+// identical_test.c
+// copyfile_test
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <removefile.h>
+#include <sys/fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/xattr.h>
+#include "../copyfile.h"
+#include "identical_test.h"
+#include "test_utils.h"
+#define REGULAR_FILE_NAME "regular_file"
+#define REGULAR_DIR_NAME "regular_dir"
+#define DUMMY_XATTR_NAME "dummy_xattr"
+#define DUMMY_XATTR_DATA "drell"
+#define TEST_FILE_DATA "krogan"
+static bool verify_src_dst_identical(const char *apfs_test_directory, __unused size_t block_size) {
+ char regular_file[BSIZE_B] = {0}, folder[BSIZE_B] = {0}, file_inside_folder[BSIZE_B] = {0};
+ int regular_file_fd, file_inside_folder_fd;
+ bool success = true;
+ // The idea here is to verify that copyfile(file1, file1) returns success
+ // without doing anything.
+ // There are a few wrinkles - COPYFILE_CHECK still needs to work on these files,
+ // and we need to make sure that our identity check works on filesystems without
+ // persistent object identifiers. The first we can easily verify but the second
+ // is not tested here. Nor are negative tests included (there are an infinite
+ // number of those, so we rely on the other tests to verify that behavior).
+ // Create path names.
+ assert_with_errno(snprintf(regular_file, BSIZE_B, "%s/" REGULAR_FILE_NAME, apfs_test_directory) > 0);
+ assert_with_errno(snprintf(folder, BSIZE_B, "%s/" REGULAR_DIR_NAME, apfs_test_directory) > 0);
+ assert_with_errno(snprintf(file_inside_folder, BSIZE_B, "%s/" REGULAR_FILE_NAME, folder) > 0);
+ // First, verify copyfile(file1, file1),
+ // where file1 is a regular file.
+ // Create our regular file.
+ regular_file_fd = open(regular_file, DEFAULT_OPEN_FLAGS, DEFAULT_OPEN_PERM);
+ assert_with_errno(regular_file_fd >= 0);
+ // Write some data to the test file so that we can verify it is not empty.
+ assert(write(regular_file_fd, TEST_FILE_DATA, sizeof(TEST_FILE_DATA)) > 0);
+ // Verify copyfile(file1, file1) does nothing.
+ assert_no_err(copyfile(regular_file, regular_file, NULL, COPYFILE_ALL));
+ success = success && verify_contents_with_buf(regular_file_fd, 0, (const char *)TEST_FILE_DATA, sizeof(TEST_FILE_DATA));
+ // Verify copyfile(file1, file1, COPYFILE_EXCL) returns an error.
+ assert(copyfile(regular_file, regular_file, NULL, COPYFILE_ALL|COPYFILE_EXCL) == -1);
+ assert(errno == EEXIST);
+ // Write an dummy xattr to the file to verify COPYFILE_CHECK.
+ assert_no_err(fsetxattr(regular_file_fd, DUMMY_XATTR_NAME, DUMMY_XATTR_DATA, sizeof(DUMMY_XATTR_DATA), 0, XATTR_CREATE));
+ // Verify copyfile(file1, file1, ..., COPYFILE_CHECK) works.
+ assert_no_err(copyfile(regular_file, regular_file, NULL, COPYFILE_CHECK) == COPYFILE_XATTR);
+ // Now, verify that copyfile(dir1, dir1, COPYFILE_RECURSIVE)
+ // also returns early. Do this by making sure the contents of a file inside the directory
+ // do not change after copyfile(COPYFILE_RECURSIVE).
+ // Create our directory.
+ assert_no_err(mkdir(folder, DEFAULT_MKDIR_PERM));
+ // Create a regular file inside that directory.
+ file_inside_folder_fd = open(file_inside_folder, DEFAULT_OPEN_FLAGS, DEFAULT_OPEN_PERM);
+ assert_with_errno(file_inside_folder_fd >= 0);
+ // Write some data to the interior file so that we can verify it is not empty.
+ assert(write(file_inside_folder_fd, (const char *)TEST_FILE_DATA, sizeof(TEST_FILE_DATA)) > 0);
+ // Verify copyfile(dir1, dir1, ... COPYFILE_RECURSIVE).
+ assert_no_err(copyfile(folder, folder, NULL, COPYFILE_RECURSIVE));
+ success = success && verify_contents_with_buf(file_inside_folder_fd, 0, TEST_FILE_DATA, sizeof(TEST_FILE_DATA));
+ // Post-test cleanup.
+ assert_no_err(close(file_inside_folder_fd));
+ assert_no_err(close(regular_file_fd));
+ (void)removefile(folder, NULL, REMOVEFILE_RECURSIVE);
+ (void)removefile(regular_file, NULL, 0);
+ return success;
+bool do_src_dst_identical_test(const char *apfs_test_directory, __unused size_t block_size) {
+ char test_dir[BSIZE_B] = {0};
+ int test_folder_id;
+ bool success = true;
+ printf("START [identical]\n");
+ // Get ready for the test.
+ test_folder_id = rand() % DEFAULT_NAME_MOD;
+ create_test_file_name(apfs_test_directory, "identical", test_folder_id, test_dir);
+ assert_no_err(mkdir(test_dir, DEFAULT_MKDIR_PERM));
+ success = verify_src_dst_identical(test_dir, block_size);
+ if (success) {
+ printf("PASS [identical]\n");
+ } else {
+ printf("FAIL [identical]\n");
+ }
+ (void)removefile(test_dir, NULL, REMOVEFILE_RECURSIVE);
+ return success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
\ No newline at end of file