]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/configd.git/blob - SystemConfiguration.fproj/SCDynamicStorePrivate.h
[apple/configd.git] / SystemConfiguration.fproj / SCDynamicStorePrivate.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 * file.
12 *
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 *
22 */
27 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
28 #include <mach/message.h>
29 #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
30 #include <SystemConfiguration/SCDynamicStore.h>
32 /*!
33 @header SCDynamicStorePrivate
34 @discussion The SCDynamicStore APIs provide access to a key-value
35 dictionary maintained by a server process. The dictionary is
36 accessible by all processes on the system. The APIs allow you
37 to list the current key-value pairs, add or remove key-value
38 pairs, add or change the values associated with a key, and
39 request change notifications.
41 The SCDynamicStore is not "persistent" (the store content
42 starts off empty and is not saved across boot).
44 All interaction with the SCDynamicStore [server] is via Mach
45 IPC (MiG) messages.
47 A client process, using the SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys
48 API, specifies a list of specific keys of interest and/or a
49 list of regex(3) pattern strings that will be matched on
50 current (and future) keys in the store. Any matched keys that
51 are added, updated, or removed will trigger a notification.
52 The notification is delivered to the monitoring session via
53 a "something has changed" Mach IPC message. The callback
54 notification, as part of its implementation, issues a request
55 to the server to identify the specific list of changes and
56 this list is passed along as part of the callback. Any
57 subsequent changes to the SCDynamicStore will trigger a new
58 "something has changed" Mach IPC message and an additional
59 callback.
61 Note: the list (array) of changed keys passed to the
62 notification callback will be always be non-NULL
63 and non-empty with one exception. That exception
64 is when the SCDynamicStore server has been restarted.
65 In that case, if no reconnect callback was setup
66 with the SCDynamicStoreSetReconnectCallBack API
67 then a non-NULL but empty array will be passed.
69 Disconnect/reconnect considerations:
71 1. We don't expect the SCDynamicStore server to fail but one
72 should always be prepared for the unexpected.
74 2. Processes that write to the SCDynamicStore should be
75 prepared to repost any content when/if the server fails.
76 A callout, registered with the SCDynamicStoreSetReconnectCallBack
77 API, should be used to post any updates the SCDynamicStore
78 after a failure.
80 3. Processes that cache SCDynamicStore content (or otherwise
81 maintain state based on previous notifications) should be
82 aware that all store content is lost when/if the server
83 fails. After handling a SCDynamicStore notification with
84 no keys or a disconnect/reconnect callout, your code should
85 assume that any cached content is no longer valid.
87 Performance considerations:
89 1. We recommend that any code trying to capture a snapshot of
90 more than one SCDynamicStore key should use the SCDynamicStoreCopyMultiple
91 API (and not make multiple calls to SCDynamicStoreCopyValue).
93 2. We recommend that any code making multiple (and related)
94 changes to the SCDynamicStore should batch them into a
95 single call using the SCDynamicStoreSetMultiple API (and
96 not make multiple calls to SCDynamicStoreSetValue).
97 */
99 /*!
100 @typedef SCDynamicStoreCallBack
101 @discussion Type of the callback function used when a
102 dynamic store change is delivered.
103 @param store The "dynamic store" session.
104 @param info ....
105 */
106 typedef boolean_t (*SCDynamicStoreCallBack_v1) (
107 SCDynamicStoreRef store,
108 void *info
109 );
111 /*!
112 @typedef SCDynamicStoreDisconnectCallBack
113 @discussion Type of callback function used when notification of
114 the dynamic store session being disconnected is delivered.
115 @param store The dynamic store session.
116 @param info A C pointer to a user-specified block of data.
117 */
118 typedef void (*SCDynamicStoreDisconnectCallBack) (
119 SCDynamicStoreRef store,
120 void *info
121 );
126 /*!
127 @function SCDynamicStoreLock
128 @discussion Locks access to the configuration "dynamic store". All
129 other clients attempting to access the "dynamic store" will
130 block. All change notifications will be deferred until the
131 lock is released.
132 @param store The "dynamic store" session that should be locked.
133 @result TRUE if the lock was obtained; FALSE if an error was encountered.
134 */
135 Boolean
136 SCDynamicStoreLock (SCDynamicStoreRef store);
138 /*!
139 @function SCDynamicStoreUnlock
140 @discussion Unlocks access to the configuration "dynamic store". Other
141 clients will be able to access the "dynamic store". Any change
142 notifications will be delivered.
143 @param store The "dynamic store" session that should be unlocked.
144 @result TRUE if the lock was released; FALSE if an error was encountered.
145 */
146 Boolean
147 SCDynamicStoreUnlock (SCDynamicStoreRef store);
149 /*!
150 @function SCDynamicStoreTouchValue
151 @discussion Updates the value of the specified key in the
152 "dynamic store".
153 If the value does not exist then a CFDate object
154 will be associated with the key.
155 If the associated data is already a CFDate object
156 then it will be updated with the current time.
157 @param store The "dynamic store" session.
158 @param key The key of the value to updated.
159 @result TRUE if the value was updated; FALSE if an error was encountered.
160 */
161 Boolean
162 SCDynamicStoreTouchValue (SCDynamicStoreRef store,
163 CFStringRef key);
165 /*!
166 @function SCDynamicStoreAddWatchedKey
167 @discussion Adds the specified key to the list of "dynamic store"
168 values that are being monitored for changes.
169 @param store The "dynamic store" session being watched.
170 @param key The key to be monitored.
171 @param isRegex A booolean indicating whether a specific key should
172 be monitored or if it consists of a regex(3) pattern string
173 of keys.
174 @result TRUE if the key was successfully added to the "watch"
175 list; FALSE if an error was encountered.
176 */
177 Boolean
178 SCDynamicStoreAddWatchedKey (SCDynamicStoreRef store,
179 CFStringRef key,
180 Boolean isRegex);
182 /*!
183 @function SCDynamicStoreRemoveWatchedKey
184 @discussion Removes the specified key from the list of "dynamic store"
185 values that are being monitored for changes.
186 @param store The "dynamic store" session being watched.
187 @param key The key that should no longer be monitored.
188 @param isRegex A booolean indicating whether a specific key should
189 be monitored or if it consists of a regex(3) pattern string
190 of keys.
191 @result TRUE if the key was successfully removed from the "watch"
192 list; FALSE if an error was encountered.
193 */
194 Boolean
195 SCDynamicStoreRemoveWatchedKey (SCDynamicStoreRef store,
196 CFStringRef key,
197 Boolean isRegex);
199 /*!
200 @function SCDynamicStoreNotifyCallback
201 @discussion Requests that the specified function be called whenever a
202 change has been detected to one of the "dynamic store" values
203 being monitored.
205 The callback function will be called with two arguments, store and
206 context, that correspond to the current "dynamic store" session and
207 the provided context argument.
209 The callback function should return a Boolean value indicating
210 whether an error occurred during execution of the callback.
212 Note: An additional run loop source will be added for the notification.
213 This additional source will be removed if the notification is cancelled
214 or if the callback indicates that an error was detected.
216 @param store The "dynamic store" session.
217 @param runLoop A pointer to the run loop.
218 @param func The callback function to call for each notification.
219 If this parameter is not a pointer to a function of the
220 correct prototype, the behavior is undefined.
221 @param context A pointer-sized user-defined value, that is passed as
222 the second parameter to the notification callback function,
223 but is otherwise unused by this function. If the context
224 is not what is expected by the notification function, the
225 behavior is undefined.
226 @result TRUE if the notification callback runloop source was
227 successfully added; FALSE if an error was encountered.
228 */
229 Boolean
230 SCDynamicStoreNotifyCallback (SCDynamicStoreRef store,
231 CFRunLoopRef runLoop,
232 SCDynamicStoreCallBack_v1 func,
233 void *context);
235 /*!
236 @function SCDynamicStoreNotifyMachPort
237 @discussion Allocates a mach port that can be used to detect changes to
238 one of the system configuration data entries associated with the
239 current session's notifier keys. When a change is detected, an
240 empty (no data) mach message with the specified identifier will
241 be delivered to the calling application via the allocated port.
243 @param store An SCDynamicStoreRef that should be used for communication with the server.
244 @param msgid A mach message ID to be included with any notifications.
245 @param port A pointer to a mach port. Upon return, port will be filled
246 with the mach port that will be used for any notifications.
247 @result A boolean indicating the success (or failure) of the call.
248 */
249 Boolean
250 SCDynamicStoreNotifyMachPort (SCDynamicStoreRef store,
251 mach_msg_id_t msgid,
252 mach_port_t *port);
254 /*!
255 @function SCDynamicStoreNotifyFileDescriptor
256 @discussion Allocates a file descriptor that can be used to detect changes
257 to one of the system configuration data entries associated with the
258 current session's notifier keys. When a change is detected, the
259 specified identifier (4 bytes) will be delivered to the calling
260 application via the allocated file descriptor.
262 @param store An SCDynamicStoreRef that should be used for communication with the server.
263 @param identifier A (4 byte) integer that can be used to identify this
264 notification.
265 @param fd A pointer to a file descriptor. Upon return, fd will
266 contain the file descriptor that will be used for any notifications.
267 @result A boolean indicating the success (or failure) of the call.
268 */
269 Boolean
270 SCDynamicStoreNotifyFileDescriptor (SCDynamicStoreRef store,
271 int32_t identifier,
272 int *fd);
274 /*!
275 @function SCDynamicStoreNotifySignal
276 @discussion Requests that the specified BSD signal be sent to the process
277 with the indicated process id whenever a change has been detected
278 to one of the system configuration data entries associated with the
279 current session's notifier keys.
281 Note: this function is not valid for "configd" plug-ins.
283 @param store An SCDynamicStoreRef that should be used for communication with the server.
284 @param pid A UNIX process ID that should be signalled for any notifications.
285 @param sig A signal number to be used.
286 @result A boolean indicating the success (or failure) of the call.
287 */
288 Boolean
289 SCDynamicStoreNotifySignal (SCDynamicStoreRef store,
290 pid_t pid,
291 int sig);
293 /*!
294 @function SCDynamicStoreNotifyWait
295 @discussion Waits for a change to be made to a value in the
296 "dynamic store" that is being monitored.
297 @param store The "dynamic store" session.
298 @result TRUE if a change has been detected; FALSE if an error was encountered.
299 */
300 Boolean
301 SCDynamicStoreNotifyWait (SCDynamicStoreRef store);
303 /*!
304 @function SCDynamicStoreNotifyCancel
305 @discussion Cancels any outstanding notification requests for
306 this "dynamic store" session.
308 @param store The "dynamic store" session.
309 @result TRUE if all notifications have been cancelled; FALSE if an
310 error was encountered.
311 */
312 Boolean
313 SCDynamicStoreNotifyCancel (SCDynamicStoreRef store);
315 /*!
316 @function SCDynamicStoreSetDisconnectCallBack
317 @discussion Assigns a callback to a SCDynamicStore session. The function
318 is called when the session has been disconnected. The callback
319 should be established before a client writes any content to the
320 SCDynamicStore to ensure that the information can be re-posted
321 when/if a disconnect is detected.
322 @param store A reference to the dynamic store session.
323 @param callout The function to be called when the session was disconnected.
324 If NULL, the current callback is removed.
325 @result Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
326 */
327 Boolean
328 SCDynamicStoreSetDisconnectCallBack (
329 SCDynamicStoreRef store,
330 SCDynamicStoreDisconnectCallBack callout
333 Boolean
334 SCDynamicStoreSnapshot (SCDynamicStoreRef store);