* Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
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* limitations under the License.
* Reset.c
unsigned int hi;
register gbuf_t *mp;
register struct adspcmd *pb;
- int s;
- ATDISABLE(s, sp->lock);
- pktFirstByteSeq = netdw(UAL_VALUE(f->pktFirstByteSeq));
+ pktFirstByteSeq = UAL_VALUE_NTOH(f->pktFirstByteSeq);
hi = sp->recvSeq + CalcRecvWdw(sp);
if (BETWEEN(sp->recvSeq, pktFirstByteSeq, hi)) /* Is this acceptable? */
sp->recvSeq = pktFirstByteSeq;
- while (mp = sp->rbuf_mb) { /* clear the receive queue */
+ while ((mp = sp->rbuf_mb)) { /* clear the receive queue */
sp->rbuf_mb = gbuf_next(mp);
sp->callSend = 1;
- ATENABLE(s, sp->lock);
return 0;
unsigned int PktNextRecvSeq;
- int s;
if (sp->frpb == 0) /* Not expecting frwd reset Ack packet */
return 1;
- ATDISABLE(s, sp->lock);
- PktNextRecvSeq = netdw(UAL_VALUE(f->pktNextRecvSeq));
+ PktNextRecvSeq = UAL_VALUE_NTOH(f->pktNextRecvSeq);
if (BETWEEN(sp->sendSeq, PktNextRecvSeq, sp->sendWdwSeq+1)) {
struct adspcmd *pb;
- ATENABLE(s, sp->lock);
return 0;
CCBPtr sp;
struct adspcmd *pb;
- int s;
register gbuf_t *mp;
register struct adspcmd *rpb;
return EINVAL;
- ATDISABLE(s, sp->lock);
- while (mp = sp->sbuf_mb) { /* clear the send queue */
+ while ((mp = sp->sbuf_mb)) { /* clear the send queue */
sp->sbuf_mb = gbuf_next(mp);
sp->sendCtl |= B_CTL_FRESET;
sp->firstRtmtSeq = sp->sendSeq; /* Reset sequence #'s */
- if (mp = gbuf_copym(pb->mp)) { /* copy the parameter block */
- adspioc_ack(0, pb->ioc, pb->gref); /* release user */
+ if ((mp = gbuf_copym(pb->mp))) { /* copy the parameter block */
+ adspioc_ack(0, (gbuf_t *)pb->ioc, pb->gref); /* release user */
rpb = (struct adspcmd *)gbuf_rptr(mp);
rpb->ioc = 0; /* unlink copy */
rpb->mp = mp;
- qAddToEnd(&sp->frpb, rpb);
+ qAddToEnd((struct qlink **)&sp->frpb, (struct qlink *)rpb);
/* Hold on to pb (will be completed when */
/* forward reset ack is received). */
} else { /* assume it will work... but keep no
* bookkeeping for it. yetch! */
- adspioc_ack(0, pb->ioc, pb->gref);
+ adspioc_ack(0, (gbuf_t *)pb->ioc, pb->gref);
- ATENABLE(s, sp->lock);
return STR_IGNORE;