2 * Copyright (c) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
25 Copyright (c) 1999-2011, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
26 Responsibility: David Smith
29 #include "CFBundle_Internal.h"
30 #include "CFInternal.h"
33 static void _registerFactory(const void *key
, const void *val
, void *context
) {
34 CFStringRef factoryIDStr
= (CFStringRef
35 CFStringRef factoryFuncStr
= (CFStringRef
36 CFBundleRef bundle
= (CFBundleRef
37 CFUUIDRef factoryID
= (CFGetTypeID(factoryIDStr
) == CFStringGetTypeID()) ? CFUUIDCreateFromString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
, factoryIDStr
) : NULL
38 if (!factoryID
) factoryID
39 if (CFGetTypeID(factoryFuncStr
) != CFStringGetTypeID() || CFStringGetLength(factoryFuncStr
) <= 0) factoryFuncStr
40 CFPlugInRegisterFactoryFunctionByName(factoryID
, bundle
, factoryFuncStr
41 if (factoryID
) CFRelease(factoryID
44 static void _registerType(const void *key
, const void *val
, void *context
) {
45 CFStringRef typeIDStr
= (CFStringRef
46 CFArrayRef factoryIDStrArray
= (CFArrayRef
47 CFBundleRef bundle
= (CFBundleRef
48 SInt32 i
, c
= (CFGetTypeID(factoryIDStrArray
) == CFArrayGetTypeID()) ? CFArrayGetCount(factoryIDStrArray
) : 0;
49 CFStringRef curFactoryIDStr
50 CFUUIDRef typeID
= (CFGetTypeID(typeIDStr
) == CFStringGetTypeID()) ? CFUUIDCreateFromString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
, typeIDStr
) : NULL
51 CFUUIDRef curFactoryID
52 if (!typeID
) typeID
53 if (0 == c
&& CFGetTypeID(factoryIDStrArray
) != CFArrayGetTypeID()) {
54 curFactoryIDStr
= (CFStringRef
55 curFactoryID
= (CFGetTypeID(curFactoryIDStr
) == CFStringGetTypeID()) ? CFUUIDCreateFromString(CFGetAllocator(bundle
), curFactoryIDStr
) : NULL
56 if (!curFactoryID
) curFactoryID
57 CFPlugInRegisterPlugInType(curFactoryID
, typeID
58 if (curFactoryID
) CFRelease(curFactoryID
59 } else for (i
= 0; i
< c
; i
++) {
60 curFactoryIDStr
= (CFStringRef
, i
61 curFactoryID
= (CFGetTypeID(curFactoryIDStr
) == CFStringGetTypeID()) ? CFUUIDCreateFromString(CFGetAllocator(bundle
), curFactoryIDStr
) : NULL
62 if (!curFactoryID
) curFactoryID
63 CFPlugInRegisterPlugInType(curFactoryID
, typeID
64 if (curFactoryID
) CFRelease(curFactoryID
66 if (typeID
) CFRelease(typeID
69 __private_extern__ Boolean
_CFBundleNeedsInitPlugIn(CFBundleRef bundle
) {
70 Boolean result
= false;
71 CFDictionaryRef infoDict
= CFBundleGetInfoDictionary(bundle
), factoryDict
74 factoryDict
= (CFDictionaryRef
, kCFPlugInFactoriesKey
75 if (factoryDict
&& CFGetTypeID(factoryDict
) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) result
= true;
76 tempStr
= (CFStringRef
, kCFPlugInDynamicRegistrationKey
77 if (tempStr
&& CFGetTypeID(tempStr
) == CFStringGetTypeID() && CFStringCompare(tempStr
, CFSTR("YES"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive
) == kCFCompareEqualTo
) result
= true;
82 __private_extern__
void _CFBundleInitPlugIn(CFBundleRef bundle
) {
83 CFArrayCallBacks _pluginFactoryArrayCallbacks
= {0, NULL
84 Boolean doDynamicReg
= false;
85 CFDictionaryRef infoDict
86 CFDictionaryRef factoryDict
87 CFDictionaryRef typeDict
90 infoDict
= CFBundleGetInfoDictionary(bundle
91 if (!infoDict
) return;
93 factoryDict
= (CFDictionaryRef
, kCFPlugInFactoriesKey
94 if (factoryDict
&& CFGetTypeID(factoryDict
) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) factoryDict
95 tempStr
= (CFStringRef
, kCFPlugInDynamicRegistrationKey
96 if (tempStr
&& CFGetTypeID(tempStr
) == CFStringGetTypeID() && CFStringCompare(tempStr
, CFSTR("YES"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive
) == kCFCompareEqualTo
) doDynamicReg
= true;
97 if (!factoryDict
&& !doDynamicReg
) return; // This is not a plug-in.
99 /* loadOnDemand is true by default if the plugIn does not do dynamic registration. It is false, by default if it does do dynamic registration. The dynamic register function can set this. */
100 __CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
= true;
101 __CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
= true;
102 __CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
= false;
103 __CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
= 0;
105 __CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
= CFArrayCreateMutable(CFGetAllocator(bundle
), 0, &_pluginFactoryArrayCallbacks
107 /* Now do the registration */
109 /* First do static registrations, if any. */
110 if (factoryDict
) CFDictionaryApplyFunction(factoryDict
, _registerFactory
, bundle
111 typeDict
= (CFDictionaryRef
, kCFPlugInTypesKey
112 if (typeDict
&& CFGetTypeID(typeDict
) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) typeDict
113 if (typeDict
) CFDictionaryApplyFunction(typeDict
, _registerType
, bundle
115 /* Now set key for dynamic registration if necessary */
117 CFDictionarySetValue((CFMutableDictionaryRef
, CFSTR("CFPlugInNeedsDynamicRegistration"), CFSTR("YES"));
118 if (CFBundleIsExecutableLoaded(bundle
)) _CFBundlePlugInLoaded(bundle
122 __private_extern__
void _CFBundlePlugInLoaded(CFBundleRef bundle
) {
123 CFDictionaryRef infoDict
= CFBundleGetInfoDictionary(bundle
125 CFPlugInDynamicRegisterFunction func
127 if (!__CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
|| __CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
|| !infoDict
|| !CFBundleIsExecutableLoaded(bundle
)) return;
129 tempStr
= (CFStringRef
, CFSTR("CFPlugInNeedsDynamicRegistration"));
130 if (tempStr
&& CFGetTypeID(tempStr
) == CFStringGetTypeID() && CFStringCompare(tempStr
, CFSTR("YES"), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive
) == kCFCompareEqualTo
) {
131 CFDictionaryRemoveValue((CFMutableDictionaryRef
, CFSTR("CFPlugInNeedsDynamicRegistration"));
132 tempStr
= (CFStringRef
, kCFPlugInDynamicRegisterFunctionKey
133 if (!tempStr
|| CFGetTypeID(tempStr
) != CFStringGetTypeID() || CFStringGetLength(tempStr
) <= 0) tempStr
= CFSTR("CFPlugInDynamicRegister");
134 __CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
= false;
135 __CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
= true;
137 /* Find the symbol and call it. */
138 func
= (CFPlugInDynamicRegisterFunction
, tempStr
141 // MF:!!! Unload function is never called. Need to deal with this!
144 __CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
= false;
145 if (__CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
&& __CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
== 0) CFBundleUnloadExecutable(bundle
); // Unload now if we can/should.
147 CFDictionaryRemoveValue((CFMutableDictionaryRef
, CFSTR("CFPlugInNeedsDynamicRegistration"));
151 __private_extern__
void _CFBundleDeallocatePlugIn(CFBundleRef bundle
) {
152 if (__CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
) {
155 /* Go through factories disabling them. Disabling these factories should cause them to dealloc since we wouldn't be deallocating if any of the factories had outstanding instances. So go backwards. */
156 c
= CFArrayGetCount(__CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
157 while (c
-- > 0) _CFPFactoryDisable((_CFPFactory
, c
158 CFRelease(__CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
160 __CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle
= false;
164 CFTypeID
CFPlugInGetTypeID(void) {
165 return CFBundleGetTypeID();
168 CFPlugInRef
CFPlugInCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator
, CFURLRef plugInURL
) {
169 CFBundleRef bundle
= CFBundleCreate(allocator
, plugInURL
170 return (CFPlugInRef
173 CFBundleRef
CFPlugInGetBundle(CFPlugInRef plugIn
) {
174 return (CFBundleRef
177 void CFPlugInSetLoadOnDemand(CFPlugInRef plugIn
, Boolean flag
) {
178 if (__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
) {
179 __CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
= flag
180 if (__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
&& !__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
&& __CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
== 0) {
181 /* Unload now if we can/should. */
182 /* If we are doing dynamic registration currently, do not unload. The unloading will happen when dynamic registration is done, if necessary. */
183 CFBundleUnloadExecutable(plugIn
184 } else if (!__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
) {
185 /* Make sure we're loaded now. */
186 CFBundleLoadExecutable(plugIn
191 Boolean
CFPlugInIsLoadOnDemand(CFPlugInRef plugIn
) {
192 if (__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
) {
193 return __CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
199 __private_extern__
void _CFPlugInWillUnload(CFPlugInRef plugIn
) {
200 if (__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
) {
201 SInt32 c
= CFArrayGetCount(__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
202 /* First, flush all the function pointers that may be cached by our factories. */
203 while (c
-- > 0) _CFPFactoryFlushFunctionCache((_CFPFactory
, c
207 __private_extern__
void _CFPlugInAddPlugInInstance(CFPlugInRef plugIn
) {
208 if (__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
) {
209 if (__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
== 0 && __CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
) _CFBundleUnscheduleForUnloading(CFPlugInGetBundle(plugIn
)); // Make sure we are not scheduled for unloading
210 __CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
211 /* Instances also retain the CFBundle */
216 __private_extern__
void _CFPlugInRemovePlugInInstance(CFPlugInRef plugIn
) {
217 if (__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
) {
218 /* MF:!!! Assert that instanceCount > 0. */
219 __CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
220 if (__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
== 0 && __CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
) {
221 // We unload the code lazily because the code that caused this function to be called is probably code from the plugin itself. If we unload now, we will hose things.
222 //CFBundleUnloadExecutable(plugIn);
223 _CFBundleScheduleForUnloading(CFPlugInGetBundle(plugIn
225 /* Instances also retain the CFPlugIn */
226 /* MF:!!! This will cause immediate unloading if it was the last ref on the plugin. */
231 __private_extern__
void _CFPlugInAddFactory(CFPlugInRef plugIn
, _CFPFactory
) {
232 if (__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
) CFArrayAppendValue(__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
, factory
235 __private_extern__
void _CFPlugInRemoveFactory(CFPlugInRef plugIn
, _CFPFactory
) {
236 if (__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
) {
237 SInt32 idx
= CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue(__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
)), factory
238 if (idx
>= 0) CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(__CFBundleGetPlugInData(plugIn
, idx