1 # ***************************************************************************
3 # * Copyright (C) 2004-2013, International Business Machines
4 # * Corporation; Unicode, Inc.; and others. All Rights Reserved.
6 # ***************************************************************************
7 # File: pl_FONIPA_ja.txt
10 $word_boundary = [-\ $] ;
11 $vowel = [aeiouw] ; # Vowels and glides
12 $not_vowel = [^$vowel] ;
36 b } $word_boundary → プ;
53 d } $word_boundary → ト;
68 h } $word_boundary → ;
76 g } $word_boundary → ク;
139 ɕa → シャ; # not backed by data
141 ɕu → シュ; # not backed by data
142 ɕo → ショ; # not backed by data
149 ʂo → ショ; # not backed by data
176 t \u0361 ʂ } $word_boundary → チ;
186 v } $word_boundary → フ;
205 ʐ } $word_boundary → ジュ;
218 z } $word_boundary → ス;