1 // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
4 AuxExemplarCharacters{"[á à ă â å ä ã ā æ é è ĕ ê ë ē í ì ĭ î ï ī ó ò ŏ ô ö ø ō œ ú ù ŭ û ü ū ÿ]"}
11 word-medial{"{0}…{1}"}
13 ExemplarCharacters{"[a b c ç d e f g h i j k l m n ñ o p q r s t u v w x y z]"}
14 ExemplarCharactersIndex{"[A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z]"}
15 ExemplarCharactersNumbers{"[, . % ‰ + − 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]"}
16 ExemplarCharactersPunctuation{
17 "[\\- ‐ – — , ; \\: ! ? . … ' ‘ ’ \u0022 “ ” ( ) \\[ \\] § @ * / \\& # † ‡ ′ "
29 accountingFormat{"#,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)"}
30 currencyFormat{"#,##0.00 ¤"}
31 decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
32 percentFormat{"% #,##0"}
33 scientificFormat{"#E0"}
71 other{"000000 milioi"}
200 superscriptingExponent{"×"}
206 other{"{0}. bira eskuinetara"}
209 one{"Nire {0} lagunarekin nago"}
210 other{"Nire {0} lagunekin nago"}
213 minimumGroupingDigits{"1"}
231 "G. 'aroko' y. 'urteko' MMMM d, EEEE",
232 "G. 'aroko' y. 'urteko' MMMM d",
233 "G. 'aroko' y('e')'ko' MMM d",
253 Gy{"G. 'aroko' y. 'urtea'"}
254 GyMMM{"G. 'aroko' y('e')'ko' MMMM"}
255 GyMMMEd{"G. 'aroko' y('e')'ko' MMMM d, EEEE"}
256 GyMMMd{"G. 'aroko' y('e')'ko' MMMM d"}
274 yMEd{"y/MM/dd, EEEE"}
275 yMMM{"y('e')'ko' MMMM"}
276 yMMMEd{"y('e')'ko' MMMM d, EEEE"}
277 yMMMd{"y('e')'ko' MMMM d"}
280 yQQQQ{"y('e')'ko' QQQQ"}
283 yyyyMEd{"G y/MM/dd, EEEE"}
285 yyyyMMMEd{"G y MMM d, EEEE"}
286 yyyyMMMM{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM"}
287 yyyyMMMMEd{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM d, EEEE"}
288 yyyyMMMMd{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM d"}
289 yyyyMMMd{"G y MMM d"}
292 yyyyQQQQ{"G y('e')'ko' QQQQ"}
313 M{"MM/dd, EEEE – MM/dd, EEEE"}
314 d{"MM/dd, EEEE – MM/dd, EEEE"}
320 M{"MMMM d, EEEE – MMMM d, EEEE"}
321 d{"MMMM d, EEEE – MMMM d, EEEE"}
334 fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
340 a{":h:mm a – h:mm a"}
345 a{"h:mm a – h:mm a v"}
361 M{"G y/MM/dd, EEEE – y/MM/dd, EEEE"}
362 d{"G y/MM/dd, EEEE – y/MM/dd, EEEE"}
363 y{"G y/MM/dd, EEEE – y/MM/dd, EEEE"}
366 M{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM–MMMM"}
367 y{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM – y('e')'ko' MMMM"}
370 M{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM dd, EEEE – MMMM dd, EEEE"}
371 d{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM dd, EEEE – MMMM dd, EEEE"}
372 y{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM dd, EEEE – y('e')'ko' MMMM dd, EEEE"}
375 M{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM – MMMM"}
376 y{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM – y('e')'ko' MMMM"}
379 M{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM dd – MMMM dd"}
380 d{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM dd–dd"}
381 y{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM dd – y('e')'ko' MMMM dd"}
384 M{"G y/MM/dd – y/MM/dd"}
385 d{"G y/MM/dd – y/MM/dd"}
386 y{"G y/MM/dd – y/MM/dd"}
408 "y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d('a'), EEEE",
409 "y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d('a')",
419 Timezone{"{0} ({1})"}
434 GyMMM{"G y. 'urteko' MMM"}
435 GyMMMEd{"G y. 'urteko' MMM d, E"}
436 GyMMMd{"G y. 'urteko' MMM d"}
447 one{"MMM W. 'astea'"}
448 other{"MMM W. 'astea'"}
465 yMMMM{"y('e')'ko' MMMM"}
466 yMMMMEd{"y('e')'ko' MMMM'k' d, E"}
467 yMMMMd{"y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d"}
470 yQQQ{"y('e')'ko' QQQ"}
471 yQQQQ{"y('e')'ko' QQQQ"}
473 one{"Y. 'urteko' w. 'astea'"}
474 other{"Y. 'urteko' w. 'astea'"}
558 afternoon1{"eguerd."}
559 afternoon2{"arrats."}
567 afternoon1{"eguerd."}
568 afternoon2{"arrats."}
576 afternoon1{"eguerdiko"}
577 afternoon2{"arratsaldeko"}
578 evening1{"iluntzeko"}
580 morning1{"goizaldeko"}
587 afternoon1{"eguerd."}
588 afternoon2{"arrats."}
598 afternoon1{"eguerd."}
599 afternoon2{"arrats."}
609 afternoon1{"eguerdia"}
610 afternoon2{"arratsaldea"}
614 morning1{"goizaldea"}
635 "Gure aroaren aurretik",
665 M{"MMM d, E – MMM d, E"}
666 d{"MMM d, E – MMM d, E"}
679 fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
690 a{"h:mm a – h:mm a v"}
706 M{"y/M/d, E – y/M/d, E"}
707 d{"y/M/d, E – y/M/d, E"}
708 y{"y/M/d, E – y/M/d, E"}
711 M{"y('e')'ko' MMM–MMM"}
712 y{"y('e')'ko' MMM – y('e')'ko' MMM"}
715 M{"y('e')'ko' MMM d, E – MMM d, E"}
716 d{"y('e')'ko' MMM d, E – y('e')'ko' MMM d, E"}
717 y{"y('e')'ko' MMM d, E – y('e')'ko' MMM d, E"}
720 M{"y('e')'ko' MMMM–MMMM"}
721 y{"y('e')'ko' MMMM – y('e')'ko' MMMM"}
724 M{"y('e')'ko' MMM d – MMM d"}
725 d{"y('e')'ko' MMM d–d"}
726 y{"y('e')'ko' MMM d – y('e')'ko' MMM d"}
877 activities{"Jarduerak"}
878 african_scripts{"Script afrikarrak"}
879 american_scripts{"Script amerikarrak"}
881 animals_nature{"Animaliak eta natura"}
884 box_drawing{"Koadro-marrazketa"}
887 bullets_stars{"Buletak/Izarrak"}
888 consonantal_jamo{"Jamo kontsonantea"}
889 currency_symbols{"Moneten ikurrak"}
890 dash_connector{"Marratxoa/Konektorea"}
892 dingbats{"Piktogramak"}
893 divination_symbols{"Astrologia-ikurrak"}
894 downwards_arrows{"Behera-geziak"}
895 downwards_upwards_arrows{"Behera-/Gora-geziak"}
896 east_asian_scripts{"Asiako ekialdeko scriptak"}
898 european_scripts{"Script europearrak"}
902 food_drink{"Jan-edariak"}
904 format_whitespace{"Formatua eta zuriunea"}
905 full_width_form_variant{"Zabalera osoko forma-aldaerak"}
906 geometric_shapes{"Forma geometrikoak"}
907 half_width_form_variant{"Zabalera erdiko forma-aldaerak"}
908 han_characters{"Han karaktereak"}
909 han_radicals{"Han radikalak"}
911 hanzi_simplified{"Hanzi (sinplifikatua)"}
912 hanzi_traditional{"Hanzi (tradizionala)"}
914 historic_scripts{"Script historikoak"}
915 ideographic_desc_characters{"Karaktere ideografiko deskribatzaileak"}
916 japanese_kana{"Japonierako kana"}
920 leftwards_arrows{"Ezker-geziak"}
921 leftwards_rightwards_arrows{"Ezker-/Eskuin-geziak"}
922 letterlike_symbols{"Hizkien antzeko ikurrak"}
923 limited_use{"Erabilera mugatua"}
925 math_symbols{"Matematikako ikurrak"}
926 middle_eastern_scripts{"Ekialde Ertaineko scriptak"}
927 miscellaneous{"Askotarikoak"}
928 modern_scripts{"Script modernoak"}
929 modifier{"Aldatzailea"}
930 musical_symbols{"Musika-ikurrak"}
932 nonspacing{"Tarterik gabeko"}
938 phonetic_alphabet{"Alfabeto fonetikoa"}
939 pictographs{"Piktogramak"}
942 punctuation{"Puntuazioa"}
943 rightwards_arrows{"Eskuin-geziak"}
944 sign_standard_symbols{"Zeinuak / Ikur estandarrak"}
945 small_form_variant{"Forma-aldaera txikiak"}
947 smileys_people{"Emotikonoak eta jendea"}
948 south_asian_scripts{"Asiako hegoaldeko scriptak"}
949 southeast_asian_scripts{"Asiako hego-ekialdeko scriptak"}
953 technical_symbols{"Ikur teknikoak"}
954 tone_marks{"Tonu-markak"}
956 travel_places{"Bidaiak eta tokiak"}
957 upwards_arrows{"Gora-geziak"}
958 variant_forms{"Aldaeren formak"}
959 vocalic_jamo{"Jamo bokala"}
961 western_asian_scripts{"Asiako mendebaldeko scriptak"}
962 whitespace{"Zuriunea"}
965 alternateQuotationEnd{"”"}
966 alternateQuotationStart{"“"}
982 one{"{0} egun barru"}
983 other{"{0} egun barru"}
986 one{"Duela {0} egun"}
987 other{"Duela {0} egun"}
995 one{"{0} egun barru"}
996 other{"{0} egun barru"}
999 one{"Duela {0} egun"}
1000 other{"Duela {0} egun"}
1008 one{"{0} egun barru"}
1009 other{"{0} egun barru"}
1012 one{"Duela {0} egun"}
1013 other{"Duela {0} egun"}
1018 dn{"urteko #. eguna"}
1021 dn{"urteko #. eguna"}
1024 dn{"urteko #. eguna"}
1046 "-1"{"aurreko ostiralean"}
1047 "0"{"ostiral honetan"}
1048 "1"{"hurrengo ostiralean"}
1052 one{"{0} ostiral barru"}
1053 other{"{0} ostiral barru"}
1056 one{"Duela {0} ostiral"}
1057 other{"Duela {0} ostiral"}
1069 one{"{0} ostiral barru"}
1070 other{"{0} ostiral barru"}
1073 one{"Duela {0} ostiral"}
1074 other{"Duela {0} ostiral"}
1086 one{"{0} ostiral barru"}
1087 other{"{0} ostiral barru"}
1090 one{"Duela {0} ostiral"}
1091 other{"Duela {0} ostiral"}
1102 one{"{0} ordu barru"}
1103 other{"{0} ordu barru"}
1106 one{"Duela {0} ordu"}
1107 other{"Duela {0} ordu"}
1115 one{"{0} ordu barru"}
1116 other{"{0} ordu barru"}
1119 one{"Duela {0} ordu"}
1120 other{"Duela {0} ordu"}
1128 one{"{0} ordu barru"}
1129 other{"{0} ordu barru"}
1132 one{"Duela {0} ordu"}
1133 other{"Duela {0} ordu"}
1140 "0"{"minutu honetan"}
1144 one{"{0} minutu barru"}
1145 other{"{0} minutu barru"}
1148 one{"Duela {0} minutu"}
1149 other{"Duela {0} minutu"}
1157 one{"{0} minutu barru"}
1158 other{"{0} minutu barru"}
1161 one{"Duela {0} minutu"}
1162 other{"Duela {0} minutu"}
1170 one{"{0} minutu barru"}
1171 other{"{0} minutu barru"}
1174 one{"Duela {0} minutu"}
1175 other{"Duela {0} minutu"}
1181 "-1"{"aurreko astelehenean"}
1182 "0"{"astelehen honetan"}
1183 "1"{"hurrengo astelehenean"}
1187 one{"{0} astelehen barru"}
1188 other{"{0} astelehen barru"}
1191 one{"Duela {0} astelehen"}
1192 other{"Duela {0} astelehen"}
1204 one{"{0} al. barru"}
1205 other{"{0} al. barru"}
1208 one{"Duela {0} al."}
1209 other{"Duela {0} al."}
1221 one{"{0} astelehen barru"}
1222 other{"{0} astelehen barru"}
1225 one{"Duela {0} astelehen"}
1226 other{"Duela {0} astelehen"}
1233 "-1"{"aurreko hilabetean"}
1234 "0"{"hilabete honetan"}
1235 "1"{"hurrengo hilabetean"}
1239 one{"{0} hilabete barru"}
1240 other{"{0} hilabete barru"}
1243 one{"Duela {0} hilabete"}
1244 other{"Duela {0} hilabete"}
1252 one{"{0} hilabete barru"}
1253 other{"{0} hilabete barru"}
1256 one{"Duela {0} hilabete"}
1257 other{"Duela {0} hilabete"}
1265 one{"{0} hilabete barru"}
1266 other{"{0} hilabete barru"}
1269 one{"Duela {0} hilabete"}
1270 other{"Duela {0} hilabete"}
1277 "-1"{"aurreko hiruhilekoa"}
1278 "0"{"hiruhileko hau"}
1279 "1"{"hurrengo hiruhilekoa"}
1283 one{"{0} hiruhileko barru"}
1284 other{"{0} hiruhileko barru"}
1287 one{"Duela {0} hiruhileko"}
1288 other{"Duela {0} hiruhileko"}
1296 one{"{0} hiruhileko barru"}
1297 other{"{0} hiruhileko barru"}
1300 one{"Duela {0} hiruhileko"}
1301 other{"Duela {0} hiruhileko"}
1309 one{"{0} hiruhileko barru"}
1310 other{"{0} hiruhileko barru"}
1313 one{"Duela {0} hiruhileko"}
1314 other{"Duela {0} hiruhileko"}
1320 "-1"{"aurreko larunbatean"}
1321 "0"{"larunbat honetan"}
1322 "1"{"hurrengo larunbatean"}
1326 one{"{0} larunbat barru"}
1327 other{"{0} larunbat barru"}
1330 one{"Duela {0} larunbat"}
1331 other{"Duela {0} larunbat"}
1343 one{"{0} larunbat barru"}
1344 other{"{0} larunbat barru"}
1347 one{"Duela {0} larunbat"}
1348 other{"Duela {0} larunbat"}
1360 one{"{0} larunbat barru"}
1361 other{"{0} larunbat barru"}
1364 one{"Duela {0} larunbat"}
1365 other{"Duela {0} larunbat"}
1376 one{"{0} segundo barru"}
1377 other{"{0} segundo barru"}
1380 one{"Duela {0} segundo"}
1381 other{"Duela {0} segundo"}
1389 one{"{0} segundo barru"}
1390 other{"{0} segundo barru"}
1393 one{"Duela {0} segundo"}
1394 other{"Duela {0} segundo"}
1402 one{"{0} segundo barru"}
1403 other{"{0} segundo barru"}
1406 one{"Duela {0} segundo"}
1407 other{"Duela {0} segundo"}
1413 "-1"{"aurreko igandean"}
1414 "0"{"igande honetan"}
1415 "1"{"hurrengo igandean"}
1419 one{"{0} igande barru"}
1420 other{"{0} igande barru"}
1423 one{"Duela {0} igande"}
1424 other{"Duela {0} igande"}
1436 one{"{0} igande barru"}
1437 other{"{0} igande barru"}
1440 one{"Duela {0} igande"}
1441 other{"Duela {0} igande"}
1453 one{"{0} igande barru"}
1454 other{"{0} igande barru"}
1457 one{"Duela {0} igande"}
1458 other{"Duela {0} igande"}
1464 "-1"{"aurreko ostegunean"}
1465 "0"{"ostegun honetan"}
1466 "1"{"hurrengo ostegunean"}
1470 one{"{0} ostegun barru"}
1471 other{"{0} ostegun barru"}
1474 one{"Duela {0} ostegun"}
1475 other{"Duela {0} ostegun"}
1487 one{"{0} ostegun barru"}
1488 other{"{0} ostegun barru"}
1491 one{"Duela {0} ostegun"}
1492 other{"Duela {0} ostegun"}
1504 one{"{0} ostegun barru"}
1505 other{"{0} ostegun barru"}
1508 one{"Duela {0} ostegun"}
1509 other{"Duela {0} ostegun"}
1515 "-1"{"aurreko asteartean"}
1516 "0"{"astearte honetan"}
1517 "1"{"hurrengo asteartean"}
1521 one{"{0} astearte barru"}
1522 other{"{0} astearte barru"}
1525 one{"Duela {0} astearte"}
1526 other{"Duela {0} astearte"}
1538 one{"{0} ar. barru"}
1539 other{"{0} ar. barru"}
1542 one{"Duela {0} ar."}
1543 other{"Duela {0} ar."}
1555 one{"{0} astearte barru"}
1556 other{"{0} astearte barru"}
1559 one{"Duela {0} astearte"}
1560 other{"Duela {0} astearte"}
1566 "-1"{"aurreko asteazkenean"}
1567 "0"{"asteazken honetan"}
1568 "1"{"hurrengo asteazkenean"}
1572 one{"{0} asteazken barru"}
1573 other{"{0} asteazken barru"}
1576 one{"Duela {0} asteazken"}
1577 other{"Duela {0} asteazken"}
1589 one{"{0} asteazken barru"}
1590 other{"{0} asteazken barru"}
1593 one{"Duela {0} asteazken"}
1594 other{"Duela {0} asteazken"}
1606 one{"{0} asteazken barru"}
1607 other{"{0} asteazken barru"}
1610 one{"Duela {0} asteazken"}
1611 other{"Duela {0} asteazken"}
1618 "-1"{"aurreko astean"}
1620 "1"{"hurrengo astean"}
1622 relativePeriod{"{0} astea"}
1625 one{"{0} aste barru"}
1626 other{"{0} aste barru"}
1629 one{"Duela {0} aste"}
1630 other{"Duela {0} aste"}
1636 relativePeriod{"{0} astea"}
1639 one{"{0} aste barru"}
1640 other{"{0} aste barru"}
1643 one{"Duela {0} aste"}
1644 other{"Duela {0} aste"}
1650 relativePeriod{"{0} astea"}
1653 one{"{0} aste barru"}
1654 other{"{0} aste barru"}
1657 one{"Duela {0} aste"}
1658 other{"Duela {0} aste"}
1663 dn{"hileko #. astea"}
1666 dn{"hileko #. astea"}
1669 dn{"hileko #. astea"}
1681 dn{"hileko #. asteguna"}
1683 weekdayOfMonth-narrow{
1684 dn{"hileko #. asteguna"}
1686 weekdayOfMonth-short{
1687 dn{"hileko #. asteguna"}
1694 "1"{"hurrengo urtean"}
1698 one{"{0} urte barru"}
1699 other{"{0} urte barru"}
1702 one{"Duela {0} urte"}
1703 other{"Duela {0} urte"}
1710 "-1"{"aurreko urtea"}
1712 "1"{"hurrengo urtea"}
1716 one{"{0} urte barru"}
1717 other{"{0} urte barru"}
1720 one{"Duela {0} urte"}
1721 other{"Duela {0} urte"}
1728 "-1"{"aurreko urtea"}
1730 "1"{"hurrengo urtea"}
1734 one{"{0} urte barru"}
1735 other{"{0} urte barru"}
1738 one{"Duela {0} urte"}
1739 other{"Duela {0} urte"}
1785 measurementSystemNames{
1786 UK{"Erresuma Batuko sistema"}
1787 US{"AEBetako sistema"}
1788 metric{"Sistema metrikoa"}