]> git.saurik.com Git - apple/cf.git/blob - CFCharacterSet.h
[apple/cf.git] / CFCharacterSet.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
10 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
11 * file.
12 *
13 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
14 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
18 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
19 * limitations under the License.
20 *
22 */
23 /* CFCharacterSet.h
24 Copyright (c) 1999-2007, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
25 */
27 /*!
28 @header CFCharacterSet
29 CFCharacterSet represents a set, or a bag, of Unicode characters.
30 The API consists of 3 groups:
31 1) creation/manipulation of CFCharacterSet instances,
32 2) query of a single Unicode character membership,
33 and 3) bitmap representation related (reading/writing).
34 Conceptually, CFCharacterSet is a 136K byte bitmap array of
35 which each bit represents a Unicode code point. It could
36 contain the Unicode characters in ISO 10646 Basic Multilingual
37 Plane (BMP) and characters in Plane 1 through Plane 16
38 accessible via surrogate paris in the Unicode Transformation
39 Format, 16-bit encoding form (UTF-16). In other words, it can
40 store values from 0x00000 to 0x10FFFF in the Unicode
41 Transformation Format, 32-bit encoding form (UTF-32). However,
42 in general, how CFCharacterSet stores the information is an
43 implementation detail. Note even CFData used for the external
44 bitmap representation rarely has 136K byte. For detailed
45 discussion of the external bitmap representation, refer to the
46 comments for CFCharacterSetCreateWithBitmapRepresentation below.
47 Note that the existance of non-BMP characters in a character set
48 does not imply the membership of the corresponding surrogate
49 characters. For example, a character set with U+10000 does not
50 match with U+D800.
51 */
56 #include <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h>
57 #include <CoreFoundation/CFData.h>
61 /*!
62 @typedef CFCharacterSetRef
63 This is the type of a reference to immutable CFCharacterSets.
64 */
65 typedef const struct __CFCharacterSet * CFCharacterSetRef;
67 /*!
68 @typedef CFMutableCharacterSetRef
69 This is the type of a reference to mutable CFMutableCharacterSets.
70 */
71 typedef struct __CFCharacterSet * CFMutableCharacterSetRef;
73 /*!
74 @typedef CFCharacterSetPredefinedSet
75 Type of the predefined CFCharacterSet selector values.
76 */
78 enum {
79 kCFCharacterSetControl = 1, /* Control character set (Unicode General Category Cc and Cf) */
80 kCFCharacterSetWhitespace, /* Whitespace character set (Unicode General Category Zs and U0009 CHARACTER TABULATION) */
81 kCFCharacterSetWhitespaceAndNewline, /* Whitespace and Newline character set (Unicode General Category Z*, U000A ~ U000D, and U0085) */
82 kCFCharacterSetDecimalDigit, /* Decimal digit character set */
83 kCFCharacterSetLetter, /* Letter character set (Unicode General Category L* & M*) */
84 kCFCharacterSetLowercaseLetter, /* Lowercase character set (Unicode General Category Ll) */
85 kCFCharacterSetUppercaseLetter, /* Uppercase character set (Unicode General Category Lu and Lt) */
86 kCFCharacterSetNonBase, /* Non-base character set (Unicode General Category M*) */
87 kCFCharacterSetDecomposable, /* Canonically decomposable character set */
88 kCFCharacterSetAlphaNumeric, /* Alpha Numeric character set (Unicode General Category L*, M*, & N*) */
89 kCFCharacterSetPunctuation, /* Punctuation character set (Unicode General Category P*) */
91 kCFCharacterSetCapitalizedLetter = 13, /* Titlecase character set (Unicode General Category Lt) */
92 #endif
94 kCFCharacterSetSymbol = 14, /* Symbol character set (Unicode General Category S*) */
95 #endif
97 kCFCharacterSetNewline = 15, /* Newline character set (U000A ~ U000D, U0085, U2028, and U2029) */
98 #endif
99 kCFCharacterSetIllegal = 12/* Illegal character set */
100 };
101 typedef CFIndex CFCharacterSetPredefinedSet;
103 /*!
104 @function CFCharacterSetGetTypeID
105 Returns the type identifier of all CFCharacterSet instances.
106 */
108 CFTypeID CFCharacterSetGetTypeID(void);
110 /*!
111 @function CFCharacterSetGetPredefined
112 Returns a predefined CFCharacterSet instance.
113 @param theSetIdentifier The CFCharacterSetPredefinedSet selector
114 which specifies the predefined character set. If the
115 value is not in CFCharacterSetPredefinedSet, the behavior
116 is undefined.
117 @result A reference to the predefined immutable CFCharacterSet.
118 This instance is owned by CF.
119 */
121 CFCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetGetPredefined(CFCharacterSetPredefinedSet theSetIdentifier);
123 /*!
124 @function CFCharacterSetCreateWithCharactersInRange
125 Creates a new immutable character set with the values from the given range.
126 @param alloc The CFAllocator which should be used to allocate
127 memory for the array and its storage for values. This
128 parameter may be NULL in which case the current default
129 CFAllocator is used. If this reference is not a valid
130 CFAllocator, the behavior is undefined.
131 @param theRange The CFRange which should be used to specify the
132 Unicode range the character set is filled with. It
133 accepts the range in 32-bit in the UTF-32 format. The
134 valid character point range is from 0x00000 to 0x10FFFF.
135 If the range is outside of the valid Unicode character
136 point, the behavior is undefined.
137 @result A reference to the new immutable CFCharacterSet.
138 */
140 CFCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetCreateWithCharactersInRange(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFRange theRange);
142 /*!
143 @function CFCharacterSetCreateWithCharactersInString
144 Creates a new immutable character set with the values in the given string.
145 @param alloc The CFAllocator which should be used to allocate
146 memory for the array and its storage for values. This
147 parameter may be NULL in which case the current default
148 CFAllocator is used. If this reference is not a valid
149 CFAllocator, the behavior is undefined.
150 @param theString The CFString which should be used to specify
151 the Unicode characters the character set is filled with.
152 If this parameter is not a valid CFString, the behavior
153 is undefined.
154 @result A reference to the new immutable CFCharacterSet.
155 */
157 CFCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetCreateWithCharactersInString(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFStringRef theString);
159 /*!
160 @function CFCharacterSetCreateWithBitmapRepresentation
161 Creates a new immutable character set with the bitmap representtion in the given data.
162 @param alloc The CFAllocator which should be used to allocate
163 memory for the array and its storage for values. This
164 parameter may be NULL in which case the current default
165 CFAllocator is used. If this reference is not a valid
166 CFAllocator, the behavior is undefined.
167 @param theData The CFData which should be used to specify the
168 bitmap representation of the Unicode character points
169 the character set is filled with. The bitmap
170 representation could contain all the Unicode character
171 range starting from BMP to Plane 16. The first 8192 bytes
172 of the data represent the BMP range. The BMP range 8192
173 bytes can be followed by zero to sixteen 8192 byte
174 bitmaps, each one with the plane index byte prepended.
175 For example, the bitmap representing the BMP and Plane 2
176 has the size of 16385 bytes (8192 bytes for BMP, 1 byte
177 index + 8192 bytes bitmap for Plane 2). The plane index
178 byte, in this case, contains the integer value two. If
179 this parameter is not a valid CFData or it contains a
180 Plane index byte outside of the valid Plane range
181 (1 to 16), the behavior is undefined.
182 @result A reference to the new immutable CFCharacterSet.
183 */
185 CFCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetCreateWithBitmapRepresentation(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFDataRef theData);
188 /*!
189 @function CFCharacterSetCreateInvertedSet
190 Creates a new immutable character set that is the invert of the specified character set.
191 @param alloc The CFAllocator which should be used to allocate
192 memory for the array and its storage for values. This
193 parameter may be NULL in which case the current default
194 CFAllocator is used. If this reference is not a valid
195 CFAllocator, the behavior is undefined.
196 @param theSet The CFCharacterSet which is to be inverted. If this
197 parameter is not a valid CFCharacterSet, the behavior is
198 undefined.
199 @result A reference to the new immutable CFCharacterSet.
200 */
201 CF_EXPORT CFCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetCreateInvertedSet(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFCharacterSetRef theSet);
203 /*!
204 @function CFCharacterSetIsSupersetOfSet
205 Reports whether or not the character set is a superset of the character set specified as the second parameter.
206 @param theSet The character set to be checked for the membership of theOtherSet.
207 If this parameter is not a valid CFCharacterSet, the behavior is undefined.
208 @param theOtherset The character set to be checked whether or not it is a subset of theSet.
209 If this parameter is not a valid CFCharacterSet, the behavior is undefined.
210 */
211 CF_EXPORT Boolean CFCharacterSetIsSupersetOfSet(CFCharacterSetRef theSet, CFCharacterSetRef theOtherset);
213 /*!
214 @function CFCharacterSetHasMemberInPlane
215 Reports whether or not the character set contains at least one member character in the specified plane.
216 @param theSet The character set to be checked for the membership. If this
217 parameter is not a valid CFCharacterSet, the behavior is undefined.
218 @param thePlane The plane number to be checked for the membership.
219 The valid value range is from 0 to 16. If the value is outside of the valid
220 plane number range, the behavior is undefined.
221 */
222 CF_EXPORT Boolean CFCharacterSetHasMemberInPlane(CFCharacterSetRef theSet, CFIndex thePlane);
223 #endif
225 /*!
226 @function CFCharacterSetCreateMutable
227 Creates a new empty mutable character set.
228 @param allocator The CFAllocator which should be used to allocate
229 memory for the array and its storage for values. This
230 parameter may be NULL in which case the current default
231 CFAllocator is used. If this reference is not a valid
232 CFAllocator, the behavior is undefined.
233 @result A reference to the new mutable CFCharacterSet.
234 */
236 CFMutableCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetCreateMutable(CFAllocatorRef alloc);
239 /*!
240 @function CFCharacterSetCreateCopy
241 Creates a new character set with the values from the given character set. This function tries to compact the backing store where applicable.
242 @param allocator The CFAllocator which should be used to allocate
243 memory for the array and its storage for values. This
244 parameter may be NULL in which case the current default
245 CFAllocator is used. If this reference is not a valid
246 CFAllocator, the behavior is undefined.
247 @param theSet The CFCharacterSet which is to be copied. If this
248 parameter is not a valid CFCharacterSet, the behavior is
249 undefined.
250 @result A reference to the new CFCharacterSet.
251 */
253 CFCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetCreateCopy(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFCharacterSetRef theSet) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER;
254 #endif
256 /*!
257 @function CFCharacterSetCreateMutableCopy
258 Creates a new mutable character set with the values from the given character set.
259 @param allocator The CFAllocator which should be used to allocate
260 memory for the array and its storage for values. This
261 parameter may be NULL in which case the current default
262 CFAllocator is used. If this reference is not a valid
263 CFAllocator, the behavior is undefined.
264 @param theSet The CFCharacterSet which is to be copied. If this
265 parameter is not a valid CFCharacterSet, the behavior is
266 undefined.
267 @result A reference to the new mutable CFCharacterSet.
268 */
270 CFMutableCharacterSetRef CFCharacterSetCreateMutableCopy(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFCharacterSetRef theSet);
272 /*!
273 @function CFCharacterSetIsCharacterMember
274 Reports whether or not the Unicode character is in the character set.
275 @param theSet The character set to be searched. If this parameter
276 is not a valid CFCharacterSet, the behavior is undefined.
277 @param theChar The Unicode character for which to test against the
278 character set. Note that this function takes 16-bit Unicode
279 character value; hence, it does not support access to the
280 non-BMP planes.
281 @result true, if the value is in the character set, otherwise false.
282 */
284 Boolean CFCharacterSetIsCharacterMember(CFCharacterSetRef theSet, UniChar theChar);
287 /*!
288 @function CFCharacterSetIsLongCharacterMember
289 Reports whether or not the UTF-32 character is in the character set.
290 @param theSet The character set to be searched. If this parameter
291 is not a valid CFCharacterSet, the behavior is undefined.
292 @param theChar The UTF-32 character for which to test against the
293 character set.
294 @result true, if the value is in the character set, otherwise false.
295 */
296 CF_EXPORT Boolean CFCharacterSetIsLongCharacterMember(CFCharacterSetRef theSet, UTF32Char theChar);
297 #endif
299 /*!
300 @function CFCharacterSetCreateBitmapRepresentation
301 Creates a new immutable data with the bitmap representation from the given character set.
302 @param allocator The CFAllocator which should be used to allocate
303 memory for the array and its storage for values. This
304 parameter may be NULL in which case the current default
305 CFAllocator is used. If this reference is not a valid
306 CFAllocator, the behavior is undefined.
307 @param theSet The CFCharacterSet which is to be used create the
308 bitmap representation from. Refer to the comments for
309 CFCharacterSetCreateWithBitmapRepresentation for the
310 detailed discussion of the bitmap representation format.
311 If this parameter is not a valid CFCharacterSet, the
312 behavior is undefined.
313 @result A reference to the new immutable CFData.
314 */
316 CFDataRef CFCharacterSetCreateBitmapRepresentation(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFCharacterSetRef theSet);
318 /*!
319 @function CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInRange
320 Adds the given range to the charaacter set.
321 @param theSet The character set to which the range is to be added.
322 If this parameter is not a valid mutable CFCharacterSet,
323 the behavior is undefined.
324 @param theRange The range to add to the character set. It accepts
325 the range in 32-bit in the UTF-32 format. The valid
326 character point range is from 0x00000 to 0x10FFFF. If the
327 range is outside of the valid Unicode character point,
328 the behavior is undefined.
329 */
331 void CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInRange(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet, CFRange theRange);
333 /*!
334 @function CFCharacterSetRemoveCharactersInRange
335 Removes the given range from the charaacter set.
336 @param theSet The character set from which the range is to be
337 removed. If this parameter is not a valid mutable
338 CFCharacterSet, the behavior is undefined.
339 @param theRange The range to remove from the character set.
340 It accepts the range in 32-bit in the UTF-32 format.
341 The valid character point range is from 0x00000 to 0x10FFFF.
342 If the range is outside of the valid Unicode character point,
343 the behavior is undefined.
344 */
346 void CFCharacterSetRemoveCharactersInRange(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet, CFRange theRange);
348 /*!
349 @function CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInString
350 Adds the characters in the given string to the charaacter set.
351 @param theSet The character set to which the characters in the
352 string are to be added. If this parameter is not a
353 valid mutable CFCharacterSet, the behavior is undefined.
354 @param theString The string to add to the character set.
355 If this parameter is not a valid CFString, the behavior
356 is undefined.
357 */
359 void CFCharacterSetAddCharactersInString(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet, CFStringRef theString);
361 /*!
362 @function CFCharacterSetRemoveCharactersInString
363 Removes the characters in the given string from the charaacter set.
364 @param theSet The character set from which the characters in the
365 string are to be remove. If this parameter is not a
366 valid mutable CFCharacterSet, the behavior is undefined.
367 @param theString The string to remove from the character set.
368 If this parameter is not a valid CFString, the behavior
369 is undefined.
370 */
372 void CFCharacterSetRemoveCharactersInString(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet, CFStringRef theString);
374 /*!
375 @function CFCharacterSetUnion
376 Forms the union with the given character set.
377 @param theSet The destination character set into which the
378 union of the two character sets is stored. If this
379 parameter is not a valid mutable CFCharacterSet, the
380 behavior is undefined.
381 @param theOtherSet The character set with which the union is
382 formed. If this parameter is not a valid CFCharacterSet,
383 the behavior is undefined.
384 */
386 void CFCharacterSetUnion(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet, CFCharacterSetRef theOtherSet);
388 /*!
389 @function CFCharacterSetIntersect
390 Forms the intersection with the given character set.
391 @param theSet The destination character set into which the
392 intersection of the two character sets is stored.
393 If this parameter is not a valid mutable CFCharacterSet,
394 the behavior is undefined.
395 @param theOtherSet The character set with which the intersection
396 is formed. If this parameter is not a valid CFCharacterSet,
397 the behavior is undefined.
398 */
400 void CFCharacterSetIntersect(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet, CFCharacterSetRef theOtherSet);
402 /*!
403 @function CFCharacterSetInvert
404 Inverts the content of the given character set.
405 @param theSet The character set to be inverted.
406 If this parameter is not a valid mutable CFCharacterSet,
407 the behavior is undefined.
408 */
410 void CFCharacterSetInvert(CFMutableCharacterSetRef theSet);