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/* adspOpen.c v01.20
#include <netat/adsp.h>
#include <netat/adsp_internal.h>
-extern atlock_t adspgen_lock;
+extern int *adsp_pidM;
* NextCID
* unique connection ID
-unsigned short NextCID()
+unsigned short NextCID(void)
- int s;
unsigned short num;
register CCB *queue;
while (1) {
- ATDISABLE(s, adspgen_lock); /* Disable interrupts */
num = ++adspGlobal.lastCID;
/* qfind_w below is in 68K assembly */
/* point to the first element */
queue = queue->ccbLink;
- ATENABLE(s, adspgen_lock);
if (queue == (CCBPtr)NULL)
register CCBPtr sp;
register struct adspcmd *pb;
- extern int adsp_pidM[];
int ocMode;
register gbuf_t *mp;
if (ocMode == ocEstablish) { /* Only set these if establish mode */
sp->recvSeq = pb->u.openParams.recvSeq;
sp->attnRecvSeq = pb->u.openParams.attnRecvSeq;
- UAS_ASSIGN(sp->f.CID, sp->locCID); /* Preset the CID in the ADSP header */
+ UAS_ASSIGN_HTON(sp->f.CID, sp->locCID); /* Preset the CID in the ADSP header */
/* This is done elsewhere for all other modes */
InsertTimerElem(&adspGlobal.slowTimers, &sp->ProbeTimer,
if (ocMode == ocEstablish) { /* For establish call, we're done */
pb->ioResult = 0;
- adspioc_ack(0, pb->ioc, pb->gref);
+ adspioc_ack(0, (gbuf_t *)pb->ioc, pb->gref);
return 0;
return ENOBUFS;
pb->ioResult = 1; /* not open -> not done */
- adspioc_ack(0, pb->ioc, pb->gref); /* release user */
+ adspioc_ack(0, (gbuf_t *)pb->ioc, pb->gref); /* release user */
sp->opb = (struct adspcmd *)gbuf_rptr(mp);
sp->opb->ioc = 0; /* unlink saved pb from ioctl block */
sp->opb->mp = mp;