- * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
/* Copyright (c) 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
enum vtagtype {
#define VNOVAL (-1)
#ifdef KERNEL
#define IO_NODELOCKED 0x0008 /* underlying node already locked */
#define IO_NDELAY 0x0010 /* FNDELAY flag set in file table */
#define IO_NOZEROFILL 0x0020 /* F_SETSIZE fcntl uses to prevent zero filling */
+#define IO_REVOKE IO_NOZEROFILL /* revoked close for tty, will Not be used in conjunction */
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#define IO_TAILZEROFILL 0x0040 /* zero fills at the tail of write */
#define IO_HEADZEROFILL 0x0080 /* zero fills at the head of write */
#define IO_NOZEROVALID 0x0100 /* do not zero fill if valid page */
#define IO_NOCACHE 0x0800 /* same effect as VNOCACHE_DATA, but only for this 1 I/O */
#define IO_RAOFF 0x1000 /* same effect as VRAOFF, but only for this 1 I/O */
#define IO_DEFWRITE 0x2000 /* defer write if vfs.defwrite is set */
+#define IO_PASSIVE 0x4000 /* this I/O is marked as background I/O so it won't throttle Throttleable I/O */
+#define IO_BACKGROUND IO_PASSIVE /* used for backward compatibility. to be removed after IO_BACKGROUND is no longer
+ * used by DiskImages in-kernel mode */
+#define IO_NOAUTH 0x8000 /* No authorization checks. */
+#define IO_NODIRECT 0x10000 /* don't use direct synchronous writes if IO_NOCACHE is specified */
* Component Name: this structure describes the pathname
* Arguments to lookup.
- u_long cn_nameiop; /* lookup operation */
- u_long cn_flags; /* flags (see below) */
+ uint32_t cn_nameiop; /* lookup operation */
+ uint32_t cn_flags; /* flags (see below) */
vfs_context_t cn_context;
- void * pad_obsolete2;
+ struct nameidata *cn_ndp; /* pointer back to nameidata */
/* XXX use of these defines are deprecated */
#define cn_proc (cn_context->vc_proc + 0) /* non-lvalue */
#define cn_cred (cn_context->vc_ucred + 0) /* non-lvalue */
- void * obsolete1; /* use vfs_context_t */
- void * obsolete2; /* use vfs_context_t */
+ void * cn_reserved1; /* use vfs_context_t */
+ void * cn_reserved2; /* use vfs_context_t */
* Shared between lookup and commit routines.
char *cn_pnbuf; /* pathname buffer */
- long cn_pnlen; /* length of allocated buffer */
+ int cn_pnlen; /* length of allocated buffer */
char *cn_nameptr; /* pointer to looked up name */
- long cn_namelen; /* length of looked up component */
- u_long cn_hash; /* hash value of looked up name */
- long cn_consume; /* chars to consume in lookup() */
+ int cn_namelen; /* length of looked up component */
+ uint32_t cn_hash; /* hash value of looked up name */
+ uint32_t cn_consume; /* chars to consume in lookup() */
* component name operational modifier flags
-#define FOLLOW 0x0040 /* follow symbolic links */
+#define FOLLOW 0x00000040 /* follow symbolic links */
+#define NOTRIGGER 0x10000000 /* don't trigger automounts */
* component name parameter descriptors.
-#define ISDOTDOT 0x002000 /* current component name is .. */
-#define MAKEENTRY 0x004000 /* entry is to be added to name cache */
-#define ISLASTCN 0x008000 /* this is last component of pathname */
-#define ISWHITEOUT 0x020000 /* found whiteout */
-#define DOWHITEOUT 0x040000 /* do whiteouts */
+#define ISDOTDOT 0x00002000 /* current component name is .. */
+#define MAKEENTRY 0x00004000 /* entry is to be added to name cache */
+#define ISLASTCN 0x00008000 /* this is last component of pathname */
+#define ISWHITEOUT 0x00020000 /* OBSOLETE: found whiteout */
+#define DOWHITEOUT 0x00040000 /* OBSOLETE: do whiteouts */
/* The following structure specifies a vnode for creation */
#define VNFS_NOCACHE 0x01 /* do not add to name cache at this time */
#define VNFS_CANTCACHE 0x02 /* never add this instance to the name cache */
+#define VNFS_ADDFSREF 0x04 /* take fs (named) reference */
#define VCREATESIZE sizeof(struct vnode_fsparam)
+ * Resolver callback SPI for trigger vnodes
+ *
+ * Only available from kernels built with CONFIG_TRIGGERS option
+ */
+ @enum Pathname Lookup Operations
+ @abstract Constants defining pathname operations (passed to resolver callbacks)
+ */
+enum path_operation {
+ OP_MAXOP /* anything beyond previous entry is invalid */
+ * is operation a traditional trigger (autofs)?
+ * 1 if trigger, 0 if no trigger
+ */
+extern int vfs_istraditionaltrigger(enum path_operation op, const struct componentname *cnp);
+ @enum resolver status
+ @abstract Constants defining resolver status
+ @constant RESOLVER_RESOLVED the resolver has finished (typically means a successful mount)
+ @constant RESOLVER_NOCHANGE the resolver status didn't change
+ @constant RESOLVER_UNRESOLVED the resolver has finished (typically means a successful unmount)
+ @constant RESOLVER_ERROR the resolver encountered an error (errno passed in aux value)
+ @constant RESOLVER_STOP a request to destroy trigger XXX do we need this???
+ */
+enum resolver_status {
+typedef uint64_t resolver_result_t;
+ * Compound resolver result
+ *
+ * The trigger vnode callbacks use a compound result value. In addition
+ * to the resolver status, it contains a sequence number and an auxiliary
+ * value.
+ *
+ * The sequence value is used by VFS to sequence-stamp trigger vnode
+ * state transitions. It is expected to be incremented each time a
+ * resolver changes state (ie resolved or unresolved). A result
+ * containing a stale sequence (older than a trigger vnode's current
+ * value) will be ignored by VFS.
+ *
+ * The auxiliary value is currently only used to deliver the errno
+ * value for RESOLVER_ERROR status conditions. When a RESOLVER_ERROR
+ * occurs, VFS will propagate this error back to the syscall that
+ * encountered the trigger vnode.
+ */
+extern resolver_result_t vfs_resolver_result(uint32_t seq, enum resolver_status stat, int aux);
+ * Extract values from a compound resolver result
+ */
+extern enum resolver_status vfs_resolver_status(resolver_result_t);
+extern uint32_t vfs_resolver_sequence(resolver_result_t);
+extern int vfs_resolver_auxiliary(resolver_result_t);
+ @typedef trigger_vnode_resolve_callback_t
+ @abstract function prototype for a trigger vnode resolve callback
+ @discussion This function is associated with a trigger vnode during a vnode create. It is
+ typically called when a lookup operation occurs for a trigger vnode
+ @param vp The trigger vnode which needs resolving
+ @param cnp Various data about lookup, e.g. filename and state flags
+ @param pop The pathname operation that initiated the lookup (see enum path_operation).
+ @param flags
+ @param data Arbitrary data supplied by vnode trigger creator
+ @param ctx Context for authentication.
+typedef resolver_result_t (* trigger_vnode_resolve_callback_t)(
+ vnode_t vp,
+ const struct componentname * cnp,
+ enum path_operation pop,
+ int flags,
+ void * data,
+ vfs_context_t ctx);
+ @typedef trigger_vnode_unresolve_callback_t
+ @abstract function prototype for a trigger vnode unresolve callback
+ @discussion This function is associated with a trigger vnode during a vnode create. It is
+ called to unresolve a trigger vnode (typically this means unmount).
+ @param vp The trigger vnode which needs unresolving
+ @param flags Unmount flags
+ @param data Arbitrary data supplied by vnode trigger creator
+ @param ctx Context for authentication.
+typedef resolver_result_t (* trigger_vnode_unresolve_callback_t)(
+ vnode_t vp,
+ int flags,
+ void * data,
+ vfs_context_t ctx);
+ @typedef trigger_vnode_rearm_callback_t
+ @abstract function prototype for a trigger vnode rearm callback
+ @discussion This function is associated with a trigger vnode during a vnode create. It is
+ called to verify a rearm from VFS (i.e. should VFS rearm the trigger?).
+ @param vp The trigger vnode which needs rearming
+ @param flags
+ @param data Arbitrary data supplied by vnode trigger creator
+ @param ctx Context for authentication.
+typedef resolver_result_t (* trigger_vnode_rearm_callback_t)(
+ vnode_t vp,
+ int flags,
+ void * data,
+ vfs_context_t ctx);
+ @typedef trigger_vnode_reclaim_callback_t
+ @abstract function prototype for a trigger vnode reclaim callback
+ @discussion This function is associated with a trigger vnode during a vnode create. It is
+ called to deallocate private callback argument data
+ @param vp The trigger vnode associated with the data
+ @param data The arbitrary data supplied by vnode trigger creator
+typedef void (* trigger_vnode_reclaim_callback_t)(
+ vnode_t vp,
+ void * data);
+ @function vnode_trigger_update
+ @abstract Update a trigger vnode's state.
+ @discussion This allows a resolver to notify VFS of a state change in a trigger vnode.
+ @param vp The trigger vnode whose information to update.
+ @param result A compound resolver result value
+ @return EINVAL if result value is invalid or vp isn't a trigger vnode
+ */
+extern int vnode_trigger_update(vnode_t vp, resolver_result_t result);
+struct vnode_trigger_info {
+ trigger_vnode_resolve_callback_t vti_resolve_func;
+ trigger_vnode_unresolve_callback_t vti_unresolve_func;
+ trigger_vnode_rearm_callback_t vti_rearm_func;
+ trigger_vnode_reclaim_callback_t vti_reclaim_func;
+ void * vti_data; /* auxiliary data (optional) */
+ uint32_t vti_flags; /* optional flags (see below) */
+ * SPI for creating a trigger vnode
+ *
+ * Uses the VNCREATE_TRIGGER flavor with existing vnode_create() KPI
+ *
+ * Only one resolver per vnode.
+ *
+ * ERRORS (in addition to vnode_create errors):
+ * EINVAL (invalid resolver info, like invalid flags)
+ * ENOTDIR (only directories can have a resolver)
+ * EPERM (vnode cannot be a trigger - eg root dir of a file system)
+ */
+struct vnode_trigger_param {
+ struct vnode_fsparam vnt_params; /* same as for VNCREATE_FLAVOR */
+ trigger_vnode_resolve_callback_t vnt_resolve_func;
+ trigger_vnode_unresolve_callback_t vnt_unresolve_func;
+ trigger_vnode_rearm_callback_t vnt_rearm_func;
+ trigger_vnode_reclaim_callback_t vnt_reclaim_func;
+ void * vnt_data; /* auxiliary data (optional) */
+ uint32_t vnt_flags; /* optional flags (see below) */
+#define VNCREATE_TRIGGER (('T' << 8) + ('V'))
+#define VNCREATE_TRIGGER_SIZE sizeof(struct vnode_trigger_param)
+ * vnode trigger flags (vnt_flags)
+ *
+ * On unmounts of a trigger mount, automatically re-arm the trigger.
+ *
+ * A trigger vnode instance that doesn't directly trigger a mount,
+ * instead it triggers the mounting of sub-trigger nodes.
+ */
+#define VNT_AUTO_REARM (1 << 0)
+#define VNT_NO_DIRECT_MOUNT (1 << 1)
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
* Vnode attributes, new-style.
#define VNODE_ATTR_va_uuuid (1LL<<26) /* 04000000 */
#define VNODE_ATTR_va_guuid (1LL<<27) /* 08000000 */
#define VNODE_ATTR_va_nchildren (1LL<<28) /* 10000000 */
+#define VNODE_ATTR_va_dirlinkcount (1LL<<29) /* 20000000 */
+#define VNODE_ATTR_va_addedtime (1LL<<30) /* 40000000 */
#define VNODE_ATTR_BIT(n) (VNODE_ATTR_ ## n)
VNODE_ATTR_BIT(va_gen) | \
VNODE_ATTR_BIT(va_name) | \
VNODE_ATTR_BIT(va_type) | \
- VNODE_ATTR_BIT(va_nchildren))
+ VNODE_ATTR_BIT(va_nchildren) | \
+ VNODE_ATTR_BIT(va_dirlinkcount)| \
+ VNODE_ATTR_BIT(va_addedtime))
* Attributes that can be applied to a new file object.
VNODE_ATTR_BIT(va_uuuid) | \
struct vnode_attr {
/* bitfields */
uint64_t va_supported;
uint64_t va_nlink; /* number of references to this file */
uint64_t va_total_size; /* size in bytes of all forks */
uint64_t va_total_alloc; /* disk space used by all forks */
- uint64_t va_data_size; /* size in bytes of the main(data) fork */
- uint64_t va_data_alloc; /* disk space used by the main(data) fork */
+ uint64_t va_data_size; /* size in bytes of the fork managed by current vnode */
+ uint64_t va_data_alloc; /* disk space used by the fork managed by current vnode */
uint32_t va_iosize; /* optimal I/O blocksize */
/* file security information */
guid_t va_uuuid; /* file owner UUID */
guid_t va_guuid; /* file group UUID */
- uint64_t va_nchildren; /* Number of items in a directory */
- /* Meaningful for directories only */
+ /* Meaningful for directories only */
+ uint64_t va_nchildren; /* Number of items in a directory */
+ uint64_t va_dirlinkcount; /* Real references to dir (i.e. excluding "." and ".." refs) */
/* add new fields here only */
+ struct kauth_acl *va_base_acl;
+ void * va_reserved1;
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+ struct timespec va_addedtime; /* timestamp when item was added to parent directory */
* Flags for va_vaflags.
-#define VA_UTIMES_NULL 0x010000 /* utimes argument was NULL */
-#define VA_EXCLUSIVE 0x020000 /* exclusive create request */
+#define VA_UTIMES_NULL 0x010000 /* utimes argument was NULL */
+#define VA_EXCLUSIVE 0x020000 /* exclusive create request */
+#define VA_NOINHERIT 0x040000 /* Don't inherit ACLs from parent */
+#define VA_NOAUTH 0x080000
* Modes. Some values same as Ixxx entries from inode.h for now.
#define VWRITE 0x080 /*00200*/
#define VEXEC 0x040 /*00100*/
* Convert between vnode types and inode formats (since POSIX.1
* defines mode word of stat structure in terms of inode formats).
#define VTTOIF(indx) (vttoif_tab[(int)(indx)])
#define MAKEIMODE(indx, mode) (int)(VTTOIF(indx) | (mode))
* Flags to various vnode functions.
#define NULLVP ((struct vnode *)NULL)
- * Macro/function to check for client cache inconsistency w.r.t. leasing.
- */
-#define LEASE_READ 0x1 /* Check lease for readers */
-#define LEASE_WRITE 0x2 /* Check lease for modifiers */
struct vnodeop_desc;
struct vnodeopv_entry_desc *opv_desc_ops; /* null terminated list */
- * A default routine which just returns an error.
+ @function vn_default_error
+ @abstract Default vnode operation to fill unsupported slots in vnode operation vectors.
+ @return ENOTSUP
int vn_default_error(void);
-errno_t vnode_create(int, size_t, void *, vnode_t *);
+ @function vnode_create
+ @abstract Create and initialize a vnode.
+ @discussion Returns wth an iocount held on the vnode which must eventually be dropped with vnode_put().
+ @param flavor Should be VNCREATE_FLAVOR.
+ @param size Size of the struct vnode_fsparam in "data".
+ @param data Pointer to a struct vnode_fsparam containing initialization information.
+ @param vpp Pointer to a vnode pointer, to be filled in with newly created vnode.
+ @return 0 for success, error code otherwise.
+ */
+errno_t vnode_create(uint32_t, uint32_t, void *, vnode_t *);
+ @function vnode_addfsref
+ @abstract Mark a vnode as being stored in a filesystem hash.
+ @discussion Should only be called once on a vnode, and never if that vnode was created with VNFS_ADDFSREF.
+ There should be a corresponding call to vnode_removefsref() when the vnode is reclaimed; VFS assumes that a
+ n unused vnode will not be marked as referenced by a filesystem.
+ @param vp The vnode to mark.
+ @return Always 0.
+ */
int vnode_addfsref(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_removefsref
+ @abstract Mark a vnode as no longer being stored in a filesystem hash.
+ @discussion Should only be called once on a vnode (during a reclaim), and only after the vnode has either been created with VNFS_ADDFSREF or marked by vnode_addfsref().
+ @param vp The vnode to unmark.
+ @return Always 0.
+ */
int vnode_removefsref(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_hasdirtyblks
+ @abstract Check if a vnode has dirty data waiting to be written to disk.
+ @discussion Note that this routine is unsynchronized; it is only a snapshot and its result may cease to be true at the moment it is returned..
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if there are dirty blocks, 0 otherwise
+ */
int vnode_hasdirtyblks(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_hascleanblks
+ @abstract Check if a vnode has clean buffers associated with it.
+ @discussion Note that this routine is unsynchronized; it is only a snapshot and its result may cease to be true at the moment it is returned..
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if there are clean blocks, 0 otherwise.
+ */
int vnode_hascleanblks(vnode_t);
-/* timeout is in 10 msecs and not hz tick based */
-int vnode_waitforwrites(vnode_t, int, int, int, char *);
+ @function vnode_waitforwrites
+ @abstract Wait for the number of pending writes on a vnode to drop below a target.
+ @param vp The vnode to monitor.
+ @param output_target Max pending write count with which to return.
+ @param slpflag Flags for msleep().
+ @param slptimeout Frequency with which to force a check for completion; increments of 10 ms.
+ @param msg String to pass msleep() .
+ @return 0 for success, or an error value from msleep().
+ */
+int vnode_waitforwrites(vnode_t, int, int, int, const char *);
+ @function vnode_startwrite
+ @abstract Increment the count of pending writes on a vnode.
+ @param vp The vnode whose count to increment.
+ @return void.
+ */
void vnode_startwrite(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_startwrite
+ @abstract Decrement the count of pending writes on a vnode .
+ @discussion Also wakes up threads waiting for the write count to drop, as in vnode_waitforwrites.
+ @param vp The vnode whose count to decrement.
+ @return void.
+ */
void vnode_writedone(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_vtype
+ @abstract Return a vnode's type.
+ @param vp The vnode whose type to grab.
+ @return The vnode's type.
+ */
enum vtype vnode_vtype(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_vid
+ @abstract Return a vnode's vid (generation number), which is constant from creation until reclaim.
+ @param vp The vnode whose vid to grab.
+ @return The vnode's vid.
+ */
uint32_t vnode_vid(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_mountedhere
+ @abstract Returns a pointer to a mount placed on top of a vnode, should it exist.
+ @param vp The vnode from whom to take the covering mount.
+ @return Pointer to mount covering a vnode, or NULL if none exists.
+ */
mount_t vnode_mountedhere(vnode_t vp);
+ @function vnode_mount
+ @abstract Get the mount structure for the filesystem that a vnode belongs to.
+ @param vp The vnode whose mount to grab.
+ @return The mount, directly.
+ */
mount_t vnode_mount(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_specrdev
+ @abstract Return the device id of the device associated with a special file.
+ @param vp The vnode whose device id to extract--vnode must be a special file.
+ @return The device id.
+ */
dev_t vnode_specrdev(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_fsnode
+ @abstract Gets the filesystem-specific data associated with a vnode.
+ @param vp The vnode whose data to grab.
+ @return The filesystem-specific data, directly.
+ */
void * vnode_fsnode(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_clearfsnode
+ @abstract Sets a vnode's filesystem-specific data to be NULL.
+ @discussion This routine should only be called when a vnode is no longer in use, i.e. during a VNOP_RECLAIM.
+ @param vp The vnode whose data to clear out.
+ @return void.
+ */
void vnode_clearfsnode(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_isvroot
+ @abstract Determine if a vnode is the root of its filesystem.
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if the vnode is the root, 0 if it is not.
+ */
int vnode_isvroot(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_issystem
+ @abstract Determine if a vnode is marked as a System vnode.
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if the vnode is a system vnode, 0 if it is not.
+ */
int vnode_issystem(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_ismount
+ @abstract Determine if there is currently a mount occurring which will cover this vnode.
+ @discussion Note that this is only a snapshot; a mount may begin or end at any time.
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if there is a mount in progress, 0 otherwise.
+ */
int vnode_ismount(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_isreg
+ @abstract Determine if a vnode is a regular file.
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if the vnode is of type VREG, 0 otherwise.
+ */
int vnode_isreg(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_isdir
+ @abstract Determine if a vnode is a directory.
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if the vnode is of type VDIR, 0 otherwise.
+ */
int vnode_isdir(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_islnk
+ @abstract Determine if a vnode is a symbolic link.
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if the vnode is of type VLNK, 0 otherwise.
+ */
int vnode_islnk(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_isfifo
+ @abstract Determine if a vnode is a named pipe.
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if the vnode is of type VFIFO, 0 otherwise.
+ */
int vnode_isfifo(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_isblk
+ @abstract Determine if a vnode is a block device special file.
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if the vnode is of type VBLK, 0 otherwise.
+ */
int vnode_isblk(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_ischr
+ @abstract Determine if a vnode is a character device special file.
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if the vnode is of type VCHR, 0 otherwise.
+ */
int vnode_ischr(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_isswap
+ @abstract Determine if a vnode is being used as a swap file.
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if the vnode is being used as swap, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+int vnode_isswap(vnode_t vp);
+ @function vnode_isnamedstream
+ @abstract Determine if a vnode is a named stream.
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if the vnode is a named stream, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+int vnode_isnamedstream(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_ismountedon
+ @abstract Determine if a vnode is a block device on which a filesystem has been mounted.
+ @discussion A block device marked as being mounted on cannot be opened.
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if the vnode is a block device on which an filesystem is mounted, 0 otherwise.
+ */
int vnode_ismountedon(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_setmountedon
+ @abstract Set flags indicating that a block device vnode has been mounted as a filesystem.
+ @discussion A block device marked as being mounted on cannot be opened.
+ @param vp The vnode to set flags on, a block device.
+ @return void.
+ */
void vnode_setmountedon(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_clearmountedon
+ @abstract Clear flags indicating that a block device vnode has been mounted as a filesystem.
+ @param vp The vnode to clear flags on, a block device.
+ @return void.
+ */
void vnode_clearmountedon(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_isrecycled
+ @abstract Check if a vnode is dead or in the process of being killed (recycled).
+ @discussion This is only a snapshot: a vnode may start to be recycled, or go from dead to in use, at any time.
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if vnode is dead or being recycled, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+int vnode_isrecycled(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_isnocache
+ @abstract Check if a vnode is set to not have its data cached in memory (i.e. we write-through to disk and always read from disk).
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if vnode is set to not have data chached, 0 otherwise.
+ */
int vnode_isnocache(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_israge
+ @abstract Check if a vnode is marked for rapid aging
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if vnode is marked for rapid aging, 0 otherwise
+ */
+int vnode_israge(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_needssnapshots
+ @abstract Check if a vnode needs snapshots events (regardless of its ctime status)
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if vnode needs snapshot events, 0 otherwise
+ */
+int vnode_needssnapshots(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_setnocache
+ @abstract Set a vnode to not have its data cached in memory (i.e. we write-through to disk and always read from disk).
+ @param vp The vnode whose flags to set.
+ @return void.
+ */
void vnode_setnocache(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_clearnocache
+ @abstract Clear the flag on a vnode indicating that data should not be cached in memory (i.e. we write-through to disk and always read from disk).
+ @param vp The vnode whose flags to clear.
+ @return void.
+ */
void vnode_clearnocache(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_isnoreadahead
+ @abstract Check if a vnode is set to not have data speculatively read in in hopes of future cache hits.
+ @param vp The vnode to test.
+ @return Nonzero if readahead is disabled, 0 otherwise.
+ */
int vnode_isnoreadahead(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_setnoreadahead
+ @abstract Set a vnode to not have data speculatively read in in hopes of hitting in cache.
+ @param vp The vnode on which to prevent readahead.
+ @return void.
+ */
void vnode_setnoreadahead(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_clearnoreadahead
+ @abstract Clear the flag indicating that a vnode should not have data speculatively read in.
+ @param vp The vnode whose flag to clear.
+ @return void.
+ */
void vnode_clearnoreadahead(vnode_t);
/* left only for compat reasons as User code depends on this from getattrlist, for ex */
+ @function vnode_settag
+ @abstract Set a vnode filesystem-specific "tag."
+ @discussion Sets a tag indicating which filesystem a vnode belongs to, e.g. VT_HFS, VT_UDF, VT_ZFS. The kernel never inspects this data, though the filesystem tags are defined in vnode.h; it is for the benefit of user programs via getattrlist.
+ @param vp The vnode whose tag to set.
+ @return void.
+ */
void vnode_settag(vnode_t, int);
+ @function vnode_tag
+ @abstract Get the vnode filesystem-specific "tag."
+ @discussion Gets the tag indicating which filesystem a vnode belongs to, e.g. VT_HFS, VT_UDF, VT_ZFS. The kernel never inspects this data, though the filesystem tags are defined in vnode.h; it is for the benefit of user programs via getattrlist.
+ @param vp The vnode whose tag to grab.
+ @return The tag.
+ */
int vnode_tag(vnode_t);
-int vnode_getattr(vnode_t vp, struct vnode_attr *vap, vfs_context_t ctx);
-int vnode_setattr(vnode_t vp, struct vnode_attr *vap, vfs_context_t ctx);
+ @function vnode_getattr
+ @abstract Get vnode attributes.
+ @discussion Desired attributes are set with VATTR_SET_ACTIVE and VNODE_ATTR* macros. Supported attributes are determined after call with VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED.
+ @param vp The vnode whose attributes to grab.
+ @param vap Structure containing: 1) A list of requested attributes 2) Space to indicate which attributes are supported and being returned 3) Space to return attributes.
+ @param ctx Context for authentication.
+ @return 0 for success or an error code.
+ */
+int vnode_getattr(vnode_t vp, struct vnode_attr *vap, vfs_context_t ctx);
- * Indicate that a file has multiple hard links. VFS will always call
- * VNOP_LOOKUP on this vnode. Volfs will always ask for it's parent
- * object ID (instead of using the v_parent pointer).
+ @function vnode_setattr
+ @abstract Set vnode attributes.
+ @discussion Attributes to set are marked with VATTR_SET_ACTIVE and VNODE_ATTR* macros. Attributes successfully set are determined after call with VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED.
+ @param vp The vnode whose attributes to set.
+ @param vap Structure containing: 1) A list of attributes to set 2) Space for values for those attributes 3) Space to indicate which attributes were set.
+ @param ctx Context for authentication.
+ @return 0 for success or an error code.
-void vnode_set_hard_link(vnode_t vp);
+int vnode_setattr(vnode_t vp, struct vnode_attr *vap, vfs_context_t ctx);
-vnode_t vnode_parent(vnode_t);
-void vnode_setparent(vnode_t, vnode_t);
-char * vnode_name(vnode_t);
-void vnode_setname(vnode_t, char *);
-int vnode_isnoflush(vnode_t);
-void vnode_setnoflush(vnode_t);
-void vnode_clearnoflush(vnode_t);
+ @function vfs_rootvnode
+ @abstract Returns the root vnode with an iocount.
+ @discussion Caller must vnode_put() the root node when done.
+ @return Pointer to root vnode if successful; error code if there is a problem taking an iocount.
+ */
+vnode_t vfs_rootvnode(void);
+ @function vnode_uncache_credentials
+ @abstract Clear out cached credentials on a vnode.
+ @discussion When we authorize an action on a vnode, we cache the credential that was authorized and the actions it was authorized for in case a similar request follows. This function destroys that caching.
+ @param vp The vnode whose cache to clear.
+ @return void.
+ */
+void vnode_uncache_credentials(vnode_t vp);
+ @function vnode_setmultipath
+ @abstract Mark a vnode as being reachable by multiple paths, i.e. as a hard link.
+ @discussion "Multipath" vnodes can be reached through more than one entry in the filesystem, and so must be handled differently for caching and event notification purposes. A filesystem should mark a vnode with multiple hardlinks this way.
+ @param vp The vnode to mark.
+ @return void.
+ */
+void vnode_setmultipath(vnode_t vp);
+ @function vnode_vfsmaxsymlen
+ @abstract Determine the maximum length of a symbolic link for the filesystem on which a vnode resides.
+ @param vp The vnode for which to get filesystem symlink size cap.
+ @return Max symlink length.
+ */
uint32_t vnode_vfsmaxsymlen(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_vfsisrdonly
+ @abstract Determine if the filesystem to which a vnode belongs is mounted read-only.
+ @param vp The vnode for which to get filesystem writeability.
+ @return Nonzero if the filesystem is read-only, 0 otherwise.
+ */
int vnode_vfsisrdonly(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_vfstypenum
+ @abstract Get the "type number" of the filesystem to which a vnode belongs.
+ @discussion This is an archaic construct; most filesystems are assigned a type number based on the order in which they are registered with the system.
+ @param vp The vnode whose filesystem to examine.
+ @return The type number of the fileystem to which the vnode belongs.
+ */
int vnode_vfstypenum(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_vfsname
+ @abstract Get the name of the filesystem to which a vnode belongs.
+ @param vp The vnode whose filesystem to examine.
+ @param buf Destination for vfs name: should have size MFSNAMELEN or greater.
+ @return The name of the fileystem to which the vnode belongs.
+ */
void vnode_vfsname(vnode_t, char *);
+ @function vnode_vfs64bitready
+ @abstract Determine if the filesystem to which a vnode belongs is marked as ready to interact with 64-bit user processes.
+ @param vp The vnode whose filesystem to examine.
+ @return Nonzero if filesystem is marked ready for 64-bit interactions; 0 otherwise.
+ */
int vnode_vfs64bitready(vnode_t);
+/* These should move to private ... not documenting for now */
+int vfs_context_get_special_port(vfs_context_t, int, ipc_port_t *);
+int vfs_context_set_special_port(vfs_context_t, int, ipc_port_t);
+ @function vfs_context_proc
+ @abstract Get the BSD process structure associated with a vfs_context_t.
+ @param ctx Context whose associated process to find.
+ @return Process if available, NULL otherwise.
+ */
proc_t vfs_context_proc(vfs_context_t);
-ucred_t vfs_context_ucred(vfs_context_t);
-int vfs_context_issuser(vfs_context_t);
+ @function vfs_context_ucred
+ @abstract Get the credential associated with a vfs_context_t.
+ @discussion Succeeds if and only if the context has a thread, the thread has a task, and the task has a BSD proc.
+ @param ctx Context whose associated process to find.
+ @return Process if available, NULL otherwise.
+ */
+kauth_cred_t vfs_context_ucred(vfs_context_t);
+ @function vfs_context_pid
+ @abstract Get the process id of the BSD process associated with a vfs_context_t.
+ @param ctx Context whose associated process to find.
+ @return Process id.
+ */
int vfs_context_pid(vfs_context_t);
+ @function vfs_context_issignal
+ @abstract Get a bitfield of pending signals for the BSD process associated with a vfs_context_t.
+ @discussion The bitfield is constructed using the sigmask() macro, in the sense of bits |= sigmask(SIGSEGV).
+ @param ctx Context whose associated process to find.
+ @return Bitfield of pending signals.
+ */
int vfs_context_issignal(vfs_context_t, sigset_t);
+ @function vfs_context_suser
+ @abstract Determine if a vfs_context_t corresponds to the superuser.
+ @param ctx Context to examine.
+ @return Nonzero if context belongs to superuser, 0 otherwise.
+ */
int vfs_context_suser(vfs_context_t);
+ @function vfs_context_is64bit
+ @abstract Determine if a vfs_context_t corresponds to a 64-bit user process.
+ @param ctx Context to examine.
+ @return Nonzero if context is of 64-bit process, 0 otherwise.
+ */
int vfs_context_is64bit(vfs_context_t);
+ @function vfs_context_create
+ @abstract Create a new vfs_context_t with appropriate references held.
+ @discussion The context must be released with vfs_context_rele() when no longer in use.
+ @param ctx Context to copy, or NULL to use information from running thread.
+ @return The new context, or NULL in the event of failure.
+ */
vfs_context_t vfs_context_create(vfs_context_t);
+ @function vfs_context_rele
+ @abstract Release references on components of a context and deallocate it.
+ @discussion A context should not be referenced after vfs_context_rele has been called.
+ @param ctx Context to release.
+ @return Always 0.
+ */
int vfs_context_rele(vfs_context_t);
+ @function vfs_context_current
+ @abstract Get the vfs_context for the current thread, or the kernel context if there is no context for current thread.
+ @discussion Kexts should not use this function--it is preferred to use vfs_context_create(NULL) and vfs_context_rele(), which ensure proper reference counting of underlying structures.
+ @return Context for current thread, or kernel context if thread context is unavailable.
+ */
+vfs_context_t vfs_context_current(void);
+int vfs_context_bind(vfs_context_t);
+ @function vfs_ctx_skipatime
+ @abstract Check to see if this context should skip updating a vnode's access times.
+ @discussion This is currently tied to the vnode rapid aging process. If the process is marked for rapid aging,
+ then the kernel should not update vnodes it touches for access time purposes. This will check to see if the
+ specified process and/or thread is marked for rapid aging when it manipulates vnodes.
+ @param ctx The context being investigated.
+ @return 1 if we should skip access time updates.
+ @return 0 if we should NOT skip access time updates.
+ */
+int vfs_ctx_skipatime(vfs_context_t ctx);
+ @function vflush
+ @abstract Reclaim the vnodes associated with a mount.
+ @param mp The mount whose vnodes to kill.
+ @param skipvp A specific vnode to not reclaim or to let interrupt an un-forced flush
+ @param flags Control which
+ @discussion This function is used to clear out the vnodes associated with a mount as part of the unmount process.
+ Its parameters can determine which vnodes to skip in the process and whether in-use vnodes should be forcibly reclaimed.
+ Filesystems should call this function from their unmount code, because VFS code will always call it with SKIPROOT | SKIPSWAP | SKIPSYSTEM; filesystems
+ must take care of such vnodes themselves.
+ SKIPSYSTEM skip vnodes marked VSYSTEM
+ FORCECLOSE force file closeure
+ WRITECLOSE only close writeable files
+ SKIPSWAP skip vnodes marked VSWAP
+ SKIPROOT skip root vnodes marked VROOT
+ @return 0 for success, EBUSY if vnodes were busy and FORCECLOSE was not set.
+ */
int vflush(struct mount *mp, struct vnode *skipvp, int flags);
+ @function vnode_get
+ @abstract Increase the iocount on a vnode.
+ @discussion If vnode_get() succeeds, the resulting io-reference must be dropped with vnode_put().
+ This function succeeds unless the vnode in question is dead or in the process of dying AND the current iocount is zero.
+ This means that it can block an ongoing reclaim which is blocked behind some other iocount.
+ On success, vnode_get() returns with an iocount held on the vnode; this type of reference is intended to be held only for short periods of time (e.g.
+ across a function call) and provides a strong guarantee about the life of the vnode; vnodes with positive iocounts cannot be
+ recycled, and an iocount is required for any operation on a vnode. However, vnode_get() does not provide any guarantees
+ about the identity of the vnode it is called on; unless there is a known existing iocount on the vnode at time the call is made,
+ it could be recycled and put back in use before the vnode_get() succeeds, so the caller may be referencing a
+ completely different vnode than was intended. vnode_getwithref() and vnode_getwithvid()
+ provide guarantees about vnode identity.
+ @return 0 for success, ENOENT if the vnode is dead and without existing io-reference.
+ */
int vnode_get(vnode_t);
-int vnode_getwithvid(vnode_t, int);
+ @function vnode_getwithvid
+ @abstract Increase the iocount on a vnode, checking that the vnode is alive and has not changed vid (i.e. been recycled)
+ @discussion If vnode_getwithvid() succeeds, the resulting io-reference must be dropped with vnode_put().
+ This function succeeds unless the vnode in question is dead, in the process of dying, or has been recycled (and given a different vnode id).
+ The intended usage is that a vnode is stored and its vid (vnode_vid(vp)) recorded while an iocount is held (example: a filesystem hash). The
+ iocount is then dropped, and time passes (perhaps locks are dropped and picked back up). Subsequently, vnode_getwithvid() is called to get an iocount,
+ but we are alerted if the vnode has been recycled.
+ On success, vnode_getwithvid() returns with an iocount held on the vnode; this type of reference is intended to be held only for short periods of time (e.g.
+ across a function call) and provides a strong guarantee about the life of the vnode. vnodes with positive iocounts cannot be
+ recycled. An iocount is required for any operation on a vnode.
+ @return 0 for success, ENOENT if the vnode is dead, in the process of being reclaimed, or has been recycled and reused.
+ */
+int vnode_getwithvid(vnode_t, uint32_t);
+int vnode_getwithvid_drainok(vnode_t, uint32_t);
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+ @function vnode_getwithref
+ @abstract Increase the iocount on a vnode on which a usecount (persistent reference) is held.
+ @discussion If vnode_getwithref() succeeds, the resulting io-reference must be dropped with vnode_put().
+ vnode_getwithref() will succeed on dead vnodes; it should fail with ENOENT on vnodes which are in the process of being reclaimed.
+ Because it is only called with a usecount on the vnode, the caller is guaranteed that the vnode has not been
+ reused for a different file, though it may now be dead and have deadfs vnops (which return errors like EIO, ENXIO, ENOTDIR).
+ On success, vnode_getwithref() returns with an iocount held on the vnode; this type of reference is intended to be held only for short periods of time (e.g.
+ across a function call) and provides a strong guarantee about the life of the vnode. vnodes with positive iocounts cannot be
+ recycled. An iocount is required for any operation on a vnode.
+ @return 0 for success, ENOENT if the vnode is dead, in the process of being reclaimed, or has been recycled and reused.
+ */
+int vnode_getwithref(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_put
+ @abstract Decrement the iocount on a vnode.
+ @discussion vnode_put() is called to indicate that a vnode is no longer in active use. It removes the guarantee that a
+ vnode will not be recycled. This routine should be used to release io references no matter how they were obtained.
+ @param vp The vnode whose iocount to drop.
+ @return Always 0.
+ */
int vnode_put(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_ref
+ @abstract Increment the usecount on a vnode.
+ @discussion If vnode_ref() succeeds, the resulting usecount must be released with vnode_rele(). vnode_ref() is called to obtain
+ a persistent reference on a vnode. This type of reference does not provide the same strong guarantee that a vnode will persist
+ as does an iocount--it merely ensures that a vnode will not be reused to represent a different file. However, a usecount may be
+ held for extended periods of time, whereas an iocount is intended to be obtained and released quickly as part of performing a
+ vnode operation. A holder of a usecount must call vnode_getwithref()/vnode_put() in order to perform any operations on that vnode.
+ @param vp The vnode on which to obtain a persistent reference.
+ @return 0 for success; ENOENT if the vnode is dead or in the process of being recycled AND the calling thread is not the vnode owner.
+ */
int vnode_ref(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_rele
+ @abstract Decrement the usecount on a vnode.
+ @discussion vnode_rele() is called to relese a persistent reference on a vnode. Releasing the last usecount
+ opens the door for a vnode to be reused as a new file; it also triggers a VNOP_INACTIVE call to the filesystem,
+ though that will not happen immediately if there are outstanding iocount references.
+ @param vp The vnode whose usecount to drop.
+ @return void.
+ */
void vnode_rele(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_isinuse
+ @abstract Determine if the number of persistent (usecount) references on a vnode is greater than a given count.
+ @discussion vnode_isinuse() compares a vnode's usecount (corresponding to vnode_ref() calls) to its refcnt parameter
+ (the number of references the caller expects to be on the vnode). Note that "kusecount" references, corresponding
+ to parties interested only in event notifications, e.g. open(..., O_EVTONLY), are not counted towards the total; the comparison is
+ (usecount - kusecount > recnt). It is
+ also important to note that the result is only a snapshot; usecounts can change from moment to moment, and the result of vnode_isinuse
+ may no longer be correct the very moment that the caller receives it.
+ @param vp The vnode whose use-status to check.
+ @param refcnt The threshold for saying that a vnode is in use.
+ @return void.
+ */
int vnode_isinuse(vnode_t, int);
-void vnode_lock(vnode_t);
-void vnode_unlock(vnode_t);
-int vnode_recycle(vnode_t);
-void vnode_reclaim(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_recycle
+ @abstract Cause a vnode to be reclaimed and prepared for reuse.
+ @discussion Like all vnode KPIs, must be called with an iocount on the target vnode.
+ vnode_recycle() will mark that vnode for reclaim when all existing references are dropped.
+ @param vp The vnode to recycle.
+ @return 1 if the vnode was reclaimed (i.e. there were no existing references), 0 if it was only marked for future reclaim.
+ */
+int vnode_recycle(vnode_t);
+#define VNODE_EVENT_DELETE 0x00000001 /* file was removed */
+#define VNODE_EVENT_WRITE 0x00000002 /* file or directory contents changed */
+#define VNODE_EVENT_EXTEND 0x00000004 /* ubc size increased */
+#define VNODE_EVENT_ATTRIB 0x00000008 /* attributes changed (suitable for permission changes if type unknown)*/
+#define VNODE_EVENT_LINK 0x00000010 /* link count changed */
+#define VNODE_EVENT_RENAME 0x00000020 /* vnode was renamed */
+#define VNODE_EVENT_PERMS 0x00000040 /* permissions changed: will cause a NOTE_ATTRIB */
+#define VNODE_EVENT_FILE_CREATED 0x00000080 /* file created in directory: will cause NOTE_WRITE */
+#define VNODE_EVENT_DIR_CREATED 0x00000100 /* directory created inside this directory: will cause NOTE_WRITE */
+#define VNODE_EVENT_FILE_REMOVED 0x00000200 /* file removed from this directory: will cause NOTE_WRITE */
+#define VNODE_EVENT_DIR_REMOVED 0x00000400 /* subdirectory from this directory: will cause NOTE_WRITE */
+#define VNODE_NOTIFY_ATTRS (VNODE_ATTR_BIT(va_fsid) | \
+ VNODE_ATTR_BIT(va_fileid)| \
+ VNODE_ATTR_BIT(va_mode) | \
+ VNODE_ATTR_BIT(va_uid) | \
+ VNODE_ATTR_BIT(va_gid) | \
+ VNODE_ATTR_BIT(va_dirlinkcount) | \
+ VNODE_ATTR_BIT(va_nlink))
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+ @function vnode_notify
+ @abstract Send a notification up to VFS.
+ @param vp Vnode for which to provide notification.
+ @param vap Attributes for that vnode, to be passed to fsevents.
+ @discussion Filesystem determines which attributes to pass up using
+ vfs_get_notify_attributes(&vap). The most specific events possible should be passed,
+ e.g. VNODE_EVENT_FILE_CREATED on a directory rather than just VNODE_EVENT_WRITE, but
+ a less specific event can be passed up if more specific information is not available.
+ Will not reenter the filesystem.
+ @return 0 for success, else an error code.
+ */
+int vnode_notify(vnode_t, uint32_t, struct vnode_attr*);
+ @function vnode_ismonitored
+ @abstract Check whether a file has watchers that would make it useful to query a server
+ for file changes.
+ @param vp Vnode to examine.
+ @discussion Will not reenter the filesystem.
+ @return Zero if not monitored, nonzero if monitored.
+ */
+int vnode_ismonitored(vnode_t);
+ @function vnode_isdyldsharedcache
+ @abstract Check whether a file is a dyld shared cache file.
+ @param vp Vnode to examine.
+ @discussion Will not reenter the filesystem.
+ @return nonzero if a dyld shared cache file, zero otherwise.
+ */
+int vnode_isdyldsharedcache(vnode_t);
+ @function vfs_get_notify_attributes
+ @abstract Determine what attributes are required to send up a notification with vnode_notify().
+ @param vap Structure to initialize and activate required attributes on.
+ @discussion Will not reenter the filesystem.
+ @return 0 for success, nonzero for error (currently always succeeds).
+ */
+int vfs_get_notify_attributes(struct vnode_attr *vap);
+ @function vn_getpath_fsenter
+ @abstract Attempt to get a vnode's path, willing to enter the filesystem.
+ @discussion Paths to vnodes are not always straightforward: a file with multiple hard-links will have multiple pathnames,
+ and it is sometimes impossible to determine a vnode's full path. vn_getpath_fsenter() may enter the filesystem
+ to try to construct a path, so filesystems should be wary of calling it.
+ @param vp Vnode whose path to get
+ @param pathbuf Buffer in which to store path.
+ @param len Destination for length of resulting path string. Result will include NULL-terminator in count--that is, "len"
+ will be strlen(pathbuf) + 1.
+ @return 0 for success or an error.
+ */
+int vn_getpath_fsenter(struct vnode *vp, char *pathbuf, int *len);
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#define VNODE_UPDATE_NAME 0x02
-void vnode_update_identity(vnode_t vp, vnode_t dvp, char *name, int name_len, int name_hashval, int flags);
+#define VNODE_UPDATE_PURGE 0x08
+ @function vnode_update_identity
+ @abstract Update vnode data associated with the vfs cache.
+ @discussion The vfs namecache is central to tracking vnode-identifying data and to locating files on the system. vnode_update_identity()
+ is used to update vnode data associated with the cache. It can set a vnode's parent and/or name (also potentially set by vnode_create())
+ or flush cache data.
+ @param vp The vnode whose information to update.
+ @param dvp Parent to set on the vnode if VNODE_UPDATE_PARENT is used.
+ @param name Name to set in the cache for the vnode if VNODE_UPDATE_NAME is used. The buffer passed in can be subsequently freed, as the cache
+ does its own name storage. String should be NULL-terminated unless length and hash value are specified.
+ @param name_len Length of name, if known. Passing 0 causes the cache to determine the length itself.
+ @param name_hashval Hash value of name, if known. Passing 0 causes the cache to hash the name itself.
+ @param flags VNODE_UPDATE_PARENT: set parent. VNODE_UPDATE_NAME: set name. VNODE_UPDATE_CACHE: flush cache entries for hard links
+ associated with this file. VNODE_UPDATE_PURGE: flush cache entries for hard links and children of this file.
+ @return void.
+ */
+void vnode_update_identity(vnode_t vp, vnode_t dvp, const char *name, int name_len, uint32_t name_hashval, int flags);
+ @function vn_bwrite
+ @abstract System-provided implementation of "bwrite" vnop.
+ @discussion This routine is available for filesystems which do not want to implement their own "bwrite" vnop. It just calls
+ buf_bwrite() without modifying its arguments.
+ @param ap Standard parameters to a bwrite vnop.
+ @return Results of buf_bwrite directly.
+ */
int vn_bwrite(struct vnop_bwrite_args *ap);
+ @function vnode_authorize
+ @abstract Authorize a kauth-style action on a vnode.
+ @discussion Operations on dead vnodes are always allowed (though never do anything).
+ @param vp Vnode on which to authorize action.
+ @param dvp Parent of "vp," can be NULL.
+ @param action Action to authorize, e.g. KAUTH_VNODE_READ_DATA. See bsd/sys/kauth.h.
+ @param ctx Context for which to authorize actions.
+ @return EACCESS if permission is denied. 0 if operation allowed. Various errors from lower layers.
+ */
int vnode_authorize(vnode_t /*vp*/, vnode_t /*dvp*/, kauth_action_t, vfs_context_t);
+ @function vnode_authattr
+ @abstract Given a vnode_attr structure, determine what kauth-style actions must be authorized in order to set those attributes.
+ @discussion vnode_authorize requires kauth-style actions; if we want to set a vnode_attr structure on a vnode, we need to translate
+ the set of attributes to a set of kauth-style actions. This routine will return errors for certain obviously disallowed, or
+ incoherent, actions.
+ @param vp The vnode on which to authorize action.
+ @param vap Pointer to vnode_attr struct containing desired attributes to set and their values.
+ @param actionp Destination for set of actions to authorize
+ @param ctx Context for which to authorize actions.
+ @return 0 (and a result in "actionp" for success. Otherwise, an error code.
+ */
int vnode_authattr(vnode_t, struct vnode_attr *, kauth_action_t *, vfs_context_t);
+ @function vnode_authattr_new
+ @abstract Initialize and validate file creation parameters with respect to the current context.
+ @discussion vnode_authattr_new() will fill in unitialized values in the vnode_attr struct with defaults, and will validate the structure
+ with respect to the current context for file creation.
+ @param dvp The directory in which creation will occur.
+ @param vap Pointer to vnode_attr struct containing desired attributes to set and their values.
+ @param noauth If 1, treat the caller as the superuser, i.e. do not check permissions.
+ @param ctx Context for which to authorize actions.
+ @return KAUTH_RESULT_ALLOW for success, an error to indicate invalid or disallowed attributes.
+ */
int vnode_authattr_new(vnode_t /*dvp*/, struct vnode_attr *, int /*noauth*/, vfs_context_t);
+ @function vnode_close
+ @abstract Close a file as opened with vnode_open().
+ @discussion vnode_close() drops the refcount (persistent reference) picked up in vnode_open() and calls down to the filesystem with VNOP_CLOSE. It should
+ be called with both an iocount and a refcount on the vnode and will drop both.
+ @param vp The vnode to close.
+ @param flags Flags to close: FWASWRITTEN indicates that the file was written to.
+ @param ctx Context against which to validate operation.
+ @return 0 for success or an error from the filesystem.
+ */
errno_t vnode_close(vnode_t, int, vfs_context_t);
+ @function vn_getpath
+ @abstract Construct the path to a vnode.
+ @discussion Paths to vnodes are not always straightforward: a file with multiple hard-links will have multiple pathnames,
+ and it is sometimes impossible to determine a vnode's full path. vn_getpath() will not enter the filesystem.
+ @param vp The vnode whose path to obtain.
+ @param pathbuf Destination for pathname; should be of size MAXPATHLEN
+ @param len Destination for length of resulting path string. Result will include NULL-terminator in count--that is, "len"
+ will be strlen(pathbuf) + 1.
+ @return 0 for success or an error code.
+ */
int vn_getpath(struct vnode *vp, char *pathbuf, int *len);
+ @function vnode_lookup
+ @abstract Convert a path into a vnode.
+ @discussion This routine is a thin wrapper around xnu-internal lookup routines; if successful,
+ it returns with an iocount held on the resulting vnode which must be dropped with vnode_put().
+ @param path Path to look up.
+ @param flags VNODE_LOOKUP_NOFOLLOW: do not follow symbolic links. VNODE_LOOKUP_NOCROSSMOUNT: do not cross mount points.
+ @return Results 0 for success or an error code.
+ */
errno_t vnode_lookup(const char *, int, vnode_t *, vfs_context_t);
+ @function vnode_open
+ @abstract Open a file identified by a path--roughly speaking an in-kernel open(2).
+ @discussion If vnode_open() succeeds, it returns with both an iocount and a usecount on the returned vnode. These must
+ be released eventually; the iocount should be released with vnode_put() as soon as any initial operations
+ on the vnode are over, whereas the usecount should be released via vnode_close().
+ @param path Path to look up.
+ @param fmode e.g. O_NONBLOCK, O_APPEND; see bsd/sys/fcntl.h.
+ @param cmode Permissions with which to create file if it does not exist.
+ @param flags Same as vnode_lookup().
+ @param vpp Destination for vnode.
+ @param ctx Context with which to authorize open/creation.
+ @return 0 for success or an error code.
+ */
errno_t vnode_open(const char *, int, int, int, vnode_t *, vfs_context_t);
* exported vnode operations
+ @function vnode_iterate
+ @abstract Perform an operation on (almost) all vnodes from a given mountpoint.
+ @param mp Mount whose vnodes to operate on.
+ @param flags
+ VNODE_RELOAD Mark inactive vnodes for recycle.
+ VNODE_WRITEABLE Only examine vnodes with writes in progress.
+ VNODE_WITHID No effect.
+ VNODE_NODEAD No effect.
+ @param callout Function to call on each vnode.
+ @param arg Argument which will be passed to callout along with each vnode.
+ @return Zero for success, else an error code. Will return 0 immediately if there are no vnodes hooked into the mount.
+ @discussion Skips vnodes which are dead, in the process of reclaim, suspended, or of type VNON.
+ */
int vnode_iterate(struct mount *, int, int (*)(struct vnode *, void *), void *);
* flags passed into vnode_iterate
#define VNODE_ITERATE_ALL 0x80
+#define VNODE_ALWAYS 0x400
+#define VNODE_DRAINO 0x800
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
* return values from callback
#define VNODE_CLAIMED 2 /* don't drop reference */
#define VNODE_CLAIMED_DONE 3 /* don't drop reference, terminate iteration */
-struct stat;
-int vn_stat(struct vnode *vp, struct stat *sb, kauth_filesec_t *xsec, vfs_context_t ctx);
-int vn_stat_noauth(struct vnode *vp, struct stat *sb, kauth_filesec_t *xsec, vfs_context_t ctx);
+ @function vn_revoke
+ @abstract Invalidate all references to a vnode.
+ @discussion Reclaims the vnode, giving it deadfs vnops (though not halting operations which are already in progress).
+ Also reclaims all aliased vnodes (important for devices). People holding usecounts on the vnode, e.g. processes
+ with the file open, will find that all subsequent operations but closing the file fail.
+ @param vp The vnode to revoke.
+ @param flags Unused.
+ @param ctx Context against which to validate operation.
+ @return 0 always.
+ */
int vn_revoke(vnode_t vp, int flags, vfs_context_t);
-/* XXX BOGUS */
-int vaccess(mode_t file_mode, uid_t uid, gid_t gid,
- mode_t acc_mode, struct ucred *cred);
/* namecache function prototypes */
+ @function cache_lookup
+ @abstract Check for a filename in a directory using the VFS name cache.
+ @discussion cache_lookup() will flush negative cache entries and return 0 if the operation of the cn_nameiop is CREATE or RENAME.
+ Often used from the filesystem during a lookup vnop. The filesystem will be called to if there is a negative cache entry for a file,
+ so it can make sense to initially check for negative entries (and possibly lush them).
+ @param dvp Directory in which lookup is occurring.
+ @param vpp Destination for vnode pointer.
+ @param cnp Various data about lookup, e.g. filename and intended operation.
+ @return ENOENT: the filesystem has previously added a negative entry with cache_enter() to indicate that there is no
+ file of the given name in "dp." -1: successfully found a cached vnode (vpp is set). 0: No data in the cache, or operation is CRETE/RENAME.
+ */
int cache_lookup(vnode_t dvp, vnode_t *vpp, struct componentname *cnp);
+ @function cache_enter
+ @abstract Add a (name,vnode) entry to the VFS namecache.
+ @discussion Generally used to add a cache entry after a successful filesystem-level lookup or to add a
+ negative entry after one which did not find its target.
+ @param dvp Directory in which file lives.
+ @param vp File to add to cache. A non-NULL vp is stored for rapid access; a NULL vp indicates
+ that there is no such file in the directory and speeds future failed lookups.
+ @param cnp Various data about lookup, e.g. filename and intended operation.
+ @return void.
+ */
void cache_enter(vnode_t dvp, vnode_t vp, struct componentname *cnp);
+ @function cache_purge
+ @abstract Remove all data relating to a vnode from the namecache.
+ @discussion Will flush all hardlinks to the vnode as well as all children (should any exist). Logical
+ to use when cached data about a vnode becomes invalid, for instance in an unlink.
+ @param vp The vnode to purge.
+ @return void.
+ */
void cache_purge(vnode_t vp);
+ @function cache_purge_negatives
+ @abstract Remove all negative cache entries which are children of a given vnode.
+ @discussion Appropriate to use when negative cache information for a directory could have
+ become invalid, e.g. after file creation.
+ @param vp The vnode whose negative children to purge.
+ @return void.
+ */
void cache_purge_negatives(vnode_t vp);
* Global string-cache routines. You can pass zero for nc_hash
* if you don't know it (add_name() will then compute the hash).
* There are no flags for now but maybe someday.
-char *vfs_addname(const char *name, size_t len, u_int nc_hash, u_int flags);
+ @function vfs_addname
+ @abstract Deprecated
+ @discussion vnode_update_identity() and vnode_create() make vfs_addname() unnecessary for kexts.
+ */
+const char *vfs_addname(const char *name, uint32_t len, uint32_t nc_hash, uint32_t flags);
+ @function vfs_removename
+ @abstract Deprecated
+ @discussion vnode_update_identity() and vnode_create() make vfs_addname() unnecessary for kexts.
+ */
int vfs_removename(const char *name);
+ @function vcount
+ @abstract Count total references to a given file, disregarding "kusecount" (event listener, as with O_EVTONLY) references.
+ @discussion For a regular file, just return (usecount-kusecount); for device files, return the sum over all
+ vnodes 'v' which reference that device of (usecount(v) - kusecount(v)). Note that this is merely a snapshot and could be
+ invalid by the time the caller checks the result.
+ @param vp The vnode whose references to count.
+ @return Count of references.
+ */
+int vcount(vnode_t vp);
+ @function vn_path_package_check
+ @abstract Figure out if a path corresponds to a Mac OS X package.
+ @discussion Determines if the extension on a path is a known OS X extension type.
+ @param vp Unused.
+ @param path Path to check.
+ @param pathlen Size of path buffer.
+ @param component Set to index of start of last path component if the path is found to be a package. Set to -1 if
+ the path is not a known package type.
+ @return 0 unless some parameter was invalid, in which case EINVAL is returned. Determine package-ness by checking
+ what *component is set to.
+ */
+int vn_path_package_check(vnode_t vp, char *path, int pathlen, int *component);
+ @function vn_searchfs_inappropriate_name
+ @abstract Figure out if the component is inappropriate for a SearchFS query.
+ @param name component to check
+ @param len length of component.
+ @return 0 if no match, 1 if inappropriate.
+ */
+int vn_searchfs_inappropriate_name(const char *name, int len);
+ @function vn_rdwr
+ @abstract Read from or write to a file.
+ @discussion vn_rdwr() abstracts the details of constructing a uio and picking a vnode operation to allow
+ simple in-kernel file I/O.
+ @param rw UIO_READ for a read, UIO_WRITE for a write.
+ @param vp The vnode on which to perform I/O.
+ @param base Start of buffer into which to read or from which to write data.
+ @param len Length of buffer.
+ @param offset Offset within the file at which to start I/O.
+ @param segflg What kind of address "base" is. See uio_seg definition in sys/uio.h. UIO_SYSSPACE for kernelspace, UIO_USERSPACE for userspace.
+ UIO_USERSPACE32 and UIO_USERSPACE64 are in general preferred, but vn_rdwr will make sure that has the correct address sizes.
+ @param ioflg Defined in vnode.h, e.g. IO_NOAUTH, IO_NOCACHE.
+ @param cred Credential to pass down to filesystem for authentication.
+ @param aresid Destination for amount of requested I/O which was not completed, as with uio_resid().
+ @param p Process requesting I/O.
+ @return 0 for success; errors from filesystem, and EIO if did not perform all requested I/O and the "aresid" parameter is NULL.
+ */
+int vn_rdwr(enum uio_rw, vnode_t, caddr_t, int, off_t, enum uio_seg, int, kauth_cred_t, int *, proc_t);
+ @function vnode_getname
+ @abstract Get the name of a vnode from the VFS namecache.
+ @discussion Not all vnodes have names, and vnode names can change (notably, hardlinks). Use this routine at your own risk.
+ The string is returned with a refcount incremented in the cache; callers must call vnode_putname() to release that reference.
+ @param vp The vnode whose name to grab.
+ @return The name, or NULL if unavailable.
+ */
+const char *vnode_getname(vnode_t vp);
+ @function vnode_putname
+ @abstract Release a reference on a name from the VFS cache.
+ @discussion Should be called on a string obtained with vnode_getname().
+ @param name String to release.
+ @return void.
+ */
+void vnode_putname(const char *name);
+ @function vnode_getparent
+ @abstract Get an iocount on the parent of a vnode.
+ @discussion A vnode's parent may change over time or be reclaimed, so vnode_getparent() may return different
+ results at different times (e.g. a multiple-hardlink file). The parent is returned with an iocount which must
+ subsequently be dropped with vnode_put().
+ @param vp The vnode whose parent to grab.
+ @return Parent if available, else NULL.
+ */
+vnode_t vnode_getparent(vnode_t vp);
+ @function vnode_lookup_continue_needed
+ @abstract Determine whether vnode needs additional processing in VFS before being opened.
+ @discussion If result is zero, filesystem can open this vnode. If result is nonzero,
+ additional processing is needed in VFS (e.g. symlink, mountpoint). Nonzero results should
+ be passed up to VFS.
+ @param vp Vnode to consider opening (found by filesystem).
+ @param cnp Componentname as passed to filesystem from VFS.
+ @result 0 to indicate that a vnode can be opened, or an error that should be passed up to VFS.
+ */
+int vnode_lookup_continue_needed(vnode_t vp, struct componentname *cnp);
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+/* Not in export list so can be private */
+struct stat;
+int vn_stat(struct vnode *vp, void * sb, kauth_filesec_t *xsec, int isstat64, vfs_context_t ctx);
+int vn_stat_noauth(struct vnode *vp, void * sb, kauth_filesec_t *xsec, int isstat64, vfs_context_t ctx);
+int vaccess(mode_t file_mode, uid_t uid, gid_t gid,
+ mode_t acc_mode, kauth_cred_t cred);
+int check_mountedon(dev_t dev, enum vtype type, int *errorp);
+int vn_getcdhash(struct vnode *vp, off_t offset, unsigned char *cdhash);
+void vnode_reclaim(vnode_t);
+vfs_context_t vfs_context_kernel(void); /* get from 1st kernel thread */
+int vfs_context_issuser(vfs_context_t);
+vnode_t vfs_context_cwd(vfs_context_t);
+vnode_t current_rootdir(void);
+vnode_t current_workingdir(void);
+void *vnode_vfsfsprivate(vnode_t);
+struct vfsstatfs *vnode_vfsstatfs(vnode_t);
+uint32_t vnode_vfsvisflags(vnode_t);
+uint32_t vnode_vfscmdflags(vnode_t);
+int vnode_is_openevt(vnode_t);
+void vnode_set_openevt(vnode_t);
+void vnode_clear_openevt(vnode_t);
+int vnode_isstandard(vnode_t);
+int vnode_makeimode(int, int);
+enum vtype vnode_iftovt(int);
+int vnode_vttoif(enum vtype);
+int vnode_isshadow(vnode_t);
+int vnode_istty(vnode_t vp);
+ * Indicate that a file has multiple hard links. VFS will always call
+ * VNOP_LOOKUP on this vnode. Volfs will always ask for it's parent
+ * object ID (instead of using the v_parent pointer).
+ */
+vnode_t vnode_parent(vnode_t);
+void vnode_setparent(vnode_t, vnode_t);
+const char * vnode_name(vnode_t);
+void vnode_setname(vnode_t, char *);
+int vnode_isnoflush(vnode_t);
+void vnode_setnoflush(vnode_t);
+void vnode_clearnoflush(vnode_t);
+/* XXX temporary until we can arrive at a KPI for NFS, Seatbelt */
+thread_t vfs_context_thread(vfs_context_t);
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* KERNEL */