[apple/icu.git] / icuSources / common / normalizer2impl.h
1 // © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2 // License & terms of use:
3 /*
4 *******************************************************************************
5 *
6 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014, International Business Machines
7 * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
8 *
9 *******************************************************************************
10 * file name: normalizer2impl.h
11 * encoding: UTF-8
12 * tab size: 8 (not used)
13 * indentation:4
14 *
15 * created on: 2009nov22
16 * created by: Markus W. Scherer
17 */
19 #ifndef __NORMALIZER2IMPL_H__
20 #define __NORMALIZER2IMPL_H__
22 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
26 #include "unicode/normalizer2.h"
27 #include "unicode/unistr.h"
28 #include "unicode/unorm.h"
29 #include "unicode/utf16.h"
30 #include "mutex.h"
31 #include "uset_imp.h"
32 #include "utrie2.h"
36 struct CanonIterData;
38 class ByteSink;
39 class Edits;
40 class InitCanonIterData;
41 class LcccContext;
43 class U_COMMON_API Hangul {
44 public:
45 /* Korean Hangul and Jamo constants */
46 enum {
47 JAMO_L_BASE=0x1100, /* "lead" jamo */
48 JAMO_L_END=0x1112,
49 JAMO_V_BASE=0x1161, /* "vowel" jamo */
50 JAMO_V_END=0x1175,
51 JAMO_T_BASE=0x11a7, /* "trail" jamo */
52 JAMO_T_END=0x11c2,
54 HANGUL_BASE=0xac00,
55 HANGUL_END=0xd7a3,
65 };
67 static inline UBool isHangul(UChar32 c) {
68 return HANGUL_BASE<=c && c<HANGUL_LIMIT;
69 }
70 static inline UBool
71 isHangulLV(UChar32 c) {
73 return 0<=c && c<HANGUL_COUNT && c%JAMO_T_COUNT==0;
74 }
75 static inline UBool isJamoL(UChar32 c) {
76 return (uint32_t)(c-JAMO_L_BASE)<JAMO_L_COUNT;
77 }
78 static inline UBool isJamoV(UChar32 c) {
79 return (uint32_t)(c-JAMO_V_BASE)<JAMO_V_COUNT;
80 }
81 static inline UBool isJamoT(UChar32 c) {
82 int32_t t=c-JAMO_T_BASE;
83 return 0<t && t<JAMO_T_COUNT; // not JAMO_T_BASE itself
84 }
85 static UBool isJamo(UChar32 c) {
86 return JAMO_L_BASE<=c && c<=JAMO_T_END &&
87 (c<=JAMO_L_END || (JAMO_V_BASE<=c && c<=JAMO_V_END) || JAMO_T_BASE<c);
88 }
90 /**
91 * Decomposes c, which must be a Hangul syllable, into buffer
92 * and returns the length of the decomposition (2 or 3).
93 */
94 static inline int32_t decompose(UChar32 c, UChar buffer[3]) {
96 UChar32 c2=c%JAMO_T_COUNT;
98 buffer[0]=(UChar)(JAMO_L_BASE+c/JAMO_V_COUNT);
99 buffer[1]=(UChar)(JAMO_V_BASE+c%JAMO_V_COUNT);
100 if(c2==0) {
101 return 2;
102 } else {
103 buffer[2]=(UChar)(JAMO_T_BASE+c2);
104 return 3;
105 }
106 }
108 /**
109 * Decomposes c, which must be a Hangul syllable, into buffer.
110 * This is the raw, not recursive, decomposition. Its length is always 2.
111 */
112 static inline void getRawDecomposition(UChar32 c, UChar buffer[2]) {
113 UChar32 orig=c;
115 UChar32 c2=c%JAMO_T_COUNT;
116 if(c2==0) {
117 c/=JAMO_T_COUNT;
118 buffer[0]=(UChar)(JAMO_L_BASE+c/JAMO_V_COUNT);
119 buffer[1]=(UChar)(JAMO_V_BASE+c%JAMO_V_COUNT);
120 } else {
121 buffer[0]=orig-c2; // LV syllable
122 buffer[1]=(UChar)(JAMO_T_BASE+c2);
123 }
124 }
125 private:
126 Hangul(); // no instantiation
127 };
129 class Normalizer2Impl;
131 class U_COMMON_API ReorderingBuffer : public UMemory {
132 public:
133 /** Constructs only; init() should be called. */
134 ReorderingBuffer(const Normalizer2Impl &ni, UnicodeString &dest) :
135 impl(ni), str(dest),
136 start(NULL), reorderStart(NULL), limit(NULL),
137 remainingCapacity(0), lastCC(0) {}
138 /** Constructs, removes the string contents, and initializes for a small initial capacity. */
139 ReorderingBuffer(const Normalizer2Impl &ni, UnicodeString &dest, UErrorCode &errorCode);
140 ~ReorderingBuffer() {
141 if(start!=NULL) {
142 str.releaseBuffer((int32_t)(limit-start));
143 }
144 }
145 UBool init(int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode &errorCode);
147 UBool isEmpty() const { return start==limit; }
148 int32_t length() const { return (int32_t)(limit-start); }
149 UChar *getStart() { return start; }
150 UChar *getLimit() { return limit; }
151 uint8_t getLastCC() const { return lastCC; }
153 UBool equals(const UChar *start, const UChar *limit) const;
154 UBool equals(const uint8_t *otherStart, const uint8_t *otherLimit) const;
156 UBool append(UChar32 c, uint8_t cc, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
157 return (c<=0xffff) ?
158 appendBMP((UChar)c, cc, errorCode) :
159 appendSupplementary(c, cc, errorCode);
160 }
161 // s must be in NFD, otherwise change the implementation.
162 UBool append(const UChar *s, int32_t length,
163 uint8_t leadCC, uint8_t trailCC,
164 UErrorCode &errorCode);
165 UBool appendBMP(UChar c, uint8_t cc, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
166 if(remainingCapacity==0 && !resize(1, errorCode)) {
167 return FALSE;
168 }
169 if(lastCC<=cc || cc==0) {
170 *limit++=c;
171 lastCC=cc;
172 if(cc<=1) {
173 reorderStart=limit;
174 }
175 } else {
176 insert(c, cc);
177 }
178 --remainingCapacity;
179 return TRUE;
180 }
181 UBool appendZeroCC(UChar32 c, UErrorCode &errorCode);
182 UBool appendZeroCC(const UChar *s, const UChar *sLimit, UErrorCode &errorCode);
183 void remove();
184 void removeSuffix(int32_t suffixLength);
185 void setReorderingLimit(UChar *newLimit) {
186 remainingCapacity+=(int32_t)(limit-newLimit);
187 reorderStart=limit=newLimit;
188 lastCC=0;
189 }
190 void copyReorderableSuffixTo(UnicodeString &s) const {
191 s.setTo(ConstChar16Ptr(reorderStart), (int32_t)(limit-reorderStart));
192 }
193 private:
194 /*
195 * TODO: Revisit whether it makes sense to track reorderStart.
196 * It is set to after the last known character with cc<=1,
197 * which stops previousCC() before it reads that character and looks up its cc.
198 * previousCC() is normally only called from insert().
199 * In other words, reorderStart speeds up the insertion of a combining mark
200 * into a multi-combining mark sequence where it does not belong at the end.
201 * This might not be worth the trouble.
202 * On the other hand, it's not a huge amount of trouble.
203 *
204 * We probably need it for UNORM_SIMPLE_APPEND.
205 */
207 UBool appendSupplementary(UChar32 c, uint8_t cc, UErrorCode &errorCode);
208 void insert(UChar32 c, uint8_t cc);
209 static void writeCodePoint(UChar *p, UChar32 c) {
210 if(c<=0xffff) {
211 *p=(UChar)c;
212 } else {
213 p[0]=U16_LEAD(c);
214 p[1]=U16_TRAIL(c);
215 }
216 }
217 UBool resize(int32_t appendLength, UErrorCode &errorCode);
219 const Normalizer2Impl &impl;
220 UnicodeString &str;
221 UChar *start, *reorderStart, *limit;
222 int32_t remainingCapacity;
223 uint8_t lastCC;
225 // private backward iterator
226 void setIterator() { codePointStart=limit; }
227 void skipPrevious(); // Requires start<codePointStart.
228 uint8_t previousCC(); // Returns 0 if there is no previous character.
230 UChar *codePointStart, *codePointLimit;
231 };
233 /**
234 * Low-level implementation of the Unicode Normalization Algorithm.
235 * For the data structure and details see the documentation at the end of
236 * this normalizer2impl.h and in the design doc at
237 *
238 */
239 class U_COMMON_API Normalizer2Impl : public UObject {
240 public:
241 Normalizer2Impl() : normTrie(NULL), fCanonIterData(NULL) {
242 fCanonIterDataInitOnce.reset();
243 }
244 virtual ~Normalizer2Impl();
246 void init(const int32_t *inIndexes, const UTrie2 *inTrie,
247 const uint16_t *inExtraData, const uint8_t *inSmallFCD);
249 void addLcccChars(UnicodeSet &set) const;
250 void addPropertyStarts(const USetAdder *sa, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
251 void addCanonIterPropertyStarts(const USetAdder *sa, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
253 // low-level properties ------------------------------------------------ ***
255 UBool ensureCanonIterData(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
257 uint16_t getNorm16(UChar32 c) const { return UTRIE2_GET16(normTrie, c); }
259 UNormalizationCheckResult getCompQuickCheck(uint16_t norm16) const {
260 if(norm16<minNoNo || MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC<=norm16) {
261 return UNORM_YES;
262 } else if(minMaybeYes<=norm16) {
263 return UNORM_MAYBE;
264 } else {
265 return UNORM_NO;
266 }
267 }
268 UBool isAlgorithmicNoNo(uint16_t norm16) const { return limitNoNo<=norm16 && norm16<minMaybeYes; }
269 UBool isCompNo(uint16_t norm16) const { return minNoNo<=norm16 && norm16<minMaybeYes; }
270 UBool isDecompYes(uint16_t norm16) const { return norm16<minYesNo || minMaybeYes<=norm16; }
272 uint8_t getCC(uint16_t norm16) const {
273 if(norm16>=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES) {
274 return getCCFromNormalYesOrMaybe(norm16);
275 }
276 if(norm16<minNoNo || limitNoNo<=norm16) {
277 return 0;
278 }
279 return getCCFromNoNo(norm16);
280 }
281 static uint8_t getCCFromNormalYesOrMaybe(uint16_t norm16) {
282 return (uint8_t)(norm16 >> OFFSET_SHIFT);
283 }
284 static uint8_t getCCFromYesOrMaybe(uint16_t norm16) {
285 return norm16>=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES ? getCCFromNormalYesOrMaybe(norm16) : 0;
286 }
287 uint8_t getCCFromYesOrMaybeCP(UChar32 c) const {
288 if (c < minCompNoMaybeCP) { return 0; }
289 return getCCFromYesOrMaybe(getNorm16(c));
290 }
292 /**
293 * Returns the FCD data for code point c.
294 * @param c A Unicode code point.
295 * @return The lccc(c) in bits 15..8 and tccc(c) in bits 7..0.
296 */
297 uint16_t getFCD16(UChar32 c) const {
298 if(c<minDecompNoCP) {
299 return 0;
300 } else if(c<=0xffff) {
301 if(!singleLeadMightHaveNonZeroFCD16(c)) { return 0; }
302 }
303 return getFCD16FromNormData(c);
304 }
305 /**
306 * Returns the FCD data for the next code point (post-increment).
307 * Might skip only a lead surrogate rather than the whole surrogate pair if none of
308 * the supplementary code points associated with the lead surrogate have non-zero FCD data.
309 * @param s A valid pointer into a string. Requires s!=limit.
310 * @param limit The end of the string, or NULL.
311 * @return The lccc(c) in bits 15..8 and tccc(c) in bits 7..0.
312 */
313 uint16_t nextFCD16(const UChar *&s, const UChar *limit) const {
314 UChar32 c=*s++;
315 if(c<minDecompNoCP || !singleLeadMightHaveNonZeroFCD16(c)) {
316 return 0;
317 }
318 UChar c2;
319 if(U16_IS_LEAD(c) && s!=limit && U16_IS_TRAIL(c2=*s)) {
320 c=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(c, c2);
321 ++s;
322 }
323 return getFCD16FromNormData(c);
324 }
325 /**
326 * Returns the FCD data for the previous code point (pre-decrement).
327 * @param start The start of the string.
328 * @param s A valid pointer into a string. Requires start<s.
329 * @return The lccc(c) in bits 15..8 and tccc(c) in bits 7..0.
330 */
331 uint16_t previousFCD16(const UChar *start, const UChar *&s) const {
332 UChar32 c=*--s;
333 if(c<minDecompNoCP) {
334 return 0;
335 }
336 if(!U16_IS_TRAIL(c)) {
337 if(!singleLeadMightHaveNonZeroFCD16(c)) {
338 return 0;
339 }
340 } else {
341 UChar c2;
342 if(start<s && U16_IS_LEAD(c2=*(s-1))) {
343 c=U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(c2, c);
344 --s;
345 }
346 }
347 return getFCD16FromNormData(c);
348 }
350 /** Returns TRUE if the single-or-lead code unit c might have non-zero FCD data. */
351 UBool singleLeadMightHaveNonZeroFCD16(UChar32 lead) const {
352 // 0<=lead<=0xffff
353 uint8_t bits=smallFCD[lead>>8];
354 if(bits==0) { return false; }
355 return (UBool)((bits>>((lead>>5)&7))&1);
356 }
357 /** Returns the FCD value from the regular normalization data. */
358 uint16_t getFCD16FromNormData(UChar32 c) const;
360 /**
361 * Gets the decomposition for one code point.
362 * @param c code point
363 * @param buffer out-only buffer for algorithmic decompositions
364 * @param length out-only, takes the length of the decomposition, if any
365 * @return pointer to the decomposition, or NULL if none
366 */
367 const UChar *getDecomposition(UChar32 c, UChar buffer[4], int32_t &length) const;
369 /**
370 * Gets the raw decomposition for one code point.
371 * @param c code point
372 * @param buffer out-only buffer for algorithmic decompositions
373 * @param length out-only, takes the length of the decomposition, if any
374 * @return pointer to the decomposition, or NULL if none
375 */
376 const UChar *getRawDecomposition(UChar32 c, UChar buffer[30], int32_t &length) const;
378 UChar32 composePair(UChar32 a, UChar32 b) const;
380 UBool isCanonSegmentStarter(UChar32 c) const;
381 UBool getCanonStartSet(UChar32 c, UnicodeSet &set) const;
383 enum {
384 // Fixed norm16 values.
385 MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC=0xfe02,
386 JAMO_VT=0xfe00,
388 JAMO_L=2, // offset=1 hasCompBoundaryAfter=FALSE
389 INERT=1, // offset=0 hasCompBoundaryAfter=TRUE
391 // norm16 bit 0 is comp-boundary-after.
395 // For algorithmic one-way mappings, norm16 bits 2..1 indicate the
396 // tccc (0, 1, >1) for quick FCC boundary-after tests.
397 DELTA_TCCC_0=0,
398 DELTA_TCCC_1=2,
399 DELTA_TCCC_GT_1=4,
403 MAX_DELTA=0x40
404 };
406 enum {
407 // Byte offsets from the start of the data, after the generic header.
417 // Code point thresholds for quick check codes.
421 // Norm16 value thresholds for quick check combinations and types of extra data.
423 /** Mappings & compositions in [minYesNo..minYesNoMappingsOnly[. */
425 /** Mappings are comp-normalized. */
430 /** Mappings only in [minYesNoMappingsOnly..minNoNo[. */
432 /** Mappings are not comp-normalized but have a comp boundary before. */
434 /** Mappings do not have a comp boundary before. */
436 /** Mappings to the empty string. */
442 };
444 enum {
447 // unused bit 0x20,
449 };
451 enum {
452 COMP_1_LAST_TUPLE=0x8000,
453 COMP_1_TRIPLE=1,
454 COMP_1_TRAIL_LIMIT=0x3400,
455 COMP_1_TRAIL_MASK=0x7ffe,
456 COMP_1_TRAIL_SHIFT=9, // 10-1 for the "triple" bit
458 COMP_2_TRAIL_MASK=0xffc0
459 };
461 // higher-level functionality ------------------------------------------ ***
463 // NFD without an NFD Normalizer2 instance.
464 UnicodeString &decompose(const UnicodeString &src, UnicodeString &dest,
465 UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
466 /**
467 * Decomposes [src, limit[ and writes the result to dest.
468 * limit can be NULL if src is NUL-terminated.
469 * destLengthEstimate is the initial dest buffer capacity and can be -1.
470 */
471 void decompose(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
472 UnicodeString &dest, int32_t destLengthEstimate,
473 UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
475 const UChar *decompose(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
476 ReorderingBuffer *buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
477 void decomposeAndAppend(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
478 UBool doDecompose,
479 UnicodeString &safeMiddle,
480 ReorderingBuffer &buffer,
481 UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
482 UBool compose(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
483 UBool onlyContiguous,
484 UBool doCompose,
485 ReorderingBuffer &buffer,
486 UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
487 const UChar *composeQuickCheck(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
488 UBool onlyContiguous,
489 UNormalizationCheckResult *pQCResult) const;
490 void composeAndAppend(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
491 UBool doCompose,
492 UBool onlyContiguous,
493 UnicodeString &safeMiddle,
494 ReorderingBuffer &buffer,
495 UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
497 /** sink==nullptr: isNormalized() */
498 UBool composeUTF8(uint32_t options, UBool onlyContiguous,
499 const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *limit,
500 ByteSink *sink, icu::Edits *edits, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
502 const UChar *makeFCD(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
503 ReorderingBuffer *buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
504 void makeFCDAndAppend(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
505 UBool doMakeFCD,
506 UnicodeString &safeMiddle,
507 ReorderingBuffer &buffer,
508 UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
510 UBool hasDecompBoundaryBefore(UChar32 c) const;
511 UBool norm16HasDecompBoundaryBefore(uint16_t norm16) const;
512 UBool hasDecompBoundaryAfter(UChar32 c) const;
513 UBool norm16HasDecompBoundaryAfter(uint16_t norm16) const;
514 UBool isDecompInert(UChar32 c) const { return isDecompYesAndZeroCC(getNorm16(c)); }
516 UBool hasCompBoundaryBefore(UChar32 c) const {
517 return c<minCompNoMaybeCP || norm16HasCompBoundaryBefore(getNorm16(c));
518 }
519 UBool hasCompBoundaryAfter(UChar32 c, UBool onlyContiguous) const {
520 return norm16HasCompBoundaryAfter(getNorm16(c), onlyContiguous);
521 }
522 UBool isCompInert(UChar32 c, UBool onlyContiguous) const {
523 uint16_t norm16=getNorm16(c);
524 return isCompYesAndZeroCC(norm16) &&
525 (norm16 & HAS_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER) != 0 &&
526 (!onlyContiguous || isInert(norm16) || *getMapping(norm16) <= 0x1ff);
527 }
529 UBool hasFCDBoundaryBefore(UChar32 c) const { return hasDecompBoundaryBefore(c); }
530 UBool hasFCDBoundaryAfter(UChar32 c) const { return hasDecompBoundaryAfter(c); }
531 UBool isFCDInert(UChar32 c) const { return getFCD16(c)<=1; }
532 private:
533 friend class InitCanonIterData;
534 friend class LcccContext;
536 UBool isMaybe(uint16_t norm16) const { return minMaybeYes<=norm16 && norm16<=JAMO_VT; }
537 UBool isMaybeOrNonZeroCC(uint16_t norm16) const { return norm16>=minMaybeYes; }
538 static UBool isInert(uint16_t norm16) { return norm16==INERT; }
539 static UBool isJamoL(uint16_t norm16) { return norm16==JAMO_L; }
540 static UBool isJamoVT(uint16_t norm16) { return norm16==JAMO_VT; }
541 uint16_t hangulLVT() const { return minYesNoMappingsOnly|HAS_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER; }
542 UBool isHangulLV(uint16_t norm16) const { return norm16==minYesNo; }
543 UBool isHangulLVT(uint16_t norm16) const {
544 return norm16==hangulLVT();
545 }
546 UBool isCompYesAndZeroCC(uint16_t norm16) const { return norm16<minNoNo; }
547 // UBool isCompYes(uint16_t norm16) const {
548 // return norm16>=MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC || norm16<minNoNo;
549 // }
550 // UBool isCompYesOrMaybe(uint16_t norm16) const {
551 // return norm16<minNoNo || minMaybeYes<=norm16;
552 // }
553 // UBool hasZeroCCFromDecompYes(uint16_t norm16) const {
554 // return norm16<=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES || norm16==JAMO_VT;
555 // }
556 UBool isDecompYesAndZeroCC(uint16_t norm16) const {
557 return norm16<minYesNo ||
558 norm16==JAMO_VT ||
559 (minMaybeYes<=norm16 && norm16<=MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES);
560 }
561 /**
562 * A little faster and simpler than isDecompYesAndZeroCC() but does not include
563 * the MaybeYes which combine-forward and have ccc=0.
564 * (Standard Unicode 10 normalization does not have such characters.)
565 */
566 UBool isMostDecompYesAndZeroCC(uint16_t norm16) const {
567 return norm16<minYesNo || norm16==MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES || norm16==JAMO_VT;
568 }
569 UBool isDecompNoAlgorithmic(uint16_t norm16) const { return norm16>=limitNoNo; }
571 // For use with isCompYes().
572 // Perhaps the compiler can combine the two tests for MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC.
573 // static uint8_t getCCFromYes(uint16_t norm16) {
574 // return norm16>=MIN_YES_YES_WITH_CC ? getCCFromNormalYesOrMaybe(norm16) : 0;
575 // }
576 uint8_t getCCFromNoNo(uint16_t norm16) const {
577 const uint16_t *mapping=getMapping(norm16);
578 if(*mapping&MAPPING_HAS_CCC_LCCC_WORD) {
579 return (uint8_t)*(mapping-1);
580 } else {
581 return 0;
582 }
583 }
584 // requires that the [cpStart..cpLimit[ character passes isCompYesAndZeroCC()
585 uint8_t getTrailCCFromCompYesAndZeroCC(uint16_t norm16) const {
586 if(norm16<=minYesNo) {
587 return 0; // yesYes and Hangul LV have ccc=tccc=0
588 } else {
589 // For Hangul LVT we harmlessly fetch a firstUnit with tccc=0 here.
590 return (uint8_t)(*getMapping(norm16)>>8); // tccc from yesNo
591 }
592 }
593 uint8_t getPreviousTrailCC(const UChar *start, const UChar *p) const;
594 uint8_t getPreviousTrailCC(const uint8_t *start, const uint8_t *p) const;
596 // Requires algorithmic-NoNo.
597 UChar32 mapAlgorithmic(UChar32 c, uint16_t norm16) const {
598 return c+(norm16>>DELTA_SHIFT)-centerNoNoDelta;
599 }
600 UChar32 getAlgorithmicDelta(uint16_t norm16) const {
601 return (norm16>>DELTA_SHIFT)-centerNoNoDelta;
602 }
604 // Requires minYesNo<norm16<limitNoNo.
605 const uint16_t *getMapping(uint16_t norm16) const { return extraData+(norm16>>OFFSET_SHIFT); }
606 const uint16_t *getCompositionsListForDecompYes(uint16_t norm16) const {
607 if(norm16<JAMO_L || MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES<=norm16) {
608 return NULL;
609 } else if(norm16<minMaybeYes) {
610 return getMapping(norm16); // for yesYes; if Jamo L: harmless empty list
611 } else {
612 return maybeYesCompositions+norm16-minMaybeYes;
613 }
614 }
615 const uint16_t *getCompositionsListForComposite(uint16_t norm16) const {
616 // A composite has both mapping & compositions list.
617 const uint16_t *list=getMapping(norm16);
618 return list+ // mapping pointer
619 1+ // +1 to skip the first unit with the mapping length
620 (*list&MAPPING_LENGTH_MASK); // + mapping length
621 }
622 const uint16_t *getCompositionsListForMaybe(uint16_t norm16) const {
623 // minMaybeYes<=norm16<MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES
624 return maybeYesCompositions+((norm16-minMaybeYes)>>OFFSET_SHIFT);
625 }
626 /**
627 * @param c code point must have compositions
628 * @return compositions list pointer
629 */
630 const uint16_t *getCompositionsList(uint16_t norm16) const {
631 return isDecompYes(norm16) ?
632 getCompositionsListForDecompYes(norm16) :
633 getCompositionsListForComposite(norm16);
634 }
636 const UChar *copyLowPrefixFromNulTerminated(const UChar *src,
637 UChar32 minNeedDataCP,
638 ReorderingBuffer *buffer,
639 UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
640 const UChar *decomposeShort(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit,
641 UBool stopAtCompBoundary, UBool onlyContiguous,
642 ReorderingBuffer &buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
643 UBool decompose(UChar32 c, uint16_t norm16,
644 ReorderingBuffer &buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
646 const uint8_t *decomposeShort(const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *limit,
647 UBool stopAtCompBoundary, UBool onlyContiguous,
648 ReorderingBuffer &buffer, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
650 static int32_t combine(const uint16_t *list, UChar32 trail);
651 void addComposites(const uint16_t *list, UnicodeSet &set) const;
652 void recompose(ReorderingBuffer &buffer, int32_t recomposeStartIndex,
653 UBool onlyContiguous) const;
655 UBool hasCompBoundaryBefore(UChar32 c, uint16_t norm16) const {
656 return c<minCompNoMaybeCP || norm16HasCompBoundaryBefore(norm16);
657 }
658 UBool norm16HasCompBoundaryBefore(uint16_t norm16) const {
659 return norm16 < minNoNoCompNoMaybeCC || isAlgorithmicNoNo(norm16);
660 }
661 UBool hasCompBoundaryBefore(const UChar *src, const UChar *limit) const;
662 UBool hasCompBoundaryBefore(const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *limit) const;
663 UBool hasCompBoundaryAfter(const UChar *start, const UChar *p,
664 UBool onlyContiguous) const;
665 UBool hasCompBoundaryAfter(const uint8_t *start, const uint8_t *p,
666 UBool onlyContiguous) const;
667 UBool norm16HasCompBoundaryAfter(uint16_t norm16, UBool onlyContiguous) const {
668 return (norm16 & HAS_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER) != 0 &&
669 (!onlyContiguous || isTrailCC01ForCompBoundaryAfter(norm16));
670 }
671 /** For FCC: Given norm16 HAS_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER, does it have tccc<=1? */
672 UBool isTrailCC01ForCompBoundaryAfter(uint16_t norm16) const {
673 return isInert(norm16) || (isDecompNoAlgorithmic(norm16) ?
674 (norm16 & DELTA_TCCC_MASK) <= DELTA_TCCC_1 : *getMapping(norm16) <= 0x1ff);
675 }
677 const UChar *findPreviousCompBoundary(const UChar *start, const UChar *p, UBool onlyContiguous) const;
678 const UChar *findNextCompBoundary(const UChar *p, const UChar *limit, UBool onlyContiguous) const;
680 const UChar *findPreviousFCDBoundary(const UChar *start, const UChar *p) const;
681 const UChar *findNextFCDBoundary(const UChar *p, const UChar *limit) const;
683 void makeCanonIterDataFromNorm16(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, const uint16_t norm16,
684 CanonIterData &newData, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
686 int32_t getCanonValue(UChar32 c) const;
687 const UnicodeSet &getCanonStartSet(int32_t n) const;
689 // UVersionInfo dataVersion;
691 // BMP code point thresholds for quick check loops looking at single UTF-16 code units.
692 UChar minDecompNoCP;
693 UChar minCompNoMaybeCP;
694 UChar minLcccCP;
696 // Norm16 value thresholds for quick check combinations and types of extra data.
697 uint16_t minYesNo;
698 uint16_t minYesNoMappingsOnly;
699 uint16_t minNoNo;
700 uint16_t minNoNoCompBoundaryBefore;
701 uint16_t minNoNoCompNoMaybeCC;
702 uint16_t minNoNoEmpty;
703 uint16_t limitNoNo;
704 uint16_t centerNoNoDelta;
705 uint16_t minMaybeYes;
707 const UTrie2 *normTrie;
708 const uint16_t *maybeYesCompositions;
709 const uint16_t *extraData; // mappings and/or compositions for yesYes, yesNo & noNo characters
710 const uint8_t *smallFCD; // [0x100] one bit per 32 BMP code points, set if any FCD!=0
712 UInitOnce fCanonIterDataInitOnce;
713 CanonIterData *fCanonIterData;
714 };
716 // bits in canonIterData
717 #define CANON_NOT_SEGMENT_STARTER 0x80000000
718 #define CANON_HAS_COMPOSITIONS 0x40000000
719 #define CANON_HAS_SET 0x200000
720 #define CANON_VALUE_MASK 0x1fffff
722 /**
723 * ICU-internal shortcut for quick access to standard Unicode normalization.
724 */
725 class U_COMMON_API Normalizer2Factory {
726 public:
727 static const Normalizer2 *getFCDInstance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
728 static const Normalizer2 *getFCCInstance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
729 static const Normalizer2 *getNoopInstance(UErrorCode &errorCode);
731 static const Normalizer2 *getInstance(UNormalizationMode mode, UErrorCode &errorCode);
733 static const Normalizer2Impl *getNFCImpl(UErrorCode &errorCode);
734 static const Normalizer2Impl *getNFKCImpl(UErrorCode &errorCode);
735 static const Normalizer2Impl *getNFKC_CFImpl(UErrorCode &errorCode);
737 // Get the Impl instance of the Normalizer2.
738 // Must be used only when it is known that norm2 is a Normalizer2WithImpl instance.
739 static const Normalizer2Impl *getImpl(const Normalizer2 *norm2);
740 private:
741 Normalizer2Factory(); // No instantiation.
742 };
746 U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
747 unorm2_swap(const UDataSwapper *ds,
748 const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
749 UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
751 /**
752 * Get the NF*_QC property for a code point, for u_getIntPropertyValue().
753 * @internal
754 */
755 U_CFUNC UNormalizationCheckResult
756 unorm_getQuickCheck(UChar32 c, UNormalizationMode mode);
758 /**
759 * Gets the 16-bit FCD value (lead & trail CCs) for a code point, for u_getIntPropertyValue().
760 * @internal
761 */
762 U_CFUNC uint16_t
763 unorm_getFCD16(UChar32 c);
765 /**
766 * Format of Normalizer2 .nrm data files.
767 * Format version 3.0.
768 *
769 * Normalizer2 .nrm data files provide data for the Unicode Normalization algorithms.
770 * ICU ships with data files for standard Unicode Normalization Forms
771 * NFC and NFD (nfc.nrm), NFKC and NFKD (nfkc.nrm) and NFKC_Casefold (nfkc_cf.nrm).
772 * Custom (application-specific) data can be built into additional .nrm files
773 * with the gennorm2 build tool.
774 * ICU ships with one such file, uts46.nrm, for the implementation of UTS #46.
775 *
776 * Normalizer2.getInstance() causes a .nrm file to be loaded, unless it has been
777 * cached already. Internally, Normalizer2Impl.load() reads the .nrm file.
778 *
779 * A .nrm file begins with a standard ICU data file header
780 * (DataHeader, see ucmndata.h and unicode/udata.h).
781 * The UDataInfo.dataVersion field usually contains the Unicode version
782 * for which the data was generated.
783 *
784 * After the header, the file contains the following parts.
785 * Constants are defined as enum values of the Normalizer2Impl class.
786 *
787 * Many details of the data structures are described in the design doc
788 * which is at
789 *
790 * int32_t indexes[indexesLength]; -- indexesLength=indexes[IX_NORM_TRIE_OFFSET]/4;
791 *
792 * The first eight indexes are byte offsets in ascending order.
793 * Each byte offset marks the start of the next part in the data file,
794 * and the end of the previous one.
795 * When two consecutive byte offsets are the same, then the corresponding part is empty.
796 * Byte offsets are offsets from after the header,
797 * that is, from the beginning of the indexes[].
798 * Each part starts at an offset with proper alignment for its data.
799 * If necessary, the previous part may include padding bytes to achieve this alignment.
800 *
801 * minDecompNoCP=indexes[IX_MIN_DECOMP_NO_CP] is the lowest code point
802 * with a decomposition mapping, that is, with NF*D_QC=No.
803 * minCompNoMaybeCP=indexes[IX_MIN_COMP_NO_MAYBE_CP] is the lowest code point
804 * with NF*C_QC=No (has a one-way mapping) or Maybe (combines backward).
805 * minLcccCP=indexes[IX_MIN_LCCC_CP] (index 18, new in formatVersion 3)
806 * is the lowest code point with lccc!=0.
807 *
808 * The next eight indexes are thresholds of 16-bit trie values for ranges of
809 * values indicating multiple normalization properties.
810 * They are listed here in threshold order, not in the order they are stored in the indexes.
811 * minYesNo=indexes[IX_MIN_YES_NO];
812 * minYesNoMappingsOnly=indexes[IX_MIN_YES_NO_MAPPINGS_ONLY];
813 * minNoNo=indexes[IX_MIN_NO_NO];
814 * minNoNoCompBoundaryBefore=indexes[IX_MIN_NO_NO_COMP_BOUNDARY_BEFORE];
815 * minNoNoCompNoMaybeCC=indexes[IX_MIN_NO_NO_COMP_NO_MAYBE_CC];
816 * minNoNoEmpty=indexes[IX_MIN_NO_NO_EMPTY];
817 * limitNoNo=indexes[IX_LIMIT_NO_NO];
818 * minMaybeYes=indexes[IX_MIN_MAYBE_YES];
819 * See the normTrie description below and the design doc for details.
820 *
821 * UTrie2 normTrie; -- see utrie2_impl.h and utrie2.h
822 *
823 * The trie holds the main normalization data. Each code point is mapped to a 16-bit value.
824 * Rather than using independent bits in the value (which would require more than 16 bits),
825 * information is extracted primarily via range checks.
826 * Except, format version 3 uses bit 0 for hasCompBoundaryAfter().
827 * For example, a 16-bit value norm16 in the range minYesNo<=norm16<minNoNo
828 * means that the character has NF*C_QC=Yes and NF*D_QC=No properties,
829 * which means it has a two-way (round-trip) decomposition mapping.
830 * Values in the range 2<=norm16<limitNoNo are also directly indexes into the extraData
831 * pointing to mappings, compositions lists, or both.
832 * Value norm16==INERT (0 in versions 1 & 2, 1 in version 3)
833 * means that the character is normalization-inert, that is,
834 * it does not have a mapping, does not participate in composition, has a zero
835 * canonical combining class, and forms a boundary where text before it and after it
836 * can be normalized independently.
837 * For details about how multiple properties are encoded in 16-bit values
838 * see the design doc.
839 * Note that the encoding cannot express all combinations of the properties involved;
840 * it only supports those combinations that are allowed by
841 * the Unicode Normalization algorithms. Details are in the design doc as well.
842 * The gennorm2 tool only builds .nrm files for data that conforms to the limitations.
843 *
844 * The trie has a value for each lead surrogate code unit representing the "worst case"
845 * properties of the 1024 supplementary characters whose UTF-16 form starts with
846 * the lead surrogate. If all of the 1024 supplementary characters are normalization-inert,
847 * then their lead surrogate code unit has the trie value INERT.
848 * When the lead surrogate unit's value exceeds the quick check minimum during processing,
849 * the properties for the full supplementary code point need to be looked up.
850 *
851 * uint16_t maybeYesCompositions[MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES-minMaybeYes];
852 * uint16_t extraData[];
853 *
854 * There is only one byte offset for the end of these two arrays.
855 * The split between them is given by the constant and variable mentioned above.
856 * In version 3, the difference must be shifted right by OFFSET_SHIFT.
857 *
858 * The maybeYesCompositions array contains compositions lists for characters that
859 * combine both forward (as starters in composition pairs)
860 * and backward (as trailing characters in composition pairs).
861 * Such characters do not occur in Unicode 5.2 but are allowed by
862 * the Unicode Normalization algorithms.
863 * If there are no such characters, then minMaybeYes==MIN_NORMAL_MAYBE_YES
864 * and the maybeYesCompositions array is empty.
865 * If there are such characters, then minMaybeYes is subtracted from their norm16 values
866 * to get the index into this array.
867 *
868 * The extraData array contains compositions lists for "YesYes" characters,
869 * followed by mappings and optional compositions lists for "YesNo" characters,
870 * followed by only mappings for "NoNo" characters.
871 * (Referring to pairs of NFC/NFD quick check values.)
872 * The norm16 values of those characters are directly indexes into the extraData array.
873 * In version 3, the norm16 values must be shifted right by OFFSET_SHIFT
874 * for accessing extraData.
875 *
876 * The data structures for compositions lists and mappings are described in the design doc.
877 *
878 * uint8_t smallFCD[0x100]; -- new in format version 2
879 *
880 * This is a bit set to help speed up FCD value lookups in the absence of a full
881 * UTrie2 or other large data structure with the full FCD value mapping.
882 *
883 * Each smallFCD bit is set if any of the corresponding 32 BMP code points
884 * has a non-zero FCD value (lccc!=0 or tccc!=0).
885 * Bit 0 of smallFCD[0] is for U+0000..U+001F. Bit 7 of smallFCD[0xff] is for U+FFE0..U+FFFF.
886 * A bit for 32 lead surrogates is set if any of the 32k corresponding
887 * _supplementary_ code points has a non-zero FCD value.
888 *
889 * This bit set is most useful for the large blocks of CJK characters with FCD=0.
890 *
891 * Changes from format version 1 to format version 2 ---------------------------
892 *
893 * - Addition of data for raw (not recursively decomposed) mappings.
894 * + The MAPPING_NO_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER bit in the extraData is now also set when
895 * the mapping is to an empty string or when the character combines-forward.
896 * This subsumes the one actual use of the MAPPING_PLUS_COMPOSITION_LIST bit which
897 * is then repurposed for the MAPPING_HAS_RAW_MAPPING bit.
898 * + For details see the design doc.
899 * - Addition of indexes[IX_MIN_YES_NO_MAPPINGS_ONLY] and separation of the yesNo extraData into
900 * distinct ranges (combines-forward vs. not)
901 * so that a range check can be used to find out if there is a compositions list.
902 * This is fully equivalent with formatVersion 1's MAPPING_PLUS_COMPOSITION_LIST flag.
903 * It is needed for the new (in ICU 49) composePair(), not for other normalization.
904 * - Addition of the smallFCD[] bit set.
905 *
906 * Changes from format version 2 to format version 3 (ICU 60) ------------------
907 *
908 * - norm16 bit 0 indicates hasCompBoundaryAfter(),
909 * except that for contiguous composition (FCC) the tccc must be checked as well.
910 * Data indexes and ccc values are shifted left by one (OFFSET_SHIFT).
911 * Thresholds like minNoNo are tested before shifting.
912 *
913 * - Algorithmic mapping deltas are shifted left by two more bits (total DELTA_SHIFT),
914 * to make room for two bits (three values) indicating whether the tccc is 0, 1, or greater.
915 * See DELTA_TCCC_MASK etc.
916 * This helps with fetching tccc/FCD values and FCC hasCompBoundaryAfter().
917 * minMaybeYes is 8-aligned so that the DELTA_TCCC_MASK bits can be tested directly.
918 *
919 * - Algorithmic mappings are only used for mapping to "comp yes and ccc=0" characters,
920 * and ASCII characters are mapped algorithmically only to other ASCII characters.
921 * This helps with hasCompBoundaryBefore() and compose() fast paths.
922 * It is never necessary any more to loop for algorithmic mappings.
923 *
924 * - Addition of indexes[IX_MIN_NO_NO_COMP_BOUNDARY_BEFORE],
925 * indexes[IX_MIN_NO_NO_COMP_NO_MAYBE_CC], and indexes[IX_MIN_NO_NO_EMPTY],
926 * and separation of the noNo extraData into distinct ranges.
927 * With this, the noNo norm16 value indicates whether the mapping is
928 * compose-normalized, not normalized but hasCompBoundaryBefore(),
929 * not even that, or maps to an empty string.
930 * hasCompBoundaryBefore() can be determined solely from the norm16 value.
931 *
932 * - The norm16 value for Hangul LVT is now different from that for Hangul LV,
933 * so that hasCompBoundaryAfter() need not check for the syllable type.
934 * For Hangul LV, minYesNo continues to be used (no comp-boundary-after).
935 * For Hangul LVT, minYesNoMappingsOnly|HAS_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER is used.
936 * The extraData units at these indexes are set to firstUnit=2 and firstUnit=3, respectively,
937 * to simplify some code.
938 *
939 * - The extraData firstUnit bit 5 is no longer necessary
940 * (norm16 bit 0 used instead of firstUnit MAPPING_NO_COMP_BOUNDARY_AFTER),
941 * is reserved again, and always set to 0.
942 *
943 * - Addition of indexes[IX_MIN_LCCC_CP], the first code point where lccc!=0.
944 * This used to be hardcoded to U+0300, but in data like NFKC_Casefold it is lower:
945 * U+00AD Soft Hyphen maps to an empty string,
946 * which is artificially assigned "worst case" values lccc=1 and tccc=255.
947 *
948 * - A mapping to an empty string has explicit lccc=1 and tccc=255 values.
949 */
952 #endif /* __NORMALIZER2IMPL_H__ */