type io_name_t = c_string[*:128];
type io_string_t = c_string[*:512];
+type io_string_inband_t = c_string[*:4096];
type io_struct_inband_t = array[*:4096] of char;
type io_buf_ptr_t = ^array[] of MACH_MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_8;
type NDR_record_t = struct[8] of char;
intran: io_connect_t iokit_lookup_connect_port(mach_port_t)
outtran: mach_port_t iokit_make_connect_port(io_connect_t)
- destructor: iokit_remove_reference(io_connect_t)
+ destructor: iokit_remove_connect_reference(io_connect_t)
#endif /* KERNEL_SERVER */
+routine io_registry_entry_get_path_ool(
+ registry_entry : io_object_t;
+ in plane : io_name_t;
+ out path : io_string_inband_t;
+ out path_ool : io_buf_ptr_t, physicalcopy
+ );
+routine io_registry_entry_from_path_ool(
+ master_port : mach_port_t;
+ in path : io_string_inband_t;
+ in path_ool : io_buf_ptr_t, physicalcopy;
+ out result : kern_return_t;
+ out registry_entry : io_object_t
+ );
#endif /* IOKIT */
/* vim: set ft=c : */