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- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
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* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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- *
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* Mach Operating System
* Copyright (c) 1992-1989 Carnegie Mellon University
* All Rights Reserved.
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-#ifndef _I386_FP_SAVE_H_
-#define _I386_FP_SAVE_H_
+#ifndef _I386_FP_SAVE_H_
+#define _I386_FP_SAVE_H_
- * Floating point registers and status, as saved
- * and restored by FP save/restore instructions.
- */
-struct i386_fp_save {
- unsigned short fp_control; /* control */
- unsigned short fp_unused_1;
- unsigned short fp_status; /* status */
- unsigned short fp_unused_2;
- unsigned short fp_tag; /* register tags */
- unsigned short fp_unused_3;
- unsigned int fp_eip; /* eip at failed instruction */
- unsigned short fp_cs; /* cs at failed instruction */
- unsigned short fp_opcode; /* opcode of failed instruction */
- unsigned int fp_dp; /* data address */
- unsigned short fp_ds; /* data segment */
- unsigned short fp_unused_4;
-struct i386_fp_regs {
- unsigned short fp_reg_word[5][8];
- /* space for 8 80-bit FP registers */
-/* note when allocating this data structure, it must be 16 byte aligned. */
-struct i386_fx_save {
- unsigned short fx_control; /* control */
- unsigned short fx_status; /* status */
- unsigned char fx_tag; /* register tags */
- unsigned char fx_bbz1; /* better be zero when calling fxrtstor */
- unsigned short fx_opcode;
- unsigned int fx_eip; /* eip instruction */
- unsigned short fx_cs; /* cs instruction */
- unsigned short fx_bbz2; /* better be zero when calling fxrtstor */
- unsigned int fx_dp; /* data address */
- unsigned short fx_ds; /* data segment */
- unsigned short fx_bbz3; /* better be zero when calling fxrtstor */
- unsigned int fx_MXCSR;
- unsigned int fx_MXCSR_MASK;
- unsigned short fx_reg_word[8][8]; /* STx/MMx registers */
- unsigned short fx_XMM_reg[8][8]; /* XMM0-XMM7 */
- unsigned char fx_reserved[16*14]; /* reserved by intel for future expansion */
+struct x86_fx_thread_state {
+ unsigned short fx_control; /* control */
+ unsigned short fx_status; /* status */
+ unsigned char fx_tag; /* register tags */
+ unsigned char fx_bbz1; /* better be zero when calling fxrtstor */
+ unsigned short fx_opcode;
+ union {
+ struct { /* 32-bit layout: */
+ unsigned int fx_eip; /* eip instruction */
+ unsigned short fx_cs; /* cs instruction */
+ unsigned short fx_bbz2;/* better be zero when calling fxrtstor */
+ unsigned int fx_dp; /* data address */
+ unsigned short fx_ds; /* data segment */
+ unsigned short fx_bbz3;/* better be zero when calling fxrtstor */
+ };
+ struct { /* 64-bit layout: */
+ uint64_t fx_rip; /* instruction pointer */
+ uint64_t fx_rdp; /* data pointer */
+ };
+ };
+ unsigned int fx_MXCSR;
+ unsigned int fx_MXCSR_MASK;
+ unsigned short fx_reg_word[8][8]; /* STx/MMx registers */
+ unsigned short fx_XMM_reg[8][16]; /* XMM0-XMM15 on 64 bit processors */
+ /* XMM0-XMM7 on 32 bit processors... unused storage reserved */
+ unsigned char fx_reserved[16 * 5]; /* reserved by intel for future
+ * expansion */
+ unsigned int fp_valid;
+ unsigned int fp_save_layout;
+ unsigned char fx_pad[8];
+}__attribute__ ((packed));
+struct xsave_header {
+ uint64_t xstate_bv;
+ uint64_t xcomp_bv;
+ uint8_t xhrsvd[48];
+typedef struct { uint64_t lo64, hi64; }__attribute__ ((packed)) reg128_t;
+typedef struct { reg128_t lo128, hi128; }__attribute__ ((packed)) reg256_t;
+typedef struct { reg256_t lo256, hi256; }__attribute__ ((packed)) reg512_t;
+struct x86_avx_thread_state {
+ struct x86_fx_thread_state fp;
+ struct xsave_header _xh; /* Offset 512, xsave header */
+ reg128_t x_YMM_Hi128[16]; /* Offset 576, high YMMs `*/
+ /* Offset 832, end */
+}__attribute__ ((packed));
+struct x86_avx512_thread_state {
+ struct x86_fx_thread_state fp;
+ struct xsave_header _xh; /* Offset 512, xsave header */
+ reg128_t x_YMM_Hi128[16]; /* Offset 576, high YMMs */
+ uint64_t x_pad[16]; /* Offset 832, unused AMD LWP */
+ uint64_t x_BNDREGS[8]; /* Offset 960, unused MPX */
+ uint64_t x_BNDCTL[8]; /* Offset 1024, unused MPX */
+ uint64_t x_Opmask[8]; /* Offset 1088, K0-K7 */
+ reg256_t x_ZMM_Hi256[16]; /* Offset 1152, ZMM0..15[511:256] */
+ reg512_t x_Hi16_ZMM[16]; /* Offset 1664, ZMM16..31[511:0] */
+ /* Offset 2688, end */
+}__attribute__ ((packed));
+typedef union {
+ struct x86_fx_thread_state fx;
+ struct x86_avx_thread_state avx;
+ struct x86_avx512_thread_state avx512;
+} x86_ext_thread_state_t;
+#define EVEX_PREFIX 0x62 /* AVX512's EVEX vector operation prefix */
+#define VEX2_PREFIX 0xC5 /* VEX 2-byte prefix for Opmask instructions */
+#define VEX3_PREFIX 0xC4 /* VEX 3-byte prefix for Opmask instructions */
* Control register
-#define FPC_IE 0x0001 /* enable invalid operation
- exception */
-#define FPC_IM FPC_IE
-#define FPC_DE 0x0002 /* enable denormalized operation
- exception */
-#define FPC_DM FPC_DE
-#define FPC_ZE 0x0004 /* enable zero-divide exception */
-#define FPC_ZM FPC_ZE
-#define FPC_OE 0x0008 /* enable overflow exception */
-#define FPC_OM FPC_OE
-#define FPC_UE 0x0010 /* enable underflow exception */
-#define FPC_PE 0x0020 /* enable precision exception */
-#define FPC_PC 0x0300 /* precision control: */
-#define FPC_PC_24 0x0000 /* 24 bits */
-#define FPC_PC_53 0x0200 /* 53 bits */
-#define FPC_PC_64 0x0300 /* 64 bits */
-#define FPC_RC 0x0c00 /* rounding control: */
-#define FPC_RC_RN 0x0000 /* round to nearest or even */
-#define FPC_RC_RD 0x0400 /* round down */
-#define FPC_RC_RU 0x0800 /* round up */
-#define FPC_RC_CHOP 0x0c00 /* chop */
-#define FPC_IC 0x1000 /* infinity control (obsolete) */
-#define FPC_IC_PROJ 0x0000 /* projective infinity */
-#define FPC_IC_AFF 0x1000 /* affine infinity (std) */
+#define FPC_IE 0x0001 /* enable invalid operation
+ * exception */
+#define FPC_IM FPC_IE
+#define FPC_DE 0x0002 /* enable denormalized operation
+ * exception */
+#define FPC_DM FPC_DE
+#define FPC_ZE 0x0004 /* enable zero-divide exception */
+#define FPC_ZM FPC_ZE
+#define FPC_OE 0x0008 /* enable overflow exception */
+#define FPC_OM FPC_OE
+#define FPC_UE 0x0010 /* enable underflow exception */
+#define FPC_PE 0x0020 /* enable precision exception */
+#define FPC_PC 0x0300 /* precision control: */
+#define FPC_PC_24 0x0000 /* 24 bits */
+#define FPC_PC_53 0x0200 /* 53 bits */
+#define FPC_PC_64 0x0300 /* 64 bits */
+#define FPC_RC 0x0c00 /* rounding control: */
+#define FPC_RC_RN 0x0000 /* round to nearest or even */
+#define FPC_RC_RD 0x0400 /* round down */
+#define FPC_RC_RU 0x0800 /* round up */
+#define FPC_RC_CHOP 0x0c00 /* chop */
+#define FPC_IC 0x1000 /* infinity control (obsolete) */
+#define FPC_IC_PROJ 0x0000 /* projective infinity */
+#define FPC_IC_AFF 0x1000 /* affine infinity (std) */
* Status register
-#define FPS_IE 0x0001 /* invalid operation */
-#define FPS_DE 0x0002 /* denormalized operand */
-#define FPS_ZE 0x0004 /* divide by zero */
-#define FPS_OE 0x0008 /* overflow */
-#define FPS_UE 0x0010 /* underflow */
-#define FPS_PE 0x0020 /* precision */
-#define FPS_SF 0x0040 /* stack flag */
-#define FPS_ES 0x0080 /* error summary */
-#define FPS_C0 0x0100 /* condition code bit 0 */
-#define FPS_C1 0x0200 /* condition code bit 1 */
-#define FPS_C2 0x0400 /* condition code bit 2 */
-#define FPS_TOS 0x3800 /* top-of-stack pointer */
-#define FPS_TOS_SHIFT 11
-#define FPS_C3 0x4000 /* condition code bit 3 */
-#define FPS_BUSY 0x8000 /* FPU busy */
+#define FPS_IE 0x0001 /* invalid operation */
+#define FPS_DE 0x0002 /* denormalized operand */
+#define FPS_ZE 0x0004 /* divide by zero */
+#define FPS_OE 0x0008 /* overflow */
+#define FPS_UE 0x0010 /* underflow */
+#define FPS_PE 0x0020 /* precision */
+#define FPS_SF 0x0040 /* stack flag */
+#define FPS_ES 0x0080 /* error summary */
+#define FPS_C0 0x0100 /* condition code bit 0 */
+#define FPS_C1 0x0200 /* condition code bit 1 */
+#define FPS_C2 0x0400 /* condition code bit 2 */
+#define FPS_TOS 0x3800 /* top-of-stack pointer */
+#define FPS_TOS_SHIFT 11
+#define FPS_C3 0x4000 /* condition code bit 3 */
+#define FPS_BUSY 0x8000 /* FPU busy */
* Kind of floating-point support provided by kernel.
-#define FP_NO 0 /* no floating point */
-#define FP_SOFT 1 /* software FP emulator */
-#define FP_287 2 /* 80287 */
-#define FP_387 3 /* 80387 or 80486 */
-#define FP_FXSR 4 /* Fast save/restore SIMD Extension */
+#define FP_NO 0 /* no floating point */
+#define FP_SOFT 1 /* software FP emulator */
+#define FP_287 2 /* 80287 */
+#define FP_387 3 /* 80387 or 80486 */
+#define FP_FXSR 4 /* Fast save/restore SIMD Extension */
-#endif /* _I386_FP_SAVE_H_ */
+#endif /* _I386_FP_SAVE_H_ */