case-folds */
305 cp2=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(c2, c);
306 }
307 } else /* isTrail(c2) */ {
308 if(start2<=(s2-2) && U16_IS_LEAD(c=*(s2-2))) {
309 cp2=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(c, c2);
310 }
311 }
312 }
314 /*
315 * go down one level for each string
316 * continue with the main loop as soon as there is a real change
317 */
319 if( level1==0 && (options&U_COMPARE_IGNORE_CASE) &&
320 (length=ucase_toFullFolding(csp, (UChar32)cp1, &p, options))>=0
321 ) {
322 /* cp1 case-folds to the code point "length" or to p[length] */
323 if(U_IS_SURROGATE(c1)) {
324 if(U_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c1)) {
325 /* advance beyond source surrogate pair if it case-folds */
326 ++s1;
327 } else /* isTrail(c1) */ {
328 /*
329 * we got a supplementary code point when hitting its trail surrogate,
330 * therefore the lead surrogate must have been the same as in the other string;
331 * compare this decomposition with the lead surrogate in the other string
332 * remember that this simulates bulk text replacement:
333 * the decomposition would replace the entire code point
334 */
335 --s2;
336 c2=*(s2-1);
337 }
338 }
340 /* push current level pointers */
341 stack1[0].start=start1;
342 stack1[0].s=s1;
343 stack1[0].limit=limit1;
344 ++level1;
346 /* copy the folding result to fold1[] */
347 if(length<=UCASE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH) {
348 u_memcpy(fold1, p, length);
349 } else {
350 int32_t i=0;
351 U16_APPEND_UNSAFE(fold1, i, length);
352 length=i;
353 }
355 /* set next level pointers to case folding */
356 start1=s1=fold1;
357 limit1=fold1+length;
359 /* get ready to read from decomposition, continue with loop */
360 c1=-1;
361 continue;
362 }
364 if( level2==0 && (options&U_COMPARE_IGNORE_CASE) &&
365 (length=ucase_toFullFolding(csp, (UChar32)cp2, &p, options))>=0
366 ) {
367 /* cp2 case-folds to the code point "length" or to p[length] */
368 if(U_IS_SURROGATE(c2)) {
369 if(U_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c2)) {
370 /* advance beyond source surrogate pair if it case-folds */
371 ++s2;
372 } else /* isTrail(c2) */ {
373 /*
374 * we got a supplementary code point when hitting its trail surrogate,
375 * therefore the lead surrogate must have been the same as in the other string;
376 * compare this decomposition with the lead surrogate in the other string
377 * remember that this simulates bulk text replacement:
378 * the decomposition would replace the entire code point
379 */
380 --s1;
381 c1=*(s1-1);
382 }
383 }
385 /* push current level pointers */
386 stack2[0].start=start2;
387 stack2[0].s=s2;
388 stack2[0].limit=limit2;
389 ++level2;
391 /* copy the folding result to fold2[] */
392 if(length<=UCASE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH) {
393 u_memcpy(fold2, p, length);
394 } else {
395 int32_t i=0;
396 U16_APPEND_UNSAFE(fold2, i, length);
397 length=i;
398 }
400 /* set next level pointers to case folding */
401 start2=s2=fold2;
402 limit2=fold2+length;
404 /* get ready to read from decomposition, continue with loop */
405 c2=-1;
406 continue;
407 }
409 if( level1<2 && (options&_COMPARE_EQUIV) &&
410 0!=(p=nfcImpl->getDecomposition((UChar32)cp1, decomp1, length))
411 ) {
412 /* cp1 decomposes into p[length] */
413 if(U_IS_SURROGATE(c1)) {
414 if(U_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c1)) {
415 /* advance beyond source surrogate pair if it decomposes */
416 ++s1;
417 } else /* isTrail(c1) */ {
418 /*
419 * we got a supplementary code point when hitting its trail surrogate,
420 * therefore the lead surrogate must have been the same as in the other string;
421 * compare this decomposition with the lead surrogate in the other string
422 * remember that this simulates bulk text replacement:
423 * the decomposition would replace the entire code point
424 */
425 --s2;
426 c2=*(s2-1);
427 }
428 }
430 /* push current level pointers */
431 stack1[level1].start=start1;
432 stack1[level1].s=s1;
433 stack1[level1].limit=limit1;
434 ++level1;
436 /* set empty intermediate level if skipped */
437 if(level1<2) {
438 stack1[level1++].start=NULL;
439 }
441 /* set next level pointers to decomposition */
442 start1=s1=p;
443 limit1=p+length;
445 /* get ready to read from decomposition, continue with loop */
446 c1=-1;
447 continue;
448 }
450 if( level2<2 && (options&_COMPARE_EQUIV) &&
451 0!=(p=nfcImpl->getDecomposition((UChar32)cp2, decomp2, length))
452 ) {
453 /* cp2 decomposes into p[length] */
454 if(U_IS_SURROGATE(c2)) {
455 if(U_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c2)) {
456 /* advance beyond source surrogate pair if it decomposes */
457 ++s2;
458 } else /* isTrail(c2) */ {
459 /*
460 * we got a supplementary code point when hitting its trail surrogate,
461 * therefore the lead surrogate must have been the same as in the other string;
462 * compare this decomposition with the lead surrogate in the other string
463 * remember that this simulates bulk text replacement:
464 * the decomposition would replace the entire code point
465 */
466 --s1;
467 c1=*(s1-1);
468 }
469 }
471 /* push current level pointers */
472 stack2[level2].start=start2;
473 stack2[level2].s=s2;
474 stack2[level2].limit=limit2;
475 ++level2;
477 /* set empty intermediate level if skipped */
478 if(level2<2) {
479 stack2[level2++].start=NULL;
480 }
482 /* set next level pointers to decomposition */
483 start2=s2=p;
484 limit2=p+length;
486 /* get ready to read from decomposition, continue with loop */
487 c2=-1;
488 continue;
489 }
491 /*
492 * no decomposition/case folding, max level for both sides:
493 * return difference result
494 *
495 * code point order comparison must not just return cp1-cp2
496 * because when single surrogates are present then the surrogate pairs
497 * that formed cp1 and cp2 may be from different string indexes
498 *
499 * example: { d800 d800 dc01 } vs. { d800 dc00 }, compare at second code units
500 * c1=d800 cp1=10001 c2=dc00 cp2=10000
501 * cp1-cp2>0 but c1-c2<0 and in fact in UTF-32 it is { d800 10001 } < { 10000 }
502 *
503 * therefore, use same fix-up as in ustring.c/uprv_strCompare()
504 * except: uprv_strCompare() fetches c=*s while this functions fetches c=*s++
505 * so we have slightly different pointer/start/limit comparisons here
506 */
508 if(c1>=0xd800 && c2>=0xd800 && (options&U_COMPARE_CODE_POINT_ORDER)) {
509 /* subtract 0x2800 from BMP code points to make them smaller than supplementary ones */
510 if(
511 (c1<=0xdbff && s1!=limit1 && U16_IS_TRAIL(*s1)) ||
512 (U16_IS_TRAIL(c1) && start1!=(s1-1) && U16_IS_LEAD(*(s1-2)))
513 ) {
514 /* part of a surrogate pair, leave >=d800 */
515 } else {
516 /* BMP code point - may be surrogate code point - make <d800 */
517 c1-=0x2800;
518 }
520 if(
521 (c2<=0xdbff && s2!=limit2 && U16_IS_TRAIL(*s2)) ||
522 (U16_IS_TRAIL(c2) && start2!=(s2-1) && U16_IS_LEAD(*(s2-2)))
523 ) {
524 /* part of a surrogate pair, leave >=d800 */
525 } else {
526 /* BMP code point - may be surrogate code point - make <d800 */
527 c2-=0x2800;
528 }
529 }
531 return c1-c2;
532 }
533 }
535 static
536 UBool _normalize(const Normalizer2 *n2, const UChar *s, int32_t length,
537 UnicodeString &normalized, UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
538 UnicodeString str(length<0, s, length);
540 // check if s fulfill the conditions
541 int32_t spanQCYes=n2->spanQuickCheckYes(str, *pErrorCode);
542 if (U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
543 return FALSE;
544 }
545 /*
546 * ICU 2.4 had a further optimization:
547 * If both strings were not in FCD, then they were both NFD'ed,
548 * and the _COMPARE_EQUIV option was turned off.
549 * It is not entirely clear that this is valid with the current
550 * definition of the canonical caseless match.
551 * Therefore, ICU 2.6 removes that optimization.
552 */
553 if(spanQCYes<str.length()) {
554 UnicodeString unnormalized=str.tempSubString(spanQCYes);
555 normalized.setTo(FALSE, str.getBuffer(), spanQCYes);
556 n2->normalizeSecondAndAppend(normalized, unnormalized, *pErrorCode);
557 if (U_SUCCESS(*pErrorCode)) {
558 return TRUE;
559 }
560 }
561 return FALSE;
562 }
564 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
565 unorm_compare(const UChar *s1, int32_t length1,
566 const UChar *s2, int32_t length2,
567 uint32_t options,
568 UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
569 /* argument checking */
570 if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
571 return 0;
572 }
573 if(s1==0 || length1<-1 || s2==0 || length2<-1) {
575 return 0;
576 }
578 UnicodeString fcd1, fcd2;
579 int32_t normOptions=(int32_t)(options>>UNORM_COMPARE_NORM_OPTIONS_SHIFT);
580 options|=_COMPARE_EQUIV;
582 /*
583 * UAX #21 Case Mappings, as fixed for Unicode version 4
584 * (see Jitterbug 2021), defines a canonical caseless match as
585 *
586 * A string X is a canonical caseless match
587 * for a string Y if and only if
588 * NFD(toCasefold(NFD(X))) = NFD(toCasefold(NFD(Y)))
589 *
590 * For better performance, we check for FCD (or let the caller tell us that
591 * both strings are in FCD) for the inner normalization.
592 * BasicNormalizerTest::FindFoldFCDExceptions() makes sure that
593 * case-folding preserves the FCD-ness of a string.
594 * The outer normalization is then only performed by unorm_cmpEquivFold()
595 * when there is a difference.
596 *
597 * Exception: When using the Turkic case-folding option, we do perform
598 * full NFD first. This is because in the Turkic case precomposed characters
599 * with 0049 capital I or 0069 small i fold differently whether they
600 * are first decomposed or not, so an FCD check - a check only for
601 * canonical order - is not sufficient.
602 */
603 if(!(options&UNORM_INPUT_IS_FCD) || (options&U_FOLD_CASE_EXCLUDE_SPECIAL_I)) {
604 const Normalizer2 *n2;
606 n2=Normalizer2::getNFDInstance(*pErrorCode);
607 } else {
608 n2=Normalizer2Factory::getFCDInstance(*pErrorCode);
609 }
610 if (U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
611 return 0;
612 }
614 if(normOptions&UNORM_UNICODE_3_2) {
615 const UnicodeSet *uni32=uniset_getUnicode32Instance(*pErrorCode);
616 FilteredNormalizer2 fn2(*n2, *uni32);
617 if(_normalize(&fn2, s1, length1, fcd1, pErrorCode)) {
618 s1=fcd1.getBuffer();
619 length1=fcd1.length();
620 }
621 if(_normalize(&fn2, s2, length2, fcd2, pErrorCode)) {
622 s2=fcd2.getBuffer();
623 length2=fcd2.length();
624 }
625 } else {
626 if(_normalize(n2, s1, length1, fcd1, pErrorCode)) {
627 s1=fcd1.getBuffer();
628 length1=fcd1.length();
629 }
630 if(_normalize(n2, s2, length2, fcd2, pErrorCode)) {
631 s2=fcd2.getBuffer();
632 length2=fcd2.length();
633 }
634 }
635 }
637 if(U_SUCCESS(*pErrorCode)) {
638 return unorm_cmpEquivFold(s1, length1, s2, length2, options, pErrorCode);
639 } else {
640 return 0;
641 }
642 }
644 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_NORMALIZATION */