/* Single-Instance methods get exactly one queue per URI. This is
also used for the Access queue method */
if (Config->SingleInstance == true || QueueMode == QueueAccess)
- return U.Access;
+ return U.Access;
+ string name(U.Access + ':' + U.Host);
- return U.Access + ':' + U.Host;
+ int parallel(_config->FindI("Acquire::"+U.Access+"::MaxParallel",0));
+ if (parallel <= 0)
+ return name;
+ typedef map<string, int> indexmap;
+ static indexmap indices;
+ pair<indexmap::iterator, bool> cache(indices.insert(indexmap::value_type(name, -1)));
+ if (cache.second || cache.first->second == -1) {
+ int &index(indices[U.Access]);
+ if (index >= parallel)
+ index = 0;
+ cache.first->second = index++;
+ }
+ ostringstream value;
+ value << U.Access << "::" << cache.first->second;
+ return value.str();
// Acquire::GetConfig - Fetch the configuration information /*{{{*/
return 0;
/* if a method uses DownloadLimit, we switch to SingleInstance mode */
- if(_config->FindI("Acquire::"+Access+"::DlLimit",0) > 0)
+ if(_config->FindI("Acquire::"+Access+"::Dl-Limit",0) > 0)
Conf->SingleInstance = true;
return Conf;