1 // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2 // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
4 AuxExemplarCharacters{"[á å ä ã ā ē í ì ī ñ ó ò ö ø ú ǔ]"}
11 word-medial{"{0}… {1}"}
14 "[a à â æ b c ç d e é è ê ë f g h i î ï j k l m n o ô œ p q r s t u ù û ü v w"
17 ExemplarCharactersIndex{"[A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z]"}
18 ExemplarCharactersPunctuation{"[\\- ‐ – — , ; \\: ! ? . … ’ \u0022 “ ” « » ( ) \\[ \\] § @ * / \\& # † ‡]"}
28 accountingFormat{"#,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)"}
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32 scientificFormat{"#E0"}
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206 other{"Prenez la {0}e à droite."}
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509 M{"E dd/MM – E dd/MM"}
510 d{"E dd/MM – E dd/MM"}
516 M{"E d MMM – E d MMM"}
517 d{"E d MMM – E d MMM"}
530 fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
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557 M{"E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y G"}
558 d{"E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y G"}
559 y{"E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y G"}
566 M{"E d MMM – E d MMM y G"}
567 d{"E d – E d MMM y G"}
568 y{"E d MMM y – E d MMM y G"}
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575 M{"d MMM – d MMM y G"}
577 y{"d MMM y – d MMM y G"}
582 y{"dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y G"}
626 GyMMMEd{"E d MMM y G"}
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639 other{"'semaine' W 'de' MMM"}
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663 other{"'semaine' w 'de' y"}
763 afternoon1{"de l’après-midi"}
793 afternoon1{"après-midi"}
822 "avant Jésus-Christ",
823 "après Jésus-Christ",
826 "avant l’ère commune",
849 M{"E dd/MM – E dd/MM"}
850 d{"E dd/MM – E dd/MM"}
856 M{"E d MMM – E d MMM"}
870 fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
881 a{"h:mm a – h:mm a v"}
897 M{"E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y"}
898 d{"E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y"}
899 y{"E dd/MM/y – E dd/MM/y"}
906 M{"E d MMM – E d MMM y"}
908 y{"E d MMM y – E d MMM y"}
917 y{"d MMM y – d MMM y"}
920 M{"dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y"}
921 d{"dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y"}
922 y{"dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y"}
1134 GyMMMEd{"E d MMM y G"}
1147 yyyyMEd{"E d/M/y GGGGG"}
1149 yyyyMMMEd{"E d MMM y G"}
1150 yyyyMMMM{"MMMM y G"}
1151 yyyyMMMd{"d MMM y G"}
1152 yyyyMd{"d/M/y GGGGG"}
1154 yyyyQQQQ{"QQQQ y G"}
1197 "joumada ath-thania",
1241 "joumada ath-thania",
1272 GyMMMEd{"E d MMM y G"}
1285 yyyyMEd{"E d/M/y GGGGG"}
1287 yyyyMMMEd{"E d MMM y G"}
1288 yyyyMMMM{"MMMM y G"}
1289 yyyyMMMd{"d MMM y G"}
1290 yyyyMd{"d/M/y GGGGG"}
1292 yyyyQQQQ{"QQQQ y G"}
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1307 american_scripts{"écritures américaines"}
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1321 divination_symbols{"symboles divinatoires"}
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1323 downwards_upwards_arrows{"flèches vers le bas et le haut"}
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1393 day-format-except-narrow:intvector{
1397 day-standalone-except-narrow:intvector{
1401 languages:intvector{
1405 month-format-except-narrow:intvector{
1409 month-standalone-except-narrow:intvector{
1417 territory:intvector{
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1424 alternateQuotationStart{"«"}
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1441 other{"dans {0} jours"}
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1445 other{"il y a {0} jours"}
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1511 other{"il y a {0}ven"}
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1524 other{"dans {0} ven."}
1527 one{"il y a {0} ven."}
1528 other{"il y a {0} ven."}
1535 "0"{"cette heure-ci"}
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1540 other{"dans {0} heures"}
1543 one{"il y a {0} heure"}
1544 other{"il y a {0} heures"}
1570 other{"il y a {0} h"}
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1582 other{"dans {0} minutes"}
1585 one{"il y a {0} minute"}
1586 other{"il y a {0} minutes"}
1608 other{"dans {0} min"}
1611 one{"il y a {0} min"}
1612 other{"il y a {0} min"}
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1620 "1"{"lundi prochain"}
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1629 other{"il y a {0} lundis"}
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1646 other{"il y a {0}lun"}
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1659 other{"dans {0} lun."}
1662 one{"il y a {0} lun."}
1663 other{"il y a {0} lun."}
1670 "-1"{"le mois dernier"}
1672 "1"{"le mois prochain"}
1676 one{"dans {0} mois"}
1677 other{"dans {0} mois"}
1680 one{"il y a {0} mois"}
1681 other{"il y a {0} mois"}
1703 other{"dans {0} m."}
1706 one{"il y a {0} m."}
1707 other{"il y a {0} m."}
1714 "-1"{"le trimestre dernier"}
1716 "1"{"le trimestre prochain"}
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1724 one{"il y a {0} trimestre"}
1725 other{"il y a {0} trimestres"}
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1747 other{"dans {0} trim."}
1750 one{"il y a {0} trim."}
1751 other{"il y a {0} trim."}
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1764 other{"dans {0} samedis"}
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1768 other{"il y a {0} samedis"}
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1785 other{"il y a {0}sam"}
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1793 "1"{"sam. prochain"}
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1798 other{"dans {0} sam."}
1801 one{"dans {0} sam."}
1802 other{"dans {0} sam."}
1813 one{"dans {0} seconde"}
1814 other{"dans {0} secondes"}
1817 one{"il y a {0} seconde"}
1818 other{"il y a {0} secondes"}
1844 other{"il y a {0} s"}
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1852 "1"{"dimanche prochain"}
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1857 other{"dans {0} dimanches"}
1860 one{"il y a {0} dimanche"}
1861 other{"il y a {0} dimanches"}
1874 other{"dans {0}dim"}
1877 one{"il y a {0}dim"}
1878 other{"il y a {0}dim"}
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1886 "1"{"dim. prochain"}
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1891 other{"dans {0} dim."}
1894 one{"il y a {0} dim."}
1895 other{"il y a {0} dim."}
1901 "-1"{"jeudi dernier"}
1903 "1"{"jeudi prochain"}
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1908 other{"dans {0} jeudis"}
1911 one{"il y a {0} jeudi"}
1912 other{"il y a {0} jeudis"}
1925 other{"dans {0}jeu"}
1928 one{"il y a {0}jeu"}
1929 other{"il y a {0}jeu"}
1935 "-1"{"jeu. dernier"}
1937 "1"{"jeu. prochain"}
1941 one{"dans {0} jeu."}
1942 other{"dans {0} jeu."}
1945 one{"il y a {0} jeu."}
1946 other{"il y a {0} jeu."}
1952 "-1"{"mardi dernier"}
1954 "1"{"mardi prochain"}
1958 one{"dans {0} mardi"}
1959 other{"dans {0} mardis"}
1962 one{"il y a {0} mardi"}
1963 other{"il y a {0} mardis"}
1976 other{"dans {0}mar"}
1979 one{"il y a {0}mar"}
1980 other{"il y a {0}mar"}
1986 "-1"{"mar. dernier"}
1988 "1"{"mar. prochain"}
1992 one{"dans {0} mar."}
1993 other{"dans {0} mar."}
1996 one{"il y a {0} mar."}
1997 other{"il y a {0} mar."}
2003 "-1"{"mercredi dernier"}
2005 "1"{"mercredi prochain"}
2009 one{"dans {0} mercredi"}
2010 other{"dans {0} mercredis"}
2013 one{"il y a {0} mercredi"}
2014 other{"il y a {0} mercredis"}
2027 other{"dans {0}mer"}
2030 one{"il y a {0}mer"}
2031 other{"il y a {0}mer"}
2037 "-1"{"mer. dernier"}
2039 "1"{"mer. prochain"}
2043 one{"dans {0} mer."}
2044 other{"dans {0} mer."}
2047 one{"il y a {0} mer."}
2048 other{"il y a {0} mer."}
2055 "-1"{"la semaine dernière"}
2056 "0"{"cette semaine"}
2057 "1"{"la semaine prochaine"}
2059 relativePeriod{"la semaine du {0}"}
2062 one{"dans {0} semaine"}
2063 other{"dans {0} semaines"}
2066 one{"il y a {0} semaine"}
2067 other{"il y a {0} semaines"}
2073 relativePeriod{"sem. du {0}"}
2087 relativePeriod{"sem. du {0}"}
2090 one{"dans {0} sem."}
2091 other{"dans {0} sem."}
2094 one{"il y a {0} sem."}
2095 other{"il y a {0} sem."}
2100 dn{"jour de la semaine"}
2105 "-1"{"l’année dernière"}
2107 "1"{"l’année prochaine"}
2112 other{"dans {0} ans"}
2115 one{"il y a {0} an"}
2116 other{"il y a {0} ans"}
2142 other{"il y a {0} a"}
2147 dn{"fuseau horaire"}
2182 measurementSystemNames{