]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/cf.git/blob - CFData.c
[apple/cf.git] / CFData.c
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 * file.
12 *
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 *
22 */
24 /* CFData.c
25 Copyright (c) 1998-2009, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
26 Responsibility: Kevin Perry
27 */
29 #include <CoreFoundation/CFData.h>
30 #include <CoreFoundation/CFPriv.h>
31 #include "CFInternal.h"
32 #include <string.h>
34 #include <mach/mach_init.h>
36 #include <windows.h> // For GetSystemInfo()
37 #endif
39 #if __LP64__
40 #define CFDATA_MAX_SIZE ((1ULL << 42) - 1)
41 #else
42 #define CFDATA_MAX_SIZE ((1ULL << 31) - 1)
43 #endif
46 CF_INLINE unsigned long __CFPageSize() { return vm_page_size; }
48 CF_INLINE unsigned long __CFPageSize() {
49 SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo;
50 GetSystemInfo(&sysInfo);
51 return sysInfo.dwPageSize;
52 }
53 #endif
55 #define INLINE_BYTES_THRESHOLD ((4 * __CFPageSize()) - sizeof(struct __CFData) - 15)
57 struct __CFData {
58 CFRuntimeBase _base;
59 CFIndex _length; /* number of bytes */
60 CFIndex _capacity; /* maximum number of bytes */
61 CFAllocatorRef _bytesDeallocator; /* used only for immutable; if NULL, no deallocation */
62 uint8_t *_bytes;
63 };
65 /*
66 Bit 0 = is mutable
67 Bit 1 = growable
68 Bit 2 = bytes inline
69 Bit 3 = use given CFAllocator
70 Bit 5 = allocate collectable memory
72 Bits 1-0 are used for mutability variation
74 Bit 6 = not all bytes have been zeroed yet (mutable)
75 */
77 enum {
78 __kCFMutable = 0x01,
79 __kCFGrowable = 0x02,
80 __kCFMutableVarietyMask = 0x03,
81 __kCFBytesInline = 0x04,
82 __kCFUseAllocator = 0x08,
83 __kCFAllocatesCollectable = 0x20,
84 };
86 enum {
87 kCFImmutable = 0x0, /* unchangable and fixed capacity; default */
88 kCFFixedMutable = 0x1, /* changeable and fixed capacity */
89 kCFMutable = 0x3 /* changeable and variable capacity */
90 };
92 CF_INLINE void __CFDataSetInfoBits(CFDataRef data, UInt32 v) {__CFBitfieldSetValue(((CFRuntimeBase *)data)->_cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS], 5, 0, v);}
93 CF_INLINE Boolean __CFDataGetInfoBit(CFDataRef data, UInt32 b) {return ((((const CFRuntimeBase *)data)->_cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] & b) != 0);}
94 CF_INLINE Boolean __CFDataIsMutable(CFDataRef data) {return __CFDataGetInfoBit(data, __kCFMutable);}
95 CF_INLINE Boolean __CFDataIsGrowable(CFDataRef data) {return __CFDataGetInfoBit(data, __kCFGrowable);}
96 CF_INLINE Boolean __CFDataBytesInline(CFDataRef data) {return __CFDataGetInfoBit(data, __kCFBytesInline);}
97 CF_INLINE Boolean __CFDataUseAllocator(CFDataRef data) {return __CFDataGetInfoBit(data, __kCFUseAllocator);}
98 CF_INLINE Boolean __CFDataAllocatesCollectable(CFDataRef data) {return __CFDataGetInfoBit(data, __kCFAllocatesCollectable);}
100 CF_INLINE UInt32 __CFMutableVariety(const void *cf) {
101 return __CFBitfieldGetValue(((const CFRuntimeBase *)cf)->_cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS], 1, 0);
102 }
104 CF_INLINE void __CFSetMutableVariety(void *cf, UInt32 v) {
105 __CFBitfieldSetValue(((CFRuntimeBase *)cf)->_cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS], 1, 0, v);
106 }
108 CF_INLINE UInt32 __CFMutableVarietyFromFlags(UInt32 flags) {
109 return (flags & __kCFMutableVarietyMask);
110 }
112 #define __CFGenericValidateMutabilityFlags(flags) \
113 CFAssert2(__CFMutableVarietyFromFlags(flags) != 0x2, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): flags 0x%x do not correctly specify the mutable variety", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, flags);
115 CF_INLINE Boolean __CFDataNeedsToZero(CFDataRef data) {
116 return __CFBitfieldGetValue(((CFRuntimeBase *)data)->_cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS], 6, 6);
117 }
119 CF_INLINE void __CFDataSetNeedsToZero(CFDataRef data, Boolean zero) {
120 __CFBitfieldSetValue(((CFRuntimeBase *)data)->_cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS], 6, 6, (zero ? 1 : 0));
121 }
123 CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFDataLength(CFDataRef data) {
124 return data->_length;
125 }
127 CF_INLINE void __CFDataSetLength(CFMutableDataRef data, CFIndex v) {
128 /* for a CFData, _bytesUsed == _length */
129 }
131 CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFDataCapacity(CFDataRef data) {
132 return data->_capacity;
133 }
135 CF_INLINE void __CFDataSetCapacity(CFMutableDataRef data, CFIndex v) {
136 /* for a CFData, _bytesNum == _capacity */
137 }
139 CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFDataNumBytesUsed(CFDataRef data) {
140 return data->_length;
141 }
143 CF_INLINE void __CFDataSetNumBytesUsed(CFMutableDataRef data, CFIndex v) {
144 data->_length = v;
145 }
147 CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFDataNumBytes(CFDataRef data) {
148 return data->_capacity;
149 }
151 CF_INLINE void __CFDataSetNumBytes(CFMutableDataRef data, CFIndex v) {
152 data->_capacity = v;
153 }
155 #if __LP64__
156 #define CHUNK_SIZE (1ULL << 29)
157 #define LOW_THRESHOLD (1ULL << 20)
158 #define HIGH_THRESHOLD (1ULL << 32)
159 #else
160 #define CHUNK_SIZE (1ULL << 26)
161 #define LOW_THRESHOLD (1ULL << 20)
162 #define HIGH_THRESHOLD (1ULL << 29)
163 #endif
165 CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFDataRoundUpCapacity(CFIndex capacity) {
166 if (capacity < 16) {
167 return 16;
168 } else if (capacity < LOW_THRESHOLD) {
169 /* Up to 4x */
170 int idx = flsl(capacity);
171 return (1 << (idx + ((idx % 2 == 0) ? 0 : 1)));
172 } else if (capacity < HIGH_THRESHOLD) {
173 /* Up to 2x */
174 return (1 << flsl(capacity));
175 } else {
176 /* Round up to next multiple of CHUNK_SIZE */
177 unsigned long newCapacity = CHUNK_SIZE * (1+(capacity >> (flsl(CHUNK_SIZE)-1)));
178 return __CFMin(newCapacity, CFDATA_MAX_SIZE);
179 }
180 }
182 CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFDataNumBytesForCapacity(CFIndex capacity) {
183 return capacity;
184 }
186 static void __CFDataHandleOutOfMemory(CFTypeRef obj, CFIndex numBytes) {
187 CFStringRef msg;
188 if(0 < numBytes && numBytes <= CFDATA_MAX_SIZE) {
189 msg = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, NULL, CFSTR("Attempt to allocate %ld bytes for NS/CFData failed"), numBytes);
190 } else {
191 msg = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, NULL, CFSTR("Attempt to allocate %ld bytes for NS/CFData failed. Maximum size: %ld"), numBytes, CFDATA_MAX_SIZE);
192 }
193 {
194 CFLog(kCFLogLevelCritical, CFSTR("%@"), msg);
195 HALT;
196 }
197 CFRelease(msg);
198 }
200 #if defined(DEBUG)
201 CF_INLINE void __CFDataValidateRange(CFDataRef data, CFRange range, const char *func) {
202 CFAssert2(0 <= range.location && range.location <= __CFDataLength(data), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): range.location index (%d) out of bounds", func, range.location);
203 CFAssert2(0 <= range.length, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): length (%d) cannot be less than zero", func, range.length);
204 CFAssert2(range.location + range.length <= __CFDataLength(data), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): ending index (%d) out of bounds", func, range.location + range.length);
205 }
206 #else
207 #define __CFDataValidateRange(a,r,f)
208 #endif
210 static Boolean __CFDataEqual(CFTypeRef cf1, CFTypeRef cf2) {
211 CFDataRef data1 = (CFDataRef)cf1;
212 CFDataRef data2 = (CFDataRef)cf2;
213 CFIndex length;
214 length = __CFDataLength(data1);
215 if (length != __CFDataLength(data2)) return false;
216 return 0 == memcmp(data1->_bytes, data2->_bytes, length);
217 }
219 static CFHashCode __CFDataHash(CFTypeRef cf) {
220 CFDataRef data = (CFDataRef)cf;
221 return CFHashBytes(data->_bytes, __CFMin(__CFDataLength(data), 80));
222 }
224 static CFStringRef __CFDataCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf) {
225 CFDataRef data = (CFDataRef)cf;
226 CFMutableStringRef result;
227 CFIndex idx;
228 CFIndex len;
229 const uint8_t *bytes;
230 len = __CFDataLength(data);
231 bytes = data->_bytes;
232 result = CFStringCreateMutable(CFGetAllocator(data), 0);
233 CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("<CFData %p [%p]>{length = %u, capacity = %u, bytes = 0x"), cf, CFGetAllocator(data), len, __CFDataCapacity(data));
234 if (24 < len) {
235 for (idx = 0; idx < 16; idx += 4) {
236 CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("%02x%02x%02x%02x"), bytes[idx], bytes[idx + 1], bytes[idx + 2], bytes[idx + 3]);
237 }
238 CFStringAppend(result, CFSTR(" ... "));
239 for (idx = len - 8; idx < len; idx += 4) {
240 CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("%02x%02x%02x%02x"), bytes[idx], bytes[idx + 1], bytes[idx + 2], bytes[idx + 3]);
241 }
242 } else {
243 for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
244 CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("%02x"), bytes[idx]);
245 }
246 }
247 CFStringAppend(result, CFSTR("}"));
248 return result;
249 }
251 static void *__CFDataInlineBytesPtr(CFDataRef data) {
252 return (void *)((uintptr_t)((int8_t *)data + sizeof(struct __CFData) + 15) & ~0xF); // 16-byte align
253 }
255 static Boolean __CFDataShouldAllocateCleared(CFDataRef data, CFIndex size) {
256 Boolean result;
257 if (__CFDataUseAllocator(data)) {
258 result = false;
259 } else {
260 if (__CFDataAllocatesCollectable(data)) {
261 #if __LP64__
262 result = false;
263 #else
264 result = (size > (64 * 1024));
265 #endif
266 } else {
267 result = (size > (128 * 1024));
268 }
269 }
270 return result;
271 }
274 // Check __CFDataShouldAllocateCleared before passing true.
275 static void *__CFDataAllocate(CFDataRef data, CFIndex size, Boolean clear) {
276 void *bytes = NULL;
277 if (__CFDataUseAllocator(data)) {
278 CFAllocatorRef allocator = __CFGetAllocator(data);
279 bytes = CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, size, 0);
280 if (clear) memset((uint8_t *)bytes, 0, size);
281 } else {
282 if (__CFDataAllocatesCollectable(data)) {
283 bytes = auto_zone_allocate_object(auto_zone(), size, AUTO_MEMORY_UNSCANNED, 0, clear);
284 } else {
285 if (clear) {
286 bytes = malloc_zone_calloc(malloc_default_zone(), 1, size);
287 } else {
288 bytes = malloc_zone_malloc(malloc_default_zone(), size);
289 }
290 }
291 }
292 return bytes;
293 }
295 static void __CFDataDeallocate(CFTypeRef cf) {
296 CFMutableDataRef data = (CFMutableDataRef)cf;
297 if (!__CFDataBytesInline(data)) {
298 CFAllocatorRef deallocator = data->_bytesDeallocator;
299 if (deallocator != NULL) {
300 _CFAllocatorDeallocateGC(deallocator, data->_bytes);
301 CFRelease(deallocator);
302 data->_bytes = NULL;
303 } else {
304 if (__CFDataUseAllocator(data)) {
305 _CFAllocatorDeallocateGC(__CFGetAllocator(data), data->_bytes);
306 } else if (!__CFDataAllocatesCollectable(data)) {
307 malloc_zone_free(malloc_default_zone(), data->_bytes);
308 }
309 data->_bytes = NULL;
310 }
311 }
312 }
314 static CFTypeID __kCFDataTypeID = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID;
316 static const CFRuntimeClass __CFDataClass = {
317 _kCFRuntimeScannedObject,
318 "CFData",
319 NULL, // init
320 NULL, // copy
321 __CFDataDeallocate,
322 __CFDataEqual,
323 __CFDataHash,
324 NULL, //
325 __CFDataCopyDescription
326 };
328 __private_extern__ void __CFDataInitialize(void) {
329 __kCFDataTypeID = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&__CFDataClass);
330 }
332 CFTypeID CFDataGetTypeID(void) {
333 return __kCFDataTypeID;
334 }
337 // NULL bytesDeallocator to this function does not mean the default allocator, it means
338 // that there should be no deallocator, and the bytes should be copied.
339 static CFMutableDataRef __CFDataInit(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFOptionFlags flags, CFIndex capacity, const uint8_t *bytes, CFIndex length, CFAllocatorRef bytesDeallocator) {
340 CFMutableDataRef memory;
341 __CFGenericValidateMutabilityFlags(flags);
342 CFAssert2(0 <= capacity, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): capacity (%d) cannot be less than zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, capacity);
343 CFAssert3(kCFFixedMutable != __CFMutableVarietyFromFlags(flags) || length <= capacity, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): for kCFFixedMutable type, capacity (%d) must be greater than or equal to number of initial elements (%d)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, capacity, length);
344 CFAssert2(0 <= length, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): length (%d) cannot be less than zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, length);
345 Boolean collectableMemory = CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(allocator);
346 Boolean noCopy = bytesDeallocator != NULL;
347 Boolean isMutable = ((flags & __kCFMutable) != 0);
348 Boolean isGrowable = ((flags & __kCFGrowable) != 0);
349 Boolean allocateInline = !isGrowable && !noCopy && capacity < INLINE_BYTES_THRESHOLD;
350 allocator = (allocator == NULL) ? __CFGetDefaultAllocator() : allocator;
351 Boolean useAllocator = (allocator != kCFAllocatorSystemDefault && allocator != kCFAllocatorMalloc && allocator != kCFAllocatorMallocZone);
353 CFIndex size = sizeof(struct __CFData) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase);
354 if (allocateInline) {
355 size += sizeof(uint8_t) * __CFDataNumBytesForCapacity(capacity) + sizeof(uint8_t) * 15; // for 16-byte alignment fixup
356 }
357 memory = (CFMutableDataRef)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(allocator, __kCFDataTypeID, size, NULL);
358 if (NULL == memory) {
359 return NULL;
360 }
361 __CFDataSetNumBytesUsed(memory, 0);
362 __CFDataSetLength(memory, 0);
363 __CFDataSetInfoBits(memory,
364 (allocateInline ? __kCFBytesInline : 0) |
365 (useAllocator ? __kCFUseAllocator : 0) |
366 (collectableMemory ? __kCFAllocatesCollectable : 0));
368 BOOL finalize = YES;
369 BOOL scan = YES;
370 if (collectableMemory) {
371 if (allocateInline) {
372 // We have no pointer to anything that needs to be reclaimed, so don't scan or finalize.
373 scan = NO;
374 finalize = NO;
375 } else if (noCopy) {
376 if (CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(bytesDeallocator)) {
377 // We're taking responsibility for externally GC-allocated memory, so scan us, but we don't need to finalize.
378 finalize = NO;
379 } else if (bytesDeallocator == kCFAllocatorNull) {
380 // We don't have responsibility for these bytes, so there's no need to be scanned and we don't need to finalize.
381 scan = NO;
382 finalize = NO;
383 } else {
384 // We have a pointer to non-GC-allocated memory, so don't scan, but do finalize.
385 scan = NO;
386 }
387 }
388 if (!scan) auto_zone_set_unscanned(auto_zone(), memory);
389 if (!finalize) auto_zone_set_nofinalize(auto_zone(), memory);
390 }
391 if (isMutable && isGrowable) {
392 __CFDataSetCapacity(memory, __CFDataRoundUpCapacity(1));
393 __CFDataSetNumBytes(memory, __CFDataNumBytesForCapacity(__CFDataRoundUpCapacity(1)));
394 __CFSetMutableVariety(memory, kCFMutable);
395 } else {
396 /* Don't round up capacity */
397 __CFDataSetCapacity(memory, capacity);
398 __CFDataSetNumBytes(memory, __CFDataNumBytesForCapacity(capacity));
399 __CFSetMutableVariety(memory, kCFFixedMutable);
400 }
401 if (noCopy) {
402 __CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&memory->_bytes, (uint8_t *)bytes);
403 if (finalize) {
404 memory->_bytesDeallocator = (CFAllocatorRef)CFRetain(bytesDeallocator);
405 }
406 if (CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(bytesDeallocator)) {
407 // When given a GC allocator as the deallocator, we can assume that the no-copy memory is GC-allocated with a retain count of (at least) 1 and we should release it now instead of waiting until __CFDataDeallocate.
408 auto_zone_release(auto_zone(), memory->_bytes);
409 }
410 __CFDataSetNumBytesUsed(memory, length);
411 __CFDataSetLength(memory, length);
412 // Mutable no-copy datas are not allowed, so don't bother setting needsToZero flag.
413 } else {
414 Boolean cleared = (isMutable && !isGrowable && !_CFExecutableLinkedOnOrAfter(CFSystemVersionSnowLeopard));
415 if (!allocateInline) {
416 // assume that allocators give 16-byte aligned memory back -- it is their responsibility
417 __CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&memory->_bytes, __CFDataAllocate(memory, __CFDataNumBytes(memory) * sizeof(uint8_t), cleared));
418 if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(memory->_bytes, "CFData (store)");
419 if (NULL == memory->_bytes) {
420 CFRelease(memory);
421 return NULL;
422 }
423 } else {
424 memory->_bytes = (uint8_t *)__CFDataInlineBytesPtr(memory);
425 cleared = true;
426 }
427 __CFDataSetNeedsToZero(memory, !cleared);
428 memory->_bytesDeallocator = NULL;
429 CFDataReplaceBytes(memory, CFRangeMake(0, 0), bytes, length);
430 }
431 __CFSetMutableVariety(memory, __CFMutableVarietyFromFlags(flags));
432 return memory;
433 }
435 CFDataRef CFDataCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const uint8_t *bytes, CFIndex length) {
436 return __CFDataInit(allocator, kCFImmutable, length, bytes, length, NULL);
437 }
439 CFDataRef CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const uint8_t *bytes, CFIndex length, CFAllocatorRef bytesDeallocator) {
440 CFAssert1((0 == length || bytes != NULL), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): bytes pointer cannot be NULL if length is non-zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
441 if (NULL == bytesDeallocator) bytesDeallocator = __CFGetDefaultAllocator();
442 return __CFDataInit(allocator, kCFImmutable, length, bytes, length, bytesDeallocator);
443 }
445 CFDataRef CFDataCreateCopy(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFDataRef data) {
446 CFIndex length = CFDataGetLength(data);
447 return __CFDataInit(allocator, kCFImmutable, length, CFDataGetBytePtr(data), length, NULL);
448 }
450 CFMutableDataRef CFDataCreateMutable(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex capacity) {
451 return __CFDataInit(allocator, (0 == capacity) ? kCFMutable : kCFFixedMutable, capacity, NULL, 0, NULL);
452 }
454 CFMutableDataRef CFDataCreateMutableCopy(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex capacity, CFDataRef data) {
455 return __CFDataInit(allocator, (0 == capacity) ? kCFMutable : kCFFixedMutable, capacity, CFDataGetBytePtr(data), CFDataGetLength(data), NULL);
456 }
458 CFIndex CFDataGetLength(CFDataRef data) {
459 CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH0(__kCFDataTypeID, CFIndex, data, "length");
460 __CFGenericValidateType(data, __kCFDataTypeID);
461 return __CFDataLength(data);
462 }
464 const uint8_t *CFDataGetBytePtr(CFDataRef data) {
465 CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH0(__kCFDataTypeID, const uint8_t *, data, "bytes");
466 __CFGenericValidateType(data, __kCFDataTypeID);
467 return data->_bytes;
468 }
470 uint8_t *CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(CFMutableDataRef data) {
471 CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH0(__kCFDataTypeID, uint8_t *, data, "mutableBytes");
472 CFAssert1(__CFDataIsMutable(data), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): data is immutable", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
473 return data->_bytes;
474 }
476 void CFDataGetBytes(CFDataRef data, CFRange range, uint8_t *buffer) {
477 CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH2(__kCFDataTypeID, void, data, "getBytes:range:", buffer, range);
478 __CFDataValidateRange(data, range, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
479 memmove(buffer, data->_bytes + range.location, range.length);
480 }
482 /* Allocates new block of data with at least numNewValues more bytes than the current length. If clear is true, the new bytes up to at least the new length with be zeroed. */
483 static void __CFDataGrow(CFMutableDataRef data, CFIndex numNewValues, Boolean clear) {
484 CFIndex oldLength = __CFDataLength(data);
485 CFIndex newLength = oldLength + numNewValues;
486 if (newLength > CFDATA_MAX_SIZE || newLength < 0) __CFDataHandleOutOfMemory(data, newLength * sizeof(uint8_t));
487 CFIndex capacity = __CFDataRoundUpCapacity(newLength);
488 CFIndex numBytes = __CFDataNumBytesForCapacity(capacity);
489 CFAllocatorRef allocator = CFGetAllocator(data);
490 void *bytes = NULL;
491 void *oldBytes = data->_bytes;
492 Boolean allocateCleared = clear && __CFDataShouldAllocateCleared(data, numBytes);
493 if (allocateCleared && !__CFDataUseAllocator(data) && (oldLength == 0 || (newLength / oldLength) > 4)) {
494 // If the length that needs to be zeroed is significantly greater than the length of the data, then calloc/memmove is probably more efficient than realloc/memset.
495 bytes = __CFDataAllocate(data, numBytes * sizeof(uint8_t), true);
496 if (NULL != bytes) {
497 memmove(bytes, oldBytes, oldLength);
498 __CFDataDeallocate(data);
499 }
500 }
501 if (bytes == NULL) {
502 // If the calloc/memmove approach either failed or was never attempted, then realloc.
503 allocateCleared = false;
504 if (__CFDataUseAllocator(data)) {
505 bytes = CFAllocatorReallocate(allocator, oldBytes, numBytes * sizeof(uint8_t), 0);
506 } else {
507 bytes = malloc_zone_realloc(__CFDataAllocatesCollectable(data) ? auto_zone() : malloc_default_zone(), oldBytes, numBytes * sizeof(uint8_t));
508 }
509 }
510 if (NULL == bytes) __CFDataHandleOutOfMemory(data, numBytes * sizeof(uint8_t));
511 __CFDataSetCapacity(data, capacity);
512 __CFDataSetNumBytes(data, numBytes);
513 if (clear && !allocateCleared && oldLength < newLength) memset((uint8_t *)bytes + oldLength, 0, newLength - oldLength);
514 __CFDataSetNeedsToZero(data, !allocateCleared);
515 __CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&data->_bytes, bytes);
516 if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(data->_bytes, "CFData (store)");
517 }
519 void CFDataSetLength(CFMutableDataRef data, CFIndex newLength) {
520 CFIndex oldLength, capacity;
521 Boolean isGrowable;
522 CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFDataTypeID, void, data, "setLength:", newLength);
523 CFAssert1(__CFDataIsMutable(data), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): data is immutable", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
524 oldLength = __CFDataLength(data);
525 capacity = __CFDataCapacity(data);
526 isGrowable = __CFDataIsGrowable(data);
527 if (__CFDataIsMutable(data)) {
528 if (newLength < 0) {
529 if (isGrowable) {
530 __CFDataHandleOutOfMemory(data, newLength);
531 } else {
532 HALT;
533 }
534 } else if (capacity < newLength) {
535 if (isGrowable) {
536 __CFDataGrow(data, newLength - oldLength, true);
537 } else {
538 CFAssert1(newLength <= __CFDataCapacity(data), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): fixed-capacity data is full", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
539 }
540 } else if (oldLength < newLength && __CFDataNeedsToZero(data)) {
541 memset(data->_bytes + oldLength, 0, newLength - oldLength);
542 } else if (newLength < oldLength) {
543 __CFDataSetNeedsToZero(data, true);
544 }
545 }
546 __CFDataSetLength(data, newLength);
547 __CFDataSetNumBytesUsed(data, newLength);
548 }
550 void CFDataIncreaseLength(CFMutableDataRef data, CFIndex extraLength) {
551 CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFDataTypeID, void, data, "increaseLengthBy:", extraLength);
552 CFAssert1(__CFDataIsMutable(data), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): data is immutable", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
553 CFDataSetLength(data, __CFDataLength(data) + extraLength);
554 }
556 void CFDataAppendBytes(CFMutableDataRef data, const uint8_t *bytes, CFIndex length) {
557 CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH2(__kCFDataTypeID, void, data, "appendBytes:length:", bytes, length);
558 CFAssert1(__CFDataIsMutable(data), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): data is immutable", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
559 CFDataReplaceBytes(data, CFRangeMake(__CFDataLength(data), 0), bytes, length);
560 }
562 void CFDataDeleteBytes(CFMutableDataRef data, CFRange range) {
563 CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH3(__kCFDataTypeID, void, data, "replaceBytesInRange:withBytes:length:", range, NULL, 0);
564 CFAssert1(__CFDataIsMutable(data), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): data is immutable", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
565 CFDataReplaceBytes(data, range, NULL, 0);
566 }
568 void CFDataReplaceBytes(CFMutableDataRef data, CFRange range, const uint8_t *newBytes, CFIndex newLength) {
569 CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH3(__kCFDataTypeID, void, data, "replaceBytesInRange:withBytes:length:", range, newBytes, newLength);
570 __CFGenericValidateType(data, __kCFDataTypeID);
571 __CFDataValidateRange(data, range, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
572 CFAssert1(__CFDataIsMutable(data), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): data is immutable", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
573 CFAssert2(0 <= newLength, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): newLength (%d) cannot be less than zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, newLength);
575 CFIndex len = __CFDataLength(data);
576 if (len < 0 || range.length < 0 || newLength < 0) HALT;
577 CFIndex newCount = len - range.length + newLength;
578 if (newCount < 0) HALT;
580 switch (__CFMutableVariety(data)) {
581 case kCFMutable:
582 if (__CFDataNumBytes(data) < newCount) {
583 __CFDataGrow(data, newLength - range.length, false);
584 }
585 break;
586 case kCFFixedMutable:
587 CFAssert1(newCount <= __CFDataCapacity(data), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): fixed-capacity data is full", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
588 break;
589 }
590 if (newLength != range.length && range.location + range.length < len) {
591 memmove(data->_bytes + range.location + newLength, data->_bytes + range.location + range.length, (len - range.location - range.length) * sizeof(uint8_t));
592 }
593 if (0 < newLength) {
594 memmove(data->_bytes + range.location, newBytes, newLength * sizeof(uint8_t));
595 }
596 __CFDataSetNumBytesUsed(data, newCount);
597 __CFDataSetLength(data, newCount);
598 }
600 #define REVERSE_BUFFER(type, buf, len) { \
601 type tmp; \
602 for(int i = 0; i < (len)/2; i++) { \
603 tmp = (buf)[i]; \
604 (buf)[i] = (buf)[(len) - i - 1]; \
605 (buf)[(len) - i - 1] = tmp; \
606 } \
607 }
609 static void _computeGoodSubstringShift(const uint8_t *needle, int needleLength, unsigned long shift[], unsigned long suff[]) {
610 int f, g, i, j;
612 // Compute suffix lengths
614 suff[needleLength - 1] = needleLength;
615 g = needleLength - 1;
616 for (i = needleLength - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
617 if (i > g && suff[i + needleLength - 1 - f] < i - g)
618 suff[i] = suff[i + needleLength - 1 - f];
619 else {
620 if (i < g)
621 g = i;
622 f = i;
623 while (g >= 0 && needle[g] == needle[g + needleLength - 1 - f])
624 --g;
625 suff[i] = f - g;
626 }
627 }
629 // Compute shift table
631 for (i = 0; i < needleLength; ++i)
632 shift[i] = needleLength;
633 j = 0;
634 for (i = needleLength - 1; i >= 0; --i)
635 if (suff[i] == i + 1)
636 for (; j < needleLength - 1 - i; ++j)
637 if (shift[j] == needleLength)
638 shift[j] = needleLength - 1 - i;
639 // Set the amount of shift necessary to move each of the suffix matches found into a position where it overlaps with the suffix. If there are duplicate matches the latest one is the one that should take effect.
640 for (i = 0; i <= needleLength - 2; ++i)
641 shift[needleLength - 1 - suff[i]] = needleLength - 1 - i;
642 // Since the Boyer-Moore algorithm moves the pointer back while scanning substrings, add the distance to the end of the potential substring.
643 for (i = 0; i < needleLength - 1; ++i) {
644 shift[i] += (needleLength - 1 - i);
645 }
646 }
648 static const uint8_t * __CFDataSearchBoyerMoore(const CFDataRef data, const uint8_t *haystack, unsigned long haystackLength, const uint8_t *needle, unsigned long needleLength, Boolean backwards) {
649 unsigned long badCharacterShift[UCHAR_MAX + 1] = {0};
650 unsigned long *goodSubstringShift = (unsigned long *)malloc(needleLength * sizeof(unsigned long));
651 unsigned long *suffixLengths = (unsigned long *)malloc(needleLength * sizeof(unsigned long));
652 if (!goodSubstringShift || !suffixLengths) {
653 __CFDataHandleOutOfMemory(data, needleLength * sizeof(unsigned long));
654 }
656 if(backwards) {
657 for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(badCharacterShift) / sizeof(*badCharacterShift); i++)
658 badCharacterShift[i] = needleLength;
660 for (int i = needleLength - 1; i >= 0; i--)
661 badCharacterShift[needle[i]] = i;
663 // To get the correct shift table for backwards search reverse the needle, compute the forwards shift table, and then reverse the result.
664 uint8_t *needleCopy = (uint8_t *)malloc(needleLength * sizeof(uint8_t));
665 if (!needleCopy) {
666 __CFDataHandleOutOfMemory(data, needleLength * sizeof(uint8_t));
667 }
668 memmove(needleCopy, needle, needleLength);
669 REVERSE_BUFFER(uint8_t, needleCopy, needleLength);
670 _computeGoodSubstringShift(needleCopy, needleLength, goodSubstringShift, suffixLengths);
671 REVERSE_BUFFER(unsigned long, goodSubstringShift, needleLength);
672 free(needleCopy);
673 } else {
674 for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(badCharacterShift) / sizeof(*badCharacterShift); i++)
675 badCharacterShift[i] = needleLength;
677 for (int i = 0; i < needleLength; i++)
678 badCharacterShift[needle[i]] = needleLength - i- 1;
680 _computeGoodSubstringShift(needle, needleLength, goodSubstringShift, suffixLengths);
681 }
683 const uint8_t *scan_needle;
684 const uint8_t *scan_haystack;
685 const uint8_t *result = NULL;
686 if(backwards) {
687 const uint8_t *const end_needle = needle + needleLength;
688 scan_needle = needle;
689 scan_haystack = haystack + haystackLength - needleLength;
690 while (scan_haystack >= haystack && scan_needle < end_needle) {
691 if (*scan_haystack == *scan_needle) {
692 scan_haystack++;
693 scan_needle++;
694 } else {
695 scan_haystack -= __CFMax(badCharacterShift[*scan_haystack], goodSubstringShift[scan_needle - needle]);
696 scan_needle = needle;
697 }
698 }
699 if (scan_needle == end_needle) {
700 result = (scan_haystack - needleLength);
701 }
702 } else {
703 const uint8_t *const end_haystack = haystack + haystackLength;
704 scan_needle = needle + needleLength - 1;
705 scan_haystack = haystack + needleLength - 1;
706 while (scan_haystack < end_haystack && scan_needle >= needle) {
707 if (*scan_haystack == *scan_needle) {
708 scan_haystack--;
709 scan_needle--;
710 } else {
711 scan_haystack += __CFMax(badCharacterShift[*scan_haystack], goodSubstringShift[scan_needle - needle]);
712 scan_needle = needle + needleLength - 1;
713 }
714 }
715 if (scan_needle < needle) {
716 result = (scan_haystack + 1);
717 }
718 }
720 free(goodSubstringShift);
721 free(suffixLengths);
723 return result;
724 }
726 CFRange _CFDataFindBytes(CFDataRef data, CFDataRef dataToFind, CFRange searchRange, CFDataSearchFlags compareOptions) {
727 const uint8_t *fullHaystack = CFDataGetBytePtr(data);
728 const uint8_t *needle = CFDataGetBytePtr(dataToFind);
729 unsigned long fullHaystackLength = CFDataGetLength(data);
730 unsigned long needleLength = CFDataGetLength(dataToFind);
732 if(compareOptions & kCFDataSearchAnchored) {
733 if(searchRange.length > needleLength) {
734 if(compareOptions & kCFDataSearchBackwards) {
735 searchRange.location += (searchRange.length - needleLength);
736 }
737 searchRange.length = needleLength;
738 }
739 }
740 if(searchRange.length > fullHaystackLength - searchRange.location) {
741 searchRange.length = fullHaystackLength - searchRange.location;
742 }
744 if(searchRange.length < needleLength || fullHaystackLength == 0 || needleLength == 0) {
745 return CFRangeMake(kCFNotFound, 0);
746 }
748 const uint8_t *haystack = fullHaystack + searchRange.location;
749 const uint8_t *searchResult = __CFDataSearchBoyerMoore(data, haystack, searchRange.length, needle, needleLength, (compareOptions & kCFDataSearchBackwards) != 0);
750 CFIndex resultLocation = (searchResult == NULL) ? kCFNotFound : searchRange.location + (searchResult - haystack);
752 return CFRangeMake(resultLocation, resultLocation == kCFNotFound ? 0: needleLength);
753 }
755 CFRange CFDataFind(CFDataRef data, CFDataRef dataToFind, CFRange searchRange, CFDataSearchFlags compareOptions) {
756 // No objc dispatch
757 __CFGenericValidateType(data, __kCFDataTypeID);
758 __CFGenericValidateType(dataToFind, __kCFDataTypeID);
759 __CFDataValidateRange(data, searchRange, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
761 return _CFDataFindBytes(data, dataToFind, searchRange, compareOptions);
762 }
764 #undef __CFDataValidateRange
765 #undef __CFGenericValidateMutabilityFlags
767 #undef CFDATA_MAX_SIZE