const CFStringRef kSCNetworkConfigurationMigrationActionKey = CFSTR("MigrationActionKey");
const CFStringRef kSCNetworkConfigurationRepair = CFSTR("ConfigurationRepair");
+const CFStringRef kSCNetworkConfigurationRepairModel = CFSTR("ConfigurationRepairModel");
+static void
+logInterfaces(int level, const char *description, CFArrayRef interfaces, Boolean detailed)
+ CFMutableArrayRef interfaceNames = NULL;
+ if (detailed) {
+ SC_log(level, "%s = ", description);
+ } else {
+ interfaceNames = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ }
+ for (CFIndex i = 0, n = CFArrayGetCount(interfaces); i < n; i++) {
+ CFStringRef bsdName;
+ SCNetworkInterfaceRef interface;
+ CFStringRef userDefinedName = NULL;
+ interface = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(interfaces, i);
+ if (isA_SCNetworkInterface(interface)) {
+ bsdName = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(interface);
+ if (bsdName == NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ userDefinedName = __SCNetworkInterfaceGetUserDefinedName(interface);
+ } else if (isA_CFDictionary(interface)) {
+ CFDictionaryRef info;
+ bsdName = CFDictionaryGetValue((CFDictionaryRef)interface, CFSTR(kSCNetworkInterfaceBSDName));
+ if (bsdName == NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ info = CFDictionaryGetValue((CFDictionaryRef)interface, CFSTR(kSCNetworkInterfaceInfo));
+ if (info != NULL) {
+ userDefinedName = CFDictionaryGetValue(info, kSCPropUserDefinedName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ bsdName = CFSTR("?");
+ }
+ if (interfaceNames == NULL) {
+ SC_log(level, " %@ (%@)",
+ bsdName,
+ userDefinedName != NULL ? userDefinedName : CFSTR("?"));
+ } else {
+ CFArrayAppendValue(interfaceNames, bsdName);
+ }
+ }
+ if (interfaceNames != NULL) {
+ CFStringRef list;
+ list = CFStringCreateByCombiningStrings(NULL, interfaceNames, CFSTR(", "));
+ SC_log(level, "%s = %@", description, list);
+ CFRelease(list);
+ CFRelease(interfaceNames);
+ }
+ return;
+typedef struct {
+ int level;
+ const char *name;
+} logMappingContext;
+ * logMapping_one()
+ *
+ * Logs a single key/value of a mapping dictionary
+ */
+static void
+logMapping_one(const void *key, const void *value, void *context)
+#pragma unused(context)
+ logMappingContext * mapping_context = (logMappingContext *)context;
+ CFTypeRef mapping_key = NULL;
+ CFTypeRef mapping_value = NULL;
+ Boolean mapping_value_retained = FALSE;
+ if (mapping_context->name != NULL) {
+ SC_log(mapping_context->level, "%s =", mapping_context->name);
+ mapping_context->name = NULL;
+ }
+ if (isA_SCNetworkService(key)) {
+ mapping_key = SCNetworkServiceGetServiceID(key);
+ } else if (isA_SCNetworkSet(key)) {
+ mapping_key = SCNetworkSetGetSetID(key);
+ } else if (isA_SCNetworkInterface(key)) {
+ mapping_key = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(key);
+ } else {
+ mapping_key = key;
+ }
+ if (isA_SCNetworkService(value)) {
+ mapping_value = SCNetworkServiceGetServiceID(value);
+ } else if (isA_SCNetworkSet(value)) {
+ mapping_value = SCNetworkSetGetSetID(value);
+ } else if (isA_SCNetworkInterface(value)) {
+ CFStringRef bsdName;
+ CFStringRef userDefinedName;
+ bsdName = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(value);
+ userDefinedName = __SCNetworkInterfaceGetUserDefinedName(value);
+ mapping_value = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@ (%@)"),
+ bsdName,
+ userDefinedName != NULL ? userDefinedName : CFSTR("?"));
+ mapping_value_retained = TRUE;
+ } else if (isA_CFBoolean(value)) {
+ mapping_value = CFSTR("None");
+ } else if (isA_CFArray(value)) {
+ CFIndex n = CFArrayGetCount(value);
+ CFMutableStringRef str = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0);
+ CFStringAppendFormat(str, NULL, CFSTR("( "));
+ for (CFIndex i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ CFTypeRef val;
+ val = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(value, i);
+ if (isA_SCNetworkSet(val)) {
+ val = SCNetworkSetGetSetID(val);
+ }
+ CFStringAppendFormat(str, NULL, CFSTR("%s%@"),
+ i == 0 ? "" : ", ",
+ val);
+ }
+ CFStringAppendFormat(str, NULL, CFSTR(" )"));
+ mapping_value = str;
+ mapping_value_retained = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ mapping_value = value;
+ }
+ SC_log(mapping_context->level, " %@ --> %@", mapping_key, mapping_value);
+ if (mapping_value_retained) {
+ CFRelease(mapping_value);
+ }
+ return;
+ * logMapping()
+ *
+ * Generates a log of the mappings between :
+ *
+ * bsdNameServiceProtocolPreserveMapping
+ * SCNetworkService/SCNetworkInterface/bsdName
+ * --> array<info about protocols in the associated service>
+ *
+ * mappingServiceBSDNameToInterface
+ * SCNetworkInterface/bsdName
+ * --> SCNetworkInterface
+ *
+ * bsdNameMapping
+ * [source]interface BSD name
+ * --> [target]interface BSD name
+ *
+ * externalMapping (like bsdNameMapping but only for "external" interfaces)
+ *
+ * serviceMapping (matching on SCNetworkService/SCNetworkInterface/bsdName)
+ * [source]SCNetworkService
+ * --> [target]SCNetworkService
+ *
+ * setMapping (matching on the SCNetworkSet "name")
+ * [source]SCNetworkSet
+ * --> [target]SCNetworkSet
+ *
+ * serviceSetMapping
+ * SCNetworkService
+ * --> array<SCNetworkSet's containing the service>
+ */
+static void
+logMapping(int level, CFDictionaryRef mapping, const char *name)
+ logMappingContext mappingContext = { .level = level, .name = name };
+ CFDictionaryApplyFunction(mapping, logMapping_one, &mappingContext);
+ return;
static CFDictionaryRef
} validityContext;
static void
-_SCNetworkConfigurationValidateInterface (const void *key, const void *value, void *context)
+_SCNetworkConfigurationValidateInterface(const void *key, const void *value, void *context)
CFStringRef bsdName = (CFStringRef)key;
validityContext *ctx = (validityContext*)context;
// There is no interface present for the service
interface = CFDictionaryGetValue(interfaceMapping, bsdName);
if (interface == NULL) {
- if (_SCNetworkInterfaceIsBluetoothPAN(serviceInterface)) {
- // interface not expected, BT-PAN
- return;
- }
if (((bsdNameToBridgeServices != NULL) && !CFDictionaryContainsKey(bsdNameToBridgeServices, bsdName)) &&
((bsdNameToBondServices != NULL) && !CFDictionaryContainsKey(bsdNameToBondServices , bsdName)) &&
((bsdNameToVLANServices != NULL) && !CFDictionaryContainsKey(bsdNameToVLANServices , bsdName))) {
// Not a virtual interface
- "No interface with BSD name (%@) present for service",
+ "No interface with BSD name \"%@\" present for service",
if (repair) {
if (!__SCNetworkConfigurationInterfaceNameIsEquiv(interfaceUserDefinedName, serviceInterfaceUserDefinedName)) {
- "Interface user defined name (%@) doesn't match service/interface user defined name: %@",
+ "Interface user defined name \"%@\" doesn't match service/interface user defined name \"%@\"",
*ctx->isValid = FALSE;
if (isA_CFArray(interfacePreserveServiceInformation) != NULL &&
__SCNetworkInterfaceMatchesName(interfaceUserDefinedName, serviceInterfaceUserDefinedName)) {
- "serviceInterfaceUserDefinedName: %@ is the localized key for interface name: %@",
+ "serviceInterfaceUserDefinedName: \"%@\" is the localized key for interface name \"%@\"",
CFArrayAppendValue(interfacePreserveServiceInformation, serviceInterface);
CFDictionaryRef bsdNameServiceProtocolMapping = ctx->bsdNameServiceProtocolPreserveMapping;
SCPreferencesRef prefs = ctx->prefs;
SCNetworkServiceRef service;
+ CFStringRef serviceID;
+ CFStringRef serviceName;
CFStringRef bsdName = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(interface);
CFArrayRef protocolArray = NULL;
goto done;
+ serviceID = SCNetworkServiceGetServiceID(service);
+ serviceName = SCNetworkServiceGetName(service);
+ if (serviceName == NULL) serviceName = CFSTR("");
+ SC_log(LOG_INFO, "Adding service : %@ (%@%s%@)",
+ serviceID,
+ serviceName,
+ bsdName != NULL ? ", " : "",
+ bsdName != NULL ? bsdName : CFSTR(""));
if (service != NULL) {
CFArrayRef toBeRemoved = ctx->interfaceToBeRemoved;
interface = SCNetworkServiceGetInterface(service);
if (CFArrayContainsValue(toBeRemoved, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(toBeRemoved)), interface)) {
+ CFStringRef bsdName;
+ CFStringRef serviceID;
+ CFStringRef serviceName;
+ serviceID = SCNetworkServiceGetServiceID(service);
+ serviceName = SCNetworkServiceGetName(service);
+ if (serviceName == NULL) serviceName = CFSTR("");
+ bsdName = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(interface);
+ SC_log(LOG_INFO, "Removing service : %@ (%@%s%@)",
+ serviceID,
+ serviceName,
+ bsdName != NULL ? ", " : "",
+ bsdName != NULL ? bsdName : CFSTR(""));
removeCount = CFArrayGetCount(interfaceToBeRemoved);
replaceCount = CFArrayGetCount(interfaceToBeReplaced);
- if (removeCount == 0 &&
- replaceCount == 0) {
+ if ((removeCount == 0) && (replaceCount == 0)) {
// We don't have any information to repair
return FALSE;
// Backup current preferences before making changes
__SCNetworkConfigurationBackup(prefs, CFSTR("pre-repair"), prefs);
__SCNetworkConfigurationBackup(ni_prefs, CFSTR("pre-repair"), prefs);
+ __SCNetworkConfigurationReport(LOG_DEBUG, "pre-repair", prefs, ni_prefs);
+ if (interfaceToBeRemoved != NULL) {
+ logInterfaces(LOG_DEBUG, "Interfaces to be removed", interfaceToBeRemoved, FALSE);
+ }
+ if (interfaceToBeReplaced != NULL) {
+ logInterfaces(LOG_DEBUG, "Interfaces to be replaced", interfaceToBeReplaced, FALSE);
+ }
serviceList = SCNetworkServiceCopyAll(prefs);
CFArrayApplyFunction(serviceList, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(serviceList)), create_bsd_name_service_protocol_mapping, context);
+ if (context->bsdNameServiceProtocolPreserveMapping != NULL) {
+ logMapping(LOG_DEBUG, context->bsdNameServiceProtocolPreserveMapping, "BSD name / Service Protocol mapping");
+ }
CFArrayApplyFunction(serviceList, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(serviceList)), remove_service, (void*)context);
CFArrayApplyFunction(interfaceToBeReplaced, CFRangeMake(0, replaceCount), add_service, (void*)context);
+ __SCNetworkConfigurationReport(LOG_DEBUG, "post-repair", prefs, ni_prefs);
return TRUE;
CFStringRef model = NULL;
CFStringRef ni_model = NULL;
Boolean repairConfiguration = FALSE;
+ Boolean repairModel = FALSE;
Boolean revertBypassSystemInterfaces = FALSE;
CFArrayRef setServiceOrder = NULL;
CFArrayRef setServices = NULL;
if ((isA_CFDictionary(options) != NULL)) {
- CFBooleanRef repair = CFDictionaryGetValue(options, kSCNetworkConfigurationRepair);
- if (isA_CFBoolean(repair) != NULL) {
- repairConfiguration = CFBooleanGetValue(repair);
+ CFBooleanRef val;
+ val = CFDictionaryGetValue(options, kSCNetworkConfigurationRepair);
+ if (isA_CFBoolean(val) != NULL) {
+ repairConfiguration = CFBooleanGetValue(val);
+ }
+ val = CFDictionaryGetValue(options, kSCNetworkConfigurationRepairModel);
+ if (isA_CFBoolean(val) != NULL) {
+ repairModel = CFBooleanGetValue(val);
- "%sbypassing system interfaces for %@",
- _SCNetworkConfigurationBypassSystemInterfaces(prefs) ? "" : "not ",
- prefs);
+ "Configuration validity check%s%s%s"
+ "\n prefs = %@"
+ "\n ni_prefs = %@",
+ repairModel ? ", w/repair-model" : "",
+ repairConfiguration ? ", w/repair-configuration" : "",
+ _SCNetworkConfigurationBypassSystemInterfaces(prefs) ? ", bypass system interfaces" : "",
+ prefs,
+ ni_prefs);
if (!_SCNetworkConfigurationBypassSystemInterfaces(prefs)) {
_SCNetworkConfigurationSetBypassSystemInterfaces(prefs, TRUE);
Check the validity by:
- Comparing if the models are the same
- model = SCPreferencesGetValue(prefs, MODEL);
+ model = SCPreferencesGetValue(prefs , MODEL);
+ ni_model = SCPreferencesGetValue(ni_prefs, MODEL);
if (!isA_CFString(model)) {
- SC_log(LOG_INFO,
- "Configuration validity check: no \"Model\" property in preferences.plist"
- "\n %@",
- prefs);
+ if (repairModel && isA_CFString(ni_model)) {
+ SC_log(LOG_INFO, " updating \"Model\" property in preferences.plist");
+ SCPreferencesSetValue(prefs, MODEL, ni_model); // have prefs model match ni_prefs
+ model = ni_model;
+ } else {
+ SC_log(LOG_INFO, " no \"Model\" property in preferences.plist");
+ }
- ni_model = SCPreferencesGetValue(ni_prefs, MODEL);
if (!isA_CFString(ni_model)) {
- SC_log(LOG_INFO,
- "Configuration validity check: no \"Model\" property in NetworkInterfaces.plist"
- "\n %@",
- ni_prefs);
+ if (repairModel && isA_CFString(model)) {
+ SC_log(LOG_INFO, " updating \"Model\" property in NetworkInterfaces.plist");
+ SCPreferencesSetValue(ni_prefs, MODEL, model); // have ni_prefs model match prefs
+ ni_model = model;
+ } else {
+ SC_log(LOG_INFO, " no \"Model\" property in NetworkInterfaces.plist");
+ }
if (isA_CFString(model) && isA_CFString(ni_model) && !CFEqual(model, ni_model)) {
isValid = FALSE;
interfaces = __SCNetworkServiceCopyAllInterfaces(prefs);
- if (!isA_CFArray(interfaces)) {
- if (interfaces != NULL) CFRelease(interfaces);
+ if (interfaces == NULL) {
isValid = FALSE;
"Configuration validity check: no service interfaces!"
"\n %@",
goto done;
+ } else {
+ logInterfaces(LOG_DEBUG, "interfaces", interfaces, TRUE);
mappingServiceBSDNameToInterface = __SCNetworkInterfaceCreateMappingUsingBSDName(interfaces);
- if (!isA_CFDictionary(mappingServiceBSDNameToInterface)) {
+ if (mappingServiceBSDNameToInterface != NULL) {
+ logMapping(LOG_DEBUG, mappingServiceBSDNameToInterface, "mappingServiceBSDNameToInterface");
+ } else {
isValid = FALSE;
"Configuration validity check: no BSD name to service interface mapping!"
bsdNameToVLANServices = _SCNetworkMigrationCopyMappingBSDNameToVLANServices(prefs);
context.interfaceMapping = mappingBSDNameToInterface;
context.isValid = &isValid;
context.interfaceToBeRemoved = interfaceToBeRemoved; = repairConfiguration;
context.prefs = prefs;
context.bsdNameServiceProtocolPreserveMapping = bsdNameServiceProtocolPreserveMapping;
CFDictionaryApplyFunction(mappingServiceBSDNameToInterface, _SCNetworkConfigurationValidateInterface, &context);
if (!isValid) {
- "Configuration validity check: mismatch between interface names in NetworkInterfaces.plist and preferences.plist!"
+ "Configuration validity check: mismatched interface names between NetworkInterfaces.plist and preferences.plist!"
"\n %@"
"\n %@",
if (revertBypassSystemInterfaces) {
_SCNetworkConfigurationSetBypassSystemInterfaces(prefs, FALSE);
+ SC_log(LOG_INFO, " configuration is %svalid", isValid ? "" : "not ");
return isValid;
typedef struct {
- CFMutableArrayRef externalInterfaceList;
- CFMutableArrayRef networkInterfaceList;
- Boolean foundNewInterfaces;
+ CFMutableArrayRef externalInterfaceList;
+ CFMutableArrayRef networkInterfaceList;
+ Boolean foundNewInterfaces;
} externalMappingContext;
static void
#pragma unused(key)
externalMappingContext *ctx = context;
- CFDictionaryRef interface_entity = NULL;
+ CFDictionaryRef interface_entity;
+ CFIndex matchIndex;
SCNetworkInterfaceRef targetInterface = (SCNetworkInterfaceRef)value;
- if (CFArrayContainsValue(ctx->externalInterfaceList, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(ctx->externalInterfaceList)), targetInterface)) {
- SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Target interface (%@) already exists, not adding to NetworkInterfaces.plist", targetInterface);
- return; // If the target interface already exists then do not add it to NetworkInterfaces.plist
+ matchIndex = CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue(ctx->externalInterfaceList,
+ CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(ctx->externalInterfaceList)),
+ targetInterface);
+ if (matchIndex != kCFNotFound) {
+ SCNetworkInterfaceRef matchInterface;
+ CFStringRef matchName;
+ CFStringRef targetName;
+ matchInterface = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(ctx->externalInterfaceList, matchIndex);
+ matchName = __SCNetworkInterfaceGetUserDefinedName(matchInterface);
+ targetName = __SCNetworkInterfaceGetUserDefinedName(targetInterface);
+ if (_SC_CFEqual(matchName, targetName)) {
+ // the target interface already exists; do not add it to NetworkInterfaces.plist
+ "Target interface already exists, not updating NetworkInterfaces.plist"
+ "\n %@",
+ targetInterface);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // the target interface differs from the NetworkInterfaces.plist interface; replace it
+ "Current interface morphed, replacing"
+ "\n %@",
+ matchInterface);
+ CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(ctx->externalInterfaceList, matchIndex);
+ }
ctx->foundNewInterfaces = TRUE;
interface_entity = __SCNetworkInterfaceCopyStorageEntity(targetInterface);
if (interface_entity != NULL) {
+ "adding network interface entity"
+ "\n%@",
+ interface_entity);
CFArrayAppendValue(ctx->networkInterfaceList, interface_entity);
context.networkInterfaceList = networkInterfaceList;
context.foundNewInterfaces = FALSE;
+ SC_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Updating network interface list");
+ logInterfaces(LOG_DEBUG, " externalInterfaceList", externalInterfaceList, FALSE);
+ logInterfaces(LOG_DEBUG, " networkInterfaceList" , networkInterfaceList, FALSE);
CFDictionaryApplyFunction(externalMapping, _SCNetworkConfigurationCollectInterfaceStorageEntity, &context);
if (hasNewInterface != NULL) {
for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < CFArrayGetCount(services); idx++) {
service = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(services, idx);
- if (!CFDictionaryContainsKey(serviceSetMapping, service)) {
- setList = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
- CFDictionaryAddValue(serviceSetMapping, service, setList);
- CFRelease(setList);
- }
+ setList = CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(serviceSetMapping, service, setList);
+ CFRelease(setList);
CFMutableArrayRef targetSetsMutable = NULL;
sourceSets = SCNetworkSetCopyAll(sourcePrefs);
- targetSets = SCNetworkSetCopyAll(targetPrefs);
+ if (sourceSets == NULL) {
+ goto done;
+ }
- if (sourceSets == NULL ||
- targetSets == NULL) {
+ targetSets = SCNetworkSetCopyAll(targetPrefs);
+ if (targetSets == NULL) {
goto done;
targetSetsMutable = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, targetSets);
sourceInterface = SCNetworkServiceGetInterface(sourceService);
if (sourceInterface == NULL) {
- SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "No source interface");
+ SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "source service with no interface, should never happen");
CFEqual(sourceInterfaceType, kSCValNetInterfaceTypePPP))) {
sourceInterfaceSubType = __SCNetworkInterfaceGetEntitySubType(sourceInterface);
if (!isA_CFString(sourceInterfaceSubType)) {
- SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "No source interface SubType");
+ SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "source service with VPN/PPP interface missing SubType");
targetInterface = SCNetworkServiceGetInterface(targetService);
if (targetInterface == NULL) {
- SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "No target interface");
+ SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "target service with no interface, should never happen");
if (sourceBSDName != NULL) {
targetBSDName = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(targetInterface);
if (!isA_CFString(targetBSDName)) {
- SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "No target BSD name: %@", targetInterface);
+ // source interface w/BSD interface, target w/o BSD interface
if (CFEqual(targetBSDName, targetBSDNameMapped)) {
+// SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Removing target BSD name: %@", targetBSDName);
CFDictionaryAddValue(serviceMapping, sourceService, targetService);
CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(targetSCNetworkServicesMutable, idx2);
// Check if the target interface type and the target interface sub type match
if (CFEqual(targetInterfaceType, sourceInterfaceType) &&
CFEqual(targetInterfaceSubType, sourceInterfaceSubType)) {
+// SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Removing target BSD Name: %@ for VPN", targetBSDName);
CFDictionaryAddValue(serviceMapping, sourceService, targetService);
CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(targetSCNetworkServicesMutable, idx2);
if ((setMapping != NULL) || (sourceServiceSetMapping != NULL)) {
if (isA_SCNetworkService(targetService)) {
(void)SCNetworkServiceGetName(targetService); // ensures that the service name will be logged
+ SC_log(LOG_INFO, "Removing [target] service: %@", targetService);
+ (void)SCNetworkServiceGetName(sourceService); // ensures that the service name will be logged
+ SC_log(LOG_INFO, "Adding [source] service: %@", sourceService);
if (!__SCNetworkServiceMigrateNew(targetPrefs, sourceService, bsdNameMapping, setMapping, sourceServiceSetMapping)) {
(void)SCNetworkServiceGetName(sourceService); // ensures that the service name will be logged
- SC_log(LOG_INFO, "*** [source] service add failed: %@", sourceService);
- }
-static void
-logConfiguration(const char *description, SCPreferencesRef prefs)
- CFArrayRef sets;
- sets = SCNetworkSetCopyAll(prefs);
- if (sets != NULL) {
- CFIndex n = CFArrayGetCount(sets);
- SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "%s configuration", description);
- for (CFIndex i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- CFArrayRef services;
- SCNetworkSetRef set;
- set = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(sets, i);
- SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, " Set %@ (%@)",
- SCNetworkSetGetSetID(set),
- SCNetworkSetGetName(set));
- services = SCNetworkSetCopyServices(set);
- if (services != NULL) {
- CFIndex n;
- CFIndex nOrder = 0;
- CFArrayRef order;
- order = SCNetworkSetGetServiceOrder(set);
- if (order != NULL) {
- nOrder = CFArrayGetCount(order);
- }
- n = CFArrayGetCount(services);
- if (n > 1) {
- CFMutableArrayRef sorted;
- sorted = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, services);
- CFArraySortValues(sorted,
- CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(sorted)),
- _SCNetworkServiceCompare,
- (void *)order);
- CFRelease(services);
- services = sorted;
- }
- for (CFIndex i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- CFStringRef bsdName;
- SCNetworkInterfaceRef interface;
- CFIndex orderIndex = kCFNotFound;
- SCNetworkServiceRef service;
- CFStringRef serviceName;
- CFStringRef serviceID;
- service = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(services, i);
- serviceID = SCNetworkServiceGetServiceID(service);
- serviceName = SCNetworkServiceGetName(service);
- if (serviceName == NULL) serviceName = CFSTR("");
- interface = SCNetworkServiceGetInterface(service);
- bsdName = SCNetworkInterfaceGetBSDName(interface);
- if (order != NULL) {
- orderIndex = CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue(order,
- CFRangeMake(0, nOrder),
- serviceID);
- }
- if (orderIndex != kCFNotFound) {
- SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, " Service %2ld : %@, %2d (%@%s%@)",
- orderIndex + 1,
- serviceID,
- __SCNetworkInterfaceOrder(SCNetworkServiceGetInterface(service)), // temp?
- serviceName,
- bsdName != NULL ? ", " : "",
- bsdName != NULL ? bsdName : CFSTR(""));
- } else {
- SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, " Service : %@, %2d (%@%s%@)",
- serviceID,
- __SCNetworkInterfaceOrder(SCNetworkServiceGetInterface(service)), // temp?
- serviceName,
- bsdName != NULL ? ", " : "",
- bsdName != NULL ? bsdName : CFSTR(""));
- }
- }
- CFRelease(services);
- }
- }
- CFRelease(sets);
+ SC_log(LOG_INFO, "*** adding [source] service failed: %@", sourceService);
- return;
-static void
-logMapping(const void *key, const void *value, void *context)
-#pragma unused(context)
- CFTypeRef mapping_key = NULL;
- const char **mapping_name = (const char **)context;
- CFTypeRef mapping_value = NULL;
- Boolean mapping_value_new = FALSE;
- if (*mapping_name != NULL) {
- SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "%s =", *mapping_name);
- *mapping_name = NULL;
- }
- if (isA_SCNetworkService(key)) {
- mapping_key = SCNetworkServiceGetServiceID(key);
- } else if (isA_SCNetworkSet(key)) {
- mapping_key = SCNetworkSetGetSetID(key);
- } else {
- mapping_key = key;
- }
- if (isA_SCNetworkService(value)) {
- mapping_value = SCNetworkServiceGetServiceID(value);
- } else if (isA_SCNetworkSet(value)) {
- mapping_value = SCNetworkSetGetSetID(value);
- } else if (isA_CFBoolean(value)) {
- mapping_value = CFSTR("None");
- } else if (isA_CFArray(value)) {
- CFIndex n = CFArrayGetCount(value);
- CFMutableStringRef str = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0);
- CFStringAppendFormat(str, NULL, CFSTR("( "));
- for (CFIndex i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- CFTypeRef val;
- val = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(value, i);
- if (isA_SCNetworkSet(val)) {
- val = SCNetworkSetGetSetID(val);
- }
- CFStringAppendFormat(str, NULL, CFSTR("%s%@"),
- i == 0 ? "" : ", ",
- val);
- }
- CFStringAppendFormat(str, NULL, CFSTR(" )"));
- mapping_value = str;
- mapping_value_new = TRUE;
- } else {
- mapping_value = value;
- }
- SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, " %@ --> %@", mapping_key, mapping_value);
- if (mapping_value_new) {
- CFRelease(mapping_value);
- }
- return;
static Boolean
CFDictionaryRef serviceSetMapping)
serviceMigrationContext context;
- const char *mapping_name;
Boolean success = FALSE;
if ((sourcePrefs == NULL) ||
if (bsdNameMapping != NULL) {
- mapping_name = "BSD name mapping";
- CFDictionaryApplyFunction(bsdNameMapping, logMapping, &mapping_name);
+ logMapping(LOG_INFO, bsdNameMapping, "BSD name mapping");
+ } else {
+ SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "No BSD name mapping");
if (serviceMapping != NULL) {
- mapping_name = "SCNetworkService mapping";
- CFDictionaryApplyFunction(serviceMapping, logMapping, &mapping_name);
+ logMapping(LOG_INFO, serviceMapping, "SCNetworkService mapping");
+ } else {
+ SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "No SCNetworkService mapping");
if (setMapping != NULL) {
- mapping_name = "SCNetworkSet mapping";
- CFDictionaryApplyFunction(setMapping, logMapping, &mapping_name);
+ logMapping(LOG_INFO, setMapping, "SCNetworkSet mapping");
+ } else {
+ SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "No SCNetworkSet mapping");
if (serviceSetMapping != NULL) {
- mapping_name = "SCNetworkService/SCNetworkSet mapping";
- CFDictionaryApplyFunction(serviceSetMapping, logMapping, &mapping_name);
+ logMapping(LOG_INFO, serviceSetMapping, "SCNetworkService/SCNetworkSet mapping");
+ } else {
+ SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "No SCNetworkService/SCNetworkSet mapping");
context.targetPrefs = targetPrefs;
CFMutableDictionaryRef builtinMapping = NULL; // Mapping between builtin interfaces between source and target configurations: (SCNetworkInterfaceRef -> SCNetworkInterfaceRef)
CFMutableDictionaryRef externalMapping = NULL; // Mapping between external interfaces between source and target configurations: (SCNetworkInterfaceRef -> SCNetworkInterfaceRef)
Boolean migrationSuccess = FALSE;
- CFArrayRef newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntity = NULL; // Array of Interface Entity which used to create new target interfaces created during migration
+ CFArrayRef newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntities = NULL; // Array of Interface Entity which used to create new target interfaces created during migration
CFDictionaryRef serviceMapping = NULL; // Mapping between services of source to target. (SCNetworkServicesRef -> SCNetworkServicesRef)
CFDictionaryRef setMapping = NULL;
CFDictionaryRef sourceServiceSetMapping = NULL;
targetModel = SCPreferencesGetValue(targetPrefs, MODEL);
isUpgradeScenario = (isA_CFString(sourceModel) && isA_CFString(targetModel) && CFEqual(sourceModel, targetModel));
if (isUpgradeScenario) {
- SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Migrating network configuration: performing an \"upgrade\"");
+ SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Upgrading network configuration");
} else {
- SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Migrating network configuration: performing a \"migration\"");
+ SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Migrating network configuration");
__SCNetworkConfigurationBackup(targetNetworkInterfacePrefs, suffix, targetPrefs);
+ // log what we're starting with
+ __SCNetworkConfigurationReport(LOG_NOTICE, "Source", sourcePrefs, sourceNetworkInterfacePrefs);
+ __SCNetworkConfigurationReport(LOG_NOTICE, "Target", targetPrefs, targetNetworkInterfacePrefs);
// Create services for builtin interfaces at source if they don't exist
(void)_SCNetworkConfigurationCreateBuiltinInterfaceServices(sourcePrefs, sourceNetworkInterfacePrefs);
// Checking validity of the source and destination preferences before continuing
// Upgrade scenario, source and target models match
if (isUpgradeScenario) {
- Boolean foundNewInterface = FALSE;
+ Boolean foundNewInterfaces = FALSE;
// Create SCPreferences to copy the target prefs
SCPreferencesRef upgradeSourcePrefs = SCPreferencesCreate(NULL, CFSTR("Upgrade Source Prefs"), NULL);
SCPreferencesRef upgradeSourceNIPrefs = SCPreferencesCreate(NULL, CFSTR("Upgrade Source NI Prefs"), INTERFACES_DEFAULT_CONFIG);
+ // Setting Bypass Interface to avoid looking at system interfaces
+ _SCNetworkConfigurationSetBypassSystemInterfaces(upgradeSourcePrefs, TRUE);
- "Migrating network configuration:"
+ "Upgrading network configuration:"
"\n upgradeSourcePrefs [temp] = %@"
"\n upgradeSourceNIPrefs [temp] = %@"
"\n Copying target --> upgrade, source --> target",
// Getting the mapping of the non builtin interfaces between source and target
externalMapping = _SCNetworkConfigurationCopyExternalInterfaceMapping(upgradeSourceNIPrefs, targetNetworkInterfacePrefs);
- SC_log(LOG_INFO,
- "Upgradng, external interface mapping: %@",
- externalMapping);
- newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntity = _SCNetworkMigrationCreateNetworkInterfaceArray(targetNetworkInterfacePrefs, externalMapping, &foundNewInterface);
+ if (externalMapping != NULL) {
+ logMapping(LOG_INFO, externalMapping, "Upgrading, external interface mapping");
+ }
- SC_log(LOG_INFO,
- "Upgrading, %s new interfaces"
- "\n newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntity = %@",
- foundNewInterface ? "found" : "no",
- newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntity);
+ newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntities = _SCNetworkMigrationCreateNetworkInterfaceArray(targetNetworkInterfacePrefs, externalMapping, &foundNewInterfaces);
+ SC_log(LOG_INFO, "Upgrading, %s new interfaces", foundNewInterfaces ? "found" : "no");
- if (foundNewInterface) {
- if (newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntity == NULL) {
+ if (foundNewInterfaces) {
+ if (newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntities == NULL) {
SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Upgrading, failed w/no new interface list");
// add new interface mapping to NetworkInterfaces.plist
- if (!__SCNetworkInterfaceSaveStoredWithPreferences(targetNetworkInterfacePrefs, newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntity)) {
+ if (!__SCNetworkInterfaceSaveStoredWithPreferences(targetNetworkInterfacePrefs, newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntities)) {
SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Upgrading, failed to update NetworkInterfaces.plist");
serviceMapping = _SCNetworkMigrationCreateServiceMappingUsingBSDNameMapping(upgradeSourcePrefs, targetPrefs, bsdNameMapping);
- logConfiguration("Source", upgradeSourcePrefs);
- logConfiguration("Target", targetPrefs);
+ setMapping = _SCNetworkMigrationCreateSetMapping(upgradeSourcePrefs, targetPrefs);
+ sourceServiceSetMapping = _SCNetworkMigrationCreateServiceSetMapping(upgradeSourcePrefs);
- NULL);
- logConfiguration("Updated", targetPrefs);
+ setMapping,
+ sourceServiceSetMapping);
externalMapping = _SCNetworkConfigurationCopyExternalInterfaceMapping(sourceNetworkInterfacePrefs, targetNetworkInterfacePrefs);
- newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntity = _SCNetworkMigrationCreateNetworkInterfaceArray(targetNetworkInterfacePrefs, externalMapping, NULL);
- if (newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntity == NULL) {
+ newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntities = _SCNetworkMigrationCreateNetworkInterfaceArray(targetNetworkInterfacePrefs, externalMapping, NULL);
+ if (newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntities == NULL) {
SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Migrating, failed w/no new interface list");
goto done;
// Write new interface mapping to NetworkInterfaces.plist
- if (!__SCNetworkInterfaceSaveStoredWithPreferences(targetNetworkInterfacePrefs, newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntity)) {
+ if (!__SCNetworkInterfaceSaveStoredWithPreferences(targetNetworkInterfacePrefs, newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntities)) {
SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Migrating, failed to update NetworkInterfaces.plist");
goto done;
sourceServiceSetMapping = _SCNetworkMigrationCreateServiceSetMapping(sourcePrefs);
- logConfiguration("Source", sourcePrefs);
- logConfiguration("Target", targetPrefs);
if (!_SCNetworkMigrationDoServiceMigration(sourcePrefs,
if (!_SCNetworkMigrationDoServiceOrderMigration(sourcePrefs, targetPrefs, setMapping)) {
SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "SCNetworkMigrationDoServiceMigration(): service order migration failed");
- logConfiguration("Migrated", targetPrefs);
SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "SCNetworkMigrationDoServiceMigration(): system setting migration failed");
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(validityOptions, kSCNetworkConfigurationRepairModel, kCFBooleanTrue);
if (!_SCNetworkConfigurationCheckValidityWithPreferences(targetPrefs, targetNetworkInterfacePrefs, validityOptions)) {
- SC_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Migrated configuration not valid");
+ "%s configuration not valid",
+ isUpgradeScenario ? "Upgraded" : "Migrated");
goto done;
if (!SCPreferencesCommitChanges(targetPrefs)) {
migrationSuccess = TRUE;
+ __SCNetworkConfigurationReport(LOG_NOTICE, isUpgradeScenario ? "Upgraded" : "Migrated", targetPrefs, targetNetworkInterfacePrefs);
if (setMapping != NULL) {
if (targetNetworkInterfaceFileString != NULL) {
- if (newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntity != NULL) {
- CFRelease(newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntity);
+ if (newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntities != NULL) {
+ CFRelease(newTargetNetworkInterfaceEntities);
if (builtinMapping != NULL) {