+/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4 -*-
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
+ * file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <mach/mach.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/uio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <servers/bootstrap.h>
+#include <mach-o/loader.h>
+#include <mach-o/fat.h>
+#include "dyld_cache_format.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <ext/hash_map>
+#include "Architectures.hpp"
+#include "MachOLayout.hpp"
+#include "MachORebaser.hpp"
+#include "MachOBinder.hpp"
+#include "CacheFileAbstraction.hpp"
+extern "C" {
+ #include "dyld_shared_cache_server.h"
+static bool verbose = false;
+static std::vector<const char*> warnings;
+static uint64_t pageAlign(uint64_t addr) { return ( (addr + 4095) & (-4096) ); }
+class ArchGraph
+ static void addArch(cpu_type_t arch);
+ static void addRoot(const char* vpath, const std::set<cpu_type_t>& archs);
+ static void findSharedDylibs(cpu_type_t arch);
+ static ArchGraph* getArch(cpu_type_t arch) { return fgPerArchGraph[arch]; }
+ static void setFileSystemRoot(const char* root) { fgFileSystemRoot = root; }
+ static const char* archName(cpu_type_t arch);
+ cpu_type_t getArch() { return fArch; }
+ std::set<const class MachOLayoutAbstraction*>& getSharedDylibs() { return fSharedDylibs; }
+ class DependencyNode
+ {
+ public:
+ DependencyNode(ArchGraph*, const char* path, const MachOLayoutAbstraction* layout);
+ void loadDependencies(const MachOLayoutAbstraction*);
+ void markNeededByRoot(DependencyNode*);
+ const char* getPath() const { return fPath; }
+ const MachOLayoutAbstraction* getLayout() const { return fLayout; }
+ size_t useCount() const { return fRootsDependentOnThis.size(); }
+ bool allDependentsFound() const { return !fDependentMissing; }
+ private:
+ ArchGraph* fGraph;
+ const char* fPath;
+ const MachOLayoutAbstraction* fLayout;
+ bool fDependenciesLoaded;
+ bool fDependentMissing;
+ std::set<DependencyNode*> fDependsOn;
+ std::set<DependencyNode*> fRootsDependentOnThis;
+ };
+ struct CStringEquals {
+ bool operator()(const char* left, const char* right) const { return (strcmp(left, right) == 0); }
+ };
+ typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map<const char*, class DependencyNode*, __gnu_cxx::hash<const char*>, CStringEquals> PathToNode;
+ ArchGraph(cpu_type_t arch) : fArch(arch) {}
+ static void addRootForArch(const char* path, const MachOLayoutAbstraction*);
+ void addRoot(const char* path, const MachOLayoutAbstraction*);
+ DependencyNode* getNode(const char* path);
+ DependencyNode* getNodeForVirtualPath(const char* vpath);
+ static bool canBeShared(const MachOLayoutAbstraction* layout, cpu_type_t arch, const std::set<const MachOLayoutAbstraction*>& possibleLibs, std::map<const MachOLayoutAbstraction*, bool>& shareableMap);
+ static std::map<cpu_type_t, ArchGraph*> fgPerArchGraph;
+ static const char* fgFileSystemRoot;
+ cpu_type_t fArch;
+ std::set<DependencyNode*> fRoots;
+ PathToNode fNodes;
+ std::set<const MachOLayoutAbstraction*> fSharedDylibs; // use set to avoid duplicates when installname!=realpath
+std::map<cpu_type_t, ArchGraph*> ArchGraph::fgPerArchGraph;
+const char* ArchGraph::fgFileSystemRoot = "";
+void ArchGraph::addArch(cpu_type_t arch)
+ //fprintf(stderr, "adding arch 0x%08X\n", arch);
+ fgPerArchGraph[arch] = new ArchGraph(arch);
+void ArchGraph::addRoot(const char* vpath, const std::set<cpu_type_t>& archs)
+ char completePath[strlen(fgFileSystemRoot)+strlen(vpath)+2];
+ const char* path;
+ if ( strlen(fgFileSystemRoot) == 0 ) {
+ path = vpath;
+ }
+ else {
+ strcpy(completePath, fgFileSystemRoot);
+ strcat(completePath, vpath); // assumes vpath starts with '/'
+ path = completePath;
+ }
+ try {
+ const UniversalMachOLayout* uni = UniversalMachOLayout::find(path, &archs);
+ const std::vector<MachOLayoutAbstraction*>& layouts = uni->getArchs();
+ for(std::vector<MachOLayoutAbstraction*>::const_iterator it = layouts.begin(); it != layouts.end(); ++it) {
+ const MachOLayoutAbstraction* layout = *it;
+ if ( archs.count(layout->getArchitecture()) > 0 )
+ ArchGraph::addRootForArch(path, layout);
+ }
+ // don't delete uni, it is owned by UniversalMachOLayout cache
+ }
+ catch (const char* msg) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: warning can't use root %s: %s\n", path, msg);
+ }
+void ArchGraph::addRootForArch(const char* path, const MachOLayoutAbstraction* layout)
+ ArchGraph* graph = fgPerArchGraph[layout->getArchitecture()];
+ graph->addRoot(path, layout);
+void ArchGraph::addRoot(const char* path, const MachOLayoutAbstraction* layout)
+ if ( verbose )
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: adding root: %s\n", path);
+ DependencyNode* node = this->getNode(path);
+ fRoots.insert(node);
+ const MachOLayoutAbstraction* mainExecutableLayout = NULL;
+ if ( layout->getFileType() == MH_EXECUTE )
+ mainExecutableLayout = layout;
+ node->loadDependencies(mainExecutableLayout);
+ node->markNeededByRoot(node);
+ if ( layout->getFileType() == MH_DYLIB )
+ node->markNeededByRoot(NULL);
+// a virtual path does not have the fgFileSystemRoot prefix
+ArchGraph::DependencyNode* ArchGraph::getNodeForVirtualPath(const char* vpath)
+ if ( fgFileSystemRoot == NULL ) {
+ return this->getNode(vpath);
+ }
+ else {
+ char completePath[strlen(fgFileSystemRoot)+strlen(vpath)+2];
+ strcpy(completePath, fgFileSystemRoot);
+ strcat(completePath, vpath); // assumes vpath starts with '/'
+ return this->getNode(completePath);
+ }
+ArchGraph::DependencyNode* ArchGraph::getNode(const char* path)
+ // look up supplied path to see if node already exists
+ PathToNode::iterator pos = fNodes.find(path);
+ if ( pos != fNodes.end() )
+ return pos->second;
+ // get real path
+ char realPath[MAXPATHLEN];
+ if ( realpath(path, realPath) == NULL )
+ throwf("realpath() failed on %s\n", path);
+ // look up real path to see if node already exists
+ pos = fNodes.find(realPath);
+ if ( pos != fNodes.end() )
+ return pos->second;
+ // still does not exist, so create a new node
+ const UniversalMachOLayout* uni = UniversalMachOLayout::find(realPath);
+ DependencyNode* node = new DependencyNode(this, realPath, uni->getArch(fArch));
+ if ( node->getLayout() == NULL ) {
+ throwf("%s is missing arch %s", realPath, archName(fArch));
+ }
+ // add realpath to node map
+ fNodes[node->getPath()] = node;
+ // if install name is not real path, add install name to node map
+ if ( (node->getLayout()->getFileType() == MH_DYLIB) && (strcmp(realPath, node->getLayout()->getID().name) != 0) ) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "adding node alias 0x%08X %s for %s\n", fArch, node->getLayout()->getID().name, realPath);
+ fNodes[node->getLayout()->getID().name] = node;
+ }
+ return node;
+void ArchGraph::DependencyNode::loadDependencies(const MachOLayoutAbstraction* mainExecutableLayout)
+ if ( !fDependenciesLoaded ) {
+ fDependenciesLoaded = true;
+ // add dependencies
+ const std::vector<MachOLayoutAbstraction::Library>& dependsOn = fLayout->getLibraries();
+ for(std::vector<MachOLayoutAbstraction::Library>::const_iterator it = dependsOn.begin(); it != dependsOn.end(); ++it) {
+ try {
+ const char* dependentPath = it->name;
+ if ( strncmp(dependentPath, "@executable_path/", 17) == 0 ) {
+ if ( mainExecutableLayout == NULL )
+ throw "@executable_path without main executable";
+ // expand @executable_path path prefix
+ const char* executablePath = mainExecutableLayout->getFilePath();
+ char newPath[strlen(executablePath) + strlen(dependentPath)+2];
+ strcpy(newPath, executablePath);
+ char* addPoint = strrchr(newPath,'/');
+ if ( addPoint != NULL )
+ strcpy(&addPoint[1], &dependentPath[17]);
+ else
+ strcpy(newPath, &dependentPath[17]);
+ dependentPath = strdup(newPath);
+ }
+ else if ( strncmp(dependentPath, "@loader_path/", 13) == 0 ) {
+ // expand @loader_path path prefix
+ char newPath[strlen(fPath) + strlen(dependentPath)+2];
+ strcpy(newPath, fPath);
+ char* addPoint = strrchr(newPath,'/');
+ if ( addPoint != NULL )
+ strcpy(&addPoint[1], &dependentPath[13]);
+ else
+ strcpy(newPath, &dependentPath[13]);
+ dependentPath = strdup(newPath);
+ }
+ else if ( strncmp(dependentPath, "@rpath/", 7) == 0 ) {
+ throw "@rpath not supported in dyld shared cache";
+ }
+ fDependsOn.insert(fGraph->getNodeForVirtualPath(dependentPath));
+ }
+ catch (const char* msg) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "warning, could not bind %s because %s\n", fPath, msg);
+ fDependentMissing = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // recurse
+ for(std::set<DependencyNode*>::iterator it = fDependsOn.begin(); it != fDependsOn.end(); ++it) {
+ (*it)->loadDependencies(mainExecutableLayout);
+ }
+ }
+void ArchGraph::DependencyNode::markNeededByRoot(ArchGraph::DependencyNode* rootNode)
+ if ( fRootsDependentOnThis.count(rootNode) == 0 ) {
+ fRootsDependentOnThis.insert(rootNode);
+ for(std::set<DependencyNode*>::iterator it = fDependsOn.begin(); it != fDependsOn.end(); ++it) {
+ (*it)->markNeededByRoot(rootNode);
+ }
+ }
+ArchGraph::DependencyNode::DependencyNode(ArchGraph* graph, const char* path, const MachOLayoutAbstraction* layout)
+ : fGraph(graph), fPath(strdup(path)), fLayout(layout), fDependenciesLoaded(false), fDependentMissing(false)
+ //fprintf(stderr, "new DependencyNode(0x%08X, %s)\n", graph->fArch, path);
+void ArchGraph::findSharedDylibs(cpu_type_t arch)
+ const PathToNode& nodes = fgPerArchGraph[arch]->fNodes;
+ std::set<const MachOLayoutAbstraction*> possibleLibs;
+ //fprintf(stderr, "shared for arch 0x%08X\n", arch);
+ for(PathToNode::const_iterator it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it) {
+ DependencyNode* node = it->second;
+ if ( node->allDependentsFound() && (node->useCount() > 1) ) {
+ if ( node->getLayout()->hasSplitSegInfo() )
+ possibleLibs.insert(node->getLayout());
+ //fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", it->first);
+ }
+ }
+ // prune so that all shareable libs depend only on other shareable libs
+ std::set<const MachOLayoutAbstraction*>& sharedLibs = fgPerArchGraph[arch]->fSharedDylibs;
+ std::map<const MachOLayoutAbstraction*,bool> shareableMap;
+ for (std::set<const MachOLayoutAbstraction*>::iterator lit = possibleLibs.begin(); lit != possibleLibs.end(); ++lit) {
+ if ( canBeShared(*lit, arch, possibleLibs, shareableMap) )
+ sharedLibs.insert(*lit);
+ }
+const char* ArchGraph::archName(cpu_type_t arch)
+ switch ( arch ) {
+ return "ppc";
+ return "ppc64";
+ case CPU_TYPE_I386:
+ return "i386";
+ case CPU_TYPE_X86_64:
+ return "x86_64";
+ default:
+ return "unknown";
+ }
+bool ArchGraph::canBeShared(const MachOLayoutAbstraction* layout, cpu_type_t arch, const std::set<const MachOLayoutAbstraction*>& possibleLibs, std::map<const MachOLayoutAbstraction*, bool>& shareableMap)
+ // check map which is a cache of results
+ std::map<const MachOLayoutAbstraction*, bool>::iterator mapPos = shareableMap.find(layout);
+ if ( mapPos != shareableMap.end() ) {
+ return mapPos->second;
+ }
+ // see if possible
+ if ( possibleLibs.count(layout) == 0 ) {
+ shareableMap[layout] = false;
+ char* msg;
+ if ( ! layout->hasSplitSegInfo() )
+ asprintf(&msg, "can't put %s in shared cache because it was not built for 10.5", layout->getID().name);
+ else
+ asprintf(&msg, "can't put %s in shared cache", layout->getID().name);
+ warnings.push_back(msg);
+ if ( verbose )
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: for arch %s, %s\n", archName(arch), msg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // look recursively
+ shareableMap[layout] = true; // mark this shareable early in case of circular references
+ const PathToNode& nodes = fgPerArchGraph[arch]->fNodes;
+ const std::vector<MachOLayoutAbstraction::Library>& dependents = layout->getLibraries();
+ for (std::vector<MachOLayoutAbstraction::Library>::const_iterator dit = dependents.begin(); dit != dependents.end(); ++dit) {
+ PathToNode::const_iterator pos = nodes.find(dit->name);
+ if ( pos == nodes.end() ) {
+ shareableMap[layout] = false;
+ char* msg;
+ asprintf(&msg, "can't put %s in shared cache because it depends on %s which can't be found", layout->getID().name, dit->name);
+ warnings.push_back(msg);
+ if ( verbose )
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: for arch %s, %s\n", archName(arch), msg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( ! canBeShared(pos->second->getLayout(), arch, possibleLibs, shareableMap) ) {
+ shareableMap[layout] = false;
+ char* msg;
+ asprintf(&msg, "can't put %s in shared cache because it depends on %s which can't be in shared cache", layout->getID().name, dit->name);
+ warnings.push_back(msg);
+ if ( verbose )
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: for arch %s, %s\n", archName(arch), msg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+template <typename A>
+class SharedCache
+ SharedCache(ArchGraph* graph, bool alphaSort, uint64_t dyldBaseAddress);
+ bool update(const char* rootPath, const char* cacheDir, bool force, bool optimize, int archIndex, int archCount);
+ static const char* filename(bool optimized);
+ typedef typename A::P::E E;
+ bool notUpToDate(const char* cachePath);
+ bool notUpToDate(const void* cache);
+ uint8_t* optimizeLINKEDIT();
+ static void getSharedCacheBasAddresses(cpu_type_t arch, uint64_t* baseReadOnly, uint64_t* baseWritable);
+ static cpu_type_t arch();
+ static const char* archName();
+ static uint64_t sharedRegionReadOnlyStartAddress();
+ static uint64_t sharedRegionWritableStartAddress();
+ static uint64_t sharedRegionReadOnlySize();
+ static uint64_t sharedRegionWritableSize();
+ static uint64_t getWritableSegmentNewAddress(uint64_t proposedNewAddress, uint64_t originalAddress, uint64_t executableSlide);
+ void assignNewBaseAddresses();
+ uint64_t cacheFileOffsetForAddress(uint64_t addr);
+ struct LayoutInfo {
+ const MachOLayoutAbstraction* layout;
+ dyld_cache_image_info info;
+ };
+ struct ByNameSorter {
+ bool operator()(const LayoutInfo& left, const LayoutInfo& right)
+ { return (strcmp(left.layout->getID().name, right.layout->getID().name) < 0); }
+ };
+ struct RandomSorter {
+ RandomSorter(const std::vector<LayoutInfo>& infos) {
+ for(typename std::vector<struct LayoutInfo>::const_iterator it = infos.begin(); it != infos.end(); ++it)
+ fMap[it->layout] = arc4random();
+ }
+ bool operator()(const LayoutInfo& left, const LayoutInfo& right) {
+ return (fMap[left.layout] < fMap[right.layout]);
+ }
+ private:
+ std::map<const MachOLayoutAbstraction*, uint32_t> fMap;
+ };
+ ArchGraph* fArchGraph;
+ std::vector<LayoutInfo> fDylibs;
+ std::vector<shared_file_mapping_np> fMappings;
+ uint32_t fHeaderSize;
+ uint8_t* fMappedCacheFile;
+ uint64_t fDyldBaseAddress;
+ uint64_t fLinkEditsTotalUnoptimizedSize;
+ uint64_t fLinkEditsStartAddress;
+ MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment* fFirstLinkEditSegment;
+template <> cpu_type_t SharedCache<ppc>::arch() { return CPU_TYPE_POWERPC; }
+template <> cpu_type_t SharedCache<ppc64>::arch() { return CPU_TYPE_POWERPC64; }
+template <> cpu_type_t SharedCache<x86>::arch() { return CPU_TYPE_I386; }
+template <> cpu_type_t SharedCache<x86_64>::arch() { return CPU_TYPE_X86_64; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<ppc>::sharedRegionReadOnlyStartAddress() { return 0x90000000; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<ppc64>::sharedRegionReadOnlyStartAddress() { return 0x7FFF80000000LL; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<x86>::sharedRegionReadOnlyStartAddress() { return 0x90000000; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<x86_64>::sharedRegionReadOnlyStartAddress() { return 0x7FFF80000000LL; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<ppc>::sharedRegionWritableStartAddress() { return 0xA0000000; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<ppc64>::sharedRegionWritableStartAddress() { return 0x7FFF70000000LL; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<x86>::sharedRegionWritableStartAddress() { return 0xA0000000; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<x86_64>::sharedRegionWritableStartAddress() { return 0x7FFF70000000LL; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<ppc>::sharedRegionReadOnlySize() { return 0x10000000; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<ppc64>::sharedRegionReadOnlySize() { return 0x7FE00000; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<x86>::sharedRegionReadOnlySize() { return 0x10000000; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<x86_64>::sharedRegionReadOnlySize() { return 0x7FE00000; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<ppc>::sharedRegionWritableSize() { return 0x10000000; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<ppc64>::sharedRegionWritableSize() { return 0x20000000; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<x86>::sharedRegionWritableSize() { return 0x10000000; }
+template <> uint64_t SharedCache<x86_64>::sharedRegionWritableSize() { return 0x20000000; }
+template <> const char* SharedCache<ppc>::archName() { return "ppc"; }
+template <> const char* SharedCache<ppc64>::archName() { return "ppc64"; }
+template <> const char* SharedCache<x86>::archName() { return "i386"; }
+template <> const char* SharedCache<x86_64>::archName() { return "x86_64"; }
+template <> const char* SharedCache<ppc>::filename(bool optimized) { return optimized ? "ppc" : "rosetta"; }
+template <> const char* SharedCache<ppc64>::filename(bool) { return "ppc64"; }
+template <> const char* SharedCache<x86>::filename(bool) { return "i386"; }
+template <> const char* SharedCache<x86_64>::filename(bool) { return "x86_64"; }
+template <typename A>
+SharedCache<A>::SharedCache(ArchGraph* graph, bool alphaSort, uint64_t dyldBaseAddress)
+ : fArchGraph(graph), fDyldBaseAddress(dyldBaseAddress)
+ if ( fArchGraph->getArch() != arch() )
+ throw "wrong architecture";
+ // build vector of all shared dylibs
+ std::set<const MachOLayoutAbstraction*>& dylibs = fArchGraph->getSharedDylibs();
+ for(std::set<const MachOLayoutAbstraction*>::iterator it = dylibs.begin(); it != dylibs.end(); ++it) {
+ const MachOLayoutAbstraction* lib = *it;
+ LayoutInfo temp;
+ temp.layout = lib;
+ temp.info.address = 0;
+ temp.info.modTime = lib->getLastModTime();
+ temp.info.inode = lib->getInode();
+ temp.info.pathFileOffset = lib->getNameFileOffset();
+ fDylibs.push_back(temp);
+ }
+ // sort shared dylibs
+ if ( alphaSort )
+ std::sort(fDylibs.begin(), fDylibs.end(), ByNameSorter());
+ else
+ std::sort(fDylibs.begin(), fDylibs.end(), RandomSorter(fDylibs));
+ // assign segments in each dylib a new address
+ this->assignNewBaseAddresses();
+ // calculate cache file header size
+ fHeaderSize = pageAlign(sizeof(dyld_cache_header)
+ + fMappings.size()*sizeof(shared_file_mapping_np)
+ + fDylibs.size()*sizeof(dyld_cache_image_info) );
+ //+ fDependencyPool.size()*sizeof(uint16_t));
+ if ( fHeaderSize > 0x3000 )
+ throwf("header size miscalculation 0x%08X", fHeaderSize);
+template <typename A>
+uint64_t SharedCache<A>::getWritableSegmentNewAddress(uint64_t proposedNewAddress, uint64_t originalAddress, uint64_t executableSlide)
+ return proposedNewAddress;
+template <>
+uint64_t SharedCache<ppc>::getWritableSegmentNewAddress(uint64_t proposedNewAddress, uint64_t originalAddress, uint64_t executableSlide)
+ // for ppc64 writable segments can only move in increments of 64K (so only hi16 instruction needs to be modified)
+ return (((executableSlide & 0x000000000000F000ULL) - ((proposedNewAddress - originalAddress) & 0x000000000000F000ULL)) & 0x000000000000F000ULL) + proposedNewAddress;
+template <>
+uint64_t SharedCache<ppc64>::getWritableSegmentNewAddress(uint64_t proposedNewAddress, uint64_t originalAddress, uint64_t executableSlide)
+ // for ppc64 writable segments can only move in increments of 64K (so only hi16 instruction needs to be modified)
+ return (((executableSlide & 0x000000000000F000ULL) - ((proposedNewAddress - originalAddress) & 0x000000000000F000ULL)) & 0x000000000000F000ULL) + proposedNewAddress;
+template <typename A>
+void SharedCache<A>::assignNewBaseAddresses()
+ // first layout TEXT and DATA for split-seg (or can be split-seg) dylibs
+ uint64_t currentExecuteAddress = sharedRegionReadOnlyStartAddress() + 0x3000;
+ uint64_t currentWritableAddress = sharedRegionWritableStartAddress();
+ for(typename std::vector<LayoutInfo>::iterator it = fDylibs.begin(); it != fDylibs.end(); ++it) {
+ std::vector<MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment>& segs = ((MachOLayoutAbstraction*)(it->layout))->getSegments();
+ MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment* executableSegment = NULL;
+ for (int i=0; i < segs.size(); ++i) {
+ MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment& seg = segs[i];
+ if ( seg.writable() ) {
+ if ( seg.executable() && it->layout->hasSplitSegInfo() ) {
+ // skip __IMPORT segments in this pass
+ }
+ else {
+ // __DATA segment
+ // for ppc, writable segments have to move in 64K increments
+ if ( it->layout->hasSplitSegInfo() ) {
+ if ( executableSegment == NULL )
+ throwf("first segment in dylib is not executable for %s", it->layout->getID().name);
+ seg.setNewAddress(getWritableSegmentNewAddress(currentWritableAddress, seg.address(), executableSegment->newAddress() - executableSegment->address()));
+ }
+ else
+ seg.setNewAddress(currentWritableAddress);
+ currentWritableAddress = pageAlign(seg.newAddress() + seg.size());
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( seg.executable() ) {
+ // __TEXT segment
+ if ( it->info.address == 0 )
+ it->info.address = currentExecuteAddress;
+ executableSegment = &seg;
+ seg.setNewAddress(currentExecuteAddress);
+ currentExecuteAddress += pageAlign(seg.size());
+ }
+ else {
+ // skip read-only segments in this pass
+ // any non-LINKEDIT read-only segments leave a hole so that all R/W segment slide together
+ if ( (strcmp(seg.name(), "__LINKEDIT") != 0) && (i < (segs.size()-2)) ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: warning %s segment in %s leaves a hole\n", seg.name(), it->layout->getID().name);
+ currentWritableAddress = pageAlign(currentWritableAddress + seg.size());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // append all read-only (but not LINKEDIT) segments at end of all TEXT segments
+ // append all IMPORT segments at end of all DATA segments rounded to next 2MB
+ uint64_t currentReadOnlyAddress = currentExecuteAddress;
+ uint64_t startWritableExecutableAddress = (currentWritableAddress + 0x200000 - 1) & (-0x200000);
+ uint64_t currentWritableExecutableAddress = startWritableExecutableAddress;
+ for(typename std::vector<LayoutInfo>::iterator it = fDylibs.begin(); it != fDylibs.end(); ++it) {
+ std::vector<MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment>& segs = ((MachOLayoutAbstraction*)(it->layout))->getSegments();
+ for(int i=0; i < segs.size(); ++i) {
+ MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment& seg = segs[i];
+ if ( !seg.writable() && !seg.executable() && (strcmp(seg.name(), "__LINKEDIT") != 0) ) {
+ // allocate non-executable,read-only segments from end of read only shared region
+ seg.setNewAddress(currentReadOnlyAddress);
+ currentReadOnlyAddress += pageAlign(seg.size());
+ }
+ else if ( seg.writable() && seg.executable() && it->layout->hasSplitSegInfo() ) {
+ // allocate IMPORT segments to end of writable shared region
+ seg.setNewAddress(currentWritableExecutableAddress);
+ seg.setWritable(false); // __IMPORT segments are not-writable in shared cache
+ currentWritableExecutableAddress += pageAlign(seg.size());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // append all LINKEDIT segments at end of all read-only segments
+ fLinkEditsStartAddress = currentReadOnlyAddress;
+ fFirstLinkEditSegment = NULL;
+ for(typename std::vector<LayoutInfo>::iterator it = fDylibs.begin(); it != fDylibs.end(); ++it) {
+ std::vector<MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment>& segs = ((MachOLayoutAbstraction*)(it->layout))->getSegments();
+ for(int i=0; i < segs.size(); ++i) {
+ MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment& seg = segs[i];
+ if ( !seg.writable() && !seg.executable() && (strcmp(seg.name(), "__LINKEDIT") == 0) ) {
+ if ( fFirstLinkEditSegment == NULL )
+ fFirstLinkEditSegment = &seg;
+ // allocate non-executable,read-only segments from end of read only shared region
+ seg.setNewAddress(currentReadOnlyAddress);
+ currentReadOnlyAddress += pageAlign(seg.size());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fLinkEditsTotalUnoptimizedSize = (currentReadOnlyAddress - fLinkEditsStartAddress + 4095) & (-4096);
+ // populate large mappings
+ uint64_t cacheFileOffset = 0;
+ if ( currentExecuteAddress > sharedRegionReadOnlyStartAddress() + 0x3000 ) {
+ shared_file_mapping_np executeMapping;
+ executeMapping.sfm_address = sharedRegionReadOnlyStartAddress();
+ executeMapping.sfm_size = currentExecuteAddress - sharedRegionReadOnlyStartAddress();
+ executeMapping.sfm_file_offset = cacheFileOffset;
+ executeMapping.sfm_max_prot = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE;
+ executeMapping.sfm_init_prot = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE;
+ fMappings.push_back(executeMapping);
+ cacheFileOffset += executeMapping.sfm_size;
+ shared_file_mapping_np writableMapping;
+ writableMapping.sfm_address = sharedRegionWritableStartAddress();
+ writableMapping.sfm_size = currentWritableAddress - sharedRegionWritableStartAddress();
+ writableMapping.sfm_file_offset = cacheFileOffset;
+ writableMapping.sfm_max_prot = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE;
+ writableMapping.sfm_init_prot = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE;
+ fMappings.push_back(writableMapping);
+ cacheFileOffset += writableMapping.sfm_size;
+ if ( currentWritableExecutableAddress > startWritableExecutableAddress ) {
+ shared_file_mapping_np writableExecutableMapping;
+ writableExecutableMapping.sfm_address = startWritableExecutableAddress;
+ writableExecutableMapping.sfm_size = currentWritableExecutableAddress - startWritableExecutableAddress;
+ writableExecutableMapping.sfm_file_offset= cacheFileOffset;
+ writableExecutableMapping.sfm_max_prot = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE | VM_PROT_EXECUTE;
+ // __IMPORT segments in shared cache are not writable
+ writableExecutableMapping.sfm_init_prot = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE;
+ fMappings.push_back(writableExecutableMapping);
+ cacheFileOffset += writableExecutableMapping.sfm_size;
+ }
+ // make read-only (contains LINKEDIT segments) last, so it can be cut back when optimized
+ shared_file_mapping_np readOnlyMapping;
+ readOnlyMapping.sfm_address = currentExecuteAddress;
+ readOnlyMapping.sfm_size = currentReadOnlyAddress - currentExecuteAddress;
+ readOnlyMapping.sfm_file_offset = cacheFileOffset;
+ readOnlyMapping.sfm_max_prot = VM_PROT_READ;
+ readOnlyMapping.sfm_init_prot = VM_PROT_READ;
+ fMappings.push_back(readOnlyMapping);
+ cacheFileOffset += readOnlyMapping.sfm_size;
+ }
+ else {
+ // empty cache
+ shared_file_mapping_np cacheHeaderMapping;
+ cacheHeaderMapping.sfm_address = sharedRegionWritableStartAddress();
+ cacheHeaderMapping.sfm_size = 0x3000;
+ cacheHeaderMapping.sfm_file_offset = cacheFileOffset;
+ cacheHeaderMapping.sfm_max_prot = VM_PROT_READ;
+ cacheHeaderMapping.sfm_init_prot = VM_PROT_READ;
+ fMappings.push_back(cacheHeaderMapping);
+ cacheFileOffset += cacheHeaderMapping.sfm_size;
+ }
+template <typename A>
+uint64_t SharedCache<A>::cacheFileOffsetForAddress(uint64_t addr)
+ for(std::vector<shared_file_mapping_np>::iterator it = fMappings.begin(); it != fMappings.end(); ++it) {
+ if ( (it->sfm_address <= addr) && (addr < it->sfm_address+it->sfm_size) )
+ return it->sfm_file_offset + addr - it->sfm_address;
+ }
+ throwf("address 0x%0llX is not in cache", addr);
+template <typename A>
+bool SharedCache<A>::notUpToDate(const void* cache)
+ dyldCacheHeader<E>* header = (dyldCacheHeader<E>*)cache;
+ // not valid if header signature is wrong
+ char temp[16];
+ strcpy(temp, "dyld_v1 ");
+ strcpy(&temp[15-strlen(archName())], archName());
+ if ( strcmp(header->magic(), temp) != 0 )
+ return true;
+ // not valid if count of images does not match current images needed
+ if ( header->imagesCount() != fDylibs.size() )
+ return true;
+ // verify every dylib in constructed graph is in existing cache with same inode and modTime
+ const dyldCacheImageInfo<E>* imagesStart = (dyldCacheImageInfo<E>*)((uint8_t*)cache + header->imagesOffset());
+ const dyldCacheImageInfo<E>* imagesEnd = &imagesStart[header->imagesCount()];
+ for(typename std::vector<LayoutInfo>::iterator it = fDylibs.begin(); it != fDylibs.end(); ++it) {
+ bool found = false;
+ //fprintf(stderr, "inode=0x%llX, mTime=0x%llX, path=%s\n", it->info.inode, it->info.modTime, it->layout->getID().name);
+ for(const dyldCacheImageInfo<E>* cacheEntry = imagesStart; cacheEntry < imagesEnd; ++cacheEntry) {
+ if ( (cacheEntry->inode() == it->info.inode)
+ && (cacheEntry->modTime() == it->info.modTime)
+ && (strcmp((char*)cache+cacheEntry->pathFileOffset(), it->layout->getID().name) == 0) ) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !found ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache[%u] current cache invalid because %s has changed\n", getpid(), it->layout->getID().name);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+template <typename A>
+bool SharedCache<A>::notUpToDate(const char* cachePath)
+ // mmap existing cache file
+ int fd = ::open(cachePath, O_RDONLY);
+ if ( fd == -1 )
+ return true;
+ struct stat stat_buf;
+ ::fstat(fd, &stat_buf);
+ uint8_t* mappingAddr = (uint8_t*)mmap(NULL, stat_buf.st_size, PROT_READ , MAP_FILE | MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
+ ::close(fd);
+ if ( mappingAddr == (uint8_t*)(-1) )
+ return true;
+ // validate it
+ bool result = this->notUpToDate(mappingAddr);
+ // unmap
+ ::munmap(mappingAddr, stat_buf.st_size);
+ if ( verbose && !result )
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: %s is up-to-date\n", cachePath);
+ return result;
+class CStringEquals
+ bool operator()(const char* left, const char* right) const { return (strcmp(left, right) == 0); }
+class StringPool
+ StringPool();
+ const char* getBuffer();
+ uint32_t size();
+ uint32_t add(const char* str);
+ uint32_t addUnique(const char* str);
+ const char* stringAtIndex(uint32_t) const;
+ typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map<const char*, uint32_t, __gnu_cxx::hash<const char*>, CStringEquals> StringToOffset;
+ char* fBuffer;
+ uint32_t fBufferAllocated;
+ uint32_t fBufferUsed;
+ StringToOffset fUniqueStrings;
+ : fBufferUsed(0), fBufferAllocated(4*1024*1024)
+ fBuffer = (char*)malloc(fBufferAllocated);
+uint32_t StringPool::add(const char* str)
+ uint32_t len = strlen(str);
+ if ( (fBufferUsed + len + 1) > fBufferAllocated ) {
+ // grow buffer
+ fBufferAllocated = fBufferAllocated*2;
+ fBuffer = (char*)realloc(fBuffer, fBufferAllocated);
+ }
+ strcpy(&fBuffer[fBufferUsed], str);
+ uint32_t result = fBufferUsed;
+ fUniqueStrings[&fBuffer[fBufferUsed]] = result;
+ fBufferUsed += len+1;
+ return result;
+uint32_t StringPool::addUnique(const char* str)
+ StringToOffset::iterator pos = fUniqueStrings.find(str);
+ if ( pos != fUniqueStrings.end() )
+ return pos->second;
+ else {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "StringPool::addUnique() new string: %s\n", str);
+ return this->add(str);
+ }
+uint32_t StringPool::size()
+ return fBufferUsed;
+const char* StringPool::getBuffer()
+ return fBuffer;
+const char* StringPool::stringAtIndex(uint32_t index) const
+ return &fBuffer[index];
+template <typename A>
+class LinkEditOptimizer
+ LinkEditOptimizer(const MachOLayoutAbstraction&, uint8_t*, StringPool&);
+ virtual ~LinkEditOptimizer() {}
+ static void makeDummyLocalSymbol(uint32_t&, uint8_t*, StringPool&);
+ void copyLocalSymbols();
+ void copyExportedSymbols(uint32_t&);
+ void copyImportedSymbols(uint32_t&);
+ void copyExternalRelocations(uint32_t&);
+ void copyIndirectSymbolTable(uint32_t&);
+ void updateLoadCommands(uint64_t newVMAddress, uint64_t size, uint32_t stringPoolOffset);
+ typedef typename A::P P;
+ typedef typename A::P::E E;
+ typedef typename A::P::uint_t pint_t;
+ const macho_header<P>* fHeader;
+ uint8_t* fNewLinkEditStart;
+ uint8_t* fLinkEditBase;
+ const MachOLayoutAbstraction& fLayout;
+ macho_dysymtab_command<P>* fDynamicSymbolTable;
+ macho_symtab_command<P>* fSymbolTableLoadCommand;
+ const macho_nlist<P>* fSymbolTable;
+ const char* fStrings;
+ StringPool& fNewStringPool;
+ std::map<uint32_t,uint32_t> fOldToNewSymbolIndexes;
+ uint32_t fLocalSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit;
+ uint32_t fLocalSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit;
+ uint32_t fExportedSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit;
+ uint32_t fExportedSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit;
+ uint32_t fImportSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit;
+ uint32_t fImportedSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit;
+ uint32_t fExternalRelocationsOffsetIntoNewLinkEdit;
+ uint32_t fIndirectSymbolTableOffsetInfoNewLinkEdit;
+ static int32_t fgLocalSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit;
+template <typename A> int32_t LinkEditOptimizer<A>::fgLocalSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit = 0;
+template <typename A>
+LinkEditOptimizer<A>::LinkEditOptimizer(const MachOLayoutAbstraction& layout, uint8_t* newLinkEdit, StringPool& stringPool)
+ : fLayout(layout), fLinkEditBase(NULL), fNewLinkEditStart(newLinkEdit),
+ fDynamicSymbolTable(NULL), fSymbolTableLoadCommand(NULL), fSymbolTable(NULL), fStrings(NULL), fNewStringPool(stringPool),
+ fLocalSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit(0), fLocalSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit(0),
+ fExportedSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit(0), fExportedSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit(0),
+ fImportSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit(0), fImportedSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit(0),
+ fExternalRelocationsOffsetIntoNewLinkEdit(0), fIndirectSymbolTableOffsetInfoNewLinkEdit(0)
+ fHeader = (const macho_header<P>*)fLayout.getSegments()[0].mappedAddress();
+ const std::vector<MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment>& segments = fLayout.getSegments();
+ for(std::vector<MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment>::const_iterator it = segments.begin(); it != segments.end(); ++it) {
+ const MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment& seg = *it;
+ if ( strcmp(seg.name(), "__LINKEDIT") == 0 )
+ fLinkEditBase = (uint8_t*)seg.mappedAddress() - seg.fileOffset();
+ }
+ if ( fLinkEditBase == NULL )
+ throw "no __LINKEDIT segment";
+ const macho_load_command<P>* const cmds = (macho_load_command<P>*)((uint8_t*)fHeader + sizeof(macho_header<P>));
+ const uint32_t cmd_count = fHeader->ncmds();
+ const macho_load_command<P>* cmd = cmds;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cmd_count; ++i) {
+ switch (cmd->cmd()) {
+ case LC_SYMTAB:
+ {
+ fSymbolTableLoadCommand = (macho_symtab_command<P>*)cmd;
+ fSymbolTable = (macho_nlist<P>*)(&fLinkEditBase[fSymbolTableLoadCommand->symoff()]);
+ fStrings = (char*)&fLinkEditBase[fSymbolTableLoadCommand->stroff()];
+ }
+ break;
+ fDynamicSymbolTable = (macho_dysymtab_command<P>*)cmd;
+ break;
+ }
+ cmd = (const macho_load_command<P>*)(((uint8_t*)cmd)+cmd->cmdsize());
+ }
+ if ( fSymbolTable == NULL )
+ throw "no LC_SYMTAB";
+ if ( fDynamicSymbolTable == NULL )
+ throw "no LC_DYSYMTAB";
+template <typename A>
+class SymbolSorter
+ typedef typename A::P P;
+ SymbolSorter(const StringPool& pool) : fStringPool(pool) {}
+ bool operator()(const macho_nlist<P>& left, const macho_nlist<P>& right) {
+ return (strcmp(fStringPool.stringAtIndex(left.n_strx()) , fStringPool.stringAtIndex(right.n_strx())) < 0);
+ }
+ const StringPool& fStringPool;
+template <typename A>
+void LinkEditOptimizer<A>::makeDummyLocalSymbol(uint32_t& symbolIndex, uint8_t* storage, StringPool& pool)
+ fgLocalSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit = symbolIndex;
+ macho_nlist<P>* newSymbolEntry = (macho_nlist<P>*)storage;
+ newSymbolEntry->set_n_strx(pool.add("__no_local_symbols_in_dyld_shared_cache"));
+ newSymbolEntry->set_n_type(N_SECT);
+ newSymbolEntry->set_n_sect(1);
+ newSymbolEntry->set_n_desc(0);
+ newSymbolEntry->set_n_value(0);
+ ++symbolIndex;
+template <typename A>
+void LinkEditOptimizer<A>::copyLocalSymbols()
+ if ( fDynamicSymbolTable->nlocalsym() > 0 ) {
+ // if image has any local symbols, make cache look like it has one local symbol
+ // which is actually shared by all images
+ fLocalSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit = 1;
+ fLocalSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit = fgLocalSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit;
+ }
+template <typename A>
+void LinkEditOptimizer<A>::copyExportedSymbols(uint32_t& symbolIndex)
+ fExportedSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit = symbolIndex;
+ const macho_nlist<P>* const firstExport = &fSymbolTable[fDynamicSymbolTable->iextdefsym()];
+ const macho_nlist<P>* const lastExport = &fSymbolTable[fDynamicSymbolTable->iextdefsym()+fDynamicSymbolTable->nextdefsym()];
+ uint32_t oldIndex = fDynamicSymbolTable->iextdefsym();
+ for (const macho_nlist<P>* entry = firstExport; entry < lastExport; ++entry, ++oldIndex) {
+ if ( ((entry->n_type() & N_TYPE) == N_SECT) && (strncmp(&fStrings[entry->n_strx()], ".objc_", 6) != 0) ) {
+ macho_nlist<P>* newSymbolEntry = &((macho_nlist<P>*)fNewLinkEditStart)[symbolIndex];
+ *newSymbolEntry = *entry;
+ newSymbolEntry->set_n_strx(fNewStringPool.add(&fStrings[entry->n_strx()]));
+ fOldToNewSymbolIndexes[oldIndex] = symbolIndex;
+ ++symbolIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ fExportedSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit = symbolIndex - fExportedSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit;
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%u exports starting at %u for %s\n", fExportedSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit, fExportedSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit, fLayout.getFilePath());
+ // sort by name, so that dyld does not need a toc
+ macho_nlist<P>* newSymbolsStart = &((macho_nlist<P>*)fNewLinkEditStart)[fExportedSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit];
+ macho_nlist<P>* newSymbolsEnd = &((macho_nlist<P>*)fNewLinkEditStart)[fExportedSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit+fExportedSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit];
+ std::sort(newSymbolsStart, newSymbolsEnd, SymbolSorter<A>(fNewStringPool));
+ //for (macho_nlist<P>* entry = newSymbolsStart; entry < newSymbolsEnd; ++entry)
+ // fprintf(stderr, "\t%u\t %s\n", (entry-newSymbolsStart)+fExportedSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit, fNewStringPool.stringAtIndex(entry->n_strx()));
+template <typename A>
+void LinkEditOptimizer<A>::copyImportedSymbols(uint32_t& symbolIndex)
+ fImportSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit = symbolIndex;
+ const macho_nlist<P>* const firstImport = &fSymbolTable[fDynamicSymbolTable->iundefsym()];
+ const macho_nlist<P>* const lastImport = &fSymbolTable[fDynamicSymbolTable->iundefsym()+fDynamicSymbolTable->nundefsym()];
+ uint32_t oldIndex = fDynamicSymbolTable->iundefsym();
+ for (const macho_nlist<P>* entry = firstImport; entry < lastImport; ++entry, ++oldIndex) {
+ if ( ((entry->n_type() & N_TYPE) == N_UNDF) && (strncmp(&fStrings[entry->n_strx()], ".objc_", 6) != 0) ) {
+ macho_nlist<P>* newSymbolEntry = &((macho_nlist<P>*)fNewLinkEditStart)[symbolIndex];
+ *newSymbolEntry = *entry;
+ newSymbolEntry->set_n_strx(fNewStringPool.addUnique(&fStrings[entry->n_strx()]));
+ fOldToNewSymbolIndexes[oldIndex] = symbolIndex;
+ ++symbolIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ fImportedSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit = symbolIndex - fImportSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit;
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%u imports starting at %u for %s\n", fImportedSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit, fImportSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit, fLayout.getFilePath());
+ //macho_nlist<P>* newSymbolsStart = &((macho_nlist<P>*)fNewLinkEditStart)[fImportSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit];
+ //macho_nlist<P>* newSymbolsEnd = &((macho_nlist<P>*)fNewLinkEditStart)[fImportSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit+fImportedSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit];
+ //for (macho_nlist<P>* entry = newSymbolsStart; entry < newSymbolsEnd; ++entry)
+ // fprintf(stderr, "\t%u\t%s\n", (entry-newSymbolsStart)+fImportSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit, fNewStringPool.stringAtIndex(entry->n_strx()));
+template <typename A>
+void LinkEditOptimizer<A>::copyExternalRelocations(uint32_t& offset)
+ fExternalRelocationsOffsetIntoNewLinkEdit = offset;
+ const macho_relocation_info<P>* const relocsStart = (macho_relocation_info<P>*)(&fLinkEditBase[fDynamicSymbolTable->extreloff()]);
+ const macho_relocation_info<P>* const relocsEnd = &relocsStart[fDynamicSymbolTable->nextrel()];
+ for (const macho_relocation_info<P>* reloc=relocsStart; reloc < relocsEnd; ++reloc) {
+ macho_relocation_info<P>* newReloc = (macho_relocation_info<P>*)(&fNewLinkEditStart[offset]);
+ *newReloc = *reloc;
+ uint32_t newSymbolIndex = fOldToNewSymbolIndexes[reloc->r_symbolnum()];
+ //fprintf(stderr, "copyExternalRelocations() old=%d, new=%u name=%s in %s\n", reloc->r_symbolnum(), newSymbolIndex,
+ // &fStrings[fSymbolTable[reloc->r_symbolnum()].n_strx()], fLayout.getFilePath());
+ newReloc->set_r_symbolnum(newSymbolIndex);
+ offset += sizeof(macho_relocation_info<P>);
+ }
+template <typename A>
+void LinkEditOptimizer<A>::copyIndirectSymbolTable(uint32_t& offset)
+ fIndirectSymbolTableOffsetInfoNewLinkEdit = offset;
+ const uint32_t* const indirectTable = (uint32_t*)&this->fLinkEditBase[fDynamicSymbolTable->indirectsymoff()];
+ uint32_t* newIndirectTable = (uint32_t*)&fNewLinkEditStart[offset];
+ for (int i=0; i < fDynamicSymbolTable->nindirectsyms(); ++i) {
+ uint32_t oldSymbolIndex = E::get32(indirectTable[i]);
+ uint32_t newSymbolIndex = oldSymbolIndex;
+ if ( (oldSymbolIndex != INDIRECT_SYMBOL_ABS) && (oldSymbolIndex != INDIRECT_SYMBOL_LOCAL) ) {
+ newSymbolIndex = fOldToNewSymbolIndexes[oldSymbolIndex];
+ //fprintf(stderr, "copyIndirectSymbolTable() old=%d, new=%u name=%s in %s\n", oldSymbolIndex, newSymbolIndex,
+ // &fStrings[fSymbolTable[oldSymbolIndex].n_strx()], fLayout.getFilePath());
+ }
+ E::set32(newIndirectTable[i], newSymbolIndex);
+ }
+ offset += (fDynamicSymbolTable->nindirectsyms() * 4);
+template <typename A>
+void LinkEditOptimizer<A>::updateLoadCommands(uint64_t newVMAddress, uint64_t size, uint32_t stringPoolOffset)
+ // set LINKEDIT segment commmand to new merged LINKEDIT
+ const macho_load_command<P>* const cmds = (macho_load_command<P>*)((uint8_t*)fHeader + sizeof(macho_header<P>));
+ const uint32_t cmd_count = fHeader->ncmds();
+ const macho_load_command<P>* cmd = cmds;
+ uint32_t linkEditStartFileOffset = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cmd_count; ++i) {
+ if ( cmd->cmd() == macho_segment_command<P>::CMD ) {
+ macho_segment_command<P>* seg = (macho_segment_command<P>*)cmd;
+ if ( strcmp(seg->segname(), "__LINKEDIT") == 0 ) {
+ seg->set_vmaddr(newVMAddress);
+ seg->set_vmsize(size);
+ seg->set_filesize(size);
+ linkEditStartFileOffset = seg->fileoff();
+ }
+ }
+ cmd = (const macho_load_command<P>*)(((uint8_t*)cmd)+cmd->cmdsize());
+ }
+ // update symbol table and dynamic symbol table with new offsets
+ fSymbolTableLoadCommand->set_symoff(linkEditStartFileOffset);
+ fSymbolTableLoadCommand->set_nsyms(fExportedSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit+fImportedSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit);
+ fSymbolTableLoadCommand->set_stroff(linkEditStartFileOffset+stringPoolOffset);
+ fSymbolTableLoadCommand->set_strsize(fNewStringPool.size());
+ fDynamicSymbolTable->set_ilocalsym(fLocalSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit);
+ fDynamicSymbolTable->set_nlocalsym(fLocalSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit);
+ fDynamicSymbolTable->set_iextdefsym(fExportedSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit);
+ fDynamicSymbolTable->set_nextdefsym(fExportedSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit);
+ fDynamicSymbolTable->set_iundefsym(fImportSymbolsStartIndexInNewLinkEdit);
+ fDynamicSymbolTable->set_nundefsym(fImportedSymbolsCountInNewLinkEdit);
+ fDynamicSymbolTable->set_tocoff(0);
+ fDynamicSymbolTable->set_ntoc(0);
+ fDynamicSymbolTable->set_modtaboff(0);
+ fDynamicSymbolTable->set_nmodtab(0);
+ fDynamicSymbolTable->set_indirectsymoff(linkEditStartFileOffset+fIndirectSymbolTableOffsetInfoNewLinkEdit);
+ fDynamicSymbolTable->set_extreloff(linkEditStartFileOffset+fExternalRelocationsOffsetIntoNewLinkEdit);
+ fDynamicSymbolTable->set_locreloff(0);
+ fDynamicSymbolTable->set_nlocrel(0);
+template <typename A>
+uint8_t* SharedCache<A>::optimizeLINKEDIT()
+ // allocate space for optimized LINKEDIT area
+ uint8_t* newLinkEdit = new uint8_t[fLinkEditsTotalUnoptimizedSize];
+ bzero(newLinkEdit, fLinkEditsTotalUnoptimizedSize);
+ // make a string pool
+ StringPool stringPool;
+ // create optimizer object for each LINKEDIT segment
+ std::vector<LinkEditOptimizer<A>*> optimizers;
+ for(typename std::vector<LayoutInfo>::const_iterator it = fDylibs.begin(); it != fDylibs.end(); ++it) {
+ optimizers.push_back(new LinkEditOptimizer<A>(*it->layout, newLinkEdit, stringPool));
+ }
+ // copy local symbol table entries
+ uint32_t symbolTableIndex = 0;
+ LinkEditOptimizer<A>::makeDummyLocalSymbol(symbolTableIndex, newLinkEdit, stringPool);
+ for(typename std::vector<LinkEditOptimizer<A>*>::iterator it = optimizers.begin(); it != optimizers.end(); ++it) {
+ (*it)->copyLocalSymbols();
+ }
+ // copy exported symbol table entries
+ for(typename std::vector<LinkEditOptimizer<A>*>::iterator it = optimizers.begin(); it != optimizers.end(); ++it) {
+ (*it)->copyExportedSymbols(symbolTableIndex);
+ }
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%u exported symbols, with %d bytes of strings\n", symbolTableIndex, stringPool.size());
+ //uint32_t importStart = symbolTableIndex;
+ //uint32_t importPoolStart = stringPool.size();
+ // copy imported symbol table entries
+ for(typename std::vector<LinkEditOptimizer<A>*>::iterator it = optimizers.begin(); it != optimizers.end(); ++it) {
+ (*it)->copyImportedSymbols(symbolTableIndex);
+ }
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%u imported symbols, with %d bytes of strings\n", symbolTableIndex-importStart, stringPool.size()-importPoolStart);
+ // copy external relocations, 8-byte aligned after end of symbol table
+ uint32_t externalRelocsOffset = (symbolTableIndex * sizeof(macho_nlist<typename A::P>) + 7) & (-8);
+ //uint32_t externalRelocsStartOffset = externalRelocsOffset;
+ for(typename std::vector<LinkEditOptimizer<A>*>::iterator it = optimizers.begin(); it != optimizers.end(); ++it) {
+ (*it)->copyExternalRelocations(externalRelocsOffset);
+ }
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%u bytes of external relocs\n", externalRelocsOffset-externalRelocsStartOffset);
+ // copy indirect symbol tables
+ uint32_t indirectSymbolTableOffset = externalRelocsOffset;
+ for(typename std::vector<LinkEditOptimizer<A>*>::iterator it = optimizers.begin(); it != optimizers.end(); ++it) {
+ (*it)->copyIndirectSymbolTable(indirectSymbolTableOffset);
+ }
+ // copy string pool
+ uint32_t stringPoolOffset = indirectSymbolTableOffset;
+ memcpy(&newLinkEdit[stringPoolOffset], stringPool.getBuffer(), stringPool.size());
+ // find new size
+ uint32_t linkEditsTotalOptimizedSize = (stringPoolOffset + stringPool.size() + 4095) & (-4096);
+ // update load commands so that all dylibs shared different areas of the same LINKEDIT segment
+ for(typename std::vector<LinkEditOptimizer<A>*>::iterator it = optimizers.begin(); it != optimizers.end(); ++it) {
+ (*it)->updateLoadCommands(fLinkEditsStartAddress, fLinkEditsTotalUnoptimizedSize, stringPoolOffset);
+ }
+ //fprintf(stderr, "fLinkEditsTotalUnoptimizedSize=%llu, linkEditsTotalOptimizedSize=%u\n", fLinkEditsTotalUnoptimizedSize, linkEditsTotalOptimizedSize);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "mega link edit mapped starting at: %p\n", fFirstLinkEditSegment->mappedAddress());
+ // overwrite mapped LINKEDIT area with new optimized LINKEDIT segment
+ memcpy(fFirstLinkEditSegment->mappedAddress(), newLinkEdit, fLinkEditsTotalUnoptimizedSize);
+ // update all LINKEDIT Segment objects to point to same merged LINKEDIT area
+ for(typename std::vector<LayoutInfo>::iterator it = fDylibs.begin(); it != fDylibs.end(); ++it) {
+ std::vector<MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment>& segs = ((MachOLayoutAbstraction*)(it->layout))->getSegments();
+ for(int i=0; i < segs.size(); ++i) {
+ MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment& seg = segs[i];
+ if ( !seg.writable() && !seg.executable() && (strcmp(seg.name(), "__LINKEDIT") == 0) ) {
+ seg.setNewAddress(fLinkEditsStartAddress);
+ seg.setMappedAddress(fFirstLinkEditSegment->mappedAddress());
+ seg.setSize(linkEditsTotalOptimizedSize);
+ seg.setFileSize(linkEditsTotalOptimizedSize);
+ //seg.setFileOffset(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // return new end of cache
+ return (uint8_t*)fFirstLinkEditSegment->mappedAddress() + linkEditsTotalOptimizedSize;
+template <typename A>
+bool SharedCache<A>::update(const char* rootPath, const char* cacheDir, bool force, bool optimize, int archIndex, int archCount)
+ bool didUpdate = false;
+ char cachePath[1024];
+ strcpy(cachePath, rootPath);
+ strcat(cachePath, cacheDir);
+ strcat(cachePath, DYLD_SHARED_CACHE_BASE_NAME);
+ strcat(cachePath, filename(optimize));
+ // already up to date?
+ if ( force || this->notUpToDate(cachePath) ) {
+ if ( verbose )
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: regenerating %s\n", cachePath);
+ if ( fDylibs.size() == 0 ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: warning, empty cache not generated for arch %s\n", archName());
+ return false;
+ }
+ char tempCachePath[strlen(cachePath)+16];
+ sprintf(tempCachePath, "%s.tmp%u", cachePath, getpid());
+ try {
+ int fd = ::open(tempCachePath, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC, 0644);
+ if ( fd == -1 )
+ throwf("can't create temp file %s, errnor=%d", tempCachePath, errno);
+ // try to allocate whole cache file contiguously
+ uint32_t cacheFileSize = 0;
+ for(std::vector<shared_file_mapping_np>::iterator it = fMappings.begin(); it != fMappings.end(); ++it) {
+ uint32_t end = it->sfm_file_offset + it->sfm_size;
+ if ( end > cacheFileSize )
+ cacheFileSize = end;
+ }
+ fstore_t fcntlSpec = { F_ALLOCATECONTIG|F_ALLOCATEALL, F_PEOFPOSMODE, 0, cacheFileSize, 0 };
+ fcntl(fd, F_PREALLOCATE, &fcntlSpec);
+ // fill in cache header memory buffer
+ uint8_t buffer[pageAlign(fHeaderSize)];
+ bzero(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+ // fill in header
+ dyldCacheHeader<E>* header = (dyldCacheHeader<E>*)buffer;
+ char temp[16];
+ strcpy(temp, "dyld_v1 ");
+ strcpy(&temp[15-strlen(archName())], archName());
+ header->set_magic(temp);
+ //header->set_architecture(arch());
+ header->set_mappingOffset(sizeof(dyldCacheHeader<E>));
+ header->set_mappingCount(fMappings.size());
+ header->set_imagesOffset(header->mappingOffset() + fMappings.size()*sizeof(dyldCacheFileMapping<E>));
+ header->set_imagesCount(fDylibs.size());
+ header->set_dyldBaseAddress(fDyldBaseAddress);
+ //header->set_dependenciesOffset(sizeof(dyldCacheHeader<E>) + fMappings.size()*sizeof(dyldCacheFileMapping<E>) + fDylibs.size()*sizeof(dyldCacheImageInfo<E>));
+ //header->set_dependenciesCount(fDependencyPool.size());
+ // fill in mappings
+ dyldCacheFileMapping<E>* mapping = (dyldCacheFileMapping<E>*)&buffer[sizeof(dyldCacheHeader<E>)];
+ for(std::vector<shared_file_mapping_np>::iterator it = fMappings.begin(); it != fMappings.end(); ++it) {
+ if ( verbose )
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: cache mappings: address=0x%0llX, size=0x%0llX, fileOffset=0x%0llX, prot=0x%X\n",
+ it->sfm_address, it->sfm_size, it->sfm_file_offset, it->sfm_init_prot);
+ mapping->set_address(it->sfm_address);
+ mapping->set_size(it->sfm_size);
+ mapping->set_file_offset(it->sfm_file_offset);
+ mapping->set_max_prot(it->sfm_max_prot);
+ mapping->set_init_prot(it->sfm_init_prot);
+ ++mapping;
+ }
+ // fill in image table
+ dyldCacheImageInfo<E>* image = (dyldCacheImageInfo<E>*)mapping;
+ for(typename std::vector<LayoutInfo>::iterator it = fDylibs.begin(); it != fDylibs.end(); ++it) {
+ image->set_address(it->info.address);
+ image->set_modTime(it->info.modTime);
+ image->set_inode(it->info.inode);
+ image->set_pathFileOffset(cacheFileOffsetForAddress(it->info.address+it->info.pathFileOffset));
+ //image->set_dependenciesStartOffset(it->info.dependenciesStartOffset);
+ ++image;
+ }
+ // write whole header to disk
+ pwrite(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0);
+ // allocate copy buffer
+ const uint64_t kCopyBufferSize = 256*1024;
+ uint8_t* copyBuffer;
+ vm_address_t addr = 0;
+ if ( vm_allocate(mach_task_self(), &addr, kCopyBufferSize, VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE) == KERN_SUCCESS )
+ copyBuffer = (uint8_t*)addr;
+ else
+ throw "can't allcoate copy buffer";
+ // make zero-fill buffer
+ uint8_t zerofill[4096];
+ bzero(zerofill, sizeof(zerofill));
+ // write each segment to cache file
+ int dylibIndex = 0;
+ for(typename std::vector<LayoutInfo>::const_iterator it = fDylibs.begin(); it != fDylibs.end(); ++it, ++dylibIndex) {
+ const char* path = it->layout->getFilePath();
+ int src = ::open(path, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ if ( src == -1 )
+ throwf("can't open file %s, errnor=%d", it->layout->getID().name, errno);
+ // mark source as "don't cache"
+ (void)fcntl(src, F_NOCACHE, 1);
+ if ( verbose )
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_prebinding: copying %s to cache\n", it->layout->getID().name);
+ try {
+ const std::vector<MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment>& segs = it->layout->getSegments();
+ for (int i=0; i < segs.size(); ++i) {
+ const MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment& seg = segs[i];
+ if ( verbose )
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t\tsegment %s, size=0x%0llX, cache address=0x%0llX\n", seg.name(), seg.fileSize(), seg.newAddress());
+ if ( seg.size() > 0 ) {
+ const uint64_t segmentSrcStartOffset = it->layout->getOffsetInUniversalFile()+seg.fileOffset();
+ const uint64_t segmentSize = seg.fileSize();
+ const uint64_t segmentDstStartOffset = cacheFileOffsetForAddress(seg.newAddress());
+ for(uint64_t copiedAmount=0; copiedAmount < segmentSize; copiedAmount += kCopyBufferSize) {
+ uint64_t amount = std::min(segmentSize-copiedAmount, kCopyBufferSize);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "copy 0x%08llX bytes at offset 0x%08llX for segment %s in %s to cache offset 0x%08llX\n",
+ // amount, segmentSrcStartOffset+copiedAmount, seg.name(), it->layout->getID().name, segmentDstStartOffset+copiedAmount);
+ if ( ::pread(src, copyBuffer, amount, segmentSrcStartOffset+copiedAmount) != amount )
+ throwf("read failure copying dylib errno=%d for %s", errno, it->layout->getID().name);
+ if ( ::pwrite(fd, copyBuffer, amount, segmentDstStartOffset+copiedAmount) != amount )
+ throwf("write failure copying dylib errno=%d for %s", errno, it->layout->getID().name);
+ }
+ if ( seg.size() > seg.fileSize() ) {
+ // write zero-filled area
+ for(uint64_t copiedAmount=seg.fileSize(); copiedAmount < seg.size(); copiedAmount += sizeof(zerofill)) {
+ uint64_t amount = std::min(seg.size()-copiedAmount, (uint64_t)(sizeof(zerofill)));
+ if ( ::pwrite(fd, zerofill, amount, segmentDstStartOffset+copiedAmount) != amount )
+ throwf("write failure copying dylib errno=%d for %s", errno, it->layout->getID().name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const char* msg) {
+ throwf("%s while copying %s to shared cache", msg, it->layout->getID().name);
+ }
+ ::close(src);
+ }
+ // free copy buffer
+ vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), addr, kCopyBufferSize);
+ // map cache file
+ fMappedCacheFile = (uint8_t*)mmap(NULL, cacheFileSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
+ if ( fMappedCacheFile == (uint8_t*)(-1) )
+ throw "can't mmap cache file";
+ // close cache file
+ ::fsync(fd);
+ ::close(fd);
+ // set mapped address for each segment
+ for(typename std::vector<LayoutInfo>::const_iterator it = fDylibs.begin(); it != fDylibs.end(); ++it) {
+ std::vector<MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment>& segs = ((MachOLayoutAbstraction*)(it->layout))->getSegments();
+ for (int i=0; i < segs.size(); ++i) {
+ MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment& seg = segs[i];
+ if ( seg.size() > 0 )
+ seg.setMappedAddress(fMappedCacheFile + cacheFileOffsetForAddress(seg.newAddress()));
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%s at %p to %p for %s\n", seg.name(), seg.mappedAddress(), (char*)seg.mappedAddress()+ seg.size(), it->layout->getID().name);
+ }
+ }
+ // rebase each dylib in shared cache
+ for(typename std::vector<LayoutInfo>::const_iterator it = fDylibs.begin(); it != fDylibs.end(); ++it) {
+ try {
+ Rebaser<A> r(*it->layout);
+ r.rebase();
+ //if ( verbose )
+ // fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: for %s, rebasing dylib into cache for %s\n", archName(), it->layout->getID().name);
+ }
+ catch (const char* msg) {
+ throwf("%s in %s", msg, it->layout->getID().name);
+ }
+ }
+ // merge/optimize all LINKEDIT segments
+ if ( optimize ) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: original cache file size %uMB\n", cacheFileSize/(1024*1024));
+ cacheFileSize = (this->optimizeLINKEDIT() - fMappedCacheFile);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: optimized cache file size %uMB\n", cacheFileSize/(1024*1024));
+ // update header to reduce mapping size
+ dyldCacheHeader<E>* cacheHeader = (dyldCacheHeader<E>*)fMappedCacheFile;
+ dyldCacheFileMapping<E>* mappings = (dyldCacheFileMapping<E>*)&fMappedCacheFile[sizeof(dyldCacheHeader<E>)];
+ dyldCacheFileMapping<E>* lastMapping = &mappings[cacheHeader->mappingCount()-1];
+ lastMapping->set_size(cacheFileSize-lastMapping->file_offset());
+ // update fMappings so .map file will print correctly
+ fMappings.back().sfm_size = cacheFileSize-fMappings.back().sfm_file_offset;
+ }
+ if ( verbose )
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: for %s, updating binding information for %lu files:\n", archName(), fDylibs.size());
+ // instantiate a Binder for each image and add to map
+ typename Binder<A>::Map map;
+ std::vector<Binder<A>*> binders;
+ for(typename std::vector<LayoutInfo>::const_iterator it = fDylibs.begin(); it != fDylibs.end(); ++it) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "binding %s\n", it->layout->getID().name);
+ Binder<A>* binder = new Binder<A>(*it->layout, fDyldBaseAddress);
+ binders.push_back(binder);
+ // only add dylibs to map
+ if ( it->layout->getID().name != NULL )
+ map[it->layout->getID().name] = binder;
+ }
+ // tell each Binder about the others
+ for(typename std::vector<Binder<A>*>::iterator it = binders.begin(); it != binders.end(); ++it) {
+ (*it)->setDependentBinders(map);
+ }
+ // perform binding
+ for(typename std::vector<Binder<A>*>::iterator it = binders.begin(); it != binders.end(); ++it) {
+ if ( verbose )
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: for %s, updating binding information in cache for %s\n", archName(), (*it)->getDylibID());
+ try {
+ (*it)->bind();
+ }
+ catch (const char* msg) {
+ throwf("%s in %s", msg, (*it)->getDylibID());
+ }
+ }
+ // delete binders
+ for(typename std::vector<Binder<A>*>::iterator it = binders.begin(); it != binders.end(); ++it) {
+ delete *it;
+ }
+ // close mapping
+ int result = ::msync(fMappedCacheFile, cacheFileSize, MS_SYNC);
+ if ( result != 0 )
+ throw "error syncing cache file";
+ result = ::munmap(fMappedCacheFile, cacheFileSize);
+ if ( result != 0 )
+ throw "error unmapping cache file";
+ // cut back cache file to match optmized size
+ if ( optimize ) {
+ if ( ::truncate(tempCachePath, cacheFileSize) != 0 )
+ throw "error truncating cache file";
+ }
+ // commit
+ ::sync();
+ // flush everything to disk, otherwise if kernel panics before the cache file is completely written to disk
+ // then next reboot will use a corrupted cache and die
+ result = ::rename(tempCachePath, cachePath);
+ if ( result != 0 )
+ throwf("can't swap newly create dyld shared cache file: rename(%s,%s) returned errno=%d", tempCachePath, cachePath, errno);
+ // flush everything to disk to assure rename() gets recorded
+ ::sync();
+ didUpdate = true;
+ // generate human readable "map" file that shows the layout of the cache file
+ sprintf(tempCachePath, "%s.map", cachePath);// re-use path buffer
+ FILE* fmap = ::fopen(tempCachePath, "w");
+ if ( fmap == NULL ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "can't create map file %s, errnor=%d", tempCachePath, errno);
+ }
+ else {
+ for(std::vector<shared_file_mapping_np>::iterator it = fMappings.begin(); it != fMappings.end(); ++it) {
+ const char* prot = "RW";
+ if ( it->sfm_init_prot == (VM_PROT_EXECUTE|VM_PROT_READ) )
+ prot = "EX";
+ else if ( it->sfm_init_prot == VM_PROT_READ )
+ prot = "RO";
+ else if ( it->sfm_init_prot == (VM_PROT_EXECUTE|VM_PROT_WRITE|VM_PROT_READ) )
+ prot = "WX";
+ if ( it->sfm_size > 1024*1024 )
+ fprintf(fmap, "mapping %s %4lluMB 0x%0llX -> 0x%0llX\n", prot, it->sfm_size/(1024*1024),
+ it->sfm_address, it->sfm_address+it->sfm_size);
+ else
+ fprintf(fmap, "mapping %s %4lluKB 0x%0llX -> 0x%0llX\n", prot, it->sfm_size/1024,
+ it->sfm_address, it->sfm_address+it->sfm_size);
+ }
+ for(typename std::vector<LayoutInfo>::const_iterator it = fDylibs.begin(); it != fDylibs.end(); ++it) {
+ fprintf(fmap, "%s\n", it->layout->getID().name);
+ const std::vector<MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment>& segs = it->layout->getSegments();
+ for (int i=0; i < segs.size(); ++i) {
+ const MachOLayoutAbstraction::Segment& seg = segs[i];
+ fprintf(fmap, "\t%16s 0x%0llX -> 0x%0llX\n", seg.name(), seg.newAddress(), seg.newAddress()+seg.size());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( warnings.size() > 0 ) {
+ fprintf(fmap, "# Warnings:\n");
+ for (std::vector<const char*>::iterator it=warnings.begin(); it != warnings.end(); ++it) {
+ fprintf(fmap, "# %s\n", *it);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fmap);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (...){
+ // remove temp cache
+ ::unlink(tempCachePath);
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ return didUpdate;
+// The shared cache is driven by /var/db/dyld/shared_region_roots which contains
+// the paths used to search for dylibs that should go in the shared cache
+// Leading and trailing white space is ignored
+// Blank lines are ignored
+// Lines starting with # are ignored
+static void parsePathsFile(const char* filePath, std::vector<const char*>& paths)
+ // read in whole file
+ int fd = open(filePath, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ if ( fd == -1 ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: can't open file: %s\n", filePath);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ struct stat stat_buf;
+ fstat(fd, &stat_buf);
+ char* p = (char*)malloc(stat_buf.st_size);
+ if ( p == NULL ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: malloc failure\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ( read(fd, p, stat_buf.st_size) != stat_buf.st_size ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: can't read file: %s\n", filePath);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ ::close(fd);
+ // parse into paths and add to vector
+ char * const end = &p[stat_buf.st_size];
+ enum { lineStart, inSymbol, inComment } state = lineStart;
+ char* symbolStart = NULL;
+ for (char* s = p; s < end; ++s ) {
+ switch ( state ) {
+ case lineStart:
+ if ( *s =='#' ) {
+ state = inComment;
+ }
+ else if ( !isspace(*s) ) {
+ state = inSymbol;
+ symbolStart = s;
+ }
+ break;
+ case inSymbol:
+ if ( *s == '\n' ) {
+ *s = '\0';
+ // removing any trailing spaces
+ char* last = s-1;
+ while ( isspace(*last) ) {
+ *last = '\0';
+ --last;
+ }
+ paths.push_back(symbolStart);
+ symbolStart = NULL;
+ state = lineStart;
+ }
+ break;
+ case inComment:
+ if ( *s == '\n' )
+ state = lineStart;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Note: we do not free() the malloc buffer, because the strings in it are used by exec()
+static void scanForSharedDylibs(const char* rootPath, const char* dirOfPathFiles, const std::set<cpu_type_t>& onlyArchs)
+ char rootDirOfPathFiles[strlen(rootPath)+strlen(dirOfPathFiles)+2];
+ if ( strlen(rootPath) != 0 ) {
+ strcpy(rootDirOfPathFiles, rootPath);
+ strcat(rootDirOfPathFiles, dirOfPathFiles);
+ dirOfPathFiles = rootDirOfPathFiles;
+ }
+ // extract all root paths from files in "/var/db/dyld/shared_region_roots/"
+ if ( verbose )
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: finding roots in: %s\n", dirOfPathFiles);
+ std::vector<const char*> rootsPaths;
+ DIR* dir = ::opendir(dirOfPathFiles);
+ if ( dir == NULL )
+ throwf("%s does not exist, errno=%d\n", dirOfPathFiles, errno);
+ for (dirent* entry = ::readdir(dir); entry != NULL; entry = ::readdir(dir)) {
+ if ( entry->d_type == DT_REG ) {
+ // only look at files ending in .paths
+ if ( strcmp(&entry->d_name[entry->d_namlen-6], ".paths") == 0 ) {
+ char fullPath[strlen(dirOfPathFiles)+entry->d_namlen+2];
+ strcpy(fullPath, dirOfPathFiles);
+ strcat(fullPath, "/");
+ strcat(fullPath, entry->d_name);
+ parsePathsFile(fullPath, rootsPaths);
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: warning, ignore file with wrong extension: %s\n", entry->d_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ::closedir(dir);
+ // set file system root
+ ArchGraph::setFileSystemRoot(rootPath);
+ // initialize all architectures requested
+ for(std::set<cpu_type_t>::iterator a = onlyArchs.begin(); a != onlyArchs.end(); ++a)
+ ArchGraph::addArch(*a);
+ // add roots to graph
+ for(std::vector<const char*>::iterator it = rootsPaths.begin(); it != rootsPaths.end(); ++it)
+ ArchGraph::addRoot(*it, onlyArchs);
+ // determine shared dylibs
+ for(std::set<cpu_type_t>::iterator a = onlyArchs.begin(); a != onlyArchs.end(); ++a)
+ ArchGraph::findSharedDylibs(*a);
+ if ( rootsPaths.size() == 0 )
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache: warning, no entries found in shared_region_roots\n");
+static bool updateSharedeCacheFile(const char* rootPath, const char* cacheDir, const std::set<cpu_type_t>& onlyArchs,
+ bool force, bool alphaSort, bool optimize)
+ bool didUpdate = false;
+ // get dyld load address info
+ UniversalMachOLayout* dyldLayout = new UniversalMachOLayout("/usr/lib/dyld", &onlyArchs);
+ const int archCount = onlyArchs.size();
+ int index = 0;
+ for(std::set<cpu_type_t>::iterator a = onlyArchs.begin(); a != onlyArchs.end(); ++a, ++index) {
+ const MachOLayoutAbstraction* dyldLayoutForArch = dyldLayout->getArch(*a);
+ if ( dyldLayoutForArch == NULL )
+ throw "dyld not avaiable for specified architecture";
+ uint64_t dyldBaseAddress = dyldLayoutForArch->getBaseAddress();
+ switch ( *a ) {
+ {
+ SharedCache<ppc> cache(ArchGraph::getArch(*a), alphaSort, dyldBaseAddress);
+ #if __i386__
+ // <rdar://problem/5217377> Rosetta does not work with optimized dyld shared cache
+ didUpdate |= cache.update(rootPath, cacheDir, force, false, index, archCount);
+ #else
+ didUpdate |= cache.update(rootPath, cacheDir, force, optimize, index, archCount);
+ #endif
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ SharedCache<ppc64> cache(ArchGraph::getArch(*a), alphaSort, dyldBaseAddress);
+ didUpdate |= cache.update(rootPath, cacheDir, force, optimize, index, archCount);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CPU_TYPE_I386:
+ {
+ SharedCache<x86> cache(ArchGraph::getArch(*a), alphaSort, dyldBaseAddress);
+ didUpdate |= cache.update(rootPath, cacheDir, force, optimize, index, archCount);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CPU_TYPE_X86_64:
+ {
+ SharedCache<x86_64> cache(ArchGraph::getArch(*a), alphaSort, dyldBaseAddress);
+ didUpdate |= cache.update(rootPath, cacheDir, force, optimize, index, archCount);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return didUpdate;
+static void usage()
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache [-force] [-root dir] [-arch arch] [-debug]\n");
+kern_return_t do_dyld_shared_cache_missing(mach_port_t dyld_port, cpu_type_t arch)
+ std::set<cpu_type_t> onlyArchs;
+ onlyArchs.insert(arch);
+ try {
+ scanForSharedDylibs("", "/var/db/dyld/shared_region_roots/", onlyArchs);
+ if ( updateSharedeCacheFile("", DYLD_SHARED_CACHE_DIR, onlyArchs, false, false, true) )
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache[%u] regenerated cache for arch=%s\n", getpid(), ArchGraph::archName(arch));
+ }
+ catch (const char* msg) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache[%u] for arch=%s failed: %s\n", getpid(), ArchGraph::archName(arch), msg);
+ return KERN_FAILURE;
+ }
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+kern_return_t do_dyld_shared_cache_out_of_date(mach_port_t dyld_port, cpu_type_t arch)
+ // reduce priority of this process so it only runs at the lowest priority
+ setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, PRIO_MAX);
+ // and then rebuild cache
+ return do_dyld_shared_cache_missing(dyld_port, arch);
+int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
+ mach_port_t mp;
+ if ( bootstrap_check_in(bootstrap_port, "com.apple.dyld", &mp) == KERN_SUCCESS ) {
+ // started by launchd
+ // Just process one message and quit
+ mach_msg_size_t mxmsgsz = sizeof(union __RequestUnion__do_dyld_server_subsystem) + MAX_TRAILER_SIZE;
+ mach_msg_server_once(dyld_server_server, mxmsgsz, mp, MACH_RCV_TIMEOUT);
+ // The problem with staying alive and processing messages is that the rest of this
+ // tool leaks mapped memory and file descriptors. Quiting will clean that up.
+ // <rdar://problem/5392427> 9A516 - Keep getting disk full errors
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ // started as command line tool
+ std::set<cpu_type_t> onlyArchs;
+ const char* rootPath = "";
+ bool force = false;
+ bool alphaSort = false;
+ bool optimize = true;
+ bool makeSymLink = false;
+ try {
+ // parse command line options
+ for(int i=1; i < argc; ++i) {
+ const char* arg = argv[i];
+ if ( arg[0] == '-' ) {
+ if ( strcmp(arg, "-debug") == 0 ) {
+ verbose = true;
+ }
+ else if ( strcmp(arg, "-force") == 0 ) {
+ force = true;
+ }
+ else if ( strcmp(arg, "-sort_by_name") == 0 ) {
+ alphaSort = true;
+ }
+ else if ( strcmp(arg, "-opt") == 0 ) {
+ optimize = true;
+ }
+ else if ( strcmp(arg, "-no_opt") == 0 ) {
+ optimize = false;
+ }
+ else if ( (strcmp(arg, "-root") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "--root") == 0) ) {
+ rootPath = argv[++i];
+ if ( rootPath == NULL )
+ throw "-root missing path argument";
+ // strip tailing slashes
+ int len = strlen(rootPath)-1;
+ if ( rootPath[len] == '/' ) {
+ char* newRootPath = strdup(rootPath);
+ while ( newRootPath[len] == '/' )
+ newRootPath[len--] = '\0';
+ rootPath = newRootPath;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( strcmp(arg, "-arch") == 0 ) {
+ const char* arch = argv[++i];
+ if ( strcmp(arch, "ppc") == 0 )
+ onlyArchs.insert(CPU_TYPE_POWERPC);
+ else if ( strcmp(arch, "ppc64") == 0 )
+ onlyArchs.insert(CPU_TYPE_POWERPC64);
+ else if ( strcmp(arch, "i386") == 0 )
+ onlyArchs.insert(CPU_TYPE_I386);
+ else if ( strcmp(arch, "x86_64") == 0 )
+ onlyArchs.insert(CPU_TYPE_X86_64);
+ else
+ throwf("unknown architecture %s", arch);
+ }
+ else if ( strcmp(arg, "-universal_boot") == 0 ) {
+ #if __ppc__
+ throwf("universal_boot option can only be used on Intel machines");
+ #endif
+ onlyArchs.insert(CPU_TYPE_POWERPC);
+ onlyArchs.insert(CPU_TYPE_I386);
+ makeSymLink = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ usage();
+ throwf("unknown option: %s\n", arg);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ usage();
+ throwf("unknown option: %s\n", arg);
+ }
+ }
+ // if no restrictions specified, use architectures that work on this machine
+ if ( onlyArchs.size() == 0 ) {
+ int available;
+ size_t len = sizeof(int);
+ #if __ppc__
+ onlyArchs.insert(CPU_TYPE_POWERPC);
+ if ( (sysctlbyname("hw.optional.64bitops", &available, &len, NULL, 0) == 0) && available )
+ onlyArchs.insert(CPU_TYPE_POWERPC64);
+ #elif __i386__
+ onlyArchs.insert(CPU_TYPE_I386);
+ onlyArchs.insert(CPU_TYPE_POWERPC); // assume rosetta always available
+ if ( (sysctlbyname("hw.optional.x86_64", &available, &len, NULL, 0) == 0) && available )
+ onlyArchs.insert(CPU_TYPE_X86_64);
+ #else
+ #error unknown architecture
+ #endif
+ }
+ if ( geteuid() != 0 )
+ throw "you must be root to run this tool";
+ // build list of shared dylibs
+ scanForSharedDylibs(rootPath, "/var/db/dyld/shared_region_roots/", onlyArchs);
+ updateSharedeCacheFile(rootPath, DYLD_SHARED_CACHE_DIR, onlyArchs, force, alphaSort, optimize);
+ // To make a universal bootable image with dyld caches,
+ // build the rosetta cache and symlink ppc to point to it.
+ // A rosetta cache is just an unoptimized ppc cache, so ppc machine can use it too.
+ // rdar://problem/5498469
+ if ( makeSymLink ) {
+ char symLinkLocation[1024];
+ strcpy(symLinkLocation, rootPath);
+ strcat(symLinkLocation, DYLD_SHARED_CACHE_DIR);
+ strcat(symLinkLocation, DYLD_SHARED_CACHE_BASE_NAME);
+ strcat(symLinkLocation, SharedCache<ppc>::filename(true));
+ char symLinkTarget[1024];
+ strcpy(symLinkTarget, DYLD_SHARED_CACHE_BASE_NAME);
+ strcat(symLinkTarget, SharedCache<ppc>::filename(false));
+ if ( symlink(symLinkTarget, symLinkLocation) == -1 ) {
+ if ( errno != EEXIST )
+ throwf("symlink() returned errno=%d", errno);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const char* msg) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "update_dyld_shared_cache failed: %s\n", msg);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }