* Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
#include <platforms.h>
-#include <mach_kdb.h>
#include <i386/asm.h>
#include <i386/proc_reg.h>
#define CX(addr,reg) addr(,reg,4)
-#include <i386/mp.h>
-#include <i386/mp_slave_boot.h>
- * GAS won't handle an intersegment jump with a relocatable offset.
- */
-#define LJMP(segment,address) \
- .byte 0xea ;\
- .long address ;\
- .word segment
+#include <i386/acpi.h>
+#include <i386/cpuid.h>
-#define PA(addr) ((addr)+KVTOPHYS)
-#define VA(addr) ((addr)-KVTOPHYS)
- .data
-#if 0 /* Anyone need this? */
- .align 2
- .globl EXT(_kick_buffer_)
- .long 1
- .long 3
- .set .,.+16836
-#endif /* XXX */
* Interrupt and bootup stack for initial processor.
- /* in the __HIB section since the hibernate restore code uses this stack. */
- .section __HIB, __data
- .align ALIGN
- .globl EXT(intstack)
+/* in the __HIB section since the hibernate restore code uses this stack. */
+ .section __HIB, __data
+ .align 12
+ .globl EXT(low_intstack)
.globl EXT(gIOHibernateRestoreStack)
- .set ., .+INTSTACK_SIZE
- .globl EXT(eintstack)
+ .globl EXT(low_eintstack)
.globl EXT(gIOHibernateRestoreStackEnd)
.align ALIGN
.globl EXT(gdtptr)
+ /* align below properly */
+ .word 0
.word Times(8,GDTSZ)-1
- .long EXT(gdt)
+ .long EXT(master_gdt)
- .align ALIGN
- .globl EXT(idtptr)
- .word Times(8,IDTSZ)-1
- .long EXT(idt)
+ /* back to the regular __DATA section. */
- /* back to the regular __DATA section. */
+ .section __DATA, __data
- .section __DATA, __data
+ * Stack for last-gasp double-fault handler.
+ */
+ .align 12
+ .globl EXT(df_task_stack)
+ .globl EXT(df_task_stack_end)
- * Kernel debugger stack for each processor.
+ * Stack for machine-check handler.
- .align ALIGN
- .globl EXT(db_stack_store)
+ .align 12
+ .globl EXT(mc_task_stack)
+ .globl EXT(mc_task_stack_end)
* Stack for last-ditch debugger task for each processor.
- .align ALIGN
+ .align 12
.globl EXT(db_task_stack_store)
- * per-processor kernel debugger stacks
- */
- .align ALIGN
- .globl EXT(kgdb_stack_store)
#endif /* MACH_KDB */
- .data
- /*
- * start_lock is very special. We initialize the
- * lock at allocation time rather than at run-time.
- * Although start_lock should be an instance of a
- * hw_lock, we hand-code all manipulation of the lock
- * because the hw_lock code may require function calls;
- * and we'd rather not introduce another dependency on
- * a working stack at this point.
- */
- .globl EXT(start_lock)
- .long 0 /* synchronizes processor startup */
- .globl EXT(master_is_up)
- .long 0 /* 1 when OK for other processors */
- /* to start */
- .globl EXT(mp_boot_pde)
- .long 0
-_KERNend: .long 0 /* phys addr end of kernel (just after bss) */
-physfree: .long 0 /* phys addr of next free page */
- .globl _IdlePTD
-_IdlePTD: .long 0 /* phys addr of kernel PTD */
-#ifdef PAE
- .globl _IdlePDPT
-_IdlePDPT: .long 0 /* phys addr of kernel PDPT */
- .globl _KPTphys
-_KPTphys: .long 0 /* phys addr of kernel page tables */
-/* Some handy macros */
-#define ALLOCPAGES(npages) \
- movl PA(physfree), %esi ; \
- movl $((npages) * PAGE_SIZE), %eax ; \
- addl %esi, %eax ; \
- movl %eax, PA(physfree) ; \
- movl %esi, %edi ; \
- movl $((npages) * PAGE_SIZE / 4),%ecx ; \
- xorl %eax,%eax ; \
- cld ; \
- rep ; \
- stosl
- * fillkpt
- * eax = page frame address
- * ebx = index into page table
- * ecx = how many pages to map
- * base = base address of page dir/table
- * prot = protection bits
- */
-#define fillkpt(base, prot) \
- shll $(PTEINDX),%ebx ; \
- addl base,%ebx ; \
- orl $(PTE_V) ,%eax ; \
- orl prot,%eax ; \
-1: movl %eax,(%ebx) ; \
- addl $(PAGE_SIZE),%eax ; /* increment physical address */ \
- addl $(PTESIZE),%ebx ; /* next pte */ \
- loop 1b
- * fillkptphys(prot)
- * eax = physical address
- * ecx = how many pages to map
- * prot = protection bits
- */
-#define fillkptphys(prot) \
- movl %eax, %ebx ; \
- shrl $(PAGE_SHIFT), %ebx ; \
- fillkpt(PA(EXT(KPTphys)), prot)
- * All CPUs start here.
+ * BSP CPU start here.
+ * eax points to kernbootstruct
* Environment:
* protected mode, no paging, flat 32-bit address space.
.align ALIGN
- .globl EXT(pstart)
.globl EXT(_start)
- mov %eax, %ebx /* save pointer to kernbootstruct */
- mov $0,%ax /* fs must be zeroed; */
- mov %ax,%fs /* some bootstrappers don`t do this */
- mov %ax,%gs
- jmp 1f
-0: cmpl $0,PA(EXT(start_lock))
- jne 0b
-1: movb $1,%eax
- xchgl %eax,PA(EXT(start_lock)) /* locked */
- testl %eax,%eax
- jnz 0b
+ mov %ds, %bx
+ mov %bx, %es
+ mov %eax, %ebp /* Move kernbootstruct to ebp */
+ mov %eax, %ebx /* get pointer to kernbootstruct */
- cmpl $0,PA(EXT(master_is_up)) /* are we first? */
- jne EXT(slave_start) /* no -- system already up. */
- movl $1,PA(EXT(master_is_up)) /* others become slaves */
- jmp 3f
+ mov $EXT(low_eintstack),%esp /* switch to the bootup stack */
- * Get startup parameters.
- */
- movl %ebx,PA(EXT(boot_args_start)) /* Save KERNBOOTSTRUCT */
- movl KADDR(%ebx), %eax
- addl KSIZE(%ebx), %eax
- addl $(NBPG-1),%eax
- andl $(-NBPG), %eax
- movl %eax, PA(EXT(KERNend))
- movl %eax, PA(physfree)
- cld
+ lgdt EXT(gdtptr) /* load GDT */
-/* allocate kernel page table pages */
- movl %esi,PA(EXT(KPTphys))
-#ifdef PAE
-/* allocate Page Table Directory Page */
- movl %esi,PA(EXT(IdlePDPT))
-/* allocate kernel page directory page */
- movl %esi,PA(EXT(IdlePTD))
-/* map from zero to end of kernel */
- xorl %eax,%eax
- movl PA(physfree),%ecx
- shrl $(PAGE_SHIFT),%ecx
- fillkptphys( $(PTE_W) )
-/* map page directory */
-#ifdef PAE
- movl PA(EXT(IdlePDPT)), %eax
- movl $1, %ecx
- fillkptphys( $(PTE_W) )
- movl PA(EXT(IdlePTD)),%eax
- movl $(NPGPTD), %ecx
- fillkptphys( $(PTE_W) )
-/* install a pde for temp double map of bottom of VA */
- movl PA(EXT(KPTphys)),%eax
- xorl %ebx,%ebx
- movl $(NKPT), %ecx
- fillkpt(PA(EXT(IdlePTD)), $(PTE_W))
-/* install pde's for page tables */
- movl PA(EXT(KPTphys)),%eax
- movl $(KPTDI),%ebx
- movl $(NKPT),%ecx
- fillkpt(PA(EXT(IdlePTD)), $(PTE_W))
-/* install a pde recursively mapping page directory as a page table */
- movl PA(EXT(IdlePTD)),%eax
- movl $(PTDPTDI),%ebx
- movl $(NPGPTD),%ecx
- fillkpt(PA(EXT(IdlePTD)), $(PTE_W))
-#ifdef PAE
- movl PA(EXT(IdlePTD)), %eax
- xorl %ebx, %ebx
- movl $(NPGPTD), %ecx
- fillkpt(PA(EXT(IdlePDPT)), $0)
-/* install a pde page for commpage use up in high memory */
- movl PA(physfree),%eax /* grab next phys page */
- movl %eax,%ebx
- addl $(PAGE_SIZE),%ebx
- movl %ebx,PA(physfree) /* show next free phys pg */
- movl $(COMM_PAGE_BASE_ADDR),%ebx
- shrl $(PDESHIFT),%ebx /* index into pde page */
- movl $(1), %ecx /* # pdes to store */
- fillkpt(PA(EXT(IdlePTD)), $(PTE_W|PTE_U)) /* user has access! */
- movl PA(physfree),%edi
- movl %edi,PA(EXT(first_avail)) /* save first available phys addr */
-#ifdef PAE
- * We steal 0x4000 for a temp pdpt and 0x5000-0x8000
- * for temp pde pages in the PAE case. Once we are
- * running at the proper virtual address we switch to
- * the PDPT/PDE's the master is using */
- /* clear pdpt page to be safe */
- xorl %eax, %eax
- movl $(PAGE_SIZE),%ecx
- movl $(0x4000),%edi
+ mov $(KERNEL_DS),%ax /* set kernel data segment */
+ mov %ax, %ds
+ mov %ax, %es
+ mov %ax, %ss
+ xor %ax, %ax /* fs must be zeroed; */
+ mov %ax, %fs /* some bootstrappers don`t do this */
+ mov %ax, %gs
- rep
- stosb
- /* build temp pdpt */
- movl $(0x5000), %eax
- xorl %ebx, %ebx
- movl $(NPGPTD), %ecx
- fillkpt($(0x4000), $0)
- /* copy the NPGPTD pages of pdes */
- movl PA(EXT(IdlePTD)),%eax
- movl $0x5000,%ebx
- movl $((PTEMASK+1)*NPGPTD),%ecx
-1: movl 0(%eax),%edx
- movl %edx,0(%ebx)
- movl 4(%eax),%edx
- movl %edx,4(%ebx)
- addl $(PTESIZE),%eax
- addl $(PTESIZE),%ebx
- loop 1b
-/* create temp pde for slaves to use
- use unused lomem page and copy in IdlePTD */
- movl PA(EXT(IdlePTD)),%eax
- movl $0x4000,%ebx
- movl $(PTEMASK+1),%ecx
-1: movl 0(%eax),%edx
- movl %edx,0(%ebx)
- addl $(PTESIZE),%eax
- addl $(PTESIZE),%ebx
- loop 1b
- * Fix initial descriptor tables.
- */
- lea PA(EXT(idt)),%esi /* fix IDT */
- movl $(IDTSZ),%ecx
- movl $(PA(fix_idt_ret)),%ebx
- jmp fix_desc_common /* (cannot use stack) */
- lea PA(EXT(gdt)),%esi /* fix GDT */
- movl $(GDTSZ),%ecx
- movl $(PA(fix_gdt_ret)),%ebx
- jmp fix_desc_common /* (cannot use stack) */
- lea PA(EXT(ldt)),%esi /* fix LDT */
- movl $(LDTSZ),%ecx
- movl $(PA(fix_ldt_ret)),%ebx
- jmp fix_desc_common /* (cannot use stack) */
- *
- */
- lgdt PA(EXT(gdtptr)) /* load GDT */
- lidt PA(EXT(idtptr)) /* load IDT */
+ /* "The Aussie Maneuver" ("Myria" variant) */
+ pushl $(0xcb<<24)|KERNEL32_CS /* reload CS */
+ call .-1
+ andl $0xfffffff0, %esp /* align stack */
+ subl $0xc, %esp
+ pushl %ebp /* push boot args addr */
+ xorl %ebp, %ebp /* zero frame pointer */
* Turn on paging.
-#ifdef PAE
- movl PA(EXT(IdlePDPT)), %eax
+ movl $EXT(IdlePDPT), %eax /* CR3 */
movl %eax, %cr3
- movl %cr4, %eax
+ movl %cr4, %eax /* PAE */
orl $(CR4_PAE), %eax
movl %eax, %cr4
- movl PA(EXT(IdlePTD)), %eax
- movl %eax,%cr3
- movl %cr0,%eax
- orl $(CR0_PG|CR0_WP|CR0_PE),%eax
- movl %eax,%cr0 /* to enable paging */
+ movl %cr0,%eax /* paging */
+ orl $(CR0_PG|CR0_WP),%eax
+ movl %eax,%cr0
- LJMP(KERNEL_CS,EXT(vstart)) /* switch to kernel code segment */
- * Master is now running with correct addresses.
- */
- mov $(KERNEL_DS),%ax /* set kernel data segment */
- mov %ax,%ds
- mov %ax,%es
- mov %ax,%ss
- mov %ax,EXT(ktss)+TSS_SS0 /* set kernel stack segment */
- /* for traps to kernel */
- mov %ax,EXT(dbtss)+TSS_SS0 /* likewise for debug task switch */
- mov %cr3,%eax /* get PDBR into debug TSS */
- mov %eax,EXT(dbtss)+TSS_PDBR
- mov $0,%eax
- movw $(KERNEL_LDT),%ax /* get LDT segment */
- lldt %ax /* load LDT */
- mov %ax,EXT(ktss)+TSS_LDT /* store LDT in two TSS, as well... */
- mov %ax,EXT(dbtss)+TSS_LDT /* ...matters if we switch tasks */
- movw $(KERNEL_TSS),%ax
- ltr %ax /* set up KTSS */
- mov $(CPU_DATA_GS),%ax
- mov %ax,%gs
- lea EXT(eintstack),%esp /* switch to the bootup stack */
- call EXT(i386_preinit)
- call EXT(i386_init) /* run C code */
+ call EXT(vstart) /* run C code */
- .text
- .globl __start
- .set __start, PA(EXT(pstart))
- * master_up is used by the master cpu to signify that it is done
- * with the interrupt stack, etc. See the code in pstart and svstart
- * that this interlocks with.
- */
- .align ALIGN
- .globl EXT(master_up)
- pushl %ebp /* set up */
- movl %esp,%ebp /* stack frame */
- movl $0,%ecx /* unlock start_lock */
- xchgl %ecx,EXT(start_lock) /* since we are no longer using */
- /* bootstrap stack */
- leave /* pop stack frame */
- ret
- * We aren't the first. Call slave_main to initialize the processor
- * and get Mach going on it.
+ * AP (slave) CPUs enter here.
+ *
+ * Environment:
+ * protected mode, no paging, flat 32-bit address space.
+ * (Code/data/stack segments have base == 0, limit == 4G)
.align ALIGN
- .globl EXT(slave_start)
+ .globl EXT(slave_pstart)
cli /* disable interrupts, so we don`t */
/* need IDT for a while */
+ xor %ebp, %ebp // zero boot cpu
+ mov $EXT(mp_slave_stack)+PAGE_SIZE, %esp;
+ jmp paging
- * Turn on paging.
- */
- movl $(EXT(spag_start)),%edx /* first paged code address */
-#ifdef PAE
- movl $(0x4000), %eax
- movl %eax, %cr3
- movl %cr4, %eax
- orl $(CR4_PAE), %eax
- movl %eax, %cr4
- movl $(0x4000),%eax /* tmp until we get mapped */
- movl %eax,%cr3
- movl %cr0,%eax
- orl $(CR0_PG|CR0_WP|CR0_PE),%eax
- movl %eax,%cr0 /* to enable paging */
- jmp *%edx /* flush prefetch queue */
- * We are now paging, and can run with correct addresses.
- */
- lgdt PA(EXT(gdtptr)) /* load GDT */
- lidt PA(EXT(idtptr)) /* load IDT */
- LJMP(KERNEL_CS,EXT(svstart)) /* switch to kernel code segment */
- * Slave is now running with correct addresses.
- */
-#ifdef PAE
- movl PA(EXT(IdlePDPT)), %eax
- movl %eax, %cr3
- movl PA(EXT(IdlePTD)), %eax
- movl %eax, %cr3
- mov $(KERNEL_DS),%ax /* set kernel data segment */
- mov %ax,%ds
- mov %ax,%es
- mov %ax,%ss
- /*
- * We're not quite through with the boot stack
- * but we need to reset the stack pointer to the correct virtual
- * address.
- * And we need to offset above the address of pstart.
- */
- movl $(VA(MP_BOOTSTACK+MP_BOOT+4)), %esp
+/* Code to get from real mode to protected mode */
- * Switch to the per-cpu descriptor tables
- */
- movl CX(EXT(cpu_data_ptr),%eax),%ecx
- movl CPU_DESC_TABLEP(%ecx), %ecx
- movw $(GDTSZ*8-1),0(%esp) /* set GDT size in GDT descriptor */
- leal MP_GDT(%ecx),%edx
- movl %edx,2(%esp) /* point to local GDT (linear addr) */
- lgdt 0(%esp) /* load new GDT */
- movw $(IDTSZ*8-1),0(%esp) /* set IDT size in IDT descriptor */
- leal MP_IDT(%ecx),%edx
- movl %edx,2(%esp) /* point to local IDT (linear addr) */
- lidt 0(%esp) /* load new IDT */
- movw $(KERNEL_LDT),%ax /* get LDT segment */
- lldt %ax /* load LDT */
- movw $(KERNEL_TSS),%ax
- ltr %ax /* load new KTSS */
- mov $(CPU_DATA_GS),%ax
- mov %ax,%gs
+#define operand_size_prefix .byte 0x66
+#define address_size_prefix .byte 0x67
+#define cs_base_prefix .byte 0x2e
- * Get stack top from pre-cpu data and switch
- */
- movl %gs:CPU_INT_STACK_TOP,%esp
- xorl %ebp,%ebp /* for completeness */
- movl $0,%eax /* unlock start_lock */
- xchgl %eax,EXT(start_lock) /* since we are no longer using */
- /* bootstrap stack */
- call EXT(i386_init_slave) /* start MACH */
- hlt
+#undef LJMP
+#define LJMP(segment,address) \
+ operand_size_prefix ;\
+ .byte 0xea ;\
+ .long address-EXT(real_mode_bootstrap_base) ;\
+ .word segment
- * Convert a descriptor from fake to real format.
- *
- * Calls from assembly code:
- * %ebx = return address (physical) CANNOT USE STACK
- * %esi = descriptor table address (physical)
- * %ecx = number of descriptors
- *
- * Calls from C:
- * 0(%esp) = return address
- * 4(%esp) = descriptor table address (physical)
- * 8(%esp) = number of descriptors
- *
- * Fake descriptor format:
- * bytes 0..3 base 31..0
- * bytes 4..5 limit 15..0
- * byte 6 access byte 2 | limit 19..16
- * byte 7 access byte 1
- *
- * Real descriptor format:
- * bytes 0..1 limit 15..0
- * bytes 2..3 base 15..0
- * byte 4 base 23..16
- * byte 5 access byte 1
- * byte 6 access byte 2 | limit 19..16
- * byte 7 base 31..24
- *
- * Fake gate format:
- * bytes 0..3 offset
- * bytes 4..5 selector
- * byte 6 word count << 4 (to match fake descriptor)
- * byte 7 access byte 1
- *
- * Real gate format:
- * bytes 0..1 offset 15..0
- * bytes 2..3 selector
- * byte 4 word count
- * byte 5 access byte 1
- * bytes 6..7 offset 31..16
- */
- .globl EXT(fix_desc)
- pushl %ebp /* set up */
- movl %esp,%ebp /* stack frame */
- pushl %esi /* save registers */
- pushl %ebx
- movl B_ARG0,%esi /* point to first descriptor */
- movl B_ARG1,%ecx /* get number of descriptors */
- lea 0f,%ebx /* get return address */
- jmp fix_desc_common /* call internal routine */
-0: popl %ebx /* restore registers */
- popl %esi
- leave /* pop stack frame */
- ret /* return */
- movw 6(%esi),%dx /* get access byte */
- movb %dh,%al
- andb $0x14,%al
- cmpb $0x04,%al /* gate or descriptor? */
- je 1f
-/* descriptor */
- movl 0(%esi),%eax /* get base in eax */
- rol $16,%eax /* swap 15..0 with 31..16 */
- /* (15..0 in correct place) */
- movb %al,%dl /* combine bits 23..16 with ACC1 */
- /* in dh/dl */
- movb %ah,7(%esi) /* store bits 31..24 in correct place */
- movw 4(%esi),%ax /* move limit bits 0..15 to word 0 */
- movl %eax,0(%esi) /* store (bytes 0..3 correct) */
- movw %dx,4(%esi) /* store bytes 4..5 */
- jmp 2f
-/* gate */
+#define LGDT(address) \
+ cs_base_prefix ;\
+ address_size_prefix ;\
+ operand_size_prefix ;\
+ .word 0x010f ;\
+ .byte 0x15 ;\
+ .long address-EXT(real_mode_bootstrap_base)
+.section __HIB,__text
+.align 12 /* Page align for single bcopy_phys() */
+ cli
+ LGDT(EXT(protected_mode_gdtr))
+ /* set the PE bit of CR0 */
+ mov %cr0, %eax
+ inc %eax
+ mov %eax, %cr0
+ /* reload CS register */
- movw 4(%esi),%ax /* get selector */
- shrb $4,%dl /* shift word count to proper place */
- movw %dx,4(%esi) /* store word count / ACC1 */
- movw 2(%esi),%dx /* get offset 16..31 */
- movw %dx,6(%esi) /* store in correct place */
- movw %ax,2(%esi) /* store selector in correct place */
- addl $8,%esi /* bump to next descriptor */
- loop 0b /* repeat */
- jmp *%ebx /* all done */
- * put arg in kbd leds and spin a while
- * eats eax, ecx, edx
- */
-#define K_RDWR 0x60
-#define K_CMD_LEDS 0xed
-#define K_STATUS 0x64
-#define K_IBUF_FULL 0x02 /* input (to kbd) buffer full */
-#define K_OBUF_FULL 0x01 /* output (from kbd) buffer full */
- mov S_ARG0,%cl /* save led value */
-0: inb $(K_STATUS),%al /* get kbd status */
- testb $(K_IBUF_FULL),%al /* input busy? */
- jne 0b /* loop until not */
- mov $(K_CMD_LEDS),%al /* K_CMD_LEDS */
- outb %al,$(K_RDWR) /* to kbd */
+ /* we are in protected mode now */
+ /* set up the segment registers */
+ mov $KERNEL_DS, %eax
+ movw %ax, %ds
+ movw %ax, %es
+ movw %ax, %ss
+ mov $0, %ax
+ movw %ax, %fs
+ movw %ax, %gs
-0: inb $(K_STATUS),%al /* get kbd status */
- testb $(K_OBUF_FULL),%al /* output present? */
- je 0b /* loop if not */
- inb $(K_RDWR),%al /* read status (and discard) */
+ jmp *%ecx
-0: inb $(K_STATUS),%al /* get kbd status */
- testb $(K_IBUF_FULL),%al /* input busy? */
- jne 0b /* loop until not */
- mov %cl,%al /* move led value */
- outb %al,$(K_RDWR) /* to kbd */
+ .short 160 /* limit (8*6 segs) */
+ .long EXT(master_gdt)
- movl $10000000,%ecx /* spin */
-0: nop
- nop
- loop 0b /* a while */
- ret
+.section __HIB,__text
+ .align ALIGN
+ .globl EXT(hibernate_machine_entrypoint)
+ mov %eax, %edi // save header pointer
+ /* restore gdt */
+ lgdt EXT(protected_mode_gdtr)
+ /* setup the protected mode segment registers */
+ mov $KERNEL_DS, %eax
+ movw %ax, %ds
+ movw %ax, %es
+ movw %ax, %ss
+ mov $0,%ax /* fs must be zeroed; */
+ mov %ax,%fs
+ mov %ax,%gs
+ /* set up the page tables to use BootstrapPTD
+ * as done in idle_pt.c, but this must be done programatically */
+ mov $EXT(IdlePDPT), %eax
+ mov $EXT(BootstrapPTD) + (INTEL_PTE_VALID), %ecx
+ mov $0x0, %edx
+ mov %ecx, (0*8+0)(%eax)
+ mov %edx, (0*8+4)(%eax)
+ add $(PAGE_SIZE), %ecx
+ mov %ecx, (1*8+0)(%eax)
+ mov %edx, (1*8+4)(%eax)
+ add $(PAGE_SIZE), %ecx
+ mov %ecx, (2*8+0)(%eax)
+ mov %edx, (2*8+4)(%eax)
+ add $(PAGE_SIZE), %ecx
+ mov %ecx, (3*8+0)(%eax)
+ mov %edx, (3*8+4)(%eax)
+ mov %eax, %cr3
+ movl %cr4,%eax
+ orl $(CR4_PAE),%eax
+ movl %eax,%cr4 /* enable page size extensions */
+ movl $(MSR_IA32_EFER), %ecx /* MSR number in ecx */
+ rdmsr /* MSR value return in edx: eax */
+ orl $(MSR_IA32_EFER_NXE), %eax /* Set NXE bit in low 32-bits */
+ wrmsr /* Update Extended Feature Enable reg */
+ movl %cr0, %eax
+ orl $(CR0_PG|CR0_WP), %eax
+ movl %eax, %cr0 /* ready paging */
+ mov $EXT(gIOHibernateRestoreStackEnd), %esp /* setup stack */
+ xorl %ebp, %ebp /* zero frame pointer */
+ ljmpl $(KERNEL32_CS), $Ltemp
+ xorl %eax, %eax /* Video memory - N/A */
+ pushl %eax
+ pushl %eax
+ pushl %eax
+ mov %edi, %eax /* Pointer to hibernate header */
+ pushl %eax
+ call EXT(hibernate_kernel_entrypoint)
+ hlt