]> git.saurik.com Git - iphone-api.git/commit - SpringBoard-2.0/SBTVOutController-private.h
Commit the SpringBoard folder (for WinterBoard).
authorJay Freeman (saurik) <saurik@saurik.com>
Wed, 8 Jan 2014 06:54:44 +0000 (06:54 +0000)
committerJay Freeman (saurik) <saurik@saurik.com>
Wed, 8 Jan 2014 06:54:44 +0000 (06:54 +0000)
Commit the SpringBoard folder (for WinterBoard).
408 files changed:
SpringBoard [new symlink]
SpringBoard-2.0/Alarm.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/AlarmController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/BorderedPushButton.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/CDStructures.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/ISDownload-SpringBoardAdditions.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/ISNetworkMonitor-Protocol.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/NSArray-AlertItemsAdditions.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/NSCharacterSet-PhonePad.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/NSDictionary-CTHelpers.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/NSMutableArray-PrefsNotifications.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/NSMutableArray-SBArrayStackAdditions.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/NSString-Formatting.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/RoundedBorderView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAccessoryController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBActivationInfoAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBActivationView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAlarmAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAlertDisplay-PhoneNumberResolution.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAlertDisplay-SIMToolkitExtensions.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAlertImageView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAlertInputView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAlertItem-CallFailurePredicate.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAlertItemsController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAlertWindow.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAppCannotBeOpenedAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAppProfileNotTrustedAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAppWindow.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBApplication.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBApplicationController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBApplicationIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAwayChargingView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAwayController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAwayDateView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAwayInCallController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAwayItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAwayItemsView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAwayMediaControlsView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAwayModel.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBAwayView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBBatteryChargingView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBBluetoothController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBBookmarkIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBButtonBar.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBCalendarAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBCalendarApplicationIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBCalendarController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBCalendarIconContentsView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBCallAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBCallAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBCallFailureAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBCallFailureAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBCallFailureAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBCallWaitingAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBCarrierDebuggingAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBContentLayer.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBCountDownAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBDeleteIconAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBDestinationHole.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBDeviceLockKeypad.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBDeviceLockPasscodeEntryAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBDeviceLockPasscodeEntryAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBDimmingWindow.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBDiskSpaceAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBDismissOnlyAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBDisplayStack.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBDownloadController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBDownloadFailureAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBDownloadingIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBDownloadingProgressBar.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBEdgeActivationAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBEditIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBEmergencyCallButton.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBEmergencyCallView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBIconBadge.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBIconController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBIconLabel.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBIconList.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBIconModel.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBInfoBubble.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBInstalledApplicationIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBInvitationAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBLaunchAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBLaunchdUtilities.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBLockdownManager.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBLowPowerAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBMediaController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBMiniAlertController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBMobilityManagementAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBMovePlan.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBNetworkReselectionAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBNetworkReselectionAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBNowPlayingAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBNowPlayingAlertItemPushButton.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBNowPlayingAlertSheet.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBNowPlayingArtView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBNowPlayingReflectionView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBPartialDownloadRemovedAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBPasscodeAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBPasscodeController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBPasscodeField.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBPhoneAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBPhoneApplicationIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBPlatformController-private.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBPlatformController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBPowerDownController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBPowerDownView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBReorderInfoAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBResetManager.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBResetProgressView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBResetView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBRestoreFailureAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBRingerHUDController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBRingingAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSIMLockAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSIMLockEntryAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSIMLockEntryAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSIMLockManager.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSIMLockPUKEntryAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSIMToolkitAlert-PhoneAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSIMToolkitAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSIMToolkitGetInputDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSIMToolkitGetYesNoInputDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSIMToolkitListDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSIMToolkitOneShotGetInputDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSIMToolkitSentAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSIMToolkitSetUpCallDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSIMToolkitTextAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSMSAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSMSApplication.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSMSClass0Alert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBScreenFlash.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBScreenShotter.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSlidingAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSoundPreferences-Private.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSoundPreferences.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBar.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarAirPortView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarBatteryView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarBluetoothBatteryView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarBluetoothView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarCarrierView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarContentView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarContentsView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarInCallView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarIndicatorsView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarNoServiceView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarOperatorNameView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarProgressView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarSignalView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarTimeView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusBarVPNView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBStatusWindow.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBSyncController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBTTYPromptAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBTTYPromptAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBTVOutController-private.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBTVOutController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBTelephonyManager.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBTetherController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBTextDisplayView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBTouchPageIndicator.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBUIController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBUSSDAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBUSSDAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBUnsupportedURLAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBVODAlarm.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBVODAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBVODController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBVoiceMailAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBVoicemailManager.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBWeatherApplicationIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBWiFiDontAskAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBWiFiErrorAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBWiFiIsEnterpriseAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBWiFiPasswordAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBWiFiTrustAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SBZoomView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SMSAlertSheet.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SpringBoard-AlertSheetAdditions.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SpringBoard-SBApplicationTesting.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/SpringBoard.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/TrustAlertSheet.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/UIAlertTableCell.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/UIModalViewDelegate-Protocol.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/UIScroller-Centerable.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/UITextFieldDelegate-Protocol.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/VolumeControl.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/VolumeControlView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.0/WhiteBorderedTextField.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/Alarm.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/AlarmController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/BorderedPushButton.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/CDStructures.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/ISDownload-SpringBoardAdditions.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/ISNetworkMonitor-Protocol.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/NSArray-AlertItemsAdditions.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/NSCharacterSet-PhonePad.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/NSDictionary-CTHelpers.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/NSDictionary-SBWiFiAdditions.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/NSMutableArray-PrefsNotifications.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/NSMutableArray-SBArrayStackAdditions.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/NSObject-Protocol.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/NSString-Formatting.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/NSUserDefaults-SpringBoardAdditions.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/RoundedBorderView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAccessoryController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBActivationInfoAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBActivationView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAlarmAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAlertDisplay-PhoneNumberResolution.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAlertDisplay-SIMToolkitExtensions.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAlertImageView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAlertInputView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAlertItem-CallFailurePredicate.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAlertItemsController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAlertWindow.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAppCannotBeOpenedAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAppProfileNotTrustedAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAppWindow.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBApplication.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBApplicationController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBApplicationIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAwayChargingView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAwayController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAwayDateView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAwayInCallController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAwayItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAwayItemsView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAwayMediaControlsView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAwayModel.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAwayView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBAwayWindow.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBBatteryChargingView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBBluetoothController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBBookmarkIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBButtonBar.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBCalendarAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBCalendarApplicationIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBCalendarController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBCalendarIconContentsView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBCallAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBCallAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBCallFailureAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBCallFailureAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBCallFailureAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBCallWaitingAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBCarrierDebuggingAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBContentLayer.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBCountDownAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBDeleteIconAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBDestinationHole.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBDeviceLockKeypad.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBDeviceLockPasscodeEntryAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBDeviceLockPasscodeEntryAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBDimmingWindow.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBDiskSpaceAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBDismissOnlyAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBDisplayStack.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBDownloadController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBDownloadFailureAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBDownloadingIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBDownloadingProgressBar.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBEdgeActivationAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBEmergencyCallButton.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBEmergencyCallView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBIconBadge.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBIconController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBIconImageView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBIconLabel.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBIconList.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBIconModel.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBImageCache.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBInfoBubble.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBInstalledApplicationIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBInvitationAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBLaunchAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBLaunchdUtilities.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBLockdownManager.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBLowPowerAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBMediaController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBMiniAlertController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBMobilityManagementAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBMovePlan.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBNetworkReselectionAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBNetworkReselectionAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBNowPlayingAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBNowPlayingAlertItemPushButton.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBNowPlayingAlertSheet.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBNowPlayingArtView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBNowPlayingReflectionView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBPartialDownloadRemovedAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBPasscodeAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBPasscodeController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBPasscodeField.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBPhoneAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBPlatformController-private.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBPlatformController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBPowerDownController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBPowerDownView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBRemoteNotification.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBRemoteNotificationServer.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBReorderInfoAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBResetManager.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBResetProgressView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBResetView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBRestoreFailureAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBRingerHUDController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBRingingAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSIMLockAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSIMLockEntryAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSIMLockEntryAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSIMLockManager.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSIMLockPUKEntryAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSIMToolkitAlert-PhoneAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSIMToolkitAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSIMToolkitGetInputDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSIMToolkitGetYesNoInputDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSIMToolkitListDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSIMToolkitOneShotGetInputDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSIMToolkitSentAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSIMToolkitSetUpCallDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSIMToolkitTextAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSMSAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSMSApplication.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSMSClass0Alert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBScreenFlash.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBScreenShotter.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSearchTableViewCell.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSlidingAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSoundPreferences-Private.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSoundPreferences.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBar.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarAirPortView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarBatteryView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarBluetoothBatteryView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarBluetoothView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarCarrierView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarContentView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarContentsView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarDataManager.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarInCallView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarInWorkOutView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarIndicatorsView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarNoServiceView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarOperatorNameView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarProgressView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarSignalView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarTimeView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusBarVPNView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBStatusWindow.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBSyncController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBTTYPromptAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBTTYPromptAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBTVOutController-private.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBTVOutController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBTelephonyManager.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBTetherController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBTextDisplayView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBTouchPageIndicator.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBUIController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBUSSDAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBUSSDAlertDisplay.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBUnsupportedURLAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBUserNotificationAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBUserNotificationCenter.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBVODAlarm.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBVODAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBVODController.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBVoiceMailAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBVoicemailManager.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBWeatherApplicationIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBWiFiAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBWiFiCell.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBWiFiDontAskAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBWiFiErrorAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBWiFiIsEnterpriseAlert.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBWiFiManager.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBWiFiPasswordAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBWiFiSignalStrength.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBWiFiTrustAlertItem.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBWidgetApplicationIcon.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SBZoomView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SMSAlertSheet.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SpringBoard-AlertSheetAdditions.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SpringBoard-SBApplicationTesting.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/SpringBoard.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/TrustAlertSheet.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/UIAlertTableCell.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/UIModalViewDelegate-Protocol.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/UIScroller-Centerable.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/UITextFieldDelegate-Protocol.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/UIUserNotificationAlertSheet.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/VolumeControl.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/VolumeControlView.h [new file with mode: 0644]
SpringBoard-2.1/WhiteBorderedTextField.h [new file with mode: 0644]