]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/hfs.git/blob - core/hfs_vfsutils.c
[apple/hfs.git] / core / hfs_vfsutils.c
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2000-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
14 *
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
17 *
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
25 *
27 */
28 /* @(#)hfs_vfsutils.c 4.0
29 *
30 * (c) 1997-2002 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved
31 *
32 * hfs_vfsutils.c -- Routines that go between the HFS layer and the VFS.
33 *
34 */
35 #include <sys/param.h>
36 #include <sys/systm.h>
37 #include <sys/kernel.h>
38 #include <sys/malloc.h>
39 #include <sys/stat.h>
40 #include <sys/mount.h>
41 #include <sys/vm.h>
42 #include <sys/buf.h>
43 #include <sys/ubc.h>
44 #include <sys/unistd.h>
45 #include <sys/utfconv.h>
46 #include <sys/kauth.h>
47 #include <sys/fcntl.h>
48 #include <sys/fsctl.h>
49 #include <sys/mount.h>
50 #include <sys/sysctl.h>
51 #include <kern/clock.h>
52 #include <stdbool.h>
53 #include <miscfs/specfs/specdev.h>
54 #include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
55 #include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
57 /* for parsing boot-args */
58 #include <pexpert/pexpert.h>
59 #include <kern/kalloc.h>
60 #include <kern/zalloc.h>
62 #include "hfs_iokit.h"
63 #include "hfs.h"
64 #include "hfs_catalog.h"
65 #include "hfs_dbg.h"
66 #include "hfs_mount.h"
67 #include "hfs_endian.h"
68 #include "hfs_cnode.h"
69 #include "hfs_fsctl.h"
70 #include "hfs_cprotect.h"
72 #include "FileMgrInternal.h"
73 #include "BTreesInternal.h"
74 #include "HFSUnicodeWrappers.h"
76 /* Enable/disable debugging code for live volume resizing, defined in hfs_resize.c */
77 extern int hfs_resize_debug;
79 static void ReleaseMetaFileVNode(struct vnode *vp);
80 static int hfs_late_journal_init(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, HFSPlusVolumeHeader *vhp, void *_args);
82 static u_int32_t hfs_hotfile_freeblocks(struct hfsmount *);
83 static void hfs_thaw_locked(struct hfsmount *hfsmp);
85 #define HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG 1
88 //*******************************************************************************
89 // Note: Finder information in the HFS/HFS+ metadata are considered opaque and
90 // hence are not in the right byte order on little endian machines. It is
91 // the responsibility of the finder and other clients to swap the data.
92 //*******************************************************************************
94 //*******************************************************************************
95 // Routine: hfs_MountHFSVolume
96 //
97 //
98 //*******************************************************************************
99 unsigned char hfs_catname[] = "Catalog B-tree";
100 unsigned char hfs_extname[] = "Extents B-tree";
101 unsigned char hfs_vbmname[] = "Volume Bitmap";
102 unsigned char hfs_attrname[] = "Attribute B-tree";
103 unsigned char hfs_startupname[] = "Startup File";
106 OSErr hfs_MountHFSVolume(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *mdb,
107 __unused struct proc *p)
108 {
109 ExtendedVCB *vcb = HFSTOVCB(hfsmp);
110 int error;
111 ByteCount utf8chars;
112 struct cat_desc cndesc;
113 struct cat_attr cnattr;
114 struct cat_fork fork;
115 int newvnode_flags = 0;
117 /* Block size must be a multiple of 512 */
118 if (SWAP_BE32(mdb->drAlBlkSiz) == 0 ||
119 (SWAP_BE32(mdb->drAlBlkSiz) & 0x01FF) != 0)
120 return (EINVAL);
122 /* don't mount a writeable volume if its dirty, it must be cleaned by fsck_hfs */
123 if (((hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_READ_ONLY) == 0) &&
124 ((SWAP_BE16(mdb->drAtrb) & kHFSVolumeUnmountedMask) == 0)) {
125 return (EINVAL);
126 }
127 hfsmp->hfs_flags |= HFS_STANDARD;
128 /*
129 * The MDB seems OK: transfer info from it into VCB
130 * Note - the VCB starts out clear (all zeros)
131 *
132 */
133 vcb->vcbSigWord = SWAP_BE16 (mdb->drSigWord);
134 vcb->hfs_itime = to_bsd_time(LocalToUTC(SWAP_BE32(mdb->drCrDate)));
135 vcb->localCreateDate = SWAP_BE32 (mdb->drCrDate);
136 vcb->vcbLsMod = to_bsd_time(LocalToUTC(SWAP_BE32(mdb->drLsMod)));
137 vcb->vcbAtrb = SWAP_BE16 (mdb->drAtrb);
138 vcb->vcbNmFls = SWAP_BE16 (mdb->drNmFls);
139 vcb->vcbVBMSt = SWAP_BE16 (mdb->drVBMSt);
140 vcb->nextAllocation = SWAP_BE16 (mdb->drAllocPtr);
141 vcb->totalBlocks = SWAP_BE16 (mdb->drNmAlBlks);
142 vcb->allocLimit = vcb->totalBlocks;
143 vcb->blockSize = SWAP_BE32 (mdb->drAlBlkSiz);
144 vcb->vcbClpSiz = SWAP_BE32 (mdb->drClpSiz);
145 vcb->vcbAlBlSt = SWAP_BE16 (mdb->drAlBlSt);
146 vcb->vcbNxtCNID = SWAP_BE32 (mdb->drNxtCNID);
147 vcb->freeBlocks = SWAP_BE16 (mdb->drFreeBks);
148 vcb->vcbVolBkUp = to_bsd_time(LocalToUTC(SWAP_BE32(mdb->drVolBkUp)));
149 vcb->vcbWrCnt = SWAP_BE32 (mdb->drWrCnt);
150 vcb->vcbNmRtDirs = SWAP_BE16 (mdb->drNmRtDirs);
151 vcb->vcbFilCnt = SWAP_BE32 (mdb->drFilCnt);
152 vcb->vcbDirCnt = SWAP_BE32 (mdb->drDirCnt);
153 bcopy(mdb->drFndrInfo, vcb->vcbFndrInfo, sizeof(vcb->vcbFndrInfo));
154 if ((hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_READ_ONLY) == 0)
155 vcb->vcbWrCnt++; /* Compensate for write of MDB on last flush */
157 /* convert hfs encoded name into UTF-8 string */
158 error = hfs_to_utf8(vcb, mdb->drVN, NAME_MAX, &utf8chars, vcb->vcbVN);
159 /*
160 * When an HFS name cannot be encoded with the current
161 * volume encoding we use MacRoman as a fallback.
162 */
163 if (error || (utf8chars == 0)) {
164 error = mac_roman_to_utf8(mdb->drVN, NAME_MAX, &utf8chars, vcb->vcbVN);
165 /* If we fail to encode to UTF8 from Mac Roman, the name is bad. Deny the mount */
166 if (error) {
167 goto MtVolErr;
168 }
169 }
171 hfsmp->hfs_logBlockSize = BestBlockSizeFit(vcb->blockSize, MAXBSIZE, hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size);
172 vcb->vcbVBMIOSize = kHFSBlockSize;
174 /* Generate the partition-based AVH location */
175 hfsmp->hfs_partition_avh_sector = HFS_ALT_SECTOR(hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size,
176 hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_count);
178 /* HFS standard is read-only, so just stuff the FS location in here, too */
179 hfsmp->hfs_fs_avh_sector = hfsmp->hfs_partition_avh_sector;
181 bzero(&cndesc, sizeof(cndesc));
182 cndesc.cd_parentcnid = kHFSRootParentID;
183 cndesc.cd_flags |= CD_ISMETA;
184 bzero(&cnattr, sizeof(cnattr));
185 cnattr.ca_linkcount = 1;
186 cnattr.ca_mode = S_IFREG;
187 bzero(&fork, sizeof(fork));
189 /*
190 * Set up Extents B-tree vnode
191 */
192 cndesc.cd_nameptr = hfs_extname;
193 cndesc.cd_namelen = strlen((char *)hfs_extname);
194 cndesc.cd_cnid = cnattr.ca_fileid = kHFSExtentsFileID;
195 fork.cf_size = SWAP_BE32(mdb->drXTFlSize);
196 fork.cf_blocks = fork.cf_size / vcb->blockSize;
197 fork.cf_clump = SWAP_BE32(mdb->drXTClpSiz);
198 fork.cf_vblocks = 0;
199 fork.cf_extents[0].startBlock = SWAP_BE16(mdb->drXTExtRec[0].startBlock);
200 fork.cf_extents[0].blockCount = SWAP_BE16(mdb->drXTExtRec[0].blockCount);
201 fork.cf_extents[1].startBlock = SWAP_BE16(mdb->drXTExtRec[1].startBlock);
202 fork.cf_extents[1].blockCount = SWAP_BE16(mdb->drXTExtRec[1].blockCount);
203 fork.cf_extents[2].startBlock = SWAP_BE16(mdb->drXTExtRec[2].startBlock);
204 fork.cf_extents[2].blockCount = SWAP_BE16(mdb->drXTExtRec[2].blockCount);
205 cnattr.ca_blocks = fork.cf_blocks;
207 error = hfs_getnewvnode(hfsmp, NULL, NULL, &cndesc, 0, &cnattr, &fork,
208 &hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp, &newvnode_flags);
209 if (error) {
210 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
211 printf("hfs_mounthfs (std): error creating Ext Vnode (%d) \n", error);
212 }
213 goto MtVolErr;
214 }
215 error = MacToVFSError(BTOpenPath(VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp),
216 (KeyCompareProcPtr)CompareExtentKeys));
217 if (error) {
218 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
219 printf("hfs_mounthfs (std): error opening Ext Vnode (%d) \n", error);
220 }
221 hfs_unlock(VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp));
222 goto MtVolErr;
223 }
224 hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp = VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp);
226 /*
227 * Set up Catalog B-tree vnode...
228 */
229 cndesc.cd_nameptr = hfs_catname;
230 cndesc.cd_namelen = strlen((char *)hfs_catname);
231 cndesc.cd_cnid = cnattr.ca_fileid = kHFSCatalogFileID;
232 fork.cf_size = SWAP_BE32(mdb->drCTFlSize);
233 fork.cf_blocks = fork.cf_size / vcb->blockSize;
234 fork.cf_clump = SWAP_BE32(mdb->drCTClpSiz);
235 fork.cf_vblocks = 0;
236 fork.cf_extents[0].startBlock = SWAP_BE16(mdb->drCTExtRec[0].startBlock);
237 fork.cf_extents[0].blockCount = SWAP_BE16(mdb->drCTExtRec[0].blockCount);
238 fork.cf_extents[1].startBlock = SWAP_BE16(mdb->drCTExtRec[1].startBlock);
239 fork.cf_extents[1].blockCount = SWAP_BE16(mdb->drCTExtRec[1].blockCount);
240 fork.cf_extents[2].startBlock = SWAP_BE16(mdb->drCTExtRec[2].startBlock);
241 fork.cf_extents[2].blockCount = SWAP_BE16(mdb->drCTExtRec[2].blockCount);
242 cnattr.ca_blocks = fork.cf_blocks;
244 error = hfs_getnewvnode(hfsmp, NULL, NULL, &cndesc, 0, &cnattr, &fork,
245 &hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp, &newvnode_flags);
246 if (error) {
247 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
248 printf("hfs_mounthfs (std): error creating catalog Vnode (%d) \n", error);
249 }
250 hfs_unlock(VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp));
251 goto MtVolErr;
252 }
253 error = MacToVFSError(BTOpenPath(VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp),
254 (KeyCompareProcPtr)CompareCatalogKeys));
255 if (error) {
256 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
257 printf("hfs_mounthfs (std): error opening catalog Vnode (%d) \n", error);
258 }
259 hfs_unlock(VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp));
260 hfs_unlock(VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp));
261 goto MtVolErr;
262 }
263 hfsmp->hfs_catalog_cp = VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp);
265 /*
266 * Set up dummy Allocation file vnode (used only for locking bitmap)
267 */
268 cndesc.cd_nameptr = hfs_vbmname;
269 cndesc.cd_namelen = strlen((char *)hfs_vbmname);
270 cndesc.cd_cnid = cnattr.ca_fileid = kHFSAllocationFileID;
271 bzero(&fork, sizeof(fork));
272 cnattr.ca_blocks = 0;
274 error = hfs_getnewvnode(hfsmp, NULL, NULL, &cndesc, 0, &cnattr, &fork,
275 &hfsmp->hfs_allocation_vp, &newvnode_flags);
276 if (error) {
277 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
278 printf("hfs_mounthfs (std): error creating bitmap Vnode (%d) \n", error);
279 }
280 hfs_unlock(VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp));
281 hfs_unlock(VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp));
282 goto MtVolErr;
283 }
284 hfsmp->hfs_allocation_cp = VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_allocation_vp);
286 /* mark the volume dirty (clear clean unmount bit) */
287 vcb->vcbAtrb &= ~kHFSVolumeUnmountedMask;
289 if (error == noErr) {
290 error = cat_idlookup(hfsmp, kHFSRootFolderID, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
291 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
292 printf("hfs_mounthfs (std): error looking up root folder (%d) \n", error);
293 }
294 }
296 if (error == noErr) {
297 /* If the disk isn't write protected.. */
298 if ( !(vcb->vcbAtrb & kHFSVolumeHardwareLockMask)) {
299 MarkVCBDirty (vcb); // mark VCB dirty so it will be written
300 }
301 }
303 /*
304 * all done with system files so we can unlock now...
305 */
306 hfs_unlock(VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_allocation_vp));
307 hfs_unlock(VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp));
308 hfs_unlock(VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp));
310 if (error == noErr) {
311 /* If successful, then we can just return once we've unlocked the cnodes */
312 return error;
313 }
315 //-- Release any resources allocated so far before exiting with an error:
316 MtVolErr:
317 hfsUnmount(hfsmp, NULL);
319 return (error);
320 }
322 #endif
324 //*******************************************************************************
325 //
326 // Sanity check Volume Header Block:
327 // Input argument *vhp is a pointer to a HFSPlusVolumeHeader block that has
328 // not been endian-swapped and represents the on-disk contents of this sector.
329 // This routine will not change the endianness of vhp block.
330 //
331 //*******************************************************************************
332 OSErr hfs_ValidateHFSPlusVolumeHeader(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, HFSPlusVolumeHeader *vhp)
333 {
334 u_int16_t signature;
335 u_int16_t hfs_version;
336 u_int32_t blockSize;
338 signature = SWAP_BE16(vhp->signature);
339 hfs_version = SWAP_BE16(vhp->version);
341 if (signature == kHFSPlusSigWord) {
342 if (hfs_version != kHFSPlusVersion) {
343 printf("hfs_ValidateHFSPlusVolumeHeader: invalid HFS+ version: %x\n", hfs_version);
344 return (EINVAL);
345 }
346 } else if (signature == kHFSXSigWord) {
347 if (hfs_version != kHFSXVersion) {
348 printf("hfs_ValidateHFSPlusVolumeHeader: invalid HFSX version: %x\n", hfs_version);
349 return (EINVAL);
350 }
351 } else {
352 /* Removed printf for invalid HFS+ signature because it gives
353 * false error for UFS root volume
354 */
355 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
356 printf("hfs_ValidateHFSPlusVolumeHeader: unknown Volume Signature : %x\n", signature);
357 }
358 return (EINVAL);
359 }
361 /* Block size must be at least 512 and a power of 2 */
362 blockSize = SWAP_BE32(vhp->blockSize);
363 if (blockSize < 512 || !powerof2(blockSize)) {
364 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
365 printf("hfs_ValidateHFSPlusVolumeHeader: invalid blocksize (%d) \n", blockSize);
366 }
367 return (EINVAL);
368 }
370 if (blockSize < hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size) {
371 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
372 printf("hfs_ValidateHFSPlusVolumeHeader: invalid physical blocksize (%d), hfs_logical_blocksize (%d) \n",
373 blockSize, hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size);
374 }
375 return (EINVAL);
376 }
377 return 0;
378 }
380 //*******************************************************************************
381 // Routine: hfs_MountHFSPlusVolume
382 //
383 //
384 //*******************************************************************************
386 OSErr hfs_MountHFSPlusVolume(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, HFSPlusVolumeHeader *vhp,
387 off_t embeddedOffset, u_int64_t disksize, __unused struct proc *p, void *args, kauth_cred_t cred)
388 {
389 register ExtendedVCB *vcb;
390 struct cat_desc cndesc;
391 struct cat_attr cnattr;
392 struct cat_fork cfork;
393 u_int32_t blockSize;
394 daddr64_t spare_sectors;
395 struct BTreeInfoRec btinfo;
396 u_int16_t signature;
397 u_int16_t hfs_version;
398 int newvnode_flags = 0;
399 int i;
400 OSErr retval;
401 char converted_volname[256];
402 size_t volname_length = 0;
403 size_t conv_volname_length = 0;
405 signature = SWAP_BE16(vhp->signature);
406 hfs_version = SWAP_BE16(vhp->version);
408 retval = hfs_ValidateHFSPlusVolumeHeader(hfsmp, vhp);
409 if (retval)
410 return retval;
412 if (signature == kHFSXSigWord) {
413 /* The in-memory signature is always 'H+'. */
414 signature = kHFSPlusSigWord;
415 hfsmp->hfs_flags |= HFS_X;
416 }
418 blockSize = SWAP_BE32(vhp->blockSize);
419 /* don't mount a writable volume if its dirty, it must be cleaned by fsck_hfs */
420 if ((hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_READ_ONLY) == 0 && hfsmp->jnl == NULL &&
421 (SWAP_BE32(vhp->attributes) & kHFSVolumeUnmountedMask) == 0) {
422 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
423 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: cannot mount dirty non-journaled volumes\n");
424 }
425 return (EINVAL);
426 }
428 /* Make sure we can live with the physical block size. */
429 if ((disksize & (hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size - 1)) ||
430 (embeddedOffset & (hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size - 1))) {
431 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
432 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: hfs_logical_blocksize (%d) \n",
433 hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size);
434 }
435 return (ENXIO);
436 }
438 /*
439 * If allocation block size is less than the physical block size,
440 * same data could be cached in two places and leads to corruption.
441 *
442 * HFS Plus reserves one allocation block for the Volume Header.
443 * If the physical size is larger, then when we read the volume header,
444 * we will also end up reading in the next allocation block(s).
445 * If those other allocation block(s) is/are modified, and then the volume
446 * header is modified, the write of the volume header's buffer will write
447 * out the old contents of the other allocation blocks.
448 *
449 * We assume that the physical block size is same as logical block size.
450 * The physical block size value is used to round down the offsets for
451 * reading and writing the primary and alternate volume headers.
452 *
453 * The same logic to ensure good hfs_physical_block_size is also in
454 * hfs_mountfs so that hfs_mountfs, hfs_MountHFSPlusVolume and
455 * later are doing the I/Os using same block size.
456 */
457 if (blockSize < hfsmp->hfs_physical_block_size) {
458 hfsmp->hfs_physical_block_size = hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size;
459 hfsmp->hfs_log_per_phys = 1;
460 }
462 /*
463 * The VolumeHeader seems OK: transfer info from it into VCB
464 * Note - the VCB starts out clear (all zeros)
465 */
466 vcb = HFSTOVCB(hfsmp);
468 vcb->vcbSigWord = signature;
469 vcb->vcbJinfoBlock = SWAP_BE32(vhp->journalInfoBlock);
470 vcb->vcbLsMod = to_bsd_time(SWAP_BE32(vhp->modifyDate));
471 vcb->vcbAtrb = SWAP_BE32(vhp->attributes);
472 vcb->vcbClpSiz = SWAP_BE32(vhp->rsrcClumpSize);
473 vcb->vcbNxtCNID = SWAP_BE32(vhp->nextCatalogID);
474 vcb->vcbVolBkUp = to_bsd_time(SWAP_BE32(vhp->backupDate));
475 vcb->vcbWrCnt = SWAP_BE32(vhp->writeCount);
476 vcb->vcbFilCnt = SWAP_BE32(vhp->fileCount);
477 vcb->vcbDirCnt = SWAP_BE32(vhp->folderCount);
479 /* copy 32 bytes of Finder info */
480 bcopy(vhp->finderInfo, vcb->vcbFndrInfo, sizeof(vhp->finderInfo));
482 vcb->vcbAlBlSt = 0; /* hfs+ allocation blocks start at first block of volume */
483 if ((hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_READ_ONLY) == 0)
484 vcb->vcbWrCnt++; /* compensate for write of Volume Header on last flush */
486 /* Now fill in the Extended VCB info */
487 vcb->nextAllocation = SWAP_BE32(vhp->nextAllocation);
488 vcb->totalBlocks = SWAP_BE32(vhp->totalBlocks);
489 vcb->allocLimit = vcb->totalBlocks;
490 vcb->freeBlocks = SWAP_BE32(vhp->freeBlocks);
491 vcb->blockSize = blockSize;
492 vcb->encodingsBitmap = SWAP_BE64(vhp->encodingsBitmap);
493 vcb->localCreateDate = SWAP_BE32(vhp->createDate);
495 vcb->hfsPlusIOPosOffset = embeddedOffset;
497 /* Default to no free block reserve */
498 vcb->reserveBlocks = 0;
500 /*
501 * Update the logical block size in the mount struct
502 * (currently set up from the wrapper MDB) using the
503 * new blocksize value:
504 */
505 hfsmp->hfs_logBlockSize = BestBlockSizeFit(vcb->blockSize, MAXBSIZE, hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size);
506 vcb->vcbVBMIOSize = min(vcb->blockSize, MAXPHYSIO);
508 /*
509 * Validate and initialize the location of the alternate volume header.
510 *
511 * Note that there may be spare sectors beyond the end of the filesystem that still
512 * belong to our partition.
513 */
515 spare_sectors = hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_count -
516 (((daddr64_t)vcb->totalBlocks * blockSize) /
517 hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size);
519 /*
520 * Differentiate between "innocuous" spare sectors and the more unusual
521 * degenerate case:
522 *
523 * *** Innocuous spare sectors exist if:
524 *
525 * A) the number of bytes assigned to the partition (by multiplying logical
526 * block size * logical block count) is greater than the filesystem size
527 * (by multiplying allocation block count and allocation block size)
528 *
529 * and
530 *
531 * B) the remainder is less than the size of a full allocation block's worth of bytes.
532 *
533 * This handles the normal case where there may be a few extra sectors, but the two
534 * are fundamentally in sync.
535 *
536 * *** Degenerate spare sectors exist if:
537 * A) The number of bytes assigned to the partition (by multiplying logical
538 * block size * logical block count) is greater than the filesystem size
539 * (by multiplying allocation block count and block size).
540 *
541 * and
542 *
543 * B) the remainder is greater than a full allocation's block worth of bytes.
544 * In this case, a smaller file system exists in a larger partition.
545 * This can happen in various ways, including when volume is resized but the
546 * partition is yet to be resized. Under this condition, we have to assume that
547 * a partition management software may resize the partition to match
548 * the file system size in the future. Therefore we should update
549 * alternate volume header at two locations on the disk,
550 * a. 1024 bytes before end of the partition
551 * b. 1024 bytes before end of the file system
552 */
554 if (spare_sectors > (daddr64_t)(blockSize / hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size)) {
555 /*
556 * Handle the degenerate case above. FS < partition size.
557 * AVH located at 1024 bytes from the end of the partition
558 */
559 hfsmp->hfs_partition_avh_sector = (hfsmp->hfsPlusIOPosOffset / hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size) +
560 HFS_ALT_SECTOR(hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size, hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_count);
562 /* AVH located at 1024 bytes from the end of the filesystem */
563 hfsmp->hfs_fs_avh_sector = (hfsmp->hfsPlusIOPosOffset / hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size) +
564 HFS_ALT_SECTOR(hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size,
565 (((daddr64_t)vcb->totalBlocks * blockSize) / hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size));
566 }
567 else {
568 /* Innocuous spare sectors; Partition & FS notion are in sync */
569 hfsmp->hfs_partition_avh_sector = (hfsmp->hfsPlusIOPosOffset / hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size) +
570 HFS_ALT_SECTOR(hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size, hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_count);
572 hfsmp->hfs_fs_avh_sector = hfsmp->hfs_partition_avh_sector;
573 }
574 if (hfs_resize_debug) {
575 printf ("hfs_MountHFSPlusVolume: partition_avh_sector=%qu, fs_avh_sector=%qu\n",
576 hfsmp->hfs_partition_avh_sector, hfsmp->hfs_fs_avh_sector);
577 }
579 bzero(&cndesc, sizeof(cndesc));
580 cndesc.cd_parentcnid = kHFSRootParentID;
581 cndesc.cd_flags |= CD_ISMETA;
582 bzero(&cnattr, sizeof(cnattr));
583 cnattr.ca_linkcount = 1;
584 cnattr.ca_mode = S_IFREG;
586 /*
587 * Set up Extents B-tree vnode
588 */
589 cndesc.cd_nameptr = hfs_extname;
590 cndesc.cd_namelen = strlen((char *)hfs_extname);
591 cndesc.cd_cnid = cnattr.ca_fileid = kHFSExtentsFileID;
593 cfork.cf_size = SWAP_BE64 (vhp->extentsFile.logicalSize);
594 cfork.cf_new_size= 0;
595 cfork.cf_clump = SWAP_BE32 (vhp->extentsFile.clumpSize);
596 cfork.cf_blocks = SWAP_BE32 (vhp->extentsFile.totalBlocks);
597 cfork.cf_vblocks = 0;
598 cnattr.ca_blocks = cfork.cf_blocks;
599 for (i = 0; i < kHFSPlusExtentDensity; i++) {
600 cfork.cf_extents[i].startBlock =
601 SWAP_BE32 (vhp->extentsFile.extents[i].startBlock);
602 cfork.cf_extents[i].blockCount =
603 SWAP_BE32 (vhp->extentsFile.extents[i].blockCount);
604 }
605 retval = hfs_getnewvnode(hfsmp, NULL, NULL, &cndesc, 0, &cnattr, &cfork,
606 &hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp, &newvnode_flags);
607 if (retval)
608 {
609 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
610 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: hfs_getnewvnode returned (%d) getting extentoverflow BT\n", retval);
611 }
612 goto ErrorExit;
613 }
615 hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp = VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp);
617 retval = MacToVFSError(BTOpenPath(VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp),
618 (KeyCompareProcPtr) CompareExtentKeysPlus));
620 hfs_unlock(hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp);
622 if (retval)
623 {
624 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
625 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: BTOpenPath returned (%d) getting extentoverflow BT\n", retval);
626 }
627 goto ErrorExit;
628 }
629 /*
630 * Set up Catalog B-tree vnode
631 */
632 cndesc.cd_nameptr = hfs_catname;
633 cndesc.cd_namelen = strlen((char *)hfs_catname);
634 cndesc.cd_cnid = cnattr.ca_fileid = kHFSCatalogFileID;
636 cfork.cf_size = SWAP_BE64 (vhp->catalogFile.logicalSize);
637 cfork.cf_clump = SWAP_BE32 (vhp->catalogFile.clumpSize);
638 cfork.cf_blocks = SWAP_BE32 (vhp->catalogFile.totalBlocks);
639 cfork.cf_vblocks = 0;
640 cnattr.ca_blocks = cfork.cf_blocks;
641 for (i = 0; i < kHFSPlusExtentDensity; i++) {
642 cfork.cf_extents[i].startBlock =
643 SWAP_BE32 (vhp->catalogFile.extents[i].startBlock);
644 cfork.cf_extents[i].blockCount =
645 SWAP_BE32 (vhp->catalogFile.extents[i].blockCount);
646 }
647 retval = hfs_getnewvnode(hfsmp, NULL, NULL, &cndesc, 0, &cnattr, &cfork,
648 &hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp, &newvnode_flags);
649 if (retval) {
650 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
651 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: hfs_getnewvnode returned (%d) getting catalog BT\n", retval);
652 }
653 goto ErrorExit;
654 }
655 hfsmp->hfs_catalog_cp = VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp);
657 retval = MacToVFSError(BTOpenPath(VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp),
658 (KeyCompareProcPtr) CompareExtendedCatalogKeys));
660 if (retval) {
661 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
662 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: BTOpenPath returned (%d) getting catalog BT\n", retval);
663 }
664 hfs_unlock(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_cp);
665 goto ErrorExit;
666 }
667 if ((hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_X) &&
668 BTGetInformation(VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp), 0, &btinfo) == 0) {
669 if (btinfo.keyCompareType == kHFSBinaryCompare) {
670 hfsmp->hfs_flags |= HFS_CASE_SENSITIVE;
671 /* Install a case-sensitive key compare */
672 (void) BTOpenPath(VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp),
673 (KeyCompareProcPtr)cat_binarykeycompare);
674 }
675 }
677 hfs_unlock(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_cp);
679 /*
680 * Set up Allocation file vnode
681 */
682 cndesc.cd_nameptr = hfs_vbmname;
683 cndesc.cd_namelen = strlen((char *)hfs_vbmname);
684 cndesc.cd_cnid = cnattr.ca_fileid = kHFSAllocationFileID;
686 cfork.cf_size = SWAP_BE64 (vhp->allocationFile.logicalSize);
687 cfork.cf_clump = SWAP_BE32 (vhp->allocationFile.clumpSize);
688 cfork.cf_blocks = SWAP_BE32 (vhp->allocationFile.totalBlocks);
689 cfork.cf_vblocks = 0;
690 cnattr.ca_blocks = cfork.cf_blocks;
691 for (i = 0; i < kHFSPlusExtentDensity; i++) {
692 cfork.cf_extents[i].startBlock =
693 SWAP_BE32 (vhp->allocationFile.extents[i].startBlock);
694 cfork.cf_extents[i].blockCount =
695 SWAP_BE32 (vhp->allocationFile.extents[i].blockCount);
696 }
697 retval = hfs_getnewvnode(hfsmp, NULL, NULL, &cndesc, 0, &cnattr, &cfork,
698 &hfsmp->hfs_allocation_vp, &newvnode_flags);
699 if (retval) {
700 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
701 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: hfs_getnewvnode returned (%d) getting bitmap\n", retval);
702 }
703 goto ErrorExit;
704 }
705 hfsmp->hfs_allocation_cp = VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_allocation_vp);
706 hfs_unlock(hfsmp->hfs_allocation_cp);
708 /*
709 * Set up Attribute B-tree vnode
710 */
711 if (vhp->attributesFile.totalBlocks != 0) {
712 cndesc.cd_nameptr = hfs_attrname;
713 cndesc.cd_namelen = strlen((char *)hfs_attrname);
714 cndesc.cd_cnid = cnattr.ca_fileid = kHFSAttributesFileID;
716 cfork.cf_size = SWAP_BE64 (vhp->attributesFile.logicalSize);
717 cfork.cf_clump = SWAP_BE32 (vhp->attributesFile.clumpSize);
718 cfork.cf_blocks = SWAP_BE32 (vhp->attributesFile.totalBlocks);
719 cfork.cf_vblocks = 0;
720 cnattr.ca_blocks = cfork.cf_blocks;
721 for (i = 0; i < kHFSPlusExtentDensity; i++) {
722 cfork.cf_extents[i].startBlock =
723 SWAP_BE32 (vhp->attributesFile.extents[i].startBlock);
724 cfork.cf_extents[i].blockCount =
725 SWAP_BE32 (vhp->attributesFile.extents[i].blockCount);
726 }
727 retval = hfs_getnewvnode(hfsmp, NULL, NULL, &cndesc, 0, &cnattr, &cfork,
728 &hfsmp->hfs_attribute_vp, &newvnode_flags);
729 if (retval) {
730 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
731 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: hfs_getnewvnode returned (%d) getting EA BT\n", retval);
732 }
733 goto ErrorExit;
734 }
735 hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp = VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_attribute_vp);
736 retval = MacToVFSError(BTOpenPath(VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_attribute_vp),
737 (KeyCompareProcPtr) hfs_attrkeycompare));
738 hfs_unlock(hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp);
739 if (retval) {
740 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
741 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: BTOpenPath returned (%d) getting EA BT\n", retval);
742 }
743 goto ErrorExit;
744 }
746 /* Initialize vnode for virtual attribute data file that spans the
747 * entire file system space for performing I/O to attribute btree
748 * We hold iocount on the attrdata vnode for the entire duration
749 * of mount (similar to btree vnodes)
750 */
751 retval = init_attrdata_vnode(hfsmp);
752 if (retval) {
753 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
754 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: init_attrdata_vnode returned (%d) for virtual EA file\n", retval);
755 }
756 goto ErrorExit;
757 }
758 }
760 /*
761 * Set up Startup file vnode
762 */
763 if (vhp->startupFile.totalBlocks != 0) {
764 cndesc.cd_nameptr = hfs_startupname;
765 cndesc.cd_namelen = strlen((char *)hfs_startupname);
766 cndesc.cd_cnid = cnattr.ca_fileid = kHFSStartupFileID;
768 cfork.cf_size = SWAP_BE64 (vhp->startupFile.logicalSize);
769 cfork.cf_clump = SWAP_BE32 (vhp->startupFile.clumpSize);
770 cfork.cf_blocks = SWAP_BE32 (vhp->startupFile.totalBlocks);
771 cfork.cf_vblocks = 0;
772 cnattr.ca_blocks = cfork.cf_blocks;
773 for (i = 0; i < kHFSPlusExtentDensity; i++) {
774 cfork.cf_extents[i].startBlock =
775 SWAP_BE32 (vhp->startupFile.extents[i].startBlock);
776 cfork.cf_extents[i].blockCount =
777 SWAP_BE32 (vhp->startupFile.extents[i].blockCount);
778 }
779 retval = hfs_getnewvnode(hfsmp, NULL, NULL, &cndesc, 0, &cnattr, &cfork,
780 &hfsmp->hfs_startup_vp, &newvnode_flags);
781 if (retval) {
782 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
783 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: hfs_getnewvnode returned (%d) getting startup file\n", retval);
784 }
785 goto ErrorExit;
786 }
787 hfsmp->hfs_startup_cp = VTOC(hfsmp->hfs_startup_vp);
788 hfs_unlock(hfsmp->hfs_startup_cp);
789 }
791 /*
792 * Pick up volume name and create date
793 *
794 * Acquiring the volume name should not manipulate the bitmap, only the catalog
795 * btree and possibly the extents overflow b-tree.
796 */
797 retval = cat_idlookup(hfsmp, kHFSRootFolderID, 0, 0, &cndesc, &cnattr, NULL);
798 if (retval) {
799 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
800 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: cat_idlookup returned (%d) getting rootfolder \n", retval);
801 }
802 goto ErrorExit;
803 }
804 vcb->hfs_itime = cnattr.ca_itime;
805 vcb->volumeNameEncodingHint = cndesc.cd_encoding;
806 bcopy(cndesc.cd_nameptr, vcb->vcbVN, min(255, cndesc.cd_namelen));
807 volname_length = strlen ((const char*)vcb->vcbVN);
808 cat_releasedesc(&cndesc);
810 /* Send the volume name down to CoreStorage if necessary */
811 retval = utf8_normalizestr(vcb->vcbVN, volname_length, (u_int8_t*)converted_volname, &conv_volname_length, 256, UTF_PRECOMPOSED);
812 if (retval == 0) {
813 (void) VNOP_IOCTL (hfsmp->hfs_devvp, _DKIOCCSSETLVNAME, converted_volname, 0, vfs_context_current());
814 }
816 /* reset retval == 0. we don't care about errors in volname conversion */
817 retval = 0;
819 /*
820 * pull in the volume UUID while we are still single-threaded.
821 * This brings the volume UUID into the cached one dangling off of the HFSMP
822 * Otherwise it would have to be computed on first access.
823 */
824 uuid_t throwaway;
825 hfs_getvoluuid (hfsmp, throwaway);
827 /*
828 * We now always initiate a full bitmap scan even if the volume is read-only because this is
829 * our only shot to do I/Os of dramaticallly different sizes than what the buffer cache ordinarily
830 * expects. TRIMs will not be delivered to the underlying media if the volume is not
831 * read-write though.
832 */
833 thread_t allocator_scanner;
834 hfsmp->scan_var = 0;
836 /* Take the HFS mount mutex and wait on scan_var */
837 hfs_lock_mount (hfsmp);
839 kernel_thread_start ((thread_continue_t) hfs_scan_blocks, hfsmp, &allocator_scanner);
841 /* Wait until it registers that it's got the appropriate locks (or that it is finished) */
843 msleep (&hfsmp->scan_var, &hfsmp->hfs_mutex, PINOD, "hfs_scan_blocks", 0);
844 }
846 hfs_unlock_mount(hfsmp);
848 thread_deallocate (allocator_scanner);
850 /* mark the volume dirty (clear clean unmount bit) */
851 vcb->vcbAtrb &= ~kHFSVolumeUnmountedMask;
852 if (hfsmp->jnl && (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_READ_ONLY) == 0) {
853 hfs_flushvolumeheader(hfsmp, HFS_FVH_WAIT);
854 }
856 /* kHFSHasFolderCount is only supported/updated on HFSX volumes */
857 if ((hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_X) != 0) {
858 hfsmp->hfs_flags |= HFS_FOLDERCOUNT;
859 }
861 //
862 // Check if we need to do late journal initialization. This only
863 // happens if a previous version of MacOS X (or 9) touched the disk.
864 // In that case hfs_late_journal_init() will go re-locate the journal
865 // and journal_info_block files and validate that they're still kosher.
866 //
867 if ( (vcb->vcbAtrb & kHFSVolumeJournaledMask)
868 && (SWAP_BE32(vhp->lastMountedVersion) != kHFSJMountVersion)
869 && (hfsmp->jnl == NULL)) {
871 retval = hfs_late_journal_init(hfsmp, vhp, args);
872 if (retval != 0) {
873 if (retval == EROFS) {
874 // EROFS is a special error code that means the volume has an external
875 // journal which we couldn't find. in that case we do not want to
876 // rewrite the volume header - we'll just refuse to mount the volume.
877 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
878 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: hfs_late_journal_init returned (%d), maybe an external jnl?\n", retval);
879 }
880 retval = EINVAL;
881 goto ErrorExit;
882 }
884 hfsmp->jnl = NULL;
886 // if the journal failed to open, then set the lastMountedVersion
887 // to be "FSK!" which fsck_hfs will see and force the fsck instead
888 // of just bailing out because the volume is journaled.
889 if (!(hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_READ_ONLY)) {
890 HFSPlusVolumeHeader *jvhp;
891 daddr64_t mdb_offset;
892 struct buf *bp = NULL;
894 hfsmp->hfs_flags |= HFS_NEED_JNL_RESET;
896 mdb_offset = (daddr64_t)((embeddedOffset / blockSize) + HFS_PRI_SECTOR(blockSize));
898 bp = NULL;
899 retval = (int)buf_meta_bread(hfsmp->hfs_devvp,
900 HFS_PHYSBLK_ROUNDDOWN(mdb_offset, hfsmp->hfs_log_per_phys),
901 hfsmp->hfs_physical_block_size, cred, &bp);
902 if (retval == 0) {
903 jvhp = (HFSPlusVolumeHeader *)(buf_dataptr(bp) + HFS_PRI_OFFSET(hfsmp->hfs_physical_block_size));
905 if (SWAP_BE16(jvhp->signature) == kHFSPlusSigWord || SWAP_BE16(jvhp->signature) == kHFSXSigWord) {
906 printf ("hfs(3): Journal replay fail. Writing lastMountVersion as FSK!\n");
907 jvhp->lastMountedVersion = SWAP_BE32(kFSKMountVersion);
908 buf_bwrite(bp);
909 } else {
910 buf_brelse(bp);
911 }
912 bp = NULL;
913 } else if (bp) {
914 buf_brelse(bp);
915 // clear this so the error exit path won't try to use it
916 bp = NULL;
917 }
918 }
920 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
921 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: hfs_late_journal_init returned (%d)\n", retval);
922 }
923 retval = EINVAL;
924 goto ErrorExit;
925 } else if (hfsmp->jnl) {
926 vfs_setflags(hfsmp->hfs_mp, (u_int64_t)((unsigned int)MNT_JOURNALED));
927 }
928 } else if (hfsmp->jnl || ((vcb->vcbAtrb & kHFSVolumeJournaledMask) && (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_READ_ONLY))) {
929 struct cat_attr jinfo_attr, jnl_attr;
931 if (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_READ_ONLY) {
932 vcb->vcbAtrb &= ~kHFSVolumeJournaledMask;
933 }
935 // if we're here we need to fill in the fileid's for the
936 // journal and journal_info_block.
937 hfsmp->hfs_jnlinfoblkid = GetFileInfo(vcb, kRootDirID, ".journal_info_block", &jinfo_attr, NULL);
938 hfsmp->hfs_jnlfileid = GetFileInfo(vcb, kRootDirID, ".journal", &jnl_attr, NULL);
939 if (hfsmp->hfs_jnlinfoblkid == 0 || hfsmp->hfs_jnlfileid == 0) {
940 printf("hfs: danger! couldn't find the file-id's for the journal or journal_info_block\n");
941 printf("hfs: jnlfileid %d, jnlinfoblkid %d\n", hfsmp->hfs_jnlfileid, hfsmp->hfs_jnlinfoblkid);
942 }
944 if (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_READ_ONLY) {
945 vcb->vcbAtrb |= kHFSVolumeJournaledMask;
946 }
948 if (hfsmp->jnl == NULL) {
949 vfs_clearflags(hfsmp->hfs_mp, (u_int64_t)((unsigned int)MNT_JOURNALED));
950 }
951 }
953 if ( !(vcb->vcbAtrb & kHFSVolumeHardwareLockMask) ) // if the disk is not write protected
954 {
955 MarkVCBDirty( vcb ); // mark VCB dirty so it will be written
956 }
958 if (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_CS_METADATA_PIN) {
959 hfs_pin_fs_metadata(hfsmp);
960 }
961 /*
962 * Distinguish 3 potential cases involving content protection:
963 * 1. mount point bit set; vcbAtrb does not support it. Fail.
964 * 2. mount point bit set; vcbattrb supports it. we're good.
965 * 3. mount point bit not set; vcbatrb supports it, turn bit on, then good.
966 */
967 if (vfs_flags(hfsmp->hfs_mp) & MNT_CPROTECT) {
968 /* Does the mount point support it ? */
969 if ((vcb->vcbAtrb & kHFSContentProtectionMask) == 0) {
970 /* Case 1 above */
971 retval = EINVAL;
972 goto ErrorExit;
973 }
974 }
975 else {
976 /* not requested in the mount point. Is it in FS? */
977 if (vcb->vcbAtrb & kHFSContentProtectionMask) {
978 /* Case 3 above */
979 vfs_setflags (hfsmp->hfs_mp, MNT_CPROTECT);
980 }
981 }
983 /* At this point, if the mount point flag is set, we can enable it. */
984 if (vfs_flags(hfsmp->hfs_mp) & MNT_CPROTECT) {
985 /* Cases 2+3 above */
987 /* Get the EAs as needed. */
988 int cperr = 0;
989 struct cp_root_xattr *xattr = NULL;
990 xattr = hfs_malloc(sizeof(*xattr));
992 /* go get the EA to get the version information */
993 cperr = cp_getrootxattr (hfsmp, xattr);
994 /*
995 * If there was no EA there, then write one out.
996 * Assuming EA is not present on the root means
997 * this is an erase install or a very old FS
998 */
1000 if (cperr == 0) {
1001 /* Have to run a valid CP version. */
1002 if (!cp_is_supported_version(xattr->major_version)) {
1003 cperr = EINVAL;
1004 }
1005 }
1006 else if (cperr == ENOATTR) {
1007 printf("No root EA set, creating new EA with new version: %d\n", CP_CURRENT_VERS);
1008 bzero(xattr, sizeof(struct cp_root_xattr));
1009 xattr->major_version = CP_CURRENT_VERS;
1010 xattr->minor_version = CP_MINOR_VERS;
1011 cperr = cp_setrootxattr (hfsmp, xattr);
1012 }
1014 if (cperr) {
1015 hfs_free(xattr, sizeof(*xattr));
1016 retval = EPERM;
1017 goto ErrorExit;
1018 }
1020 /* If we got here, then the CP version is valid. Set it in the mount point */
1021 hfsmp->hfs_running_cp_major_vers = xattr->major_version;
1022 printf("Running with CP root xattr: %d.%d\n", xattr->major_version, xattr->minor_version);
1023 hfsmp->cproot_flags = xattr->flags;
1024 hfsmp->cp_crypto_generation = ISSET(xattr->flags, CP_ROOT_CRYPTOG1) ? 1 : 0;
1026 hfsmp->hfs_auto_roll_min_key_os_version = xattr->auto_roll_min_version;
1027 hfsmp->hfs_auto_roll_max_key_os_version = xattr->auto_roll_max_version;
1028 #endif
1030 hfs_free(xattr, sizeof(*xattr));
1032 /*
1033 * Acquire the boot-arg for the AKS default key; if invalid, obtain from the device tree.
1034 * Ensure that the boot-arg's value is valid for FILES (not directories),
1035 * since only files are actually protected for now.
1036 */
1038 PE_parse_boot_argn("aks_default_class", &hfsmp->default_cp_class, sizeof(hfsmp->default_cp_class));
1040 if (cp_is_valid_class(0, hfsmp->default_cp_class) == 0) {
1041 PE_get_default("kern.default_cp_class", &hfsmp->default_cp_class, sizeof(hfsmp->default_cp_class));
1042 }
1044 #if HFS_TMPDBG
1046 PE_parse_boot_argn("aks_verbose", &hfsmp->hfs_cp_verbose, sizeof(hfsmp->hfs_cp_verbose));
1047 #endif
1048 #endif
1050 if (cp_is_valid_class(0, hfsmp->default_cp_class) == 0) {
1051 hfsmp->default_cp_class = PROTECTION_CLASS_C;
1052 }
1054 #else
1055 /* If CONFIG_PROTECT not built, ignore CP */
1056 vfs_clearflags(hfsmp->hfs_mp, MNT_CPROTECT);
1057 #endif
1058 }
1060 /*
1061 * Establish a metadata allocation zone.
1062 */
1063 hfs_metadatazone_init(hfsmp, false);
1065 /*
1066 * Make any metadata zone adjustments.
1067 */
1068 if (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_METADATA_ZONE) {
1069 /* Keep the roving allocator out of the metadata zone. */
1070 if (vcb->nextAllocation >= hfsmp->hfs_metazone_start &&
1071 vcb->nextAllocation <= hfsmp->hfs_metazone_end) {
1072 HFS_UPDATE_NEXT_ALLOCATION(hfsmp, hfsmp->hfs_metazone_end + 1);
1073 }
1074 } else {
1075 if (vcb->nextAllocation <= 1) {
1076 vcb->nextAllocation = hfsmp->hfs_min_alloc_start;
1077 }
1078 }
1079 vcb->sparseAllocation = hfsmp->hfs_min_alloc_start;
1081 /* Setup private/hidden directories for hardlinks. */
1082 hfs_privatedir_init(hfsmp, FILE_HARDLINKS);
1083 hfs_privatedir_init(hfsmp, DIR_HARDLINKS);
1085 if ((hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_READ_ONLY) == 0)
1086 hfs_remove_orphans(hfsmp);
1088 /* See if we need to erase unused Catalog nodes due to <rdar://problem/6947811>. */
1089 if ((hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_READ_ONLY) == 0)
1090 {
1091 retval = hfs_erase_unused_nodes(hfsmp);
1092 if (retval) {
1093 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
1094 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: hfs_erase_unused_nodes returned (%d) for %s \n", retval, hfsmp->vcbVN);
1095 }
1097 goto ErrorExit;
1098 }
1099 }
1101 /*
1102 * Allow hot file clustering if conditions allow.
1103 */
1104 if ((hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_METADATA_ZONE) && !(hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_READ_ONLY) &&
1105 ((hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_SSD) == 0 || (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_CS_HOTFILE_PIN))) {
1106 //
1107 // Wait until the bitmap scan completes before we initializes the
1108 // hotfile area so that we do not run into any issues with the
1109 // bitmap being read while hotfiles is initializing itself. On
1110 // some older/slower machines, without this interlock, the bitmap
1111 // would sometimes get corrupted at boot time.
1112 //
1113 hfs_lock_mount(hfsmp);
1114 while(!(hfsmp->scan_var & HFS_ALLOCATOR_SCAN_COMPLETED)) {
1115 (void) msleep (&hfsmp->scan_var, &hfsmp->hfs_mutex, PINOD, "hfs_hotfile_bitmap_interlock", 0);
1116 }
1117 hfs_unlock_mount(hfsmp);
1119 /*
1120 * Note: at this point we are not allowed to fail the
1121 * mount operation because the HotFile init code
1122 * in hfs_recording_init() will lookup vnodes with
1123 * VNOP_LOOKUP() which hangs vnodes off the mount
1124 * (and if we were to fail, VFS is not prepared to
1125 * clean that up at this point. Since HotFiles are
1126 * optional, this is not a big deal.
1127 */
1128 (void) hfs_recording_init(hfsmp);
1129 }
1131 /* Force ACLs on HFS+ file systems. */
1132 vfs_setextendedsecurity(HFSTOVFS(hfsmp));
1134 /* Enable extent-based extended attributes by default */
1135 hfsmp->hfs_flags |= HFS_XATTR_EXTENTS;
1137 return (0);
1139 ErrorExit:
1140 /*
1141 * A fatal error occurred and the volume cannot be mounted, so
1142 * release any resources that we acquired...
1143 */
1144 hfsUnmount(hfsmp, NULL);
1146 if (HFS_MOUNT_DEBUG) {
1147 printf("hfs_mounthfsplus: encountered error (%d)\n", retval);
1148 }
1149 return (retval);
1150 }
1152 static int
1153 _pin_metafile(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, vnode_t vp)
1154 {
1155 int err;
1157 err = hfs_lock(VTOC(vp), HFS_SHARED_LOCK, HFS_LOCK_DEFAULT);
1158 if (err == 0) {
1159 err = hfs_pin_vnode(hfsmp, vp, HFS_PIN_IT, NULL);
1160 hfs_unlock(VTOC(vp));
1161 }
1163 return err;
1164 }
1166 void
1167 hfs_pin_fs_metadata(struct hfsmount *hfsmp)
1168 {
1169 ExtendedVCB *vcb;
1170 int err;
1172 vcb = HFSTOVCB(hfsmp);
1174 err = _pin_metafile(hfsmp, hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp);
1175 if (err != 0) {
1176 printf("hfs: failed to pin extents overflow file %d\n", err);
1177 }
1178 err = _pin_metafile(hfsmp, hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp);
1179 if (err != 0) {
1180 printf("hfs: failed to pin catalog file %d\n", err);
1181 }
1182 err = _pin_metafile(hfsmp, hfsmp->hfs_allocation_vp);
1183 if (err != 0) {
1184 printf("hfs: failed to pin bitmap file %d\n", err);
1185 }
1186 err = _pin_metafile(hfsmp, hfsmp->hfs_attribute_vp);
1187 if (err != 0) {
1188 printf("hfs: failed to pin extended attr file %d\n", err);
1189 }
1191 hfs_pin_block_range(hfsmp, HFS_PIN_IT, 0, 1);
1192 hfs_pin_block_range(hfsmp, HFS_PIN_IT, vcb->totalBlocks-1, 1);
1194 if (vfs_flags(hfsmp->hfs_mp) & MNT_JOURNALED) {
1195 // and hey, if we've got a journal, let's pin that too!
1196 hfs_pin_block_range(hfsmp, HFS_PIN_IT, hfsmp->jnl_start, howmany(hfsmp->jnl_size, vcb->blockSize));
1197 }
1198 }
1200 /*
1201 * ReleaseMetaFileVNode
1202 *
1203 * vp L - -
1204 */
1205 static void ReleaseMetaFileVNode(struct vnode *vp)
1206 {
1207 struct filefork *fp;
1209 if (vp && (fp = VTOF(vp))) {
1210 if (fp->fcbBTCBPtr != NULL) {
1211 (void)hfs_lock(VTOC(vp), HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK, HFS_LOCK_DEFAULT);
1212 (void) BTClosePath(fp);
1213 hfs_unlock(VTOC(vp));
1214 }
1216 /* release the node even if BTClosePath fails */
1217 vnode_recycle(vp);
1218 vnode_put(vp);
1219 }
1220 }
1223 /*************************************************************
1224 *
1225 * Unmounts a hfs volume.
1226 * At this point vflush() has been called (to dump all non-metadata files)
1227 *
1228 *************************************************************/
1230 int
1231 hfsUnmount( register struct hfsmount *hfsmp, __unused struct proc *p)
1232 {
1233 /* Get rid of our attribute data vnode (if any). This is done
1234 * after the vflush() during mount, so we don't need to worry
1235 * about any locks.
1236 */
1237 if (hfsmp->hfs_attrdata_vp) {
1238 ReleaseMetaFileVNode(hfsmp->hfs_attrdata_vp);
1239 hfsmp->hfs_attrdata_vp = NULLVP;
1240 }
1242 if (hfsmp->hfs_startup_vp) {
1243 ReleaseMetaFileVNode(hfsmp->hfs_startup_vp);
1244 hfsmp->hfs_startup_cp = NULL;
1245 hfsmp->hfs_startup_vp = NULL;
1246 }
1248 if (hfsmp->hfs_attribute_vp) {
1249 ReleaseMetaFileVNode(hfsmp->hfs_attribute_vp);
1250 hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp = NULL;
1251 hfsmp->hfs_attribute_vp = NULL;
1252 }
1254 if (hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp) {
1255 ReleaseMetaFileVNode(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp);
1256 hfsmp->hfs_catalog_cp = NULL;
1257 hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp = NULL;
1258 }
1260 if (hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp) {
1261 ReleaseMetaFileVNode(hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp);
1262 hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp = NULL;
1263 hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp = NULL;
1264 }
1266 if (hfsmp->hfs_allocation_vp) {
1267 ReleaseMetaFileVNode(hfsmp->hfs_allocation_vp);
1268 hfsmp->hfs_allocation_cp = NULL;
1269 hfsmp->hfs_allocation_vp = NULL;
1270 }
1272 return (0);
1273 }
1276 /*
1277 * Test if fork has overflow extents.
1278 *
1279 * Returns:
1280 * non-zero - overflow extents exist
1281 * zero - overflow extents do not exist
1282 */
1283 bool overflow_extents(struct filefork *fp)
1284 {
1285 u_int32_t blocks;
1287 //
1288 // If the vnode pointer is NULL then we're being called
1289 // from hfs_remove_orphans() with a faked-up filefork
1290 // and therefore it has to be an HFS+ volume. Otherwise
1291 // we check through the volume header to see what type
1292 // of volume we're on.
1293 //
1296 if (FTOV(fp) && VTOVCB(FTOV(fp))->vcbSigWord == kHFSSigWord) {
1297 if (fp->ff_extents[2].blockCount == 0)
1298 return false;
1300 blocks = fp->ff_extents[0].blockCount +
1301 fp->ff_extents[1].blockCount +
1302 fp->ff_extents[2].blockCount;
1304 return fp->ff_blocks > blocks;
1305 }
1306 #endif
1308 if (fp->ff_extents[7].blockCount == 0)
1309 return false;
1311 blocks = fp->ff_extents[0].blockCount +
1312 fp->ff_extents[1].blockCount +
1313 fp->ff_extents[2].blockCount +
1314 fp->ff_extents[3].blockCount +
1315 fp->ff_extents[4].blockCount +
1316 fp->ff_extents[5].blockCount +
1317 fp->ff_extents[6].blockCount +
1318 fp->ff_extents[7].blockCount;
1320 return fp->ff_blocks > blocks;
1321 }
1323 static __attribute__((pure))
1324 boolean_t hfs_is_frozen(struct hfsmount *hfsmp)
1325 {
1326 return (hfsmp->hfs_freeze_state == HFS_FROZEN
1327 || (hfsmp->hfs_freeze_state == HFS_FREEZING
1328 && current_thread() != hfsmp->hfs_freezing_thread));
1329 }
1331 /*
1332 * Lock the HFS global journal lock
1333 */
1334 int
1335 hfs_lock_global (struct hfsmount *hfsmp, enum hfs_locktype locktype)
1336 {
1337 thread_t thread = current_thread();
1339 if (hfsmp->hfs_global_lockowner == thread) {
1340 panic ("hfs_lock_global: locking against myself!");
1341 }
1343 /*
1344 * This check isn't really necessary but this stops us taking
1345 * the mount lock in most cases. The essential check is below.
1346 */
1347 if (hfs_is_frozen(hfsmp)) {
1348 /*
1349 * Unfortunately, there is no easy way of getting a notification
1350 * for when a process is exiting and it's possible for the exiting
1351 * process to get blocked somewhere else. To catch this, we
1352 * periodically monitor the frozen process here and thaw if
1353 * we spot that it's exiting.
1354 */
1355 frozen:
1356 hfs_lock_mount(hfsmp);
1358 struct timespec ts = { 0, 500 * NSEC_PER_MSEC };
1360 while (hfs_is_frozen(hfsmp)) {
1361 if (hfsmp->hfs_freeze_state == HFS_FROZEN
1362 && proc_exiting(hfsmp->hfs_freezing_proc)) {
1363 hfs_thaw_locked(hfsmp);
1364 break;
1365 }
1367 msleep(&hfsmp->hfs_freeze_state, &hfsmp->hfs_mutex,
1368 PWAIT, "hfs_lock_global (frozen)", &ts);
1369 }
1370 hfs_unlock_mount(hfsmp);
1371 }
1373 /* HFS_SHARED_LOCK */
1374 if (locktype == HFS_SHARED_LOCK) {
1375 lck_rw_lock_shared (&hfsmp->hfs_global_lock);
1376 hfsmp->hfs_global_lockowner = HFS_SHARED_OWNER;
1377 }
1379 else {
1380 lck_rw_lock_exclusive (&hfsmp->hfs_global_lock);
1381 hfsmp->hfs_global_lockowner = thread;
1382 }
1384 /*
1385 * We have to check if we're frozen again because of the time
1386 * between when we checked and when we took the global lock.
1387 */
1388 if (hfs_is_frozen(hfsmp)) {
1389 hfs_unlock_global(hfsmp);
1390 goto frozen;
1391 }
1393 return 0;
1394 }
1397 /*
1398 * Unlock the HFS global journal lock
1399 */
1400 void
1401 hfs_unlock_global (struct hfsmount *hfsmp)
1402 {
1403 thread_t thread = current_thread();
1406 if (hfsmp->hfs_global_lockowner == thread) {
1407 hfsmp->hfs_global_lockowner = NULL;
1408 lck_rw_unlock_exclusive (&hfsmp->hfs_global_lock);
1409 }
1410 /* HFS_LOCK_SHARED */
1411 else {
1412 lck_rw_unlock_shared (&hfsmp->hfs_global_lock);
1413 }
1414 }
1416 /*
1417 * Lock the HFS mount lock
1418 *
1419 * Note: this is a mutex, not a rw lock!
1420 */
1421 inline
1422 void hfs_lock_mount (struct hfsmount *hfsmp) {
1423 lck_mtx_lock (&(hfsmp->hfs_mutex));
1424 }
1426 /*
1427 * Unlock the HFS mount lock
1428 *
1429 * Note: this is a mutex, not a rw lock!
1430 */
1431 inline
1432 void hfs_unlock_mount (struct hfsmount *hfsmp) {
1433 lck_mtx_unlock (&(hfsmp->hfs_mutex));
1434 }
1436 /*
1437 * Lock HFS system file(s).
1438 *
1439 * This function accepts a @flags parameter which indicates which
1440 * system file locks are required. The value it returns should be
1441 * used in a subsequent call to hfs_systemfile_unlock. The caller
1442 * should treat this value as opaque; it may or may not have a
1443 * relation to the @flags field that is passed in. The *only*
1444 * guarantee that we make is that a value of zero means that no locks
1445 * were taken and that there is no need to call hfs_systemfile_unlock
1446 * (although it is harmless to do so). Recursion is supported but
1447 * care must still be taken to ensure correct lock ordering. Note
1448 * that requests for certain locks may cause other locks to also be
1449 * taken, including locks that are not possible to ask for via the
1450 * @flags parameter.
1451 */
1452 int
1453 hfs_systemfile_lock(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, int flags, enum hfs_locktype locktype)
1454 {
1455 /*
1456 * Locking order is Catalog file, Attributes file, Startup file, Bitmap file, Extents file
1457 */
1458 if (flags & SFL_CATALOG) {
1459 if (hfsmp->hfs_catalog_cp
1460 && hfsmp->hfs_catalog_cp->c_lockowner != current_thread()) {
1462 if (hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp && hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp->c_lockowner == current_thread()) {
1463 panic("hfs_systemfile_lock: bad lock order (Attributes before Catalog)");
1464 }
1465 if (hfsmp->hfs_startup_cp && hfsmp->hfs_startup_cp->c_lockowner == current_thread()) {
1466 panic("hfs_systemfile_lock: bad lock order (Startup before Catalog)");
1467 }
1468 if (hfsmp-> hfs_extents_cp && hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp->c_lockowner == current_thread()) {
1469 panic("hfs_systemfile_lock: bad lock order (Extents before Catalog)");
1470 }
1471 #endif /* HFS_CHECK_LOCK_ORDER */
1473 (void) hfs_lock(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_cp, locktype, HFS_LOCK_DEFAULT);
1474 /*
1475 * When the catalog file has overflow extents then
1476 * also acquire the extents b-tree lock if its not
1477 * already requested.
1478 */
1479 if (((flags & SFL_EXTENTS) == 0) &&
1480 (hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp != NULL) &&
1481 (overflow_extents(VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp)))) {
1482 flags |= SFL_EXTENTS;
1483 }
1484 } else {
1485 flags &= ~SFL_CATALOG;
1486 }
1487 }
1489 if (flags & SFL_ATTRIBUTE) {
1490 if (hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp
1491 && hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp->c_lockowner != current_thread()) {
1493 if (hfsmp->hfs_startup_cp && hfsmp->hfs_startup_cp->c_lockowner == current_thread()) {
1494 panic("hfs_systemfile_lock: bad lock order (Startup before Attributes)");
1495 }
1496 if (hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp && hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp->c_lockowner == current_thread()) {
1497 panic("hfs_systemfile_lock: bad lock order (Extents before Attributes)");
1498 }
1499 #endif /* HFS_CHECK_LOCK_ORDER */
1501 (void) hfs_lock(hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp, locktype, HFS_LOCK_DEFAULT);
1502 /*
1503 * When the attribute file has overflow extents then
1504 * also acquire the extents b-tree lock if its not
1505 * already requested.
1506 */
1507 if (((flags & SFL_EXTENTS) == 0) &&
1508 (hfsmp->hfs_attribute_vp != NULL) &&
1509 (overflow_extents(VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_attribute_vp)))) {
1510 flags |= SFL_EXTENTS;
1511 }
1512 } else {
1513 flags &= ~SFL_ATTRIBUTE;
1514 }
1515 }
1517 if (flags & SFL_STARTUP) {
1518 if (hfsmp->hfs_startup_cp
1519 && hfsmp->hfs_startup_cp->c_lockowner != current_thread()) {
1521 if (hfsmp-> hfs_extents_cp && hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp->c_lockowner == current_thread()) {
1522 panic("hfs_systemfile_lock: bad lock order (Extents before Startup)");
1523 }
1524 #endif /* HFS_CHECK_LOCK_ORDER */
1526 (void) hfs_lock(hfsmp->hfs_startup_cp, locktype, HFS_LOCK_DEFAULT);
1527 /*
1528 * When the startup file has overflow extents then
1529 * also acquire the extents b-tree lock if its not
1530 * already requested.
1531 */
1532 if (((flags & SFL_EXTENTS) == 0) &&
1533 (hfsmp->hfs_startup_vp != NULL) &&
1534 (overflow_extents(VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_startup_vp)))) {
1535 flags |= SFL_EXTENTS;
1536 }
1537 } else {
1538 flags &= ~SFL_STARTUP;
1539 }
1540 }
1542 /*
1543 * To prevent locks being taken in the wrong order, the extent lock
1544 * gets a bitmap lock as well.
1545 */
1546 if (flags & (SFL_BITMAP | SFL_EXTENTS)) {
1547 if (hfsmp->hfs_allocation_cp) {
1548 (void) hfs_lock(hfsmp->hfs_allocation_cp, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK, HFS_LOCK_DEFAULT);
1549 /*
1550 * The bitmap lock is also grabbed when only extent lock
1551 * was requested. Set the bitmap lock bit in the lock
1552 * flags which callers will use during unlock.
1553 */
1554 flags |= SFL_BITMAP;
1555 } else {
1556 flags &= ~SFL_BITMAP;
1557 }
1558 }
1560 if (flags & SFL_EXTENTS) {
1561 /*
1562 * Since the extents btree lock is recursive we always
1563 * need exclusive access.
1564 */
1565 if (hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp) {
1566 (void) hfs_lock(hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK, HFS_LOCK_DEFAULT);
1568 if (vfs_isswapmount(hfsmp->hfs_mp)) {
1569 /*
1570 * because we may need this lock on the pageout path (if a swapfile allocation
1571 * spills into the extents overflow tree), we will grant the holder of this
1572 * lock the privilege of dipping into the reserve free pool in order to prevent
1573 * a deadlock from occurring if we need those pageouts to complete before we
1574 * will make any new pages available on the free list... the deadlock can occur
1575 * if this thread needs to allocate memory while this lock is held
1576 */
1577 if (set_vm_privilege(TRUE) == FALSE) {
1578 /*
1579 * indicate that we need to drop vm_privilege
1580 * when we unlock
1581 */
1582 flags |= SFL_VM_PRIV;
1583 }
1584 }
1585 } else {
1586 flags &= ~SFL_EXTENTS;
1587 }
1588 }
1590 return (flags);
1591 }
1593 /*
1594 * unlock HFS system file(s).
1595 */
1596 void
1597 hfs_systemfile_unlock(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, int flags)
1598 {
1599 if (!flags)
1600 return;
1602 struct timeval tv;
1603 u_int32_t lastfsync;
1604 int numOfLockedBuffs;
1606 if (hfsmp->jnl == NULL) {
1607 microuptime(&tv);
1608 lastfsync = tv.tv_sec;
1609 }
1610 if (flags & SFL_STARTUP && hfsmp->hfs_startup_cp) {
1611 hfs_unlock(hfsmp->hfs_startup_cp);
1612 }
1613 if (flags & SFL_ATTRIBUTE && hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp) {
1614 if (hfsmp->jnl == NULL) {
1615 BTGetLastSync((FCB*)VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_attribute_vp), &lastfsync);
1616 numOfLockedBuffs = count_lock_queue();
1617 if ((numOfLockedBuffs > kMaxLockedMetaBuffers) ||
1618 ((numOfLockedBuffs > 1) && ((tv.tv_sec - lastfsync) >
1619 kMaxSecsForFsync))) {
1620 hfs_btsync(hfsmp->hfs_attribute_vp, HFS_SYNCTRANS);
1621 }
1622 }
1623 hfs_unlock(hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp);
1624 }
1625 if (flags & SFL_CATALOG && hfsmp->hfs_catalog_cp) {
1626 if (hfsmp->jnl == NULL) {
1627 BTGetLastSync((FCB*)VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp), &lastfsync);
1628 numOfLockedBuffs = count_lock_queue();
1629 if ((numOfLockedBuffs > kMaxLockedMetaBuffers) ||
1630 ((numOfLockedBuffs > 1) && ((tv.tv_sec - lastfsync) >
1631 kMaxSecsForFsync))) {
1632 hfs_btsync(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp, HFS_SYNCTRANS);
1633 }
1634 }
1635 hfs_unlock(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_cp);
1636 }
1637 if (flags & SFL_BITMAP && hfsmp->hfs_allocation_cp) {
1638 hfs_unlock(hfsmp->hfs_allocation_cp);
1639 }
1640 if (flags & SFL_EXTENTS && hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp) {
1641 if (hfsmp->jnl == NULL) {
1642 BTGetLastSync((FCB*)VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp), &lastfsync);
1643 numOfLockedBuffs = count_lock_queue();
1644 if ((numOfLockedBuffs > kMaxLockedMetaBuffers) ||
1645 ((numOfLockedBuffs > 1) && ((tv.tv_sec - lastfsync) >
1646 kMaxSecsForFsync))) {
1647 hfs_btsync(hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp, HFS_SYNCTRANS);
1648 }
1649 }
1650 hfs_unlock(hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp);
1652 if (flags & SFL_VM_PRIV) {
1653 /*
1654 * revoke the vm_privilege we granted this thread
1655 * now that we have unlocked the overflow extents
1656 */
1657 set_vm_privilege(FALSE);
1658 }
1659 }
1660 }
1663 /*
1664 * RequireFileLock
1665 *
1666 * Check to see if a vnode is locked in the current context
1667 * This is to be used for debugging purposes only!!
1668 */
1669 #if DEBUG
1670 void RequireFileLock(FileReference vp, int shareable)
1671 {
1672 int locked;
1674 /* The extents btree and allocation bitmap are always exclusive. */
1675 if (VTOC(vp)->c_fileid == kHFSExtentsFileID ||
1676 VTOC(vp)->c_fileid == kHFSAllocationFileID) {
1677 shareable = 0;
1678 }
1680 locked = VTOC(vp)->c_lockowner == current_thread();
1682 if (!locked && !shareable) {
1683 switch (VTOC(vp)->c_fileid) {
1684 case kHFSExtentsFileID:
1685 panic("hfs: extents btree not locked! v: 0x%08X\n #\n", (u_int)vp);
1686 break;
1687 case kHFSCatalogFileID:
1688 panic("hfs: catalog btree not locked! v: 0x%08X\n #\n", (u_int)vp);
1689 break;
1690 case kHFSAllocationFileID:
1691 /* The allocation file can hide behind the jornal lock. */
1692 if (VTOHFS(vp)->jnl == NULL)
1693 panic("hfs: allocation file not locked! v: 0x%08X\n #\n", (u_int)vp);
1694 break;
1695 case kHFSStartupFileID:
1696 panic("hfs: startup file not locked! v: 0x%08X\n #\n", (u_int)vp);
1697 case kHFSAttributesFileID:
1698 panic("hfs: attributes btree not locked! v: 0x%08X\n #\n", (u_int)vp);
1699 break;
1700 }
1701 }
1702 }
1703 #endif // DEBUG
1706 /*
1707 * There are three ways to qualify for ownership rights on an object:
1708 *
1709 * 1. (a) Your UID matches the cnode's UID.
1710 * (b) The object in question is owned by "unknown"
1711 * 2. (a) Permissions on the filesystem are being ignored and
1712 * your UID matches the replacement UID.
1713 * (b) Permissions on the filesystem are being ignored and
1714 * the replacement UID is "unknown".
1715 * 3. You are root.
1716 *
1717 */
1718 int
1719 hfs_owner_rights(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, uid_t cnode_uid, kauth_cred_t cred,
1720 __unused struct proc *p, int invokesuperuserstatus)
1721 {
1722 if ((kauth_cred_getuid(cred) == cnode_uid) || /* [1a] */
1723 (cnode_uid == UNKNOWNUID) || /* [1b] */
1724 ((((unsigned int)vfs_flags(HFSTOVFS(hfsmp))) & MNT_UNKNOWNPERMISSIONS) && /* [2] */
1725 ((kauth_cred_getuid(cred) == hfsmp->hfs_uid) || /* [2a] */
1726 (hfsmp->hfs_uid == UNKNOWNUID))) || /* [2b] */
1727 (invokesuperuserstatus && (suser(cred, 0) == 0))) { /* [3] */
1728 return (0);
1729 } else {
1730 return (EPERM);
1731 }
1732 }
1735 u_int32_t BestBlockSizeFit(u_int32_t allocationBlockSize,
1736 u_int32_t blockSizeLimit,
1737 u_int32_t baseMultiple) {
1738 /*
1739 Compute the optimal (largest) block size (no larger than allocationBlockSize) that is less than the
1740 specified limit but still an even multiple of the baseMultiple.
1741 */
1742 int baseBlockCount, blockCount;
1743 u_int32_t trialBlockSize;
1745 if (allocationBlockSize % baseMultiple != 0) {
1746 /*
1747 Whoops: the allocation blocks aren't even multiples of the specified base:
1748 no amount of dividing them into even parts will be a multiple, either then!
1749 */
1750 return 512; /* Hope for the best */
1751 };
1753 /* Try the obvious winner first, to prevent 12K allocation blocks, for instance,
1754 from being handled as two 6K logical blocks instead of 3 4K logical blocks.
1755 Even though the former (the result of the loop below) is the larger allocation
1756 block size, the latter is more efficient: */
1757 if (allocationBlockSize % PAGE_SIZE == 0) return PAGE_SIZE;
1759 /* No clear winner exists: pick the largest even fraction <= MAXBSIZE: */
1760 baseBlockCount = allocationBlockSize / baseMultiple; /* Now guaranteed to be an even multiple */
1762 for (blockCount = baseBlockCount; blockCount > 0; --blockCount) {
1763 trialBlockSize = blockCount * baseMultiple;
1764 if (allocationBlockSize % trialBlockSize == 0) { /* An even multiple? */
1765 if ((trialBlockSize <= blockSizeLimit) &&
1766 (trialBlockSize % baseMultiple == 0)) {
1767 return trialBlockSize;
1768 };
1769 };
1770 };
1772 /* Note: we should never get here, since blockCount = 1 should always work,
1773 but this is nice and safe and makes the compiler happy, too ... */
1774 return 512;
1775 }
1778 u_int32_t
1779 GetFileInfo(ExtendedVCB *vcb, __unused u_int32_t dirid, const char *name,
1780 struct cat_attr *fattr, struct cat_fork *forkinfo)
1781 {
1782 struct hfsmount * hfsmp;
1783 struct cat_desc jdesc;
1784 int lockflags;
1785 int error;
1787 if (vcb->vcbSigWord != kHFSPlusSigWord)
1788 return (0);
1790 hfsmp = VCBTOHFS(vcb);
1792 memset(&jdesc, 0, sizeof(struct cat_desc));
1793 jdesc.cd_parentcnid = kRootDirID;
1794 jdesc.cd_nameptr = (const u_int8_t *)name;
1795 jdesc.cd_namelen = strlen(name);
1797 lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(hfsmp, SFL_CATALOG, HFS_SHARED_LOCK);
1798 error = cat_lookup(hfsmp, &jdesc, 0, 0, NULL, fattr, forkinfo, NULL);
1799 hfs_systemfile_unlock(hfsmp, lockflags);
1801 if (error == 0) {
1802 return (fattr->ca_fileid);
1803 } else if (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_READ_ONLY) {
1804 return (0);
1805 }
1807 return (0); /* XXX what callers expect on an error */
1808 }
1811 /*
1812 * On HFS Plus Volumes, there can be orphaned files or directories
1813 * These are files or directories that were unlinked while busy.
1814 * If the volume was not cleanly unmounted then some of these may
1815 * have persisted and need to be removed.
1816 */
1817 void
1818 hfs_remove_orphans(struct hfsmount * hfsmp)
1819 {
1820 struct BTreeIterator * iterator = NULL;
1821 struct FSBufferDescriptor btdata;
1822 struct HFSPlusCatalogFile filerec;
1823 struct HFSPlusCatalogKey * keyp;
1824 struct proc *p = current_proc();
1825 FCB *fcb;
1826 ExtendedVCB *vcb;
1827 char filename[32];
1828 char tempname[32];
1829 size_t namelen;
1830 cat_cookie_t cookie;
1831 int catlock = 0;
1832 int catreserve = 0;
1833 bool started_tr = false;
1834 int lockflags;
1835 int result;
1836 int orphaned_files = 0;
1837 int orphaned_dirs = 0;
1839 bzero(&cookie, sizeof(cookie));
1841 if (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_CLEANED_ORPHANS)
1842 return;
1844 vcb = HFSTOVCB(hfsmp);
1845 fcb = VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp);
1847 btdata.bufferAddress = &filerec;
1848 btdata.itemSize = sizeof(filerec);
1849 btdata.itemCount = 1;
1851 iterator = hfs_mallocz(sizeof(*iterator));
1853 /* Build a key to "temp" */
1854 keyp = (HFSPlusCatalogKey*)&iterator->key;
1855 keyp->parentID = hfsmp->hfs_private_desc[FILE_HARDLINKS].cd_cnid;
1856 keyp->nodeName.length = 4; /* "temp" */
1857 keyp->keyLength = kHFSPlusCatalogKeyMinimumLength + keyp->nodeName.length * 2;
1858 keyp->nodeName.unicode[0] = 't';
1859 keyp->nodeName.unicode[1] = 'e';
1860 keyp->nodeName.unicode[2] = 'm';
1861 keyp->nodeName.unicode[3] = 'p';
1863 /*
1864 * Position the iterator just before the first real temp file/dir.
1865 */
1866 lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(hfsmp, SFL_CATALOG, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
1867 (void) BTSearchRecord(fcb, iterator, NULL, NULL, iterator);
1868 hfs_systemfile_unlock(hfsmp, lockflags);
1870 /* Visit all the temp files/dirs in the HFS+ private directory. */
1871 for (;;) {
1872 lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(hfsmp, SFL_CATALOG, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
1873 result = BTIterateRecord(fcb, kBTreeNextRecord, iterator, &btdata, NULL);
1874 hfs_systemfile_unlock(hfsmp, lockflags);
1875 if (result)
1876 break;
1877 if (keyp->parentID != hfsmp->hfs_private_desc[FILE_HARDLINKS].cd_cnid)
1878 break;
1880 (void) utf8_encodestr(keyp->nodeName.unicode, keyp->nodeName.length * 2,
1881 (u_int8_t *)filename, &namelen, sizeof(filename), 0, 0);
1883 (void) snprintf(tempname, sizeof(tempname), "%s%d",
1884 HFS_DELETE_PREFIX, filerec.fileID);
1886 /*
1887 * Delete all files (and directories) named "tempxxx",
1888 * where xxx is the file's cnid in decimal.
1889 *
1890 */
1891 if (bcmp(tempname, filename, namelen + 1) != 0)
1892 continue;
1894 struct filefork dfork;
1895 struct filefork rfork;
1896 struct cnode cnode;
1897 int mode = 0;
1899 bzero(&dfork, sizeof(dfork));
1900 bzero(&rfork, sizeof(rfork));
1901 bzero(&cnode, sizeof(cnode));
1903 if (hfs_start_transaction(hfsmp) != 0) {
1904 printf("hfs_remove_orphans: failed to start transaction\n");
1905 goto exit;
1906 }
1907 started_tr = true;
1909 /*
1910 * Reserve some space in the Catalog file.
1911 */
1912 if (cat_preflight(hfsmp, CAT_DELETE, &cookie, p) != 0) {
1913 printf("hfs_remove_orphans: cat_preflight failed\n");
1914 goto exit;
1915 }
1916 catreserve = 1;
1918 lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(hfsmp, SFL_CATALOG | SFL_ATTRIBUTE | SFL_EXTENTS | SFL_BITMAP, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
1919 catlock = 1;
1921 /* Build a fake cnode */
1922 cat_convertattr(hfsmp, (CatalogRecord *)&filerec, &cnode.c_attr,
1923 &dfork.ff_data, &rfork.ff_data);
1924 cnode.c_desc.cd_parentcnid = hfsmp->hfs_private_desc[FILE_HARDLINKS].cd_cnid;
1925 cnode.c_desc.cd_nameptr = (const u_int8_t *)filename;
1926 cnode.c_desc.cd_namelen = namelen;
1927 cnode.c_desc.cd_cnid = cnode.c_attr.ca_fileid;
1928 cnode.c_blocks = dfork.ff_blocks + rfork.ff_blocks;
1930 /* Position iterator at previous entry */
1931 if (BTIterateRecord(fcb, kBTreePrevRecord, iterator,
1932 NULL, NULL) != 0) {
1933 break;
1934 }
1936 /* Truncate the file to zero (both forks) */
1937 if (dfork.ff_blocks > 0) {
1938 u_int64_t fsize;
1940 dfork.ff_cp = &cnode;
1941 cnode.c_datafork = &dfork;
1942 cnode.c_rsrcfork = NULL;
1943 fsize = (u_int64_t)dfork.ff_blocks * (u_int64_t)HFSTOVCB(hfsmp)->blockSize;
1944 while (fsize > 0) {
1945 if (fsize > HFS_BIGFILE_SIZE) {
1946 fsize -= HFS_BIGFILE_SIZE;
1947 } else {
1948 fsize = 0;
1949 }
1951 if (TruncateFileC(vcb, (FCB*)&dfork, fsize, 1, 0,
1952 cnode.c_attr.ca_fileid, false) != 0) {
1953 printf("hfs: error truncating data fork!\n");
1954 break;
1955 }
1957 //
1958 // if we're iteratively truncating this file down,
1959 // then end the transaction and start a new one so
1960 // that no one transaction gets too big.
1961 //
1962 if (fsize > 0) {
1963 /* Drop system file locks before starting
1964 * another transaction to preserve lock order.
1965 */
1966 hfs_systemfile_unlock(hfsmp, lockflags);
1967 catlock = 0;
1968 hfs_end_transaction(hfsmp);
1970 if (hfs_start_transaction(hfsmp) != 0) {
1971 started_tr = false;
1972 goto exit;
1973 }
1974 lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(hfsmp, SFL_CATALOG | SFL_ATTRIBUTE | SFL_EXTENTS | SFL_BITMAP, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
1975 catlock = 1;
1976 }
1977 }
1978 }
1980 if (rfork.ff_blocks > 0) {
1981 rfork.ff_cp = &cnode;
1982 cnode.c_datafork = NULL;
1983 cnode.c_rsrcfork = &rfork;
1984 if (TruncateFileC(vcb, (FCB*)&rfork, 0, 1, 1, cnode.c_attr.ca_fileid, false) != 0) {
1985 printf("hfs: error truncating rsrc fork!\n");
1986 break;
1987 }
1988 }
1990 // Deal with extended attributes
1991 if (ISSET(cnode.c_attr.ca_recflags, kHFSHasAttributesMask)) {
1992 // hfs_removeallattr uses its own transactions
1993 hfs_systemfile_unlock(hfsmp, lockflags);
1994 catlock = false;
1995 hfs_end_transaction(hfsmp);
1997 hfs_removeallattr(hfsmp, cnode.c_attr.ca_fileid, &started_tr);
1999 if (!started_tr) {
2000 if (hfs_start_transaction(hfsmp) != 0) {
2001 printf("hfs_remove_orphans: failed to start transaction\n");
2002 goto exit;
2003 }
2004 started_tr = true;
2005 }
2007 lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(hfsmp, SFL_CATALOG | SFL_ATTRIBUTE | SFL_EXTENTS | SFL_BITMAP, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
2008 catlock = 1;
2009 }
2011 /* Remove the file or folder record from the Catalog */
2012 if (cat_delete(hfsmp, &cnode.c_desc, &cnode.c_attr) != 0) {
2013 printf("hfs_remove_orphans: error deleting cat rec for id %d!\n", cnode.c_desc.cd_cnid);
2014 hfs_systemfile_unlock(hfsmp, lockflags);
2015 catlock = 0;
2016 hfs_volupdate(hfsmp, VOL_UPDATE, 0);
2017 break;
2018 }
2020 mode = cnode.c_attr.ca_mode & S_IFMT;
2022 if (mode == S_IFDIR) {
2023 orphaned_dirs++;
2024 }
2025 else {
2026 orphaned_files++;
2027 }
2029 /* Update parent and volume counts */
2030 hfsmp->hfs_private_attr[FILE_HARDLINKS].ca_entries--;
2031 if (mode == S_IFDIR) {
2032 DEC_FOLDERCOUNT(hfsmp, hfsmp->hfs_private_attr[FILE_HARDLINKS]);
2033 }
2035 (void)cat_update(hfsmp, &hfsmp->hfs_private_desc[FILE_HARDLINKS],
2036 &hfsmp->hfs_private_attr[FILE_HARDLINKS], NULL, NULL);
2038 /* Drop locks and end the transaction */
2039 hfs_systemfile_unlock(hfsmp, lockflags);
2040 cat_postflight(hfsmp, &cookie, p);
2041 catlock = catreserve = 0;
2043 /*
2044 Now that Catalog is unlocked, update the volume info, making
2045 sure to differentiate between files and directories
2046 */
2047 if (mode == S_IFDIR) {
2048 hfs_volupdate(hfsmp, VOL_RMDIR, 0);
2049 }
2050 else{
2051 hfs_volupdate(hfsmp, VOL_RMFILE, 0);
2052 }
2054 hfs_end_transaction(hfsmp);
2055 started_tr = false;
2056 } /* end for */
2058 exit:
2060 if (orphaned_files > 0 || orphaned_dirs > 0)
2061 printf("hfs: Removed %d orphaned / unlinked files and %d directories \n", orphaned_files, orphaned_dirs);
2062 if (catlock) {
2063 hfs_systemfile_unlock(hfsmp, lockflags);
2064 }
2065 if (catreserve) {
2066 cat_postflight(hfsmp, &cookie, p);
2067 }
2068 if (started_tr) {
2069 hfs_end_transaction(hfsmp);
2070 }
2072 hfs_free(iterator, sizeof(*iterator));
2073 hfsmp->hfs_flags |= HFS_CLEANED_ORPHANS;
2074 }
2077 /*
2078 * This will return the correct logical block size for a given vnode.
2079 * For most files, it is the allocation block size, for meta data like
2080 * BTrees, this is kept as part of the BTree private nodeSize
2081 */
2082 u_int32_t
2083 GetLogicalBlockSize(struct vnode *vp)
2084 {
2085 u_int32_t logBlockSize;
2087 hfs_assert(vp != NULL);
2089 /* start with default */
2090 logBlockSize = VTOHFS(vp)->hfs_logBlockSize;
2092 if (vnode_issystem(vp)) {
2093 if (VTOF(vp)->fcbBTCBPtr != NULL) {
2094 BTreeInfoRec bTreeInfo;
2096 /*
2097 * We do not lock the BTrees, because if we are getting block..then the tree
2098 * should be locked in the first place.
2099 * We just want the nodeSize wich will NEVER change..so even if the world
2100 * is changing..the nodeSize should remain the same. Which argues why lock
2101 * it in the first place??
2102 */
2104 (void) BTGetInformation (VTOF(vp), kBTreeInfoVersion, &bTreeInfo);
2106 logBlockSize = bTreeInfo.nodeSize;
2108 } else if (VTOC(vp)->c_fileid == kHFSAllocationFileID) {
2109 logBlockSize = VTOVCB(vp)->vcbVBMIOSize;
2110 }
2111 }
2113 hfs_assert(logBlockSize > 0);
2115 return logBlockSize;
2116 }
2119 static bool hfs_get_backing_free_blks(hfsmount_t *hfsmp, uint64_t *pfree_blks)
2120 {
2121 struct vfsstatfs *vfsp; /* 272 bytes */
2122 uint64_t vfreeblks;
2123 struct timeval now;
2125 hfs_lock_mount(hfsmp);
2127 vnode_t backing_vp = hfsmp->hfs_backingvp;
2128 if (!backing_vp) {
2129 hfs_unlock_mount(hfsmp);
2130 return false;
2131 }
2133 // usecount is not enough; we need iocount
2134 if (vnode_get(backing_vp)) {
2135 hfs_unlock_mount(hfsmp);
2136 *pfree_blks = 0;
2137 return true;
2138 }
2140 uint32_t loanedblks = hfsmp->loanedBlocks + hfsmp->lockedBlocks;
2141 uint32_t bandblks = hfsmp->hfs_sparsebandblks;
2142 uint64_t maxblks = hfsmp->hfs_backingfs_maxblocks;
2144 hfs_unlock_mount(hfsmp);
2146 mount_t backingfs_mp = vnode_mount(backing_vp);
2148 microtime(&now);
2149 if ((now.tv_sec - hfsmp->hfs_last_backingstatfs) >= 1) {
2150 vfs_update_vfsstat(backingfs_mp, vfs_context_kernel(), VFS_KERNEL_EVENT);
2151 hfsmp->hfs_last_backingstatfs = now.tv_sec;
2152 }
2154 if (!(vfsp = vfs_statfs(backingfs_mp))) {
2155 vnode_put(backing_vp);
2156 return false;
2157 }
2159 vfreeblks = vfsp->f_bavail;
2160 /* Normalize block count if needed. */
2161 if (vfsp->f_bsize != hfsmp->blockSize)
2162 vfreeblks = vfreeblks * vfsp->f_bsize / hfsmp->blockSize;
2163 if (vfreeblks > bandblks)
2164 vfreeblks -= bandblks;
2165 else
2166 vfreeblks = 0;
2168 /*
2169 * Take into account any delayed allocations. It is not
2170 * certain what the original reason for the "2 *" is. Most
2171 * likely it is to allow for additional requirements in the
2172 * host file system and metadata required by disk images. The
2173 * number of loaned blocks is likely to be small and we will
2174 * stop using them as we get close to the limit.
2175 */
2176 loanedblks = 2 * loanedblks;
2177 if (vfreeblks > loanedblks)
2178 vfreeblks -= loanedblks;
2179 else
2180 vfreeblks = 0;
2182 if (maxblks)
2183 vfreeblks = MIN(vfreeblks, maxblks);
2185 vnode_put(backing_vp);
2187 *pfree_blks = vfreeblks;
2189 return true;
2190 }
2191 #endif
2193 u_int32_t
2194 hfs_free_cnids(struct hfsmount * hfsmp)
2195 {
2196 return HFS_MAX_FILES - hfsmp->hfs_filecount - hfsmp->hfs_dircount;
2197 }
2199 u_int32_t
2200 hfs_freeblks(struct hfsmount * hfsmp, int wantreserve)
2201 {
2202 u_int32_t freeblks;
2203 u_int32_t rsrvblks;
2204 u_int32_t loanblks;
2206 /*
2207 * We don't bother taking the mount lock
2208 * to look at these values since the values
2209 * themselves are each updated atomically
2210 * on aligned addresses.
2211 */
2212 freeblks = hfsmp->freeBlocks;
2213 rsrvblks = hfsmp->reserveBlocks;
2214 loanblks = hfsmp->loanedBlocks + hfsmp->lockedBlocks;
2215 if (wantreserve) {
2216 if (freeblks > rsrvblks)
2217 freeblks -= rsrvblks;
2218 else
2219 freeblks = 0;
2220 }
2221 if (freeblks > loanblks)
2222 freeblks -= loanblks;
2223 else
2224 freeblks = 0;
2227 /*
2228 * When the underlying device is sparse, check the
2229 * available space on the backing store volume.
2230 */
2231 uint64_t vfreeblks;
2232 if (hfs_get_backing_free_blks(hfsmp, &vfreeblks))
2233 freeblks = MIN(freeblks, vfreeblks);
2234 #endif /* HFS_SPARSE_DEV */
2236 return (freeblks);
2237 }
2239 /*
2240 * Map HFS Common errors (negative) to BSD error codes (positive).
2241 * Positive errors (ie BSD errors) are passed through unchanged.
2242 */
2243 short MacToVFSError(OSErr err)
2244 {
2245 if (err >= 0)
2246 return err;
2248 /* BSD/VFS internal errnos */
2249 switch (err) {
2250 case HFS_ERESERVEDNAME: /* -8 */
2251 return err;
2252 }
2254 switch (err) {
2255 case dskFulErr: /* -34 */
2256 case btNoSpaceAvail: /* -32733 */
2257 return ENOSPC;
2258 case fxOvFlErr: /* -32750 */
2259 return EOVERFLOW;
2261 case btBadNode: /* -32731 */
2262 return EIO;
2264 case memFullErr: /* -108 */
2265 return ENOMEM; /* +12 */
2267 case cmExists: /* -32718 */
2268 case btExists: /* -32734 */
2269 return EEXIST; /* +17 */
2271 case cmNotFound: /* -32719 */
2272 case btNotFound: /* -32735 */
2273 return ENOENT; /* 28 */
2275 case cmNotEmpty: /* -32717 */
2276 return ENOTEMPTY; /* 66 */
2278 case cmFThdDirErr: /* -32714 */
2279 return EISDIR; /* 21 */
2281 case fxRangeErr: /* -32751 */
2282 return ERANGE;
2284 case bdNamErr: /* -37 */
2285 return ENAMETOOLONG; /* 63 */
2287 case paramErr: /* -50 */
2288 case fileBoundsErr: /* -1309 */
2289 return EINVAL; /* +22 */
2291 case fsBTBadNodeSize:
2292 return ENXIO;
2294 default:
2295 return EIO; /* +5 */
2296 }
2297 }
2300 /*
2301 * Find the current thread's directory hint for a given index.
2302 *
2303 * Requires an exclusive lock on directory cnode.
2304 *
2305 * Use detach if the cnode lock must be dropped while the hint is still active.
2306 */
2307 directoryhint_t *
2308 hfs_getdirhint(struct cnode *dcp, int index, int detach)
2309 {
2310 struct timeval tv;
2311 directoryhint_t *hint;
2312 boolean_t need_remove, need_init;
2313 const u_int8_t * name;
2315 microuptime(&tv);
2317 /*
2318 * Look for an existing hint first. If not found, create a new one (when
2319 * the list is not full) or recycle the oldest hint. Since new hints are
2320 * always added to the head of the list, the last hint is always the
2321 * oldest.
2322 */
2323 TAILQ_FOREACH(hint, &dcp->c_hintlist, dh_link) {
2324 if (hint->dh_index == index)
2325 break;
2326 }
2327 if (hint != NULL) { /* found an existing hint */
2328 need_init = false;
2329 need_remove = true;
2330 } else { /* cannot find an existing hint */
2331 need_init = true;
2332 if (dcp->c_dirhintcnt < HFS_MAXDIRHINTS) { /* we don't need recycling */
2333 /* Create a default directory hint */
2334 hint = hfs_zalloc(HFS_DIRHINT_ZONE);
2335 ++dcp->c_dirhintcnt;
2336 need_remove = false;
2337 } else { /* recycle the last (i.e., the oldest) hint */
2338 hint = TAILQ_LAST(&dcp->c_hintlist, hfs_hinthead);
2339 if ((hint->dh_desc.cd_flags & CD_HASBUF) &&
2340 (name = hint->dh_desc.cd_nameptr)) {
2341 hint->dh_desc.cd_nameptr = NULL;
2342 hint->dh_desc.cd_namelen = 0;
2343 hint->dh_desc.cd_flags &= ~CD_HASBUF;
2344 vfs_removename((const char *)name);
2345 }
2346 need_remove = true;
2347 }
2348 }
2350 if (need_remove)
2351 TAILQ_REMOVE(&dcp->c_hintlist, hint, dh_link);
2353 if (detach)
2354 --dcp->c_dirhintcnt;
2355 else
2356 TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&dcp->c_hintlist, hint, dh_link);
2358 if (need_init) {
2359 hint->dh_index = index;
2360 hint->dh_desc.cd_flags = 0;
2361 hint->dh_desc.cd_encoding = 0;
2362 hint->dh_desc.cd_namelen = 0;
2363 hint->dh_desc.cd_nameptr = NULL;
2364 hint->dh_desc.cd_parentcnid = dcp->c_fileid;
2365 hint->dh_desc.cd_hint = dcp->c_childhint;
2366 hint->dh_desc.cd_cnid = 0;
2367 }
2368 hint->dh_time = tv.tv_sec;
2369 return (hint);
2370 }
2372 /*
2373 * Release a single directory hint.
2374 *
2375 * Requires an exclusive lock on directory cnode.
2376 */
2377 void
2378 hfs_reldirhint(struct cnode *dcp, directoryhint_t * relhint)
2379 {
2380 const u_int8_t * name;
2381 directoryhint_t *hint;
2383 /* Check if item is on list (could be detached) */
2384 TAILQ_FOREACH(hint, &dcp->c_hintlist, dh_link) {
2385 if (hint == relhint) {
2386 TAILQ_REMOVE(&dcp->c_hintlist, relhint, dh_link);
2387 --dcp->c_dirhintcnt;
2388 break;
2389 }
2390 }
2391 name = relhint->dh_desc.cd_nameptr;
2392 if ((relhint->dh_desc.cd_flags & CD_HASBUF) && (name != NULL)) {
2393 relhint->dh_desc.cd_nameptr = NULL;
2394 relhint->dh_desc.cd_namelen = 0;
2395 relhint->dh_desc.cd_flags &= ~CD_HASBUF;
2396 vfs_removename((const char *)name);
2397 }
2398 hfs_zfree(relhint, HFS_DIRHINT_ZONE);
2399 }
2401 /*
2402 * Release directory hints for given directory
2403 *
2404 * Requires an exclusive lock on directory cnode.
2405 */
2406 void
2407 hfs_reldirhints(struct cnode *dcp, int stale_hints_only)
2408 {
2409 struct timeval tv;
2410 directoryhint_t *hint, *prev;
2411 const u_int8_t * name;
2413 if (stale_hints_only)
2414 microuptime(&tv);
2416 /* searching from the oldest to the newest, so we can stop early when releasing stale hints only */
2417 for (hint = TAILQ_LAST(&dcp->c_hintlist, hfs_hinthead); hint != NULL; hint = prev) {
2418 if (stale_hints_only && (tv.tv_sec - hint->dh_time) < HFS_DIRHINT_TTL)
2419 break; /* stop here if this entry is too new */
2420 name = hint->dh_desc.cd_nameptr;
2421 if ((hint->dh_desc.cd_flags & CD_HASBUF) && (name != NULL)) {
2422 hint->dh_desc.cd_nameptr = NULL;
2423 hint->dh_desc.cd_namelen = 0;
2424 hint->dh_desc.cd_flags &= ~CD_HASBUF;
2425 vfs_removename((const char *)name);
2426 }
2427 prev = TAILQ_PREV(hint, hfs_hinthead, dh_link); /* must save this pointer before calling FREE_ZONE on this node */
2428 TAILQ_REMOVE(&dcp->c_hintlist, hint, dh_link);
2429 hfs_zfree(hint, HFS_DIRHINT_ZONE);
2430 --dcp->c_dirhintcnt;
2431 }
2432 }
2434 /*
2435 * Insert a detached directory hint back into the list of dirhints.
2436 *
2437 * Requires an exclusive lock on directory cnode.
2438 */
2439 void
2440 hfs_insertdirhint(struct cnode *dcp, directoryhint_t * hint)
2441 {
2442 directoryhint_t *test;
2444 TAILQ_FOREACH(test, &dcp->c_hintlist, dh_link) {
2445 if (test == hint)
2446 panic("hfs_insertdirhint: hint %p already on list!", hint);
2447 }
2449 TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&dcp->c_hintlist, hint, dh_link);
2450 ++dcp->c_dirhintcnt;
2451 }
2453 /*
2454 * Perform a case-insensitive compare of two UTF-8 filenames.
2455 *
2456 * Returns 0 if the strings match.
2457 */
2458 int
2459 hfs_namecmp(const u_int8_t *str1, size_t len1, const u_int8_t *str2, size_t len2)
2460 {
2461 u_int16_t *ustr1, *ustr2;
2462 size_t ulen1, ulen2;
2463 size_t maxbytes;
2464 int cmp = -1;
2466 if (len1 != len2)
2467 return (cmp);
2469 maxbytes = kHFSPlusMaxFileNameChars << 1;
2470 ustr1 = hfs_malloc(maxbytes << 1);
2471 ustr2 = ustr1 + (maxbytes >> 1);
2473 if (utf8_decodestr(str1, len1, ustr1, &ulen1, maxbytes, ':', 0) != 0)
2474 goto out;
2475 if (utf8_decodestr(str2, len2, ustr2, &ulen2, maxbytes, ':', 0) != 0)
2476 goto out;
2478 cmp = FastUnicodeCompare(ustr1, ulen1>>1, ustr2, ulen2>>1);
2479 out:
2480 hfs_free(ustr1, maxbytes << 1);
2481 return (cmp);
2482 }
2484 typedef struct jopen_cb_info {
2485 mount_t mp;
2486 off_t jsize;
2487 char *desired_uuid;
2488 struct vnode *jvp;
2489 size_t blksize;
2490 int need_clean;
2491 int need_init;
2492 } jopen_cb_info;
2494 static int
2495 journal_open_cb(const char *bsd_dev_name, const char *uuid_str, void *arg)
2496 {
2497 jopen_cb_info *ji = (jopen_cb_info *)arg;
2498 char bsd_name[256];
2499 int error;
2501 strlcpy(&bsd_name[0], "/dev/", sizeof(bsd_name));
2502 strlcpy(&bsd_name[5], bsd_dev_name, sizeof(bsd_name)-5);
2504 if ((error = vnode_lookup(bsd_name, VNODE_LOOKUP_NOFOLLOW, &ji->jvp,
2505 vfs_context_kernel()))) {
2506 printf("hfs: journal open cb: error %d looking up device %s (dev uuid %s)\n", error, bsd_name, uuid_str);
2507 return 1; // keep iterating
2508 }
2510 struct vnop_open_args oargs = {
2511 .a_vp = ji->jvp,
2512 .a_mode = FREAD | FWRITE,
2513 .a_context = vfs_context_kernel(),
2514 };
2516 if (spec_open(&oargs)) {
2517 vnode_put(ji->jvp);
2518 ji->jvp = NULL;
2519 return 1;
2520 }
2522 // if the journal is dirty and we didn't specify a desired
2523 // journal device uuid, then do not use the journal. but
2524 // if the journal is just invalid (e.g. it hasn't been
2525 // initialized) then just set the need_init flag.
2526 if (ji->need_clean && ji->desired_uuid && ji->desired_uuid[0] == '\0') {
2527 error = journal_is_clean(ji->jvp, 0, ji->jsize,
2528 (void *)1, ji->blksize);
2529 if (error == EBUSY) {
2530 struct vnop_close_args cargs = {
2531 .a_vp = ji->jvp,
2532 .a_fflag = FREAD | FWRITE,
2533 .a_context = vfs_context_kernel()
2534 };
2535 spec_close(&cargs);
2536 vnode_put(ji->jvp);
2537 ji->jvp = NULL;
2538 return 1; // keep iterating
2539 } else if (error == EINVAL) {
2540 ji->need_init = 1;
2541 }
2542 }
2544 if (ji->desired_uuid && ji->desired_uuid[0] == '\0') {
2545 strlcpy(ji->desired_uuid, uuid_str, 128);
2546 }
2547 vnode_setmountedon(ji->jvp);
2548 return 0; // stop iterating
2549 }
2551 static vnode_t
2552 open_journal_dev(mount_t mp,
2553 const char *vol_device,
2554 int need_clean,
2555 char *uuid_str,
2556 char *machine_serial_num,
2557 off_t jsize,
2558 size_t blksize,
2559 int *need_init)
2560 {
2561 int retry_counter=0;
2562 jopen_cb_info ji;
2564 ji.mp = mp;
2565 ji.jsize = jsize;
2566 ji.desired_uuid = uuid_str;
2567 ji.jvp = NULL;
2568 ji.blksize = blksize;
2569 ji.need_clean = need_clean;
2570 ji.need_init = 0;
2572 // if (uuid_str[0] == '\0') {
2573 // printf("hfs: open journal dev: %s: locating any available non-dirty external journal partition\n", vol_device);
2574 // } else {
2575 // printf("hfs: open journal dev: %s: trying to find the external journal partition w/uuid %s\n", vol_device, uuid_str);
2576 // }
2577 while (ji.jvp == NULL && retry_counter++ < 4) {
2578 if (retry_counter > 1) {
2579 if (uuid_str[0]) {
2580 printf("hfs: open_journal_dev: uuid %s not found. waiting 10sec.\n", uuid_str);
2581 } else {
2582 printf("hfs: open_journal_dev: no available external journal partition found. waiting 10sec.\n");
2583 }
2584 delay_for_interval(10* 1000000, NSEC_PER_USEC); // wait for ten seconds and then try again
2585 }
2587 hfs_iterate_media_with_content(EXTJNL_CONTENT_TYPE_UUID,
2588 journal_open_cb, &ji);
2589 }
2591 if (ji.jvp == NULL) {
2592 printf("hfs: volume: %s: did not find jnl device uuid: %s from machine serial number: %s\n",
2593 vol_device, uuid_str, machine_serial_num);
2594 }
2596 *need_init = ji.need_init;
2598 return ji.jvp;
2599 }
2601 void hfs_close_jvp(hfsmount_t *hfsmp)
2602 {
2603 if (!hfsmp || !hfsmp->jvp || hfsmp->jvp == hfsmp->hfs_devvp)
2604 return;
2606 vnode_clearmountedon(hfsmp->jvp);
2607 struct vnop_close_args cargs = {
2608 .a_vp = hfsmp->jvp,
2609 .a_fflag = FREAD | FWRITE,
2610 .a_context = vfs_context_kernel()
2611 };
2612 spec_close(&cargs);
2613 vnode_put(hfsmp->jvp);
2614 hfsmp->jvp = NULL;
2615 }
2617 int
2618 hfs_early_journal_init(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, HFSPlusVolumeHeader *vhp,
2619 void *_args, off_t embeddedOffset, daddr64_t mdb_offset,
2620 HFSMasterDirectoryBlock *mdbp, kauth_cred_t cred)
2621 {
2622 JournalInfoBlock *jibp;
2623 struct buf *jinfo_bp, *bp;
2624 int sectors_per_fsblock, arg_flags=0, arg_tbufsz=0;
2625 int retval, write_jibp = 0;
2626 uint32_t blksize = hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size;
2627 struct vnode *devvp;
2628 struct hfs_mount_args *args = _args;
2629 u_int32_t jib_flags;
2630 u_int64_t jib_offset;
2631 u_int64_t jib_size;
2632 const char *dev_name;
2634 devvp = hfsmp->hfs_devvp;
2635 dev_name = vnode_getname_printable(devvp);
2637 if (args != NULL && (args->flags & HFSFSMNT_EXTENDED_ARGS)) {
2638 arg_flags = args->journal_flags;
2639 arg_tbufsz = args->journal_tbuffer_size;
2640 }
2642 sectors_per_fsblock = SWAP_BE32(vhp->blockSize) / blksize;
2644 jinfo_bp = NULL;
2645 retval = (int)buf_meta_bread(devvp,
2646 (daddr64_t)((embeddedOffset/blksize) +
2647 ((u_int64_t)SWAP_BE32(vhp->journalInfoBlock)*sectors_per_fsblock)),
2648 hfsmp->hfs_physical_block_size, cred, &jinfo_bp);
2649 if (retval) {
2650 if (jinfo_bp) {
2651 buf_brelse(jinfo_bp);
2652 }
2653 goto cleanup_dev_name;
2654 }
2656 jibp = (JournalInfoBlock *)buf_dataptr(jinfo_bp);
2657 jib_flags = SWAP_BE32(jibp->flags);
2658 jib_size = SWAP_BE64(jibp->size);
2660 if (jib_flags & kJIJournalInFSMask) {
2661 hfsmp->jvp = hfsmp->hfs_devvp;
2662 jib_offset = SWAP_BE64(jibp->offset);
2663 } else {
2664 int need_init=0;
2666 // if the volume was unmounted cleanly then we'll pick any
2667 // available external journal partition
2668 //
2669 if (SWAP_BE32(vhp->attributes) & kHFSVolumeUnmountedMask) {
2670 *((char *)&jibp->ext_jnl_uuid[0]) = '\0';
2671 }
2673 hfsmp->jvp = open_journal_dev(hfsmp->hfs_mp,
2674 dev_name,
2675 !(jib_flags & kJIJournalNeedInitMask),
2676 (char *)&jibp->ext_jnl_uuid[0],
2677 (char *)&jibp->machine_serial_num[0],
2678 jib_size,
2679 hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size,
2680 &need_init);
2681 if (hfsmp->jvp == NULL) {
2682 buf_brelse(jinfo_bp);
2683 retval = EROFS;
2684 goto cleanup_dev_name;
2685 } else {
2686 if (hfs_get_platform_serial_number(&jibp->machine_serial_num[0], sizeof(jibp->machine_serial_num)) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
2687 strlcpy(&jibp->machine_serial_num[0], "unknown-machine-uuid", sizeof(jibp->machine_serial_num));
2688 }
2689 }
2691 jib_offset = 0;
2692 write_jibp = 1;
2693 if (need_init) {
2694 jib_flags |= kJIJournalNeedInitMask;
2695 }
2696 }
2698 // save this off for the hack-y check in hfs_remove()
2699 hfsmp->jnl_start = jib_offset / SWAP_BE32(vhp->blockSize);
2700 hfsmp->jnl_size = jib_size;
2702 if ((hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_READ_ONLY) && (vfs_flags(hfsmp->hfs_mp) & MNT_ROOTFS) == 0) {
2703 // if the file system is read-only, check if the journal is empty.
2704 // if it is, then we can allow the mount. otherwise we have to
2705 // return failure.
2706 retval = journal_is_clean(hfsmp->jvp,
2707 jib_offset + embeddedOffset,
2708 jib_size,
2709 devvp,
2710 hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size);
2712 hfsmp->jnl = NULL;
2714 buf_brelse(jinfo_bp);
2716 if (retval) {
2717 const char *name = vnode_getname_printable(devvp);
2718 printf("hfs: early journal init: volume on %s is read-only and journal is dirty. Can not mount volume.\n",
2719 name);
2720 vnode_putname_printable(name);
2721 }
2723 goto cleanup_dev_name;
2724 }
2726 if (jib_flags & kJIJournalNeedInitMask) {
2727 printf("hfs: Initializing the journal (joffset 0x%llx sz 0x%llx)...\n",
2728 jib_offset + embeddedOffset, jib_size);
2729 hfsmp->jnl = journal_create(hfsmp->jvp,
2730 jib_offset + embeddedOffset,
2731 jib_size,
2732 devvp,
2733 blksize,
2734 arg_flags,
2735 arg_tbufsz,
2736 hfs_sync_metadata, hfsmp->hfs_mp,
2737 hfsmp->hfs_mp);
2738 if (hfsmp->jnl)
2739 journal_trim_set_callback(hfsmp->jnl, hfs_trim_callback, hfsmp);
2741 // no need to start a transaction here... if this were to fail
2742 // we'd just re-init it on the next mount.
2743 jib_flags &= ~kJIJournalNeedInitMask;
2744 jibp->flags = SWAP_BE32(jib_flags);
2745 buf_bwrite(jinfo_bp);
2746 jinfo_bp = NULL;
2747 jibp = NULL;
2748 } else {
2749 //printf("hfs: Opening the journal (joffset 0x%llx sz 0x%llx vhp_blksize %d)...\n",
2750 // jib_offset + embeddedOffset,
2751 // jib_size, SWAP_BE32(vhp->blockSize));
2753 hfsmp->jnl = journal_open(hfsmp->jvp,
2754 jib_offset + embeddedOffset,
2755 jib_size,
2756 devvp,
2757 blksize,
2758 arg_flags,
2759 arg_tbufsz,
2760 hfs_sync_metadata, hfsmp->hfs_mp,
2761 hfsmp->hfs_mp);
2762 if (hfsmp->jnl)
2763 journal_trim_set_callback(hfsmp->jnl, hfs_trim_callback, hfsmp);
2765 if (write_jibp) {
2766 buf_bwrite(jinfo_bp);
2767 } else {
2768 buf_brelse(jinfo_bp);
2769 }
2770 jinfo_bp = NULL;
2771 jibp = NULL;
2773 if (hfsmp->jnl && mdbp) {
2774 // reload the mdb because it could have changed
2775 // if the journal had to be replayed.
2776 if (mdb_offset == 0) {
2777 mdb_offset = (daddr64_t)((embeddedOffset / blksize) + HFS_PRI_SECTOR(blksize));
2778 }
2779 bp = NULL;
2780 retval = (int)buf_meta_bread(devvp,
2781 HFS_PHYSBLK_ROUNDDOWN(mdb_offset, hfsmp->hfs_log_per_phys),
2782 hfsmp->hfs_physical_block_size, cred, &bp);
2783 if (retval) {
2784 if (bp) {
2785 buf_brelse(bp);
2786 }
2787 printf("hfs: failed to reload the mdb after opening the journal (retval %d)!\n",
2788 retval);
2789 goto cleanup_dev_name;
2790 }
2791 bcopy((char *)buf_dataptr(bp) + HFS_PRI_OFFSET(hfsmp->hfs_physical_block_size), mdbp, 512);
2792 buf_brelse(bp);
2793 bp = NULL;
2794 }
2795 }
2797 // if we expected the journal to be there and we couldn't
2798 // create it or open it then we have to bail out.
2799 if (hfsmp->jnl == NULL) {
2800 printf("hfs: early jnl init: failed to open/create the journal (retval %d).\n", retval);
2801 retval = EINVAL;
2802 goto cleanup_dev_name;
2803 }
2805 retval = 0;
2807 cleanup_dev_name:
2808 vnode_putname_printable(dev_name);
2809 return retval;
2810 }
2813 //
2814 // This function will go and re-locate the .journal_info_block and
2815 // the .journal files in case they moved (which can happen if you
2816 // run Norton SpeedDisk). If we fail to find either file we just
2817 // disable journaling for this volume and return. We turn off the
2818 // journaling bit in the vcb and assume it will get written to disk
2819 // later (if it doesn't on the next mount we'd do the same thing
2820 // again which is harmless). If we disable journaling we don't
2821 // return an error so that the volume is still mountable.
2822 //
2823 // If the info we find for the .journal_info_block and .journal files
2824 // isn't what we had stored, we re-set our cached info and proceed
2825 // with opening the journal normally.
2826 //
2827 static int
2828 hfs_late_journal_init(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, HFSPlusVolumeHeader *vhp, void *_args)
2829 {
2830 JournalInfoBlock *jibp;
2831 struct buf *jinfo_bp;
2832 int sectors_per_fsblock, arg_flags=0, arg_tbufsz=0;
2833 int retval, write_jibp = 0, recreate_journal = 0;
2834 struct vnode *devvp;
2835 struct cat_attr jib_attr, jattr;
2836 struct cat_fork jib_fork, jfork;
2837 ExtendedVCB *vcb;
2838 u_int32_t fid;
2839 struct hfs_mount_args *args = _args;
2840 u_int32_t jib_flags;
2841 u_int64_t jib_offset;
2842 u_int64_t jib_size;
2844 devvp = hfsmp->hfs_devvp;
2845 vcb = HFSTOVCB(hfsmp);
2847 if (args != NULL && (args->flags & HFSFSMNT_EXTENDED_ARGS)) {
2848 if (args->journal_disable) {
2849 return 0;
2850 }
2852 arg_flags = args->journal_flags;
2853 arg_tbufsz = args->journal_tbuffer_size;
2854 }
2856 fid = GetFileInfo(vcb, kRootDirID, ".journal_info_block", &jib_attr, &jib_fork);
2857 if (fid == 0 || jib_fork.cf_extents[0].startBlock == 0 || jib_fork.cf_size == 0) {
2858 printf("hfs: can't find the .journal_info_block! disabling journaling (start: %d).\n",
2859 fid ? jib_fork.cf_extents[0].startBlock : 0);
2860 vcb->vcbAtrb &= ~kHFSVolumeJournaledMask;
2861 return 0;
2862 }
2863 hfsmp->hfs_jnlinfoblkid = fid;
2865 // make sure the journal_info_block begins where we think it should.
2866 if (SWAP_BE32(vhp->journalInfoBlock) != jib_fork.cf_extents[0].startBlock) {
2867 printf("hfs: The journal_info_block moved (was: %d; is: %d). Fixing up\n",
2868 SWAP_BE32(vhp->journalInfoBlock), jib_fork.cf_extents[0].startBlock);
2870 vcb->vcbJinfoBlock = jib_fork.cf_extents[0].startBlock;
2871 vhp->journalInfoBlock = SWAP_BE32(jib_fork.cf_extents[0].startBlock);
2872 recreate_journal = 1;
2873 }
2876 sectors_per_fsblock = SWAP_BE32(vhp->blockSize) / hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size;
2877 jinfo_bp = NULL;
2878 retval = (int)buf_meta_bread(devvp,
2879 (vcb->hfsPlusIOPosOffset / hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size +
2880 ((u_int64_t)SWAP_BE32(vhp->journalInfoBlock)*sectors_per_fsblock)),
2881 hfsmp->hfs_physical_block_size, NOCRED, &jinfo_bp);
2882 if (retval) {
2883 if (jinfo_bp) {
2884 buf_brelse(jinfo_bp);
2885 }
2886 printf("hfs: can't read journal info block. disabling journaling.\n");
2887 vcb->vcbAtrb &= ~kHFSVolumeJournaledMask;
2888 return 0;
2889 }
2891 jibp = (JournalInfoBlock *)buf_dataptr(jinfo_bp);
2892 jib_flags = SWAP_BE32(jibp->flags);
2893 jib_offset = SWAP_BE64(jibp->offset);
2894 jib_size = SWAP_BE64(jibp->size);
2896 fid = GetFileInfo(vcb, kRootDirID, ".journal", &jattr, &jfork);
2897 if (fid == 0 || jfork.cf_extents[0].startBlock == 0 || jfork.cf_size == 0) {
2898 printf("hfs: can't find the journal file! disabling journaling (start: %d)\n",
2899 fid ? jfork.cf_extents[0].startBlock : 0);
2900 buf_brelse(jinfo_bp);
2901 vcb->vcbAtrb &= ~kHFSVolumeJournaledMask;
2902 return 0;
2903 }
2904 hfsmp->hfs_jnlfileid = fid;
2906 // make sure the journal file begins where we think it should.
2907 if ((jib_flags & kJIJournalInFSMask) && (jib_offset / (u_int64_t)vcb->blockSize) != jfork.cf_extents[0].startBlock) {
2908 printf("hfs: The journal file moved (was: %lld; is: %d). Fixing up\n",
2909 (jib_offset / (u_int64_t)vcb->blockSize), jfork.cf_extents[0].startBlock);
2911 jib_offset = (u_int64_t)jfork.cf_extents[0].startBlock * (u_int64_t)vcb->blockSize;
2912 write_jibp = 1;
2913 recreate_journal = 1;
2914 }
2916 // check the size of the journal file.
2917 if (jib_size != (u_int64_t)jfork.cf_extents[0].blockCount*vcb->blockSize) {
2918 printf("hfs: The journal file changed size! (was %lld; is %lld). Fixing up.\n",
2919 jib_size, (u_int64_t)jfork.cf_extents[0].blockCount*vcb->blockSize);
2921 jib_size = (u_int64_t)jfork.cf_extents[0].blockCount * vcb->blockSize;
2922 write_jibp = 1;
2923 recreate_journal = 1;
2924 }
2926 if (jib_flags & kJIJournalInFSMask) {
2927 hfsmp->jvp = hfsmp->hfs_devvp;
2928 jib_offset += (off_t)vcb->hfsPlusIOPosOffset;
2929 } else {
2930 const char *dev_name;
2931 int need_init = 0;
2933 dev_name = vnode_getname_printable(devvp);
2935 // since the journal is empty, just use any available external journal
2936 *((char *)&jibp->ext_jnl_uuid[0]) = '\0';
2938 // this fills in the uuid of the device we actually get
2939 hfsmp->jvp = open_journal_dev(hfsmp->hfs_mp,
2940 dev_name,
2941 !(jib_flags & kJIJournalNeedInitMask),
2942 (char *)&jibp->ext_jnl_uuid[0],
2943 (char *)&jibp->machine_serial_num[0],
2944 jib_size,
2945 hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size,
2946 &need_init);
2947 if (hfsmp->jvp == NULL) {
2948 buf_brelse(jinfo_bp);
2949 vnode_putname_printable(dev_name);
2950 return EROFS;
2951 } else {
2952 if (hfs_get_platform_serial_number(&jibp->machine_serial_num[0], sizeof(jibp->machine_serial_num)) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
2953 strlcpy(&jibp->machine_serial_num[0], "unknown-machine-serial-num", sizeof(jibp->machine_serial_num));
2954 }
2955 }
2956 jib_offset = 0;
2957 recreate_journal = 1;
2958 write_jibp = 1;
2959 if (need_init) {
2960 jib_flags |= kJIJournalNeedInitMask;
2961 }
2962 vnode_putname_printable(dev_name);
2963 }
2965 // save this off for the hack-y check in hfs_remove()
2966 hfsmp->jnl_start = jib_offset / SWAP_BE32(vhp->blockSize);
2967 hfsmp->jnl_size = jib_size;
2969 if ((hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_READ_ONLY) && (vfs_flags(hfsmp->hfs_mp) & MNT_ROOTFS) == 0) {
2970 // if the file system is read-only, check if the journal is empty.
2971 // if it is, then we can allow the mount. otherwise we have to
2972 // return failure.
2973 retval = journal_is_clean(hfsmp->jvp,
2974 jib_offset,
2975 jib_size,
2976 devvp,
2977 hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size);
2979 hfsmp->jnl = NULL;
2981 buf_brelse(jinfo_bp);
2983 if (retval) {
2984 const char *name = vnode_getname_printable(devvp);
2985 printf("hfs: late journal init: volume on %s is read-only and journal is dirty. Can not mount volume.\n",
2986 name);
2987 vnode_putname_printable(name);
2988 }
2990 return retval;
2991 }
2993 if ((jib_flags & kJIJournalNeedInitMask) || recreate_journal) {
2994 printf("hfs: Initializing the journal (joffset 0x%llx sz 0x%llx)...\n",
2995 jib_offset, jib_size);
2996 hfsmp->jnl = journal_create(hfsmp->jvp,
2997 jib_offset,
2998 jib_size,
2999 devvp,
3000 hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size,
3001 arg_flags,
3002 arg_tbufsz,
3003 hfs_sync_metadata, hfsmp->hfs_mp,
3004 hfsmp->hfs_mp);
3005 if (hfsmp->jnl)
3006 journal_trim_set_callback(hfsmp->jnl, hfs_trim_callback, hfsmp);
3008 // no need to start a transaction here... if this were to fail
3009 // we'd just re-init it on the next mount.
3010 jib_flags &= ~kJIJournalNeedInitMask;
3011 write_jibp = 1;
3013 } else {
3014 //
3015 // if we weren't the last person to mount this volume
3016 // then we need to throw away the journal because it
3017 // is likely that someone else mucked with the disk.
3018 // if the journal is empty this is no big deal. if the
3019 // disk is dirty this prevents us from replaying the
3020 // journal over top of changes that someone else made.
3021 //
3022 arg_flags |= JOURNAL_RESET;
3024 //printf("hfs: Opening the journal (joffset 0x%llx sz 0x%llx vhp_blksize %d)...\n",
3025 // jib_offset,
3026 // jib_size, SWAP_BE32(vhp->blockSize));
3028 hfsmp->jnl = journal_open(hfsmp->jvp,
3029 jib_offset,
3030 jib_size,
3031 devvp,
3032 hfsmp->hfs_logical_block_size,
3033 arg_flags,
3034 arg_tbufsz,
3035 hfs_sync_metadata, hfsmp->hfs_mp,
3036 hfsmp->hfs_mp);
3037 if (hfsmp->jnl)
3038 journal_trim_set_callback(hfsmp->jnl, hfs_trim_callback, hfsmp);
3039 }
3042 if (write_jibp) {
3043 jibp->flags = SWAP_BE32(jib_flags);
3044 jibp->offset = SWAP_BE64(jib_offset);
3045 jibp->size = SWAP_BE64(jib_size);
3047 buf_bwrite(jinfo_bp);
3048 } else {
3049 buf_brelse(jinfo_bp);
3050 }
3051 jinfo_bp = NULL;
3052 jibp = NULL;
3054 // if we expected the journal to be there and we couldn't
3055 // create it or open it then we have to bail out.
3056 if (hfsmp->jnl == NULL) {
3057 printf("hfs: late jnl init: failed to open/create the journal (retval %d).\n", retval);
3058 return EINVAL;
3059 }
3061 return 0;
3062 }
3064 /*
3065 * Calculate the allocation zone for metadata.
3066 *
3067 * This zone includes the following:
3068 * Allocation Bitmap file
3069 * Overflow Extents file
3070 * Journal file
3071 * Quota files
3072 * Clustered Hot files
3073 * Catalog file
3074 *
3076 * ____________________________________________________________________________
3077 * | | | | | | |
3078 * | BM | JF | OEF | CATALOG |---> | HOT FILES |
3079 * |____|____|_____|_______________|______________________________|___________|
3080 *
3081 * <------------------------------- N * 128 MB ------------------------------->
3082 *
3083 */
3084 #define GIGABYTE (u_int64_t)(1024*1024*1024)
3086 #define HOTBAND_MINIMUM_SIZE (10*1024*1024)
3087 #define HOTBAND_MAXIMUM_SIZE (512*1024*1024)
3089 /* Initialize the metadata zone.
3090 *
3091 * If the size of the volume is less than the minimum size for
3092 * metadata zone, metadata zone is disabled.
3093 *
3094 * If disable is true, disable metadata zone unconditionally.
3095 */
3096 void
3097 hfs_metadatazone_init(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, int disable)
3098 {
3099 ExtendedVCB *vcb;
3100 u_int64_t fs_size;
3101 u_int64_t zonesize;
3102 u_int64_t temp;
3103 u_int64_t filesize;
3104 u_int32_t blk;
3105 int items, really_do_it=1;
3107 vcb = HFSTOVCB(hfsmp);
3108 fs_size = (u_int64_t)vcb->blockSize * (u_int64_t)vcb->allocLimit;
3110 /*
3111 * For volumes less than 10 GB, don't bother.
3112 */
3113 if (fs_size < ((u_int64_t)10 * GIGABYTE)) {
3114 really_do_it = 0;
3115 }
3117 /*
3118 * Skip non-journaled volumes as well.
3119 */
3120 if (hfsmp->jnl == NULL) {
3121 really_do_it = 0;
3122 }
3124 /* If caller wants to disable metadata zone, do it */
3125 if (disable == true) {
3126 really_do_it = 0;
3127 }
3129 /*
3130 * Start with space for the boot blocks and Volume Header.
3131 * 1536 = byte offset from start of volume to end of volume header:
3132 * 1024 bytes is the offset from the start of the volume to the
3133 * start of the volume header (defined by the volume format)
3134 * + 512 bytes (the size of the volume header).
3135 */
3136 zonesize = roundup(1536, hfsmp->blockSize);
3138 /*
3139 * Add the on-disk size of allocation bitmap.
3140 */
3141 zonesize += hfsmp->hfs_allocation_cp->c_datafork->ff_blocks * hfsmp->blockSize;
3143 /*
3144 * Add space for the Journal Info Block and Journal (if they're in
3145 * this file system).
3146 */
3147 if (hfsmp->jnl && hfsmp->jvp == hfsmp->hfs_devvp) {
3148 zonesize += hfsmp->blockSize + hfsmp->jnl_size;
3149 }
3151 /*
3152 * Add the existing size of the Extents Overflow B-tree.
3153 * (It rarely grows, so don't bother reserving additional room for it.)
3154 */
3155 zonesize += hfs_blk_to_bytes(hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp->c_datafork->ff_blocks, hfsmp->blockSize);
3157 /*
3158 * If there is an Attributes B-tree, leave room for 11 clumps worth.
3159 * newfs_hfs allocates one clump, and leaves a gap of 10 clumps.
3160 * When installing a full OS install onto a 20GB volume, we use
3161 * 7 to 8 clumps worth of space (depending on packages), so that leaves
3162 * us with another 3 or 4 clumps worth before we need another extent.
3163 */
3164 if (hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp) {
3165 zonesize += 11 * hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp->c_datafork->ff_clumpsize;
3166 }
3168 /*
3169 * Leave room for 11 clumps of the Catalog B-tree.
3170 * Again, newfs_hfs allocates one clump plus a gap of 10 clumps.
3171 * When installing a full OS install onto a 20GB volume, we use
3172 * 7 to 8 clumps worth of space (depending on packages), so that leaves
3173 * us with another 3 or 4 clumps worth before we need another extent.
3174 */
3175 zonesize += 11 * hfsmp->hfs_catalog_cp->c_datafork->ff_clumpsize;
3177 /*
3178 * Add space for hot file region.
3179 *
3180 * ...for now, use 5 MB per 1 GB (0.5 %)
3181 */
3182 filesize = (fs_size / 1024) * 5;
3183 if (filesize > HOTBAND_MAXIMUM_SIZE)
3184 filesize = HOTBAND_MAXIMUM_SIZE;
3185 else if (filesize < HOTBAND_MINIMUM_SIZE)
3186 filesize = HOTBAND_MINIMUM_SIZE;
3187 /*
3188 * Calculate user quota file requirements.
3189 */
3190 if (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_QUOTAS) {
3191 items = QF_USERS_PER_GB * (fs_size / GIGABYTE);
3192 if (items < QF_MIN_USERS)
3193 items = QF_MIN_USERS;
3194 else if (items > QF_MAX_USERS)
3195 items = QF_MAX_USERS;
3196 if (!powerof2(items)) {
3197 int x = items;
3198 items = 4;
3199 while (x>>1 != 1) {
3200 x = x >> 1;
3201 items = items << 1;
3202 }
3203 }
3204 filesize += (items + 1) * sizeof(struct dqblk);
3205 /*
3206 * Calculate group quota file requirements.
3207 *
3208 */
3209 items = QF_GROUPS_PER_GB * (fs_size / GIGABYTE);
3210 if (items < QF_MIN_GROUPS)
3211 items = QF_MIN_GROUPS;
3212 else if (items > QF_MAX_GROUPS)
3213 items = QF_MAX_GROUPS;
3214 if (!powerof2(items)) {
3215 int x = items;
3216 items = 4;
3217 while (x>>1 != 1) {
3218 x = x >> 1;
3219 items = items << 1;
3220 }
3221 }
3222 filesize += (items + 1) * sizeof(struct dqblk);
3223 }
3224 zonesize += filesize;
3226 /*
3227 * Round up entire zone to a bitmap block's worth.
3228 * The extra space goes to the catalog file and hot file area.
3229 */
3230 temp = zonesize;
3231 zonesize = roundup(zonesize, (u_int64_t)vcb->vcbVBMIOSize * 8 * vcb->blockSize);
3232 hfsmp->hfs_min_alloc_start = zonesize / vcb->blockSize;
3233 /*
3234 * If doing the round up for hfs_min_alloc_start would push us past
3235 * allocLimit, then just reset it back to 0. Though using a value
3236 * bigger than allocLimit would not cause damage in the block allocator
3237 * code, this value could get stored in the volume header and make it out
3238 * to disk, making the volume header technically corrupt.
3239 */
3240 if (hfsmp->hfs_min_alloc_start >= hfsmp->allocLimit) {
3241 hfsmp->hfs_min_alloc_start = 0;
3242 }
3244 if (really_do_it == 0) {
3245 /* If metadata zone needs to be disabled because the
3246 * volume was truncated, clear the bit and zero out
3247 * the values that are no longer needed.
3248 */
3249 if (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_METADATA_ZONE) {
3250 /* Disable metadata zone */
3251 hfsmp->hfs_flags &= ~HFS_METADATA_ZONE;
3253 /* Zero out mount point values that are not required */
3254 hfsmp->hfs_catalog_maxblks = 0;
3255 hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_maxblks = 0;
3256 hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_start = 0;
3257 hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_end = 0;
3258 hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_freeblks = 0;
3259 hfsmp->hfs_metazone_start = 0;
3260 hfsmp->hfs_metazone_end = 0;
3261 }
3263 return;
3264 }
3266 temp = zonesize - temp; /* temp has extra space */
3267 filesize += temp / 3;
3268 hfsmp->hfs_catalog_maxblks += (temp - (temp / 3)) / vcb->blockSize;
3270 if (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_CS_HOTFILE_PIN) {
3271 hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_maxblks = (uint32_t) (hfsmp->hfs_cs_hotfile_size / HFSTOVCB(hfsmp)->blockSize);
3272 } else {
3273 hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_maxblks = filesize / vcb->blockSize;
3274 }
3276 /* Convert to allocation blocks. */
3277 blk = zonesize / vcb->blockSize;
3279 /* The default metadata zone location is at the start of volume. */
3280 hfsmp->hfs_metazone_start = 1;
3281 hfsmp->hfs_metazone_end = blk - 1;
3283 /* The default hotfile area is at the end of the zone. */
3284 if (vfs_flags(HFSTOVFS(hfsmp)) & MNT_ROOTFS) {
3285 hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_start = blk - (filesize / vcb->blockSize);
3286 hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_end = hfsmp->hfs_metazone_end;
3287 hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_freeblks = hfs_hotfile_freeblocks(hfsmp);
3288 }
3289 else {
3290 hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_start = 0;
3291 hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_end = 0;
3292 hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_freeblks = 0;
3293 }
3294 #if DEBUG
3295 printf("hfs:%s: metadata zone is %d to %d\n", hfsmp->vcbVN, hfsmp->hfs_metazone_start, hfsmp->hfs_metazone_end);
3296 printf("hfs:%s: hot file band is %d to %d\n", hfsmp->vcbVN, hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_start, hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_end);
3297 printf("hfs:%s: hot file band free blocks = %d\n", hfsmp->vcbVN, hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_freeblks);
3298 #endif
3300 hfsmp->hfs_flags |= HFS_METADATA_ZONE;
3301 }
3304 static u_int32_t
3305 hfs_hotfile_freeblocks(struct hfsmount *hfsmp)
3306 {
3307 ExtendedVCB *vcb = HFSTOVCB(hfsmp);
3308 int lockflags;
3309 int freeblocks;
3311 if (hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_CS_HOTFILE_PIN) {
3312 //
3313 // This is only used at initialization time and on an ssd
3314 // we'll get the real info from the hotfile btree user
3315 // info
3316 //
3317 return 0;
3318 }
3320 lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(hfsmp, SFL_BITMAP, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
3321 freeblocks = MetaZoneFreeBlocks(vcb);
3322 hfs_systemfile_unlock(hfsmp, lockflags);
3324 /* Minus Extents overflow file reserve. */
3325 if ((uint32_t)hfsmp->hfs_overflow_maxblks >= VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp)->ff_blocks) {
3326 freeblocks -= hfsmp->hfs_overflow_maxblks - VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_extents_vp)->ff_blocks;
3327 }
3329 /* Minus catalog file reserve. */
3330 if ((uint32_t)hfsmp->hfs_catalog_maxblks >= VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp)->ff_blocks) {
3331 freeblocks -= hfsmp->hfs_catalog_maxblks - VTOF(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp)->ff_blocks;
3332 }
3334 if (freeblocks < 0)
3335 freeblocks = 0;
3337 // printf("hfs: hotfile_freeblocks: MIN(%d, %d) = %d\n", freeblocks, hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_maxblks, MIN(freeblocks, hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_maxblks));
3338 return MIN(freeblocks, hfsmp->hfs_hotfile_maxblks);
3339 }
3341 /*
3342 * Determine if a file is a "virtual" metadata file.
3343 * This includes journal and quota files.
3344 */
3345 int
3346 hfs_virtualmetafile(struct cnode *cp)
3347 {
3348 const char * filename;
3351 if (cp->c_parentcnid != kHFSRootFolderID)
3352 return (0);
3354 filename = (const char *)cp->c_desc.cd_nameptr;
3355 if (filename == NULL)
3356 return (0);
3358 if ((strncmp(filename, ".journal", sizeof(".journal")) == 0) ||
3359 (strncmp(filename, ".journal_info_block", sizeof(".journal_info_block")) == 0) ||
3360 (strncmp(filename, ".quota.user", sizeof(".quota.user")) == 0) ||
3361 (strncmp(filename, ".quota.group", sizeof(".quota.group")) == 0) ||
3362 (strncmp(filename, ".hotfiles.btree", sizeof(".hotfiles.btree")) == 0))
3363 return (1);
3365 return (0);
3366 }
3368 void hfs_syncer_lock(struct hfsmount *hfsmp)
3369 {
3370 hfs_lock_mount(hfsmp);
3371 }
3373 void hfs_syncer_unlock(struct hfsmount *hfsmp)
3374 {
3375 hfs_unlock_mount(hfsmp);
3376 }
3378 void hfs_syncer_wait(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, struct timespec *ts)
3379 {
3380 msleep(&hfsmp->hfs_syncer_thread, &hfsmp->hfs_mutex, PWAIT,
3381 "hfs_syncer_wait", ts);
3382 }
3384 void hfs_syncer_wakeup(struct hfsmount *hfsmp)
3385 {
3386 wakeup(&hfsmp->hfs_syncer_thread);
3387 }
3389 uint64_t hfs_usecs_to_deadline(uint64_t usecs)
3390 {
3391 uint64_t deadline;
3392 clock_interval_to_deadline(usecs, NSEC_PER_USEC, &deadline);
3393 return deadline;
3394 }
3396 //
3397 // Fire off a timed callback to sync the disk if the
3398 // volume is on ejectable media.
3399 //
3400 void hfs_sync_ejectable(struct hfsmount *hfsmp)
3401 {
3402 // If we don't have a syncer or we get called by the syncer, just return
3403 if (!ISSET(hfsmp->hfs_flags, HFS_RUN_SYNCER)
3404 || current_thread() == hfsmp->hfs_syncer_thread) {
3405 return;
3406 }
3408 hfs_syncer_lock(hfsmp);
3410 if (!timerisset(&hfsmp->hfs_sync_req_oldest))
3411 microuptime(&hfsmp->hfs_sync_req_oldest);
3413 /* If hfs_unmount is running, it will clear the HFS_RUN_SYNCER
3414 flag. Also, we don't want to queue again if there is a sync
3415 outstanding. */
3416 if (!ISSET(hfsmp->hfs_flags, HFS_RUN_SYNCER)
3417 || hfsmp->hfs_syncer_thread) {
3418 hfs_syncer_unlock(hfsmp);
3419 return;
3420 }
3422 hfsmp->hfs_syncer_thread = (void *)1;
3424 hfs_syncer_unlock(hfsmp);
3426 kernel_thread_start(hfs_syncer, hfsmp, &hfsmp->hfs_syncer_thread);
3427 thread_deallocate(hfsmp->hfs_syncer_thread);
3428 }
3430 int
3431 hfs_start_transaction(struct hfsmount *hfsmp)
3432 {
3433 int ret = 0, unlock_on_err = 0;
3434 thread_t thread = current_thread();
3437 /*
3438 * You cannot start a transaction while holding a system
3439 * file lock. (unless the transaction is nested.)
3440 */
3441 if (hfsmp->jnl && journal_owner(hfsmp->jnl) != thread) {
3442 if (hfsmp->hfs_catalog_cp && hfsmp->hfs_catalog_cp->c_lockowner == thread) {
3443 panic("hfs_start_transaction: bad lock order (cat before jnl)\n");
3444 }
3445 if (hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp && hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp->c_lockowner == thread) {
3446 panic("hfs_start_transaction: bad lock order (attr before jnl)\n");
3447 }
3448 if (hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp && hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp->c_lockowner == thread) {
3449 panic("hfs_start_transaction: bad lock order (ext before jnl)\n");
3450 }
3451 }
3452 #endif /* HFS_CHECK_LOCK_ORDER */
3454 again:
3456 if (hfsmp->jnl) {
3457 if (journal_owner(hfsmp->jnl) != thread) {
3458 /*
3459 * The global lock should be held shared if journal is
3460 * active to prevent disabling. If we're not the owner
3461 * of the journal lock, verify that we're not already
3462 * holding the global lock exclusive before moving on.
3463 */
3464 if (hfsmp->hfs_global_lockowner == thread) {
3465 ret = EBUSY;
3466 goto out;
3467 }
3469 hfs_lock_global (hfsmp, HFS_SHARED_LOCK);
3471 // Things could have changed
3472 if (!hfsmp->jnl) {
3473 hfs_unlock_global(hfsmp);
3474 goto again;
3475 }
3477 OSAddAtomic(1, (SInt32 *)&hfsmp->hfs_active_threads);
3478 unlock_on_err = 1;
3479 }
3480 } else {
3481 // No journal
3482 if (hfsmp->hfs_global_lockowner != thread) {
3483 hfs_lock_global(hfsmp, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
3485 // Things could have changed
3486 if (hfsmp->jnl) {
3487 hfs_unlock_global(hfsmp);
3488 goto again;
3489 }
3491 OSAddAtomic(1, (SInt32 *)&hfsmp->hfs_active_threads);
3492 unlock_on_err = 1;
3493 }
3494 }
3496 /* If a downgrade to read-only mount is in progress, no other
3497 * thread than the downgrade thread is allowed to modify
3498 * the file system.
3499 */
3500 if ((hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_RDONLY_DOWNGRADE) &&
3501 hfsmp->hfs_downgrading_thread != thread) {
3502 ret = EROFS;
3503 goto out;
3504 }
3506 if (hfsmp->jnl) {
3507 ret = journal_start_transaction(hfsmp->jnl);
3508 } else {
3509 ret = 0;
3510 }
3512 if (ret == 0)
3513 ++hfsmp->hfs_transaction_nesting;
3515 out:
3516 if (ret != 0 && unlock_on_err) {
3517 hfs_unlock_global (hfsmp);
3518 OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32 *)&hfsmp->hfs_active_threads);
3519 }
3521 return ret;
3522 }
3524 int
3525 hfs_end_transaction(struct hfsmount *hfsmp)
3526 {
3527 int ret;
3529 hfs_assert(!hfsmp->jnl || journal_owner(hfsmp->jnl) == current_thread());
3530 hfs_assert(hfsmp->hfs_transaction_nesting > 0);
3532 if (hfsmp->jnl && hfsmp->hfs_transaction_nesting == 1)
3533 hfs_flushvolumeheader(hfsmp, HFS_FVH_FLUSH_IF_DIRTY);
3535 bool need_unlock = !--hfsmp->hfs_transaction_nesting;
3537 if (hfsmp->jnl) {
3538 ret = journal_end_transaction(hfsmp->jnl);
3539 } else {
3540 ret = 0;
3541 }
3543 if (need_unlock) {
3544 OSAddAtomic(-1, (SInt32 *)&hfsmp->hfs_active_threads);
3545 hfs_unlock_global (hfsmp);
3546 hfs_sync_ejectable(hfsmp);
3547 }
3549 return ret;
3550 }
3553 void
3554 hfs_journal_lock(struct hfsmount *hfsmp)
3555 {
3556 /* Only peek at hfsmp->jnl while holding the global lock */
3557 hfs_lock_global (hfsmp, HFS_SHARED_LOCK);
3558 if (hfsmp->jnl) {
3559 journal_lock(hfsmp->jnl);
3560 }
3561 hfs_unlock_global (hfsmp);
3562 }
3564 void
3565 hfs_journal_unlock(struct hfsmount *hfsmp)
3566 {
3567 /* Only peek at hfsmp->jnl while holding the global lock */
3568 hfs_lock_global (hfsmp, HFS_SHARED_LOCK);
3569 if (hfsmp->jnl) {
3570 journal_unlock(hfsmp->jnl);
3571 }
3572 hfs_unlock_global (hfsmp);
3573 }
3575 /*
3576 * Flush the contents of the journal to the disk.
3577 *
3579 * Wait to write in-memory journal to the disk consistently.
3580 * This means that the journal still contains uncommitted
3581 * transactions and the file system metadata blocks in
3582 * the journal transactions might be written asynchronously
3583 * to the disk. But there is no guarantee that they are
3584 * written to the disk before returning to the caller.
3585 * Note that this option is sufficient for file system
3586 * data integrity as it guarantees consistent journal
3587 * content on the disk.
3588 *
3590 * Wait to write in-memory journal to the disk
3591 * consistently, and also wait to write all asynchronous
3592 * metadata blocks to its corresponding locations
3593 * consistently on the disk. This is overkill in normal
3594 * scenarios but is useful whenever the metadata blocks
3595 * are required to be consistent on-disk instead of
3596 * just the journalbeing consistent; like before live
3597 * verification and live volume resizing. The update of the
3598 * metadata doesn't include a barrier of track cache flush.
3599 *
3601 * HFS_FLUSH_JOURNAL + force a track cache flush to media
3602 *
3604 * Force a track cache flush to media.
3605 *
3607 * Barrier-only flush to ensure write order
3608 *
3609 */
3610 errno_t hfs_flush(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, hfs_flush_mode_t mode)
3611 {
3612 errno_t error = 0;
3613 int options = 0;
3614 dk_synchronize_t sync_req = { .options = DK_SYNCHRONIZE_OPTION_BARRIER };
3616 switch (mode) {
3618 // wait for journal, metadata blocks and previous async flush to finish
3619 SET(options, JOURNAL_WAIT_FOR_IO);
3621 // no break
3625 case HFS_FLUSH_FULL:
3627 if (mode == HFS_FLUSH_JOURNAL_BARRIER &&
3628 !(hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_FEATURE_BARRIER))
3629 mode = HFS_FLUSH_FULL;
3631 if (mode == HFS_FLUSH_FULL)
3632 SET(options, JOURNAL_FLUSH_FULL);
3634 /* Only peek at hfsmp->jnl while holding the global lock */
3635 hfs_lock_global (hfsmp, HFS_SHARED_LOCK);
3637 if (hfsmp->jnl)
3638 error = journal_flush(hfsmp->jnl, options);
3640 hfs_unlock_global (hfsmp);
3642 /*
3643 * This may result in a double barrier as
3644 * journal_flush may have issued a barrier itself
3645 */
3647 error = VNOP_IOCTL(hfsmp->hfs_devvp,
3648 DKIOCSYNCHRONIZE, (caddr_t)&sync_req,
3651 break;
3653 case HFS_FLUSH_CACHE:
3654 // Do a full sync
3655 sync_req.options = 0;
3657 // no break
3660 // If barrier only flush doesn't support, fall back to use full flush.
3661 if (!(hfsmp->hfs_flags & HFS_FEATURE_BARRIER))
3662 sync_req.options = 0;
3664 error = VNOP_IOCTL(hfsmp->hfs_devvp, DKIOCSYNCHRONIZE, (caddr_t)&sync_req,
3666 break;
3668 default:
3669 error = EINVAL;
3670 }
3672 return error;
3673 }
3675 /*
3676 * hfs_erase_unused_nodes
3677 *
3678 * Check wheter a volume may suffer from unused Catalog B-tree nodes that
3679 * are not zeroed (due to <rdar://problem/6947811>). If so, just write
3680 * zeroes to the unused nodes.
3681 *
3682 * How do we detect when a volume needs this repair? We can't always be
3683 * certain. If a volume was created after a certain date, then it may have
3684 * been created with the faulty newfs_hfs. Since newfs_hfs only created one
3685 * clump, we can assume that if a Catalog B-tree is larger than its clump size,
3686 * that means that the entire first clump must have been written to, which means
3687 * there shouldn't be unused and unwritten nodes in that first clump, and this
3688 * repair is not needed.
3689 *
3690 * We have defined a bit in the Volume Header's attributes to indicate when the
3691 * unused nodes have been repaired. A newer newfs_hfs will set this bit.
3692 * As will fsck_hfs when it repairs the unused nodes.
3693 */
3694 int hfs_erase_unused_nodes(struct hfsmount *hfsmp)
3695 {
3696 int result;
3697 struct filefork *catalog;
3698 int lockflags;
3700 if (hfsmp->vcbAtrb & kHFSUnusedNodeFixMask)
3701 {
3702 /* This volume has already been checked and repaired. */
3703 return 0;
3704 }
3706 if ((hfsmp->localCreateDate < kHFSUnusedNodesFixDate))
3707 {
3708 /* This volume is too old to have had the problem. */
3709 hfsmp->vcbAtrb |= kHFSUnusedNodeFixMask;
3710 return 0;
3711 }
3713 catalog = hfsmp->hfs_catalog_cp->c_datafork;
3714 if (catalog->ff_size > catalog->ff_clumpsize)
3715 {
3716 /* The entire first clump must have been in use at some point. */
3717 hfsmp->vcbAtrb |= kHFSUnusedNodeFixMask;
3718 return 0;
3719 }
3721 /*
3722 * If we get here, we need to zero out those unused nodes.
3723 *
3724 * We start a transaction and lock the catalog since we're going to be
3725 * making on-disk changes. But note that BTZeroUnusedNodes doens't actually
3726 * do its writing via the journal, because that would be too much I/O
3727 * to fit in a transaction, and it's a pain to break it up into multiple
3728 * transactions. (It behaves more like growing a B-tree would.)
3729 */
3730 printf("hfs_erase_unused_nodes: updating volume %s.\n", hfsmp->vcbVN);
3731 result = hfs_start_transaction(hfsmp);
3732 if (result)
3733 goto done;
3734 lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(hfsmp, SFL_CATALOG, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
3735 result = BTZeroUnusedNodes(catalog);
3736 vnode_waitforwrites(hfsmp->hfs_catalog_vp, 0, 0, 0, "hfs_erase_unused_nodes");
3737 hfs_systemfile_unlock(hfsmp, lockflags);
3738 hfs_end_transaction(hfsmp);
3739 if (result == 0)
3740 hfsmp->vcbAtrb |= kHFSUnusedNodeFixMask;
3741 printf("hfs_erase_unused_nodes: done updating volume %s.\n", hfsmp->vcbVN);
3743 done:
3744 return result;
3745 }
3748 int
3749 check_for_dataless_file(struct vnode *vp, uint64_t op_type)
3750 {
3751 int error;
3753 if (vp == NULL || (VTOC(vp)->c_bsdflags & UF_COMPRESSED) == 0 || VTOCMP(vp) == NULL || decmpfs_cnode_cmp_type(VTOCMP(vp)) != DATALESS_CMPFS_TYPE) {
3754 // there's nothing to do, it's not dataless
3755 return 0;
3756 }
3758 /* Swap files are special; ignore them */
3759 if (vnode_isswap(vp)) {
3760 return 0;
3761 }
3763 // printf("hfs: dataless: encountered a file with the dataless bit set! (vp %p)\n", vp);
3764 error = resolve_nspace_item(vp, op_type | NAMESPACE_HANDLER_NSPACE_EVENT);
3765 if (error == EDEADLK && op_type == NAMESPACE_HANDLER_WRITE_OP) {
3766 error = 0;
3767 } else if (error) {
3768 if (error == EAGAIN) {
3769 printf("hfs: dataless: timed out waiting for namespace handler...\n");
3770 // XXXdbg - return the fabled ENOTPRESENT (i.e. EJUKEBOX)?
3771 return 0;
3772 } else if (error == EINTR) {
3773 // printf("hfs: dataless: got a signal while waiting for namespace handler...\n");
3774 return EINTR;
3775 }
3776 } else if (VTOC(vp)->c_bsdflags & UF_COMPRESSED) {
3777 //
3778 // if we're here, the dataless bit is still set on the file
3779 // which means it didn't get handled. we return an error
3780 // but it's presently ignored by all callers of this function.
3781 //
3782 // XXXdbg - EDATANOTPRESENT is what we really need...
3783 //
3784 return EBADF;
3785 }
3787 return error;
3788 }
3791 //
3792 // NOTE: this function takes care of starting a transaction and
3793 // acquiring the systemfile lock so that it can call
3794 // cat_update().
3795 //
3796 // NOTE: do NOT hold and cnode locks while calling this function
3797 // to avoid deadlocks (because we take a lock on the root
3798 // cnode)
3799 //
3800 int
3801 hfs_generate_document_id(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, uint32_t *docid)
3802 {
3803 struct vnode *rvp;
3804 struct cnode *cp;
3805 int error;
3807 error = hfs_vfs_root(HFSTOVFS(hfsmp), &rvp, vfs_context_kernel());
3808 if (error) {
3809 return error;
3810 }
3812 cp = VTOC(rvp);
3813 if ((error = hfs_lock(cp, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK, HFS_LOCK_DEFAULT)) != 0) {
3814 return error;
3815 }
3816 struct FndrExtendedDirInfo *extinfo = (struct FndrExtendedDirInfo *)((void *)((char *)&cp->c_attr.ca_finderinfo + 16));
3818 int lockflags;
3819 if ((error = hfs_start_transaction(hfsmp)) != 0) {
3820 return error;
3821 }
3822 lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(hfsmp, SFL_CATALOG, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
3824 if (extinfo->document_id == 0) {
3825 // initialize this to start at 3 (one greater than the root-dir id)
3826 extinfo->document_id = 3;
3827 }
3829 *docid = extinfo->document_id++;
3831 // mark the root cnode dirty
3832 cp->c_flag |= C_MODIFIED;
3833 hfs_update(cp->c_vp, 0);
3835 hfs_systemfile_unlock (hfsmp, lockflags);
3836 (void) hfs_end_transaction(hfsmp);
3838 (void) hfs_unlock(cp);
3840 vnode_put(rvp);
3841 rvp = NULL;
3843 return 0;
3844 }
3847 /*
3848 * Return information about number of file system allocation blocks
3849 * taken by metadata on a volume.
3850 *
3851 * This function populates struct hfsinfo_metadata with allocation blocks
3852 * used by extents overflow btree, catalog btree, bitmap, attribute btree,
3853 * journal file, and sum of all of the above.
3854 */
3855 int
3856 hfs_getinfo_metadata_blocks(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, struct hfsinfo_metadata *hinfo)
3857 {
3858 int lockflags = 0;
3859 int ret_lockflags = 0;
3861 /* Zero out the output buffer */
3862 bzero(hinfo, sizeof(struct hfsinfo_metadata));
3864 /*
3865 * Getting number of allocation blocks for all btrees
3866 * should be a quick operation, so we grab locks for
3867 * all of them at the same time
3868 */
3870 ret_lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(hfsmp, lockflags, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
3871 /*
3872 * Make sure that we were able to acquire all locks requested
3873 * to protect us against conditions like unmount in progress.
3874 */
3875 if ((lockflags & ret_lockflags) != lockflags) {
3876 /* Release any locks that were acquired */
3877 hfs_systemfile_unlock(hfsmp, ret_lockflags);
3878 return EPERM;
3879 }
3881 /* Get information about all the btrees */
3882 hinfo->extents = hfsmp->hfs_extents_cp->c_datafork->ff_blocks;
3883 hinfo->catalog = hfsmp->hfs_catalog_cp->c_datafork->ff_blocks;
3884 hinfo->allocation = hfsmp->hfs_allocation_cp->c_datafork->ff_blocks;
3885 hinfo->attribute = hfsmp->hfs_attribute_cp->c_datafork->ff_blocks;
3887 /* Done with btrees, give up the locks */
3888 hfs_systemfile_unlock(hfsmp, ret_lockflags);
3890 /* Get information about journal file */
3891 hinfo->journal = howmany(hfsmp->jnl_size, hfsmp->blockSize);
3893 /* Calculate total number of metadata blocks */
3894 hinfo->total = hinfo->extents + hinfo->catalog +
3895 hinfo->allocation + hinfo->attribute +
3896 hinfo->journal;
3898 return 0;
3899 }
3901 static int
3902 hfs_freezewrite_callback(struct vnode *vp, __unused void *cargs)
3903 {
3904 vnode_waitforwrites(vp, 0, 0, 0, "hfs freeze 8");
3906 return 0;
3907 }
3909 int hfs_freeze(struct hfsmount *hfsmp)
3910 {
3911 // First make sure some other process isn't freezing
3912 hfs_lock_mount(hfsmp);
3913 while (hfsmp->hfs_freeze_state != HFS_THAWED) {
3914 if (msleep(&hfsmp->hfs_freeze_state, &hfsmp->hfs_mutex,
3915 PWAIT | PCATCH, "hfs freeze 1", NULL) == EINTR) {
3916 hfs_unlock_mount(hfsmp);
3917 return EINTR;
3918 }
3919 }
3921 // Stop new syncers from starting
3922 hfsmp->hfs_freeze_state = HFS_WANT_TO_FREEZE;
3924 // Now wait for all syncers to finish
3925 while (hfsmp->hfs_syncers) {
3926 if (msleep(&hfsmp->hfs_freeze_state, &hfsmp->hfs_mutex,
3927 PWAIT | PCATCH, "hfs freeze 2", NULL) == EINTR) {
3928 hfs_thaw_locked(hfsmp);
3929 hfs_unlock_mount(hfsmp);
3930 return EINTR;
3931 }
3932 }
3933 hfs_unlock_mount(hfsmp);
3935 // flush things before we get started to try and prevent
3936 // dirty data from being paged out while we're frozen.
3937 // note: we can't do this once we're in the freezing state because
3938 // other threads will need to take the global lock
3939 vnode_iterate(hfsmp->hfs_mp, 0, hfs_freezewrite_callback, NULL);
3941 // Block everything in hfs_lock_global now
3942 hfs_lock_mount(hfsmp);
3943 hfsmp->hfs_freeze_state = HFS_FREEZING;
3944 hfsmp->hfs_freezing_thread = current_thread();
3945 hfs_unlock_mount(hfsmp);
3947 /* Take the exclusive lock to flush out anything else that
3948 might have the global lock at the moment and also so we
3949 can flush the journal. */
3950 hfs_lock_global(hfsmp, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
3951 journal_flush(hfsmp->jnl, JOURNAL_WAIT_FOR_IO);
3952 hfs_unlock_global(hfsmp);
3954 // don't need to iterate on all vnodes, we just need to
3955 // wait for writes to the system files and the device vnode
3956 //
3957 // Now that journal flush waits for all metadata blocks to
3958 // be written out, waiting for btree writes is probably no
3959 // longer required.
3960 if (HFSTOVCB(hfsmp)->extentsRefNum)
3961 vnode_waitforwrites(HFSTOVCB(hfsmp)->extentsRefNum, 0, 0, 0, "hfs freeze 3");
3962 if (HFSTOVCB(hfsmp)->catalogRefNum)
3963 vnode_waitforwrites(HFSTOVCB(hfsmp)->catalogRefNum, 0, 0, 0, "hfs freeze 4");
3964 if (HFSTOVCB(hfsmp)->allocationsRefNum)
3965 vnode_waitforwrites(HFSTOVCB(hfsmp)->allocationsRefNum, 0, 0, 0, "hfs freeze 5");
3966 if (hfsmp->hfs_attribute_vp)
3967 vnode_waitforwrites(hfsmp->hfs_attribute_vp, 0, 0, 0, "hfs freeze 6");
3968 vnode_waitforwrites(hfsmp->hfs_devvp, 0, 0, 0, "hfs freeze 7");
3970 // We're done, mark frozen
3971 hfs_lock_mount(hfsmp);
3972 hfsmp->hfs_freeze_state = HFS_FROZEN;
3973 hfsmp->hfs_freezing_proc = current_proc();
3974 hfs_unlock_mount(hfsmp);
3976 return 0;
3977 }
3979 int hfs_thaw(struct hfsmount *hfsmp, const struct proc *process)
3980 {
3981 hfs_lock_mount(hfsmp);
3983 if (hfsmp->hfs_freeze_state != HFS_FROZEN) {
3984 hfs_unlock_mount(hfsmp);
3985 return EINVAL;
3986 }
3987 if (process && hfsmp->hfs_freezing_proc != process) {
3988 hfs_unlock_mount(hfsmp);
3989 return EPERM;
3990 }
3992 hfs_thaw_locked(hfsmp);
3994 hfs_unlock_mount(hfsmp);
3996 return 0;
3997 }
3999 static void hfs_thaw_locked(struct hfsmount *hfsmp)
4000 {
4001 hfsmp->hfs_freezing_proc = NULL;
4002 hfsmp->hfs_freeze_state = HFS_THAWED;
4004 wakeup(&hfsmp->hfs_freeze_state);
4005 }
4007 uintptr_t obfuscate_addr(void *addr)
4008 {
4009 vm_offset_t new_addr;
4010 vm_kernel_addrperm_external((vm_offset_t)addr, &new_addr);
4011 return new_addr;
4012 }
4015 /*
4016 * Convert HFS encoded string into UTF-8
4017 *
4018 * Unicode output is fully decomposed
4019 * '/' chars are converted to ':'
4020 */
4021 int
4022 hfs_to_utf8(ExtendedVCB *vcb, const Str31 hfs_str, ByteCount maxDstLen, ByteCount *actualDstLen, unsigned char* dstStr)
4023 {
4024 int error;
4025 UniChar uniStr[MAX_HFS_UNICODE_CHARS];
4026 ItemCount uniCount;
4027 size_t utf8len;
4028 hfs_to_unicode_func_t hfs_get_unicode = VCBTOHFS(vcb)->hfs_get_unicode;
4029 u_int8_t pascal_length = 0;
4031 /*
4032 * Validate the length of the Pascal-style string before passing it
4033 * down to the decoding engine.
4034 */
4035 pascal_length = *((const u_int8_t*)(hfs_str));
4036 if (pascal_length > 31) {
4037 /* invalid string; longer than 31 bytes */
4038 error = EINVAL;
4039 return error;
4040 }
4042 error = hfs_get_unicode(hfs_str, uniStr, MAX_HFS_UNICODE_CHARS, &uniCount);
4044 if (uniCount == 0)
4045 error = EINVAL;
4047 if (error == 0) {
4048 error = utf8_encodestr(uniStr, uniCount * sizeof(UniChar), dstStr, &utf8len, maxDstLen , ':', 0);
4049 if (error == ENAMETOOLONG)
4050 *actualDstLen = utf8_encodelen(uniStr, uniCount * sizeof(UniChar), ':', 0);
4051 else
4052 *actualDstLen = utf8len;
4053 }
4055 return error;
4056 }
4058 /*
4059 * Convert UTF-8 string into HFS encoding
4060 *
4061 * ':' chars are converted to '/'
4062 * Assumes input represents fully decomposed Unicode
4063 */
4064 int
4065 utf8_to_hfs(ExtendedVCB *vcb, ByteCount srcLen, const unsigned char* srcStr, Str31 dstStr/*, int retry*/)
4066 {
4067 int error;
4068 UniChar uniStr[MAX_HFS_UNICODE_CHARS];
4069 size_t ucslen;
4071 error = utf8_decodestr(srcStr, srcLen, uniStr, &ucslen, sizeof(uniStr), ':', 0);
4072 if (error == 0)
4073 error = unicode_to_hfs(vcb, ucslen, uniStr, dstStr, 1);
4075 return error;
4076 }
4078 /*
4079 * Convert Unicode string into HFS encoding
4080 *
4081 * ':' chars are converted to '/'
4082 * Assumes input represents fully decomposed Unicode
4083 */
4084 int
4085 unicode_to_hfs(ExtendedVCB *vcb, ByteCount srcLen, u_int16_t* srcStr, Str31 dstStr, int retry)
4086 {
4087 int error;
4088 unicode_to_hfs_func_t hfs_get_hfsname = VCBTOHFS(vcb)->hfs_get_hfsname;
4090 error = hfs_get_hfsname(srcStr, srcLen/sizeof(UniChar), dstStr);
4091 if (error && retry) {
4092 error = unicode_to_mac_roman(srcStr, srcLen/sizeof(UniChar), dstStr);
4093 }
4094 return error;
4095 }
4097 #endif // CONFIG_HFS_STD
4099 static uint64_t hfs_allocated __attribute__((aligned(8)));
4103 #warning HFS_MALLOC_DEBUG is on
4105 #include <libkern/OSDebug.h>
4106 #include "hfs_alloc_trace.h"
4108 struct alloc_debug_header {
4109 uint32_t magic;
4110 uint32_t size;
4111 uint64_t sequence;
4112 LIST_ENTRY(alloc_debug_header) chain;
4113 void *backtrace[HFS_ALLOC_BACKTRACE_LEN];
4114 };
4116 enum {
4117 HFS_ALLOC_MAGIC = 0x68667361, // "hfsa"
4118 HFS_ALLOC_DEAD = 0x68667364, // "hfsd"
4119 };
4121 static LIST_HEAD(, alloc_debug_header) hfs_alloc_list;
4122 static lck_mtx_t *hfs_alloc_mtx;
4123 static int hfs_alloc_tracing;
4124 static uint64_t hfs_alloc_sequence;
4126 void hfs_alloc_trace_enable(void)
4127 {
4128 if (hfs_alloc_tracing)
4129 return;
4131 // Not thread-safe, but this is debug so who cares
4132 extern lck_grp_t *hfs_mutex_group;
4133 extern lck_attr_t *hfs_lock_attr;
4135 if (!hfs_alloc_mtx) {
4136 hfs_alloc_mtx = lck_mtx_alloc_init(hfs_mutex_group, hfs_lock_attr);
4137 LIST_INIT(&hfs_alloc_list);
4138 }
4140 // Using OSCompareAndSwap in lieu of a barrier
4141 OSCompareAndSwap(hfs_alloc_tracing, true, &hfs_alloc_tracing);
4142 }
4144 void hfs_alloc_trace_disable(void)
4145 {
4146 if (!hfs_alloc_tracing)
4147 return;
4149 hfs_alloc_tracing = false;
4151 lck_mtx_lock_spin(hfs_alloc_mtx);
4153 struct alloc_debug_header *hdr;
4154 LIST_FOREACH(hdr, &hfs_alloc_list, chain) {
4155 hdr->chain.le_prev = NULL;
4156 }
4157 LIST_INIT(&hfs_alloc_list);
4159 lck_mtx_unlock(hfs_alloc_mtx);
4160 }
4162 static int hfs_handle_alloc_tracing SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
4163 {
4164 int v = hfs_alloc_tracing;
4166 int err = sysctl_handle_int(oidp, &v, 0, req);
4167 if (err || req->newptr == USER_ADDR_NULL || v == hfs_alloc_tracing)
4168 return err;
4170 if (v)
4171 hfs_alloc_trace_enable();
4172 else
4173 hfs_alloc_trace_disable();
4175 return 0;
4176 }
4178 HFS_SYSCTL(PROC, _vfs_generic_hfs, OID_AUTO, alloc_tracing,
4180 hfs_handle_alloc_tracing, "I", "Allocation tracing")
4182 static int hfs_handle_alloc_trace_info SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
4183 {
4184 if (!hfs_alloc_tracing) {
4185 struct hfs_alloc_trace_info info = {};
4186 return sysctl_handle_opaque(oidp, &info, sizeof(info), req);
4187 }
4189 const int size = 128 * 1024;
4190 struct hfs_alloc_trace_info *info = kalloc(size);
4192 const int max_entries = ((size - sizeof(*info))
4193 / sizeof(struct hfs_alloc_info_entry));
4195 info->entry_count = 0;
4196 info->more = false;
4198 lck_mtx_lock_spin(hfs_alloc_mtx);
4200 struct alloc_debug_header *hdr;
4201 LIST_FOREACH(hdr, &hfs_alloc_list, chain) {
4202 if (info->entry_count == max_entries) {
4203 info->more = true;
4204 break;
4205 }
4206 vm_offset_t o;
4207 vm_kernel_addrperm_external((vm_offset_t)hdr, &o);
4208 info->entries[info->entry_count].ptr = o;
4209 info->entries[info->entry_count].size = hdr->size;
4210 info->entries[info->entry_count].sequence = hdr->sequence;
4211 for (int i = 0; i < HFS_ALLOC_BACKTRACE_LEN; ++i) {
4212 vm_kernel_unslide_or_perm_external((vm_offset_t)hdr->backtrace[i], &o);
4213 info->entries[info->entry_count].backtrace[i] = o;
4214 }
4215 ++info->entry_count;
4216 }
4218 lck_mtx_unlock(hfs_alloc_mtx);
4220 int err = sysctl_handle_opaque(oidp, info,
4221 sizeof(*info) + info->entry_count
4222 * sizeof(struct hfs_alloc_info_entry),
4223 req);
4225 kfree(info, size);
4227 return err;
4228 }
4230 HFS_SYSCTL(PROC, _vfs_generic_hfs, OID_AUTO, alloc_trace_info,
4232 hfs_handle_alloc_trace_info, "-", "Allocation trace info")
4234 bool hfs_dump_allocations(void)
4235 {
4236 if (!hfs_allocated)
4237 return false;
4239 lck_mtx_lock(hfs_alloc_mtx);
4241 struct alloc_debug_header *hdr;
4242 LIST_FOREACH(hdr, &hfs_alloc_list, chain) {
4243 vm_offset_t o;
4244 vm_kernel_addrperm_external((vm_offset_t)hdr, &o);
4245 printf(" -- 0x%lx:%llu <%u> --\n", o, hdr->sequence, hdr->size);
4246 for (int j = 0; j < HFS_ALLOC_BACKTRACE_LEN && hdr->backtrace[j]; ++j) {
4247 vm_kernel_unslide_or_perm_external((vm_offset_t)hdr->backtrace[j], &o);
4248 printf("0x%lx\n", o);
4249 }
4250 }
4252 lck_mtx_unlock(hfs_alloc_mtx);
4254 return true;
4255 }
4257 #endif
4259 HFS_SYSCTL(QUAD, _vfs_generic_hfs, OID_AUTO, allocated,
4260 CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &hfs_allocated, "Memory allocated")
4262 void *hfs_malloc(size_t size)
4263 {
4265 hfs_assert(size <= 0xffffffff);
4267 struct alloc_debug_header *hdr;
4269 void *ptr;
4270 ptr = kalloc(size + sizeof(*hdr));
4272 hdr = ptr + size;
4274 hdr->magic = HFS_ALLOC_MAGIC;
4275 hdr->size = size;
4277 if (hfs_alloc_tracing) {
4278 OSBacktrace(hdr->backtrace, HFS_ALLOC_BACKTRACE_LEN);
4279 lck_mtx_lock_spin(hfs_alloc_mtx);
4280 LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&hfs_alloc_list, hdr, chain);
4281 hdr->sequence = ++hfs_alloc_sequence;
4282 lck_mtx_unlock(hfs_alloc_mtx);
4283 } else
4284 hdr->chain.le_prev = NULL;
4285 #else
4286 void *ptr;
4287 ptr = kalloc(size);
4288 #endif
4290 OSAddAtomic64(size, &hfs_allocated);
4292 return ptr;
4293 }
4295 void hfs_free(void *ptr, size_t size)
4296 {
4297 if (!ptr)
4298 return;
4300 OSAddAtomic64(-(int64_t)size, &hfs_allocated);
4303 struct alloc_debug_header *hdr = ptr + size;
4305 hfs_assert(hdr->magic == HFS_ALLOC_MAGIC);
4306 hfs_assert(hdr->size == size);
4308 hdr->magic = HFS_ALLOC_DEAD;
4310 if (hdr->chain.le_prev) {
4311 lck_mtx_lock_spin(hfs_alloc_mtx);
4312 LIST_REMOVE(hdr, chain);
4313 lck_mtx_unlock(hfs_alloc_mtx);
4314 }
4316 kfree(ptr, size + sizeof(*hdr));
4317 #else
4318 kfree(ptr, size);
4319 #endif
4320 }
4322 void *hfs_mallocz(size_t size)
4323 {
4324 void *ptr = hfs_malloc(size);
4325 bzero(ptr, size);
4326 return ptr;
4327 }
4329 // -- Zone allocator-related structures and routines --
4331 hfs_zone_entry_t hfs_zone_entries[HFS_NUM_ZONES] = {
4332 { HFS_CNODE_ZONE, sizeof(struct cnode), "HFS node", true },
4333 { HFS_FILEFORK_ZONE, sizeof(struct filefork), "HFS fork", true },
4334 { HFS_DIRHINT_ZONE, sizeof(struct directoryhint), "HFS dirhint", true }
4335 };
4337 hfs_zone_t hfs_zones[HFS_NUM_ZONES];
4339 void hfs_init_zones(void) {
4340 for (int i = 0; i < HFS_NUM_ZONES; i++) {
4341 hfs_zones[i].hz_zone = zinit(hfs_zone_entries[i].hze_elem_size, 1024 * 1024, PAGE_SIZE, hfs_zone_entries[i].hze_name);
4342 hfs_zones[i].hz_elem_size = hfs_zone_entries[i].hze_elem_size;
4344 zone_change(hfs_zones[i].hz_zone, Z_CALLERACCT, false);
4345 if (hfs_zone_entries[i].hze_noencrypt)
4346 zone_change(hfs_zones[i].hz_zone, Z_NOENCRYPT, true);
4347 }
4348 }
4350 void *hfs_zalloc(hfs_zone_kind_t zone)
4351 {
4352 OSAddAtomic64(hfs_zones[zone].hz_elem_size, &hfs_allocated);
4354 return zalloc(hfs_zones[zone].hz_zone);
4355 }
4357 void hfs_zfree(void *ptr, hfs_zone_kind_t zone)
4358 {
4359 OSAddAtomic64(-(int64_t)hfs_zones[zone].hz_elem_size, &hfs_allocated);
4361 zfree(hfs_zones[zone].hz_zone, ptr);
4362 }
4364 struct hfs_sysctl_chain *sysctl_list;
4366 void hfs_sysctl_register(void)
4367 {
4368 struct hfs_sysctl_chain *e = sysctl_list;
4369 while (e) {
4370 sysctl_register_oid(e->oid);
4371 e = e->next;
4372 }
4373 }
4375 void hfs_sysctl_unregister(void)
4376 {
4377 struct hfs_sysctl_chain *e = sysctl_list;
4378 while (e) {
4379 sysctl_unregister_oid(e->oid);
4380 e = e->next;
4381 }
4382 }
4384 void hfs_assert_fail(const char *file, unsigned line, const char *expr)
4385 {
4386 Assert(file, line, expr);
4387 __builtin_unreachable();
4388 }