]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/icu.git/blob - icuSources/data/buildtool/__main__.py
[apple/icu.git] / icuSources / data / buildtool / __main__.py
1 # Copyright (C) 2018 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2 # License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
4 # Python 2/3 Compatibility (ICU-20299)
5 # TODO(ICU-20301): Remove this.
6 from __future__ import print_function
8 import argparse
9 import glob as pyglob
10 import json
11 import os
12 import sys
14 from . import *
15 from .comment_stripper import CommentStripper
16 from .request_types import CopyRequest
17 from .renderers import makefile, unix_exec, windows_exec
18 from . import filtration, utils
19 import BUILDRULES
21 flag_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
22 description = """Generates rules for building ICU binary data files from text
23 and other input files in source control.
25 Use the --mode option to declare how to execute those rules, either exporting
26 the rules to a Makefile or spawning child processes to run them immediately:
28 --mode=gnumake prints a Makefile to standard out.
29 --mode=unix-exec spawns child processes in a Unix-like environment.
30 --mode=windows-exec spawns child processes in a Windows-like environment.
32 Tips for --mode=unix-exec
33 =========================
35 Create two empty directories for out_dir and tmp_dir. They will get filled
36 with a lot of intermediate files.
38 Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the lib directory. e.g., from icu4c/source:
40 $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib PYTHONPATH=data python3 -m buildtool ...
42 Once buildtool finishes, you have compiled the data, but you have not packaged
43 it into a .dat or .so file. This is done by the separate pkgdata tool in bin.
44 Read the docs of pkgdata:
46 $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib ./bin/pkgdata --help
48 Example command line to call pkgdata:
50 $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib ./bin/pkgdata -m common -p icudt63l -c \\
51 -O data/icupkg.inc -s $OUTDIR -d $TMPDIR $TMPDIR/icudata.lst
53 where $OUTDIR and $TMPDIR are your out and tmp directories, respectively.
54 The above command will create icudt63l.dat in the tmpdir.
56 Command-Line Arguments
57 ======================
58 """,
59 formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
60 )
62 arg_group_required = flag_parser.add_argument_group("required arguments")
63 arg_group_required.add_argument(
64 "--mode",
65 help = "What to do with the generated rules.",
66 choices = ["gnumake", "unix-exec", "windows-exec"],
67 required = True
68 )
70 flag_parser.add_argument(
71 "--src_dir",
72 help = "Path to data source folder (icu4c/source/data).",
73 default = "."
74 )
75 flag_parser.add_argument(
76 "--filter_file",
77 metavar = "PATH",
78 help = "Path to an ICU data filter JSON file.",
79 default = None
80 )
81 flag_parser.add_argument(
82 "--include_uni_core_data",
83 help = "Include the full Unicode core data in the dat file.",
84 default = False,
85 action = "store_true"
86 )
87 flag_parser.add_argument(
88 "--seqmode",
89 help = "Whether to optimize rules to be run sequentially (fewer threads) or in parallel (many threads). Defaults to 'sequential', which is better for unix-exec and windows-exec modes. 'parallel' is often better for massively parallel build systems.",
90 choices = ["sequential", "parallel"],
91 default = "sequential"
92 )
94 arg_group_exec = flag_parser.add_argument_group("arguments for unix-exec and windows-exec modes")
95 arg_group_exec.add_argument(
96 "--out_dir",
97 help = "Path to where to save output data files.",
98 default = "icudata"
99 )
100 arg_group_exec.add_argument(
101 "--tmp_dir",
102 help = "Path to where to save temporary files.",
103 default = "icutmp"
104 )
105 arg_group_exec.add_argument(
106 "--tool_dir",
107 help = "Path to where to find binary tools (genrb, etc).",
108 default = "../bin"
109 )
110 arg_group_exec.add_argument(
111 "--tool_cfg",
112 help = "The build configuration of the tools. Used in 'windows-exec' mode only.",
113 default = "x86/Debug"
114 )
117 class Config(object):
119 def __init__(self, args):
120 # Process arguments
121 self.max_parallel = (args.seqmode == "parallel")
123 # Boolean: Whether to include core Unicode data files in the .dat file
124 self.include_uni_core_data = args.include_uni_core_data
126 # Default fields before processing filter file
127 self.filters_json_data = {}
129 # Process filter file
130 if args.filter_file:
131 try:
132 with open(args.filter_file, "r") as f:
133 print("Note: Applying filters from %s." % args.filter_file, file=sys.stderr)
134 self._parse_filter_file(f)
135 except IOError:
136 print("Error: Could not read filter file %s." % args.filter_file, file=sys.stderr)
137 exit(1)
139 # Either "unihan" or "implicithan"
140 self.coll_han_type = "unihan"
141 if "collationUCAData" in self.filters_json_data:
142 self.coll_han_type = self.filters_json_data["collationUCAData"]
144 def _parse_filter_file(self, f):
145 # Use the Hjson parser if it is available; otherwise, use vanilla JSON.
146 try:
147 import hjson
148 self.filters_json_data = hjson.load(f)
149 except ImportError:
150 self.filters_json_data = json.load(CommentStripper(f))
152 # Optionally pre-validate the JSON schema before further processing.
153 # Some schema errors will be caught later, but this step ensures
154 # maximal validity.
155 try:
156 import jsonschema
157 schema_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "filtration_schema.json")
158 with open(schema_path) as schema_f:
159 schema = json.load(CommentStripper(schema_f))
160 validator = jsonschema.Draft4Validator(schema)
161 for error in validator.iter_errors(self.filters_json_data, schema):
162 print("WARNING: ICU data filter JSON file:", error.message,
163 "at", "".join(
164 "[%d]" % part if isinstance(part, int) else ".%s" % part
165 for part in error.absolute_path
166 ),
167 file=sys.stderr)
168 except ImportError:
169 print("Tip: to validate your filter file, install the Pip package 'jsonschema'", file=sys.stderr)
170 pass
173 def add_copy_input_requests(requests, config, common_vars):
174 files_to_copy = set()
175 for request in requests:
176 for f in request.all_input_files():
177 if isinstance(f, InFile):
178 files_to_copy.add(f)
180 result = []
181 id = 0
183 json_data = config.filters_json_data["fileReplacements"]
184 dirname = json_data["directory"]
185 for directive in json_data["replacements"]:
186 input_file = LocalFile(dirname, directive["src"])
187 output_file = InFile(directive["dest"])
188 result += [
189 CopyRequest(
190 name = "input_copy_%d" % id,
191 input_file = input_file,
192 output_file = output_file
193 )
194 ]
195 files_to_copy.remove(output_file)
196 id += 1
198 for f in files_to_copy:
199 result += [
200 CopyRequest(
201 name = "input_copy_%d" % id,
202 input_file = SrcFile(f.filename),
203 output_file = f
204 )
205 ]
206 id += 1
208 result += requests
209 return result
212 def main():
213 args = flag_parser.parse_args()
214 config = Config(args)
216 if args.mode == "gnumake":
217 makefile_vars = {
218 "SRC_DIR": "$(srcdir)",
219 "IN_DIR": "$(srcdir)",
220 "INDEX_NAME": "res_index"
221 }
222 makefile_env = ["ICUDATA_CHAR", "OUT_DIR", "TMP_DIR"]
223 common = {
224 key: "$(%s)" % key
225 for key in list(makefile_vars.keys()) + makefile_env
226 }
227 common["GLOB_DIR"] = args.src_dir
228 else:
229 common = {
230 # GLOB_DIR is used now, whereas IN_DIR is used during execution phase.
231 # There is no useful distinction in unix-exec or windows-exec mode.
232 "GLOB_DIR": args.src_dir,
233 "SRC_DIR": args.src_dir,
234 "IN_DIR": args.src_dir,
235 "OUT_DIR": args.out_dir,
236 "TMP_DIR": args.tmp_dir,
237 "INDEX_NAME": "res_index",
238 # TODO: Pull this from configure script:
239 "ICUDATA_CHAR": "l"
240 }
242 def glob(pattern):
243 result_paths = pyglob.glob("{GLOB_DIR}/{PATTERN}".format(
244 GLOB_DIR = args.src_dir,
245 PATTERN = pattern
246 ))
247 # For the purposes of buildtool, force Unix-style directory separators.
248 return [v.replace("\\", "/")[len(args.src_dir)+1:] for v in sorted(result_paths)]
250 requests = BUILDRULES.generate(config, glob, common)
251 requests = filtration.apply_filters(requests, config)
252 requests = utils.flatten_requests(requests, config, common)
254 if "fileReplacements" in config.filters_json_data:
255 tmp_in_dir = "{TMP_DIR}/in".format(**common)
256 if makefile_vars:
257 makefile_vars["IN_DIR"] = tmp_in_dir
258 else:
259 common["IN_DIR"] = tmp_in_dir
260 requests = add_copy_input_requests(requests, config, common)
262 build_dirs = utils.compute_directories(requests)
264 if args.mode == "gnumake":
265 print(makefile.get_gnumake_rules(
266 build_dirs,
267 requests,
268 makefile_vars,
269 common_vars = common
270 ))
271 elif args.mode == "windows-exec":
272 return windows_exec.run(
273 build_dirs = build_dirs,
274 requests = requests,
275 common_vars = common,
276 tool_dir = args.tool_dir,
277 tool_cfg = args.tool_cfg
278 )
279 elif args.mode == "unix-exec":
280 return unix_exec.run(
281 build_dirs = build_dirs,
282 requests = requests,
283 common_vars = common,
284 tool_dir = args.tool_dir
285 )
286 else:
287 print("Mode not supported: %s" % args.mode)
288 return 1
289 return 0
291 if __name__ == "__main__":
292 exit(main())