1 /********************************************************************
3 * Copyright (c) 1997-2014, International Business Machines
4 * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
5 ********************************************************************/
8 * IntlTestFormat is the medium level test class for everything in the directory "format".
11 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
12 #include "unicode/localpointer.h"
23 #include "tsdcfmsy.h" // DecimalFormatSymbols
25 #include "tsdtfmsy.h" // DateFormatSymbols
26 #include "dcfmapts.h" // DecimalFormatAPI
27 #include "tfsmalls.h" // Format Small Classes
28 #include "nmfmapts.h" // NumberFormatAPI
29 #include "numfmtst.h" // NumberFormatTest
30 #include "sdtfmtts.h" // SimpleDateFormatAPI
31 #include "dtfmapts.h" // DateFormatAPI
32 #include "dtfmttst.h" // DateFormatTest
33 #include "tmsgfmt.h" // TestMessageFormat
34 #include "dtfmrgts.h" // DateFormatRegressionTest
35 #include "msfmrgts.h" // MessageFormatRegressionTest
36 #include "miscdtfm.h" // DateFormatMiscTests
37 #include "nmfmtrt.h" // NumberFormatRoundTripTest
38 #include "numrgts.h" // NumberFormatRegressionTest
39 #include "dtfmtrtts.h" // DateFormatRoundTripTest
40 #include "pptest.h" // ParsePositionTest
41 #include "calregts.h" // CalendarRegressionTest
42 #include "tzregts.h" // TimeZoneRegressionTest
43 #include "astrotst.h" // AstroTest
44 #include "incaltst.h" // IntlCalendarTest
45 #include "calcasts.h" // CalendarCaseTest
46 #include "tzrulets.h" // TimeZoneRuleTest
47 #include "dadrcal.h" // DataDrivenCalendarTest
48 #include "dadrfmt.h" // DataDrivenFormatTest
49 #include "dtptngts.h" // IntlTestDateTimePatternGeneratorAPI
50 #include "tzoffloc.h" // TimeZoneOffsetLocalTest
51 #include "tzfmttst.h" // TimeZoneFormatTest
52 #include "plurults.h" // PluralRulesTest
53 #include "plurfmts.h" // PluralFormatTest
54 #include "selfmts.h" // PluralFormatTest
55 #include "dtifmtts.h" // DateIntervalFormatTest
56 #include "tufmtts.h" // TimeUnitTest
57 #include "locnmtst.h" // LocaleDisplayNamesTest
58 #include "dcfmtest.h" // DecimalFormatTest
59 #include "listformattertest.h" // ListFormatterTest
60 #include "regiontst.h" // RegionTest
62 extern IntlTest
63 extern IntlTest
64 extern IntlTest
65 extern IntlTest
67 #define TESTCLASS(id, TestClass) \
71 logln(#TestClass " test---"); \
72 logln((UnicodeString)""); \
74 callTest(test, par); \
78 void IntlTestFormat::runIndexedTest( int32_t index
, UBool exec
, const char* &name
, char* par
80 // for all format tests, always set default Locale and TimeZone to ENGLISH and PST.
81 TimeZone
* saveDefaultTimeZone
82 Locale saveDefaultLocale
= Locale::getDefault();
84 saveDefaultTimeZone
= TimeZone::createDefault();
85 TimeZone
= TimeZone::createTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
86 TimeZone::setDefault(*tz
88 UErrorCode status
89 Locale::setDefault( Locale::getEnglish(), status
90 if (U_FAILURE(status
)) {
91 errln("itformat: couldn't set default Locale to ENGLISH!");
94 if (exec
) logln("TestSuite Format: ");
96 TESTCLASS(0,IntlTestDateFormat
97 TESTCLASS(1,IntlTestNumberFormat
98 TESTCLASS(2,CalendarTest
99 TESTCLASS(3,CalendarLimitTest
100 TESTCLASS(4,TimeZoneTest
101 TESTCLASS(5,TimeZoneBoundaryTest
102 TESTCLASS(6,TestChoiceFormat
103 TESTCLASS(7,IntlTestDecimalFormatSymbols
104 TESTCLASS(8,IntlTestDateFormatSymbols
105 TESTCLASS(9,IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI
106 TESTCLASS(10,TestFormatSmallClasses
107 TESTCLASS(11,IntlTestNumberFormatAPI
108 TESTCLASS(12,IntlTestSimpleDateFormatAPI
109 TESTCLASS(13,IntlTestDateFormatAPI
110 TESTCLASS(14,DateFormatTest
111 TESTCLASS(15,TestMessageFormat
112 TESTCLASS(16,NumberFormatTest
113 TESTCLASS(17,DateFormatRegressionTest
114 TESTCLASS(18,MessageFormatRegressionTest
115 TESTCLASS(19,DateFormatMiscTests
116 TESTCLASS(20,NumberFormatRoundTripTest
117 TESTCLASS(21,NumberFormatRegressionTest
118 TESTCLASS(22,DateFormatRoundTripTest
119 TESTCLASS(23,ParsePositionTest
120 TESTCLASS(24,CalendarRegressionTest
121 TESTCLASS(25,TimeZoneRegressionTest
122 TESTCLASS(26,IntlCalendarTest
123 TESTCLASS(27,AstroTest
124 TESTCLASS(28,CalendarCaseTest
125 TESTCLASS(29,TimeZoneRuleTest
127 TESTCLASS(30,DataDrivenCalendarTest
128 TESTCLASS(31,DataDrivenFormatTest
130 TESTCLASS(32,IntlTestDateTimePatternGeneratorAPI
131 TESTCLASS(33,TimeZoneOffsetLocalTest
132 TESTCLASS(34,TimeZoneFormatTest
133 TESTCLASS(35,PluralRulesTest
134 TESTCLASS(36,PluralFormatTest
135 TESTCLASS(37,DateIntervalFormatTest
136 TESTCLASS(38,TimeUnitTest
137 TESTCLASS(39,SelectFormatTest
138 TESTCLASS(40,LocaleDisplayNamesTest
140 TESTCLASS(41,DecimalFormatTest
142 TESTCLASS(42,ListFormatterTest
144 name
= "GenderInfoTest";
146 logln("GenderInfoTest test---");
147 logln((UnicodeString
148 LocalPointer
> test(createGenderInfoTest());
149 callTest(*test
, par
153 name
= "CompactDecimalFormatTest";
155 logln("CompactDecimalFormatTest test---");
156 logln((UnicodeString
157 LocalPointer
> test(createCompactDecimalFormatTest());
158 callTest(*test
, par
161 TESTCLASS(45,RegionTest
163 name
= "RelativeDateTimeFormatterTest";
165 logln("RelativeDateTimeFormatterTest test---");
166 logln((UnicodeString
167 LocalPointer
> test(createRelativeDateTimeFormatterTest());
168 callTest(*test
, par
172 name
= "MeasureFormatTest";
174 logln("MeasureFormatTest test---");
175 logln((UnicodeString
176 LocalPointer
> test(createMeasureFormatTest());
177 callTest(*test
, par
180 default: name
= ""; break; //needed to end loop
183 // restore saved Locale and TimeZone
184 TimeZone::adoptDefault(saveDefaultTimeZone
185 UErrorCode status
186 Locale::setDefault( saveDefaultLocale
, status
187 if (U_FAILURE(status
)) {
188 errln("itformat: couldn't re-set default Locale!");
193 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */