X-Git-Url: https://git.saurik.com/redis.git/blobdiff_plain/924aa408b99837036b679bd3895f836af6bc763f..08253bf42b7f1fdc000dedfb2580bc9cb375449d:/doc/RpoplpushCommand.html diff --git a/doc/RpoplpushCommand.html b/doc/RpoplpushCommand.html index 8a54bc4f..dbd82029 100644 --- a/doc/RpoplpushCommand.html +++ b/doc/RpoplpushCommand.html @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-RpoplpushCommand: Contents
  RPOPLPUSH _srckey_ _dstkey_ (Redis >
    Programming patterns: safe queues
    Programming patterns: server-side O(N) list traversal
    Return value
    See also +RpoplpushCommand: Contents
  RPOPLPUSH _srckey_ _dstkey_ (Redis >
    Programming patterns: safe queues
    Programming patterns: server-side O(N) list traversal
    Return value


@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@

RPOPLPUSH _srckey_ _dstkey_ (Redis >

1.1) = + #sidebar ListCommandsSidebar

RPOPLPUSH _srckey_ _dstkey_ (Redis >

1.1) = Time complexity: O(1)
Atomically return and remove the last (tail) element of the srckey list,and push the element as the first (head) element of the dstkey list. Forexample if the source list contains the elements "a","b","c" and thedestination list contains the elements "foo","bar" after an RPOPLPUSH commandthe content of the two lists will be "a","b" and "c","foo","bar".
If the key does not exist or the list is already empty the specialvalue 'nil' is returned. If the srckey and dstkey are the same theoperation is equivalent to removing the last element from the list and pusingit as first element of the list, so it's a "list rotation" command.

Programming patterns: safe queues

Redis lists are often used as queues in order to exchange messages betweendifferent programs. A program can add a message performing an LPUSH operationagainst a Redis list (we call this program a Producer), while another program(that we call Consumer) can process the messages performing an RPOP commandin order to start reading the messages from the oldest.
Unfortunately if a Consumer crashes just after an RPOP operation the messagegets lost. RPOPLPUSH solves this problem since the returned message isadded to another "backup" list. The Consumer can later remove the messagefrom the backup list using the LREM command when the message was correctlyprocessed.
Another process, called Helper, can monitor the "backup" list to check fortimed out entries to repush against the main queue.

Programming patterns: server-side O(N) list traversal

Using RPOPPUSH with the same source and destination key a process canvisit all the elements of an N-elements List in O(N) without to transferthe full list from the server to the client in a single LRANGE operation.Note that a process can traverse the list even while other processesare actively RPUSHing against the list, and still no element will be skipped.

Return value

Bulk reply

See also

- +

Return value

Bulk reply +