+// stat_test.c
+// copyfile_test
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <removefile.h>
+#include <sandbox/rootless.h>
+#include <sys/fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "../copyfile.h"
+#include "stat_test.h"
+#include "test_utils.h"
+#define STORAGE_CLASS "copyfile_test"
+#define SPECIAL_DIR_NAME "special_dir/"
+#define REGULAR_DIR_NAME "regular_dir"
+#define TEST_FILE_NAME "almighty_tallest"
+typedef int (*special_mkdir_func)(const char *, mode_t, const char *);
+static bool test_special_dir_with_flag(const char *source_directory, const char *test_directory,
+ special_mkdir_func create_func, uint32_t flag_to_test) {
+ char special_dir[BSIZE_B] = {0}, regular_dir[BSIZE_B] = {0}, test_file[BSIZE_B] = {0};
+ struct stat sb = {0};
+ bool success = true;
+ // The plan here is as follows:
+ //
+ // (1) Create a special directory using 'create_func', and verify that its bsdflags
+ // have `flag_to_test` set.
+ //
+ // (2) Copy the contents of `source_directory` into that special directory,
+ // and verify that the directory and, optionally, a well-known file inside it
+ // have `flag_to_test` set.
+ //
+ // (3) Copy the contents of the special directory into a directory that is not a child
+ // of our special directory (a 'regular' directory), and verify that the directory and
+ // a well-known file inside it do *NOT* have `flag_to_test` set.
+ // Create path names.
+ assert_with_errno(snprintf(special_dir, BSIZE_B, "%s/" SPECIAL_DIR_NAME, test_directory) > 0);
+ assert_with_errno(snprintf(regular_dir, BSIZE_B, "%s/" REGULAR_DIR_NAME, test_directory) > 0);
+ assert_with_errno(snprintf(test_file, BSIZE_B, "%s/" TEST_FILE_NAME, special_dir) > 0);
+ // Create our regular directory.
+ assert_no_err(mkdir(regular_dir, DEFAULT_MKDIR_PERM));
+ // Create our special directory.
+ assert_no_err(create_func(special_dir, DEFAULT_MKDIR_PERM, STORAGE_CLASS));
+ // (1) Make sure the special directory has the specified bit set.
+ assert_no_err(stat(special_dir, &sb));
+ assert(sb.st_flags & flag_to_test);
+ // Now, copy the source directory's into the special directory.
+ assert_no_err(copyfile(source_directory, special_dir, NULL, COPYFILE_ALL|COPYFILE_RECURSIVE));
+ // (2) Make sure that the resulting folder (and optionally, its well-known subfile)
+ // have the specified bit set.
+ assert_no_err(stat(special_dir, &sb));
+ success &= verify_st_flags(&sb, flag_to_test);
+ if (flag_to_test != SF_NOUNLINK) {
+ assert_no_err(stat(test_file, &sb));
+ success &= verify_st_flags(&sb, flag_to_test);
+ }
+ // Finally, copy the contents of the special directory into our regular directory.
+ // Since at least one of the files in this directory will have a rootless xattr,
+ // which cannot be copied here, we do not attempt to copy extended attributes here.
+ assert_no_err(copyfile(special_dir, regular_dir, NULL,
+ // (3) Make sure that the regular directory (and optionally, its well-known subfile)
+ // do *NOT* have the specified bit set.
+ assert_no_err(stat(regular_dir, &sb));
+ success &= ((sb.st_flags & flag_to_test) == 0);
+ if (flag_to_test != SF_NOUNLINK) {
+ // Rebuild the path to the subfile, as our original path is relative
+ // to the special directory.
+ memset(test_file, 0, BSIZE_B);
+ assert_with_errno(snprintf(test_file, BSIZE_B, "%s/" TEST_FILE_NAME, regular_dir) > 0);
+ assert_no_err(stat(test_file, &sb));
+ success &= verify_st_flags(&sb, 0);
+ }
+ // Clean up after the test.
+ assert_no_err(removefile(special_dir, NULL, REMOVEFILE_RECURSIVE));
+ assert_no_err(removefile(regular_dir, NULL, REMOVEFILE_RECURSIVE));
+ return success;
+bool do_preserve_dst_flags_test(const char *test_directory, __unused size_t block_size) {
+ int interior_file_src_fd, test_file_id;
+ char exterior_dir_src[BSIZE_B] = {0}, interior_file_src[BSIZE_B] = {0};
+ uid_t euid = geteuid();
+ bool success = true;
+ printf("START [preserve_dst_flags]\n");
+ // Construct our source layout.
+ assert_with_errno(snprintf(exterior_dir_src, BSIZE_B, "%s/" TEST_FILE_NAME, test_directory) > 0);
+ assert_no_err(mkdir(exterior_dir_src, DEFAULT_MKDIR_PERM));
+ test_file_id = rand() % DEFAULT_NAME_MOD;
+ create_test_file_name(exterior_dir_src, TEST_FILE_NAME, test_file_id, interior_file_src);
+ // Create our interior test file.
+ interior_file_src_fd = open(interior_file_src, DEFAULT_OPEN_FLAGS, DEFAULT_OPEN_PERM);
+ assert_with_errno(interior_file_src_fd >= 0);
+ assert_no_err(close(interior_file_src_fd)); // file only needs to exist
+ if (euid == 0) {
+ // Try to copy our directory into a restricted environment.
+ success &= test_special_dir_with_flag(exterior_dir_src, test_directory,
+ rootless_mkdir_restricted, SF_RESTRICTED);
+ // Make sure SF_NOUNLINK works as well.
+ success &= test_special_dir_with_flag(exterior_dir_src, test_directory,
+ rootless_mkdir_nounlink, SF_NOUNLINK);
+ } else {
+ printf("Skipping SF_RESTRICTED and SF_NOUNLINK tests, because we are not root.\n");
+ }
+ // Try to copy our directory into a datavault.
+ success &= test_special_dir_with_flag(exterior_dir_src, test_directory,
+ rootless_mkdir_datavault, UF_DATAVAULT);
+ if (success) {
+ printf("PASS [preserve_dst_flags]\n");
+ } else {
+ printf("FAIL [preserve_dst_flags]\n");
+ }
+ (void)removefile(exterior_dir_src, NULL, REMOVEFILE_RECURSIVE);
+ return success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;