- * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
* control.
-#include <mach_prof.h>
-#include <advisory_pageout.h>
-#endif /* MACH_KERNEL */
* Get host page size
+ * (compatibility for running old libraries on new kernels -
+ * host_page_size() is now a library routine based on constants)
routine host_page_size(
+routine _host_page_size(
host : host_t;
out out_page_size : vm_size_t);
clock_id : clock_id_t;
out clock_serv : clock_serv_t);
+ * kernel module interface (obsolete as of SnowLeopard)
+ * see mach/kmod.h
+ */
+/* kmod_ MIG calls now return KERN_NOT_SUPPORTED on PPC/i386/x86_64. */
routine kmod_get_info(
host : host_t;
out modules : kmod_args_t);
- * Returns information about the memory allocation zones.
- * Supported in all kernels..
- */
-routine host_zone_info(
- host : host_t;
- out names : zone_name_array_t,
- Dealloc;
- out info : zone_info_array_t,
- Dealloc);
+skip; /* was host_zone_info */
* Returns information about the global VP table.
out info : hash_info_bucket_array_t,
- * Returns information about the global reverse hash table.
- * This call is only valid on MACH_IPC_DEBUG kernels.
- * Otherwise, KERN_FAILURE is returned.
- */
-routine host_ipc_hash_info(
- host : host_t;
- out info : hash_info_bucket_array_t,
- Dealloc);
- * JMM - These routines should be on the host_priv port. We need
- * to verify the move before putting them there.
- */
-routine enable_bluebox(
- host : host_t;
- in taskID : unsigned;
- in TWI_TableStart : unsigned;
- in Desc_TableStart : unsigned);
-routine disable_bluebox(
- host : host_t);
+skip; /* was host_ipc_hash_info */
+skip; /* was enable_bluebox */
+skip; /* was disable_bluebox */
* JMM - Keep processor_set related items at the end for easy
* Return statistics from this host.
-routine host_statistics(
host_priv : host_t;
flavor : host_flavor_t;
out host_info_out : host_info_t, CountInOut);
out lockgroup_info : lockgroup_info_array_t,
+ * Return 64-bit statistics from this host.
+ */
+ host_priv : host_t;
+ flavor : host_flavor_t;
+ out host_info64_out : host_info64_t, CountInOut);
+ * Returns information about the memory allocation zones.
+ * Data returned is compatible with various caller and kernel
+ * address space sizes.
+ */
+routine mach_zone_info(
+ host : host_priv_t;
+ out names : mach_zone_name_array_t,
+ Dealloc;
+ out info : mach_zone_info_array_t,
+ Dealloc);
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+ * Forces a zone allocator garbage collections pass.
+ * Pages with no in-use allocations are returned to
+ * the VM system for re-use.
+ */
+routine mach_zone_force_gc(
+ host : host_t);
+ * Create a new voucher by running a series of commands against
+ * <key, previous-voucher> pairs of resource attributes.
+ */
+routine _kernelrpc_host_create_mach_voucher(
+routine host_create_mach_voucher(
+ host : host_t;
+ recipes : mach_voucher_attr_raw_recipe_array_t;
+ out voucher : ipc_voucher_t);
+ * Register a resource manager with the kernel. A new key is selected.
+ */
+routine host_register_mach_voucher_attr_manager(
+ host : host_t;
+ attr_manager : mach_voucher_attr_manager_t;
+ default_value : mach_voucher_attr_value_handle_t;
+ out new_key : mach_voucher_attr_key_t;
+ out new_attr_control: ipc_voucher_attr_control_t);
+ * Register a resource manager (with a well-known key value) with the kernel.
+ */
+routine host_register_well_known_mach_voucher_attr_manager(
+ host : host_t;
+ attr_manager : mach_voucher_attr_manager_t;
+ default_value : mach_voucher_attr_value_handle_t;
+ key : mach_voucher_attr_key_t;
+ out new_attr_control: ipc_voucher_attr_control_t);
+ * Update the global ATM diagnostic flag, readable from the commpage
+ */
+routine host_set_atm_diagnostic_flag(
+ host : host_t;
+ in diagnostic_flag : uint32_t);
+routine host_get_atm_diagnostic_flag(
+ host : host_t;
+ out diagnostic_flag : uint32_t);
+routine mach_memory_info(
+ host : host_priv_t;
+ out names : mach_zone_name_array_t,
+ Dealloc;
+ out info : mach_zone_info_array_t,
+ Dealloc;
+ out memory_info : mach_memory_info_array_t,
+ Dealloc);
+ * Update the global multiuser flags, readable from the commpage
+ */
+routine host_set_multiuser_config_flags(
+ host_priv : host_priv_t;
+ in multiuser_flags : uint32_t);
+routine host_get_multiuser_config_flags(
+ host : host_t;
+ out multiuser_flags : uint32_t);
+routine host_check_multiuser_mode(
+ host : host_t;
+ out multiuser_mode : uint32_t);
+ * Returns information about a specific zone.
+ * The zone name is passed in via the argument name,
+ * info returns the zone info.
+ */
+routine mach_zone_info_for_zone(
+ host : host_priv_t;
+ name : mach_zone_name_t;
+ out info : mach_zone_info_t);
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+ * Returns information about the largest zone.
+ * name returns the zone name, info returns the zone info.
+ */
+routine mach_zone_info_for_largest_zone(
+ host : host_priv_t;
+ out name : mach_zone_name_t;
+ out info : mach_zone_info_t);
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+ * Returns names of zones that have zlog enabled.
+ */
+routine mach_zone_get_zlog_zones(
+ host : host_priv_t;
+ out names : mach_zone_name_array_t,
+ Dealloc);
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+ * Returns BTLog records for a specific zone.
+ * The zone name is passed in via the argument name,
+ * recs returns an array of zone_btrecord_t's.
+ */
+routine mach_zone_get_btlog_records(
+ host : host_priv_t;
+ name : mach_zone_name_t;
+ out recs : zone_btrecord_array_t,
+ Dealloc);
+/* vim: set ft=c : */