]> git.saurik.com Git - redis.git/blob - src/scripting.c
[redis.git] / src / scripting.c
1 #include "redis.h"
2 #include "sha1.h"
3 #include "rand.h"
5 #include <lua.h>
6 #include <lauxlib.h>
7 #include <lualib.h>
8 #include <ctype.h>
9 #include <math.h>
11 char *redisProtocolToLuaType_Int(lua_State *lua, char *reply);
12 char *redisProtocolToLuaType_Bulk(lua_State *lua, char *reply);
13 char *redisProtocolToLuaType_Status(lua_State *lua, char *reply);
14 char *redisProtocolToLuaType_Error(lua_State *lua, char *reply);
15 char *redisProtocolToLuaType_MultiBulk(lua_State *lua, char *reply);
16 int redis_math_random (lua_State *L);
17 int redis_math_randomseed (lua_State *L);
19 /* Take a Redis reply in the Redis protocol format and convert it into a
20 * Lua type. Thanks to this function, and the introduction of not connected
21 * clients, it is trvial to implement the redis() lua function.
22 *
23 * Basically we take the arguments, execute the Redis command in the context
24 * of a non connected client, then take the generated reply and convert it
25 * into a suitable Lua type. With this trick the scripting feature does not
26 * need the introduction of a full Redis internals API. Basically the script
27 * is like a normal client that bypasses all the slow I/O paths.
28 *
29 * Note: in this function we do not do any sanity check as the reply is
30 * generated by Redis directly. This allows use to go faster.
31 * The reply string can be altered during the parsing as it is discared
32 * after the conversion is completed.
33 *
34 * Errors are returned as a table with a single 'err' field set to the
35 * error string.
36 */
38 char *redisProtocolToLuaType(lua_State *lua, char* reply) {
39 char *p = reply;
41 switch(*p) {
42 case ':':
43 p = redisProtocolToLuaType_Int(lua,reply);
44 break;
45 case '$':
46 p = redisProtocolToLuaType_Bulk(lua,reply);
47 break;
48 case '+':
49 p = redisProtocolToLuaType_Status(lua,reply);
50 break;
51 case '-':
52 p = redisProtocolToLuaType_Error(lua,reply);
53 break;
54 case '*':
55 p = redisProtocolToLuaType_MultiBulk(lua,reply);
56 break;
57 }
58 return p;
59 }
61 char *redisProtocolToLuaType_Int(lua_State *lua, char *reply) {
62 char *p = strchr(reply+1,'\r');
63 long long value;
65 string2ll(reply+1,p-reply-1,&value);
66 lua_pushnumber(lua,(lua_Number)value);
67 return p+2;
68 }
70 char *redisProtocolToLuaType_Bulk(lua_State *lua, char *reply) {
71 char *p = strchr(reply+1,'\r');
72 long long bulklen;
74 string2ll(reply+1,p-reply-1,&bulklen);
75 if (bulklen == -1) {
76 lua_pushboolean(lua,0);
77 return p+2;
78 } else {
79 lua_pushlstring(lua,p+2,bulklen);
80 return p+2+bulklen+2;
81 }
82 }
84 char *redisProtocolToLuaType_Status(lua_State *lua, char *reply) {
85 char *p = strchr(reply+1,'\r');
87 lua_newtable(lua);
88 lua_pushstring(lua,"ok");
89 lua_pushlstring(lua,reply+1,p-reply-1);
90 lua_settable(lua,-3);
91 return p+2;
92 }
94 char *redisProtocolToLuaType_Error(lua_State *lua, char *reply) {
95 char *p = strchr(reply+1,'\r');
97 lua_newtable(lua);
98 lua_pushstring(lua,"err");
99 lua_pushlstring(lua,reply+1,p-reply-1);
100 lua_settable(lua,-3);
101 return p+2;
102 }
104 char *redisProtocolToLuaType_MultiBulk(lua_State *lua, char *reply) {
105 char *p = strchr(reply+1,'\r');
106 long long mbulklen;
107 int j = 0;
109 string2ll(reply+1,p-reply-1,&mbulklen);
110 p += 2;
111 if (mbulklen == -1) {
112 lua_pushboolean(lua,0);
113 return p;
114 }
115 lua_newtable(lua);
116 for (j = 0; j < mbulklen; j++) {
117 lua_pushnumber(lua,j+1);
118 p = redisProtocolToLuaType(lua,p);
119 lua_settable(lua,-3);
120 }
121 return p;
122 }
124 void luaPushError(lua_State *lua, char *error) {
125 lua_newtable(lua);
126 lua_pushstring(lua,"err");
127 lua_pushstring(lua, error);
128 lua_settable(lua,-3);
129 }
131 int luaRedisGenericCommand(lua_State *lua, int raise_error) {
132 int j, argc = lua_gettop(lua);
133 struct redisCommand *cmd;
134 robj **argv;
135 redisClient *c = server.lua_client;
136 sds reply;
138 /* Build the arguments vector */
139 argv = zmalloc(sizeof(robj*)*argc);
140 for (j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
141 if (!lua_isstring(lua,j+1)) break;
142 argv[j] = createStringObject((char*)lua_tostring(lua,j+1),
143 lua_strlen(lua,j+1));
144 }
146 /* Check if one of the arguments passed by the Lua script
147 * is not a string or an integer (lua_isstring() return true for
148 * integers as well). */
149 if (j != argc) {
150 j--;
151 while (j >= 0) {
152 decrRefCount(argv[j]);
153 j--;
154 }
155 zfree(argv);
156 luaPushError(lua,
157 "Lua redis() command arguments must be strings or integers");
158 return 1;
159 }
161 /* Setup our fake client for command execution */
162 c->argv = argv;
163 c->argc = argc;
165 /* Command lookup */
166 cmd = lookupCommand(argv[0]->ptr);
167 if (!cmd || ((cmd->arity > 0 && cmd->arity != argc) ||
168 (argc < -cmd->arity)))
169 {
170 if (cmd)
171 luaPushError(lua,
172 "Wrong number of args calling Redis command From Lua script");
173 else
174 luaPushError(lua,"Unknown Redis command called from Lua script");
175 goto cleanup;
176 }
178 if (cmd->flags & REDIS_CMD_NOSCRIPT) {
179 luaPushError(lua, "This Redis command is not allowed from scripts");
180 goto cleanup;
181 }
183 if (cmd->flags & REDIS_CMD_WRITE && server.lua_random_dirty) {
184 luaPushError(lua,
185 "Write commands not allowed after non deterministic commands");
186 goto cleanup;
187 }
189 if (cmd->flags & REDIS_CMD_RANDOM) server.lua_random_dirty = 1;
191 /* Run the command */
192 cmd->proc(c);
194 /* Convert the result of the Redis command into a suitable Lua type.
195 * The first thing we need is to create a single string from the client
196 * output buffers. */
197 reply = sdsempty();
198 if (c->bufpos) {
199 reply = sdscatlen(reply,c->buf,c->bufpos);
200 c->bufpos = 0;
201 }
202 while(listLength(c->reply)) {
203 robj *o = listNodeValue(listFirst(c->reply));
205 reply = sdscatlen(reply,o->ptr,sdslen(o->ptr));
206 listDelNode(c->reply,listFirst(c->reply));
207 }
208 if (raise_error && reply[0] != '-') raise_error = 0;
209 redisProtocolToLuaType(lua,reply);
210 sdsfree(reply);
212 cleanup:
213 /* Clean up. Command code may have changed argv/argc so we use the
214 * argv/argc of the client instead of the local variables. */
215 for (j = 0; j < c->argc; j++)
216 decrRefCount(c->argv[j]);
217 zfree(c->argv);
219 if (raise_error) {
220 /* If we are here we should have an error in the stack, in the
221 * form of a table with an "err" field. Extract the string to
222 * return the plain error. */
223 lua_pushstring(lua,"err");
224 lua_gettable(lua,-2);
225 return lua_error(lua);
226 }
227 return 1;
228 }
230 int luaRedisCallCommand(lua_State *lua) {
231 return luaRedisGenericCommand(lua,1);
232 }
234 int luaRedisPCallCommand(lua_State *lua) {
235 return luaRedisGenericCommand(lua,0);
236 }
238 int luaLogCommand(lua_State *lua) {
239 int j, argc = lua_gettop(lua);
240 int level;
241 sds log;
243 if (argc < 2) {
244 luaPushError(lua, "redis.log() requires two arguments or more.");
245 return 1;
246 } else if (!lua_isnumber(lua,-argc)) {
247 luaPushError(lua, "First argument must be a number (log level).");
248 return 1;
249 }
250 level = lua_tonumber(lua,-argc);
251 if (level < REDIS_DEBUG || level > REDIS_WARNING) {
252 luaPushError(lua, "Invalid debug level.");
253 return 1;
254 }
256 /* Glue together all the arguments */
257 log = sdsempty();
258 for (j = 1; j < argc; j++) {
259 size_t len;
260 char *s;
262 s = (char*)lua_tolstring(lua,(-argc)+j,&len);
263 if (s) {
264 if (j != 1) log = sdscatlen(log," ",1);
265 log = sdscatlen(log,s,len);
266 }
267 }
268 redisLogRaw(level,log);
269 sdsfree(log);
270 return 0;
271 }
273 void luaMaskCountHook(lua_State *lua, lua_Debug *ar) {
274 long long elapsed;
277 elapsed = (ustime()/1000) - server.lua_time_start;
278 if (elapsed >= server.lua_time_limit) {
279 redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Lua script aborted for max execution time after %lld milliseconds of running time.",elapsed);
280 lua_pushstring(lua,"Script aborted for max execution time.");
281 lua_error(lua);
282 }
283 }
285 void luaLoadLib(lua_State *lua, const char *libname, lua_CFunction luafunc) {
286 lua_pushcfunction(lua, luafunc);
287 lua_pushstring(lua, libname);
288 lua_call(lua, 1, 0);
289 }
291 LUALIB_API int (luaopen_cjson) (lua_State *L);
293 void luaLoadLibraries(lua_State *lua) {
294 luaLoadLib(lua, "", luaopen_base);
295 luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_TABLIBNAME, luaopen_table);
296 luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_STRLIBNAME, luaopen_string);
297 luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_MATHLIBNAME, luaopen_math);
298 luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_DBLIBNAME, luaopen_debug);
299 luaLoadLib(lua, "cjson", luaopen_cjson);
301 #if 0 /* Stuff that we don't load currently, for sandboxing concerns. */
302 luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_LOADLIBNAME, luaopen_package);
303 luaLoadLib(lua, LUA_OSLIBNAME, luaopen_os);
304 #endif
305 }
307 /* Initialize the scripting environment.
308 * It is possible to call this function to reset the scripting environment
309 * assuming that we call scriptingRelease() before.
310 * See scriptingReset() for more information. */
311 void scriptingInit(void) {
312 lua_State *lua = lua_open();
313 luaLoadLibraries(lua);
315 /* Initialize a dictionary we use to map SHAs to scripts.
316 * This is useful for replication, as we need to replicate EVALSHA
317 * as EVAL, so we need to remember the associated script. */
318 server.lua_scripts = dictCreate(&dbDictType,NULL);
320 /* Register the redis commands table and fields */
321 lua_newtable(lua);
323 /* redis.call */
324 lua_pushstring(lua,"call");
325 lua_pushcfunction(lua,luaRedisCallCommand);
326 lua_settable(lua,-3);
328 /* redis.pcall */
329 lua_pushstring(lua,"pcall");
330 lua_pushcfunction(lua,luaRedisPCallCommand);
331 lua_settable(lua,-3);
333 /* redis.log and log levels. */
334 lua_pushstring(lua,"log");
335 lua_pushcfunction(lua,luaLogCommand);
336 lua_settable(lua,-3);
338 lua_pushstring(lua,"LOG_DEBUG");
339 lua_pushnumber(lua,REDIS_DEBUG);
340 lua_settable(lua,-3);
342 lua_pushstring(lua,"LOG_VERBOSE");
343 lua_pushnumber(lua,REDIS_VERBOSE);
344 lua_settable(lua,-3);
346 lua_pushstring(lua,"LOG_NOTICE");
347 lua_pushnumber(lua,REDIS_NOTICE);
348 lua_settable(lua,-3);
350 lua_pushstring(lua,"LOG_WARNING");
351 lua_pushnumber(lua,REDIS_WARNING);
352 lua_settable(lua,-3);
354 /* Finally set the table as 'redis' global var. */
355 lua_setglobal(lua,"redis");
357 /* Replace math.random and math.randomseed with our implementations. */
358 lua_getglobal(lua,"math");
360 lua_pushstring(lua,"random");
361 lua_pushcfunction(lua,redis_math_random);
362 lua_settable(lua,-3);
364 lua_pushstring(lua,"randomseed");
365 lua_pushcfunction(lua,redis_math_randomseed);
366 lua_settable(lua,-3);
368 lua_setglobal(lua,"math");
370 /* Create the (non connected) client that we use to execute Redis commands
371 * inside the Lua interpreter.
372 * Note: there is no need to create it again when this function is called
373 * by scriptingReset(). */
374 if (server.lua_client == NULL) {
375 server.lua_client = createClient(-1);
376 server.lua_client->flags |= REDIS_LUA_CLIENT;
377 }
379 server.lua = lua;
380 }
382 /* Release resources related to Lua scripting.
383 * This function is used in order to reset the scripting environment. */
384 void scriptingRelease(void) {
385 dictRelease(server.lua_scripts);
386 lua_close(server.lua);
387 }
389 void scriptingReset(void) {
390 scriptingRelease();
391 scriptingInit();
392 }
394 /* Hash the scripit into a SHA1 digest. We use this as Lua function name.
395 * Digest should point to a 41 bytes buffer: 40 for SHA1 converted into an
396 * hexadecimal number, plus 1 byte for null term. */
397 void hashScript(char *digest, char *script, size_t len) {
398 SHA1_CTX ctx;
399 unsigned char hash[20];
400 char *cset = "0123456789abcdef";
401 int j;
403 SHA1Init(&ctx);
404 SHA1Update(&ctx,(unsigned char*)script,len);
405 SHA1Final(hash,&ctx);
407 for (j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
408 digest[j*2] = cset[((hash[j]&0xF0)>>4)];
409 digest[j*2+1] = cset[(hash[j]&0xF)];
410 }
411 digest[40] = '\0';
412 }
414 void luaReplyToRedisReply(redisClient *c, lua_State *lua) {
415 int t = lua_type(lua,-1);
417 switch(t) {
418 case LUA_TSTRING:
419 addReplyBulkCBuffer(c,(char*)lua_tostring(lua,-1),lua_strlen(lua,-1));
420 break;
421 case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
422 addReply(c,lua_toboolean(lua,-1) ? shared.cone : shared.nullbulk);
423 break;
424 case LUA_TNUMBER:
425 addReplyLongLong(c,(long long)lua_tonumber(lua,-1));
426 break;
427 case LUA_TTABLE:
428 /* We need to check if it is an array, an error, or a status reply.
429 * Error are returned as a single element table with 'err' field.
430 * Status replies are returned as single elment table with 'ok' field */
431 lua_pushstring(lua,"err");
432 lua_gettable(lua,-2);
433 t = lua_type(lua,-1);
434 if (t == LUA_TSTRING) {
435 sds err = sdsnew(lua_tostring(lua,-1));
436 sdsmapchars(err,"\r\n"," ",2);
437 addReplySds(c,sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"-%s\r\n",err));
438 sdsfree(err);
439 lua_pop(lua,2);
440 return;
441 }
443 lua_pop(lua,1);
444 lua_pushstring(lua,"ok");
445 lua_gettable(lua,-2);
446 t = lua_type(lua,-1);
447 if (t == LUA_TSTRING) {
448 sds ok = sdsnew(lua_tostring(lua,-1));
449 sdsmapchars(ok,"\r\n"," ",2);
450 addReplySds(c,sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"+%s\r\n",ok));
451 sdsfree(ok);
452 lua_pop(lua,1);
453 } else {
454 void *replylen = addDeferredMultiBulkLength(c);
455 int j = 1, mbulklen = 0;
457 lua_pop(lua,1); /* Discard the 'ok' field value we popped */
458 while(1) {
459 lua_pushnumber(lua,j++);
460 lua_gettable(lua,-2);
461 t = lua_type(lua,-1);
462 if (t == LUA_TNIL) {
463 lua_pop(lua,1);
464 break;
465 }
466 luaReplyToRedisReply(c, lua);
467 mbulklen++;
468 }
469 setDeferredMultiBulkLength(c,replylen,mbulklen);
470 }
471 break;
472 default:
473 addReply(c,shared.nullbulk);
474 }
475 lua_pop(lua,1);
476 }
478 /* Set an array of Redis String Objects as a Lua array (table) stored into a
479 * global variable. */
480 void luaSetGlobalArray(lua_State *lua, char *var, robj **elev, int elec) {
481 int j;
483 lua_newtable(lua);
484 for (j = 0; j < elec; j++) {
485 lua_pushlstring(lua,(char*)elev[j]->ptr,sdslen(elev[j]->ptr));
486 lua_rawseti(lua,-2,j+1);
487 }
488 lua_setglobal(lua,var);
489 }
491 void evalGenericCommand(redisClient *c, int evalsha) {
492 lua_State *lua = server.lua;
493 char funcname[43];
494 long long numkeys;
496 /* We want the same PRNG sequence at every call so that our PRNG is
497 * not affected by external state. */
498 redisSrand48(0);
500 /* We set this flag to zero to remember that so far no random command
501 * was called. This way we can allow the user to call commands like
502 * SRANDMEMBER or RANDOMKEY from Lua scripts as far as no write command
503 * is called (otherwise the replication and AOF would end with non
504 * deterministic sequences).
505 *
506 * Thanks to this flag we'll raise an error every time a write command
507 * is called after a random command was used. */
508 server.lua_random_dirty = 0;
510 /* Get the number of arguments that are keys */
511 if (getLongLongFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[2],&numkeys,NULL) != REDIS_OK)
512 return;
513 if (numkeys > (c->argc - 3)) {
514 addReplyError(c,"Number of keys can't be greater than number of args");
515 return;
516 }
518 /* We obtain the script SHA1, then check if this function is already
519 * defined into the Lua state */
520 funcname[0] = 'f';
521 funcname[1] = '_';
522 if (!evalsha) {
523 /* Hash the code if this is an EVAL call */
524 hashScript(funcname+2,c->argv[1]->ptr,sdslen(c->argv[1]->ptr));
525 } else {
526 /* We already have the SHA if it is a EVALSHA */
527 int j;
528 char *sha = c->argv[1]->ptr;
530 for (j = 0; j < 40; j++)
531 funcname[j+2] = tolower(sha[j]);
532 funcname[42] = '\0';
533 }
535 lua_getglobal(lua, funcname);
536 if (lua_isnil(lua,1)) {
537 sds funcdef;
539 /* Function not defined... let's define it if we have the
540 * body of the funciton. If this is an EVALSHA call we can just
541 * return an error. */
542 if (evalsha) {
543 addReply(c, shared.noscripterr);
544 lua_pop(lua,1); /* remove the nil from the stack */
545 return;
546 }
547 funcdef = sdsempty();
549 lua_pop(lua,1); /* remove the nil from the stack */
550 funcdef = sdscat(funcdef,"function ");
551 funcdef = sdscatlen(funcdef,funcname,42);
552 funcdef = sdscatlen(funcdef," ()\n",4);
553 funcdef = sdscatlen(funcdef,c->argv[1]->ptr,sdslen(c->argv[1]->ptr));
554 funcdef = sdscatlen(funcdef,"\nend\n",5);
555 /* printf("Defining:\n%s\n",funcdef); */
557 if (luaL_loadbuffer(lua,funcdef,sdslen(funcdef),"func definition")) {
558 addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Error compiling script (new function): %s\n",
559 lua_tostring(lua,-1));
560 lua_pop(lua,1);
561 sdsfree(funcdef);
562 return;
563 }
564 sdsfree(funcdef);
565 if (lua_pcall(lua,0,0,0)) {
566 addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Error running script (new function): %s\n",
567 lua_tostring(lua,-1));
568 lua_pop(lua,1);
569 return;
570 }
571 lua_getglobal(lua, funcname);
573 /* We also save a SHA1 -> Original script map in a dictionary
574 * so that we can replicate / write in the AOF all the
575 * EVALSHA commands as EVAL using the original script. */
576 {
577 int retval = dictAdd(server.lua_scripts,
578 sdsnewlen(funcname+2,40),c->argv[1]);
579 redisAssertWithInfo(c,NULL,retval == DICT_OK);
580 incrRefCount(c->argv[1]);
581 }
582 }
584 /* Populate the argv and keys table accordingly to the arguments that
585 * EVAL received. */
586 luaSetGlobalArray(lua,"KEYS",c->argv+3,numkeys);
587 luaSetGlobalArray(lua,"ARGV",c->argv+3+numkeys,c->argc-3-numkeys);
589 /* Select the right DB in the context of the Lua client */
590 selectDb(server.lua_client,c->db->id);
592 /* Set an hook in order to be able to stop the script execution if it
593 * is running for too much time.
594 * We set the hook only if the time limit is enabled as the hook will
595 * make the Lua script execution slower. */
596 if (server.lua_time_limit > 0) {
597 lua_sethook(lua,luaMaskCountHook,LUA_MASKCOUNT,100000);
598 server.lua_time_start = ustime()/1000;
599 } else {
600 lua_sethook(lua,luaMaskCountHook,0,0);
601 }
603 /* At this point whatever this script was never seen before or if it was
604 * already defined, we can call it. We have zero arguments and expect
605 * a single return value. */
606 if (lua_pcall(lua,0,1,0)) {
607 selectDb(c,server.lua_client->db->id); /* set DB ID from Lua client */
608 addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Error running script (call to %s): %s\n",
609 funcname, lua_tostring(lua,-1));
610 lua_pop(lua,1);
611 lua_gc(lua,LUA_GCCOLLECT,0);
612 return;
613 }
614 selectDb(c,server.lua_client->db->id); /* set DB ID from Lua client */
615 luaReplyToRedisReply(c,lua);
616 lua_gc(lua,LUA_GCSTEP,1);
618 /* If we have slaves attached we want to replicate this command as
619 * EVAL instead of EVALSHA. We do this also in the AOF as currently there
620 * is no easy way to propagate a command in a different way in the AOF
621 * and in the replication link.
622 *
624 * 1) Replicate this command as EVALSHA in the AOF.
625 * 2) Remember what slave already received a given script, and replicate
626 * the EVALSHA against this slaves when possible.
627 */
628 if (evalsha) {
629 robj *script = dictFetchValue(server.lua_scripts,c->argv[1]->ptr);
631 redisAssertWithInfo(c,NULL,script != NULL);
632 rewriteClientCommandArgument(c,0,
633 resetRefCount(createStringObject("EVAL",4)));
634 rewriteClientCommandArgument(c,1,script);
635 }
636 }
638 void evalCommand(redisClient *c) {
639 evalGenericCommand(c,0);
640 }
642 void evalShaCommand(redisClient *c) {
643 if (sdslen(c->argv[1]->ptr) != 40) {
644 /* We know that a match is not possible if the provided SHA is
645 * not the right length. So we return an error ASAP, this way
646 * evalGenericCommand() can be implemented without string length
647 * sanity check */
648 addReply(c, shared.noscripterr);
649 return;
650 }
651 evalGenericCommand(c,1);
652 }
654 /* We replace math.random() with our implementation that is not affected
655 * by specific libc random() implementations and will output the same sequence
656 * (for the same seed) in every arch. */
658 /* The following implementation is the one shipped with Lua itself but with
659 * rand() replaced by redisLrand48(). */
660 int redis_math_random (lua_State *L) {
661 /* the `%' avoids the (rare) case of r==1, and is needed also because on
662 some systems (SunOS!) `rand()' may return a value larger than RAND_MAX */
663 lua_Number r = (lua_Number)(redisLrand48()%REDIS_LRAND48_MAX) /
664 (lua_Number)REDIS_LRAND48_MAX;
665 switch (lua_gettop(L)) { /* check number of arguments */
666 case 0: { /* no arguments */
667 lua_pushnumber(L, r); /* Number between 0 and 1 */
668 break;
669 }
670 case 1: { /* only upper limit */
671 int u = luaL_checkint(L, 1);
672 luaL_argcheck(L, 1<=u, 1, "interval is empty");
673 lua_pushnumber(L, floor(r*u)+1); /* int between 1 and `u' */
674 break;
675 }
676 case 2: { /* lower and upper limits */
677 int l = luaL_checkint(L, 1);
678 int u = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
679 luaL_argcheck(L, l<=u, 2, "interval is empty");
680 lua_pushnumber(L, floor(r*(u-l+1))+l); /* int between `l' and `u' */
681 break;
682 }
683 default: return luaL_error(L, "wrong number of arguments");
684 }
685 return 1;
686 }
688 int redis_math_randomseed (lua_State *L) {
689 redisSrand48(luaL_checkint(L, 1));
690 return 0;
691 }
693 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
694 * SCRIPT command for script environment introspection and control
695 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
697 void scriptCommand(redisClient *c) {
698 if (c->argc == 2 && !strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"flush")) {
699 scriptingReset();
700 addReply(c,shared.ok);
701 server.dirty++; /* Replicating this command is a good idea. */
702 } else if (c->argc >= 2 && !strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"exists")) {
703 int j;
705 addReplyMultiBulkLen(c, c->argc-2);
706 for (j = 2; j < c->argc; j++) {
707 if (dictFind(server.lua_scripts,c->argv[j]->ptr))
708 addReply(c,shared.cone);
709 else
710 addReply(c,shared.czero);
711 }
712 } else {
713 addReplyError(c, "Unknown SCRIPT subcommand or wrong # of args.");
714 }
715 }