2 * Copyright (c) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
25 Copyright (c) 2006-2011, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
26 Responsibility: Ali Ozer
29 #include <CoreFoundation/CFError.h>
30 #include <CoreFoundation/CFError_Private.h>
31 #include "CFInternal.h"
32 #include <CoreFoundation/CFPriv.h>
34 #include <mach/mach_error.h>
37 /* Pre-defined userInfo keys
39 CONST_STRING_DECL(kCFErrorLocalizedDescriptionKey
, "NSLocalizedDescription");
40 CONST_STRING_DECL(kCFErrorLocalizedFailureReasonKey
, "NSLocalizedFailureReason");
41 CONST_STRING_DECL(kCFErrorLocalizedRecoverySuggestionKey
, "NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion");
42 CONST_STRING_DECL(kCFErrorDescriptionKey
, "NSDescription");
43 CONST_STRING_DECL(kCFErrorDebugDescriptionKey
, "NSDebugDescription");
44 CONST_STRING_DECL(kCFErrorUnderlyingErrorKey
, "NSUnderlyingError");
, "NSURL");
, "NSFilePath");
48 /* Pre-defined error domains
, "NSPOSIXErrorDomain");
, "NSOSStatusErrorDomain");
, "NSMachErrorDomain");
53 CONST_STRING_DECL(kCFErrorDomainCocoa
, "NSCocoaErrorDomain");
55 /* We put the localized names of domain names here so genstrings can pick them out. Any additional domains that are added should be listed here if we'd like them localized.
57 CFCopyLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(CFSTR("NSMachErrorDomain"), CFSTR("Error"), NULL, CFSTR("Mach"), "Name of the 'Mach' error domain when showing to user. This probably will not get localized, unless there is a generally recognized phrase for 'Mach' in the language.")
58 CFCopyLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(CFSTR("NSCoreFoundationErrorDomain"), CFSTR("Error"), NULL, CFSTR("Core Foundation"), "Name of the 'Core Foundation' error domain when showing to user. Very likely this will not get localized differently in other languages.")
59 CFCopyLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(CFSTR("NSPOSIXErrorDomain"), CFSTR("Error"), NULL, CFSTR("POSIX"), "Name of the 'POSIX' error domain when showing to user. This probably will not get localized, unless there is a generally recognized phrase for 'POSIX' in the language.")
60 CFCopyLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(CFSTR("NSOSStatusErrorDomain"), CFSTR("Error"), NULL, CFSTR("OSStatus"), "Name of the 'OSStatus' error domain when showing to user. Very likely this will not get localized.")
61 CFCopyLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(CFSTR("NSCocoaErrorDomain"), CFSTR("Error"), NULL, CFSTR("Cocoa"), "Name of the 'Cocoa' error domain when showing to user. Very likely this will not get localized.")
66 /* Forward declarations
68 static CFDictionaryRef
_CFErrorGetUserInfo(CFErrorRef err
69 static CFStringRef
_CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(CFErrorRef err
, CFStringRef key
70 static CFDictionaryRef
_CFErrorCreateEmptyDictionary(CFAllocatorRef allocator
72 /* Assertions and other macros/inlines
74 #define __CFAssertIsError(cf) __CFGenericValidateType(cf, __kCFErrorTypeID)
76 /* This lock is used in the few places in CFError where we create and access shared static objects. Should only be around tiny snippets of code; no recursion
78 static CFSpinLock_t _CFErrorSpinlock
= CFSpinLockInit
83 /**** CFError CF runtime stuff ****/
85 struct __CFError
{ // Potentially interesting to keep layout same as NSError (but currently not a requirement)
88 CFStringRef domain
; // !!! Could compress well-known domains down to few bits, but probably not worth its weight in code since CFErrors are rare
89 CFDictionaryRef userInfo
; // !!! Could avoid allocating this slot if userInfo is NULL, but probably not worth its weight in code since CFErrors are rare
92 /* CFError equal checks for equality of domain, code, and userInfo.
94 static Boolean
__CFErrorEqual(CFTypeRef cf1
, CFTypeRef cf2
) {
95 CFErrorRef err1
= (CFErrorRef
96 CFErrorRef err2
= (CFErrorRef
98 // First do quick checks of code and domain (in that order for performance)
99 if (CFErrorGetCode(err1
) != CFErrorGetCode(err2
)) return false;
100 if (!CFEqual(CFErrorGetDomain(err1
), CFErrorGetDomain(err2
))) return false;
102 // If those are equal, then check the dictionaries
103 CFDictionaryRef dict1
= CFErrorCopyUserInfo(err1
104 CFDictionaryRef dict2
= CFErrorCopyUserInfo(err2
106 Boolean result
= false;
108 if (dict1
== dict2
) {
110 } else if (dict1
&& dict2
&& CFEqual(dict1
, dict2
)) {
114 if (dict1
) CFRelease(dict1
115 if (dict2
) CFRelease(dict2
120 /* CFError hash code is hash(domain) + code
122 static CFHashCode
__CFErrorHash(CFTypeRef cf
) {
123 CFErrorRef err
= (CFErrorRef
124 /* !!! We do not need an assertion here, as this is called by the CFBase runtime only */
125 return CFHash(err
) + err
128 /* This is the full debug description. Shows the description (possibly localized), plus the domain, code, and userInfo explicitly. If there is a debug description, shows that as well.
130 static CFStringRef
__CFErrorCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf
) {
131 return _CFErrorCreateDebugDescription((CFErrorRef
134 /* This is the description you get for %@; we tone it down a bit from what you get in __CFErrorCopyDescription().
136 static CFStringRef
__CFErrorCopyFormattingDescription(CFTypeRef cf
, CFDictionaryRef formatOptions
) {
137 CFErrorRef err
= (CFErrorRef
138 return CFErrorCopyDescription(err
); // No need to release, since we are returning from a Copy function
141 static void __CFErrorDeallocate(CFTypeRef cf
) {
142 CFErrorRef err
= (CFErrorRef
143 CFRelease(err
144 CFRelease(err
148 static CFTypeID __kCFErrorTypeID
= _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID
150 static const CFRuntimeClass __CFErrorClass
= {
158 __CFErrorCopyFormattingDescription
159 __CFErrorCopyDescription
162 __private_extern__
void __CFErrorInitialize(void) {
163 __kCFErrorTypeID
= _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&__CFErrorClass
166 CFTypeID
CFErrorGetTypeID(void) {
167 return __kCFErrorTypeID
173 /**** CFError support functions ****/
175 /* Returns a shared empty dictionary (unless the allocator is not kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, in which case returns a newly allocated one).
177 static CFDictionaryRef
_CFErrorCreateEmptyDictionary(CFAllocatorRef allocator
) {
178 if (allocator
) allocator
= __CFGetDefaultAllocator();
179 if (_CFAllocatorIsSystemDefault(allocator
)) {
180 static CFDictionaryRef emptyErrorDictionary
181 if (emptyErrorDictionary
) {
182 CFDictionaryRef tmp
= CFDictionaryCreate(allocator
, 0, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks
, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks
183 __CFSpinLock(&_CFErrorSpinlock
184 if (emptyErrorDictionary
) {
185 emptyErrorDictionary
= tmp
186 __CFSpinUnlock(&_CFErrorSpinlock
188 __CFSpinUnlock(&_CFErrorSpinlock
192 return (CFDictionaryRef
194 return CFDictionaryCreate(allocator
, 0, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks
, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks
198 /* A non-retained accessor for the userInfo. Might return NULL in some cases, if the subclass of NSError returned nil for some reason. It works with a CF or NSError.
200 static CFDictionaryRef
_CFErrorGetUserInfo(CFErrorRef err
) {
, CFDictionaryRef
, err
, "userInfo");
202 __CFAssertIsError(err
203 return err
206 /* This function retrieves the value of the specified key from the userInfo, or from the callback. It works with a CF or NSError.
208 static CFStringRef
_CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(CFErrorRef err
, CFStringRef key
) {
209 CFStringRef result
210 // First consult the userInfo dictionary
211 CFDictionaryRef userInfo
= _CFErrorGetUserInfo(err
212 if (userInfo
) result
= (CFStringRef
, key
213 // If that doesn't work, consult the callback
217 CFErrorUserInfoKeyCallBack callBack
= CFErrorGetCallBackForDomain(CFErrorGetDomain(err
218 if (callBack
) result
= (CFStringRef
, key
223 /* The real guts of the description creation functionality. See the header file for the steps this function goes through to compute the description. This function can take a CF or NSError. It's called by NSError for the localizedDescription computation.
225 CFStringRef
_CFErrorCreateLocalizedDescription(CFErrorRef err
) {
226 // First look for kCFErrorLocalizedDescriptionKey; if non-NULL, return that as-is.
227 CFStringRef localizedDesc
= _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(err
, kCFErrorLocalizedDescriptionKey
228 if (localizedDesc
) return localizedDesc
232 // Cache the CF bundle since we will be using it for localized strings.
233 CFBundleRef cfBundle
= CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(CFSTR("com.apple.CoreFoundation"));
235 if (!cfBundle
) { // This should be rare, but has been observed in the wild, due to running out of file descriptors. Normally we might not go to such extremes, but since we want to be able to present reasonable errors even in the case of errors such as running out of file descriptors, why not. This is CFError after all. !!! Be sure to have the same logic here as below for going through various options for fetching the strings.
238 CFStringRef result
, reasonOrDesc
240 if ((reasonOrDesc
= _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(err
, kCFErrorLocalizedFailureReasonKey
))) { // First look for kCFErrorLocalizedFailureReasonKey
241 result
= CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
, CFSTR("The operation couldn\\U2019t be completed. %@"), reasonOrDesc
242 } else if ((reasonOrDesc
= _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(err
, kCFErrorDescriptionKey
))) { // Then try kCFErrorDescriptionKey
243 result
= CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
, CFSTR("The operation couldn\\U2019t be completed. (%@ error %ld - %@)"), CFErrorGetDomain(err
), (long)CFErrorGetCode(err
), reasonOrDesc
244 } else { // Last resort, just the domain and code
245 result
= CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
, CFSTR("The operation couldn\\U2019t be completed. (%@ error %ld.)"), CFErrorGetDomain(err
), (long)CFErrorGetCode(err
247 if (reasonOrDesc
) CFRelease(reasonOrDesc
254 // Then look for kCFErrorLocalizedFailureReasonKey; if there, create a full sentence from that.
255 CFStringRef reason
= _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(err
, kCFErrorLocalizedFailureReasonKey
257 CFStringRef operationFailedStr
= CFCopyLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(CFSTR("The operation couldn\\U2019t be completed. %@"), CFSTR("Error"), cfBundle
, "A generic error string indicating there was a problem. The %@ will be replaced by a second sentence which indicates why the operation failed.");
258 CFStringRef result
= CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
, operationFailedStr
, reason
259 CFRelease(operationFailedStr
264 // Otherwise, generate a semi-user presentable string from the domain, code, and if available, the presumably non-localized kCFErrorDescriptionKey.
266 CFStringRef desc
= _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(err
, kCFErrorDescriptionKey
267 CFStringRef localizedDomain
= CFCopyLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(CFErrorGetDomain(err
), CFSTR("Error"), cfBundle
, "These are localized in the comment above");
268 if (desc
) { // We have kCFErrorDescriptionKey, so include that with the error domain and code
269 CFStringRef operationFailedStr
= CFCopyLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(CFSTR("The operation couldn\\U2019t be completed. (%@ error %ld - %@)"), CFSTR("Error"), cfBundle
, "A generic error string indicating there was a problem, followed by a parenthetical sentence which indicates error domain, code, and a description when there is no other way to present an error to the user. The first %@ indicates the error domain, %ld indicates the error code, and the second %@ indicates the description; so this might become '(Mach error 42 - Server error.)' for instance.");
270 result
= CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
, operationFailedStr
, localizedDomain
, (long)CFErrorGetCode(err
), desc
271 CFRelease(operationFailedStr
273 } else { // We don't have kCFErrorDescriptionKey, so just use error domain and code
274 CFStringRef operationFailedStr
= CFCopyLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(CFSTR("The operation couldn\\U2019t be completed. (%@ error %ld.)"), CFSTR("Error"), cfBundle
, "A generic error string indicating there was a problem, followed by a parenthetical sentence which indicates error domain and code when there is no other way to present an error to the user. The %@ indicates the error domain while %ld indicates the error code; so this might become '(Mach error 42.)' for instance.");
275 result
= CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
, operationFailedStr
, localizedDomain
, (long)CFErrorGetCode(err
276 CFRelease(operationFailedStr
278 CFRelease(localizedDomain
283 /* The real guts of the failure reason creation functionality. This function can take a CF or NSError. It's called by NSError for the localizedFailureReason computation.
285 CFStringRef
_CFErrorCreateLocalizedFailureReason(CFErrorRef err
) {
286 // We simply return the value of kCFErrorLocalizedFailureReasonKey; no other searching takes place
287 return _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(err
, kCFErrorLocalizedFailureReasonKey
290 /* The real guts of the recovery suggestion functionality. This function can take a CF or NSError. It's called by NSError for the localizedRecoverySuggestion computation.
292 CFStringRef
_CFErrorCreateLocalizedRecoverySuggestion(CFErrorRef err
) {
293 // We simply return the value of kCFErrorLocalizedRecoverySuggestionKey; no other searching takes place
294 return _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(err
, kCFErrorLocalizedRecoverySuggestionKey
297 /* The "debug" description, used by CFCopyDescription and -[NSObject description].
299 static void userInfoKeyValueShow(const void *key
, const void *value
, void *context
) {
301 if (CFEqual(key
, kCFErrorUnderlyingErrorKey
) && (desc
= CFErrorCopyDescription((CFErrorRef
))) { // We check desc, see <rdar://problem/8415727>
302 CFStringAppendFormat((CFMutableStringRef
, CFSTR("%@=%p \"%@\", "), key
, value
, desc
305 CFStringAppendFormat((CFMutableStringRef
, CFSTR("%@=%@, "), key
, value
309 CFStringRef
_CFErrorCreateDebugDescription(CFErrorRef err
) {
310 CFStringRef desc
= CFErrorCopyDescription(err
311 CFStringRef debugDesc
= _CFErrorCopyUserInfoKey(err
, kCFErrorDebugDescriptionKey
312 CFDictionaryRef userInfo
= _CFErrorGetUserInfo(err
313 CFMutableStringRef result
= CFStringCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
, 0);
314 CFStringAppendFormat(result
, CFSTR("Error Domain=%@ Code=%d"), CFErrorGetDomain(err
), (long)CFErrorGetCode(err
315 CFStringAppendFormat(result
, CFSTR(" \"%@\""), desc
316 if (debugDesc
&& CFStringGetLength(debugDesc
) > 0) CFStringAppendFormat(result
, CFSTR(" (%@)"), debugDesc
318 CFStringAppendFormat(result
, CFSTR(" UserInfo=%p {"), userInfo
319 CFDictionaryApplyFunction(userInfo
, userInfoKeyValueShow
, (void *)result
320 CFIndex commaLength
= (CFStringHasSuffix(result
, CFSTR(", "))) ? 2 : 0;
321 CFStringReplace(result
, CFRangeMake(CFStringGetLength(result
, commaLength
), CFSTR("}"));
323 if (debugDesc
) CFRelease(debugDesc
324 if (desc
) CFRelease(desc
331 /**** CFError API/SPI ****/
333 /* Note that there are two entry points for creating CFErrors. This one does it with a presupplied userInfo dictionary.
335 CFErrorRef
CFErrorCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator
, CFStringRef domain
, CFIndex code
, CFDictionaryRef userInfo
) {
336 __CFGenericValidateType(domain
, CFStringGetTypeID());
337 if (userInfo
) __CFGenericValidateType(userInfo
, CFDictionaryGetTypeID());
339 CFErrorRef err
= (CFErrorRef
, __kCFErrorTypeID
, sizeof(struct __CFError
) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase
340 if (NULL
== err
) return NULL
342 err
= CFStringCreateCopy(allocator
, domain
344 err
= userInfo
? CFDictionaryCreateCopy(allocator
, userInfo
) : _CFErrorCreateEmptyDictionary(allocator
349 /* Note that there are two entry points for creating CFErrors. This one does it with individual keys and values which are used to create the userInfo dictionary.
351 CFErrorRef
CFErrorCreateWithUserInfoKeysAndValues(CFAllocatorRef allocator
, CFStringRef domain
, CFIndex code
, const void *const *userInfoKeys
, const void *const *userInfoValues
, CFIndex numUserInfoValues
) {
352 __CFGenericValidateType(domain
, CFStringGetTypeID());
354 CFErrorRef err
= (CFErrorRef
, __kCFErrorTypeID
, sizeof(struct __CFError
) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase
355 if (NULL
== err
) return NULL
357 err
= CFStringCreateCopy(allocator
, domain
359 err
= CFDictionaryCreate(allocator
, (const void **)userInfoKeys
, (const void **)userInfoValues
, numUserInfoValues
, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks
, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks
364 CFStringRef
CFErrorGetDomain(CFErrorRef err
) {
, CFStringRef
, err
, "domain");
366 __CFAssertIsError(err
370 CFIndex
CFErrorGetCode(CFErrorRef err
) {
, CFIndex
, err
, "code");
372 __CFAssertIsError(err
376 /* This accessor never returns NULL. For usage inside this file, consider __CFErrorGetUserInfo().
378 CFDictionaryRef
CFErrorCopyUserInfo(CFErrorRef err
) {
379 CFDictionaryRef userInfo
= _CFErrorGetUserInfo(err
380 return userInfo
? (CFDictionaryRef
) : _CFErrorCreateEmptyDictionary(CFGetAllocator(err
383 CFStringRef
CFErrorCopyDescription(CFErrorRef err
) {
384 if (CF_IS_OBJC(__kCFErrorTypeID
, err
)) { // Since we have to return a retained result, we need to treat the toll-free bridging specially
386 CF_OBJC_CALL0(CFStringRef
, desc
, err
, "localizedDescription");
387 return desc
? (CFStringRef
) : NULL
; // !!! It really should never return nil.
389 __CFAssertIsError(err
390 return _CFErrorCreateLocalizedDescription(err
393 CFStringRef
CFErrorCopyFailureReason(CFErrorRef err
) {
394 if (CF_IS_OBJC(__kCFErrorTypeID
, err
)) { // Since we have to return a retained result, we need to treat the toll-free bridging specially
396 CF_OBJC_CALL0(CFStringRef
, str
, err
, "localizedFailureReason");
397 return str
? (CFStringRef
) : NULL
; // It's possible for localizedFailureReason to return nil
399 __CFAssertIsError(err
400 return _CFErrorCreateLocalizedFailureReason(err
403 CFStringRef
CFErrorCopyRecoverySuggestion(CFErrorRef err
) {
404 if (CF_IS_OBJC(__kCFErrorTypeID
, err
)) { // Since we have to return a retained result, we need to treat the toll-free bridging specially
406 CF_OBJC_CALL0(CFStringRef
, str
, err
, "localizedRecoverySuggestion");
407 return str
? (CFStringRef
) : NULL
; // It's possible for localizedRecoverySuggestion to return nil
409 __CFAssertIsError(err
410 return _CFErrorCreateLocalizedRecoverySuggestion(err
414 /**** CFError CallBack management ****/
416 /* Domain-to-callback mapping dictionary
418 static CFMutableDictionaryRef _CFErrorCallBackTable
421 /* Built-in callback for POSIX domain. Note that we will pick up localizations from ErrnoErrors.strings in /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle, if the file happens to be there.
423 static CFTypeRef
_CFErrorPOSIXCallBack(CFErrorRef err
, CFStringRef key
) {
424 if (!CFEqual(key
, kCFErrorDescriptionKey
) && !CFEqual(key
, kCFErrorLocalizedFailureReasonKey
)) return NULL
426 const char *errCStr
= strerror(CFErrorGetCode(err
427 CFStringRef errStr
= (errCStr
&& strlen(errCStr
)) ? CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
, errCStr
, kCFStringEncodingUTF8
) : NULL
429 if (!errStr
) return NULL
430 if (CFEqual(key
, kCFErrorDescriptionKey
)) return errStr
; // If all we wanted was the non-localized description, we're done
433 // We need a kCFErrorLocalizedFailureReasonKey, so look up a possible localization for the error message
434 // Look for the bundle in /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle
435 CFArrayRef paths
= CFCopySearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(kCFLibraryDirectory
, kCFSystemDomainMask
, false);
437 if (CFArrayGetCount(paths
) > 0) {
438 CFStringRef path
= CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
, CFSTR("%@/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle"), CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(paths
, 0));
439 CFURLRef url
= CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
, path
, false /* not a directory */);
441 CFBundleRef bundle
= CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
, url
443 // We only want to return a result if there was a localization
444 CFStringRef localizedErrStr
= CFBundleCopyLocalizedString(bundle
, errStr
, errStr
, CFSTR("ErrnoErrors"));
445 if (localizedErrStr
== errStr
) {
446 CFRelease(localizedErrStr
451 errStr
= localizedErrStr
467 /* Built-in callback for Mach domain.
469 static CFTypeRef
_CFErrorMachCallBack(CFErrorRef err
, CFStringRef key
) {
470 if (CFEqual(key
, kCFErrorDescriptionKey
)) {
471 const char *errStr
= mach_error_string(CFErrorGetCode(err
472 if (errStr
&& strlen(errStr
)) return CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
, errStr
, kCFStringEncodingUTF8
479 /* This initialize function is meant to be called lazily, the first time a callback is registered or requested. It creates the table and registers the built-in callbacks. Clearly doing this non-lazily in _CFErrorInitialize() would be simpler, but this is a fine example of something that should not have to happen at launch time.
481 static void _CFErrorInitializeCallBackTable(void) {
482 // Create the table outside the lock
483 CFMutableDictionaryRef table
= CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault
, 0, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks
484 __CFSpinLock(&_CFErrorSpinlock
485 if (!_CFErrorCallBackTable
) {
486 _CFErrorCallBackTable
= table
487 __CFSpinUnlock(&_CFErrorSpinlock
489 __CFSpinUnlock(&_CFErrorSpinlock
491 // Note, even though the table looks like it was initialized, we go on to register the items on this thread as well, since otherwise we might consult the table before the items are actually registered.
493 CFErrorSetCallBackForDomain(kCFErrorDomainPOSIX
, _CFErrorPOSIXCallBack
495 CFErrorSetCallBackForDomain(kCFErrorDomainMach
, _CFErrorMachCallBack
499 void CFErrorSetCallBackForDomain(CFStringRef domainName
, CFErrorUserInfoKeyCallBack callBack
) {
500 if (!_CFErrorCallBackTable
) _CFErrorInitializeCallBackTable();
501 __CFSpinLock(&_CFErrorSpinlock
503 CFDictionarySetValue(_CFErrorCallBackTable
, domainName
, callBack
505 CFDictionaryRemoveValue(_CFErrorCallBackTable
, domainName
507 __CFSpinUnlock(&_CFErrorSpinlock
510 CFErrorUserInfoKeyCallBack
CFErrorGetCallBackForDomain(CFStringRef domainName
) {
511 if (!_CFErrorCallBackTable
) _CFErrorInitializeCallBackTable();
512 __CFSpinLock(&_CFErrorSpinlock
513 CFErrorUserInfoKeyCallBack callBack
= (CFErrorUserInfoKeyCallBack
, domainName
514 __CFSpinUnlock(&_CFErrorSpinlock