- int appendfsync; /* Kind of fsync() policy */
- char *appendfilename; /* Name of the AOF file */
- int no_appendfsync_on_rewrite; /* Don't fsync if a rewrite is in prog. */
- int auto_aofrewrite_perc; /* Rewrite AOF if % growth is > M and... */
- off_t auto_aofrewrite_min_size; /* the AOF file is at least N bytes. */
- off_t auto_aofrewrite_base_size;/* AOF size on latest startup or rewrite. */
- off_t appendonly_current_size; /* AOF current size. */
- int aofrewrite_scheduled; /* Rewrite once BGSAVE terminates. */
+ int aof_fsync; /* Kind of fsync() policy */
+ char *aof_filename; /* Name of the AOF file */
+ int aof_no_fsync_on_rewrite; /* Don't fsync if a rewrite is in prog. */
+ int aof_rewrite_perc; /* Rewrite AOF if % growth is > M and... */
+ off_t aof_rewrite_min_size; /* the AOF file is at least N bytes. */
+ off_t aof_rewrite_base_size; /* AOF size on latest startup or rewrite. */
+ off_t aof_current_size; /* AOF current size. */
+ int aof_rewrite_scheduled; /* Rewrite once BGSAVE terminates. */