* Copyright (c) 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
-#ifndef __KERN_KPC_H__
-#define __KERN_KPC_H__
+#ifndef KERN_KPC_H
+#define KERN_KPC_H
/* Kernel interfaces to KPC PMC infrastructure. */
#include <machine/machine_kpc.h>
+#include <kern/thread.h> /* thread_* */
/* cross-platform class constants */
#define KPC_CLASS_FIXED (0)
+#define KPC_PMU_ERROR (0)
+#define KPC_PMU_INTEL_V3 (1)
+#define KPC_PMU_ARM_APPLE (2)
+#define KPC_PMU_INTEL_V2 (3)
+#define KPC_PMU_ARM_V2 (4)
#define KPC_ALL_CPUS (1u << 31)
+/* action id setters/getters */
+#define FIXED_ACTIONID(ctr) (kpc_actionid[(ctr)])
+#define CONFIGURABLE_ACTIONID(ctr) (kpc_actionid[(ctr) + kpc_fixed_count()])
+/* reload counter setters/getters */
+#define FIXED_RELOAD(ctr) (current_cpu_datap()->cpu_kpc_reload[(ctr)])
+#define FIXED_RELOAD_CPU(cpu, ctr) (cpu_datap(cpu)->cpu_kpc_reload[(ctr)])
+#define CONFIGURABLE_RELOAD(ctr) (current_cpu_datap()->cpu_kpc_reload[(ctr) + kpc_fixed_count()])
+#define CONFIGURABLE_RELOAD_CPU(cpu, ctr) (cpu_datap(cpu)->cpu_kpc_reload[(ctr) + kpc_fixed_count()])
+/* shadow counter setters/getters */
+#define FIXED_SHADOW(ctr) (current_cpu_datap()->cpu_kpc_shadow[(ctr)])
+#define FIXED_SHADOW_CPU(cpu, ctr) (cpu_datap(cpu)->cpu_kpc_shadow[(ctr)])
+#define CONFIGURABLE_SHADOW(ctr) (current_cpu_datap()->cpu_kpc_shadow[(ctr) + kpc_fixed_count()])
+#define CONFIGURABLE_SHADOW_CPU(cpu, ctr) (cpu_datap(cpu)->cpu_kpc_shadow[(ctr) + kpc_fixed_count()])
+ * Callback for notification when PMCs are acquired/released by a task. The
+ * argument is equal to TRUE if the Power Manager (PM) can use its reserved PMCs.
+ * Otherwise, the argument is equal to FALSE.
+ */
+typedef void (*kpc_pm_handler_t)(boolean_t);
+ * Register a CPU to kpc and allocate its buffers.
+ *
+ * @param cpu_data
+ * CPU data associated to the CPU being registered.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * TRUE if buffers are correctly allocated, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+struct cpu_data;
+extern boolean_t kpc_register_cpu(struct cpu_data *cpu_data);
+extern void kpc_unregister_cpu(struct cpu_data *cpu_data);
+extern bool kpc_supported;
/* bootstrap */
extern void kpc_init(void);
+/* common initialization */
+extern void kpc_common_init(void);
/* Architecture specific initialisation */
extern void kpc_arch_init(void);
+/* Thread counting initialization */
+extern void kpc_thread_init(void);
/* Get the bitmask of available classes */
extern uint32_t kpc_get_classes(void);
/* Get the bitmask of currently running counter classes */
extern uint32_t kpc_get_running(void);
+/* Get the version of KPC that's being run */
+extern int kpc_get_pmu_version(void);
/* Set the bitmask of currently running counter classes. Specify
* classes = 0 to stop counters
/* allocate a buffer big enough for all counters */
extern uint64_t *kpc_counterbuf_alloc(void);
extern void kpc_counterbuf_free(uint64_t*);
+extern uint32_t kpc_get_counterbuf_size(void);
/* whether we're currently accounting into threads */
extern int kpc_threads_counting;
/* AST callback for KPC */
extern void kpc_thread_ast_handler( thread_t thread );
-/* context switch accounting between two threads */
-extern void kpc_switch_context( thread_t old, thread_t new );
+/* context switch callback for KPC */
+extern boolean_t kpc_off_cpu_active;
+extern void kpc_off_cpu_internal(thread_t thread);
+extern void kpc_off_cpu_update(void);
+static inline void
+kpc_off_cpu(thread_t thread)
+ if (__improbable(kpc_off_cpu_active)) {
+ kpc_off_cpu_internal(thread);
+ }
+#endif /* defined(MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE) */
/* acquire/release the counters used by the Power Manager */
extern int kpc_force_all_ctrs( task_t task, int val );
extern int kpc_disable_whitelist( int val );
- * Allow the Power Manager to register for KPC notification when the counters
- * are acquired/released by a task. The argument is equal to true if the Power
- * Manager can use the counters, otherwise it is equal to false.
+ * Register the Power Manager as a PMCs user.
+ *
+ * This is a deprecated function used by old Power Managers, new Power Managers
+ * should use the @em kpc_reserve_pm_counters() function. This function actually
+ * calls @em kpc_reserve_pm_counters() with the following arguments:
+ * - handler = handler
+ * - pmc_mask = 0x83
+ * - custom_config = TRUE
+ *
+ * See @em kpc_reserve_pm_counters() for more details about the return value.
extern boolean_t kpc_register_pm_handler(void (*handler)(boolean_t));
+ * Register the Power Manager as a PMCs user.
+ *
+ * @param handler
+ * Notification callback to use when PMCs are acquired/released by a task.
+ * Power management must acknowledge the change using kpc_pm_acknowledge.
+ *
+ * @param pmc_mask
+ * Bitmask of the configurable PMCs used by the Power Manager. The number of bits
+ * set must less or equal than the number of configurable counters
+ * available on the SoC.
+ *
+ * @param custom_config
+ * If custom_config=TRUE, the legacy sharing mode is enabled, otherwise the
+ * Modern Sharing mode is enabled. These modes are explained in more details in
+ * the kperf documentation.
+ *
+ * @return
+ * FALSE if a task has acquired all the PMCs, otherwise TRUE and the Power
+ * Manager can start using the reserved PMCs.
+ */
+extern boolean_t kpc_reserve_pm_counters(uint64_t pmc_mask, kpc_pm_handler_t handler,
+ boolean_t custom_config);
+ * Unregister the Power Manager as a PMCs user, and release the previously
+ * reserved counters.
+ */
+extern void kpc_release_pm_counters(void);
+ * Acknowledge the callback that PMCs are available to power management.
+ *
+ * @param available_to_pm Whether the counters were made available to power
+ * management in the callback. Pass in whatever was passed into the handler
+ * function. After this point, power management is able to use POWER_CLASS
+ * counters.
+ */
+extern void kpc_pm_acknowledge(boolean_t available_to_pm);
* Is the PMU used by both the power manager and userspace?
extern boolean_t kpc_controls_fixed_counters(void);
+ * Is kpc controlling a specific PMC ?
+ */
+extern boolean_t kpc_controls_counter(uint32_t ctr);
extern void kpc_idle(void);
extern void kpc_idle_exit(void);
+ */
extern uint32_t kpc_actionid[KPC_MAX_COUNTERS];
-/* mp operations */
-struct kpc_config_remote
+/* handler for mp operations */
+struct kpc_config_remote {
uint32_t classes;
kpc_config_t *configv;
+ uint64_t pmc_mask;
+/* handler for mp operations */
+struct kpc_running_remote {
+ uint32_t classes; /* classes to run */
+ uint64_t cfg_target_mask; /* configurable counters selected */
+ uint64_t cfg_state_mask; /* configurable counters new state */
+/* handler for mp operations */
+struct kpc_get_counters_remote {
+ uint32_t classes;
+ uint32_t nb_counters;
+ uint32_t buf_stride;
+ uint64_t *buf;
+extern int kpc_get_all_cpus_counters(uint32_t classes, int *curcpu, uint64_t *buf);
+extern int kpc_get_curcpu_counters(uint32_t classes, int *curcpu, uint64_t *buf);
extern int kpc_get_fixed_counters(uint64_t *counterv);
-extern int kpc_get_configurable_counters(uint64_t *counterv);
+extern int kpc_get_configurable_counters(uint64_t *counterv, uint64_t pmc_mask);
extern boolean_t kpc_is_running_fixed(void);
-extern boolean_t kpc_is_running_configurable(void);
+extern boolean_t kpc_is_running_configurable(uint64_t pmc_mask);
extern uint32_t kpc_fixed_count(void);
extern uint32_t kpc_configurable_count(void);
extern uint32_t kpc_fixed_config_count(void);
-extern uint32_t kpc_configurable_config_count(void);
+extern uint32_t kpc_configurable_config_count(uint64_t pmc_mask);
extern uint32_t kpc_rawpmu_config_count(void);
extern int kpc_get_fixed_config(kpc_config_t *configv);
-extern int kpc_get_configurable_config(kpc_config_t *configv);
+extern int kpc_get_configurable_config(kpc_config_t *configv, uint64_t pmc_mask);
extern int kpc_get_rawpmu_config(kpc_config_t *configv);
extern uint64_t kpc_fixed_max(void);
extern uint64_t kpc_configurable_max(void);
extern int kpc_set_config_arch(struct kpc_config_remote *mp_config);
extern int kpc_set_period_arch(struct kpc_config_remote *mp_config);
extern void kpc_sample_kperf(uint32_t actionid);
+extern int kpc_set_running_arch(struct kpc_running_remote *mp_config);
+ * Helpers
+ */
+/* count the number of bits set */
+extern uint8_t kpc_popcount(uint64_t value);
+/* for a set of classes, retrieve the configurable PMCs mask */
+extern uint64_t kpc_get_configurable_pmc_mask(uint32_t classes);
/* Interface for kexts to publish a kpc interface */
struct kpc_driver
int (*set_period)(uint32_t classes, uint64_t *period);
-#endif /* __KERN_KPC_H__ */
+#endif /* !definde(KERN_KPC_H) */