* Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
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+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
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* limitations under the License.
@header kern_control.h
@defined CTL_DATA_EOR
- @discussion The CTL_DATA_NOWAKEUP flag can be used for the enqueue
+ @discussion The CTL_DATA_EOR flag can be used for the enqueue
data and enqueue mbuf functions to mark the end of a record.
#define CTL_DATA_EOR 0x2
@typedef ctl_connect_func
@discussion The ctl_connect_func is used to receive
If CTL_FLAG_REG_ID_UNIT was not set when the kernel control was
registered, sc_unit is the dynamically allocated unit number of
the new kernel control instance that is used for this connection.
- @param unitinfo A place for the kernel control to store a pointer to
- per-connection data.
+ @param unitinfo A placeholder for a pointer to the optional user-defined
+ private data associated with this kernel control instance. This
+ opaque info will be provided to the user when the rest of the
+ callback routines are executed. For example, it can be used
+ to pass a pointer to an instance-specific data structure in
+ order for the user to keep track of the states related to this
+ kernel control instance.
typedef errno_t (*ctl_connect_func)(kern_ctl_ref kctlref,
struct sockaddr_ctl *sac,
disconnected from.
@param unit The unit number of the kernel control instance the client has
disconnected from.
- @param unitinfo The unitinfo value specified by the connect function
- when the client connected.
+ @param unitinfo The user-defined private data initialized by the
+ ctl_connect_func callback.
typedef errno_t (*ctl_disconnect_func)(kern_ctl_ref kctlref, u_int32_t unit, void *unitinfo);
@param kctlref The control ref of the kernel control.
@param unit The unit number of the kernel control instance the client has
connected to.
- @param unitinfo The unitinfo value specified by the connect function
- when the client connected.
+ @param unitinfo The user-defined private data initialized by the
+ ctl_connect_func callback.
@param m The data sent by the client to the kernel control in an
+ mbuf chain. Your function is responsible for releasing the
mbuf chain.
@param flags The flags specified by the client when calling
send/sendto/sendmsg (MSG_OOB/MSG_DONTROUTE).
calls for the SYSPROTO_CONTROL option level.
@param kctlref The control ref of the kernel control.
@param unit The unit number of the kernel control instance.
- @param unitinfo The unitinfo value specified by the connect function
- when the client connected.
+ @param unitinfo The user-defined private data initialized by the
+ ctl_connect_func callback.
@param opt The socket option.
@param data A pointer to the socket option data. The data has
already been copied in to the kernel for you.
return an error.
@param kctlref The control ref of the kernel control.
@param unit The unit number of the kernel control instance.
- @param unitinfo The unitinfo value specified by the connect function
- when the client connected.
+ @param unitinfo The user-defined private data initialized by the
+ ctl_connect_func callback.
@param opt The socket option.
@param data A buffer to copy the results in to. May be NULL, see
@param kctlref The control reference of the kernel control.
@param unit The unit number of the kernel control instance.
@param space The address where to return the current space available
- @result 0 - Data was enqueued to be read by the client.
+ @result 0 - Success; the amount of space is returned to caller.
EINVAL - Invalid parameters.
ctl_getenqueuespace(kern_ctl_ref kctlref, u_int32_t unit, size_t *space);
+u_int32_t ctl_id_by_name(const char *name);
+errno_t ctl_name_by_id(u_int32_t id, char *out_name, size_t maxsize);
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* KERNEL */
#endif /* KPI_KERN_CONTROL_H */