* Copyright (c) 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
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- * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
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* limitations under the License.
@header kpi_socket.h
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/kernel_types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
struct timeval;
@typedef sock_upcall
@discussion sock_upcall is used by a socket to notify an in kernel
client that data is waiting. Instead of making blocking calls in
the kernel, a client can specify an upcall which will be called
when data is available or the socket is ready for sending.
Calls to your upcall function are not serialized and may be
called concurrently from multiple threads in the kernel.
Your upcall function will be called when:
@param so A reference to the socket that's ready.
@param cookie The cookie passed in when the socket was created.
@param waitf Indicates whether or not it's safe to block.
@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
errno_t sock_accept(socket_t so, struct sockaddr *from, int fromlen,
- int flags, sock_upcall callback, void* cookie,
- socket_t *new_so);
+ int flags, sock_upcall callback, void* cookie, socket_t *new_so);
@function sock_bind
errno_t sock_connect(socket_t so, const struct sockaddr *to, int flags);
This function was added to support NFS. NFS does something funny,
setting a short timeout and checking to see if it should abort the
connect every two seconds. Ideally, NFS would use the upcall to be
notified when the connect is complete.
If you feel you need to use this function, please contact us to
explain why.
@function sock_connectwait
@discussion Allows a caller to wait on a socket connect.
@param so The socket being connected.
errno_t sock_connectwait(socket_t so, const struct timeval *tv);
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
@function sock_getpeername
@param peernamelen Length of storage for the peer name.
@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
-errno_t sock_getpeername(socket_t so, struct sockaddr *peername, int peernamelen);
+errno_t sock_getpeername(socket_t so, struct sockaddr *peername,
+ int peernamelen);
@function sock_getsockname
@param socknamelen Length of storage for the socket name.
@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
-errno_t sock_getsockname(socket_t so, struct sockaddr *sockname, int socknamelen);
+errno_t sock_getsockname(socket_t so, struct sockaddr *sockname,
+ int socknamelen);
@function sock_getsockopt
@param optlen The length of optval, returns the actual length.
@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
-errno_t sock_getsockopt(socket_t so, int level, int optname, void *optval, int *optlen);
+errno_t sock_getsockopt(socket_t so, int level, int optname, void *optval,
+ int *optlen);
@function sock_ioctl
@param optlen The length of optval.
@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
-errno_t sock_setsockopt(socket_t so, int level, int optname, const void *optval, int optlen);
+errno_t sock_setsockopt(socket_t so, int level, int optname, const void *optval,
+ int optlen);
@function sock_listen
@result 0 on success, EWOULDBLOCK if non-blocking and operation
would cause the thread to block, otherwise the errno error.
-errno_t sock_receive(socket_t so, struct msghdr *msg, int flags, size_t *recvdlen);
+errno_t sock_receive(socket_t so, struct msghdr *msg, int flags,
+ size_t *recvdlen);
@function sock_receivembuf
@result 0 on success, EWOULDBLOCK if non-blocking and operation
would cause the thread to block, otherwise the errno error.
-errno_t sock_receivembuf(socket_t so, struct msghdr *msg, mbuf_t *data, int flags, size_t *recvlen);
+errno_t sock_receivembuf(socket_t so, struct msghdr *msg, mbuf_t *data,
+ int flags, size_t *recvlen);
@function sock_send
@result 0 on success, EWOULDBLOCK if non-blocking and operation
would cause the thread to block, otherwise the errno error.
-errno_t sock_send(socket_t so, const struct msghdr *msg, int flags, size_t *sentlen);
+errno_t sock_send(socket_t so, const struct msghdr *msg, int flags,
+ size_t *sentlen);
@function sock_sendmbuf
would cause the thread to block, otherwise the errno error.
Regardless of return value, the mbuf chain 'data' will be freed.
-errno_t sock_sendmbuf(socket_t so, const struct msghdr *msg, mbuf_t data, int flags, size_t *sentlen);
+errno_t sock_sendmbuf(socket_t so, const struct msghdr *msg, mbuf_t data,
+ int flags, size_t *sentlen);
@function sock_shutdown
@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
errno_t sock_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol, sock_upcall callback,
- void* cookie, socket_t *new_so);
+ void* cookie, socket_t *new_so);
@function sock_close
void sock_close(socket_t so);
@function sock_retain
@discussion Prevents the socket from closing
@param so The socket to close. Increment a retain count on the
void sock_retain(socket_t so);
@function sock_release
@discussion Decrement the retain count and close the socket if the
retain count reaches zero.
count is reached, this will call sock_close to close the socket.
void sock_release(socket_t so);
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
@function sock_setpriv
@discussion Returns whether or not the socket is non-blocking. In
the context of this KPI, non-blocking means that functions to
perform operations on a socket will not wait for completion.
To enable or disable blocking, use the FIONBIO ioctl. The
parameter is an int. If the int is zero, the socket will block.
If the parameter is non-zero, the socket will not block.
errno_t sock_gettype(socket_t so, int *domain, int *type, int *protocol);
@function sock_nointerrupt
@discussion Disables interrupt on socket buffers (sets SB_NOINTR on
send and receive socket buffers).
@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
errno_t sock_nointerrupt(socket_t so, int on);
-#endif __KPI_SOCKET__
+ @function sock_getlistener
+ @discussion Retrieves the listening socket of a pre-accepted socket,
+ i.e. a socket which is still in the incomplete/completed list.
+ Once a socket has been accepted, the information pertaining
+ to its listener is no longer available. Therefore, modules
+ interested in finding out the listening socket should install
+ the appropriate socket filter callback (sf_attach) which gets
+ invoked prior to the socket being fully accepted, and call
+ this routine at such a time to obtain the listener. Callers
+ are guaranteed that the listener socket will not go away
+ during the sf_attach callback, and therefore the value is
+ safe to be used only in that callback context. Callers should
+ therefore take note that the listening socket's lock will be
+ held throughout the duration of the callback.
+ @param so The pre-accepted socket.
+ @result Non-NULL value which indicates the listening socket; otherwise,
+ NULL if the socket is not in the incomplete/completed list
+ of a listener.
+ */
+socket_t sock_getlistener(socket_t so);
+ @function sock_getaddr
+ @discussion Retrieves the local or remote address of a socket.
+ This is a composite of sock_getpeername and sock_getsockname,
+ except that the allocated socket address is returned to the
+ caller, and that the caller is reponsible for calling
+ sock_freeaddr once finished with it.
+ @param so The socket.
+ @param psockname Pointer to the storage for the socket name.
+ @param peername 0 for local address, and non-zero for peer address.
+ @result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
+ */
+errno_t sock_getaddr(socket_t so, struct sockaddr **psockname, int peername);
+ @function sock_freeaddr
+ @discussion Frees the socket address allocated by sock_getaddr.
+ @param sockname The socket name to be freed.
+ */
+void sock_freeaddr(struct sockaddr *sockname);
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#endif /* __KPI_SOCKET__ */