- * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
- *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
- *
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+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
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* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
* Mach MIG Subsystem Interfaces
-#ifndef _MACH_MIG_H_
+#ifndef _MACH_MIG_H_
#define _MACH_MIG_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#if defined(MACH_KERNEL)
+#if !defined(__MigTypeCheck)
/* Turn MIG type checking on by default for kernel */
#define __MigTypeCheck 1
#define __MigKernelSpecificCode 1
-/* Otherwise check legacy setting (temporary) */
-#elif defined(TypeCheck)
+#elif !defined(__MigTypeCheck)
+#if defined(TypeCheck)
+/* use legacy setting (temporary) */
#define __MigTypeCheck TypeCheck
-#endif /* defined(TypeCheck) */
+/* default MIG type checking on */
+#define __MigTypeCheck 1
+#endif /* !defined(MACH_KERNEL) && !defined(__MigTypeCheck) */
- * Pack MIG message structs if we have Power alignment of structs.
+ * Pack MIG message structs.
* This is an indicator of the need to view shared structs in a
* binary-compatible format - and MIG message structs are no different.
#define __MigPackStructs 1
* Definition for MIG-generated server stub routines. These routines
* unpack the request message, call the server procedure, and pack the
* reply message.
-typedef void (*mig_stub_routine_t) (mach_msg_header_t *InHeadP,
- mach_msg_header_t *OutHeadP);
+typedef void (*mig_stub_routine_t) (mach_msg_header_t *InHeadP,
+ mach_msg_header_t *OutHeadP);
typedef mig_stub_routine_t mig_routine_t;
#define MIG_ROUTINE_ARG_DESCRIPTOR_NULL ((mig_routine_arg_descriptor_t)0)
struct routine_descriptor {
- mig_impl_routine_t impl_routine; /* Server work func pointer */
- mig_stub_routine_t stub_routine; /* Unmarshalling func pointer */
- unsigned int argc; /* Number of argument words */
- unsigned int descr_count; /* Number complex descriptors */
+ mig_impl_routine_t impl_routine; /* Server work func pointer */
+ mig_stub_routine_t stub_routine; /* Unmarshalling func pointer */
+ unsigned int argc; /* Number of argument words */
+ unsigned int descr_count; /* Number complex descriptors */
- arg_descr; /* pointer to descriptor array*/
- unsigned int max_reply_msg; /* Max size for reply msg */
+ arg_descr; /* pointer to descriptor array*/
+ unsigned int max_reply_msg; /* Max size for reply msg */
typedef struct routine_descriptor *routine_descriptor_t;
#define MIG_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR_NULL ((mig_routine_descriptor_t)0)
typedef struct mig_subsystem {
- mig_server_routine_t server; /* pointer to demux routine */
- mach_msg_id_t start; /* Min routine number */
- mach_msg_id_t end; /* Max routine number + 1 */
- mach_msg_size_t maxsize; /* Max reply message size */
- vm_address_t reserved; /* reserved for MIG use */
+ mig_server_routine_t server; /* pointer to demux routine */
+ mach_msg_id_t start; /* Min routine number */
+ mach_msg_id_t end; /* Max routine number + 1 */
+ mach_msg_size_t maxsize; /* Max reply message size */
+ vm_address_t reserved; /* reserved for MIG use */
- routine[1]; /* Routine descriptor array */
+ routine[1]; /* Routine descriptor array */
} *mig_subsystem_t;
-#define MIG_SUBSYSTEM_NULL ((mig_subsystem_t)0)
+#define MIG_SUBSYSTEM_NULL ((mig_subsystem_t)0)
typedef struct mig_symtab {
- char *ms_routine_name;
- int ms_routine_number;
- void (*ms_routine)(void); /* Since the functions in the
- * symbol table have unknown
- * signatures, this is the best
- * we can do...
- */
+ char *ms_routine_name;
+ int ms_routine_number;
+ void (*ms_routine)(void); /* Since the functions in the
+ * symbol table have unknown
+ * signatures, this is the best
+ * we can do...
+ */
} mig_symtab_t;
-#ifdef PRIVATE
+ * A compiler attribute for annotating all MIG server routines and other
+ * functions that should behave similarly. Allows the compiler to perform
+ * additional static bug-finding over them.
+ */
+#if __has_attribute(mig_server_routine)
+#define MIG_SERVER_ROUTINE __attribute__((mig_server_routine))
+#ifdef PRIVATE
/* MIG object runtime - not ready for public consumption */
* Coming soon:
* - User-level support
-typedef unsigned int mig_notify_type_t;
+typedef unsigned int mig_notify_type_t;
typedef struct MIGIID {
- unsigned long data1;
- unsigned short data2;
- unsigned short data3;
- unsigned char data4[8];
+ unsigned long data1;
+ unsigned short data2;
+ unsigned short data3;
+ unsigned char data4[8];
-typedef struct IMIGObjectVtbl IMIGObjectVtbl;
-typedef struct IMIGNotifyObjectVtbl IMIGNotifyObjectVtbl;
+typedef struct IMIGObjectVtbl IMIGObjectVtbl;
+typedef struct IMIGNotifyObjectVtbl IMIGNotifyObjectVtbl;
typedef struct IMIGObject {
- const IMIGObjectVtbl *pVtbl;
+ const IMIGObjectVtbl *pVtbl;
} IMIGObject;
typedef struct IMIGNotifyObject {
- const IMIGNotifyObjectVtbl *pVtbl;
+ const IMIGNotifyObjectVtbl *pVtbl;
} IMIGNotifyObject;
struct IMIGObjectVtbl {
kern_return_t (*QueryInterface)(
- IMIGObject *object,
- const MIGIID *iid,
- void **ppv);
+ IMIGObject *object,
+ const MIGIID *iid,
+ void **ppv);
unsigned long (*AddRef)(
- IMIGObject *object);
+ IMIGObject *object);
- unsigned long (*Release)(
- IMIGObject *object);
+ unsigned long (*Release)(
+ IMIGObject *object);
unsigned long (*GetServer)(
- IMIGObject *object,
- mig_server_routine_t *server);
+ IMIGObject *object,
+ mig_server_routine_t *server);
boolean_t (*RaiseNotification)(
- IMIGObject *object,
- mig_notify_type_t notify_type);
+ IMIGObject *object,
+ mig_notify_type_t notify_type);
boolean_t (*RequestNotification)(
- IMIGObject *object,
- IMIGNotifyObject *notify,
- mig_notify_type_t notify_type);
+ IMIGObject *object,
+ IMIGNotifyObject *notify,
+ mig_notify_type_t notify_type);
* IMIGNotifyObject
struct IMIGNotifyObjectVtbl {
kern_return_t (*QueryInterface)(
- IMIGNotifyObject *notify,
- const MIGIID *iid,
- void **ppv);
+ IMIGNotifyObject *notify,
+ const MIGIID *iid,
+ void **ppv);
- unsigned long (*AddRef)(
- IMIGNotifyObject *notify);
+ unsigned long (*AddRef)(
+ IMIGNotifyObject *notify);
- unsigned long (*Release)(
- IMIGNotifyObject *notify);
+ unsigned long (*Release)(
+ IMIGNotifyObject *notify);
unsigned long (*GetServer)(
- IMIGNotifyObject *notify,
- mig_server_routine_t *server);
+ IMIGNotifyObject *notify,
+ mig_server_routine_t *server);
boolean_t (*RaiseNotification)(
- IMIGNotifyObject *notify,
- mig_notify_type_t notify_type);
+ IMIGNotifyObject *notify,
+ mig_notify_type_t notify_type);
boolean_t (*RequestNotification)(
- IMIGNotifyObject *notify,
- IMIGNotifyObject *notify_notify,
- mig_notify_type_t notify_type);
+ IMIGNotifyObject *notify,
+ IMIGNotifyObject *notify_notify,
+ mig_notify_type_t notify_type);
void (*HandleNotification)(
- IMIGNotifyObject *notify,
- IMIGObject *object,
- mig_notify_type_t notify_type);
+ IMIGNotifyObject *notify,
+ IMIGObject *object,
+ mig_notify_type_t notify_type);
-#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* PRIVATE */
extern void mig_put_reply_port(mach_port_t reply_port);
/* Bounded string copy */
-extern int mig_strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, int len);
+extern int mig_strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, int len);
+extern int mig_strncpy_zerofill(char *dest, const char *src, int len);
/* Allocate memory for out-of-stack mig structures */
-extern char *mig_user_allocate(vm_size_t size);
+extern void *mig_user_allocate(vm_size_t size);
/* Deallocate memory used for out-of-stack mig structures */
extern void mig_user_deallocate(char *data, vm_size_t size);
-#endif /* _MACH_MIG_H_ */
+#endif /* _MACH_MIG_H_ */