- /*
- * Wait for alarm to occur.
- */
- wait_result = assert_wait((event_t)alarm, THREAD_ABORTSAFE);
- if (wait_result == THREAD_WAITING) {
- alarm->al_time = *sleep_time;
- alarm->al_status = ALARM_SLEEP;
- post_alarm(clock, alarm);
- wait_result = thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
- /*
- * Note if alarm expired normally or whether it
- * was aborted. If aborted, delete alarm from
- * clock alarm list. Return alarm to free list.
- */
- if (alarm->al_status != ALARM_DONE) {
- assert(wait_result != THREAD_AWAKENED);
- if (((alarm->al_prev)->al_next = alarm->al_next) != NULL)
- (alarm->al_next)->al_prev = alarm->al_prev;
- rvalue = KERN_ABORTED;
- }
- *sleep_time = alarm->al_time;
- alarm->al_status = ALARM_FREE;
- } else {
- assert(wait_result == THREAD_INTERRUPTED);
- assert(alarm->al_status == ALARM_FREE);
- rvalue = KERN_ABORTED;
- }
- alarm->al_next = alrmfree;
- alrmfree = alarm;
+ clock_unlock();
+ splx(s);
+ print_all_clock_variables(__func__, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL, &calend_cp);
+void print_all_clock_variables_internal(const char* func, struct clock_calend* clock_calend_cp)
+ clock_sec_t offset_secs;
+ clock_usec_t offset_microsecs;
+ clock_sec_t bintime_secs;
+ clock_usec_t bintime_microsecs;
+ clock_sec_t bootime_secs;
+ clock_usec_t bootime_microsecs;
+ if (!g_should_log_clock_adjustments)
+ return;
+ bintime2usclock(&clock_calend_cp->offset, &offset_secs, &offset_microsecs);
+ bintime2usclock(&clock_calend_cp->bintime, &bintime_secs, &bintime_microsecs);
+ bintime2usclock(&clock_calend_cp->boottime, &bootime_secs, &bootime_microsecs);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s s_scale_ns %llu s_adj_nsx %lld tick_scale_x %llu offset_count %llu\n",
+ func , clock_calend_cp->s_scale_ns, clock_calend_cp->s_adj_nsx,
+ clock_calend_cp->tick_scale_x, clock_calend_cp->offset_count);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s offset.sec %ld offset.frac %llu offset_secs %lu offset_microsecs %d\n",
+ func, clock_calend_cp->offset.sec, clock_calend_cp->offset.frac,
+ (unsigned long)offset_secs, offset_microsecs);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s bintime.sec %ld bintime.frac %llu bintime_secs %lu bintime_microsecs %d\n",
+ func, clock_calend_cp->bintime.sec, clock_calend_cp->bintime.frac,
+ (unsigned long)bintime_secs, bintime_microsecs);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s bootime.sec %ld bootime.frac %llu bootime_secs %lu bootime_microsecs %d\n",
+ func, clock_calend_cp->boottime.sec, clock_calend_cp->boottime.frac,
+ (unsigned long)bootime_secs, bootime_microsecs);
+ clock_sec_t basesleep_secs;
+ clock_usec_t basesleep_microsecs;
+ bintime2usclock(&clock_calend_cp->basesleep, &basesleep_secs, &basesleep_microsecs);
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s basesleep.sec %ld basesleep.frac %llu basesleep_secs %lu basesleep_microsecs %d\n",
+ func, clock_calend_cp->basesleep.sec, clock_calend_cp->basesleep.frac,
+ (unsigned long)basesleep_secs, basesleep_microsecs);
+void print_all_clock_variables(const char* func, clock_sec_t* pmu_secs, clock_usec_t* pmu_usec, clock_sec_t* sys_secs, clock_usec_t* sys_usec, struct clock_calend* clock_calend_cp)
+ if (!g_should_log_clock_adjustments)
+ return;
+ struct bintime bt;
+ clock_sec_t wall_secs;
+ clock_usec_t wall_microsecs;
+ uint64_t now;
+ uint64_t delta;
+ if (pmu_secs) {
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s PMU %lu s %d u \n", func, (unsigned long)*pmu_secs, *pmu_usec);
+ }
+ if (sys_secs) {
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s sys %lu s %d u \n", func, (unsigned long)*sys_secs, *sys_usec);