1 # © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2 # License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
4 # File: fa_fa_FONIPA.txt
8 [\u200c \u200d] → ; # Strip off ZWJ and ZWNJ.
10 # Rewrite similarly-looking Arabic letters to Persian.
16 $VOWEL = [ \u064E \u0650 \u064F \u0653 ا و ی];
17 $BOUNDARY = [^[:L:][:M:][:N:]];
18 $IPA_CONSONANT = [ m n p b t d k ɡ ʔ f v s z ʃ ʒ ʁ ɢ h χ {t\u0361ʃ} {d\u0361ʒ} l ɾ ];
21 ($VOWEL)\u0651 → \u0651 | $1;
27 [^ːeoæ] {ه} $BOUNDARY → e;
30 ا\u064B $BOUNDARY → æn;
33 {ه\u0654} $BOUNDARY → jæ;
43 ا → ɒː; # Probably [^$BOUNDARY]
47 $IPA_CONSONANT {و} → uː;
48 \u064F{و} $IPA_CONSONANT → uː;
49 $BOUNDARY {و} $BOUNDARY → va;
78 # TODO: How to handle these?
79 ([$IPA_CONSONANT|$VOWEL]){\u0651} → $1;
80 [ \u0651 \u0654 \u064B \u0670 ] → ;