- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
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/* Copyright (c) 1997 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
-#ifdef NeXT
* We use the NetBSD based clist system, it is much more efficient than the
* old style clist stuff used by free bsd.
#include <sys/tty.h>
#include <sys/malloc.h>
-#include <machine/spl.h>
* At compile time, choose:
* of the specified length, with/without quoting support.
-clalloc(clp, size, quot)
- struct clist *clp;
- int size;
- int quot;
+clalloc(struct clist *clp, int size, int quot)
MALLOC_ZONE(clp->c_cs, u_char *, size, M_TTYS, M_WAITOK);
if (!clp->c_cs)
return (-1);
- struct clist *clp;
+clfree(struct clist *clp)
FREE_ZONE(clp->c_cs, clp->c_cn, M_TTYS);
* Get a character from a clist.
- struct clist *clp;
+getc(struct clist *clp)
- register int c = -1;
- int s;
+ int c = -1;
- s = spltty();
if (clp->c_cc == 0)
goto out;
if (--clp->c_cc == 0)
clp->c_cf = clp->c_cl = (u_char *)0;
- splx(s);
return c;
* Return number of bytes moved.
-q_to_b(clp, cp, count)
- struct clist *clp;
- u_char *cp;
- int count;
+q_to_b(struct clist *clp, u_char *cp, int count)
- register int cc;
+ int cc;
u_char *p = cp;
- int s;
- s = spltty();
/* optimize this while loop */
while (count > 0 && clp->c_cc > 0) {
cc = clp->c_cl - clp->c_cf;
if (clp->c_cc == 0)
clp->c_cf = clp->c_cl = (u_char *)0;
- splx(s);
return p - cp;
* Stop counting if flag&character is non-null.
-ndqb(clp, flag)
- struct clist *clp;
- int flag;
+ndqb(struct clist *clp, int flag)
int count = 0;
register int i;
register int cc;
- int s;
- s = spltty();
if ((cc = clp->c_cc) == 0)
goto out;
- splx(s);
return count;
* Flush count bytes from clist.
-ndflush(clp, count)
- struct clist *clp;
- int count;
+ndflush(struct clist *clp, int count)
- register int cc;
- int s;
+ int cc;
- s = spltty();
if (count == clp->c_cc) {
clp->c_cc = 0;
clp->c_cf = clp->c_cl = (u_char *)0;
- goto out;
+ return;
/* optimize this while loop */
while (count > 0 && clp->c_cc > 0) {
if (clp->c_cc == 0)
clp->c_cf = clp->c_cl = (u_char *)0;
- splx(s);
* Put a character into the output queue.
-putc(c, clp)
- int c;
- struct clist *clp;
+putc(int c, struct clist *clp)
register int i;
- int s;
- s = spltty();
if (clp->c_cc == 0) {
if (!clp->c_cs) {
if(clalloc(clp, 1024, 1)) {
- splx(s);
return -1;
if (clp->c_cl == clp->c_ce)
clp->c_cl = clp->c_cs;
- splx(s);
return 0;
int cc;
const u_char *p = cp;
- int s;
if (count <= 0)
return 0;
- s = spltty();
if (clp->c_cc == 0) {
if (!clp->c_cs) {
clp->c_cl = clp->c_cs;
- splx(s);
return count;
* masked.
u_char *
-nextc(clp, cp, c)
- struct clist *clp;
- register u_char *cp;
- int *c;
+nextc(struct clist *clp, u_char *cp, int *c)
if (clp->c_cf == cp) {
* First time initialization.
* *c is set to the NEXT character
u_char *
-firstc(clp, c)
- struct clist *clp;
- int *c;
+firstc(struct clist *clp, int *c)
- register u_char *cp;
+ u_char *cp;
cc = clp->c_cc;
if (cc == 0)
* Remove the last character in the clist and return it.
- struct clist *clp;
+unputc(struct clist *clp)
unsigned int c = -1;
- int s;
- s = spltty();
if (clp->c_cc == 0)
goto out;
if (clp->c_cc == 0)
clp->c_cf = clp->c_cl = (u_char *)0;
- splx(s);
return c;
* Put the chars in the from queue on the end of the to queue.
-catq(from, to)
- struct clist *from, *to;
+catq(struct clist *from, struct clist *to)
int c;
while ((c = getc(from)) != -1)
putc(c, to);
-#endif /* NeXT */