]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/icu.git/blob - icuSources/i18n/rbt_rule.h
[apple/icu.git] / icuSources / i18n / rbt_rule.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) {1999-2001}, International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
3 **********************************************************************
4 * Date Name Description
5 * 11/17/99 aliu Creation.
6 **********************************************************************
7 */
8 #ifndef RBT_RULE_H
9 #define RBT_RULE_H
11 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
15 #include "unicode/uobject.h"
16 #include "unicode/unistr.h"
17 #include "unicode/utrans.h"
18 #include "unicode/unimatch.h"
22 class Replaceable;
23 class TransliterationRuleData;
24 class StringMatcher;
25 class UnicodeFunctor;
27 /**
28 * A transliteration rule used by
29 * <code>RuleBasedTransliterator</code>.
30 * <code>TransliterationRule</code> is an immutable object.
31 *
32 * <p>A rule consists of an input pattern and an output string. When
33 * the input pattern is matched, the output string is emitted. The
34 * input pattern consists of zero or more characters which are matched
35 * exactly (the key) and optional context. Context must match if it
36 * is specified. Context may be specified before the key, after the
37 * key, or both. The key, preceding context, and following context
38 * may contain variables. Variables represent a set of Unicode
39 * characters, such as the letters <i>a</i> through <i>z</i>.
40 * Variables are detected by looking up each character in a supplied
41 * variable list to see if it has been so defined.
42 *
43 * <p>A rule may contain segments in its input string and segment
44 * references in its output string. A segment is a substring of the
45 * input pattern, indicated by an offset and limit. The segment may
46 * be in the preceding or following context. It may not span a
47 * context boundary. A segment reference is a special character in
48 * the output string that causes a segment of the input string (not
49 * the input pattern) to be copied to the output string. The range of
50 * special characters that represent segment references is defined by
51 * RuleBasedTransliterator.Data.
52 *
53 * @author Alan Liu
54 */
55 class TransliterationRule : public UMemory {
57 private:
59 // TODO Eliminate the pattern and keyLength data members. They
60 // are used only by masks() and getIndexValue() which are called
61 // only during build time, not during run-time. Perhaps these
62 // methods and pattern/keyLength can be isolated into a separate
63 // object.
65 /**
66 * The match that must occur before the key, or null if there is no
67 * preceding context.
68 */
69 StringMatcher *anteContext;
71 /**
72 * The matcher object for the key. If null, then the key is empty.
73 */
74 StringMatcher *key;
76 /**
77 * The match that must occur after the key, or null if there is no
78 * following context.
79 */
80 StringMatcher *postContext;
82 /**
83 * The object that performs the replacement if the key,
84 * anteContext, and postContext are matched. Never null.
85 */
86 UnicodeFunctor* output;
88 /**
89 * The string that must be matched, consisting of the anteContext, key,
90 * and postContext, concatenated together, in that order. Some components
91 * may be empty (zero length).
92 * @see anteContextLength
93 * @see keyLength
94 */
95 UnicodeString pattern;
97 /**
98 * An array of matcher objects corresponding to the input pattern
99 * segments. If there are no segments this is null. N.B. This is
100 * a UnicodeMatcher for generality, but in practice it is always a
101 * StringMatcher. In the future we may generalize this, but for
102 * now we sometimes cast down to StringMatcher.
103 *
104 * The array is owned, but the pointers within it are not.
105 */
106 UnicodeFunctor** segments;
108 /**
109 * The number of elements in segments[] or zero if segments is NULL.
110 */
111 int32_t segmentsCount;
113 /**
114 * The length of the string that must match before the key. If
115 * zero, then there is no matching requirement before the key.
116 * Substring [0,anteContextLength) of pattern is the anteContext.
117 */
118 int32_t anteContextLength;
120 /**
121 * The length of the key. Substring [anteContextLength,
122 * anteContextLength + keyLength) is the key.
124 */
125 int32_t keyLength;
127 /**
128 * Miscellaneous attributes.
129 */
130 int8_t flags;
132 /**
133 * Flag attributes.
134 */
135 enum {
137 ANCHOR_END = 2
138 };
140 /**
141 * An alias pointer to the data for this rule. The data provides
142 * lookup services for matchers and segments.
143 */
144 const TransliterationRuleData* data;
146 public:
148 /**
149 * Construct a new rule with the given input, output text, and other
150 * attributes. A cursor position may be specified for the output text.
151 * @param input input string, including key and optional ante and
152 * post context.
153 * @param anteContextPos offset into input to end of ante context, or -1 if
154 * none. Must be <= input.length() if not -1.
155 * @param postContextPos offset into input to start of post context, or -1
156 * if none. Must be <= input.length() if not -1, and must be >=
157 * anteContextPos.
158 * @param outputStr output string.
159 * @param cursorPosition offset into output at which cursor is located, or -1 if
160 * none. If less than zero, then the cursor is placed after the
161 * <code>output</code>; that is, -1 is equivalent to
162 * <code>output.length()</code>. If greater than
163 * <code>output.length()</code> then an exception is thrown.
164 * @param cursorOffset an offset to be added to cursorPos to position the
165 * cursor either in the ante context, if < 0, or in the post context, if >
166 * 0. For example, the rule "abc{def} > | @@@ xyz;" changes "def" to
167 * "xyz" and moves the cursor to before "a". It would have a cursorOffset
168 * of -3.
169 * @param segs array of UnicodeMatcher corresponding to input pattern
170 * segments, or null if there are none. The array itself is adopted,
171 * but the pointers within it are not.
172 * @param segsCount number of elements in segs[].
173 * @param anchorStart TRUE if the the rule is anchored on the left to
174 * the context start.
175 * @param anchorEnd TRUE if the rule is anchored on the right to the
176 * context limit.
177 * @param data the rule data.
178 * @param status Output parameter filled in with success or failure status.
179 */
180 TransliterationRule(const UnicodeString& input,
181 int32_t anteContextPos, int32_t postContextPos,
182 const UnicodeString& outputStr,
183 int32_t cursorPosition, int32_t cursorOffset,
184 UnicodeFunctor** segs,
185 int32_t segsCount,
186 UBool anchorStart, UBool anchorEnd,
187 const TransliterationRuleData* data,
188 UErrorCode& status);
190 /**
191 * Copy constructor.
192 * @param other the object to be copied.
193 */
194 TransliterationRule(TransliterationRule& other);
196 /**
197 * Destructor.
198 */
199 virtual ~TransliterationRule();
201 /**
202 * Change the data object that this rule belongs to. Used
203 * internally by the TransliterationRuleData copy constructor.
204 * @param data the new data value to be set.
205 */
206 void setData(const TransliterationRuleData* data);
208 /**
209 * Return the preceding context length. This method is needed to
210 * support the <code>Transliterator</code> method
211 * <code>getMaximumContextLength()</code>. Internally, this is
212 * implemented as the anteContextLength, optionally plus one if
213 * there is a start anchor. The one character anchor gap is
214 * needed to make repeated incremental transliteration with
215 * anchors work.
216 * @return the preceding context length.
217 */
218 virtual int32_t getContextLength(void) const;
220 /**
221 * Internal method. Returns 8-bit index value for this rule.
222 * This is the low byte of the first character of the key,
223 * unless the first character of the key is a set. If it's a
224 * set, or otherwise can match multiple keys, the index value is -1.
225 * @return 8-bit index value for this rule.
226 */
227 int16_t getIndexValue() const;
229 /**
230 * Internal method. Returns true if this rule matches the given
231 * index value. The index value is an 8-bit integer, 0..255,
232 * representing the low byte of the first character of the key.
233 * It matches this rule if it matches the first character of the
234 * key, or if the first character of the key is a set, and the set
235 * contains any character with a low byte equal to the index
236 * value. If the rule contains only ante context, as in foo)>bar,
237 * then it will match any key.
238 * @param v the given index value.
239 * @return true if this rule matches the given index value.
240 */
241 UBool matchesIndexValue(uint8_t v) const;
243 /**
244 * Return true if this rule masks another rule. If r1 masks r2 then
245 * r1 matches any input string that r2 matches. If r1 masks r2 and r2 masks
246 * r1 then r1 == r2. Examples: "a>x" masks "ab>y". "a>x" masks "a[b]>y".
247 * "[c]a>x" masks "[dc]a>y".
248 * @param r2 the given rule to be compared with.
249 * @return true if this rule masks 'r2'
250 */
251 virtual UBool masks(const TransliterationRule& r2) const;
253 /**
254 * Attempt a match and replacement at the given position. Return
255 * the degree of match between this rule and the given text. The
256 * degree of match may be mismatch, a partial match, or a full
257 * match. A mismatch means at least one character of the text
258 * does not match the context or key. A partial match means some
259 * context and key characters match, but the text is not long
260 * enough to match all of them. A full match means all context
261 * and key characters match.
262 *
263 * If a full match is obtained, perform a replacement, update pos,
264 * and return U_MATCH. Otherwise both text and pos are unchanged.
265 *
266 * @param text the text
267 * @param pos the position indices
268 * @param incremental if TRUE, test for partial matches that may
269 * be completed by additional text inserted at pos.limit.
270 * @return one of <code>U_MISMATCH</code>,
271 * <code>U_PARTIAL_MATCH</code>, or <code>U_MATCH</code>. If
272 * incremental is FALSE then U_PARTIAL_MATCH will not be returned.
273 */
274 UMatchDegree matchAndReplace(Replaceable& text,
275 UTransPosition& pos,
276 UBool incremental) const;
278 /**
279 * Create a rule string that represents this rule object. Append
280 * it to the given string.
281 */
282 virtual UnicodeString& toRule(UnicodeString& pat,
283 UBool escapeUnprintable) const;
285 /**
286 * Union the set of all characters that may be modified by this rule
287 * into the given set.
288 */
289 void addSourceSetTo(UnicodeSet& toUnionTo) const;
291 /**
292 * Union the set of all characters that may be emitted by this rule
293 * into the given set.
294 */
295 void addTargetSetTo(UnicodeSet& toUnionTo) const;
297 private:
299 friend class StringMatcher;
301 TransliterationRule &operator=(const TransliterationRule &other); // forbid copying of this class
302 };
306 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_TRANSLITERATION */
308 #endif