+/*! @function CFURLStartAccessingSecurityScopedResource
+ @discussion Given a CFURLRef created by resolving a bookmark data created with security scope, make the resource referenced by the
+ url accessible to the process. When access to this resource is no longer needed the client should call
+ CFURLStopAccessingSecurityScopedResource(). Each call to CFURLStartAccessingSecurityScopedResource() must be balanced
+ with a call to CFURLStopAccessingSecurityScopedResource().
+ @param url the CFURLRef for the resource returned by CFURLCreateByResolvingBookmarkData() using kCFURLBookmarkResolutionWithSecurityScope.
+ @result returns TRUE if access was granted and FALSE if the url does not reference a security scoped resource, or if some error occurred
+ which didn't allow access to be granted
+ */
+Boolean CFURLStartAccessingSecurityScopedResource(CFURLRef url) CF_AVAILABLE(10_7, NA); // Available in MacOS X 10.7.3 and later
+/*! @function CFURLStopAccessingSecurityScopedResource
+ @discussion Revokes the access granted to the url by a prior successful call to CFURLStartAccessingSecurityScopedResource().
+ @param url the CFURLRef for the resource to stop accessing.
+ */
+void CFURLStopAccessingSecurityScopedResource(CFURLRef url) CF_AVAILABLE(10_7, NA);