[apple/dyld.git] / src / ImageLoader.cpp
1 /* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4 -*-
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
4 *
6 *
7 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
8 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
9 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
10 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
11 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
12 * file.
13 *
14 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
15 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
19 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
20 * limitations under the License.
21 *
23 */
25 #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS
26 #include <stdint.h>
27 #include <stdlib.h>
28 #include <errno.h>
29 #include <fcntl.h>
30 #include <mach/mach.h>
31 #include <mach-o/fat.h>
32 #include <sys/types.h>
33 #include <sys/stat.h>
34 #include <sys/mman.h>
35 #include <sys/param.h>
36 #include <sys/mount.h>
37 #include <sys/sysctl.h>
38 #include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
39 #include <string_view>
41 #include <atomic>
43 #include "Tracing.h"
45 #include "ImageLoader.h"
48 uint32_t ImageLoader::fgImagesUsedFromSharedCache = 0;
49 uint32_t ImageLoader::fgImagesWithUsedPrebinding = 0;
50 uint32_t ImageLoader::fgImagesRequiringCoalescing = 0;
51 uint32_t ImageLoader::fgImagesHasWeakDefinitions = 0;
52 uint32_t ImageLoader::fgTotalRebaseFixups = 0;
53 uint32_t ImageLoader::fgTotalBindFixups = 0;
54 uint32_t ImageLoader::fgTotalBindSymbolsResolved = 0;
55 uint32_t ImageLoader::fgTotalBindImageSearches = 0;
56 uint32_t ImageLoader::fgTotalLazyBindFixups = 0;
57 uint32_t ImageLoader::fgTotalPossibleLazyBindFixups = 0;
58 uint32_t ImageLoader::fgTotalSegmentsMapped = 0;
59 uint64_t ImageLoader::fgTotalBytesMapped = 0;
60 uint64_t ImageLoader::fgTotalLoadLibrariesTime;
61 uint64_t ImageLoader::fgTotalObjCSetupTime = 0;
62 uint64_t ImageLoader::fgTotalDebuggerPausedTime = 0;
63 uint64_t ImageLoader::fgTotalRebindCacheTime = 0;
64 uint64_t ImageLoader::fgTotalRebaseTime;
65 uint64_t ImageLoader::fgTotalBindTime;
66 uint64_t ImageLoader::fgTotalWeakBindTime;
67 uint64_t ImageLoader::fgTotalDOF;
68 uint64_t ImageLoader::fgTotalInitTime;
69 uint16_t ImageLoader::fgLoadOrdinal = 0;
70 uint32_t ImageLoader::fgSymbolTrieSearchs = 0;
71 std::vector<ImageLoader::InterposeTuple>ImageLoader::fgInterposingTuples;
72 uintptr_t ImageLoader::fgNextPIEDylibAddress = 0;
76 ImageLoader::ImageLoader(const char* path, unsigned int libCount)
77 : fPath(path), fRealPath(NULL), fDevice(0), fInode(0), fLastModified(0),
78 fPathHash(0), fDlopenReferenceCount(0), fInitializerRecursiveLock(NULL),
79 fLoadOrder(fgLoadOrdinal++), fDepth(0), fObjCMappedNotified(false), fState(0), fLibraryCount(libCount),
80 fMadeReadOnly(false), fAllLibraryChecksumsAndLoadAddressesMatch(false), fLeaveMapped(false), fNeverUnload(false),
81 fHideSymbols(false), fMatchByInstallName(false),
82 fInterposed(false), fRegisteredDOF(false), fAllLazyPointersBound(false),
83 fBeingRemoved(false), fAddFuncNotified(false),
84 fPathOwnedByImage(false), fIsReferencedDownward(false),
85 fWeakSymbolsBound(false)
86 {
87 #if __x86_64__
88 fAotPath = NULL;
89 #endif
90 if ( fPath != NULL )
91 fPathHash = hash(fPath);
92 if ( libCount > 512 )
93 dyld::throwf("too many dependent dylibs in %s", path);
94 }
97 void ImageLoader::deleteImage(ImageLoader* image)
98 {
99 delete image;
100 }
103 ImageLoader::~ImageLoader()
104 {
105 if ( fRealPath != NULL )
106 delete [] fRealPath;
107 if ( fPathOwnedByImage && (fPath != NULL) )
108 delete [] fPath;
109 #if __x86_64__
110 if ( fAotPath != NULL )
111 delete [] fAotPath;
112 #endif
113 }
115 void ImageLoader::setFileInfo(dev_t device, ino_t inode, time_t modDate)
116 {
117 fDevice = device;
118 fInode = inode;
119 fLastModified = modDate;
120 }
122 void ImageLoader::setMapped(const LinkContext& context)
123 {
124 fState = dyld_image_state_mapped;
125 context.notifySingle(dyld_image_state_mapped, this, NULL); // note: can throw exception
126 }
128 int ImageLoader::compare(const ImageLoader* right) const
129 {
130 if ( this->fDepth == right->fDepth ) {
131 if ( this->fLoadOrder == right->fLoadOrder )
132 return 0;
133 else if ( this->fLoadOrder < right->fLoadOrder )
134 return -1;
135 else
136 return 1;
137 }
138 else {
139 if ( this->fDepth < right->fDepth )
140 return -1;
141 else
142 return 1;
143 }
144 }
146 void ImageLoader::setPath(const char* path)
147 {
148 if ( fPathOwnedByImage && (fPath != NULL) )
149 delete [] fPath;
150 fPath = new char[strlen(path)+1];
151 strcpy((char*)fPath, path);
152 fPathOwnedByImage = true; // delete fPath when this image is destructed
153 fPathHash = hash(fPath);
154 if ( fRealPath != NULL ) {
155 delete [] fRealPath;
156 fRealPath = NULL;
157 }
158 }
160 void ImageLoader::setPathUnowned(const char* path)
161 {
162 if ( fPathOwnedByImage && (fPath != NULL) ) {
163 delete [] fPath;
164 }
165 fPath = path;
166 fPathOwnedByImage = false;
167 fPathHash = hash(fPath);
168 }
170 void ImageLoader::setPaths(const char* path, const char* realPath)
171 {
172 this->setPath(path);
173 fRealPath = new char[strlen(realPath)+1];
174 strcpy((char*)fRealPath, realPath);
175 }
178 const char* ImageLoader::getRealPath() const
179 {
180 if ( fRealPath != NULL )
181 return fRealPath;
182 else
183 return fPath;
184 }
186 uint32_t ImageLoader::hash(const char* path)
187 {
188 // this does not need to be a great hash
189 // it is just used to reduce the number of strcmp() calls
190 // of existing images when loading a new image
191 uint32_t h = 0;
192 for (const char* s=path; *s != '\0'; ++s)
193 h = h*5 + *s;
194 return h;
195 }
197 bool ImageLoader::matchInstallPath() const
198 {
199 return fMatchByInstallName;
200 }
202 void ImageLoader::setMatchInstallPath(bool match)
203 {
204 fMatchByInstallName = match;
205 }
207 bool ImageLoader::statMatch(const struct stat& stat_buf) const
208 {
209 return ( (this->fDevice == stat_buf.st_dev) && (this->fInode == stat_buf.st_ino) );
210 }
212 const char* ImageLoader::shortName(const char* fullName)
213 {
214 // try to return leaf name
215 if ( fullName != NULL ) {
216 const char* s = strrchr(fullName, '/');
217 if ( s != NULL )
218 return &s[1];
219 }
220 return fullName;
221 }
223 const char* ImageLoader::getShortName() const
224 {
225 return shortName(fPath);
226 }
228 void ImageLoader::setLeaveMapped()
229 {
230 fLeaveMapped = true;
231 }
233 void ImageLoader::setHideExports(bool hide)
234 {
235 fHideSymbols = hide;
236 }
238 bool ImageLoader::hasHiddenExports() const
239 {
240 return fHideSymbols;
241 }
243 bool ImageLoader::isLinked() const
244 {
245 return (fState >= dyld_image_state_bound);
246 }
248 time_t ImageLoader::lastModified() const
249 {
250 return fLastModified;
251 }
253 bool ImageLoader::containsAddress(const void* addr) const
254 {
255 for(unsigned int i=0, e=segmentCount(); i < e; ++i) {
256 const uint8_t* start = (const uint8_t*)segActualLoadAddress(i);
257 const uint8_t* end = (const uint8_t*)segActualEndAddress(i);
258 if ( (start <= addr) && (addr < end) && !segUnaccessible(i) )
259 return true;
260 }
261 return false;
262 }
264 bool ImageLoader::overlapsWithAddressRange(const void* start, const void* end) const
265 {
266 for(unsigned int i=0, e=segmentCount(); i < e; ++i) {
267 const uint8_t* segStart = (const uint8_t*)segActualLoadAddress(i);
268 const uint8_t* segEnd = (const uint8_t*)segActualEndAddress(i);
269 if ( strcmp(segName(i), "__UNIXSTACK") == 0 ) {
270 // __UNIXSTACK never slides. This is the only place that cares
271 // and checking for that segment name in segActualLoadAddress()
272 // is too expensive.
273 segStart -= getSlide();
274 segEnd -= getSlide();
275 }
276 if ( (start <= segStart) && (segStart < end) )
277 return true;
278 if ( (start <= segEnd) && (segEnd < end) )
279 return true;
280 if ( (segStart < start) && (end < segEnd) )
281 return true;
282 }
283 return false;
284 }
286 void ImageLoader::getMappedRegions(MappedRegion*& regions) const
287 {
288 for(unsigned int i=0, e=segmentCount(); i < e; ++i) {
289 MappedRegion region;
290 region.address = segActualLoadAddress(i);
291 region.size = segSize(i);
292 *regions++ = region;
293 }
294 }
298 bool ImageLoader::dependsOn(ImageLoader* image) {
299 for(unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i) {
300 if ( libImage(i) == image )
301 return true;
302 }
303 return false;
304 }
307 static bool notInImgageList(const ImageLoader* image, const ImageLoader** dsiStart, const ImageLoader** dsiCur)
308 {
309 for (const ImageLoader** p = dsiStart; p < dsiCur; ++p)
310 if ( *p == image )
311 return false;
312 return true;
313 }
315 bool ImageLoader::findExportedSymbolAddress(const LinkContext& context, const char* symbolName,
316 const ImageLoader* requestorImage, int requestorOrdinalOfDef,
317 bool runResolver, const ImageLoader** foundIn, uintptr_t* address) const
318 {
319 const Symbol* sym = this->findExportedSymbol(symbolName, true, foundIn);
320 if ( sym != NULL ) {
321 *address = (*foundIn)->getExportedSymbolAddress(sym, context, requestorImage, runResolver);
322 return true;
323 }
324 return false;
325 }
328 // private method that handles circular dependencies by only search any image once
329 const ImageLoader::Symbol* ImageLoader::findExportedSymbolInDependentImagesExcept(const char* name,
330 const ImageLoader** dsiStart, const ImageLoader**& dsiCur, const ImageLoader** dsiEnd, const ImageLoader** foundIn) const
331 {
332 const ImageLoader::Symbol* sym;
333 // search self
334 if ( notInImgageList(this, dsiStart, dsiCur) ) {
335 sym = this->findExportedSymbol(name, false, this->getPath(), foundIn);
336 if ( sym != NULL )
337 return sym;
338 *dsiCur++ = this;
339 }
341 // search directly dependent libraries
342 for(unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i) {
343 ImageLoader* dependentImage = libImage(i);
344 if ( (dependentImage != NULL) && notInImgageList(dependentImage, dsiStart, dsiCur) ) {
345 sym = dependentImage->findExportedSymbol(name, false, libPath(i), foundIn);
346 if ( sym != NULL )
347 return sym;
348 }
349 }
351 // search indirectly dependent libraries
352 for(unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i) {
353 ImageLoader* dependentImage = libImage(i);
354 if ( (dependentImage != NULL) && notInImgageList(dependentImage, dsiStart, dsiCur) ) {
355 *dsiCur++ = dependentImage;
356 sym = dependentImage->findExportedSymbolInDependentImagesExcept(name, dsiStart, dsiCur, dsiEnd, foundIn);
357 if ( sym != NULL )
358 return sym;
359 }
360 }
362 return NULL;
363 }
366 const ImageLoader::Symbol* ImageLoader::findExportedSymbolInDependentImages(const char* name, const LinkContext& context, const ImageLoader** foundIn) const
367 {
368 unsigned int imageCount = context.imageCount()+2;
369 const ImageLoader* dontSearchImages[imageCount];
370 dontSearchImages[0] = this; // don't search this image
371 const ImageLoader** cur = &dontSearchImages[1];
372 return this->findExportedSymbolInDependentImagesExcept(name, &dontSearchImages[0], cur, &dontSearchImages[imageCount], foundIn);
373 }
375 const ImageLoader::Symbol* ImageLoader::findExportedSymbolInImageOrDependentImages(const char* name, const LinkContext& context, const ImageLoader** foundIn) const
376 {
377 unsigned int imageCount = context.imageCount()+2;
378 const ImageLoader* dontSearchImages[imageCount];
379 const ImageLoader** cur = &dontSearchImages[0];
380 return this->findExportedSymbolInDependentImagesExcept(name, &dontSearchImages[0], cur, &dontSearchImages[imageCount], foundIn);
381 }
383 // this is called by initializeMainExecutable() to interpose on the initial set of images
384 void ImageLoader::applyInterposing(const LinkContext& context)
385 {
386 dyld3::ScopedTimer timer(DBG_DYLD_TIMING_APPLY_INTERPOSING, 0, 0, 0);
387 if ( fgInterposingTuples.size() != 0 )
388 this->recursiveApplyInterposing(context);
389 }
392 uintptr_t ImageLoader::interposedAddress(const LinkContext& context, uintptr_t address, const ImageLoader* inImage, const ImageLoader* onlyInImage)
393 {
394 //dyld::log("interposedAddress(0x%08llX), tupleCount=%lu\n", (uint64_t)address, fgInterposingTuples.size());
395 for (std::vector<InterposeTuple>::iterator it=fgInterposingTuples.begin(); it != fgInterposingTuples.end(); it++) {
396 //dyld::log(" interposedAddress: replacee=0x%08llX, replacement=0x%08llX, neverImage=%p, onlyImage=%p, inImage=%p\n",
397 // (uint64_t)it->replacee, (uint64_t)it->replacement, it->neverImage, it->onlyImage, inImage);
398 // replace all references to 'replacee' with 'replacement'
399 if ( (address == it->replacee) && (it->neverImage != inImage) && ((it->onlyImage == NULL) || (it->onlyImage == inImage)) ) {
400 if ( context.verboseInterposing ) {
401 dyld::log("dyld interposing: replace 0x%lX with 0x%lX\n", it->replacee, it->replacement);
402 }
403 return it->replacement;
404 }
405 }
406 return address;
407 }
409 void ImageLoader::applyInterposingToDyldCache(const LinkContext& context) {
410 if (!context.dyldCache)
411 return;
412 if (!context.dyldCache->header.builtFromChainedFixups)
413 return;
414 if (fgInterposingTuples.empty())
415 return;
417 // make the cache writable for this block
418 DyldSharedCache::DataConstScopedWriter patcher(context.dyldCache, mach_task_self(), (context.verboseMapping ? &dyld::log : nullptr));
420 // For each of the interposed addresses, see if any of them are in the shared cache. If so, find
421 // that image and apply its patch table to all uses.
422 uintptr_t cacheStart = (uintptr_t)context.dyldCache;
423 for (std::vector<InterposeTuple>::iterator it=fgInterposingTuples.begin(); it != fgInterposingTuples.end(); it++) {
424 if ( context.verboseInterposing )
425 dyld::log("dyld: interpose: Trying to interpose address 0x%08llx\n", (uint64_t)it->replacee);
426 uint32_t imageIndex;
427 uint32_t cacheOffsetOfReplacee = (uint32_t)(it->replacee - cacheStart);
428 if (!context.dyldCache->addressInText(cacheOffsetOfReplacee, &imageIndex))
429 continue;
430 dyld3::closure::ImageNum imageInCache = imageIndex+1;
431 if ( context.verboseInterposing )
432 dyld::log("dyld: interpose: Found shared cache image %d for 0x%08llx\n", imageInCache, (uint64_t)it->replacee);
433 context.dyldCache->forEachPatchableExport(imageIndex, ^(uint32_t cacheOffsetOfImpl, const char* exportName) {
434 // Skip patching anything other than this symbol
435 if (cacheOffsetOfImpl != cacheOffsetOfReplacee)
436 return;
437 if ( context.verboseInterposing ) {
438 const dyld3::closure::Image* image = context.dyldCache->cachedDylibsImageArray()->imageForNum(imageInCache);
439 dyld::log("dyld: interpose: Patching uses of symbol %s in shared cache binary at %s\n", exportName, image->path());
440 }
441 uintptr_t newLoc = it->replacement;
442 context.dyldCache->forEachPatchableUseOfExport(imageIndex, cacheOffsetOfImpl, ^(dyld_cache_patchable_location patchLocation) {
443 uintptr_t* loc = (uintptr_t*)(cacheStart+patchLocation.cacheOffset);
444 #if __has_feature(ptrauth_calls)
445 if ( patchLocation.authenticated ) {
446 dyld3::MachOLoaded::ChainedFixupPointerOnDisk ptr = *(dyld3::MachOLoaded::ChainedFixupPointerOnDisk*)loc;
447 ptr.arm64e.authRebase.auth = true;
448 ptr.arm64e.authRebase.addrDiv = patchLocation.usesAddressDiversity;
449 ptr.arm64e.authRebase.diversity = patchLocation.discriminator;
450 ptr.arm64e.authRebase.key = patchLocation.key;
451 *loc = ptr.arm64e.signPointer(loc, newLoc + DyldSharedCache::getAddend(patchLocation));
452 if ( context.verboseInterposing )
453 dyld::log("dyld: interpose: *%p = %p (JOP: diversity 0x%04X, addr-div=%d, key=%s)\n",
454 loc, (void*)*loc, patchLocation.discriminator, patchLocation.usesAddressDiversity, DyldSharedCache::keyName(patchLocation));
455 return;
456 }
457 #endif
458 if ( context.verboseInterposing )
459 dyld::log("dyld: interpose: *%p = 0x%0llX (dyld cache patch) to %s\n", loc, newLoc + DyldSharedCache::getAddend(patchLocation), exportName);
460 *loc = newLoc + (uintptr_t)DyldSharedCache::getAddend(patchLocation);
461 });
462 });
463 }
464 }
466 void ImageLoader::addDynamicInterposingTuples(const struct dyld_interpose_tuple array[], size_t count)
467 {
468 for(size_t i=0; i < count; ++i) {
469 ImageLoader::InterposeTuple tuple;
470 tuple.replacement = (uintptr_t)array[i].replacement;
471 tuple.neverImage = NULL;
472 tuple.onlyImage = this;
473 tuple.replacee = (uintptr_t)array[i].replacee;
474 // chain to any existing interpositions
475 for (std::vector<InterposeTuple>::iterator it=fgInterposingTuples.begin(); it != fgInterposingTuples.end(); it++) {
476 if ( (it->replacee == tuple.replacee) && (it->onlyImage == this) ) {
477 tuple.replacee = it->replacement;
478 }
479 }
480 ImageLoader::fgInterposingTuples.push_back(tuple);
481 }
482 }
484 // <rdar://problem/29099600> dyld should tell the kernel when it is doing root fix-ups
485 void ImageLoader::vmAccountingSetSuspended(const LinkContext& context, bool suspend)
486 {
488 static bool sVmAccountingSuspended = false;
489 if ( suspend == sVmAccountingSuspended )
490 return;
491 if ( context.verboseBind )
492 dyld::log("set vm.footprint_suspend=%d\n", suspend);
493 int newValue = suspend ? 1 : 0;
494 int oldValue = 0;
495 size_t newlen = sizeof(newValue);
496 size_t oldlen = sizeof(oldValue);
497 int ret = sysctlbyname("vm.footprint_suspend", &oldValue, &oldlen, &newValue, newlen);
498 if ( context.verboseBind && (ret != 0) )
499 dyld::log("vm.footprint_suspend => %d, errno=%d\n", ret, errno);
500 sVmAccountingSuspended = suspend;
501 #endif
502 }
505 void ImageLoader::link(const LinkContext& context, bool forceLazysBound, bool preflightOnly, bool neverUnload, const RPathChain& loaderRPaths, const char* imagePath)
506 {
507 //dyld::log("ImageLoader::link(%s) refCount=%d, neverUnload=%d\n", imagePath, fDlopenReferenceCount, fNeverUnload);
509 // clear error strings
510 (*context.setErrorStrings)(0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
512 uint64_t t0 = mach_absolute_time();
513 this->recursiveLoadLibraries(context, preflightOnly, loaderRPaths, imagePath);
514 context.notifyBatch(dyld_image_state_dependents_mapped, preflightOnly);
516 // we only do the loading step for preflights
517 if ( preflightOnly )
518 return;
520 uint64_t t1 = mach_absolute_time();
521 context.clearAllDepths();
522 this->updateDepth(context.imageCount());
524 __block uint64_t t2, t3, t4, t5;
525 {
526 dyld3::ScopedTimer(DBG_DYLD_TIMING_APPLY_FIXUPS, 0, 0, 0);
527 t2 = mach_absolute_time();
528 this->recursiveRebaseWithAccounting(context);
529 context.notifyBatch(dyld_image_state_rebased, false);
531 t3 = mach_absolute_time();
532 if ( !context.linkingMainExecutable )
533 this->recursiveBindWithAccounting(context, forceLazysBound, neverUnload);
535 t4 = mach_absolute_time();
536 if ( !context.linkingMainExecutable )
537 this->weakBind(context);
538 t5 = mach_absolute_time();
539 }
541 // interpose any dynamically loaded images
542 if ( !context.linkingMainExecutable && (fgInterposingTuples.size() != 0) ) {
543 dyld3::ScopedTimer timer(DBG_DYLD_TIMING_APPLY_INTERPOSING, 0, 0, 0);
544 this->recursiveApplyInterposing(context);
545 }
547 // now that all fixups are done, make __DATA_CONST segments read-only
548 if ( !context.linkingMainExecutable )
549 this->recursiveMakeDataReadOnly(context);
551 if ( !context.linkingMainExecutable )
552 context.notifyBatch(dyld_image_state_bound, false);
553 uint64_t t6 = mach_absolute_time();
555 if ( context.registerDOFs != NULL ) {
556 std::vector<DOFInfo> dofs;
557 this->recursiveGetDOFSections(context, dofs);
558 context.registerDOFs(dofs);
559 }
560 uint64_t t7 = mach_absolute_time();
562 // clear error strings
563 (*context.setErrorStrings)(0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
565 fgTotalLoadLibrariesTime += t1 - t0;
566 fgTotalRebaseTime += t3 - t2;
567 fgTotalBindTime += t4 - t3;
568 fgTotalWeakBindTime += t5 - t4;
569 fgTotalDOF += t7 - t6;
571 // done with initial dylib loads
572 fgNextPIEDylibAddress = 0;
573 }
576 void ImageLoader::printReferenceCounts()
577 {
578 dyld::log(" dlopen=%d for %s\n", fDlopenReferenceCount, getPath() );
579 }
582 bool ImageLoader::decrementDlopenReferenceCount()
583 {
584 if ( fDlopenReferenceCount == 0 )
585 return true;
586 --fDlopenReferenceCount;
587 return false;
588 }
591 // <rdar://problem/14412057> upward dylib initializers can be run too soon
592 // To handle dangling dylibs which are upward linked but not downward, all upward linked dylibs
593 // have their initialization postponed until after the recursion through downward dylibs
594 // has completed.
595 void ImageLoader::processInitializers(const LinkContext& context, mach_port_t thisThread,
596 InitializerTimingList& timingInfo, ImageLoader::UninitedUpwards& images)
597 {
598 uint32_t maxImageCount = context.imageCount()+2;
599 ImageLoader::UninitedUpwards upsBuffer[maxImageCount];
600 ImageLoader::UninitedUpwards& ups = upsBuffer[0];
601 ups.count = 0;
602 // Calling recursive init on all images in images list, building a new list of
603 // uninitialized upward dependencies.
604 for (uintptr_t i=0; i < images.count; ++i) {
605 images.imagesAndPaths[i].first->recursiveInitialization(context, thisThread, images.imagesAndPaths[i].second, timingInfo, ups);
606 }
607 // If any upward dependencies remain, init them.
608 if ( ups.count > 0 )
609 processInitializers(context, thisThread, timingInfo, ups);
610 }
613 void ImageLoader::runInitializers(const LinkContext& context, InitializerTimingList& timingInfo)
614 {
615 uint64_t t1 = mach_absolute_time();
616 mach_port_t thisThread = mach_thread_self();
617 ImageLoader::UninitedUpwards up;
618 up.count = 1;
619 up.imagesAndPaths[0] = { this, this->getPath() };
620 processInitializers(context, thisThread, timingInfo, up);
621 context.notifyBatch(dyld_image_state_initialized, false);
622 mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), thisThread);
623 uint64_t t2 = mach_absolute_time();
624 fgTotalInitTime += (t2 - t1);
625 }
628 void ImageLoader::bindAllLazyPointers(const LinkContext& context, bool recursive)
629 {
630 if ( ! fAllLazyPointersBound ) {
631 fAllLazyPointersBound = true;
633 if ( recursive ) {
634 // bind lower level libraries first
635 for(unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i) {
636 ImageLoader* dependentImage = libImage(i);
637 if ( dependentImage != NULL )
638 dependentImage->bindAllLazyPointers(context, recursive);
639 }
640 }
641 // bind lazies in this image
642 DyldSharedCache::DataConstLazyScopedWriter patcher(context.dyldCache, mach_task_self(), context.verboseMapping ? &dyld::log : nullptr);
643 this->doBindJustLazies(context, patcher);
644 }
645 }
648 bool ImageLoader::allDependentLibrariesAsWhenPreBound() const
649 {
650 return fAllLibraryChecksumsAndLoadAddressesMatch;
651 }
654 void ImageLoader::markedUsedRecursive(const std::vector<DynamicReference>& dynamicReferences)
655 {
656 // already visited here
657 if ( fMarkedInUse )
658 return;
659 fMarkedInUse = true;
661 // clear mark on all statically dependent dylibs
662 for(unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i) {
663 ImageLoader* dependentImage = libImage(i);
664 if ( dependentImage != NULL ) {
665 dependentImage->markedUsedRecursive(dynamicReferences);
666 }
667 }
669 // clear mark on all dynamically dependent dylibs
670 for (std::vector<ImageLoader::DynamicReference>::const_iterator it=dynamicReferences.begin(); it != dynamicReferences.end(); ++it) {
671 if ( it->from == this )
672 it->to->markedUsedRecursive(dynamicReferences);
673 }
675 }
677 unsigned int ImageLoader::updateDepth(unsigned int maxDepth)
678 {
679 STACK_ALLOC_ARRAY(ImageLoader*, danglingUpwards, maxDepth);
680 unsigned int depth = this->recursiveUpdateDepth(maxDepth, danglingUpwards);
681 for (auto& danglingUpward : danglingUpwards) {
682 if ( danglingUpward->fDepth != 0)
683 continue;
684 danglingUpward->recursiveUpdateDepth(maxDepth, danglingUpwards);
685 }
686 return depth;
687 }
689 unsigned int ImageLoader::recursiveUpdateDepth(unsigned int maxDepth, dyld3::Array<ImageLoader*>& danglingUpwards)
690 {
691 // the purpose of this phase is to make the images sortable such that
692 // in a sort list of images, every image that an image depends on
693 // occurs in the list before it.
694 if ( fDepth == 0 ) {
695 // break cycles
696 fDepth = maxDepth;
698 // get depth of dependents
699 unsigned int minDependentDepth = maxDepth;
700 for(unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i) {
701 ImageLoader* dependentImage = libImage(i);
702 if ( dependentImage != NULL ) {
703 if ( libIsUpward(i) ) {
704 if ( dependentImage->fDepth == 0) {
705 if ( !danglingUpwards.contains(dependentImage) )
706 danglingUpwards.push_back(dependentImage);
707 }
708 } else {
709 unsigned int d = dependentImage->recursiveUpdateDepth(maxDepth, danglingUpwards);
710 if ( d < minDependentDepth )
711 minDependentDepth = d;
712 }
713 }
714 // <rdar://problem/60878811> make sure need to re-bind propagates up
715 if ( dependentImage != NULL ) {
716 if ( fAllLibraryChecksumsAndLoadAddressesMatch && !dependentImage->fAllLibraryChecksumsAndLoadAddressesMatch ) {
717 fAllLibraryChecksumsAndLoadAddressesMatch = false;
718 }
719 }
720 }
721 // make me less deep then all my dependents
722 fDepth = minDependentDepth - 1;
724 }
725 return fDepth;
726 }
729 void ImageLoader::recursiveLoadLibraries(const LinkContext& context, bool preflightOnly, const RPathChain& loaderRPaths, const char* loadPath)
730 {
731 if ( fState < dyld_image_state_dependents_mapped ) {
732 // break cycles
733 fState = dyld_image_state_dependents_mapped;
735 // get list of libraries this image needs
736 DependentLibraryInfo libraryInfos[fLibraryCount];
737 this->doGetDependentLibraries(libraryInfos);
739 // get list of rpaths that this image adds
740 std::vector<const char*> rpathsFromThisImage;
741 this->getRPaths(context, rpathsFromThisImage);
742 const RPathChain thisRPaths(&loaderRPaths, &rpathsFromThisImage);
744 // try to load each
745 bool canUsePrelinkingInfo = true;
746 for(unsigned int i=0; i < fLibraryCount; ++i){
747 ImageLoader* dependentLib;
748 bool depLibReExported = false;
749 DependentLibraryInfo& requiredLibInfo = libraryInfos[i];
750 if ( preflightOnly && context.inSharedCache(requiredLibInfo.name) ) {
751 // <rdar://problem/5910137> dlopen_preflight() on image in shared cache leaves it loaded but not objc initialized
752 // in preflight mode, don't even load dylib that are in the shared cache because they will never be unloaded
753 setLibImage(i, NULL, false, false);
754 continue;
755 }
756 try {
757 unsigned cacheIndex;
758 dependentLib = context.loadLibrary(requiredLibInfo.name, true, this->getPath(), &thisRPaths, cacheIndex);
759 if ( dependentLib == this ) {
760 // found circular reference, perhaps DYLD_LIBARY_PATH is causing this rdar://problem/3684168
761 dependentLib = context.loadLibrary(requiredLibInfo.name, false, NULL, NULL, cacheIndex);
762 if ( dependentLib != this )
763 dyld::warn("DYLD_ setting caused circular dependency in %s\n", this->getPath());
764 }
765 if ( fNeverUnload )
766 dependentLib->setNeverUnload();
767 if ( requiredLibInfo.upward ) {
768 }
769 else {
770 dependentLib->fIsReferencedDownward = true;
771 }
772 LibraryInfo actualInfo = dependentLib->doGetLibraryInfo(requiredLibInfo.info);
773 depLibReExported = requiredLibInfo.reExported;
774 if ( ! depLibReExported ) {
775 // for pre-10.5 binaries that did not use LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB
776 depLibReExported = dependentLib->isSubframeworkOf(context, this) || this->hasSubLibrary(context, dependentLib);
777 }
778 // check found library version is compatible
779 // <rdar://problem/89200806> 0xFFFFFFFF is wildcard that matches any version
780 if ( (requiredLibInfo.info.minVersion != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (actualInfo.minVersion < requiredLibInfo.info.minVersion)
781 && ((dyld3::MachOFile*)(dependentLib->machHeader()))->enforceCompatVersion() ) {
782 // record values for possible use by CrashReporter or Finder
783 dyld::throwf("Incompatible library version: %s requires version %d.%d.%d or later, but %s provides version %d.%d.%d",
784 this->getShortName(), requiredLibInfo.info.minVersion >> 16, (requiredLibInfo.info.minVersion >> 8) & 0xff, requiredLibInfo.info.minVersion & 0xff,
785 dependentLib->getShortName(), actualInfo.minVersion >> 16, (actualInfo.minVersion >> 8) & 0xff, actualInfo.minVersion & 0xff);
786 }
787 // prebinding for this image disabled if any dependent library changed
788 //if ( !depLibCheckSumsMatch )
789 // canUsePrelinkingInfo = false;
790 // prebinding for this image disabled unless both this and dependent are in the shared cache
791 if ( !dependentLib->inSharedCache() || !this->inSharedCache() )
792 canUsePrelinkingInfo = false;
794 //if ( context.verbosePrebinding ) {
795 // if ( !requiredLib.checksumMatches )
796 // fprintf(stderr, "dyld: checksum mismatch, (%u v %u) for %s referencing %s\n",
797 // requiredLibInfo.info.checksum, actualInfo.checksum, this->getPath(), dependentLib->getPath());
798 // if ( dependentLib->getSlide() != 0 )
799 // fprintf(stderr, "dyld: dependent library slid for %s referencing %s\n", this->getPath(), dependentLib->getPath());
800 //}
801 }
802 catch (const char* msg) {
803 //if ( context.verbosePrebinding )
804 // fprintf(stderr, "dyld: exception during processing for %s referencing %s\n", this->getPath(), dependentLib->getPath());
805 if ( requiredLibInfo.required ) {
806 fState = dyld_image_state_mapped;
807 // record values for possible use by CrashReporter or Finder
808 if ( strstr(msg, "Incompatible library version") != NULL )
809 (*context.setErrorStrings)(DYLD_EXIT_REASON_DYLIB_WRONG_VERSION, this->getPath(), requiredLibInfo.name, NULL);
810 else if ( strstr(msg, "architecture") != NULL )
811 (*context.setErrorStrings)(DYLD_EXIT_REASON_DYLIB_WRONG_ARCH, this->getPath(), requiredLibInfo.name, NULL);
812 else if ( strstr(msg, "file system sandbox") != NULL )
813 (*context.setErrorStrings)(DYLD_EXIT_REASON_FILE_SYSTEM_SANDBOX, this->getPath(), requiredLibInfo.name, NULL);
814 else if ( strstr(msg, "code signature") != NULL )
815 (*context.setErrorStrings)(DYLD_EXIT_REASON_CODE_SIGNATURE, this->getPath(), requiredLibInfo.name, NULL);
816 else if ( strstr(msg, "malformed") != NULL )
817 (*context.setErrorStrings)(DYLD_EXIT_REASON_MALFORMED_MACHO, this->getPath(), requiredLibInfo.name, NULL);
818 else
819 (*context.setErrorStrings)(DYLD_EXIT_REASON_DYLIB_MISSING, this->getPath(), requiredLibInfo.name, NULL);
820 const char* newMsg = dyld::mkstringf("Library not loaded: %s\n Referenced from: %s\n Reason: %s", requiredLibInfo.name, this->getRealPath(), msg);
821 free((void*)msg); // our free() will do nothing if msg is a string literal
822 throw newMsg;
823 }
824 free((void*)msg); // our free() will do nothing if msg is a string literal
825 // ok if weak library not found
826 dependentLib = NULL;
827 canUsePrelinkingInfo = false; // this disables all prebinding, we may want to just slam import vectors for this lib to zero
828 }
829 setLibImage(i, dependentLib, depLibReExported, requiredLibInfo.upward);
830 }
831 fAllLibraryChecksumsAndLoadAddressesMatch = canUsePrelinkingInfo;
833 // tell each to load its dependents
834 for(unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i) {
835 ImageLoader* dependentImage = libImage(i);
836 if ( dependentImage != NULL ) {
837 dependentImage->recursiveLoadLibraries(context, preflightOnly, thisRPaths, libraryInfos[i].name);
838 }
839 }
840 // do deep prebind check
841 if ( fAllLibraryChecksumsAndLoadAddressesMatch ) {
842 for(unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i){
843 ImageLoader* dependentImage = libImage(i);
844 if ( dependentImage != NULL ) {
845 if ( !dependentImage->allDependentLibrariesAsWhenPreBound() )
846 fAllLibraryChecksumsAndLoadAddressesMatch = false;
847 }
848 }
849 }
851 // free rpaths (getRPaths() malloc'ed each string)
852 for(std::vector<const char*>::iterator it=rpathsFromThisImage.begin(); it != rpathsFromThisImage.end(); ++it) {
853 const char* str = *it;
854 free((void*)str);
855 }
857 }
858 }
861 void ImageLoader::recursiveRebaseWithAccounting(const LinkContext& context)
862 {
863 this->recursiveRebase(context);
864 vmAccountingSetSuspended(context, false);
865 }
867 void ImageLoader::recursiveRebase(const LinkContext& context)
868 {
869 if ( fState < dyld_image_state_rebased ) {
870 // break cycles
871 fState = dyld_image_state_rebased;
873 try {
874 // rebase lower level libraries first
875 for(unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i) {
876 ImageLoader* dependentImage = libImage(i);
877 if ( dependentImage != NULL )
878 dependentImage->recursiveRebase(context);
879 }
881 // rebase this image
882 doRebase(context);
884 // notify
885 context.notifySingle(dyld_image_state_rebased, this, NULL);
886 }
887 catch (const char* msg) {
888 // this image is not rebased
889 fState = dyld_image_state_dependents_mapped;
890 CRSetCrashLogMessage2(NULL);
891 throw;
892 }
893 }
894 }
896 void ImageLoader::recursiveApplyInterposing(const LinkContext& context)
897 {
898 if ( ! fInterposed ) {
899 // break cycles
900 fInterposed = true;
902 try {
903 // interpose lower level libraries first
904 for(unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i) {
905 ImageLoader* dependentImage = libImage(i);
906 if ( dependentImage != NULL )
907 dependentImage->recursiveApplyInterposing(context);
908 }
910 // interpose this image
911 doInterpose(context);
912 }
913 catch (const char* msg) {
914 // this image is not interposed
915 fInterposed = false;
916 throw;
917 }
918 }
919 }
921 void ImageLoader::recursiveMakeDataReadOnly(const LinkContext& context)
922 {
923 if ( ! fMadeReadOnly ) {
924 // break cycles
925 fMadeReadOnly = true;
927 try {
928 // handle lower level libraries first
929 for(unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i) {
930 ImageLoader* dependentImage = libImage(i);
931 if ( dependentImage != NULL )
932 dependentImage->recursiveMakeDataReadOnly(context);
933 }
935 // if this image has __DATA_CONST, make that segment read-only
936 makeDataReadOnly();
937 }
938 catch (const char* msg) {
939 fMadeReadOnly = false;
940 throw;
941 }
942 }
943 }
946 void ImageLoader::recursiveBindWithAccounting(const LinkContext& context, bool forceLazysBound, bool neverUnload)
947 {
948 this->recursiveBind(context, forceLazysBound, neverUnload, nullptr);
949 vmAccountingSetSuspended(context, false);
950 }
952 void ImageLoader::recursiveBind(const LinkContext& context, bool forceLazysBound, bool neverUnload, const ImageLoader* parent)
953 {
954 // Normally just non-lazy pointers are bound immediately.
955 // The exceptions are:
956 // 1) DYLD_BIND_AT_LAUNCH will cause lazy pointers to be bound immediately
957 // 2) some API's (e.g. RTLD_NOW) can cause lazy pointers to be bound immediately
958 if ( fState < dyld_image_state_bound ) {
959 // break cycles
960 fState = dyld_image_state_bound;
962 try {
963 // bind lower level libraries first
964 for(unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i) {
965 ImageLoader* dependentImage = libImage(i);
966 if ( dependentImage != NULL ) {
967 const ImageLoader* reExportParent = nullptr;
968 if ( libReExported(i) )
969 reExportParent = this;
970 dependentImage->recursiveBind(context, forceLazysBound, neverUnload, reExportParent);
971 }
972 }
973 // bind this image
974 this->doBind(context, forceLazysBound, parent);
975 // mark if lazys are also bound
976 if ( forceLazysBound || this->usablePrebinding(context) )
977 fAllLazyPointersBound = true;
978 // mark as never-unload if requested
979 if ( neverUnload )
980 this->setNeverUnload();
982 context.notifySingle(dyld_image_state_bound, this, NULL);
983 }
984 catch (const char* msg) {
985 // restore state
986 fState = dyld_image_state_rebased;
987 CRSetCrashLogMessage2(NULL);
988 throw;
989 }
990 }
991 }
995 // These are mangled symbols for all the variants of operator new and delete
996 // which a main executable can define (non-weak) and override the
997 // weak-def implementation in the OS.
998 static const char* const sTreatAsWeak[] = {
999 "__Znwm", "__ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t",
1000 "__Znam", "__ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t",
1001 "__ZdlPv", "__ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t", "__ZdlPvm",
1002 "__ZdaPv", "__ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t", "__ZdaPvm",
1003 "__ZnwmSt11align_val_t", "__ZnwmSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
1004 "__ZnamSt11align_val_t", "__ZnamSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t",
1005 "__ZdlPvSt11align_val_t", "__ZdlPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t", "__ZdlPvmSt11align_val_t",
1006 "__ZdaPvSt11align_val_t", "__ZdaPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t", "__ZdaPvmSt11align_val_t"
1007 };
1009 size_t ImageLoader::HashCString::hash(const char* v) {
1010 // FIXME: Use hash<string_view> when it has the correct visibility markup
1011 return std::hash<std::string_view>{}(v);
1012 }
1014 bool ImageLoader::EqualCString::equal(const char* s1, const char* s2) {
1015 return strcmp(s1, s2) == 0;
1016 }
1018 void ImageLoader::weakBind(const LinkContext& context)
1019 {
1021 if (!context.useNewWeakBind) {
1022 weakBindOld(context);
1023 return;
1024 }
1026 if ( context.verboseWeakBind )
1027 dyld::log("dyld: weak bind start:\n");
1028 uint64_t t1 = mach_absolute_time();
1030 // get set of ImageLoaders that participate in coalecsing
1031 ImageLoader* imagesNeedingCoalescing[fgImagesRequiringCoalescing];
1032 unsigned imageIndexes[fgImagesRequiringCoalescing];
1033 int count = context.getCoalescedImages(imagesNeedingCoalescing, imageIndexes);
1035 // count how many have not already had weakbinding done
1036 int countNotYetWeakBound = 0;
1037 int countOfImagesWithWeakDefinitionsNotInSharedCache = 0;
1038 for(int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1039 if ( ! imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->weakSymbolsBound(imageIndexes[i]) )
1040 ++countNotYetWeakBound;
1041 if ( ! imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->inSharedCache() )
1042 ++countOfImagesWithWeakDefinitionsNotInSharedCache;
1043 }
1045 // don't need to do any coalescing if only one image has overrides, or all have already been done
1046 if ( (countOfImagesWithWeakDefinitionsNotInSharedCache > 0) && (countNotYetWeakBound > 0) ) {
1047 if (!context.weakDefMapInitialized) {
1048 // Initialize the weak def map as the link context doesn't run static initializers
1049 new (&context.weakDefMap) dyld3::Map<const char*, std::pair<const ImageLoader*, uintptr_t>, ImageLoader::HashCString, ImageLoader::EqualCString>();
1050 context.weakDefMapInitialized = true;
1051 }
1053 // We might have to patch the shared cache __DATA_CONST. In that case, we'll create just a single
1054 // patcher when needed.
1055 DyldSharedCache::DataConstLazyScopedWriter patcher(context.dyldCache, mach_task_self(), context.verboseMapping ? &dyld::log : nullptr);
1057 #if TARGET_OS_OSX
1058 // only do alternate algorithm for dlopen(). Use traditional algorithm for launch
1059 if ( !context.linkingMainExecutable ) {
1060 // Don't take the memory hit of weak defs on the launch path until we hit a dlopen with more weak symbols to bind
1061 if (!context.weakDefMapProcessedLaunchDefs) {
1062 context.weakDefMapProcessedLaunchDefs = true;
1064 // Walk the nlist for all binaries from launch and fill in the map with any other weak defs
1065 for (int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1066 const ImageLoader* image = imagesNeedingCoalescing[i];
1067 // skip images without defs. We've processed launch time refs already
1068 if ( !image->hasCoalescedExports() )
1069 continue;
1070 // Only process binaries which have had their weak symbols bound, ie, not the new ones we are processing now
1071 // from this dlopen
1072 if ( !image->weakSymbolsBound(imageIndexes[i]) )
1073 continue;
1075 Diagnostics diag;
1076 const dyld3::MachOAnalyzer* ma = (const dyld3::MachOAnalyzer*)image->machHeader();
1077 ma->forEachWeakDef(diag, ^(const char *symbolName, uint64_t imageOffset, bool isFromExportTrie) {
1078 uintptr_t targetAddr = (uintptr_t)ma + (uintptr_t)imageOffset;
1079 if ( isFromExportTrie ) {
1080 // Avoid duplicating the string if we already have the symbol name
1081 if ( context.weakDefMap.find(symbolName) != context.weakDefMap.end() )
1082 return;
1083 symbolName = strdup(symbolName);
1084 }
1085 context.weakDefMap.insert({ symbolName, { image, targetAddr } });
1086 });
1087 }
1088 }
1090 // Walk the nlist for all binaries in dlopen and fill in the map with any other weak defs
1091 for (int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1092 const ImageLoader* image = imagesNeedingCoalescing[i];
1093 if ( image->weakSymbolsBound(imageIndexes[i]) )
1094 continue;
1095 // skip images without defs. We'll process refs later
1096 if ( !image->hasCoalescedExports() )
1097 continue;
1098 Diagnostics diag;
1099 const dyld3::MachOAnalyzer* ma = (const dyld3::MachOAnalyzer*)image->machHeader();
1100 ma->forEachWeakDef(diag, ^(const char *symbolName, uint64_t imageOffset, bool isFromExportTrie) {
1101 uintptr_t targetAddr = (uintptr_t)ma + (uintptr_t)imageOffset;
1102 if ( isFromExportTrie ) {
1103 // Avoid duplicating the string if we already have the symbol name
1104 if ( context.weakDefMap.find(symbolName) != context.weakDefMap.end() )
1105 return;
1106 symbolName = strdup(symbolName);
1107 }
1108 context.weakDefMap.insert({ symbolName, { image, targetAddr } });
1109 });
1110 }
1111 // for all images that need weak binding
1112 for (int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1113 ImageLoader* imageBeingFixedUp = imagesNeedingCoalescing[i];
1114 if ( imageBeingFixedUp->weakSymbolsBound(imageIndexes[i]) )
1115 continue; // weak binding already completed
1116 bool imageBeingFixedUpInCache = imageBeingFixedUp->inSharedCache();
1118 if ( context.verboseWeakBind )
1119 dyld::log("dyld: checking for weak symbols in %s\n", imageBeingFixedUp->getPath());
1120 // for all symbols that need weak binding in this image
1121 ImageLoader::CoalIterator coalIterator;
1122 imageBeingFixedUp->initializeCoalIterator(coalIterator, i, imageIndexes[i]);
1123 while ( !imageBeingFixedUp->incrementCoalIterator(coalIterator) ) {
1124 const char* nameToCoalesce = coalIterator.symbolName;
1125 uintptr_t targetAddr = 0;
1126 const ImageLoader* targetImage;
1127 // Seatch the map for a previous definition to use
1128 auto weakDefIt = context.weakDefMap.find(nameToCoalesce);
1129 if ( (weakDefIt != context.weakDefMap.end()) && (weakDefIt->second.first != nullptr) ) {
1130 // Found a previous defition
1131 targetImage = weakDefIt->second.first;
1132 targetAddr = weakDefIt->second.second;
1133 } else {
1134 // scan all images looking for definition to use
1135 for (int j=0; j < count; ++j) {
1136 const ImageLoader* anImage = imagesNeedingCoalescing[j];
1137 bool anImageInCache = anImage->inSharedCache();
1138 // <rdar://problem/47986398> Don't look at images in dyld cache because cache is
1139 // already coalesced. Only images outside cache can potentially override something in cache.
1140 if ( anImageInCache && imageBeingFixedUpInCache )
1141 continue;
1143 //dyld::log("looking for %s in %s\n", nameToCoalesce, anImage->getPath());
1144 const ImageLoader* foundIn;
1145 const Symbol* sym = anImage->findExportedSymbol(nameToCoalesce, false, &foundIn);
1146 if ( sym != NULL ) {
1147 targetAddr = foundIn->getExportedSymbolAddress(sym, context);
1148 targetImage = foundIn;
1149 if ( context.verboseWeakBind )
1150 dyld::log("dyld: found weak %s at 0x%lX in %s\n", nameToCoalesce, targetAddr, foundIn->getPath());
1151 break;
1152 }
1153 }
1154 }
1155 if ( (targetAddr != 0) && (coalIterator.image != targetImage) ) {
1156 if ( coalIterator.image->inSharedCache() )
1157 patcher.makeWriteable();
1158 coalIterator.image->updateUsesCoalIterator(coalIterator, targetAddr, (ImageLoader*)targetImage, 0, context);
1159 if (weakDefIt == context.weakDefMap.end()) {
1160 if (targetImage->neverUnload()) {
1161 // Add never unload defs to the map for next time
1162 context.weakDefMap.insert({ nameToCoalesce, { targetImage, targetAddr } });
1163 if ( context.verboseWeakBind ) {
1164 dyld::log("dyld: weak binding adding %s to map\n", nameToCoalesce);
1165 }
1166 } else {
1167 // Add a placeholder for unloadable symbols which makes us fall back to the regular search
1168 context.weakDefMap.insert({ nameToCoalesce, { targetImage, targetAddr } });
1169 if ( context.verboseWeakBind ) {
1170 dyld::log("dyld: weak binding adding unloadable placeholder %s to map\n", nameToCoalesce);
1171 }
1172 }
1173 }
1174 if ( context.verboseWeakBind )
1175 dyld::log("dyld: adjusting uses of %s in %s to use definition from %s\n", nameToCoalesce, coalIterator.image->getPath(), targetImage->getPath());
1176 }
1177 }
1178 imageBeingFixedUp->setWeakSymbolsBound(imageIndexes[i]);
1179 }
1180 }
1181 else
1182 #endif // TARGET_OS_OSX
1183 {
1184 // make symbol iterators for each
1185 ImageLoader::CoalIterator iterators[count];
1186 ImageLoader::CoalIterator* sortedIts[count];
1187 for(int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1188 imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->initializeCoalIterator(iterators[i], i, imageIndexes[i]);
1189 sortedIts[i] = &iterators[i];
1190 if ( context.verboseWeakBind )
1191 dyld::log("dyld: weak bind load order %d/%d for %s\n", i, count, imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->getIndexedPath(imageIndexes[i]));
1192 }
1194 // walk all symbols keeping iterators in sync by
1195 // only ever incrementing the iterator with the lowest symbol
1196 int doneCount = 0;
1197 while ( doneCount != count ) {
1198 //for(int i=0; i < count; ++i)
1199 // dyld::log("sym[%d]=%s ", sortedIts[i]->loadOrder, sortedIts[i]->symbolName);
1200 //dyld::log("\n");
1201 // increment iterator with lowest symbol
1202 if ( sortedIts[0]->image->incrementCoalIterator(*sortedIts[0]) )
1203 ++doneCount;
1204 // re-sort iterators
1205 for(int i=1; i < count; ++i) {
1206 int result = strcmp(sortedIts[i-1]->symbolName, sortedIts[i]->symbolName);
1207 if ( result == 0 )
1208 sortedIts[i-1]->symbolMatches = true;
1209 if ( result > 0 ) {
1210 // new one is bigger then next, so swap
1211 ImageLoader::CoalIterator* temp = sortedIts[i-1];
1212 sortedIts[i-1] = sortedIts[i];
1213 sortedIts[i] = temp;
1214 }
1215 if ( result < 0 )
1216 break;
1217 }
1218 // process all matching symbols just before incrementing the lowest one that matches
1219 if ( sortedIts[0]->symbolMatches && !sortedIts[0]->done ) {
1220 const char* nameToCoalesce = sortedIts[0]->symbolName;
1221 // pick first symbol in load order (and non-weak overrides weak)
1222 uintptr_t targetAddr = 0;
1223 ImageLoader* targetImage = NULL;
1224 unsigned targetImageIndex = 0;
1225 for(int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1226 if ( strcmp(iterators[i].symbolName, nameToCoalesce) == 0 ) {
1227 if ( context.verboseWeakBind )
1228 dyld::log("dyld: weak bind, found %s weak=%d in %s \n", nameToCoalesce, iterators[i].weakSymbol, iterators[i].image->getIndexedPath((unsigned)iterators[i].imageIndex));
1229 if ( iterators[i].weakSymbol ) {
1230 if ( targetAddr == 0 ) {
1231 targetAddr = iterators[i].image->getAddressCoalIterator(iterators[i], context);
1232 if ( targetAddr != 0 ) {
1233 targetImage = iterators[i].image;
1234 targetImageIndex = (unsigned)iterators[i].imageIndex;
1235 }
1236 }
1237 }
1238 else {
1239 targetAddr = iterators[i].image->getAddressCoalIterator(iterators[i], context);
1240 if ( targetAddr != 0 ) {
1241 targetImage = iterators[i].image;
1242 targetImageIndex = (unsigned)iterators[i].imageIndex;
1243 // strong implementation found, stop searching
1244 break;
1245 }
1246 }
1247 }
1248 }
1249 // tell each to bind to this symbol (unless already bound)
1250 if ( targetAddr != 0 ) {
1251 if ( context.verboseWeakBind ) {
1252 dyld::log("dyld: weak binding all uses of %s to copy from %s\n",
1253 nameToCoalesce, targetImage->getIndexedShortName(targetImageIndex));
1254 }
1255 for(int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1256 if ( strcmp(iterators[i].symbolName, nameToCoalesce) == 0 ) {
1257 if ( context.verboseWeakBind ) {
1258 dyld::log("dyld: weak bind, setting all uses of %s in %s to 0x%lX from %s\n",
1259 nameToCoalesce, iterators[i].image->getIndexedShortName((unsigned)iterators[i].imageIndex),
1260 targetAddr, targetImage->getIndexedShortName(targetImageIndex));
1261 }
1262 if ( ! iterators[i].image->weakSymbolsBound(imageIndexes[i]) ) {
1263 if ( iterators[i].image->inSharedCache() )
1264 patcher.makeWriteable();
1265 iterators[i].image->updateUsesCoalIterator(iterators[i], targetAddr, targetImage, targetImageIndex, context);
1266 }
1267 iterators[i].symbolMatches = false;
1268 }
1269 }
1270 if (targetImage->neverUnload()) {
1271 // Add never unload defs to the map for next time
1272 context.weakDefMap.insert({ nameToCoalesce, { targetImage, targetAddr } });
1273 if ( context.verboseWeakBind ) {
1274 dyld::log("dyld: weak binding adding %s to map\n",
1275 nameToCoalesce);
1276 }
1277 }
1278 }
1280 }
1281 }
1283 for (int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1284 if ( imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->weakSymbolsBound(imageIndexes[i]) )
1285 continue; // skip images already processed
1287 if ( imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->usesChainedFixups() ) {
1288 // during binding of references to weak-def symbols, the dyld cache was patched
1289 // but if main executable has non-weak override of operator new or delete it needs is handled here
1290 for (const char* weakSymbolName : sTreatAsWeak) {
1291 const ImageLoader* dummy;
1292 imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->resolveWeak(context, weakSymbolName, true, false, &dummy, patcher);
1293 }
1294 }
1295 #if __arm64e__
1296 else {
1297 // support traditional arm64 app on an arm64e device
1298 // look for weak def symbols in this image which may override the cache
1299 ImageLoader::CoalIterator coaler;
1300 imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->initializeCoalIterator(coaler, i, 0);
1301 imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->incrementCoalIterator(coaler);
1302 while ( !coaler.done ) {
1303 const ImageLoader* dummy;
1304 // a side effect of resolveWeak() is to patch cache
1305 imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->resolveWeak(context, coaler.symbolName, true, false, &dummy, patcher);
1306 imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->incrementCoalIterator(coaler);
1307 }
1308 }
1309 #endif
1310 }
1312 // mark all as having all weak symbols bound
1313 for(int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1314 imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->setWeakSymbolsBound(imageIndexes[i]);
1315 }
1316 }
1317 }
1319 uint64_t t2 = mach_absolute_time();
1320 fgTotalWeakBindTime += t2 - t1;
1322 if ( context.verboseWeakBind )
1323 dyld::log("dyld: weak bind end\n");
1324 }
1327 void ImageLoader::weakBindOld(const LinkContext& context)
1328 {
1329 if ( context.verboseWeakBind )
1330 dyld::log("dyld: weak bind start:\n");
1331 uint64_t t1 = mach_absolute_time();
1332 // get set of ImageLoaders that participate in coalecsing
1333 ImageLoader* imagesNeedingCoalescing[fgImagesRequiringCoalescing];
1334 unsigned imageIndexes[fgImagesRequiringCoalescing];
1335 int count = context.getCoalescedImages(imagesNeedingCoalescing, imageIndexes);
1337 // count how many have not already had weakbinding done
1338 int countNotYetWeakBound = 0;
1339 int countOfImagesWithWeakDefinitionsNotInSharedCache = 0;
1340 for(int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1341 if ( ! imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->weakSymbolsBound(imageIndexes[i]) )
1342 ++countNotYetWeakBound;
1343 if ( ! imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->inSharedCache() )
1344 ++countOfImagesWithWeakDefinitionsNotInSharedCache;
1345 }
1347 // don't need to do any coalescing if only one image has overrides, or all have already been done
1348 if ( (countOfImagesWithWeakDefinitionsNotInSharedCache > 0) && (countNotYetWeakBound > 0) ) {
1349 // We might have to patch the shared cache __DATA_CONST. In that case, we'll create just a single
1350 // patcher when needed.
1351 DyldSharedCache::DataConstLazyScopedWriter patcher(context.dyldCache, mach_task_self(), context.verboseMapping ? &dyld::log : nullptr);
1353 #if TARGET_OS_OSX
1354 // only do alternate algorithm for dlopen(). Use traditional algorithm for launch
1355 if ( !context.linkingMainExecutable ) {
1356 // for all images that need weak binding
1357 for (int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1358 ImageLoader* imageBeingFixedUp = imagesNeedingCoalescing[i];
1359 if ( imageBeingFixedUp->weakSymbolsBound(imageIndexes[i]) )
1360 continue; // weak binding already completed
1361 bool imageBeingFixedUpInCache = imageBeingFixedUp->inSharedCache();
1363 if ( context.verboseWeakBind )
1364 dyld::log("dyld: checking for weak symbols in %s\n", imageBeingFixedUp->getPath());
1365 // for all symbols that need weak binding in this image
1366 ImageLoader::CoalIterator coalIterator;
1367 imageBeingFixedUp->initializeCoalIterator(coalIterator, i, imageIndexes[i]);
1368 while ( !imageBeingFixedUp->incrementCoalIterator(coalIterator) ) {
1369 const char* nameToCoalesce = coalIterator.symbolName;
1370 uintptr_t targetAddr = 0;
1371 const ImageLoader* targetImage;
1372 // scan all images looking for definition to use
1373 for (int j=0; j < count; ++j) {
1374 const ImageLoader* anImage = imagesNeedingCoalescing[j];
1375 bool anImageInCache = anImage->inSharedCache();
1376 // <rdar://problem/47986398> Don't look at images in dyld cache because cache is
1377 // already coalesced. Only images outside cache can potentially override something in cache.
1378 if ( anImageInCache && imageBeingFixedUpInCache )
1379 continue;
1381 //dyld::log("looking for %s in %s\n", nameToCoalesce, anImage->getPath());
1382 const ImageLoader* foundIn;
1383 const Symbol* sym = anImage->findExportedSymbol(nameToCoalesce, false, &foundIn);
1384 if ( sym != NULL ) {
1385 if ( (foundIn->getExportedSymbolInfo(sym) & ImageLoader::kWeakDefinition) == 0 ) {
1386 // found non-weak def, use it and stop looking
1387 targetAddr = foundIn->getExportedSymbolAddress(sym, context);
1388 targetImage = foundIn;
1389 if ( context.verboseWeakBind )
1390 dyld::log("dyld: found strong %s at 0x%lX in %s\n", nameToCoalesce, targetAddr, foundIn->getPath());
1391 break;
1392 }
1393 else {
1394 // found weak-def, only use if no weak found yet
1395 if ( targetAddr == 0 ) {
1396 targetAddr = foundIn->getExportedSymbolAddress(sym, context);
1397 targetImage = foundIn;
1398 if ( context.verboseWeakBind )
1399 dyld::log("dyld: found weak %s at 0x%lX in %s\n", nameToCoalesce, targetAddr, foundIn->getPath());
1400 }
1401 }
1402 }
1403 }
1404 if ( (targetAddr != 0) && (coalIterator.image != targetImage) ) {
1405 if ( coalIterator.image->inSharedCache() )
1406 patcher.makeWriteable();
1407 coalIterator.image->updateUsesCoalIterator(coalIterator, targetAddr, (ImageLoader*)targetImage, 0, context);
1408 if ( context.verboseWeakBind )
1409 dyld::log("dyld: adjusting uses of %s in %s to use definition from %s\n", nameToCoalesce, coalIterator.image->getPath(), targetImage->getPath());
1410 }
1411 }
1412 imageBeingFixedUp->setWeakSymbolsBound(imageIndexes[i]);
1413 }
1414 }
1415 else
1416 #endif // TARGET_OS_OSX
1417 {
1418 // make symbol iterators for each
1419 ImageLoader::CoalIterator iterators[count];
1420 ImageLoader::CoalIterator* sortedIts[count];
1421 for(int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1422 imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->initializeCoalIterator(iterators[i], i, imageIndexes[i]);
1423 sortedIts[i] = &iterators[i];
1424 if ( context.verboseWeakBind )
1425 dyld::log("dyld: weak bind load order %d/%d for %s\n", i, count, imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->getIndexedPath(imageIndexes[i]));
1426 }
1428 // walk all symbols keeping iterators in sync by
1429 // only ever incrementing the iterator with the lowest symbol
1430 int doneCount = 0;
1431 while ( doneCount != count ) {
1432 //for(int i=0; i < count; ++i)
1433 // dyld::log("sym[%d]=%s ", sortedIts[i]->loadOrder, sortedIts[i]->symbolName);
1434 //dyld::log("\n");
1435 // increment iterator with lowest symbol
1436 if ( sortedIts[0]->image->incrementCoalIterator(*sortedIts[0]) )
1437 ++doneCount;
1438 // re-sort iterators
1439 for(int i=1; i < count; ++i) {
1440 int result = strcmp(sortedIts[i-1]->symbolName, sortedIts[i]->symbolName);
1441 if ( result == 0 )
1442 sortedIts[i-1]->symbolMatches = true;
1443 if ( result > 0 ) {
1444 // new one is bigger then next, so swap
1445 ImageLoader::CoalIterator* temp = sortedIts[i-1];
1446 sortedIts[i-1] = sortedIts[i];
1447 sortedIts[i] = temp;
1448 }
1449 if ( result < 0 )
1450 break;
1451 }
1452 // process all matching symbols just before incrementing the lowest one that matches
1453 if ( sortedIts[0]->symbolMatches && !sortedIts[0]->done ) {
1454 const char* nameToCoalesce = sortedIts[0]->symbolName;
1455 // pick first symbol in load order (and non-weak overrides weak)
1456 uintptr_t targetAddr = 0;
1457 ImageLoader* targetImage = NULL;
1458 unsigned targetImageIndex = 0;
1459 for(int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1460 if ( strcmp(iterators[i].symbolName, nameToCoalesce) == 0 ) {
1461 if ( context.verboseWeakBind )
1462 dyld::log("dyld: weak bind, found %s weak=%d in %s \n", nameToCoalesce, iterators[i].weakSymbol, iterators[i].image->getIndexedPath((unsigned)iterators[i].imageIndex));
1463 if ( iterators[i].weakSymbol ) {
1464 if ( targetAddr == 0 ) {
1465 targetAddr = iterators[i].image->getAddressCoalIterator(iterators[i], context);
1466 if ( targetAddr != 0 ) {
1467 targetImage = iterators[i].image;
1468 targetImageIndex = (unsigned)iterators[i].imageIndex;
1469 }
1470 }
1471 }
1472 else {
1473 targetAddr = iterators[i].image->getAddressCoalIterator(iterators[i], context);
1474 if ( targetAddr != 0 ) {
1475 targetImage = iterators[i].image;
1476 targetImageIndex = (unsigned)iterators[i].imageIndex;
1477 // strong implementation found, stop searching
1478 break;
1479 }
1480 }
1481 }
1482 }
1483 // tell each to bind to this symbol (unless already bound)
1484 if ( targetAddr != 0 ) {
1485 if ( context.verboseWeakBind ) {
1486 dyld::log("dyld: weak binding all uses of %s to copy from %s\n",
1487 nameToCoalesce, targetImage->getIndexedShortName(targetImageIndex));
1488 }
1489 for(int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1490 if ( strcmp(iterators[i].symbolName, nameToCoalesce) == 0 ) {
1491 if ( context.verboseWeakBind ) {
1492 dyld::log("dyld: weak bind, setting all uses of %s in %s to 0x%lX from %s\n",
1493 nameToCoalesce, iterators[i].image->getIndexedShortName((unsigned)iterators[i].imageIndex),
1494 targetAddr, targetImage->getIndexedShortName(targetImageIndex));
1495 }
1496 if ( ! iterators[i].image->weakSymbolsBound(imageIndexes[i]) ) {
1497 if ( iterators[i].image->inSharedCache() )
1498 patcher.makeWriteable();
1499 iterators[i].image->updateUsesCoalIterator(iterators[i], targetAddr, targetImage, targetImageIndex, context);
1500 }
1501 iterators[i].symbolMatches = false;
1502 }
1503 }
1504 }
1506 }
1507 }
1509 for (int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1510 if ( imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->weakSymbolsBound(imageIndexes[i]) )
1511 continue; // skip images already processed
1513 if ( imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->usesChainedFixups() ) {
1514 // during binding of references to weak-def symbols, the dyld cache was patched
1515 // but if main executable has non-weak override of operator new or delete it needs is handled here
1516 for (const char* weakSymbolName : sTreatAsWeak) {
1517 const ImageLoader* dummy;
1518 imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->resolveWeak(context, weakSymbolName, true, false, &dummy, patcher);
1519 }
1520 }
1521 #if __arm64e__
1522 else {
1523 // support traditional arm64 app on an arm64e device
1524 // look for weak def symbols in this image which may override the cache
1525 patcher.makeWriteable();
1526 ImageLoader::CoalIterator coaler;
1527 imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->initializeCoalIterator(coaler, i, 0);
1528 imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->incrementCoalIterator(coaler);
1529 while ( !coaler.done ) {
1530 const ImageLoader* dummy;
1531 // a side effect of resolveWeak() is to patch cache
1532 imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->resolveWeak(context, coaler.symbolName, true, false, &dummy, patcher);
1533 imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->incrementCoalIterator(coaler);
1534 }
1535 }
1536 #endif
1537 }
1539 // mark all as having all weak symbols bound
1540 for(int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1541 imagesNeedingCoalescing[i]->setWeakSymbolsBound(imageIndexes[i]);
1542 }
1543 }
1544 }
1546 uint64_t t2 = mach_absolute_time();
1547 fgTotalWeakBindTime += t2 - t1;
1549 if ( context.verboseWeakBind )
1550 dyld::log("dyld: weak bind end\n");
1551 }
1555 void ImageLoader::recursiveGetDOFSections(const LinkContext& context, std::vector<DOFInfo>& dofs)
1556 {
1557 if ( ! fRegisteredDOF ) {
1558 // break cycles
1559 fRegisteredDOF = true;
1561 // gather lower level libraries first
1562 for(unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i) {
1563 ImageLoader* dependentImage = libImage(i);
1564 if ( dependentImage != NULL )
1565 dependentImage->recursiveGetDOFSections(context, dofs);
1566 }
1567 this->doGetDOFSections(context, dofs);
1568 }
1569 }
1571 void ImageLoader::setNeverUnloadRecursive() {
1572 if ( ! fNeverUnload ) {
1573 // break cycles
1574 fNeverUnload = true;
1576 // gather lower level libraries first
1577 for(unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i) {
1578 ImageLoader* dependentImage = libImage(i);
1579 if ( dependentImage != NULL )
1580 dependentImage->setNeverUnloadRecursive();
1581 }
1582 }
1583 }
1585 void ImageLoader::recursiveSpinLock(recursive_lock& rlock)
1586 {
1587 // try to set image's ivar fInitializerRecursiveLock to point to this lock_info
1588 // keep trying until success (spin)
1589 #pragma clang diagnostic push
1590 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
1591 while ( ! OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier(NULL, &rlock, (void**)&fInitializerRecursiveLock) ) {
1592 // if fInitializerRecursiveLock already points to a different lock_info, if it is for
1593 // the same thread we are on, the increment the lock count, otherwise continue to spin
1594 if ( (fInitializerRecursiveLock != NULL) && (fInitializerRecursiveLock->thread == rlock.thread) )
1595 break;
1596 }
1597 #pragma clang diagnostic pop
1598 ++(fInitializerRecursiveLock->count);
1599 }
1601 void ImageLoader::recursiveSpinUnLock()
1602 {
1603 if ( --(fInitializerRecursiveLock->count) == 0 )
1604 fInitializerRecursiveLock = NULL;
1605 }
1607 void ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList::addTime(const char* name, uint64_t time)
1608 {
1609 for (int i=0; i < count; ++i) {
1610 if ( strcmp(images[i].shortName, name) == 0 ) {
1611 images[i].initTime += time;
1612 return;
1613 }
1614 }
1615 images[count].initTime = time;
1616 images[count].shortName = name;
1617 ++count;
1618 }
1620 void ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(const LinkContext& context, mach_port_t this_thread, const char* pathToInitialize,
1621 InitializerTimingList& timingInfo, UninitedUpwards& uninitUps)
1622 {
1623 recursive_lock lock_info(this_thread);
1624 recursiveSpinLock(lock_info);
1626 if ( fState < dyld_image_state_dependents_initialized-1 ) {
1627 uint8_t oldState = fState;
1628 // break cycles
1629 fState = dyld_image_state_dependents_initialized-1;
1630 try {
1631 // initialize lower level libraries first
1632 for(unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i) {
1633 ImageLoader* dependentImage = libImage(i);
1634 if ( dependentImage != NULL ) {
1635 // don't try to initialize stuff "above" me yet
1636 if ( libIsUpward(i) ) {
1637 uninitUps.imagesAndPaths[uninitUps.count] = { dependentImage, libPath(i) };
1638 uninitUps.count++;
1639 }
1640 else if ( dependentImage->fDepth >= fDepth ) {
1641 dependentImage->recursiveInitialization(context, this_thread, libPath(i), timingInfo, uninitUps);
1642 }
1643 }
1644 }
1646 // record termination order
1647 if ( this->needsTermination() )
1648 context.terminationRecorder(this);
1650 // let objc know we are about to initialize this image
1651 uint64_t t1 = mach_absolute_time();
1652 fState = dyld_image_state_dependents_initialized;
1653 oldState = fState;
1654 context.notifySingle(dyld_image_state_dependents_initialized, this, &timingInfo);
1656 // initialize this image
1657 bool hasInitializers = this->doInitialization(context);
1659 // let anyone know we finished initializing this image
1660 fState = dyld_image_state_initialized;
1661 oldState = fState;
1662 context.notifySingle(dyld_image_state_initialized, this, NULL);
1664 if ( hasInitializers ) {
1665 uint64_t t2 = mach_absolute_time();
1666 timingInfo.addTime(this->getShortName(), t2-t1);
1667 }
1668 }
1669 catch (const char* msg) {
1670 // this image is not initialized
1671 fState = oldState;
1672 recursiveSpinUnLock();
1673 throw;
1674 }
1675 }
1677 recursiveSpinUnLock();
1678 }
1681 static void printTime(const char* msg, uint64_t partTime, uint64_t totalTime)
1682 {
1683 static uint64_t sUnitsPerSecond = 0;
1684 if ( sUnitsPerSecond == 0 ) {
1685 struct mach_timebase_info timeBaseInfo;
1686 if ( mach_timebase_info(&timeBaseInfo) != KERN_SUCCESS )
1687 return;
1688 sUnitsPerSecond = 1000000000ULL * timeBaseInfo.denom / timeBaseInfo.numer;
1689 }
1690 if ( partTime < sUnitsPerSecond ) {
1691 uint32_t milliSecondsTimesHundred = (uint32_t)((partTime*100000)/sUnitsPerSecond);
1692 uint32_t milliSeconds = (uint32_t)(milliSecondsTimesHundred/100);
1693 uint32_t percentTimesTen = (uint32_t)((partTime*1000)/totalTime);
1694 uint32_t percent = percentTimesTen/10;
1695 if ( milliSeconds >= 100 )
1696 dyld::log("%s: %u.%02u milliseconds (%u.%u%%)\n", msg, milliSeconds, milliSecondsTimesHundred-milliSeconds*100, percent, percentTimesTen-percent*10);
1697 else if ( milliSeconds >= 10 )
1698 dyld::log("%s: %u.%02u milliseconds (%u.%u%%)\n", msg, milliSeconds, milliSecondsTimesHundred-milliSeconds*100, percent, percentTimesTen-percent*10);
1699 else
1700 dyld::log("%s: %u.%02u milliseconds (%u.%u%%)\n", msg, milliSeconds, milliSecondsTimesHundred-milliSeconds*100, percent, percentTimesTen-percent*10);
1701 }
1702 else {
1703 uint32_t secondsTimeTen = (uint32_t)((partTime*10)/sUnitsPerSecond);
1704 uint32_t seconds = secondsTimeTen/10;
1705 uint32_t percentTimesTen = (uint32_t)((partTime*1000)/totalTime);
1706 uint32_t percent = percentTimesTen/10;
1707 dyld::log("%s: %u.%u seconds (%u.%u%%)\n", msg, seconds, secondsTimeTen-seconds*10, percent, percentTimesTen-percent*10);
1708 }
1709 }
1711 static char* commatize(uint64_t in, char* out)
1712 {
1713 uint64_t div10 = in / 10;
1714 uint8_t delta = in - div10*10;
1715 char* s = &out[32];
1716 int digitCount = 1;
1717 *s = '\0';
1718 *(--s) = '0' + delta;
1719 in = div10;
1720 while ( in != 0 ) {
1721 if ( (digitCount % 3) == 0 )
1722 *(--s) = ',';
1723 div10 = in / 10;
1724 delta = in - div10*10;
1725 *(--s) = '0' + delta;
1726 in = div10;
1727 ++digitCount;
1728 }
1729 return s;
1730 }
1733 void ImageLoader::printStatistics(unsigned int imageCount, const InitializerTimingList& timingInfo)
1734 {
1735 uint64_t totalTime = fgTotalLoadLibrariesTime + fgTotalRebaseTime + fgTotalBindTime + fgTotalWeakBindTime + fgTotalDOF + fgTotalInitTime;
1737 uint64_t totalDyldTime = totalTime - fgTotalDebuggerPausedTime - fgTotalRebindCacheTime;
1738 printTime("Total pre-main time", totalDyldTime, totalDyldTime);
1739 printTime(" dylib loading time", fgTotalLoadLibrariesTime-fgTotalDebuggerPausedTime, totalDyldTime);
1740 printTime(" rebase/binding time", fgTotalRebaseTime+fgTotalBindTime+fgTotalWeakBindTime-fgTotalRebindCacheTime, totalDyldTime);
1741 printTime(" ObjC setup time", fgTotalObjCSetupTime, totalDyldTime);
1742 printTime(" initializer time", fgTotalInitTime-fgTotalObjCSetupTime, totalDyldTime);
1743 dyld::log(" slowest intializers :\n");
1744 for (uintptr_t i=0; i < timingInfo.count; ++i) {
1745 uint64_t t = timingInfo.images[i].initTime;
1746 if ( t*50 < totalDyldTime )
1747 continue;
1748 dyld::log("%30s ", timingInfo.images[i].shortName);
1749 if ( strncmp(timingInfo.images[i].shortName, "libSystem.", 10) == 0 )
1750 t -= fgTotalObjCSetupTime;
1751 printTime("", t, totalDyldTime);
1752 }
1753 dyld::log("\n");
1754 }
1756 void ImageLoader::printStatisticsDetails(unsigned int imageCount, const InitializerTimingList& timingInfo)
1757 {
1758 uint64_t totalTime = fgTotalLoadLibrariesTime + fgTotalRebaseTime + fgTotalBindTime + fgTotalWeakBindTime + fgTotalDOF + fgTotalInitTime;
1759 char commaNum1[40];
1760 char commaNum2[40];
1762 printTime(" total time", totalTime, totalTime);
1763 dyld::log(" total images loaded: %d (%u from dyld shared cache)\n", imageCount, fgImagesUsedFromSharedCache);
1764 dyld::log(" total segments mapped: %u, into %llu pages\n", fgTotalSegmentsMapped, fgTotalBytesMapped/4096);
1765 printTime(" total images loading time", fgTotalLoadLibrariesTime, totalTime);
1766 printTime(" total load time in ObjC", fgTotalObjCSetupTime, totalTime);
1767 printTime(" total debugger pause time", fgTotalDebuggerPausedTime, totalTime);
1768 printTime(" total dtrace DOF registration time", fgTotalDOF, totalTime);
1769 dyld::log(" total rebase fixups: %s\n", commatize(fgTotalRebaseFixups, commaNum1));
1770 printTime(" total rebase fixups time", fgTotalRebaseTime, totalTime);
1771 dyld::log(" total binding fixups: %s\n", commatize(fgTotalBindFixups, commaNum1));
1772 if ( fgTotalBindSymbolsResolved != 0 ) {
1773 uint32_t avgTimesTen = (fgTotalBindImageSearches * 10) / fgTotalBindSymbolsResolved;
1774 uint32_t avgInt = fgTotalBindImageSearches / fgTotalBindSymbolsResolved;
1775 uint32_t avgTenths = avgTimesTen - (avgInt*10);
1776 dyld::log("total binding symbol lookups: %s, average images searched per symbol: %u.%u\n",
1777 commatize(fgTotalBindSymbolsResolved, commaNum1), avgInt, avgTenths);
1778 }
1779 printTime(" total binding fixups time", fgTotalBindTime, totalTime);
1780 printTime(" total weak binding fixups time", fgTotalWeakBindTime, totalTime);
1781 printTime(" total redo shared cached bindings time", fgTotalRebindCacheTime, totalTime);
1782 dyld::log(" total bindings lazily fixed up: %s of %s\n", commatize(fgTotalLazyBindFixups, commaNum1), commatize(fgTotalPossibleLazyBindFixups, commaNum2));
1783 printTime(" total time in initializers and ObjC +load", fgTotalInitTime-fgTotalObjCSetupTime, totalTime);
1784 for (uintptr_t i=0; i < timingInfo.count; ++i) {
1785 uint64_t t = timingInfo.images[i].initTime;
1786 if ( t*1000 < totalTime )
1787 continue;
1788 dyld::log("%42s ", timingInfo.images[i].shortName);
1789 if ( strncmp(timingInfo.images[i].shortName, "libSystem.", 10) == 0 )
1790 t -= fgTotalObjCSetupTime;
1791 printTime("", t, totalTime);
1792 }
1794 }
1797 //
1798 // copy path and add suffix to result
1799 //
1800 // /path/foo.dylib _debug => /path/foo_debug.dylib
1801 // foo.dylib _debug => foo_debug.dylib
1802 // foo _debug => foo_debug
1803 // /path/bar _debug => /path/bar_debug
1804 // /path/bar.A.dylib _debug => /path/bar.A_debug.dylib
1805 //
1806 void ImageLoader::addSuffix(const char* path, const char* suffix, char* result)
1807 {
1808 strcpy(result, path);
1810 char* start = strrchr(result, '/');
1811 if ( start != NULL )
1812 start++;
1813 else
1814 start = result;
1816 char* dot = strrchr(start, '.');
1817 if ( dot != NULL ) {
1818 strcpy(dot, suffix);
1819 strcat(&dot[strlen(suffix)], &path[dot-result]);
1820 }
1821 else {
1822 strcat(result, suffix);
1823 }
1824 }
1827 //
1828 // This function is the hotspot of symbol lookup. It was pulled out of findExportedSymbol()
1829 // to enable it to be re-written in assembler if needed.
1830 //
1831 const uint8_t* ImageLoader::trieWalk(const uint8_t* start, const uint8_t* end, const char* s)
1832 {
1833 //dyld::log("trieWalk(%p, %p, %s)\n", start, end, s);
1834 ++fgSymbolTrieSearchs;
1835 const uint8_t* p = start;
1836 while ( p != NULL ) {
1837 uintptr_t terminalSize = *p++;
1838 if ( terminalSize > 127 ) {
1839 // except for re-export-with-rename, all terminal sizes fit in one byte
1840 --p;
1841 terminalSize = read_uleb128(p, end);
1842 }
1843 if ( (*s == '\0') && (terminalSize != 0) ) {
1844 //dyld::log("trieWalk(%p) returning %p\n", start, p);
1845 return p;
1846 }
1847 const uint8_t* children = p + terminalSize;
1848 if ( children > end ) {
1849 dyld::log("trieWalk() malformed trie node, terminalSize=0x%lx extends past end of trie\n", terminalSize);
1850 return NULL;
1851 }
1852 //dyld::log("trieWalk(%p) sym=%s, terminalSize=%lu, children=%p\n", start, s, terminalSize, children);
1853 uint8_t childrenRemaining = *children++;
1854 p = children;
1855 uintptr_t nodeOffset = 0;
1856 for (; childrenRemaining > 0; --childrenRemaining) {
1857 const char* ss = s;
1858 //dyld::log("trieWalk(%p) child str=%s\n", start, (char*)p);
1859 bool wrongEdge = false;
1860 // scan whole edge to get to next edge
1861 // if edge is longer than target symbol name, don't read past end of symbol name
1862 char c = *p;
1863 while ( c != '\0' ) {
1864 if ( !wrongEdge ) {
1865 if ( c != *ss )
1866 wrongEdge = true;
1867 ++ss;
1868 }
1869 ++p;
1870 c = *p;
1871 }
1872 if ( wrongEdge ) {
1873 // advance to next child
1874 ++p; // skip over zero terminator
1875 // skip over uleb128 until last byte is found
1876 while ( (*p & 0x80) != 0 )
1877 ++p;
1878 ++p; // skip over last byte of uleb128
1879 if ( p > end ) {
1880 dyld::log("trieWalk() malformed trie node, child node extends past end of trie\n");
1881 return NULL;
1882 }
1883 }
1884 else {
1885 // the symbol so far matches this edge (child)
1886 // so advance to the child's node
1887 ++p;
1888 nodeOffset = read_uleb128(p, end);
1889 if ( (nodeOffset == 0) || ( &start[nodeOffset] > end) ) {
1890 dyld::log("trieWalk() malformed trie child, nodeOffset=0x%lx out of range\n", nodeOffset);
1891 return NULL;
1892 }
1893 s = ss;
1894 //dyld::log("trieWalk() found matching edge advancing to node 0x%lx\n", nodeOffset);
1895 break;
1896 }
1897 }
1898 if ( nodeOffset != 0 )
1899 p = &start[nodeOffset];
1900 else
1901 p = NULL;
1902 }
1903 //dyld::log("trieWalk(%p) return NULL\n", start);
1904 return NULL;
1905 }
1909 uintptr_t ImageLoader::read_uleb128(const uint8_t*& p, const uint8_t* end)
1910 {
1911 uint64_t result = 0;
1912 int bit = 0;
1913 do {
1914 if (p == end)
1915 dyld::throwf("malformed uleb128");
1917 uint64_t slice = *p & 0x7f;
1919 if (bit > 63)
1920 dyld::throwf("uleb128 too big for uint64, bit=%d, result=0x%0llX", bit, result);
1921 else {
1922 result |= (slice << bit);
1923 bit += 7;
1924 }
1925 } while (*p++ & 0x80);
1926 return (uintptr_t)result;
1927 }
1930 intptr_t ImageLoader::read_sleb128(const uint8_t*& p, const uint8_t* end)
1931 {
1932 int64_t result = 0;
1933 int bit = 0;
1934 uint8_t byte;
1935 do {
1936 if (p == end)
1937 throw "malformed sleb128";
1938 byte = *p++;
1939 result |= (((int64_t)(byte & 0x7f)) << bit);
1940 bit += 7;
1941 } while (byte & 0x80);
1942 // sign extend negative numbers
1943 if ( ((byte & 0x40) != 0) && (bit < 64) )
1944 result |= (~0ULL) << bit;
1945 return (intptr_t)result;
1946 }
1948 void ImageLoader::forEachReExportDependent( void (^callback)(const ImageLoader*, bool& stop)) const
1949 {
1950 bool stop = false;
1951 for (unsigned int i=0; i < libraryCount(); ++i) {
1952 if ( libReExported(i) ) {
1953 if ( ImageLoader* dependentImage = libImage(i) ) {
1954 callback(dependentImage, stop);
1955 }
1956 }
1957 if (stop)
1958 break;
1959 }
1960 }
1963 VECTOR_NEVER_DESTRUCTED_IMPL(ImageLoader::InterposeTuple);