1 // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
4 AuxExemplarCharacters{"[\u200C\u200D ޙ ޚ ޜ ޢ ޣ ޥ ޛ ޘ ޠ ޡ ޤ ޝ ޞ ޟ ޱ]"}
6 "[ހ ށ ނ ރ ބ ޅ ކ އ ވ މ ފ ދ ތ ލ ގ ޏ ސ ޑ ޒ ޓ ޔ ޕ ޖ ޗ \u07A6 \u07A7 \u07A8 "
7 "\u07A9 \u07AA \u07AB \u07AC \u07AD \u07AE \u07AF \u07B0]"
9 ExemplarCharactersIndex{"[ހ ށ ނ ރ ބ ޅ ކ އ ވ މ ފ ދ ތ ލ ގ ޏ ސ ޑ ޒ ޓ ޔ ޕ ޖ ޗ]"}
61 characters{"right-to-left"}