- * Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
- *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
- *
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
/* Copyright (c) 1995, 1997 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/lock.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <sys/filedesc.h>
+#include <sys/guarded.h>
+#include <os/refcnt.h>
struct proc;
struct uio;
struct knote;
+struct kevent_qos_s;
struct file;
+__options_decl(fileproc_vflags_t, unsigned int, {
+ FPV_NONE = 0,
+ FPV_DRAIN = 0x01,
* Kernel descriptor table.
* One entry for each open kernel vnode and socket.
struct fileproc {
- int32_t f_flags;
- int32_t f_iocount;
+ unsigned int f_flags;
+ _Atomic fileproc_vflags_t f_vflags;
+ os_refcnt_t f_iocount;
struct fileglob * f_fglob;
- void * f_waddr;
+ void *f_wset;
#define FILEPROC_NULL (struct fileproc *)0
-#define FP_INCREATE 0x0001
-#define FP_INCLOSE 0x0002
-#define FP_INSELECT 0x0004
-#define FP_INCHRREAD 0x0008
-#define FP_WRITTEN 0x0010
-#define FP_CLOSING 0x0020
-#define FP_WAITCLOSE 0x0040
-#define FP_AIOISSUED 0x0080
-#define FP_WAITEVENT 0x0100
+#define FP_INCREATE 0x0001
+#define FP_INCLOSE 0x0002
+#define FP_INSELECT 0x0004
+#define FP_UNUSED 0x0008 /* unused (was FP_INCHRREAD) */
+#define FP_WRITTEN 0x0010
+#define FP_CLOSING 0x0020
+#define FP_WAITCLOSE 0x0040
+#define FP_AIOISSUED 0x0080
+#define FP_WAITEVENT 0x0100
+#define FP_SELCONFLICT 0x0200 /* select conflict on an individual fp */
+/* squeeze a "type" value into the upper flag bits */
-/* defns of close_internal */
+#define _FP_TYPESHIFT 24
+#define FP_TYPEMASK (0x7 << _FP_TYPESHIFT) /* 8 "types" of fileproc */
-struct fileglob {
- LIST_ENTRY(fileglob) f_list;/* list of active files */
- LIST_ENTRY(fileglob) f_msglist;/* list of active files */
- int32_t fg_flag; /* see fcntl.h */
- int32_t fg_type; /* descriptor type */
- int32_t fg_count; /* reference count */
- int32_t fg_msgcount; /* references from message queue */
- struct ucred *fg_cred; /* credentials associated with descriptor */
- struct fileops {
- int (*fo_read) __P((struct fileproc *fp, struct uio *uio,
- struct ucred *cred, int flags,
- struct proc *p));
- int (*fo_write) __P((struct fileproc *fp, struct uio *uio,
- struct ucred *cred, int flags,
- struct proc *p));
-#define FOF_OFFSET 1
- int (*fo_ioctl) __P((struct fileproc *fp, u_long com,
- caddr_t data, struct proc *p));
- int (*fo_select) __P((struct fileproc *fp, int which,
- void *wql, struct proc *p));
- int (*fo_close) __P((struct fileglob *fg, struct proc *p));
- int (*fo_kqfilter) __P((struct fileproc *fp, struct knote *kn,
- struct proc *p));
- int (*fo_drain) (struct fileproc *fp, struct proc *p);
- } *fg_ops;
- off_t fg_offset;
- caddr_t fg_data; /* vnode or socket or SHM or semaphore */
- lck_mtx_t fg_lock;
- int32_t fg_lflags; /* file global flags */
- unsigned int fg_lockpc[4];
- unsigned int fg_unlockpc[4];
+#define FILEPROC_TYPE(fp) ((fp)->f_flags & FP_TYPEMASK)
+#define FP_ISGUARDED(fp, attribs) \
+ ((FILEPROC_TYPE(fp) == FTYPE_GUARDED) ? fp_isguarded(fp, attribs) : 0)
+typedef enum {
+} fileproc_type_t;
+#ifndef _KAUTH_CRED_T
+#define _KAUTH_CRED_T
+struct ucred;
+typedef struct ucred *kauth_cred_t;
+struct posix_cred;
+typedef struct posix_cred *posix_cred_t;
+#endif /* !_KAUTH_CRED_T */
/* file types */
-#define DTYPE_VNODE 1 /* file */
-#define DTYPE_SOCKET 2 /* communications endpoint */
-#define DTYPE_PSXSHM 3 /* POSIX Shared memory */
-#define DTYPE_PSXSEM 4 /* POSIX Semaphores */
-#define DTYPE_KQUEUE 5 /* kqueue */
-#define DTYPE_PIPE 6 /* pipe */
-#define DTYPE_FSEVENTS 7 /* fsevents */
+typedef enum {
+ DTYPE_VNODE = 1, /* file */
+ DTYPE_SOCKET, /* communications endpoint */
+ DTYPE_PSXSHM, /* POSIX Shared memory */
+ DTYPE_PSXSEM, /* POSIX Semaphores */
+ DTYPE_KQUEUE, /* kqueue */
+ DTYPE_PIPE, /* pipe */
+ DTYPE_FSEVENTS, /* fsevents */
+ DTYPE_ATALK, /* (obsolete) */
+ DTYPE_NETPOLICY, /* networking policy */
+} file_type_t;
/* defines for fg_lflags */
-#define FG_TERM 0x01 /* the fileglob is terminating .. */
-#define FG_INSMSGQ 0x02 /* insert to msgqueue pending .. */
-#define FG_WINSMSGQ 0x04 /* wait for the fielglob is in msgque */
-#define FG_RMMSGQ 0x08 /* the fileglob is being removed from msgqueue */
-#define FG_WRMMSGQ 0x10 /* wait for the fileglob to be removed from msgqueue */
+#define FG_TERM 0x01 /* the fileglob is terminating .. */
+#define FG_INSMSGQ 0x02 /* insert to msgqueue pending .. */
+#define FG_WINSMSGQ 0x04 /* wait for the fielglob is in msgque */
+#define FG_RMMSGQ 0x08 /* the fileglob is being removed from msgqueue */
+#define FG_WRMMSGQ 0x10 /* wait for the fileglob to be removed from msgqueue */
+#define FG_PORTMADE 0x20 /* a port was at some point created for this fileglob */
+#define FG_NOSIGPIPE 0x40 /* don't deliver SIGPIPE with EPIPE return */
+#define FG_OFF_LOCKED 0x80 /* Used as a mutex for offset changes (for vnodes) */
+#define FG_OFF_LOCKWANT 0x100 /* Somebody's wating for the lock */
+#define FG_CONFINED 0x200 /* fileglob confined to process, immutably */
+#define FG_HAS_OFDLOCK 0x400 /* Has or has had an OFD lock */
+struct fileops {
+ file_type_t fo_type; /* descriptor type */
+ int (*fo_read) (struct fileproc *fp, struct uio *uio,
+ int flags, vfs_context_t ctx);
+ int (*fo_write) (struct fileproc *fp, struct uio *uio,
+ int flags, vfs_context_t ctx);
+#define FOF_OFFSET 0x00000001 /* offset supplied to vn_write */
+#define FOF_PCRED 0x00000002 /* cred from proc, not current thread */
+ int (*fo_ioctl)(struct fileproc *fp, u_long com,
+ caddr_t data, vfs_context_t ctx);
+ int (*fo_select) (struct fileproc *fp, int which,
+ void *wql, vfs_context_t ctx);
+ int (*fo_close) (struct fileglob *fg, vfs_context_t ctx);
+ int (*fo_kqfilter) (struct fileproc *fp, struct knote *, struct kevent_qos_s *);
+ int (*fo_drain) (struct fileproc *fp, vfs_context_t ctx);
+struct fileglob {
+ LIST_ENTRY(fileglob) f_msglist;/* list of active files */
+ int32_t fg_flag; /* see fcntl.h */
+ int32_t fg_count; /* reference count */
+ int32_t fg_msgcount; /* references from message queue */
+ int32_t fg_lflags; /* file global flags */
+ kauth_cred_t fg_cred; /* credentials associated with descriptor */
+ const struct fileops *fg_ops;
+ off_t fg_offset;
+ void *fg_data; /* vnode or socket or SHM or semaphore */
+ void *fg_vn_data; /* Per fd vnode data, used for directories */
+ lck_mtx_t fg_lock;
+ struct label *fg_label; /* JMM - use the one in the cred? */
-LIST_HEAD(filelist, fileglob);
LIST_HEAD(fmsglist, fileglob);
-extern struct filelist filehead; /* head of list of open files */
-extern struct fmsglist fmsghead; /* head of list of open files */
-extern int maxfiles; /* kernel limit on number of open files */
-extern int nfiles; /* actual number of open files */
+extern struct fmsglist fmsghead; /* head of list of open files */
+extern int maxfiles; /* kernel limit on number of open files */
+extern int nfiles; /* actual number of open files */
+extern int maxfilesperproc;
+#define FILEGLOB_DTYPE(fg) ((const file_type_t)((fg)->fg_ops->fo_type))
#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
-int fo_read(struct fileproc *fp, struct uio *uio,
- struct ucred *cred, int flags, struct proc *p);
-int fo_write(struct fileproc *fp, struct uio *uio,
- struct ucred *cred, int flags, struct proc *p);
-int fo_ioctl(struct fileproc *fp, u_long com, caddr_t data,
- struct proc *p);
-int fo_select(struct fileproc *fp, int which, void *wql,
- struct proc *p);
-int fo_close(struct fileglob *fg, struct proc *p);
-int fo_kqfilter(struct fileproc *fp, struct knote *kn,
- struct proc *p);
+/* wrappers for fp->f_ops->fo_... */
+int fo_read(struct fileproc *fp, struct uio *uio, int flags, vfs_context_t ctx);
+int fo_write(struct fileproc *fp, struct uio *uio, int flags,
+ vfs_context_t ctx);
+int fo_ioctl(struct fileproc *fp, u_long com, caddr_t data, vfs_context_t ctx);
+int fo_select(struct fileproc *fp, int which, void *wql, vfs_context_t ctx);
+int fo_close(struct fileglob *fg, vfs_context_t ctx);
+int fo_drain(struct fileproc *fp, vfs_context_t ctx);
+int fo_kqfilter(struct fileproc *fp, struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+/* Functions to use for unsupported fileops */
+int fo_no_read(struct fileproc *fp, struct uio *uio, int flags, vfs_context_t ctx);
+int fo_no_write(struct fileproc *fp, struct uio *uio, int flags,
+ vfs_context_t ctx);
+int fo_no_ioctl(struct fileproc *fp, u_long com, caddr_t data, vfs_context_t ctx);
+int fo_no_select(struct fileproc *fp, int which, void *wql, vfs_context_t ctx);
+int fo_no_drain(struct fileproc *fp, vfs_context_t ctx);
+int fo_no_kqfilter(struct fileproc *, struct knote *, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
void fileproc_drain(proc_t, struct fileproc *);
-void fp_setflags(proc_t, struct fileproc *, int);
-void fp_clearflags(proc_t, struct fileproc *, int);
+int fp_tryswap(proc_t, int fd, struct fileproc *nfp);
int fp_drop(struct proc *p, int fd, struct fileproc *fp, int locked);
int fp_drop_written(proc_t p, int fd, struct fileproc *fp);
int fp_drop_event(proc_t p, int fd, struct fileproc *fp);
-int fp_free(struct proc * p, int fd, struct fileproc * fp);
+void fp_free(struct proc * p, int fd, struct fileproc * fp);
struct kqueue;
int fp_getfkq(struct proc *p, int fd, struct fileproc **resultfp, struct kqueue **resultkq);
struct psemnode;
int fp_getfpsem(struct proc *p, int fd, struct fileproc **resultfp, struct psemnode **resultpsem);
+struct pshmnode;
+int fp_getfpshm(struct proc *p, int fd, struct fileproc **resultfp, struct pshmnode **resultpshm);
+struct pipe;
+int fp_getfpipe(struct proc *p, int fd, struct fileproc **resultfp, struct pipe **resultpipe);
+struct atalk;
+int fp_getfatalk(struct proc *p, int fd, struct fileproc **resultfp, struct atalk **resultatalk);
struct vnode;
-int fp_getfvp(struct proc *p, int fd, struct fileproc **resultfp, struct vnode **resultvp);
+int fp_getfvpandvid(struct proc *p, int fd, struct fileproc **resultfp, struct vnode **resultvp, uint32_t * vidp);
struct socket;
int fp_getfsock(struct proc *p, int fd, struct fileproc **resultfp, struct socket **results);
int fp_lookup(struct proc *p, int fd, struct fileproc **resultfp, int locked);
-int close_internal(struct proc *p, int fd, struct fileproc *fp, int flags);
+int fp_isguarded(struct fileproc *fp, u_int attribs);
+int fp_guard_exception(proc_t p, int fd, struct fileproc *fp, u_int attribs);
int closef_locked(struct fileproc *fp, struct fileglob *fg, struct proc *p);
+int close_internal_locked(proc_t p, int fd, struct fileproc *fp, int flags);
+int fileport_makefd_internal(proc_t p, ipc_port_t port, int uf_flags, int *fd);
+struct nameidata;
+struct vnode_attr;
+int open1(vfs_context_t ctx, struct nameidata *ndp, int uflags,
+ struct vnode_attr *vap, fp_allocfn_t fp_zalloc, void *cra,
+ int32_t *retval);
+int chdir_internal(proc_t p, vfs_context_t ctx, struct nameidata *ndp, int per_thread);
+int kqueue_internal(struct proc *p, fp_allocfn_t, void *cra, int32_t *retval);
void fg_insertuipc(struct fileglob * fg);
+boolean_t fg_insertuipc_mark(struct fileglob * fg);
void fg_removeuipc(struct fileglob * fg);
+boolean_t fg_removeuipc_mark(struct fileglob * fg);
+void unp_gc_wait(void);
+void procfdtbl_reservefd(struct proc * p, int fd);
+void procfdtbl_markclosefd(struct proc * p, int fd);
+void procfdtbl_releasefd(struct proc * p, int fd, struct fileproc * fp);
+void procfdtbl_waitfd(struct proc * p, int fd);
+void procfdtbl_clearfd(struct proc * p, int fd);
+boolean_t file_issendable(struct proc * p, struct fileproc *fp);
+extern int fdgetf_noref(proc_t, int, struct fileproc **);
+extern struct fileproc *fileproc_alloc_init(void *crargs);
+extern void fileproc_free(struct fileproc *fp);
+extern void guarded_fileproc_free(struct fileproc *fp);
+extern void fg_vn_data_free(void *fgvndata);
+extern int nameiat(struct nameidata *ndp, int dirfd);
+extern int falloc_guarded(struct proc *p, struct fileproc **fp, int *fd,
+ vfs_context_t ctx, const guardid_t *guard, u_int attrs);
+extern void fileproc_modify_vflags(struct fileproc *fp, fileproc_vflags_t vflags, boolean_t clearflags);
+fileproc_vflags_t fileproc_get_vflags(struct fileproc *fp);
#endif /* __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE */